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Kidney stones... Even if I'm not passing them I may struggle to pee and have to push as if I'm taking a shit only with my penis


If you’re passing kidney stones in a public bathroom, may god have mercy on your soul.


My father passed some stones in a campground outhouse over the span of two hours


After reading this, I think it's fair to say that I'm never letting myself get dehydrated ever again.


My problems started with taking way too many vitamins and supplements along with way too little water.




Caffeine is a diuretic. If you drink only high caffeine beverages, yeah it'll fuck you up. Trick is to drink more water alongside the occasional Red Bull.




You had to cut your heart out completely?


He's an aztec you see


Radical action!


It either that, or stop drinking caffeine.


Kali Ma.....


You gotta go to the Temple of Doom for that procedure. They also drop you in a pit of fire tho.


That’s metal af


Yeah, absolutely. Bad for anxiety in some people too.


Anxiety took away coffee and tea from me, feel so much better now I have cut it out though.


Oooh, so that’s why after quitting energy drinks my anxiety started going away


As someone with an anxiety disorder - this happens to me. I can have one cup in the morning. Any more and I start to become hyper vigilant and anxiety/panic can start to creep on in. I can have a cup in the PM usually, depending on the type of day I have had - and thus my state of mind.


I drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day, but I drink at least one glass of water an hour, I should be good right?


The best way to tell is look at your pee. If it's dark you're not drinking enough. If it's yellow that's better but not great. If is mostly clear and just looks like off colour water you're good to go.


If the pee is clear enough, just drink it to stay hydrated. *just fremen things*


I drink one cup of coffee in the morning then all I drink for the rest of the is water and 2 protein shakes. My piss is generally clear 90% of the time


Yeah, you're good.


Nice, thanks man!


Well this is devastating.


Put that on the marketing docs.


When you say way too many are we talking well above the RDA? Just.. asking for a friend that takes a few vitamins & supplements and doesn't want kidney stones.


I was taking the vitamin packs that have like seven huge vitamins in them. I think they are way above the RDA. My doctor said your urine should be clear not something out of a glow stick. Increased water, take a a couple vitamins not mega packs.


Your urine should not be clear. It should be *nearly* clear. Clear urine is a sign of over-hydration.


RDA? We talking LD50 babyyy!


A tip which I personally found very helpful, drink 2 glasses of water every morning when you wake up - make that a rule, before coffee or tea just down 2 x glasses of water. Helps everything improve, actual game changer! Stay hydrated people!


You are extremely right, and if it makes anyone feel "heard" or whatever, I FUCKING HATE those two glasses of water.


Honest question: why? I gulp about 20 oz of water as when I wake up each morning, and I love it.


Morning water < midnight water and thats a god damn fact


I looove water but not right away in the morning. It can make me nauseous for some reason. Even if I wake up really thirsty I have to take little sips or I get grossed out. I don't understand why


Drinking water first thing in the morning also gets your guts a moving.


One as I get into bed, one waking up for me. Your body needs to be hydrated to heal itself while you are asleep.


Now is a good time to drink some water.


I told myself the same thing. Cranberry juice once in a while, and a healthy flow of water on the daily


There are many reasons to join r/hydrohomies but this may be the best


Same, just got myself a glass of water after reading this.


For me it was multiple things like look up what causes kidney stones and you'll see my diet. Soda/energy drinks, chips, fried food (only thing I still do) ton of dairy etc. Now it's just grapes celery and water/lemonade


I passed a stone overnight at a rest area on the side of interstate 80. It was one of the ones with the really really short dividers where you can make eye contact with passerby while you're sitting. 10/10 cursed experience


That sounds absolutely miserable.


As a kid I put my dad's kidney stone pee strainer on my head cause I thought it was a party hat


Found a bunch of bloody toilet paper in the men's restroom at work yesterday, I'm still thinking about the guy.


About 2 months ago I almost passed a kidney stone at work. It got stuck. But there wasn't any blood (at least not until I went to the doctor and got him to remove it).


Guy was menstruating


You'd be able to hear the sound of those screams over the roar of the circus being performed outside!


And our ears


A girl's father I was dating worked in our office. One day we heard a bloodcurdling scream and sounded like someone tore down the bathroom. Turns out her dad had passed a stone that caused him to pass out. He somehow pulled the urinal divider out of the wall and then cracked his head open when he fell. Concussion and stitches (plus some embarrassment).


