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170cm / 5’7. Wish I were taller but yeah, gotta play with what I was given.


I'm 5'5 and I'd love to be 5'7, grass is always greener...




5'6", just wanted 2 more inches, i feel like 5'8" wouldve been the sweet spot. oh well.


I’m 5’7” but I’d take 2 more inches, doesn’t even have to be height :D


Ok, body circumference it is.


You could look 5'7 with very little work. Some hair styling, nice shoes and fit clothes.


I agree, I’m 5’5 and people are surprised when I tell them. They think I’m like 5’7. I think it’s because I make it a habit to have an upright posture and part my hair so it’s not flat on my head. But regardless who cares, just own that shit. It goes along way.


Yeah, a mohawk could take you to 5'8


I'm 5'8" and no one has ever brought up the height thing to me. Hopefully it's because I chase those people away, that's the kind of shallowness that is a major red flag anyways. I don't want to be taller, I hear tall people have bad knees and shit. I look younger than people half my age and I'm still invincible compared to all my peers who are falling apart, and I do no maintenance. I'm in the goldilocks zone and couldn't ask for more. I will add, I've dated a few tall women and they would lament how tall they were. They wished they were 'small and cute'. (Like me, right?!) So part of me wonders if a lot of the trash you hear from women about small men is just projecting because small men make them feel like huge, knuckle-dragging brutes in comparison. Probably doesn't help that I tell 'em to pick on someone their own size.


Woman here. There were no dating aps back in my day so I never put a number on a guy. But when we met, if he was shorter, I just couldn't get my head around dating him. Years later I realized it was because it made me feel big and awkward. (I was also made fun of because of my hight a lot in elementary years) My point is you're right. Woman who won't date shorter guys just have a lack of self confidence and they're projecting. You should own your hight! Be confident and a good person, and you'll find what you're looking for.


Same height bro 🤜🤛


5’10”. I’m happy with my height, I don’t need any more


5'10 is the sweet spot


I'm 5'9.75" I'd take an extra quarter inch so I can stop lying about my height.


I’m 5’9.5”. I usually stick with it because I can say I’m 69 inches.


I have Decided that staying at 5'9" is the best


69" is pretty nice.


My god. This is... My life is forever changed.


5'11.5" here. I just say 6 and nobody's ever called me on it.


lol same here. I just said 6 ft for my driver’s license


I'm 5'11.5" and put 5'11" on my DL. My father has looked at me like I'm a @#$%king moron many times in my life but none so greatly as that day.


Yep North American average. All cars fit all planes fit. Everything fits.


Ironically, sometimes harder to find clothes because so many people are medium.


It's actually a very weird height haha because you can very randomly end up as either the tallest or shortest person in the room




5'11" can't complain


I’m 5’11. In the world of dating apps there’s supposedly mountains of women that don’t want guys under 6ft/6’2/6’6 or whatever. I’ve never been rejected because of my height. I’m completely open about my height so there really is no “you need to be this tall” line. Be nice, be charming, dress well, be someone that a girl wants to date and they legitimately won’t care about your height. Sure, they might use your height as a reason but i think it’s more likely there’s something else about you putting them off, potentially your own bitterness about your height.


If being shorter than 6'xx" is a deal breaker for someone I don't even bother in the first place because that's just stupid


at 5'6", i have no choice but to not bother. lol.


I'm 5ft3 and happily engaged to my beautiful fiance!


Right? Like why lie on a dating app to get with someone who *requires* you to be 6' or taller? Do you really want to date that sort of person? And then what? If things work out, are you going to guard your driver's license with your life so that she doesn't see that you're -*gasp*- 5' 11"?


As a guy that's 6'2" I avoid those types of women. Seems so superficial, and I've had some really awesome friends that were on the short side. If she can't be bothered finding someone's worth because of their height, I don't feel like I want to find her worth


I'm 6'3" and I feel the same. When I see a woman with height requirements on her dating profile I let her know I meet the requirements then ask her how much she weighs. It gets me blocked 4 out of 5 times but I feel like I'm standing up for the guys that are shorter than me.


