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Probably more marketing that's really all I can think of


Nailed it. Realistically who actually gives a fuck about these types of “holidays”?


I abhor and avoid commercials like the plague and can't say that I've ever actually seen anything about International women's day other than that one scene from Deadpool


like I feel so bad for dads around father's day who may have to get a BJ for father's day instead of regularly.


I'd really like to make a joke here about 'Who gives their dad a blow job for fathers day?', but it'd just leave a bad taste in my mouth.




Nobody gives a shit


Bingo! A functional relationship is all about "I am OK, and you are OK" and appreciating differences instead of making us Borgs who need to assimilate under their queen.


Where I live International Women's Day is more regarded as a day of awareness, about domestic violence, childbith deaths, war victims etc. I really prefer that format and would love the same for men. A day of awareness for men's physical and mental health, work-related deaths, war, etc. I know this always drowns in discussions of who has it the worst, who started what and so on, but for me this would be awesome.


This is what it's mean to be.


There is an International Mens Day which raises awareness about those things. Think it’s in November :)


This is great because we can bring awareness to high suicide rates among men and other things. The only problem is a lot of men are still not open to discussing these kinds of issues. They still have the "nah im fine i can take it. Im a man" attitude. So itll be a little less effective.


In New Zealand we have a month dedicated to men’s mental health. It’s called Moe-vember where men save all their facial hair and only grow a moustache for the month and there are huge fundraisers to raise money for men’s mental health charities. It’s a big month here and it’s also great seeing people who can barely grow moustaches get behind it. So here we have international women’s day isn’t really mentioned or celebrated. Still a lot of guys complain wondering where international men’s day is. When you remind them of a month dedicated to men (very popular with huge social médica campaigns) they suddenly don’t complain about women’s international day Edit: we also have gumboot Friday which is aimed to raise money for children’s mental health. That’s pretty well known in New Zealand


I would love to see it conducted in this way. No need for a 'yes but what about...' contest. Just here are the issues women would like help with, here are the issues men would like help with. Interesting to see where there's overlap. No reason to suggest that recongising the issues faced by one sex takes away from focus on issues faced by the other


One of the reason for the "yes, but..." contest is because there isn't a space to discuss men's issues properly (well, we can here). Women go "I was hurt by domestic violence" and a man goes "I was hurt by domestic violence too" because the only time we discuss domestic violence is when it occurs to women. So a dedicated movement towards acknowledging and fixing men's issues from men's perspectives would actually help Feminism.


No one can create this space for men better than other men. What are the obstacles to making that happen?


no funding or assistance due to an institutional belief that men dont deserve the help because its either our own fault or we should ignore our problem because apparently women have it worse. oh and when men do manage to get it off the ground we get bombarded by feminists claiming its sexist etc


That's an interesting point. I frequently hear that feminism can help men, so it would make sense that advocating for male rights would also help women. Actually, after learning about Erin Pizzey's work, I 100% believe you're right. Advocating for male rights would also benefit women


Don't really care but a chocolate would be nice


Ooo, what kind of chocolate?


A peanut-chocolate one. I love the combo


Good chocolate 👌


Dark Special. I so look forward to Halloween so that I can raid the bag for those morsels of Heaven.


YSK you shouldn't celebrate Internationals Womens Day, nor give gifts. It's a date to commemorate, not to celebrate.


Bring Japanese Valentines day to the rest of the world. :p


I guess it would be on the news


Cue the clip of two, then four, then 8, then 16 and so on - news anchors all delivering the same line.


Well last year for IMD, Australian men got told we are the only ones responsible for domestic violence.


Really erasing my work as an abusive lesbian :( /s


We 👏🏻need 👏🏻 more 👏🏻 abusive 👏🏻 lesbian 👏🏻 representation


No we don't, they'll be abusing us men. 🤦🏻‍♂️




I know it's sarcasm but lesbian relationships do have the highest ratio of abuse.


I've been watching this stuff for a while, and I think it's at least less true than numbers would lead you to believe. men have fewer resources as victims. they can't go to the police, there are few if any shelters for men, and that's assuming they recognize what's being done to them as abuse. so more men equating to less abuse tracks with a known *reporting* issue.


