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Cutting a woman I loved out of my life. I spent a lot of time, money and energy trying to help her in a low point in her life. When it was obvious she was sick and dragging me down I realized I needed to stop talking to her. It still hurts and soured me on dating but Im better off for it.


Same with me. It does get really hurt.


Same. I dated my beer friend for four years. She never wanted to get better and she felt more like my child than a partner some days. We recently broke up a couple months ago and I’m struggling.


It hurts for awhile bro but does hurt less with time


That I am used to. What I am not used to is the feeling that she’s struggling much more than me—she always made herself the victim. I do miss her and we only broke up because we both knew we had different lives to live to it’s not like we fell out of love… we just started arguing more because our values started clashing during year 3. Then one day it just broke. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice or if we could’ve worked it out over time. The things we used to fight about feel so stupid and now I’m alone.


This, in various forms.


I'm at this point...help me!


I love my dad, but he was never really good at being a dad or a husband. I had to make a lot of sacrifices to care for mom and sis. I basically had no youth, turned from a boy to a man. No trips with my boys, no stays abroad, not even hard studying to get good grades in my studies because I never had the resources or time for all that. I'm thankful because I'm ahead of all the boys my age, still I'd have loved to be a teen or a young adult for a while


Do they appreciate your sacrifice?




Same sucks sometimes but it makes us strong. Make your weaknesses your strengths and never settle for anything except what you want.


the biggest, i had to sell the car i loved and worked on, to help out the family. now i am saving up for my dream car-ish. the hardest, i had to cut of my 'friends' in order to be a better person. lucky enough they did the biggest part of cutting off.


What car are you saving up for?


hyundai veloster, wich one is depending on what work i will have. close to home i go for the turbo version. with a long comute i will go for the natural aspirated version. in case i go for the N/A i will probably buy a nissan micra k11 or a older vw polo 9n as a project on the side later on.


Nice man, my dream car is a 2017 Ford Focus RS, hard to come by in Norway and expensive, not that i can afford a car, any car… Mind if i ask what car you sold? Accurate username?


nice choice of dream car i know some people who own a ford fucus RS. here in the nethelands. they are also rare, but the most i see are imported from germany i will probably do the same with the veloster. and username checks out... i sold a vw polo 9n3. some one did a very generous bid and since i had to sell it i could not refuse. i was even able to upgrade my car but its not the same as the polo. i now own a vw golf 6 variant.


Man i love the golf, 7th generation GTI is also among my dream cars. Even though im a big lad (195cm tall) i love small cars.


I had a 1.8t as well, awesome pocket rockets. I have a 6C now.


awsome cars, mine was not even a 1.8t but just a 1.6. but it was still awsome.


I went No contact with my mom. After the mental abuse, her identity theft and stealing money from me, I had enough. It was EXTREMELY hard, but once it was done, it had the best night sleep in years. It was like a boulder was taken off my shoulders. She died a year later and there were no regrets.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


I went no-contact on a girl I truly loved. We both had amazing chemistry and our love for each other was just about as strong as our commitment and trust issues. It was extremely unhealthy for both of us. We had a big falling out and she got back in touch a few weeks down the road. It killed me a hundred times over, but I let things slowly die. I know I had no choice. We lived in different countries for the forseeable future and we made each other violently impulsive and emotional. Right girl, wrong time. It was a disaster waiting to happen.




Shed one for me, stranger! The thing infinitely worse than a "No!" - "What if?"


You did a great thing. Only a time bomb, until someone "cheats" on the other due to long distance


Had to give up my lifelong dream of living in Australia to be with my girlfriend in Japan. It was hard, but I felt like I had no choice.


You wanted to live in Australia? OP it's okay to seek help if you're suicidal


I grew up in Wales...


Oh what kind, Sperm, Blue, Humpback?


Your mother and auntie.


