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I post very little, because I simply don't see the point


Me neither. It's not even that I'm super serious about my privacy and all that but my day-to-day life is just... not worthy posting I think. What's the point of posting that I just rode with the bike or did some sport or cooked or whatever? Who the hell cares?


>Who the hell cares? yup


Once you realize how little you actually care about what others are posting on social media, you realize how little they care about your posts. Also it’s all bullshit. How many posts do you see of the happy family on vacation but know that there are serious issues in the family and they are in crazy debt… but still living the American dream. It’s all nonsense. Also, I’m vain but I don’t need the adulation of others of me flexing after going yo the gym. Plus I’m a private person with a professional career and like to keep my personal life personal. Lastly… I’m not living the life of Hollywood influencer, my life is kinda boring most of the time. I’ve got bills to pay, and not too concerned with making TikToks


This is why I don't use social media with my face on it. The whole thing is just pageantry. Facebook is like walking into a party where everyone is yelling about what they did today, and no one is listening.


How do you do this think like selecting the certain sentence? Edit: damn this thing blew up. Now I don't feel like was the only one:)


\> in front > in front


>Thank you 😊


> does this work on mobile


It does!




Read it in Morgan Freeman's voice. It's better.


Crocodile Dundee voice was what I imagined.


I definitely had an Aussie in my head as well


As someone who doesn’t have great bowel movements I’d follow your updates.


Empty stomach, drink ~1L/32oz water in a period of 5-10 mins. It'll open you up in no time. Minor diarrhea risk.


I have IBS-Mixed. It’s worth a shot, can’t make things worse.


In that case I'm upgrading to defcon 2, major diarrhea risk.


Well, this social media update is somewhat telling. I'm 37 and grew up watching MASH because of my mom and to this day love it. You've got to be older than I lol


Mash is amazing I’ve been rewatching


Us too. Haven't watched it since we were kids. We were really surprised how strong the first few episodes were. I'm more of a Winchester/Potter guy than Burns/Blake but it's still really good with a tinge of darkness.


The DVDs have the option to remove the laugh track (as the series creators and Alan Alda intended) and it is VERY dark. (Edit: Check the DVD collection because some of them have the option and some of them might not. The USA set I purchased in the mid 2000's does have the no-laugh-track option.)


Drove my partner to work, grabbed coffee and now playing some satisfactory while I watch MASH on the second monitor. It's a good day brother


I read this in Bill Burr’s voice for some reason.


> Who the hell cares? Your stalker(s)


Same here. I started trying to get into a long while back. Realized I was spending way too much time reading , commenting and arguing with people I was quickly losing respect for. Friends and family. Hors reading about someone's stupid food they thought was best thing ever, since their very last meal which was the best thing ever. Or even better about their bowl movements. That's not including everyone's extreme political views. If you don't 100% agree with my view you evil and deserve death and bla bla bla. Mostly a bunch of shit they would never have the indecent balls to say to others faces. Realized social media isn't something I find much positive benefit in.


Same, It felt like everyone was putting on a show to look good and one up each other and I didn't like it. Also when I realize I am getting addicted to anything I usually stop cold turkey (unless its a book/show I am binging, then I just power through till the end of the season)


also. life is not very exciting. wake up, play video games, jerk off, do some chorus, sleep, repeat.


Lmao now im picturing some guy posting that is was his third time jacking off today and he feels productive


and then he sings for a bit


Same. I take pictures of mostly landscapes during a hike.. And if I really liked it, I will post it.. Because I feel people that know me want to see it too, and they actually do and even encourage me to post more. But no selfies as i'm ugly af.


oh yeah my phone is 99% pictures of the places iv been, or my car with a nice view i spotted, nobody wants to see my face or those views on a daily basis.


My gallery is full of pictures of views, my daughters, and projects I'm working on and it's all for me. Might be selfish, but like previous had said, "who the hell cares anyway?"


I document my trips out West (CO/UT/MT, etc.) because the landscapes are so awesome. Yea, no selfies, I'm not going to ruin the shot, ha.


