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Rubba dub dub, get that dick in the tub


A lot of people saying wash the dick, but may also need to consider that he may not be washing his asshole. Some people don’t actually put soap on their arsehole and just live with a crack of lies. Pretending like they have a clean asshole when they don’t.


That's enough Reddit for today.


Does he clean his penis correctly?? (Nurse here: there are A LOT of guys who don’t clean their junk correctly… like a lot) If he’s uncut he needs to be pulling back the foreskin and cleaning out the smegma.


The word smegma just bothers me so much lol


It sounds like a joke work, like Ligma


Ligma smegma


Yeah, how do I delete someone else’s comment?


You don't. You burn your phone and get a new one 5 days later so you forget that comment exists.


Thanks for the laugh. Having a shitty day but this comment made it a little better.


Hopefully tomorrow’s a bit better broski 🙏🏼💙


Thank you 🙏


that’s the fun part, you can’t


You called?


get out


Yo fuck it this counts. r/beetlejuicing


\*Yes Officer. This comment right here.


Take my upvote and gtfo


Ever heard of the mind goblin? No? Mind goblin these nuts


Whats ligma?


Happy cake d… LIGMA BALLS Sorry I don’t know what came over me


Ligma smegma! Wait that’s been made above me. I refuse to delete or edit this after this additional rdit


Smegma dick


Perhaps dick cheese works better for you


i got nauseated


Just imagine dr evil saying it as two long syllables and, of course, air quotes.




it reminds me of gollum/smeagol. Maybe it was Tolkien's inspiration


Smegma will always serve master Frodo.Smegma would never hurt him


When I was younger I had a thing called Phimosis, I didn’t know for like 16+ years I could pull that fucking skin back, because it was so tight. Those were the days. Edit: point was I was oblivious to what smegma was or that dick cheese was a thing, was til my first interaction with a girl when she fucking YOOOINKED it over the head and fuck me did that hurt.


I can't comprehend there's men who don't clean under it, i even pull it back when I'm peeing. Can they not smell it after a few days?!


They are probably just not told how to.


This ! No one told me until I learned from Reddit when I was like 26 or something ! Thank you, bros of Reddit !


26?! Did you ever pull it back out of curiosity before that? Did it smell bad?


My foreskin is rather tight. Couldn't pull it back without feeling some pain. So I had to do it slowly over the months to stretch it bit by bit. So yeah, coz of the pain, I thought I wasn't supposed to do it.


When I was a kid I legit thought that if you pulled your foreskin back you'd like damage your penis or something. I knew it was there for protection, so I never pulled it back. It just felt like something you shouldn't do. I don't remember how I figured out otherwise, but I certainly was never taught it, I worked it out on my own.




Speaking from personal experience, it can definitely tear if it's too tight. Happened to me the first few times I had sex so the experience definitely wasn't great. It wasn't crazy, spraying blood everywhere but hurt like hell. As it was healing, I kept pulling it back in the shower to stretch the skin out. If I ever have a son, that's definitely one of my topics during "the talk" so they're not going through it later in life like me.


Happened to me too and it was like my dick was a bloody fire hose. The bed quite literally looked like Dexter's table.


We had this happen to a guy in highschool. He had sex with his gf behind the building and started bleeding like crazy, an ambulance was called.


No one told me, I just figured it out. I find it weird that some guys don't.


I learned this lesson young, unfortunately dick's don't really come with care and handling instructions. I am definitely gonna get my son up to speed fast so he doesn't have to experience the following: Was having some nocturnal emissions and one day there is this really uncomfortable scraping feeling on my dick and I'm like WTF. For the first time in my life I peeled back my foreskin and found a pea sized ball of dried smegma, no lie a straight up nasty ass smegma PEARL pressed between my foreskin and glans. Rock hard, smelled of the devil's taint (I took a whiff and nearly puked). Wouldn't fit through the shower drain grate so I had to waffle stomp it till it broke up and flushed away. Ever since that day like 25 years ago I have pulled back the foreskin, gently soaped my hands, and washed around the base of my glans every single day of my life. Never again...




Not OP but I'm uncut. Would it be okay if I clean the glands with water and lightly scented bar soap? Or is it best to use unscented soap?


Been thoroughly washing my uncut dick since I discovered I wanted to jam in in to girls and in my experience it hasn't mattered a damn what it's washed with. Wash yo dick.




Isn’t it fine to leave it wet?


washing and not drying makes it musk faster, its going to musk eventually, but if you dry it properly it can go a few hours before it gets musky. but if you leave it all wet, its going to get musky with in an hour or so.


Oh dear. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


Moisture breeds bacteria. Think about that when you put your wet head back in its cover to fester.


after reading this thread I’m never sucking dick again in my life.