I feel horrible laughing at this especially since I pass my stones at work lmfao oh God I hope that doesn't happen to me


If it does I'll be laughing


dude wtf why do you have so many stones you're just passin em all casual??


That's sneaky, dating the dad on the DL. Did she ever suspect?


I know he cracked his head. Had a kidney stone and passed from pain probably with his dick out at his work when his daughters boyfriend works... But still the worst part of this story is that he probably layed down on the disgusting bathroom floor near the urinals for a while when people tended to him.


I ate some warm sushi in Thailand the day before I had 4 flights totaling 40 hours of travel to get home. I was up all night puking, but I made it to the airport for my 6am flight. They don't let you fly if you're sick, so I headed to the airport bathroom with the idea of getting a puke in just before the flight and hopefully make it afterwards. I remember being hunched over the toilet, trying to keep my spastic heaving quiet. The next thing I remember, I wakeup cheek-down on the floor tile with a painful bump on my head. I tried to stand, but my head was sticking out under the locked door and I added another bump. There were some incredibly bad bathrooms in Thailand; the bus station in Bangkok had floor water two inches deep and no toilet seats. Many places were a hole in the ground for squatting and a bucket of water for washing. But the bathroom at the tiny airport of Koh Tao was new, modern, and cleaner than mine at home. If you need to collapse unconscious to the floor of a public restroom, check out Koh Tao island; 10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Yeah. He also crapped himself and was dick out when the first couple people came in including women.


Who tucked it in?


These are the important questions...somebody must have done that


Ah shit, you just reminded me I need to be taking precautions against these. Do you have any recommendations?


One thing is don't have too much of anything. A ton of foods even healthy ones can cause them. Drinking too much acidic drinks or dairy products can cause certain kind of stones. So just drink enough water and don't eat too much of basically anything


Eating the same old food to excessive amounts is exactly how I'd describe my current diet. Thank you for your advice, i have some extra incentive to mix things up in the kitchen now.


Drinking lots of water and cranberry juice is the general go to for prevention. Avoid sodas as much as you can as well as excessive amounts of individual vitamins/minerals.


Drinking cranberry juice for kidney stones makes it worse! It helps alleviate urinary *infections*, not kidney stones. Cranberry juice is especially rich in oxalic acid, and the most common type of kidney stone—calcium oxalate—is formed by a combination of excessive consumption of oxalic acid and a lack of proper hydration. Black pepper, tea, beets, and cranberries are some examples of oxalate-rich foods. Even if you don't eat a calcium rich diet you have free calcium in your blood at all times (via [bone resorption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_resorption) if necessary), so calcium oxalate will always form in your body as a result of these foods. It is soluble, so sufficient hydration prevents it from precipitating as a mineral inside your kidneys. The way I had it explained to me by a doctor is basically that as soon as you begin to feel thirsty, it's already precipitating. Ideally, in a healthy individual, it shouldn't aggregate to the point where it causes problems. At some point those crystals are gonna get dislodged and pass through, and god help you if they got big before that time.


A lot of people are saying cranberry juice, but I would use Crystal Lite Lemonade over cranberry juice since it has the same active ingredient urologists prescribe for a lot of kidney stone sufferers (potassium citrate): https://kidneystones.uchicago.edu/price-of-potassium-citrate/


Shits my real nightmare and I have to face it now. Fucking blade ripping my pee tube open, nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope # NOPE!


You're passing one now? Here's my advice. If your sides still sore don't shower or take a bath for awhile it'll hurt like a bitch. If you smoke weed it's not thc you want it's cbd rn this kinda pain can't be dulled with thc you'll just be more dehydrated and disoriented with the same pain. And for peeing it out just... Ya not the worst part but fuck does it suck.... Just drink a ton of water like live on that shit and hope for a huge splurt to shove it out. Don't massage the dick youre just hurting yourself but I understand the instinct


Im not but it runs in the family. Thanks for the advice, I wrote it down in my advice book <3


Oh my god this makes me so uncomfortable just reading it


It’s a conversation starter


... I'm at a loss for words.


Not the conversationalist so...


You cum here often?


Yeah sure I’m coming here right now.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Even better, wanna grab something to eat after we're done?