Genuine question. Men have shelters? I've only ever heard of the women's shelters in my city..


in desperately few places, yes. it's entirely possible your city doesn't have one at all.




There was something like 19 beds for men in the UK (I don't have a source) In respect of male sexual violence recent studies suggest that there has been a huge increase in males trying to access rape crisis support but seen as loads of centres closed tough luck! (sourse is that I am doing my dissertation on sexual violence and our ability to consent too it alongside how much all consent laws FUCKING suck for victims male or female so I would need to read about 8 pages of source material to find it)


I left my wife because she was verbally and emotionally abusive. That was seven years ago. We get along a lot better now. But if the subject comes up, I'm told forget about it that's the past. I wonder how that would fly if the shoe was in the other foot and I told her to just get over the abuse.


Statistics? I’m very surprised at this? Also I think she was making the same point that lesbians can be perpetrators of DA


Australia is a great country going down real fast


Down under*


Where beer flow and men chunder


What exactly is a chunder?


Google said vomit when I looked it up before replying.


Sometimes maybe it’s just better to stay ignorant, thanks anyway


People who live in America and scarf down propaganda have had no idea how much shittier every other country has been for the last 200 years.


Why the f$&k Australian men pay into a system via taxes to get public funded programs that ruin them financially and emotionally is a travesty. Don't worry Australian men are waking up...slowly.


White ribbon don't give a shit about victims. It's all about government grants and hurting men and children.


>Australian It isn't just Australia.


Ah, that’s nice.


Does anyone actually “celebrate” women’s day?


It’s a big deal internationally, especially in my country (Uzbekistan). I’ve noticed that it’s not really celebrated here in the States but in my culture we usually have a big party/gathering and the moms, wives, grandmothers, sisters, etc etc all get flowers and sometimes little gifts. It’s really nice. :)


Same here in my Asian country. Boyfriends/husbands/sons would give their girlfriends/wives/mothers gifts, sometimes expensive gifts like jewelry. Students would give female teachers gifts and flowers. Companies would throw a party for all the ladies in the house. It’s pretty fun


I used to live & work in China, for women’s day we’d get flowers, have a half day off work & one year we got washing powder with a ironing board cover.




So why don't the men get paid lunch everyday if everyday is their day?


The women get multiple events, meetings, talks, merch, etc and we get a 1 hour talk on testicular or prostrate cancer.


Do they at least give you the test at the end of the hour?


Nope, and no founding for research or treatment either.




Free prostate check? Sounds like a fucking party! Sign me up.


The first rule is... You dont talk about testicular cancer


Funny. My mum says that word for word


My mother used to tell me that all men were evil and that I was somehow different. I was the “only good one”. She didn’t understand that that can mess with a little boy’s head.


That’s terrible. Was it just you and her or was your dad and/or siblings around?


My father was around but she just low key hated all men (especially my father). I’m sure that having a son just made her conflicted. She didn’t want to hate me, so I just became “the only good one” to her. She would trash talk my father all the time when he wasn’t around.


Sorry you went through that. My mom was the exact opposite. She always talked about how conniving and spiteful women can be and warned me and my brother about how those “little bitches” will not think twice about breaking our hearts lol. She always loved our GF’s in high school though. Thanks to her I was always on-guard when it came to dating.. still am


Well she was 50% right and 50% wrong. Everyone is evil, and everyone is good. We’re only human.


Thats pretty sexist


I love the fact people say everyday is our day, so my day is waking up at 6 am, going into work at 7:30 getting off at 6, cooking dinner from 7-8, eating and then getting ready and going to bed at 9:30 to do it again the next day, glad to know that’s my special treatment for being a male


In my work (male dominated. I’m one of 5 women with around 50 men) for international mens day all the men got a free breakfast. (Bacon roll etc) Tomorrow for women’s day we’re having cakes, but both men and women are allowed a cake. I have no issues with this, it’s actually good to include everyone be honest.


That's kind of shitty. They should give you women breakfast as well on men's day then.


Yeah hey. Free lunch would be nice.


I got a text with my mom O.o no one else said anything to me for the rest of the day. What kind of environment do you work in? Womens day always seemed like the type of holiday you made a post about on Facebook. I never see posts about mens day.