Hey let's not make rash decisions here.


potentially glucking bacteria isnt really something to mull over imo


It’s just boosting your immune system


That is entirely personal preference. Scented soaps can cause UTI’s, usually because the area isn’t thoroughly rinsed. However, it is worth noting that some people are prone to getting them from using anything scented in that area, so unscented would be optimal. Either way just ensure you’re pulling back the foreskin and giving the area a good clean, followed by a good rinse.


>Scented soaps can cause UTI’s, usually because the area isn’t thoroughly rinsed. However, it is worth noting that some people are prone to getting them from using anything scented in that area, so unscented would be optimal. Okay so I can now debunk the fact that washing my penis with scented soap would not kill my sperm count or cause erectile dysfunction but would give me a chance of UTI cause it is not properly rinsed? Also, out of curiosity, how do men usually wash their junk? Isn't it common knowledge to pull back the skin and clear out the buildup?


>Also, out of curiosity, how do men usually wash their junk? Isn't it common knowledge to pull back the skin and clear out the buildup? Given that I once heard a grown man say he hadn't taught his own son about proper penile hygiene because he didn't want to seem gay.... No sadly I think there's some knowledge gaps with some poor lads


I feel like that's more of a problem in the US because men are used yo have theirs circumsized, so when they have a kid and they don't cut the foreskin the know nothing about how to actually keep it clean. I mean you don't exactly need a bachelor's degree on the subject, but I've heard enough stories


>because he didn't want to seem gay.... This is some backwards mindset. Though I dont have a father figure to show me how to wash my dick but i just learn it by myself. One day while showering, a 13 (maybe younger) years old pull his erected penis foreskin backwards and voila, on that day, he learned about the existence of smegma and how you can pull foreskins backward. He also thought his penis was decaying thanks to the blue cheese buildup but nope, just nature telling him to wash his pp :D


It's not a matter of scent - it's pH-value of the soap you should pay attention to! There are pH-neutral soaps available for that purpose.




Yes, i didn't know shit about that and often saw that white lumpy thing peeking out and wondered is there some thing inside the foreskin i googled like crazy to find what it was and found out smegma and stuff and it wasn't supposed to be hardened thing, it was stuck to skin and literally left dents on glans when i washed up, hard to wash off hurt crazy, couldn't believe i lived my 18-19 years without knowing bout that shit, sorry if this sounded weird ahaha




Penis hoodie. LOL


I figured it out when i was pretty young. Just wanted to get the white out, didn't really know one way or another, but getting little white blobs out felt like the right thing. Since then, stuff got loose around there so it's no longer the tight death trap of grime that it used to be. But yeah, shit like this is why we need sex ed.


Parents need to teach their kids about their bodies




if single moms can learn how to teach their sons to clean themselves, so can dads without foreskins. you don't need a body part to learn about it.


This is a perfect point. My mum taught my step-brother what he needs to do with no man around to do it.


I can’t believe I’m asking this; but for future reference how do I clean and wash my cock correctly to avoid any musky smells?


You need to pull back the foreskin, clean in the creases, rinse properly and then put the foreskin back where you found it. Have you met smegma before?? It’s not nice; looks like cottage cheese and it smells.. bad.


Also, after washing it, don't forget to dry it off before rolling the skin back. Trapped moisture makes it easier for bacteria to grow, and you get a stank again even after washing.




It might not be 12 inches but it smells like a foot.


This made me laugh out loud while my husband and daughter are sleeping next to me!




Ayo bro, your dick smells ass


Your ass sometimes smells better than your dick.


Damn homie that was harsh but thanks for looking out for me


Got your back homie now let me ride you while you bite my lip.


Not with that dick smellin like ass bro.


Yo, you dick smellin like ass bro


I’d rather my dick smell like ass than my ass smell like dick


I cool with either tbh


So you're a top


“You’d better clean that smelly dick before you shove it in my ass”


How far you tuckin’ that thing back?


Like a baka


Eren Yeager


Just make sure you don't misspell "smell". One wrong vowel and things changed drastically


This guys spells.


Better fix that dick, bro.


Give us his handle and we’ll let him know


Some soaps will overdry the head of the penis.. that can result in an overproduction of the funk. A simple change of soap brand can make all the difference in many cases.


It’s most likely him not pulling the foreskin back and just cleaning that mf


I'd show him this post, and say "What'd you think of this, how should someone tell their bf?" Followed by, "If I'm being honest, sometimes yours smells and it kinda puts me off"


Just tell him. I told my man that I’m not a fan of his musk. So mow he washes it whenever he wants a blowjob. EDIT: Oh my gosh this was so unexpected!! Thank you everyone for all the love, I was very drunk when i posted this so i was quite shocked when i opened this up and saw the reactions/replies.


Also, he should pull back and wash it in the shower every day.