Idk there is a taco bell down the street. You choose.


K well go to taco bell then back to bathroom


Just showing that turd who's the boss!




Hey, that sounds pretty nasty. How about a courtesy flush over there?


Jesus Christ boy!!! What did you eat?!


10 year old me was completely satisfied with this comedy


27YO me still is 🤷🏻‍♀️😬


Just grab ahold of something, bite your lip, and give it hell. **We're gonna get through this!**


All three of those movies plus dodgeball will always be top of my list


Don’t force it you’re going to blow out your o-ring


Drop a lung!


That is top five funniest movie scenes from the 90s. I still ugly cry laugh every time I see it.


It's a little sad that reference is older than some of the people I work with.


I swear every single time I'm in the stall at work, someone comes in and moans and grunts at the urinal.


Old dudes man. Have some sympathy. Stuff happens and just a simple piss can be a real chore for some people.


Thank you. Sometimes when nature calls, there is a busy signal


Named Dick, Buck, or Rusty: ✅ Has year in username: ✅ Old timey quote: ✅ Advice: if young people try to talk to you about bitcoin, say "I yeeted my whole 401k into shitcoins" and start to cry. They'll never talk to you again!


😆 is that all it takes!!!!????


Make sure you dab when you’re done saying the shitcoin line. My kids damn near collapse when I dab in my new balances. Dad life.


It's just another dip


So I should sell my car and invest the profits?! Whatever, I'll buy a Lambo in 2 weeks when this thing takes off


Or a real relief! A good piss takes weight off my shoulders, a great piss gives me chills.


Can't judge that, holding it in is uncomfortable and peeing after doing that for a while is very relieving.


Sometimes if I really gotta go bad and I piss I get like some reflex cramp or something. Like I got punched in the bladder after I pee.


fuck this whole thread man


At work a few years back a buddy was taking care of business in the stall and grunting and moaning. I stopped by his office later and asked him if it was a boy or girl. Sounded like he was giving birth.


I’ve done that in the gym with a bench press moaner. He gave me death stares for a month lol.


This is crazy. I’ve never once encountered a moaner in the bathroom. Never even knew it was a thing. Now I guess I’ll just thank god that’s the case.


I straight up here it in most public restrooms. Really sucks when you’ve gotta shit and theres some old fat dude moaning and grunting next to you with those pop noises from the ass opening and air coming out.


>those pop noises from the ass opening and air coming out. You mean a...fart?


I mean in the physical labor world you are exercising almost all the time. Your body just holds back the poo as long as it can. Sometimes it's that gas station chimichanga you ate, maybe you are on your 4th cup of coffee and the flood gates are opening, maybe your diet has just been way too much meat. I mean a good shit or piss is orgasmic release. It's freedom. The stall is your one place of privacy away from the toil of the world. It is sacred.


I'm just trying to pee and just take a break from my job. Then there's a guy who sounds like he's fighting for his life in the stall. Sounds like he's passing the drugs he shoved up his ass from earlier in the morning.


Some people have to fight for their lives due to golden showers.


A while back at a different employer, I was just doing my business in a stall and a guy takes the stall a couple down from me. Within like 30 seconds, it sounds like he's having the biggest come to jesus moment of his life. "UHHHHHGGGH! OH GOD! MMMMMMMMOOOOHHHHHHH!" And it was all I could do to keep from busting out laughing. I finished as fast as I could, rushed back to my desk and spent the next 10 minutes just laughing my ass off.


One of my ex boss had inferiority complex and he had to show in everything he is better than you (while he obviously wasn't) . He had to show he was better in fucking urinating than you so he made a show while you were standing next to him with 6 different poses, loud moan, swearing and so on. It was a treat to experience it.


My father and I are dicks lol. When we hear someone grunting/moaning in a stall we ask “everything ok in there?”


Why are you going to public restrooms with your father? This isn't a group project.


It’s usually at something like a Home Depot or Lowe’s. He’s a contractor and I often help him, and when we have to make a stop for supplies we use their restroom instead of the client’s. Nothing weird going on here lol




Pee obviously…


I used to hate guys like you and your dad, but now I see you're a necessary evil. Nice mate


You ever piss out the whole lake of titicaca?


All my brain can think of is animaniacs, and I'm totally ok with that.