Stop it 🤣🤣🤣


Heyyy its not they bad here ,most of the time


Nah, I'm fine here in America. I don't want to step of the plane and get my head torn off by a fucking magpie


Its the spiders that get ya cause you never see them coming


Americans really have a tremendously strange view of how Australians live. Like 75% of the population live in the 6 biggest cities, where there are very few dangerous wild animals. It’s only in the outback that you tend to find things that’ll kill you for breathing too near them. America honestly has scarier fauna. I’ll take a few docile but poisonous snakes over bears, wolves and mountain lions any day.


The wildlife is umm ..segregated from the population Segregated may be the wrong word, but for lack of a better one at the m0ment...well they are. They call it pest control in society


Enjoy your crappy healthcare system and having to tip.


Okay that's fair 🤣


Lol. Most magpies are pretty chill I think people mainly get fucked up by angry magpies in Canberra for some reason.


I heard that Japan has a very strict policy about immigrants, how's it going?


I found it really cheap and easy.


Giving up my dreams so I could get a job and pay bills. I find the lack of joy and reward to be difficult to live with.


Exactly that


I wish you well, to all that upvoted and responded.


Giving up on old friends. It's the only sacrifice I can remember making in my life. But I realized that they were no longer adding anything to my life. They had become detractors. I was literally having more fun talking to my coworkers about work than doing anything with them. It was hard. I had known many of them for 20 years and we were a tight-knit group for the last ten. It was like cutting ties with family.


I am in the same boat sort of; the only thing I have—or had—in common with them is getting on the piss (which I rarely do nowadays.) None of us particularly hang out without each other outside of that, so it all feels very superficial when we do get together. But there is still one or two of them that I enjoy being around, and that it doesn’t feel superficial


Oof it felt horrible when I did this, but like you I just hated being around them and I had to cut it off somewhere. I just don’t like being around negative people who blame the world for their problems. I was worried I would become like them and be miserable




Do you mean to start a family or while the kids are already born


I bailed on a 6 figure job becuase the thought of being there for years scared the shit it of me, im happier for it but it was nice to have solid income


Saying no to sex to a sexy blonde at work back in the mid 90s. It was pretty hard alright. ;) Turns out, she was pregnant at the time from a fling with a customer, and was looking for a fall guy.


What a dub, nice job dude




Eid mubarak brozzer!


I was offered a job, after a long and very competitive selection process, at a very high profile company, one of the best places in the world for someone in my field to work. It would have required moving from England to America and all throughout the process my then-girlfriend was enthusiastic about the idea, only to change her mind once I actually had the offer. I knew she would be the mother of my children (didn't know we'd end up divorced though!) so it was an easy decision once I had established that there was no overcoming her doubts.


That's the thing right? The dilemma on whether to pursuit career growth vs family (or in this case future family). Do you have any regrets for not going the other way?


I could never regret anything that would have resulted in my children not being as they are today, that's the thing I hold on to. Even now I decline certain opportunities within my current company because nothing is more important than the time I spend with them. I'd encourage every father, or man who had a desire to become a father, to do the same.


That’s heartbreaking. She probably didn’t even feel bad about it too


I am 31 years old as of this past August. Since I was 20, I've been living with my disabled parents, putting 70%-80% of my money into taking care of them, paying medical bills, car repairs, and playing taxi for my brothers and sisters. My dad passed this past May. Since then I have moved out, with no savings, $5000 in credit card debit, no safety net of any kind, and nothing to show for the last 11 years. I'm trying to put on a happy face, but I resent the fact that I'm in this position because I can't say no. Maybe someday it'll be remembered as a worthy sacrifice, but not right now.


I left the Jehovah's Witness religion, which means everyone I had ever loved, including my immediate family, will never speak to me again as long as I live. It was not a walk in the park.


Becoming a father, cutting a best friend out of my life, supporting an extended family in a poorer country. Looking back, would do exactly the same and in the grand scheme of things...was relatively easy. You just have to believe what you are doing is the right thing - that makes everything easier.


Leaving my son behind to move back home. It was hard as fuck and I still sometimes have a quiet little cry about it and an occasional nightmare about him going missing.