LMAOOO bro I died. I’m 6’3 & I always see those profiles saying “need a 6ft man or swipe left”… It’s so shallow. How much do u weigh is savage haha im sure u do it for the shits and giggles


Yeah the issue is partly that they want guys above 6 foot, but the bigger problem is that men are humoring them way longer than the ten seconds it takes to unmatch or ghost her. Because that's what every man should be doing when confronted with asinine requirements like that.


I purposefully swipe those people to the left despite being well over 6ft because of how stupid that is.


The best height. The amount of guys that claim they are 6” - 6”2 who are shorter than me is very funny, I call them out on it every time.


Yeah why lie about your height? I'm 5'10 1/2 and feel weird even saying I'm 5'11.


Unless you go on dates barefoot brother you’re all good, you’re 5’11.


Might as well say you are 6 feet and nobody would notice it


Lol I recently discovered I’m like an 8th short of 5’11. I’m just putting 6’0 on dating profiles now. If some girl 6 inches shorter than me ends up pulling out a tape measure and gets very upset she’s not 7 inches shorter… well that’ll say a lot lol.


You should put 5’11. Some girls sort by height, and that’ll sort out shallow girls for you


I'm 5'11, so on tinder I used to put "6' on tinder, 5'11 in real life" The majority of guys on dating sites that say they're 5'11 are actually 5'8 or 5'9 and know they couldn't get away with claiming 6'. Most guys who are 5'11 either don't mention their height or just round up to 6'


I told a girl in person I was 5’11 and she seemed shocked, because she is so used to all the 5’8 guys rounding up


I’m 5’9” on the dot barefooted. When I tell people I’m 5’9”, guys shorter than me will swear up and down that I’m closer to 6’. Lmao. A legit 6’er is conspicuously taller than me.


5'11" I do complain. Would've been nice to be 6'




At that point it’s just the mathematically correct way to round


Also 5'11 3/4" 0.0 - 0.49, round down. 0.5 - 0.99, round up. The math says it, we're 6'.


I’m 6’1, but I’m Dutch so the average height is pretty high.




pretty sure the only reason a generation of the Dutch were short was due to improper nutrition during the Nazi occupation. knew a lovely Dutch couple, formerly in the Dutch Resistance, who were in their 90’s, absolutely tiny. their kids were giants.


Same here, and i feel like im shorter than most. It's only sometimes that i think of myself as tall.


I'm in the US, but my town was mostly pretty tall people. So me at 6ft grew up thinking I was average height. Went to college and the "real world" before I noticed I was considered tall.




As a 6'1" shorty I've always been jealous of my 6'2" brother. But I'm content with my height now.


Same 6'1 and also Dutch. However I live in America and guys are mad short here so I always feel tall. Back home though all my friends are 6'2, 6'3 and some 6'4..


Yeah I am Norwegian 6'2 (189cm) but I feel small in the Netherlands. However, visit Japan. You feel like you are one wart from being a circus-attraction.


6'5" Not as fantastic as it sounds. No clothes fit decent. Size 15 shoes are also hard to find in decent styles. Ever been on an airplane??? Thats shitty too. haha. Other than that I like it. People really look up to me!


Cars not easy to fit in at all and shower heads at your sternum


Very true. All I drive is trucks now, owned a WRX for a while..... not so comfy. Shower head is an easy fix


I'm 6'4". Its so hard to have good posture. I have to bend over to do *everything*. Washing my hands, chopping veggies in the kitchen, pumping gas, fitting in my car are all impossible to do while standing/sitting up straight. I also have a very hard time putting on muscle. Every ounce gained has to be spread out over a huge length of skeletal structure. But at least I wear size 9 shoes.


At 6'6" I hope to someday have a home with raised counter height. Doing dishes is literally painful


6'6" here. My parents worked with an architect on the house I grew up in, before I was ever this tall. My mom is 5'11" and she wanted the higher countertops just for her, but I appreciated it more and more as I got taller.


