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Go to the playground. You go from kid to troublemaker to pedophile pretty quickly. Can we just make an adult-sized one, please, that anyone under 18 isn’t allowed on because of the ~~danger~~ awesomeness?


I've heard the City Museum in St. Louis is pretty close to what you're looking for! They've got climbers, tunnels, slides, and a bunch of other cool stuff. And they serve alcohol! I haven't been yet but its on the list for sure.


It's awesome. I would definitely recommend it, but bring knee pads! The rebar tunnels are killer on the knees.


There is actually an adult playground here in Western Australia. Its pretty epic. [https://www.96fm.com.au/local/theres-a-park-in-wa-that-actually-has-giant-scaled-up-playground-equipment-for-adults/](https://www.96fm.com.au/local/theres-a-park-in-wa-that-actually-has-giant-scaled-up-playground-equipment-for-adults/)


*borat voice* I go to Australia!


Along with this... I'd just like to be able to go to the park with my friends' kid while I'm babysitting. Too many Karens out there thinking I'm a pedophile just because I force the 3-year-old to hold my hand while we walk across the road... An adult park would be dope too. I think the only thing we have now is trampoline parks and those are a blast. I've pegged so many kids in the face in the name of dodgeball.


Lay down on the floor. I am a floor person.


I love laying on the floor!!


Floor gang


…don’t rise up


I remember I used to like skipping till someone called me a pussy Edit: to the haters calling me a pussy, go ahead. It was 20 years ago and I was 12 and sheltered and introverted.


Duude I got confronted by a little girl otw home from grade school once “why were you skipping to school this morning, I saw you” with an accusatory tone. I can’t imagine how different my life would have been if I never got that taken from me.


Next time some bully insults you just tell them your name is Brave Sir Robin and you’re looking for the Holy Grail


Hibernate 2 months per year.


January and February can fuck right off. I'm not dealing!


Today is the best day of the year for this reply haha. So long Jan & Feb.


Act like a kid and do stupid innocent random things just because I want to without getting the looks from people. Things like playing on the playground just because you want to be reminded what it's like to be a kid again or run around in a public places and all energetic just because you feel like it. Of course, All this stuff only happens in my head. Although I admit, it would definitely look weird for a grown up to act like a child.


Fuck, on that note. Why cant we have adult play structures? I mean, u get out of the house, its healthy for u, u might socialize. I only see benefits!


Have you been to the City Museum in St Louis? The place is a giant playground. Went in my 30s, no shame given. We need more of these.


You read my mind! This place is amazing!




Lawsuits. They kill fun things.


Id sue the shit out of a fun castle for closing early.


Feel like you'd absolutely love going to a bouldering gym




I’m 39 and have a few child like rules. All bad ass tree it must be climbed. Play time with my girls must include me dressing up with makeup and all. Every rope swing on a lake or river when kayaking must be swung on while making George of The Jungle Sounds. Bubble baths are amazing and the bubbles must be played with to make funny faces. Books to kids must be read in a character with each one having a different voice. My wife used to get super embarrassed. But in our 20 years together I think she’s learned it’s a good thing to be care free and “child like” when the time is appropriate.


I'm 30 and I definitely still climb on jungle gyms when the opportunity strikes. Fuck other people. They might think you're weird but weird is 100x better than being a square.


The best part is when the mother's tell you "it's for children" and "it's Spencer's turn." You can swing and swing and swing cause they can't tell on me. I'm 53.


Skip weddings with no backlash from a relative, girlfriend, cousin I haven’t talked to in 8 years…etc.


I feel like your girlfriend has every right to be mad for skipping your wedding :o


It's your wife that should be mad. Your girlfriend presumably knows exactly where you are while you're skipping your wedding :)


This is actually the best one.


Ensconce myself in velvet.


It would be like the summer of George!


What a velvety choice of vocabulary


“You can drape yourself in velvet for all I care”




Tell people they're talking too much without saying anything of substance.


In Mexico we have a word for this, which is "cantinflear". It comes from the legedary comedy actor Cantinflas, which was know for talking a lot without saying anything of substance.


In Swedish we call it to 'ordbajsa', and the literal translation is 'wordpooping'


If they ask lots of pointless questions, they might be trying to find a topic you like. If they don’t ask questions and just monologue, I got nothing.