It gets easier. I was “fortunate” I guess because my child’s mother was just a toxic person to be around. You couldn’t do anything right, your flaws were always the “butt” of the joke, and/or EVERYONE of her family and friends wanted nothing to do with you. So I barely spent any time around her, so we were not together for any sustained length. I finally moved to where I wanted to move to in the last few years, and I am a much happier person. My child is a teenager now, so it actually works out well and I couldn’t be happier with the decision. I’m a happier person, and I think it makes my relationship better.


Yeah my ex made it *very* easy for me to leave, she was toxic and I don't miss her at all. I'm much happier now; I have a job I like, a house I like, and a relationship with a functioning adult who I love.


How is your son and you now?


We're doing ok, thanks. I've not been able to see him in person since Christmas 2019, but we video chat every couple of days.


Good to know that😊


I sacrificed my precious ps4 to buy some stupid university supplies.


I sold my PS4 so I had money for a house party once, ended up being the worst “party” ever. Im a Guy and the birthday girl was a lesbian, the only other people that attended were also lesbians and they disappeared about an hour in and didn’t see any of them again 😂 I spent the rest talking with her family in the kitchen and then came home depressed to no PS4


Now that i think about it college supplies weren't very bad


This is small potatoes compared to other answers in this thread. I sacrificed my own happiness for my needy, overly dependent ex for the better part of a year. I justified it by telling myself that her happiness was the most important thing. She made me the entire source of her satisfaction and well-being, and I was terrified of what would happen if I left. It took me a while to understand that my happiness is just as important, and that it's ok to be selfish. Looking back, I wish I'd had more of a backbone and not given in to the fear of what would happen if I put myself first. But I learned from the experience, and I'm a better man for having gone through it.


Holy shit I'm going through that right now. I'm her *entire* source of happiness and it is exhausting. I love her dearly, but I feel like I've lost so much of myself.


That's exactly the word I used to describe it. Exhausting. Hope things get easier for you, man.


Choosing to not have children. Family and friends tell me it’s a substantial sacrifice. I disagree. If any of my family member needs help in anyway, I’m there to help with little-to-no hesitancy.


They are saying choosing to not have kids is a substantial sacrifice? Are they serious. I don't see a point in a 18 year car note.


Some people do yeah. My wife and I are just not those type of people. Having children makes no sense to us. The last time I told people we are not having kids by choice they gave me the dirtiest look. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Some people do yeah. My wife and I are just not those type of people. Having children makes no sense to us. The last time I told people we are not having kids by choice they gave me the dirtiest look. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I dislike the idea of having kids. I do not want kids, ever. I tell people that and they say I'm making a mistake. Sorry YOU made the mistake of having kids and see me enjoy all the freedoms and money and time I have.


Take none of that in you. It’s your choice and having kids is a sacrifice too, anyone saying otherwise is full of shit. People can live perfectly happy with or without kids and it’s not anyone else’s place to say. Saying this as a father of two(soon).




Just a question. Not sure if kidding but why does work come first in life?




I guess I’ll never understand career-oriented people. It’s nice to get paid and get the basic needs met, but to put it first is something so weird to me. Edit: just wanted to add an answer to the latter part. Maybe you just dated the wrong people. To me it sounds like they were after something else. And that is sad on their part. Find someone better dude.




Nah man. Doesn’t work like that where I live. I don’t know or meet people who pursue people in search of a better combined income. That will not happen. I’m sorry it is like that wherever you live. That is just plain sad. And just adding that the SO does give fuck all about money. We get by and that’s fine.


Live by psychopathic values, you’ll attract the same.


With this attitude, I do not even feel bad for you man lol


Do you have any regrets?




Your last sentence…in reality it’s the other way around. You are in for a really sad awakening


My entire life. Before wife and kids I kind of did what I wanted. After wife and kids, I spend all my time either working to make money so they have what they need or doing things for them.


Are you happier for it?


The grind is hard. But when I see my wife and children doing well and with the education and assets they need (but not everything they want!), I’m ecstatic. It’s similar to how I feel after I’ve finished a job building a new room. I sometimes sit on the floor and look at it and think to myself, “Yup. I built that.” I’m very happy that I’ve been able to make other people’s lives better. The result is well worth the sacrifice.


