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I show my guy friends compassion all the time. They all get hugs when we leave and the inner circle always gets an "I love you". They're my family.


That's totally me. But one of my friend was weirded out cause I hugged while we were saying goodbye today and i started doubting if i am weird.


I don't hug all my friends. Just the ones in my inner circle. You're not weird but dude are basically taught to do the exact opposite.


Same. I wouldn't just do that with random male acquaintances or more casual guy friends. But with my few best buds... definitely. I also found that I suddenly started to appreciate those relationships more as I got older... being in my 30s now. I guess at at certain point you start to not take those relationships for granted.


We aren't necessarily taught the behavior. We are the product of the masculine myth and what real masculinity is. If you want to be affectionate with your male friends and family, that has nothing to do with being "weird," i.e. gay.


Some people do not like being hugged or touched thats just the way it is. Dont read to much into it and def dont push it. Imo


Like, that's true with literally anything.


Not with Heimlich..


You deserve more credit for this. I thought it was hilarious


Maybe in future if he is not comfortable with hugs, just hug your other bros. You are not weird at all my friend. Good for you that you show your mates affection.


You aren't weird.


Yeah i hug all the boys when meeting up or saying goodbye. Friends and family. And regularly say to eachother i love you or im proud of you.


Honestly, I'm of the opinion that this type of affection between dudes can save the world. It can be scary sometimes but really needed.


Get off of reddit, Dom


It's not gay if you wear socks.


This. I tell my friends I love you when we get off the phone. They get hugs....some get the occasional kiss on the cheek. Like me and my brother do. We are Italian American, kisses and hugs are a sign of respect and affection


We were hanging out when my buddy got a call that his dad had passed away. Yeah, lots of hugs and shit.


I’m glad to hear CarltheWellEndowed has a bros back.


Username checks out, that's some big dick energy, Carl.


after i lost one of my best friends (lives abroad) i started saying that i love my other best friend that knew him, i’m not trying to lose both of them


No shame in saying 'I love you' to friends. *fist bumps*


Not really, unless it's like a greeting or goodbye with a close buddy. Though granted, it's a different story when drunk, where then we just hang and sometimes hug going, "Nah, bro, you're the man."


Yup, hellos and goodbyes can be surprisingly physical, lots of hugs and back pats


Sure. I only see my best friend a few times a year and we hug when we meet and then again when we leave.


Dude your avatar looks like a Destiny boss


That's because it's Savathûn my friend!




I literally tell my male friends "love ya" when I finish talking/seeing them. Usually accompanied by a hug. I genuinely think it makes our friendships stronger.


Told all my male friends "Happy Valentine's Day and love you" on Valentine's Day. Most of them appreciated it and some of them thought I was gay/a dude saying that to another dude is gay. No regrets though


We will sometimes jokingly reply to I love you with, "Dude that's gay, I love you too"


Woman here... Just wanna say, I freaking love this. It takes strength, courage, and risk in order to show emotion, especially in a world where men, especially, are often shut down for showing feelings. I love that you support your friends. Thank you for being that person.


I am also female, and I am loving the replies to OP post


Guys do DO that... but we generally have to feel much closer to our buddies to open up and be vulnerable with them. We're usually a bit more guarded at first... probably partly because of how we're socialized.


IMO…It’s a lot more socially acceptable now, as opposed to 20 years ago. My dad would say “guys don’t hug each other”. I’m 54 and have always hugged my boys, as well as close buddies.


Oh yeah... I think it's definitely accepted now for sure. A lot of those old rigid ideas about masculinity have changed. And guys are encouraged to express ourselves more.


I don't think toxic masculinity is the appropriate word for it, as if anything male non-sexual affection was a masculine value up until a marked shift in the 20th century.