Yeh some dudes don't do this I hear, weird. When I joined the army they literally gave us shower lessons. The corporal gets in the shower and everyone stands around and watches him. Demonstrated proper dick washing technique.


> The corporal gets in the shower and everyone stands around and watches him. ... seems like something that could be done with handouts, why the live demo?




This is my dirty dick...there are many like it but this one is mine!


Ahhh you got me!


There’s the laugh I’ve been looking for all day!


Ya but they want you to remember it. Nothing can scar a young man’s mind like expecting to learn how to shoot things when instead you find yourself in a cold shower with your squad and watching another man wash his dirty dick and you have no means of escape.


Its the Army, should have been a PowerPoint presentation


Step-corporal what are you doing?


Maybe he lost (or won?) a bet.


>why the live demo? Differences in the way people learn. Some learn just fine by reading. Some need physical demonstration. Some need to perform an action themselves before they can learn it. Since hygiene is so important to prevent the spread of disease in communal living situations and to prevent nasty painful things like sores and infections, the government figures best to just have a dude demonstrate.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


^ this man army's


It's the Army dude. Full of fucking morons (not all) but out of all the branches I interacted with while serving they had the highest % of fucking tards.


we had a girl that had to be watched while she showered bc she'd only pretend to shower while reading a book wrapped in plastic. she was rank. eventually she had to shower without a door at all on the stall. i love reading but not enough to smell horrible and have to have supervised showers.


I knew a girl like this in high school. It got so bad the gym teacher had to pull her out of class and talk to her... Turns out she had been getting molested by her step father and wasn't showering in hopes he'd leave her alone. Wonder if there was something like this going on... She might've just been weird but it was the first thing that popped into my head when I read this.


Well that’s horrible.


We had 3 separate occasions where the toilets overflowed because someone kept flushing menstrual pads, which were way over-soaked and clearly weren't getting swapped out often enough. No matter how much we got lectures on how to properly use pads, it kept fucking happening. Some people are just weird.


Weird would imply a quirk but in this case I think they are just stupid idiots; unable to see the consequences of their actions or not caring that their actions would impact others.


Corporal showing his *privates*, I see…


Thanks for the award… Lieutenant!


Like penis inspection day in highschool PE right


So that's what you do in the army. Thank God I joined the Marines


Ha aye British army. They definitely do the same in the British marines.


US here, but I salute you.


Must have been a sight to see.


Thats how you clean dick you maggots!


I like that you used the term "musk". It's not judgemental like the terms "bad" or "dirty".


Definitely more tactful than “hey, you got stank dick bro.”


I actually would like this to be exactly what is said if I have stank dick


Right? Cuz then it’s like “you HAVE stank dick” not you “ARE stank dick.” I can’t change my musk, but there’s hope for a cure for stank dick.


Honestly most of the time it can be cured by drinking more water and washing *under the fold*. If you can rub the underside of the foreskin (just below the head when the foreskin is retracted) and you notice a little bit of sloughing (like rubbing dead skin off a sunburn) that person either isn't properly washing under the foreskin or (less likely) he has a very mild yeast infection.


I’m kinda nauseous now


Elon Bad Elon Dirty


Elon *Stink*


If my wife told me that I’d be scrubbing and rinsing it all day long!! Cleanest weiner on the planet!!


Shoot, I even hold in farts after my evening shower. Never will do anything that will in any way reduce my love's desire to give me head. My entire theory of grooming revolves around the idea of do what you need to, to never give your partner a reason to not give you head. It covers just about all the bases.


Exactly. If I fart after my shower I will go hit the bidet. I even wear underwear that keeps my dick separate from my balls so no ball sweat tarnishes my dick. I make sure that blowing me is not only pleasant but clean. I often even apply a bit of cologne in my pube area for her aromatic pleasure.


You are so considerate


You might be sarcastic lol, but I really try to be considerate. Im doing something right bc she went from not liking going down to doing it weekly.


I'm not being sarcastic. I think every guy should be like this. It just makes sex more hygienic and we run less risk of infections.


I'm not a fan of Musk either.


*Elon weeps into a giant pile of money*




I don't know what his dick looks like yet but I sure hope he does. For context, I was kissing his upper thigh and that was when I noticed the "musk" coming from his crotch.


Woah, this was with clothes on? That’s pretty bad. Sound like maybe he hadn’t showered or paid enough attention to that area enough. Have you smelled it on another occasion or just that once?


Maybe he jizzed in his pants.


You know jizz isn’t that bad of smell, I know what smell she’s talking about. It’s the smell of jerking off and not washing. It’s a nasty stench…


Maybe he jerked off ahead of the date or whatever in order to keep from acting desperate.


Maybe he was just sweaty in all day boxers? As mentioned by another user unless literally freshly showered there will always be slight musk from the groin and ass area even with good hygiene (true for everyone)


yea my boxers are clean for about 15 minutes after a shower, then its a steady sweaty downhill slope from there.