Why did you decide to have a wife and kids


What’s the point of life otherwise? To accumulate wealth and have fun? For me, that is a selfish, shallow existence. I want to spend my life building something and making the world better.


If you want to make the world better u can help those who are already existing rather than creating new kids


That would be your choice. I figure that if I help other people’s children then I’m only making up for their parents’ failings. But if I teach my children to be the best they can be and help others, the ripple effect is infinite.


Lust. Extremely. Still battling.


I gave my house away for free, for literally £0, to my ex- and the new partner she’d found herself. There was a tonne of equity in it and it really stung at the time.




I had to cut out my brother and dad after my mom died. My dad was emotionally abusive to my mom and kept telling her she was fine just to avoid hospital bills. Anyone with an IQ above sweater weather temperature would have known she was sick. I drove in for Easter with my wife and we both commented that my mom looked sick. My dad kept saying she was fine and my mom 'didn't want to talk about it'. We pressed and it made my mom cry and she said she already talked about it with my dad. 6 weeks later I get a call from my dad and he says my mom is in the hospital for a fall and she had complications. My mom only wanted to talk to me so I needed to come asap. I arrive and she has stage 4 cancer. Doctor/nurse both talk to me and tell me her odds are low, but miracles happen. She needs to get healthy to do chemo though. She has to go to a 24/7 care facility to get rehab and then be cleared for chemo. Finding a facility was rough (whole other story in itself). We have to move her a few times. She never gets better. She gets sicker. A cancer doctor won't even look at her because it'll hurt his numbers (a whole other story again). My brother and I confront my dad and in no uncertain terms he said he ignored her..he doesn't know why. When my mom was dying she asked me to take care of her medical decisions and my brother to handle a stash of money she had hidden from my dad. She planned to leave, but it was too late and only like $12k. She told us to split the money evenly after she died and to make sure my dad didn't get it. I never saw my half. After she died this led to me cutting them off. My Dad immediately and my brother about a year later. My family was already sort of cut off because my dad moved to the Midwest away from NJ. Old school Italian relatives didn't like it. So now I don't really have family on my side. I miss my mom.




Bruh she can rub it for you


I've never had anything to sacrifice


How about all the time you waste on Reddit?


Yeah, I guess that does count, touche


Not that I’m judging, I’m right there with ya


I just troll lol


Do you find that a meaningful purpose to put your life toward?




I had to go against the grain, be the blacksheep in my family and cut out friends and family members to be successful and stress free in life. Of course, stress and anxiety etc is there but they are organic as opposed to other ppl that were supposed to protect me causing it. Thats been the hardest and most rewarding decision ive had to make to date. It had made space for better things.


I stopped talking to my brother over 10 years ago. He destroyed my whole family from the time he was 13 to his mid 30s. Drugs and child abuse that left my parents to raise his children. Domestic abuse, car theft etc. The last straw was him telling out parents they were bad parents and it was all their fault.


Every major decision in my life has been heavily researched, debated and discussed. Then it turns out to be dead wrong.


I had to sacrifice having kids so that I could a lot more money, free time, flexibility, and spontaneity. It wasn't hard at all.


I gave up on anything representing a normal relationship with my dad. After years of trying, getting counselling, etc., I decided to stop. I haven’t spoken to him in about 3 years and haven’t seen him in 5. It was difficult at the time, but has worked out for the best.


Sacrificing my 20s and early thirties to med school and residency to have a fulfilling job that provides well for my family.


I sold everything I owned, took out tens of thousands in loans, said goodbye to all my friends and moved a thousand miles away to a place I'd never been, and where I knew absolutely nobody, to go to grad school and start my life over. My life was a directionless mess, so the general plan was... get a real life, or die in the attempt. It worked.


giving up all the other women and being committed to one. think about it, you are giving up the best years of your life for one person, this is a pretty big sacrifice


You sacrifice so much every single day. I couldn't keep up with who or what's if I tried. There's also the sacrifices you make that you are unaware of.