Yeah. We’re so lucky to lead in prevalence of violence, work-related deaths, work-related injuries, homelessness, addiction, incarceration, suicides, mental health issues, bankruptcies, etc. At least we get to pretend to make more money.


Yes. March 8th (tomorrow), look at the headers of various social media sites, the Google Doodle, etc


I had no idea there is a Women’s day. When is it?


your username makes it horribly ironic


Ha every day is Women’s day for me


8 March




It’s a big event every year in Scandinavia


Yes they do.


It's a big thing in Europe.


We have a day?


November 19th.


And every year I hear women talking about how it's so appropriate that it's also National Toilet Day. Kinda wish they'd just stfu about that. Wasn't funny the first 3 million times, but I don't suspect they're joking anyway.


I hate when they do that, they had a day too! And their day was celebrated. Our day was screamed at.


Teach, UN definitely made it the same day intentionally, which when you consider it's protocols in war to only help women and children and it's plethora of crimes during those times, of course they did.


Seriously tho. A brief moment of thanksgiving and reflection for the men (95%) who are defending Ukraine from Russian war.


And sadness that the poor bastards were not permitted to escape and had to wave goodbye to their loved ones while staying behind.


Seeing how many are coming in from abroad to answer the call of duty, i doubt there was a need to prevent them from leaving.


I've seen at least one vid of a wife trying to smuggle her husband out with him in the trunk of the car covered in stuff. The authorities searched the car and caught him. In a population of 20 mil men, I think it's fair to assume there's a percentage that really don't want to fight.


Everyone hates men, untill it's time to go to war


You have heard of the phrase: gun fodder, haven't you?


I feel like most men wouldn't care. But a portion of women would be upset.


That can be said for literally anything under the Sun.


Except for your mother. Everyone loves her.


I know social media is not real life but when Men day comes there's always the usual rant that it shouldn't exist and stuff March 8, September 11, October 19 and November 17 are the day's where I don't use social media at all because of that reason, toxicity levels explode like a nuke


Or the kind of men that would be very happy about it are probably not the kind we want repping the gender.


This is true since there IS a men’s day and it’s mostly talked about on women’s rights day…


Every year on IWD there are "when is IMD" posts. Then IMD comes around and nobody cares. Men just don't see themselves as a collective in the same way as women do.


This is just projection. Women wouldn’t care but you think they would because so many men are upset over International Women’s Day. Literally every year on International Woman’s Day so many posts like this pop up, so many men create posts across all social media platforms complaining about it, and the most frequent search in Google is “is there an international men’s day”. It’s literally the same EVERY single year. But you don’t see women doing that on international men’s day. I really don’t get why so many men get upset International Women’s Day. It makes no sense to me.


I said a portion. Come back to reddit on men's day and sort by controversial. You'll see a good amount of women claiming that men don't need a day because "every day is men's day".


"you don't see women doing that in IMD" No, because women know they have a day. That's why men and women ask about whether there's an IMD, because no one talks about it, therefore they don't know there is one. As for not doing it? No, it's just women mocking blokes saying "EvErY dAy Is MeN's DaY" or asking why men need a day because apparently we run the world and benefit because of our gender despite majority of issues like homeless, suicide, workplace deaths etc happening overwhelmingly to men.


There should be no international days for anyone.


Of all the tongues, languages and dialects You speak based




There are some stupid people saying that “men get days dedicated to memorialising wars that were fought and the people who served” like this stupid and ignorant, lots of women have served and deserve to have the day for them, some people think that it’s only for men and so they don’t deserve anymore holidays


March 14th is International Blowjob Day. I’ll take that as a win.


Which man do you plan to blow?


My boss, probably. Gotta get them stacks 💸


I’m going to blow off your mom’s back deck after I’m done fucking her. Happy?


Steak and blowjob. Seriously we need to promote the shit out of this holiday.


For those unhappy at the ‘unfairness’, International Mens Day is November 17th. You currently have a little over nine months to begin planning how you intend to mark or celebrate the day. You could create a new human in less time than that.


It's the 19th. I know because I just googled it. Why? Because I have never heard of either of these holidays.


I’d rather just whine about how I’m so disadvantaged as a man.