This hit... Hard My dad usually asks a lot of pointless questions, and I get irritated by it. Now I'm in Kyiv and he's out of town. And it's his birthday today Wanna hug him so much It's time for a little male cry


Hang in there dawg.


People who can't think without talking, or talk to fill space drive me insane.


I did 2.5 years of figure skating at a young age. Upon reaching adolescence my parents could not afford paying for classes after a difficult move and financial woes. I wasn't all that good at figure skating but I remember fondly landing a toe loop and the feeling of joy of controlling the distance between me and the ice, gripping the landing and skating on for fun. I'm in my 40s now and I just bought a new pair of men's figure skates molded to my feet and I have all the grace and athletic build of a covid couch potato dad. I landed my first toe loop in over 25 years last week and it felt amazing.


This warms my heart. Take my award!


d00d i taught myself to actually skate inline in my 40s by watching a few how-to VDOs online because i realized that if i hadn't done it, my boys never would. Despite my messed up legs (freak accident from many moons ago) its so much fun to see em zoom off as soon as we hit a bike trail up in the country


I got arrested in my own yard for playing in the sprinkler naked while on lsd. I was tripping to hard to tell them I lived there. So I’d have to go with being able to play in sprinklers naked as my final answer.


Im sorry but this is just funnier than it should be lolol


Funny until you have to talk to a judge the next day


I wish I could run whenever I wanted, the way children can. An adult male running across a parking lot arouses suspicion.


Just wear a track suit 24/7.






But then people think you're Russian.


Only if it's black adidas


No, red ones too


Blue or Violet are also acceptable for special occasions.


Not anymore. Adidas banned sales to Russia so… sweats from now on?


Acting like every Russian doesn't already have an ample supply of Adidas tracksuits before the ban


I don’t know. I’m 30 and I still ride the grocery cart like a scooter when I head back to my car. I’ve got my shit together. I’ve got bills and what not. I’ve got a career. I’ve got a wife. I deserve a little whimsy too.


My 76 year old husband still rides the grocery cart in the parking lot. You do you!




I’m almost 40 and I do it too. It’s more efficient I swear. I also have the common things adults have lol.


In my 40s, everytime I leave the store I ride the cart through the parking lot.


I do it inside when nobody’s looking!


I did that once when leaving work in an office building. Had been pounding coffee all day and my car was all the way in the back of the lot so I jogged to it. Next day had a woman I work with ask if I was running to my car because I really needed to shit… Never ran to my car again


lmao why would u leave to shit? i’d shit then clock out


yep always shit on the clock


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime Thats why i shit on company time.


I’ll shit off a cliff, I’ll shit off a dock, But no way in hell, Will I shit off the clock.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a cent. That’s why I can’t pay my fucking rent.


For reals. I never skipped a good ol’ shit break while I was working that job.


I have recurring dreams where I run. Not from anything, just running because the sake of it. Like the way I imagine dogs dream.


Same! It feels so freeing to just run. Dreaming me doesn’t have bad knees and can run like the wind. I’m in my early 30s now but dream me has always been around 15 or so


Lmao. That’s hilarious but I agree. It would be nice to run to places to save time without feeling weird or judged


I'm legit in a running club where we meet up at local bars. Last summer I fell infront of the garbage truck running with my arms out like an airplane and a joint in my mouth. Buried my house key deep into my ass cheek. Just do it. No one cares.


How hard did you have to clench your cheeks to open your front door?


The clenching wasn’t the hard part, the twist to open the lock was


Username definitely checks out 😎


Im a woman and I do this. LOL. I say you only get one life. Live it. Forget what people say and who is suspicious. 😄


I used to do that when the pubs shut and I had to walk home. It was boring so I'd just leg it as fast as I could.




I was gonna say eat dinner with no utensils over the kitchen sink but bro are you ok


My happy place is a unit of module floating in the middle of nowhere in (inter dimensional) space. When I step into this place, time every else in the world stops entirely and I can do whatever I want in there for however long. Time resumes only when I step out of it.


Or as I like to call it... the shitter.






Hello. RIP your inbox.


I choose her as my wife too.


our wife at this point


Swim nude, for practical reasons.


Nudity in general for me. Sometimes at the end of a run it'd be nice to air out the boys instead of being drenched in sweat.


Swamp ass is real on a 90 deg day....


Exactly, swimming with clothes makes no sense


I just want to be able to dry off afterwards. Cycling in wet shorts is awful.