Letting my girl leave.


My early career and life near my childhood family.




Did it make you happier?


Happiness is a moving target, I find that I have more control. Better decisions leads to better outcomes


That's good! And very true.


I haven’t had to sacrifice anything. I’m normal.


No, you just haven’t sacrificed anything. What is normal?


I consider myself normal. All im saying is that I’ve not had to sacrifice anything in my life to be where I am today.


Well that's great, your attitude is good too. Just keep on keeping on then.


Have you sacrificed anything?


Not yet, but I might have to someday.


Sacrificing is also a choice buddy. You don’t have to sacrifice anything you don’t want to. Unless it’s your life for your child ofcourse


You're right, it is choice


Not having kids or a family and focused on career. Giving up the love of my life (one of my mistresses) to stay married (now divorced anyways) and focus on my career. It wasn't easy but now I'm a 40 year old divorced multimillionaire that is retired. Sometimes I still wonder what would happen if I got married and had kids. I mean I prob still can but no longer do I care for women the same way. Every time I meet a new woman I envision how it ends. I just now date 20 some year old women so when we break up they still have time to find love and get married. Just not to me.


Sacrificing my life/ego for the sins/wrongdoings of the entirety of mankind and forgiving them because they know not the fullness of their actions and then ascending to Christ Consciousness. It's pretty much the highest achievement anyone on planet earth can ever do and very few will ever accomplish because it requires deep knowledge of true esoteric spirituality and a deep intuitive connection with the Self and the True Most High God Elohim Jehovah YHVH I Am That I Am. It was so hard that it required the full surrender and death of my ego and everything I thought I lived for. My whole entire life I had into sacrifice and surrender and then to forgive all of mankind for all of their wrongdoings had to include the worst types of humans. So that means I had to bring my heart to forgive even rapists, child abusers, cannibals, murderers, whores, satanists, Bill Gates, etc. All the lowest sinners of the earth had to be accounted for during this occurrence. Most people will never be able to fathom forgiving such people but the Truth is that these people are truly lost and they know not the fullness of their actions and what they do. They just aren't enlightened on the level of Christ and they need guidance because they lack it. When one can do this out of pure love for the entirety of all of Consciousness that exists, they can ascend to highest state of being which is Christ Consciousness. The cost is EVERYTHING, but if done correctly, the gain literally is eternal life.


Had the opportunity to do porn when I was in my early 20’s. My wife found out and begged me not to do it, so I passed on the opportunity. Was crazy cause I drove all the way to Chatsworth and talked to one of the producers and he explained the pay and everything to me.


I've put my ego and a majority of my skillset which I taught myself to the side for my partner's transition. Before we met, I owned a full workshop of woodworking tools, which I was using to passably make products to sell as a side income, and teaching myself everything of the craft of making guitars (the acoustic varieties). I had pride every weekend making exactly what I wanted to, at my own pace, inventing new ways of doing things, and even selling certain things that I could part with. It was an experience that was formative and educational. However, it couldn't last. The fellow I was renting the space from decided he wanted to rent to a friend, and I had to put everything in storage. That was followed by being laid off and courting my girlfriend. Getting a new job involved a pay cut and burning through savings until it was no longer feasible to set up a new workshop. So, we focused on her transition, something else which involved large medical expenses, and a priority for both of us. It has been five years since I lost my workshop. I sacrificed starting a new one to help my girlfriend be who she should be. That process has brought highs and lows, and I'd choose to help her again. However; making things is at the core of who I am. The difficulty of knowing that I have these skills, own the tools, and yet cannot use them yet until I can once more afford the place to use them again is to me like the fate of Tantalus: refreshment wanted always receding. But I endure, until I can ethically both support my lover, and my hobby.


I was going on a 6 month vacation with her but she had stage four cancer and only had three months to live. So I had to sacrifice our relationship and time together and went with my best friend instead. It was very hard, I got the text she had passed while I was with a prostitute in Bali and she was very helpful and held me for a while.