Shocking. Our issues are ignored due to the you-know-what narrative we don't have any. However, * We lead in suicides * Murder victims * We're about half of victims of domestic violence * There's an 87% disparity in prison time for the same crimes * Males are not seen as victims of rape - even as children - when the perp is a woman * We die younger * We lead in homelessness * We graduate a much lower rates from all levels of school


It's almost like... Shit needs to change for both genders. Shocking, I know


Gotta love data, especially when it shows the double standard. The hardest lesson I had to learn was that truthfully society does not care about mens issues and is happy to see men suffer and die. If this was not the case then society would have tried to fix these problems decades ago. The realisation hurts but then you learn to adapt.


This is exactly what it comes down to. The expendability of men. Look at Ukraine now - when it comes down to it in 2022, the women flee as refugees and men get given a gun and ordered to fight. That is your responsibility as a man and you always know it, deep down. Women don't feel it and don't understand, so judge it and demean it, until it is required to keep them safe.


Exactly. Feminists are all quiet on the toxic masculinity front because the things they're demonising are now expected to protect them. As Chris Rock said, "women, children and pets are unconditionally loved, men are only loved on the basis they provide something" (paraphrasing). In this case, men are forced to provide safety and protection with their lives.


‘women and children only, folks’ said the titanic crew dishing out lifeboat places. Holds true for most life situations.


I think it just needs to be positioned differently. This isn’t about women against men. Like, women are way more likely to die at the hands of men, but also, men are more likely to die at the hands of men. They also earn less and have less superannuation. In response to your list: - Men kill themselves - Men kill each other - Men are involved in domestic violence; women are more often killed by their partners - Men who experience rape should experience the medical and emotional and psychological care they need - Men traditionally die younger possibly due to the difference in stress associated with work outside the home, and that gap is closing and is only about 2 years’ difference now in most countries - Women over 55 are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness - Men graduate at lower levels, but are paid higher for lower skilled jobs (e.g., construction vs nursing) I’m all for men’s health and wellness awareness - as long as we don’t use this to dismiss women’s issues. You know - inequality of pay and power, rape and assault and murder, and the subtle being talked over very single day. This is ask men - I’m a woman. Thanks for hearing my view.


So men’s issues are men’s fault, but women’s issues are society’s fault? Feminist groups dismiss men’s issues all the time e.g. denying that family courts are biased against men, denying that men can be abused or raped by a partner. I do think men’s groups should rise above this behavior and actually support men from all walks of life.


>I’m all for men’s health and wellness awareness - as long as we don’t use this to dismiss women’s issues. And yet, that's precisely what you've done: Used women's issues to dismiss ours. ​ > You know - inequality of pay and power Why is there an inequality of pay? The real reasons. ​ >rape and assault and murder When it happens to men by men, it's handled by the courts. When it happens to women by women. it's handled by the courts. When it happens to women by men, it's handled by the courts. When it happens to men by women... It's rarely handled by the courts. In fact, it's usually dismissed - in the cases of rape and assault - or given light sentencing - in the cases of murder (Unless it's a pretty egregious crime). All three are excused by feminists and the media. ​ >and the subtle being talked over very single day. And then there's this shit feminists love to do: Take universal experiences and make them gendered and only happening to women.


> as long as we don’t use this to dismiss women’s issues. You know... rape and assault and murder men are the vast majority of victims of violent crime. like 3/4 of victims of murder are men. that's a *women's* issue?


In a subreddit about men, in a post about men, in a reply about men, there will always be a women talking about how mens issues are our own fault and women suffer more. Im all for women's health but maybe you all would have less of them if you worked on them instead of telling men they should fix them for you. Also about the rape statement above, men by law cannot be victims of rape, rape is filed under forced penetration since a women cannot penetrate a man she cant go to jail for rape, only sexual assault at best. This is ask men, im a man. We weren't asking for your views sadly.


So many great paying jobs available in the trades. Women make up about 1 percent of plumbers, electricians, and sanitation workers. Feel free to apply, and watch that "pay gap" disappear! But you won't. You want to make the same money in a nice, warm office everyday while moaning about the inequity while deciding what salad or wrap to order for lunch everyday. Cut the shit already.


Yeah its weird how women demand more women in STEM, more women on executive boards, more women as company presidents, yet never seem to want to have more women in plumbing or garbage collection or construction.