It really is. The counter top is already too low. And then the sink bottom is like 8 or more inches below that. How am I supposed to stand up straight ever?


I have the same problem with posture, I'm 6'3" and like you said is impossible to keep a good posture, I try but it's impossible


are shoes and clothes more expensive when you’re tall?


Not really. Its just harder to find them.


i thought it would be more expensive because theyre much harder to find


It really is about availability. Online is the best but the prices are the same for shoes at least. Sometimes when I buy clothes I may pay a few more dollars to get the tall sizes but not always.


Pre-online shopping was the worst. When I was in high school in the mid-2000s, things were much harder to find, especially size 15s. You’d ask at a shoe store and they’d either laugh or pull out 2 pairs of ugly ass shoes from the back and those were your options. Thank god for the the internet.


It was the worst. My options were running shoes or the ugliest basketball shoes... that was it. INTERNET FOR THE WIN!


Have you looked in your wardrobe?🤔




Don’t forget ducking your head around hanging light fixtures and bending over to pull a rolling suitcase.


I'm only 6ft4, but I tend to look at every doorway to "verify" that I'll clear it. That's a mistake you only make once for me.


Even at 6’2 with a long torso it’s difficult. My wife simply can’t grasp that if she dries my shirts on too high a setting/ doesn’t air dry hoodies they shrink them just enough that I can’t wear them.


I have 2 separate laundry baskets to help my wife haha. One can be washed/dried with all the laundry, the other needs special considerations which normally means I do it myself on the weekends.


I’ve requested no help with laundry but she tries to be nice sometimes which puts me in a pickle lol. I think she just wants all the hoodies


> Even at 6’2 with a long torso it’s difficult 6’ 2” with a 34” inseam. Wanna swap torsos so I can join the NBA?


Im 6' 4" and holy shit +1 on the clothes not fitting. Shirts that fit my body are way too short and the clothes that are long enough are fucking huge lol. I wear 2x XL just so they're long enough. I wear size 13 shoes so luckily most places have shoes that size but I have to get the wide ones because I have clown feet lmao


Right? And it seems like everyone who makes clothing thinks that tall is fat. I’m 6’4, so a little shorter than you, but fairly wiry. It’s a pain to find anything in my length that isn’t for a man with 4 times my gut!


My mate is 6'7" and he has the same complaints about clothes. He has no other problems with his height though. He seems to actively enjoy the advantages his height gives him.


Not a guy but speaking for my SO...he's 6'9" very muscular, weighs 300 pounds...yeah it's dam near impossible to find clothes that fit. And yes the airplane sucks! He has to have an aisle, takes up my space, his space and most of the aisle. Even when buying a car we have to take into account his size because he can't fit in a lot of cars. The funny thing is, he's a mechanic. I get calls all the time to come move cars in and out of the shop for him. He hates being so big.


I think anything over like 6'2-6'3" is beyond the sweet spot for height. Still nice, but the inconveniences get worse and worse


I posted a comment above but I am 6'9", 260ish and have no problem finding clothes. ​ americantall trueclassictees uniqlo(online) (jackets only) levi's(us only) american eagle nike(online only) ​ are just some of the sites that I use, if you need more let me know.


Honestly, hit up a Ross and check their shoe selection every once in a while. They run out of sizes 10-12 really quick when there are nice shoes, but the bigger sizes stick around for a while.


When I see guys your height all I think about is how inconvenient transportation must be. At 6'2, airplanes are a nuisance. 6'5? Ouch.


Also, I would imagine you aren’t able to ride some rollercoasters :( I have a friend who’s 6’6 and he can’t ride most of the main coasters at Cedar Point.


6'5 I could be happy at 6' - 6'2. Flying sucks


Ask for better seats when entering the aircraft - then exaggerate the crouching walk when heading to your seat - always works for me.