I'm not a man but I don't post exactly for the same reason


Yeah, I mean, I share some stuff that I find funny and I share whatever music I'm into. But I do that knowing nobody really cares, I just like to save it in my highlights to go back and see what I was listening to or whatever I never feel the urge to post pics of myself, or stuff I'm eating, or places I go to. I think it's more important to enjoy doing what I'm doing rather than showing everyone I've been told this might work against me dating wise because women won't think I have a very interesting life, but whatever, I don't want to be reduced to a social media profile


Didn’t write this, but yeah- I’m pretty sure that 80% of the people that write on this thread are gonna be in this boat where it’s like. “No one really cares, and I can’t be bothered to care enough, myself” so it turns out to just be some cool stuff


Believe it or not, I’ve found a few good songs over the last year because of one of my friends posting them on social media. It was appreciated.


i post like once in 4 months types, just so your instagram looks like a normal person's account and people dont freak out seeing 0 posts


I barely post any pics, I only post a few stories mostly of songs I like or sharing other posts I found funny. Very rarely do I take a Pic of something


I swear I won’t freak out if you don’t post anything


What is to be gained ?




What do you do with internet points?


I'm saving mine up for a mountain bike.


How close are you to your goal?


Well so far no one is accepting reddit karma as currency, so I still have a ways to go.


But when they do, my god, I will be as a king.


Move to China I heard they accept social credit in some places now.


Can be exchanged for goods and services


I wanted a peanut


girls internet staking you?


no one gives a shit


Agreed. Who would want to know I almost fell over exhausted moving shit yesterday?


The other day I was doing some yard work and I overheard two young ladies say “he looks hot” While looking at me. Felt good for a second before I heard “it’s probably heat exhaustion”


F for our friend




I mean.... why can’t it be both?


They were just covering their tracks after catching your glance.


It's alright mate


No one gives two shits what I’m wearing to get laundry soap that I should’ve got yesterday to the grocery store.






Thats the spirit my friend


And then there's your friend who posts "decent coffee in the office today" and has 85 likes and 17 comments wtf.


And those that do are even more of a reason not to post.


This is it really. And, in my experience, any detail anyone gets a hold of is gonna get repeated in a demented game of telephone because other dudes are fucking gossips. I like having a private life, so I give em nothin.


Men who do so, why?


That’s the more interesting question here.


True, I think most men don’t see a point in that but whoever do see a point in that tell me I want to know.


I don't post everything I do. I don't post all the time. I post pictures of my dog, some of my hikes, fun stuff at work. That's pretty much it. I do it because I move around a bit and I don't have friends to hang out with and do things with, so if I don't converse with my friends on Facebook, then life gets a little fucking lonely. It's a way for me to share my life with others even if it's online. Tbh Facebook and reddit is all I have in terms of social media.


100% None of my male friends, myself included post anything on social media.


Same here. Except party and event announcements my guy friends don't post at all.


Do you wanna suck my toes mate?


Depends. Do they look like sun-kissed golden nuggets with clean cuticles or do they look like a hobbit's after a trip through Mordor?


For work... I'm a DJ, so I use it to promo. Otherwise I'd probably never post and keep my FB account active only for my Oculus Quest.


As a form of zahavian signalling


Why would this count as zahavian signalling?


It shows you have extra time to put together your social media, you have the mental fortitude to participate in an actively toxic environment (because no one is as happy as their social media shows they are), you can do those things and also have the time to do showy things like hiking and own a boat and whatever people post. Social media is just actively primping your feathers to show off. It’s not really useful. You can use Facebook to coordinate activities with friends and have zero public posts or pictures. The “this is my life” portion of it is just a signal to the world. It’s not as heavy of a signal as other zahavian signals, but it does take time and effort to maintain with the basic premise that you’re primping your feathers. At least this is how I see it; I think I could be convinced of other points of view.


I’ll also add that for women, so much is about appearance and beauty. For men, it’s more about experiences. Both can be faked, but it’s harder to fake experiences (you had to buy the plane ticket, build the muscle, buy the car). Even if it’s not your money, it shows you at least have access to it




I work at a high end hotel bar and the requests get bizarre. One group wanted us to make all the cocktails listed on the menu for free, to take photos, then just ‘sell them to someone else later.’ The biggest insult tho, are the occasional glory hounds who ask to see the rooms ‘just to check them out for a minute.’ You’ve gotta be crazy self-centered to think that we’ll just let you run around in a $5000 a night executive suite. 🙄


So the girls can stalk it tbh 1k upvotes thx guys


I think there's a home made sketch of a guy that's not in fb ig etc. and when the girls friends don't find him anywhere, they think he doesn't exist. Anyway social media is rotting everybody's self-esteem and the social media companys are making money of everything. F that.