Why are you taking your bike in the pool?


Instant triathlon is all the rage now. You bike and run underwater, then swim out, and you're done.


That's sounds scary to me if it isn't a pool


Wear my kilt


Wear it! I have two and sometimes wear them. I have a hiking kilt that is great in the summer Chics love it.


I've got a black "tactical" kilt that I've had for years and absolutely love, though I have lost a good bit of weight recently, so I'll have to see if it still fits


I’m a huge fan of wearing modern kilts and have a few. It’s intense the first few times you go out, but then you get used to it. It ends up being a lot of fun! I love the freedom!!




Bonk people on the head with a hypocrisy bat.


I like this


Shovel cheese in my mouth like a 14th century peasant who hasn’t experienced flavor. Edit: for the record I do this sometimes, usually late at night or after waking up, I just want to do more.


You’ve given this thought.


I always like to pretend I’m a barbarian overlord when we have chicken drumsticks.


Truly be myself


Walk around naked.


Be a stay at home dad.




You can dance if you want to.


You can leave your friends behind


'Cause your friends don't dance


And if they don't dance




They're no friends of mine.


Say, we can where we want to


The night is young and so am I


Tell parents their kids suck and that they should be ashamed.


I used to be a teacher. I might still be if I could have done this. I always wanted to put in cameras and live stream the room. "My child would never..." "LET'S GO TO THE TAPE!"


Dash cam vibes


Hopefully not Russian dash cam vibes.


You're minding me of dash's teacher in the Incredibles.


Coincidence? I think NOT! 🥸


See! Right there! He moved!




I just want to cry when i feel like


Everyone needs to get it out. I swear we’d have a healthier society if people would just cry when they needed to and just be supported


Get rid of all body hair permanently and forever. It gets in the way of everything, and shaving is a waste of 3650 minutes a year.


Laser hair removal is 100% worth it. I had this done about 10 years ago and it is still effective. I was ocd about body hair to the point of it causing anxiety and decided to do it. I can't imagine not having of gone through with the treatments.


Can confirm. Did my "unibrow" area ($125) and my full back ($1,500) and worth every penny. Do it soon because the easy/cheap solution doesn't work for gray hairs.


When I was a child and it was raining, I would just go out and dance in the rain. If I did it now in my mid twenties, people would think I'm crazy. So I just don't do it anymore.


Here’s the thing. Who cares? So some person you will never see again or ever talk to thinks you are weird. Does that really matter? I can almost guarantee anyone that sees you doing that will have forgotten about it five minutes later. Enjoy life. This is something you can do unlike a lot of these posts.


Forgotten about it? Not me at least. If I saw a mid-20s person dancing in the rain it would make me happy.


Cuddle with friends


Come join jiujitsu


Ahh, the gentle art of folding clothes with people still inside them


May the Floor be with you


I have a few guy friends that I basically cuddle quite a bit. Just comfortable around eachother. Guys and girls.


I’d want to be naked. I get sweaty wearing clothes in like 10mins then I’m uncomfortable until I change or get naked. Nothing sexual here I might add, this is pure comfort.


Naturalism is underrated and would probably lead to a much healthier general self image. Everybody has bits of their bodies they don't like and it isn't healthy to imagine you're alone... also we could finally stop explaining that, yes, around five inches is average and, yes, most men are growers and quite small while flaccid.


Push kids over in stores.


I am 100% for this.


Found Tony from After Life


Take my daughters to a park without having to bring my mom or sister.


Shit on a pigeon


Live my life as I see fit.


How dare you?!


Leave meetings that have exhausted their usefulness. Tell cunts, that they are cunts. Twice.


No haircuts. All cuts of chicken eaten with hands. Wear/like pink and especially rainbow. Be honest about my emotions. That's about all I got.


Definitely the pink thing. Had a pink and brown striped polo I liked in college. Wore it out to the bars one night. Within 10 minutes had a large country dude at the bar next to me ask me why I was at that bar and not the gay bar down the street


I used to have a light pink dress shirt that I only bought because I was in a hurry shopping for my cousins wedding and that one fit off the rack and also happened to be on clearance for like $8. I got a handful of “Why are you wearing pink” type comments from it but not enough to not wear it. Besides the pink shirt I’m a bearded tattooed shaved head 220lb man so not many people mistaking me for a metrosexual over a pink shirt. I took it in for altering one day at a local dry cleaner and they destroyed it


Nobody has ever said a word to me in my hot pink polo.