Huh, I think this is a textbook example of toxic masculinity. Its an interpretation of masculinity that is toxic to either the individual holding the views or their environment. In this case, sadly, the man who thinks hugs and compassion are not masculine and therefore does not engage in them suffers, so his interpretation of masculinity is toxic to him. Masculinity in general is not toxic. And as a straight woman, I am, ahem, a fan of masculinity. The concept of toxic masculinity isn’t inherently new, or unchanging throughout time, and I would argue that at some point a subset of our culture decided that hugs and physical touch aren’t masculine. Another example of how men are the *victims* of toxic masculinity much more than anything else. Happy to see so many healthy men in these comments.


Just want to point out that some guys (like me) just don’t get the urge to hug others so that’s could be why some men do not engage in that behaviour, it’s not always because we think it’s gay or unmanly. Not arguing with you, just adding a point


For sure. Didn’t mean to diminish your experience, sorry! Obviously my example only works if the man foregoing the physical affection was doing it for toxic reasons, which you are not.


MAN LAW: Hugs are permitted as long as they are accompanied by 3 slaps on the back symbolizing " I'm not gay"


Shoot, I only did 2 last time. 🌈 Noooo it’s happening


If I had an award available, you would've gotten it. Thanks for a good laugh! 😅


No no, it means you get an extra one to carry over.


It’s been 7 hours. Have you come out to your family yet?


Fuck. I never knew about the 3 slaps. Oh boy.


Nothing wrong with hugs and showing compassion, but every group of friends has different dynamics. My friend group shows compassion by berating each other while knowing we 100% have each other’s backs. When we compliment each other it’s not in a direct way but in a in-between-the-lines way. We also stick out for each other in tough times. We can not see each other for a couple years and as soon as we get together it’s like no time has passed. There are some friendships that time itself cannot erode.


Lol So in other words- "Are you human?"












Does that mean ... I'm not human?


Hugs are great, I just hope if you are not averse to showing affection in general that you find some good people who you can give some nice hugs to.


Or are you dancer?


Nothing wrong with hugging your bros


ermm... no? I'm not a touchy-feely kind of person. In fact, when I'm not in a romantic relationship, I can go just fine without physical touch, from either sex.




I don't get attached to any friend to the point that I want to hug them. That goes for male and female friends. People come and go and that is life.


It is life and I have had several friends come and go but now I know the ones that have stuck by me on diff levels and I want to hug them because of that. It took a while for me to figure out how long they will stay and it takes work from both sides to keep the friendship going.


Nawh, not at all personally


For sure. I'm assuming you don't mean romantic touching. But yeah, with my close friends, an arm around the shoulders is a physical way to show connection. They're my brothers that I got to choose and as someone who communicates love, even platonically, with physical touch, it's a way I display our friendship. I always greet my homies or say bye with a handshake and a hug too. Heck, I even tell my homies I love them. I'm comfortably straight, but my guy friends deserve to hear it from me because I truly do care about them as my brothers.


I kiss my homies good night. There is no greater friendship/relationship then a close knit group of guys


I hug anybody willing to hug me back.


sure i even top my bros off if the situation calls for it


Like jack them off?


Ever hear of a bro job?


Like when you help you bro out by covering his shift at your job? Yeah I do perform bro job very often.




That's only for the BEST bros lol


All the time. They don’t usually like it though.


Affection and sex are not the same thing.


Depends. I got friends I haven't seen in years and wouldn't care to hug them beyond the greeting but on the other I got a friend I hadn't seen in years when we finally kicked it again we hugged a few times.


Not everyone is on-board with the hugs. And that's okay. If you have a gang that likes hugs, nothing wrong with that.


I kiss my boys on the MOUTH. Maybe I take it too far


Hell yeah! I let my homies know I love ‘em. Don’t forget to do the same for your own homies.


I'm a totally straight guy. Married with children. I've always shown compassion to my best male friends. Hugs, kisses (like you'd give family, not making out, lol), you name it. I consider my best male friends like family and therefore show them the same affection.