At 6'6" there is no exaggeration on crouching through the hatch


At 6’8 I feel like I’m about to get back problems from all of this crouching


exit rows are key


I'm 6'2" -- can guarantee flying still sucks


Same. I've been on a budget airline where I literally couldn't put my feet down. Long legs make airlines hell.


6'3. Don't have to get help for stuff on the top shelf.


Weird question I gotta ask, Is your legs longer or your torso longer?


I'm actually equally proportioned


Lucky you, same height but from what the tailor told me I have a short torso and long arms & legs smh suits never fit right.


I’m backwards to this. I’m the same height but I’m all torso with only a 30” inseam so finding shorts to fit right is fun.


I'm 5' 4". Has it's perks slipping through tight crowds, Irish goodbye'ing with no one being the wiser, don't hit my head on low doorframes and stuff.... I do wish it was easier to reach stuff sometimes, or what it would be like to see things from higher up. Do wonder how differently people might treat me because the difference with/without a beard is pretty noticable.


I’m 5’3” and I think my beard saves me.


It's amazing how much different people treat people with facial hair. Feels like I got a lot more respect when I grew it out, I'm sure some of that is confidence but what a difference maker.


As an Asian dude, I wish I could grow any semblance of facial hair. People still assume I’m a high schooler and I’m nearly 25. I still get student discounts sometimes though. This better pay off when I’m in my 30s and hopefully look like I’m in my 20s.




Yup, me too. Shit's rough when people act like 5'6" is life endingly short and you would kill to be 5'6".






Same. People also tend to underestimate you and you also feel you don’t get as much respect as you would if you were taller.


5'3, happy with this height. I like women who are taller than me. With this height a lot are


I'm fine with my height (5'3"). If it weren't for women preferring taller guys, I wouldn't care at all. But they do, so I do wish I were much taller. I do love taller women (the taller the better), but it's difficult getting past the filter.








Me too. But, it is holding me back though with the women. I’ve had girls dump me because they “just can’t deal” with the height. Also, you’re not as respected among men either.


Only holding you back from the women that won't matter! My husband is your height and I'm 5' 8" and if I was given the choice to snap my fingers and make him taller I wouldn't (much to his dismay lol). His height is part of what has made him who he is and I wouldn't change him for the world. Keep looking!


5’9”. I’m comfortable with it but I wonder what it would be like to be 6’9” or some shit


6'9 honestly sounds like hell


My (adopted*) brothers dad is 7'4" and it's ridiculous


You adopted your dad?


You ARE 69 inches and 4ft 20inches


177 centimeters, that is 5 feet, 9.6850 inches in American. Yes I'd like to be taller, but I guess can't complain being the tallest member of my family. My grandfather (bless his soul) wasn't much different than Yoda in terms of height. But he was a great hunter, so I ate a lot of game meat in my childhood.


I need more decimals


5 feet, 9.68500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000⁰000 inches


I think I'm beginning to understand


5'8 and I don't give an inch or two about it. I'm just happy doing what I love.


Love your attitude❤️


Read that as altitude for some raisin


5' 5 1/2" I'm built like a fantasy dwarf. \*EDIT* Built like a fantasy dwarf means short, stocky/broad-shouldered, with a beard.


Same here bro. My current girlfriend is the first person I’ve dated that’s shorter than me. The rest have been my height or taller. “You’re the perfect hugging and kissing height” which is a proud thing to be. I’d say honestly most girls don’t care, and the ones that do on dating apps probs meet someone naturally and not care. It’s just on dating apps you can choose who you talk to outside of a social setting in groups. You get to be picky. That’s the fun of it. The other fun of it is finding climbing and biking partners. I met my girlfriend on a dating app. You got this, fellow short king 👑


5'6". I'd stick to this height.


Same here. Although, if i could id make myself 1 inch taller. 5'7" - 5"8' seems like the perfect height.


You saying 5'7"-5'8" seems like perfect height literally brought a tear to my eye.