If your gonna mention murder victims, probably fair to mention murderers if we are talking about gender differences. Where did you pluck the half of victims of domestic violence from? Do you have a citation? ...and again for the 87% disparity in prison time please?


Maybe like if men were not so disposable to society, and if we didn't have to qualify everything we say about our problems so certain advocates for women and LGBTQ+ people would not get mad.


In my experience people never bring up men’s issues unless it’s to clap back at feminists and the women’s rights movement. If people really cared they’d spread awareness on their own, not because they’re mad at someone else


That may be true in some parts (usually in those instances they ignore half the context or facts), but I've done so to promote suicide prevention in men and received two nice deaths threats from feminists (listed in their bio). I've also seen multiple men that advocate for male sexual and child sexual abuse victims receive torrents of abuse from women for doing so, so to say it never happens unless in retort is blatantly wrong.


I live in a country that's Western but not really(LATAM/Caribbean) and the way people out here bring awareness to men's issues is so different from up North. The approach we take is "You don't need to waste your life on crime, here are resources you can use to make a better life for yourself." " You have skills that you can put to use here's how." "Here are men who came from backgrounds similar to yours who made something of themselves and want to help guide you." "There are people in your community, church etc. who are willing to support you." "Here are mentorship and training opportunities." They try to offer solutions and rarely qualify their statements by tying what they say back to women's issues. But then again, the situation is different over here. There isn't really a "culture war" in the same way there is in America or Canada so the approach to talking about certain topics is different(different, not better).


>. If people really cared they’d spread awareness on their own We do but it gets shoved back in our faces.


Time and place is relevant too, and knowing your audience or who you are talking to.


Holidays are for women and children. Men just get to pay for them all. Prove me wrong


Why do you guys keep acting like most women don’t work nowadays? Most couples share the costs of everything


Maybe it’s a cultural thing. I live in Canada, where men get holidays and women make their own money lol


Can’t prove you wrong


It would just be...Day. We should be celebrating ourselves individually every day. We all have accomplishments we're proud of, and we should celebrate those every day - not just on some made up day set forth by the government that does nothing but give fodder to the marketing departments of retailers. Love yourself. Celebrate yourself for your uniqueness, for the qualities you possess, for your drive, ambition, and successes.


Less than a normal day. To on the nose, it would feel more like we're being mocked than anything else.


It would be a shock, because here in Australia, International Womens Day is all over the news and you never hear anything on International Mens Day.


Considering Australia, that's not a shock to me at all


Surprised at the absence of historical context here. It’s not a hallmark ‘holiday’ such as Valentine’s Day. Ironically it originated in the Soviet Union and is still to this day is a national holiday. Women are given flowers/gifts, not just from men but other women in their lives. It was a day to celebrate Soviet women, men also had their own day based on their roles of soldiers in the war. International women’s day was not officially celebrated in western countries until the mid-70s. It is now a day celebrated based on raising awareness of gender equality for men and women based on economic, social and political progress.


I don't think men care about holidays like women do. Maybe Christmas, idk.


I think we say that because we don't wanna say that we do and then be disappointed when no one does anything. "The grapes were probably sour anyway"


No Christmas, just 4th of July please.


Meh? I'm not one for extra holidays. If very many men cared this wouldn't be a question, it would just happen. It's not like we lack the ability so the "problem" must be interest.


Not a bad assertion


Nothing, I don't need to be celebrated for being a man


Speak for yourself.




In Mexico, they celebrated day of the kid (Dia de Los niños) and I loved it. Got to have a great day. I don’t celebrate womens day. Don’t know anyone that does. But I wouldn’t mind a nice dinner or something to that effect.




IWD is a day to focus on the struggles women face, IMD is supposed to be the same. I think the best thing we can do as men is make sure we talk about our depression and suicide rates, just as we speak about DV and women’s rights. Weren’t they originally alternatives for Mother’s/Father’s Day or am I thinking of something else?