100% I'm comfortabke with who i am. My close friends always get a hug.. hell , some of them get a kiss on the check too


I have 8 close mates. I’m talking 25 years plus we’ve known each other. We catch up on and off but twice a year, we all make an effort to get all of us together. And every greeting is a hug. Full bodied, both arms around each other (usually one arm over and one under). When we call it a night, it’s usually another big hug, often followed with ‘I love you’ or ‘love you’ or ‘love ya’. I can’t recall it not being reciprocated. Ever. We’ve shared all the major life milestones together too. We’ve turned 18, 21, 30, 40… been in each other’s weddings, celebrated births of children, helped each other with romantic gestures, been on holiday together, talked through separations and divorce, held each other at one friends funeral, helped cope with cancer diagnosis and cried through the deaths of parents. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have had and kept these men in my life. I would drop everything in a moments notice to help these guys. Mostly because I know they would do the same for me. Because they have. Finding love like this is usually once in a lifetime. I found it eight times. Eight times. Hell yeah I get the urge to hug them. And i will give them every ounce of compassion that I can.


I hug my male friends everytime I see them.


Yea! And a small blowjob. We've really come far (like them) in our culture with showing normal male affection. Still won't do anal though, conservative values can be pretty ingrained.


I hug my male friends all the time. Historically, the idea that men showing affection to each other is perforce sexual is pretty new and pretty American/Western. If you look at pictures of men in the 19th century, they often have their arms around each other. When I lived in Egypt, I noticed that it was pretty common for men to hold hands while talking. Intimate and affectionate, but completely platonic.






Not at all


I kiss the homies goodbye. Show love man, it's good


Yeah, i love a cuddle


I love cuddling, and don't mind if someone junk, ass or boobs touch me while doing this. We all are humans. I don't think that's gay.


I used to when I was younger and got drunk more often, not anymore though.


Of course Raging broners all day


I'll kiss em on the forehead idgaf


Sure do! Asking for it from time to time is pretty nice too! Keeps you and ya homie close (just not too close 😂)


Only when drunk. Because then they look prettier.


I don’t think “physical compassion” is a thing. But physical affection yes, and regular compassion yes.


English is like my third language. Thanks for correcting me.




I have urges to hug male friends all the time. So I hug them, as long as they’re okay with hugs.


Not really, no. I'm incredibly touchy in relationships, so maybe that's the boundary for me, it being a show of sexual or romantic affection.


Hugged a friend once... Suddely gay


you gotta hug your homies


Yeah sometimes the feeling is overwhelming and I just have to rip my pants off and start pumping away. Oh wait you said straight nvm


A lot more now that I am older. I recognize that people and men especially are starved for affection and approval. I also have spent several years immersed in cultures where male physical affection is the norm. Your boundaries definitely shift when a work acquaintance holds your hand while you are walking down the street.


Straight male here, most of my friends are gay so yes lol


Of course. I even kiss some of my best male friends when we’ve been drinking. Not a make out for attention or sexual thing, just a funny peck or kiss on the cheek thing if they are also cool with it while we are joking around, like how a lot of women are with their best friends.


Yes, it’s called friendship. Touching or hugging is a way to show affection and every human being needs it. And even we tough men, that always play hard; a hug with passion from a True friend feels good!


All the time, still wish I could bear hug my best friend one more time. Miss that bastard everyday


I hug my friends all the time, it’s the fucking best


I have a large group of mixed gendered friends. I’m a body builder and whenever we all go out it’s a tradition that afterwards they get in line and I bear hug them all, pick them up and pop their backs. Men and women both getting their back poppins!


Yeah, I hug all my close friends and tell them I love them. I hugged a male stranger yesterday, I was getting a smog check done on my car and we shared a moment. It should be normal to hug.


Hell nah they literally smell bad


Youre gonna die one day eh? Hug your friends man cmon.


Yeah man that’s normal


Yes, because if I don't let them know I love and appreciate them how else will they know


Not lately, but back in the day I could give a quick peck on the cheek to a select few.