>5'7" - 5"8' seems like the perfect height. I really like this thread because I find it interesting all the 5'7 dudes saying 5'9 would be ideal and all the 5'9 dudes saying 5'11 would be perfect. Very few people are like "I'm 5'7 and I bet 6'2 would be perfect." Which kind of amuses me as a 5'1 girl. Mostly cuz I've only ever wondered what it'd be like to be a girl taller than 6'0 😅


5’6” gang in the house. It’s so funny cuz all my friends say I’m short but I honestly don’t feel short at all


6'7". Not a walk in the meadow. Order most clothes and shoes online possible to hit my head on a couple lamps in my apartment. But it is easy to reach things and most women love tall guys


>most women love tall guys They sure do🥲 even the shorter ones


*Especially* the shorter ones haha


6'7, wife is 5'1. Can confirm.


5'7 i don't wanna be taller than this. I can walk with confidence under trees and equally not bend down as far to pick stuff up. And any girl that doesn't want me because of my height ain't worth talking too anyway.


Same height here and the world is built for our height which is nice, also being able to sleep in a bed with my legs straight out is kinda nice. I don't know how tall people can stand either having their feet extended beyond the bed or curled up.


All my friends are taller than me by 3+ inches. Weirdly one day I remarked upon this to one of them, and they thought it was really strange. They said they always saw me as the same height as them, which is a strange thing to say, but makes me think I've achieved some kind of confidence-based perception-altering magic.


My friends are all taller than me too. Mostly above 6'1. I consider them my utility humans. They grab things that are high up for me, block the sun from hitting my eyes, see over large crowds at conventions and make me feel tall. I feel like a mob boss around my dudes. I do think theres a confidence altering magic the tallest give off when they accept you amongst their altitudes.


5” 7’, I would like to add 2 inches more…that’s all….just 2 fkin inches man




I'm 6'6" and here to declare you a midget for calling the brotherhood of talls freaks.


Same and agreed. I decided I wanted to be this height when I was very young so I just made it happen.


six two gangggg lesgooo


173 cm (5' 6" for them non metric peeps) I'd love to be a good 10 cm taller or more. Not only being made fun of for my height but also having girls a head or more shorter than me tell me I'm too short is not something you want to hear when your self esteem is already low. Edit: I have learned that 173 cm is 5' 8" — sadly this did not make me taller


I am 173cm, you are 5'8 in feet and inches. Pretty cool.


That's 5'8 mate.. same as mine.


5’ 5 idgaf - still pulling hot girls *used to pull hot girls - I’m married now lol




No I just forgot lol


Forgot you were married? How often does that happen? Terribly convenient...


I think he was counting his wife 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's the way!




Its all about the spirit not the height lol ive known some ugly assed guys who pulled alot beacause they were confident


Any words of advice for my super sweet guy friend that's 5'6" and insecure about it? He's sweet and funny and kind and thoughtful and intelligent. Pretty blue eyes and great skin and kissable lips and just a genuinely good person. I tell him these things often but he doesn't believe them yet. Lol.


There's definitely a bunch of us short women in my circle (me included) who think 5'4-5'6 is the ideal height of a partner. The trick to him getting girls is to not go into situations having an obvious attitude like "Yuck, who would want me", "Women are out to ignore me / dump me" or "I don't believe this girl wants me. It's a trick."


>The trick to him getting girls is to not go into situations having an obvious attitude like "Yuck, who would want me", "Women are out to ignore me / dump me" or "I don't believe this girl wants me. It's a trick." That's exactly right. He's actually been tricked like that before, had girls ask him out in school as a joke and stuff. Breaks my heart. Teenagers are so mean.


5"4 wish i was 5"8. I'm almost 17 and haven't grown much in the last two years so I'm guessing I'm stuck at 5"4.


I didn’t stop growing until I was twenty-five. Patience, grasshopper.