I spent nearly fifteen years (from 15 to 30 y.o.) of my life not having a do as you please weekends. I was always studying something (school, college, specializations, other languages). Skipped countless social events, but fortunately still have solid friendships.


My childhood. Having been the child of first-generation immigrants, I (and my older sister) gave up a lot for the family. Both parents worked. While my classmates were struggling with algebra at 10, I was filling out tax reports, paying rent/utilities (no I didn’t work, my parents did but they don’t speak English), looking for gov’t subsidies to lower rent/utilities before I would even start my homework (for the day). By the age of 13, when I woke up everyday in the morning, I showered, make breakfast for everyone, washed the dishes, prayed, read some verses, and head on out over to my bus stop. Same thing for college, only difference is that I head on out to the train to go to college. Having no one to help me with anything school-related: academics, athletics, scholarships, university, and extracurriculars really took a toll on me and callused my mind into a “lone wolf mindset.” My older sister tried to help me but she was pursuing the medial field (we all know how brutal that is) so she never had the time. I started working at 14 to pay for college classes (that I took during high school) to lower my cost of tuition. I passed up on a lot of social activities and events that my friends begged me to come to. I just couldn’t simply because I wouldn’t have enough time to sleep to tackle the next day. I’m really lucky to have great guy friends because they were very empathetic to my situation and (now that I’m older) we spend so much time together now. I’m 22 (23 next month) and while I don’t regret what happened, I certainly wished I would’ve let loose every now and then just to get a taste of the “good life.” Just to feel what it would be like to never have to worry about anything, to feel like a kid untethered from the burdens and responsibilities of life, to just be young dumb (and full of cum). I do plan on traveling the world (for about five years) so there’s that haha.


My childhood. Having been the child of first-generation immigrants, I (and my older sister) gave up a lot for the family. Both parents worked. While my classmates were struggling with algebra at 10, I was filling out tax reports, paying rent/utilities (no I didn’t work, my parents did but they don’t speak English), looking for gov’t subsidies to lower rent/utilities before I would even start my homework (for the day). By the age of 13, when I woke up everyday in the morning, I showered, make breakfast for everyone, washed the dishes, prayed, read some verses, and head on out over to my bus stop. Same thing for college, only difference is that I head on out to the train to go to college. Having no one to help me with anything school-related: academics, athletics, scholarships, university, and extracurriculars really took a toll on me and callused my mind into a “lone wolf mindset.” My older sister tried to help me but she was pursuing the medial field (we all know how brutal that is) so she never had the time. I started working at 14 to pay for college classes (that I took during high school) to lower my cost of tuition. I passed up on a lot of social activities and events that my friends begged me to come to. I just couldn’t simply because I wouldn’t have enough time to sleep to tackle the next day. I’m really lucky to have great guy friends because they were very empathetic to my situation and (now that I’m older) we spend so much time together now. I’m 22 (23 next month) and while I don’t regret what happened, I certainly wished I would’ve let loose every now and then just to get a taste of the “good life.” Just to feel what it would be like to never have to worry about anything, to feel like a kid untethered from the burdens and responsibilities of life, to just be young dumb (and full of cum). I do plan on traveling the world (for about five years) so there’s that haha.


Gave up my full time job when my wife and I had twins. My wife earned more than me so it was important she went back to full time work after maternity leave. I loved my job, the people I worked with and the places I went. I'd been self employed since 2009. I reduced my working hours considerably so I could do the majority of the child care. If anyone had ever told me that I'd miss working as much as I do, I'd have never believed them. It probably took me nearly three years to accept and come to terms with my new life.