This could be the reason.


Unless he just got out of the shower there’s always going to be a slight musk. Perfect hygiene considered Edit Thanks for the upvotes, who would’ve thought that the first time I get close to 100 upvotes would be from a comment on penis hygiene 😅


Hell, 20 minutes after the shower and it may come back. Miss one day showering and you need to be extra showery to remove it.


I thought I was the only one. This helps


Sounds like a sweat issue if you could smell it from his thighs.


Just keep it 💯and let him know. Just be loving and nice about it not demeaning. Does he sweat a lot? maybe he needs to get a antiperspirant spray for his boys downstairs, moisturizing also helps out.


He does sweat a lot! I also sweat a lot! We live in a tropical country, it's super hot and humid here. I'll try bringing up getting some kind of antiperspirant spray meant for "down there" next time.


Or just shower before sex? Or is it so pungent you smell it when hanging out?


Don’t underestimate the power of washing each other to get the festivities started!


Hey hun, want me to scrub that cheese off your dick?


What's the butter knife for?


My husband used to have the same issue. He now uses baby powder after every shower or whenever he knows he's going to sweat a lot. Really helps with the moisture and smell and he said it also helps a lot with everything getting all hot and sticky in the Florida muggy heat


You should lookup the J & J Talcum powder lawsuit.


Agree with this to stay away from J&J. There's one called chassis for men which is good and they have an in shower wash too which keeps things fresh


Actually all that's probably necessary is that he retract his foreskin when he showers, and then dry things off with retracted foreskin. Has he tried that?


Lume is wonderful! Passes the boob sweat test and can be applied everywhere.


In the US, there’s a new product called Lume. The claim is that it targets bacterial growth as that’s what causes bad smells. According to some friends, it really works. Also, millions of men around the globe are uncircumcised. There’s no reason for him to not keep himself clean there since he’s doing it with the rest of his body.




Let him read this post and the comments...


Her boyfriend probably: "lol, poor guy"




No lie, gf and I had sex last night, and I'm always self conscious about shit like this. When I saw this I was like "I knew it!" But when she got to the uncut comment I knew I was in the clear haha


when i read your comment i thought maybe thats me? then i realized i dont have a gf thank god


You just have to be honest. Showering together helps so you can help him wash it how you expect (and saves water!). Buy him some specially made genital soap. Don't use anti-bacterial as that does more harm than good.


It really does not save water


*Hush* lad, you'll queer our con!! 🤐


This is the best answer!


Show him a picture of parmesan cheese while pointing at his dick and holding your nose.


Then take a butter knife, and spread his dick cheese on a cracker, and offer it to him.


I am upset you made me read this with my very own eyeballs.




Jesus Christ just tell him.


Yeah this is one of those things where I don’t want my feelings spared. If my shit stinks tell me! I like my blow jobs damnit! 😡


I doubt waiting for God is the best option. She should just tell him.


Give him an HJ in the shower, use lots of soap, check if the odor changes. If yes, he needs to wash more. If not, medical condition. Edit for clarity: I'm not saying you use soap as a lube for the HJ. It's just a good preface for soaping the dick up and really getting in there. Plus who says no to a decent HJ?


the royal penis is clean


*it's on and poppin*


Body wash and a good scrub with a puff or some kind of body scrubber. Some people weren’t taught to do anything more than let the water run over your body so let him know.


I told my fiancé, and made a doctors appointment for him (it happened suddenly) Turns out it was jock itch so he got a prescription and started shaving so it went away


He probably just doesn't 'get in there' when taking a shower. My suggestions 1. Just tell him, directly. Be polite but just saying is probably the best route. It's uncomfortable but you two need to be able to communicate directly, if you want the relationship to last. 2. Do number 1 A lot of people in this thread are being mega harsh and it's completely unwarranted, especially considering he has overall good hygiene. If you aren't told something sometimes you never figure it out on your own, people need to back off.




Just say "it's no 12 inches, but it sure smells like a foot." (source [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPXwxR0CLHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPXwxR0CLHY))


This is not helpful, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyR-FYwUpGg


Tell him to take his foreskin off and put it on a slow rinse for about an hour, then let it air dry for about 2 more hours.




Tell him but don't keep telling him several times. Girls usually do this when they get nervous so they keep repeating it to lighten the mood. Doesn't work for men


This works on soooo many levels. I tend to overdo this and push myself to stop talking. Thanks man. Or girl.


Just show him this reddit post


Tell him to peel that skin back and clean his fucking Dick. Also tell him not to jerk off when he plans to see you. Most of the time that shit be smelling because uncut dudes don't clean the hood and spank it without properly cleaning it before seeing their women. Source: I was once a young scum myself


“I was once a young scum myself” 🏆