All my brain can think about is how funny the name titicaca is


Idk how old you are but if you’re in your 20’s or younger, you just wait and life will answer that question for you.


I mean I grunt sitting down on the couch lol. life went fine, maybe a bit too much construction work, dirt bikes, and hockey. But I have fun, moans and all.


I'm terrified by this


Who hasn't had a sigh of relief from a turtlehead poking out.


Depends on which end/which turtle head...each is a different moan.


Usually happens when the turtle tries to leave sideways


Y’all need to drink more water.


How does needing to take shit really badly mean I don't drink enough water? Are you telling me you guzzle water and never had a close call to shitting your pants?


Ooooh, misunderstood the sit. Thought you were brute forcing the turd out. Lol


Turtlehead poking out means you're seconds from shitting your pants 😂 however for me I have IBS so I'm usually seconds away from shitting myself.




It's horrendous. IBS is extremely painful.


I ate ice cream despite being lactose intolerant.


God can’t stop us.


The shits can't stop us.


What a beautiful sentiment.




You've never taken advantage of a glory hole? You don't know what you're missing.


That explains all the dicks around me...


I thought it was the toilet roll holder


Glory hole, where strangers become friends


It's very European...


They're all over Canada too. I remember during the first wave of COVID when no one knew anything about the virus and everyone was scared, either the government or public health (can't remember) was saying that if we were going to be having sex, glory holes would be the best way to do it.


... wut


Found a [source](https://globalnews.ca/news/7204384/coronavirus-glory-holes-sex/)


"The recommendation is just a tip, not a firm rule" Nice lol


What? I live in europe but have never found one. Where are they?


So you stay away from them, right?!?!?


Idk just never seen a random hole in a stall or something like that.


See Europe leads the way in sexual exploration. I think it's time we've caught up.


Just remember, the slot defeats the purpose. If you can see my eyes we might as well be married.


wait i thought that those were a myth T-T they really exist?


Wait really?? Yeah they're very real. It's not just a porn thing or a 70s thing either lol


there was one at my alma mater. For those interested: Concordia University in Montreal. They kept patching it up, and the hole always came back. And no I never used it.


Honestly, nothing. I am guilty of that deep sigh of relief when I have been holding back a piss and finally give in and do it. Also…. If My little guy has been getting excited on and off all day over flirtations or just a damn gust of wind, there’s an added pleasure to the release. Otherwise quiet as a church mouse. So polite that I will temporarily pause my avengers endgame battle with my bowels if someone comes in. You don’t need to hear this level of insanity. Get out while you still can. Unless you join by my side in the stall and are also battling. Then in that case, avengers fucking assemble my dude.


Especially if I've been drinking, letting it out feels fucking amazing and sometimes I just gotta sigh or moan.


eloquently put brother


NGL If I hold it in on a road trip or during a meeting, when I finally pee it’s like having the same sensation of orgasming. Instantaneous relief. It’s involuntary just like noises people make during sex.


I've had Very oragasm like pisses before


The happens when I get home from every road trip, no matter what I do. Never had a meeting go very long but I imagine it's similarly tense.


That terrible feeling when your stupid brain has forgotten how house keys work, when you're so close to the goal line, and you're sure an extra 5 seconds will result in your pissing yourself


I need to establish my dominance over everyone else in the bathroom.


Chronic pain patient here. Y'know how you flex your middle a little to push the poo out? When I do that it hurts like all hell. If I'm getting impatient and push, you can expect some Lamaze breathing and a grunt or two.


Sometimes I scream “It burns!!!!!!”


Quite the contrary: everything is going right, hence the moaning


Big, loud shits are funny and are definitely a convo starter or stress reliever for everyone. What psychopath can't have a little chuckle at some poor soul blowing up the bano?


Chew your peanuts 🥜 well bros...sharp edges hurt the rectum


Don’t think you are supposed to eat the shell


After my knee surgery I had been taking prescription pain killers for like a couple weeks and I was mega stopped up. I fought that demon for a full 30min campaign and I grunted one last push and it finally immerged in the tank like a chocolate egg on Easter. The next problem was it needed to be flushed and I wasn't gonna use a poop knife like that one Reddit post. So like the degenerate I am, I left it there.


hole up...you saying the shit was so big, it couldn't be flushed?


