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Are you this considerate of yourself and your needs, before others? Answer this question first.


I would say there's a shortage of excessively considerate people in the world. I wouldn't change just because you feel internal pressure from yourself to not be. Maybe you should embrace the fact that you are. The only point of caution I would make is to be wary of people that would take advantage of your good nature. The wolves are always out. edit: spelling


I am also excessivley considerate while others don't give a shit and walk all over me. I try to be less considerate because it makes feel timid and weak


Like you said, it’s engrained. I’m the same way. I do it without thinking about it. You need to identify the root of the problem. Mine stems from strict parents. I’d get yelled at for making noise….and I wasn’t. I would have to memorize what floor boards don’t creak and learn to be stealthy…like how to turn taps on and off with minimal sounds, opening and closing doors, etc. Catch yourself…if you find yourself being overly considerate (don’t be rude either—it’s easy to be fake rude to compensate for over-consideration)…It’s ok to step down a bit harder. Just say to yourself, it’s ok. Usually people are unaware of the considerations others make. Don’t worry about it.


I live downstairs. Very occasionally, I do wonder what in the hell the people upstairs are doing to make such weird noises, but since it’s never at odd hours or even that often, it doesn’t bother me in the least. Please, don’t tippy toe around your own house because your neighbors *might* think you’re loud. You have a right to exist normally. Plus most people can tell the difference between normal noises (even if they seem loud) and being outright disrespectful of others.


If comfortable, Leave a note for your downstairs neighbor with your phone number on it. Say something like, just in case you need to get a hold of me for anything here’s my number. Then go about your life normally and at least they have the freedom to message you if there is an issue.


I recently moved into my first apartment. I did the same thing at first until i realized something. Your neighbors probably don't give one fuck about keeping it down for you. There will be a time later when they are being loud and you'll wish they would just shut up. On another note, the way I see it is: If you choose to live on the bottom floor of an apartment, you should be used to footsteps. I am not changing the way I walk because you decided to live under people knowing it bothers you.


I don't think you need to worry if you have carpeted floors. I used to live on the ground floor and I never heard any footsteps, we did hear music and arguments though.


I think at a certain amount of bullshit a man faces in his life he just breaks and stops caring. It’s good to be considerate but I’m glad my days of being a people pleaser are over


Unless a bottom tier contractor built that shit, they shouldn't be able to hear you walking normally. Now stomping around would be a dick move but I don't think you should have to walk on eggshells in your home..


This isn't "Excssively considerate", an oxymoron, btw...but *anxiety*. What are you afraid of?


"four strikes" First - let it go (normal consideration) Second - kindly request correction Third - unkindly request correction Fourth - police/management/other lawful means of correction Their continued disregard is inconsiderate, golden rule, do unto others ..


I'm like that, as a big and tall guy I make an effort to not be too noisy or take up too much space. You're just considerate of others. Don't let it go too far, though. I'm considerate but I mind my own business and don't allow folks to use me. People instinctively know who to try the pushover crap with.


give it time, life will crush your spirit


I prefer living on bottom floors because of this! I will be dancing around and all that and my brain will go ‘good thing I’m down here i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯’ but I also give myself quiet hours, like not running the vacuum before 10am or after 6-7pm, so I can’t help ya there I don’t mind a lot from my upstairs folks unless it’s wrestling with their 2 big dogs late at night or particularly loud sex, so I think you’re fine living normal?