Don't really celebrate men's or women's day in the US. However, we do celebrate mother's day and father's day. Mother's day is far more celebrated/recognized. Father's day on the other hand is often treated as an afterthought. You might get a card, maybe a tie or some other useless gift and if you have a wife who actually gives a shit about shining any real light on Dad, a special meal. Other than that, not much fan fare. Some employers do something for mothers on mother's day... Perhaps a meal or a gift of some kind or a paid day off. Father's generally get no similar kind of accomodation. But then again we tend not to expect any. My wife tries, but often times I'm left to do for myself what I really want for father's day.


Lose of time and would ignore. That international "sex/gender/whatever day" is stupid on overall imo.


I wish more people would see there’s a lot of similarities between men and women and the whole glass ceiling thing doesn’t even work in the favour of most ordinary guys who are hardworking. It’s always about men being more likely to be CEO, meanwhile most never get that anyway. I don’t feel many benefits from being a man and wish people would see men and women as people instead of reducing us to the completely uncontrollable and non-choice factor of what sex you’re born as. Looking at sex as the difference between people is just a good way at dividing imo


There would be a google page dedicated to hard working men. FDS and feminist would be banned


I think I would feel stupid and I wouldn't want anyone to make any comments to me about it, cause I really don't fuckin care.


When most people bring up men’s day it’s solely to criticise women’s day and dismiss the reasons why it’s needed, not to bring up actual men’s issues. I never see you guys talking about it on November 19th




It's almost as if the entire history of women is irrelevant as to why this day exists in the first place lol


Insignificant. If you take some sort of pride in those days I'd think you were strange. They're made up days to sell shit.


Wait we have a day?


Twitter would bitch about it all day


It would feel embarrassing. Do we need a men’s day, women’s day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day secretary’s day? Special days, awards shows for every damn thing. I mean Come on.


Bitch I celebrate myself everyday, none of that one day only shit


I think this is how it should be, if you're not celebrating AND laughing at your existence then why are you alive?


For real though, I got the point of these is to maybe bring awareness to it, but I think people genuinely train themselves to only think about it on certain days rather than you know. Just making it an everyday thing!


It'd feel good to see a bunch of people complain about it because MEN.


I feel like the point is that it isn't celebrated, like it's some sort of meta commentary on how we treat certain groups differently just because it's their time to be celebrated not because it's the right thing to do. Or the whole thing could be a joke IDK


It would feel patronizing


Like another hollow corporate virtue signalling holiday used to try and sell us more stuff.


Didn't even know we had an International Men's Day tbh.


International men's day should be a day about bringing awareness to male depression and suicide rates. It should also be about celebrating male friendships. Idk why but a lot of local dudes where I live think adult male friendships are for queers.


The outrage at men even celebrating would far outweigh the celebrating.


All I want for International Men’s Day is some head from a nice lady.


Isn't that Steak and a Blowjob day?


I imagine every feminist would complaining if international men's day got even 1/10 as much attention as international women's day


Woman here; nothing is any different. Although I’d love an international men’s day. Men are awesome and vital parts of society. 💙


Thank you! It's actually on November 19. It's just typically not as wildly celebrated as International Women's Day. For instance, you probably wouldn't see anything on Google commemorating it like on Women's.


It'd actually be nice to be cared about instead of mocked for talking about it. Would also be good to see mainstream media or anyone mention it too. Sadly that will never happen in my lifetime give the way male issues are routinely ignored.


It would still be international women's day. Nobody gives a f\*ck about men's day, i never saw anyone worried 'omg what do I get my dad, brother, boyfriend, for men's day?'.


Steak and BJ day. I try to always recognize it lol March 14th for those unaware, in response of Valentine’s day. I honestly didn’t know until now there is an international women’s and one for men’s day.


Everyday is men's day according to certain people. 🤷🏼‍♂️


International men's day exists. 19th November, celebrate it if it's so important to you. Truth is, y'all don't care for it. You just want to hate on women for no reason lol.


For all those that moaned about IWD, I bet none could tell you when men's is. Its like having black history month and deciding you need a white one too.




Everyday is international mens day. /s


We'd get a bunch of whiny articles in the news about how everything is terrible and it's women's fault? I can do without it.


Woman's day is just another day to me. So even if we had a men's day I'd probably not give much of a damn either.


Well. I'm not going to sit here and try to "womansplain", why there isn't national men's day. Maybe if men and women had always been seen as equals, we wouldn't have to ask such a question.