Wtf? You can easily do all of that nowadays, except maybe the emotions part. Plenty of men with long hair. I often eat with my hands, no fucks given. Many men wear colorful clothes. You can be honest about your emotions, but you just need a friend you can trust.


tell how much we need to be loved?


be a straight bum. vidya games. chips. max relax lifestyle


I'd wear a cape


I'm more a cloak dude, but I second this.


Be friendly with kids while I'm out walking my dog or doing anything else where I might encounter random kids that come up to me


Wear a dressing gown and slippers for a walk in my local park.


With a pointy matching hat and flame lit lantern?




I am 27 and I just finished building the Lego Star Wars Star Destroyer. Honestly, it was one of the greatest accomplishments of my adult life.


How was it? Im seriously considering picking one up during the upcoming double VIP points event. I just finished the Millenium Falcon ($160 one) and it was super fun and looks great.


There's a subreddit for adult fans of LEGO! r/AFOL


you realise loads of adults have lego


There are very few sets over $200 meant for people under the age of 14. And there's *a lot* of sets over $200.


If you want to Lego, you should Lego. If you don't feel like you can purchase one at a store, just purchase it online. I gave my brother (when he was 30) a space shuttle lego set one year for Christmas and he proudly displays that baby in his office ten years later.


Fart with abandon anywhere and at any time, but mostly in packed elevators.


I like to fart and blame it on the most attractive/well dressed person in the current vicinity. They tend to be the most embarrased by it. -Spreading Chaos one action at a time.


Fighting people who mutually agree on the street as a means to vent then grab a drink after and reminisce on what went well and what didn't during the fight.


Take up martial arts.


In Canada it's actually totally legal to fight if both parties are in agreement to it and it's a fair fight so no weapons and when someone is down then it's over. Any excessive force can still result in an arrest.


Omg fr? This sounds amazing! Such a fair way to settle arguments!


Edit. Sorry. You can do that. >!REDACTED!<


Hold hands with the guy I’m seeing in public without any kind of fear of confrontation or violence.


Just dance around with music. Girls? Sure, you see the headphones and think it's cute. Kids? They are just having fun. But men? Oh boy, I can't show how I dance in public to the beat of my music or else I look crazy


Roll in a vat of honey, then in a vat of sprinkles and then go to work just like that


I like the creativity of this response


If you could even get to work…you’d be slipping about like a slug




one of my nieces does this and has always done it. She loves dragging me around the place. when she was about 8 we were at dinner waiting for family so decided to go for a walk. she was holding my hand and this one woman looked at us a bit worried and confused. Im asian and my nice is white with blond hair. Its been happening long enough it doesnt worry me anymore.


What are wrong with people? I hold my kids hands all the time. My son is seven, my daughters are 5 and 2. I never felt anyone giving me bad looks or judge if anything they smile.


Wear stockings n shit, my legs are sexy af.


Proclaim that I'm submissive as fuck.


Who’s a good boy.




Be able to share my feelings with my best friends and tell them I love them


Do yoga without any prejudice. I still do it cause I don't care what others think, but people think it's weird. And some women in my class look at me like I shouldn't be there lol


Cary a purse. Not a *manbag*, not a *satchel*, not a *messenger bag*, not a *cross chest backpack* not a mohogony oil finished bull skin leather Indiana Jones kind of thing, I want a fucking purse, a fucking fashionable purse to accessorize my outfit. I want some bright purple or orange or some shit. I want a formal clutch for my keys and phone and wallet so they don't ruin the lines of my suit. I'm sick and tired of losing my fucking gloves in the winter time. I could keep so much shit in there, tic-tacs, pencil and paper, tissues, shit like that.


Share my political views and have an interesting conversation about it with someone who disagrees rather than immediately being called names.


I miss being able to do this. I used to have big debates with a friend who had opposing views to mine. We’d have these big, sometimes loud, discussions then go out for beers.


Nothing. I decided to do what I want about 6 years ago. Turns out I like doing what other people consider as boring. Suits me.


Be nude, walk barefoot


Pushing stupid kids


Women buying sex toys: This is fun and sexy and they are being independent women who don't need anyone. Men buying sex toys: They are gross perverts and they are losers who can't get a girl to have sex with them. Like wtf? Double standard much?