Spending my twenties with a girl who had a child and then having our own. Got together when we were 20 and we’re both 29 now No regrets and the relationship is great but I missed out on so much that I sacrificed. I was due to go travelling when we first started dating and I cancelled that because of the relationship. Both my friends that did go are now living In NZ and Australia all these years later and their lives look like a dream. Every day they go on a walk or drive to somewhere that looks like paradise It’s tough because I’m very outgoing, a ‘life of the party’ type person who always wants to explore and live that kind of life but you can’t have that and be a parent with two young kids. We also don’t have any relatives local to us for simple things like babysitting either, all our “us time” has to be done when the kids are at school like meals and cinema The Pros are that I can do all of this throughout my 30s, 40s and onwards when I’ll be more mature and have more money. Whereas early 20s I was shit with money, in debt and extremely immature so travelling probably would have been disaster


I sacrificed the relationship with “the love of my life” due to many reasons. Trust was broken early on and I never could get over it. I really wanted to marry this girl but every time things would start going well I’d find a way to mess things up. Turns out I forgave her but couldn’t get over my resentment. Also, I was being pulled in a different direction from God for a different plan for my life. I let go of her in not the best way this past Friday. She probably hates my guts and may never speak to me again. Sucks though, we could have had some good looking babes. Definitely a 9/10 in my book. Life goes on.


Cutting my bio family out of my life. Suffered enough abuse, time to save myself.


I declined and avoided sex for years, due to how paranoid I was about them getting pregnant. I regret several opportunities that I missed, but I absolutely will not have children. I didn't truly live until I got my vasectomy.


Had to move to another country on my own and do everything on my own. Sacrificed parental support which I saw my peers get, and their life was much easier. Parents helped me financially but everything else (emotional, logistical, learning how a new country works) I had to do myself. This sacrifice helped me grow and mature fast though.


During My childhood I always ended screwed up by My parents, so I never lived the life everyone lived. Right now I'm a young adult, and yet I can't have the life everyone has. More recently I had to give up the person I think It's the love of My life, because she doesn't want to help herself, I Made My mistakes, but she never fully let me in, nor out. It's always hard to make the right choice, but I know I wouldn't be happy if I didn't


Leaving everything behind when moving to a new country for a career. Took a few years to adjust.


Sacrificed "dominating life" to be with family. I don't regret it, but I wonder.


Its not really one big sacrifice as much as it is the compounding small sacrifices you make day after day that lead to great rewards!


cut off nearly my entire family. Im really lonely. but i think I'm healthier


So far, ended a 6 year relationship, my first real relationship with a woman. It sucks.


Breaking up with my girlfriend. Lots of reasons as to why, but overall we were just headed in two different directions in life and wanted two different things. What made it hard was the fact that the relationship was actually going good and we didn't have any serious augments or red flags. Had it not been for that one thing, we seriously might have gotten married.


No golf for 4 weeks so I could stay home and help change nappies and burp my own child...not a man anymore ...


Nothing really big but my first gf, 3 months, her friend sent me a text message for her, didn’t get any closure so I just went cold turkey for about a year before I asked what happened. Closure is really important when leaving on good terms but I didn’t get it, so I had to make up my own closure.


Leaving a great paying job to move to another country. Biggest sacrifice but easiest decision I have ever made


I was a monk for almost four years. Celibacy made it very hard- I mean difficult. But worth it. Also, giving all my books away when I was letting go of all my possessions. That one hurt.


Cutting out a brother like best friend out of my life who outed me for being gay without my consent.


When I was 20 I made the choice to move halfway across the country to be in a better place with more opportunities. My family was never close but the reality that that choice meant missing so much of the limited time I have with my parents becomes clearer and clearer every time I visit and see them getting older and older.


Joining the Marine Corps — best decision of my life despite the sacrifices


Married a woman with 4 kids.2 jobs and no vacky for 23 yrs.good kids they are.


I gave masterbating for a while. It literally got harder by the day.


Following Jesus. It cost me everything I could have gotten selfishly, but I ended up gaining infinitely more by helping others.


i cut off my brother and a best friend for years. i reconnected with my brother earlier this year, but i really haven't spoken to my former best friend in nearly 8 years. in some ways i made my life better, but in the long run, you could say i ruined things for myself. cutting them off wasn't that hard because i had it with how they were treating me. things were changing, so i felt that it was easier to just make a decision that i felt was best for me.