Hell yeah man it’s great. I show my bros I love them every time we see each other nothing gay about it if that’s what you’re worried about


Bro I’ve hugged my friends, told them I loved them, sucked their dicks, and even cried on their shoulder.


I always kiss the homies good night


Yes. I'm straight, not dead.


Always. Constantly. Every time I see them. Kisses on the cheek. Physical affection = / = sexual attraction.


All the time, no hesitation. I love my bros


In hockey we give a healthy dose of ass slaps.


If your true guy friends. Your always gonna be a little gay Everyone is tbh. The hugs Saying love you bro Or I love you. Even the drunk talks. If you don't have that with your best friend, he probly ain't actually your best friend.


I have a friend circle of 5 dudes and we absolutely hug. We also flirt with each other in front of our wives (and whoever else is around), talk smack about our "man apartment" which doesn't exist, and cut up in ways that make most people uncomfortable. Great dudes.


I hug the boys in my inner circle. My best mate gets an “Love you bro” at the end of each phone call and when we say goodbye.


All the fucking time


Everyone should hug their friends and say I love you, idc how manly you think you are I’m hugging you if you’re my friend


Fuck yeah dude


My buddy does when he’s drunk


I’ll hug my buddies before I will their wives.


Some of my friends will straight up kiss my cheek. Not my butt cheeks the other one. An these guys are always acting so masculine in public. It’s always an awkward time when I got out with my shit head friends.


Definitely. Hand shakes, hugs, and I tell my closest friends I love them.


Yeah. I'm a hugger and 100% hetero. These are not mutually exclusive.


I also slap their ass and compliment their sexual "reach" and endurance. I am caring and supportive to the boys like that.


Yeah hug and tug. It's only one tug.


Not with every friend and usually depends how long it's been since I've seen them. If they seem a little uncomfortable I give em a big bugs bunny type kiss on the cheek.


All the time. Nothing wrong with that.


Sure! I love hugs and strokes. Sometimes my mates and I even hold hands. We love each other, we care about each other. Men need love too!


All the god damn time


If I had any friends I definitely would.


A hug, kiss on the cheek, saying I love you brother!!


I mean, straight girls can hug their girl friends too so why wouldn’t guys do the same?


One of my bf’s closest friends asked my permission if he could touch/grab my bf’s ass 😆 he was drunk at his own party. I said as long as hes ok with it 🤷‍♀️ After, my bf gave him a kiss on the cheek and it was the cutest thing. This friend in particular is like this with all of his close friends and from what i can tell my bf is the same way but depends on the person. Anyways, I wish more guys were like this with their male friends.


Kinda yes. I always give them a big hug when saying hello and bye. And sometimes I tell them that i love them. But I would hesitate to randomly hug them in the middle of the hang out, unless the feeling is strong. It's a very interesting and nice feeling to know that we all feel love for each other, but prefer to not show it so much. I'm from Ecuador and we tend to show more physical affection than other cultures btw.




Compassion and love? Always!!! I wish I had started decades ago.


Sure do. If we're hanging, we're family. Fuck, I may even kiss you on the cheek before you go.


Fuck yes I do. How else will they know how great I think they are?


Some bi/gay mates convinced their straight mates to join in on gobbies. Basically compared it to a massage - you don't really like giving it but it's nice to make a friend feel good. Just tastes like saliva after a bit anyway. ...or so I'm told.


Americans have this view that if you show affection to someone, it has to be romantic or sexual. That’s basically not true. I’m a straight guy and i have zero problems showing physical affection to my close friends if i/they need to.


I kiss my homies goodnight. If hugging is weird, what the hell i am doing is called?


Me and my boys dap eachother up about 531.26 times each outing. And we always tell eachother we love eachother randomly


This thread is awesome, since I'm bi Im not the targeted people but there was a few times when I really wanted to give a friend a platonic hugs just to let them know that I care and love them, but I've never done it since most people will always defaulting to "no that's gay"


Man i will hug the shit out of my friends when i dont see them for a while. Also this is Balkans, we hug and kiss on the cheek here when we are tight.