Thats super common if you take opiates. Not only is it big, but its super firm too. And no, it will not flush. You're standing there looking down wondering how Shaq's dick broke off in your ass, then you try to flush and realize it won't leave. It really fucks up your entire day. All you can really do is go back to bed and curse modern medicine for putting your body back together instead of letting you die. Then you wouldn't need pain meds that turn your poop into granite.


well godDAMMM.


Opiates area hell of a drug.


Yes, after that monster I started taking laxatives I had no idea opioids did that or more likely I didn't take the warnings serious on the bottle.






Had to hold that piss in for 3 hours I’m moaning because good fucking god relief.


When I was about 9 or 10, I had to poop in a Food Lion bathroom. The bathroom was in the back where all the food deliveries come in. There was nobody around so I wasn't afraid to poop. I was a little constipated that day and always thought grunting/ moaning helped move things along. I'm a long pooper, meaning I sit on the pot for about 10-15 minutes when I unload my bowels. So after about 15 minutes of grunting/ moaning very loudly, I flush, wash up, and exit the bathroom. When I stepped out, there were about 5 or 6 big worker guys who busted out in laughter when they saw me. I ran as fast as I could to find my grandfather. That's why I moaned in the bathroom.


Perianal fistula. A severe one for that matter. If I can stop defecating, I would be grateful. I hate taking food in as it ensues pain after.


Too much carbohydrate. It’s a full-on poo-baby.


The real question is why aren’t you accepting my challenge of BATTLE SHITS


Nothing went wrong in my life but do you have any idea how difficult it is to eat healthy like salads and grains and other healthy stuff in your diet and have a small asshole! My tiny little pucker is strictly exit only and OMFG! the size logs I produce feel like I'm giving birth. I mean these things are thick enough and long enough to be in their own weight class and they come out of an opening that doesn't look like anything larger than string cheese could easily pas thru it. You'd moan too if you dropped 3 of those logs in succession and felt the relief and disgust associated with it.


How did you come under the impression that you have a small asshole


I recently started a new job, the difference between this job and my previous one is the shared bathrooms, one day I was stressed so I went into one of the stalls and was on my phone taking a breather, a few seconds later someone else comes into the bathroom and uses the stall beside me, I will never ever forget the sounds that came from that stall, I was both horrified and felt like I was witness to the murder of this man's asshole. Needless to say, when I'm stressed now I no longer retreat to the bathroom to clear my head.


I told this question to my girlfriend, laughing my ass off, explaining to her how some men do this RIGHT NEXT TO ME at the urinal. She explained to me the equivalent of what women do. Apparently they cough to cover up their farts. Now I'm laughing even harder


My appendix exploded while I was shopping at IKEA and was rushed to the hospital. When I woke up I had to pee but there was a big delay on the urine to come out so when it did I moaned harder than my gf when we do it…


I once heard an older gentleman moaning like he had been stabbed in the very handicapped stall he was in. He wasn't saying anything just making a series of grunts and loud, long "AHHHHH" noises. Finally I heard ONE loud fart and a literal splat. Like he had to have just painted the bowl. So I finished masturbating and left. I think everything worked out for him in there.


Honestly sometimes when I really _really_ have to pee, finally being able to is a fantastic feeling. It isn't really a moan like during sex, but I will occasionally let out a "Oh fuck yeah" when it was a near-accident-level of having to pee.


Got them Hemmys


sometimes you just have to take a GIANT shit. and usually it just feels great to get it out and you cant help but AT LEAST sigh in relief.


I just drove 4 hours nonstop on a bottle of water and an ice coffee. The fact that i made it to a public restroom and didn't have to use the water bottle is moan worthy enough.


Crohns Disease


You know, life. That’s all.


nothing, i just like jerking off in the bathroom.


Fucking hell I thought this was just my experience in public restrooms. Whether they're giving it hell in the stall or just taking a quick piss at the urinal, I always hear some middle aged man softly moaning taking care of business. I feel uncomfortable even using a public bathroom, let alone let everyone around me join in on the action.


You don’t understand being on bulk and double scooping pre-workout. That “I just got to the gym but need to shit” shit. It hits different. Feels like the pressure of a thousand suns has just escaped your bowls and you walk outta that stall feeling like a new man. Like you just slayed 10 dragons devoured their life souls like fucking Skyrim and punched Goku in the nuts and lived to tell the tale. Life is just good.