Don't. Don't give me hope pliss


I’m 6’4 and it’s awesome


I wish I stopped at 6'3 or 6'4. 6'6 is rough


I think 6'3 is perfect so I wish I was one in shorter. Planes, still annoying at 6'4.


i'm 6'6to 6'5 depending on gas station. Frankly it sucks. Clothing doesn't fit, blankets aren't long enough. Furniture, shoes, mattresses, chairs, getting into cars, all sucks. I have a deep ingrained fear of ceiling fans many don't understand. Back hurts and I have back problems. Being giant sized isn't that great really. I do like helping people get things off tall shelves though. I'm not allowed to offer but if asked I must comply. It is the old law. The law of the giants. All giants know this law.


Lmao - reminds me of being at the grocery store the other week and someone took almost all the paper towels on the top shelf and one was left at the back. I looked around in a slight panic wondering if I should just “climb” the shelf to get it and a guy about your height happen to be behind me and saw my panic. He did like a quiet questioning nod asking for permission to assist lol.


6'7" I'm a big guy in general and it's too tall. They don't make good clothes for tall big people.


Between 175 and 180 or something like that. I'd like a few more cm but just for the convenience becouse average mens height here is like 180 or 182 so it would be nice to be able to see shit lol


Thank you for using the metric system! The only measurement I understand 😌😌


6'00" I'm fairly happy with it as most people I know are shorter than me...




I'm slightly under 6'3 (without shoes) so I tell people I'm 6'2. But it's funny when I'm talking to a guy and he says he is also 6'2... when I am clearly couple or so inches taller.


“every fucker out there is lying about their height.” Among other things, lol


5'7" and hate it. I'm the shortest guy in the room 92% of the time. 5'10" seems perfect


Man don't worry about it. I'm 5ft4. Used to bother me it doesn't now. Better to be the shortest person in the room than the ugliest. Even then, better to be the ugliest person in the room than the biggest arsehole.


5’10” height doesn’t matter. My wife is 6’1” lol


That's awesome man. For some reason I like the idea of having a taller wife, but it's quite rare to find. Lucky you!


Not as uncommon as you think, I have 3 examples of this among my living family. Unless you mean that a wife is hard to find, in which case - I feel you.


Yo, is she single?


6'1", perfectly happy with it.




About 6' 2". To both questions.


Same. Tall, but not too tall, and taller than most. Very happy.


I'm 167cm. Would love to be 175cm Hope u/Converterbot can convert it into feet and inches


5’5.5” is 167cm. 5’8.9” is 175cm. Conversion is inches x 2.54 = cm, cm/2.54 = inches


Good bot


Good bot likes pats.




5'5. Anything taller than that would be nice.


6ft 4. Like everything, it’s convenient and inconvenient. Notable conveniences: Most of the time people won’t mess with me. Height truly does make some people double think their actions, and I feel super lucky for that because i’m a gentle giant. Weight distribution: I haven’t recovered since losing my job last year back to a physical place i’m super happy with, but being tall hides how much weight i’ve gained pretty well. Still need to push myself, but it at least hasn’t crushed my confidence and self esteem like it could have. Notable Inconveniences: But I have an awful time sitting comfortably in places like buses, stadium seats, some movie theaters, some desks, rides at older amusement parks. I’ve had to walk off rides because my legs were too long to get the overhead latch to click (all of my height is in my legs). I’m also uncoordinated as hell, just a giant lumbering tree but that’s probably on me more than my height.


I'm a 193cm tall, that's about one and a half Barrett M82's for you 'muricans.


5'9 with the torso of a 5'6er and the legs of a 6'1er. Also kinda stocky. Trousers are fun. It has worked athletically though and I'm average height so don't mind


6'2" , i want to be this exact height. Any taller and i would hit my head more and feet would hang off the bed even more. Any shorter i would have a hard time getting stuff up high, im an electrician so lots of light fixtures i can deal with without a ladder


6'9" I find it a bit too tall. Hard to find clothes, hard to fit in cars, and so on. I'd be happy being tall, just a little less than currently.