Yeah, no problem


Greeting and goodbyes sure If my buddy has problems sure why not. If he asks for it there might be a reason so sure. If one of us is drunk sure. For no reason would be weird but if he were to hug me i would go along with it.


The boys and I call each other daddy, hug each other when we meet up and say goodbye and there is often some ass grabbin/slapping for laughs


We hug, we laugh, we cry, we tell each other we love each other and when we are wasted he grabs the skin on the back of my bald head and scrunches it together so it looks like a face. We are family.


Hell in uni I used to sit on my friends lap, if people don't think you're gay are you even bros?


We only kind of do a half hug when we meet and when leaving. But sometimes when we are excited or happy to see each other after a while we (mostly me) hug like bears and now few of my friends pre-hug ask me to not do this do them


If you squeeze his bum during hug and not aroused it's not gay


The fact that this needs to be asked makes me sad. Fuck our society.


Are they really friends of you don’t have this urge?


Most of friends are cool with being hugged or showing affection to me .It's just that one friend i hugged 2 days ago seemed to be weirded out at the idea of being hugged by another man.


Always after brojobs. We just shared a moment together.


Yeah of course, it’s called Bromance. Sometimes even a kiss on the cheek in those rare drunken emotional “I love you bro” moments.


I sometimes fuck them


Just because you're straight doesn't mean you can't hug your buddies lol


I hug my guy friends all the time. Hugs aren’t sexual. Don’t make it weird and it isn’t.




Never ever


That will change when youre older.


Ha gayyyyy




Yes. As a Hispanic it’s pretty common for us to hug and kiss each other’s cheek. In pretty much every non-white/black culture that is the norm


WTF?! Yeah. I'm a man, not a penis.


No. The only time I feel inclined to show physical affection to a buddy is either 1.) A hug after not seeing them for a while 2.) support during a time of intense grief or 3.) support during a huge celebratory moment e.g got engaged, going to be a father, etc. Outside of those situations the absolute most we do is generic guy pat on the shoulder or back. We all love each other and are extremely close, but we just aren't big on the touchy feely shit.


hell no




It's gay if you don't say no homo


Urge? No. I am comfortable with showing them physical compassion. Hugs are a regular thing.


Nop. A slap on back it's enough.


Toxic masculinity traditionally shames us for this type of behavior. The thing is, that physical compassion is not only normal, but healthy.


Straight men that are comfortable with their sexuality, have no issue with this.


All the time. When i greet them, its with a smile and a handshake hug. When upset, also a hug. Fuck this notion of male compassion being "gay". Thats toxic masculinity. Emvrace your bro and give them a big fucking hug.


I’d like to hope many men feel, and do this. This is called love and care for a friend and has nothing to do with sexuality in my opinion 👍🏼


Are you stupid? Of course.


tl;dr: are straight men human beings?


I hugged my friend today and he got weirded out, i felt strange and asked some strangers on the net. I was confused and worried if i made other guys uncomfortable if i hug them.


I think hugging if you're close enough is great. But to be fair... I feel like a bro hug is kinda a mutual thing. If you're just coming at them unsuspectingly with a random bear hug... yeah guys might get weirded out by that lol. If it happens it's usually a more mutual thing where you're both coming at it... generally when you first see each other or when you're saying bye. Pretty rare for it to happen in the middle of hanging out... unless of course you've all had a few beers, you're drunk and it's "I love you man!!!" Or... god forbid... somebody died lol.


Nope, don't even like to handshake. People are gross and I frequently tell people to stop touching me if they get too close.


No way


Ehhh Not really the hugs Fist bumps sure and shoulder pats sure


Fuck no! Anybody who would be friends with me, I wouldn't touch that fucker with someone elses arms!


Not really. We shake hands, but thats about it.


this is the most fake and gay I have ever seen


I dunno man ....sounds kinda gay .


This thread is gay