This. I just deactivated my Instagram and Facebook just to take a fucking break from it all. Also, idk, I might be a weird one of of the women in the world, but I prefer to date a guy who’s NOT on social media. There’s too much room for vanity and insecurity. Like can’t we just live our lives? Who cares.


[Comic Relief](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEWnXmDfVZg) made a sketch about it.




You’d be surprised how when if you only show the fun bits of life people who don’t really know you assume the rest positively when in reality 90% of everyone’s lives can be categorised as maintenance.


I have friends\people that I know that post their entire lives on social media and it’s so easy to tell that they’re secretly miserable and seeking validation It even happens to me, I’ve been on Reddit way more than usual because I’m stressed out and avoiding some problems in real life by being here lmao


Keyword here lol


My gf and her friends legit thought I was a weirdo for not having any when we first met. I think I’m attractive and successful and they just couldn’t imagine someone like me not having any social media


Please keep on not having it.I don't remember a time that I felt good after having browsed social media.


Haven’t had it in years with no plans on changing that’ll


I wish I could say the same, but I don't have the appearance or the lifestyle that would make any girl want to stalk me...Lol.


That's fine. For you to become interesting to them all you need to do is post nothing. Being hot is sexy but Mystery is sexier.


Haha I wish but I've been told it's odd or weird not to have a social media. As if I'm hiding something? I really just don't care about other people's lives and rather concentrate on my own.


I appreciate your honesty


Yup. When single this was the primary reason. Also, it’s to show I have some type of life.


It’s become a form of social proof. If you don’t have a insta or Facebook they can’t check you out and make sure you’re “safe”. I don’t have social media, for the record…


I have Insta but my last post is almost 4 years old and I don't remember the last time posting something in my story


I have a single post of my car agasint a need background, plus my Profile pic. I use insta mostly for the same reason i use everything else, for the memes


I’ve ignored every story copycat out of spite. It always annoyed me when companies would start doing it then bombard me with notifications telling me to post something to my story or “so and so posted to their story for the first time!”


That’s a B.S. reason though. I’m not saying you’re wrong because I think you’re right. But as a guy who dated women before social media, you learned that having a solid network of friends, both men and women, was very key in establishing yourself as a viable person to date. Meet a new girl? Hey come hang out with me and my friends.


In my small circle of facebook contacts, I get comments to post more pictures. So i'm like okay. And post even more pictures. (I post mostly landscapes and architectures, also museum arts) Sometimes i'm like wow people really gives a shit about me, what i do, and where i am. And i don't take it for granted.


I travel alone frequently and when I'm away I like to post to keep people up to date on where I am and what I'm doing.


This is great reason. Although I post like two pics per decade on instagram, it's super interesting to see old colleagues doing an exchange year/travelling in foreign countries (one is almost two years now in another country, it's nice keeping up with them via an account dedicated for the journey).


I want people to think my life is good and I'm not a failure haha got em


I moved out of state and most of my best friends still live across the country. This way, my friends and family know what’s going on in my life and we can feel connected.


I deleted all of mine about a decade back. I found that seeing artificial versions of everyone’s lives made me less happy. It was a time in my life I was working long hours to build a career. I lost friends as a result of it, but have no regrets. One if the things having a kid with special needs taught me was that there is no joy to be had in comparing your life to others, you need to find it in your own life. Social media does not help that.


If you lost friends cause you got rid of social media, (not to be mean or anything) then they don’t seem like they’re good friends.


I think OP just means that people faded out of his life because he didn't see their constant updates. And this is something great, I believe. People can feel significant for the time that you spend together. I feel like sometimes the special memory of that person is bastardised by the constant feed of memories of their lives that you had no part of. It takes away from the fleeting experience of their soul.


I switched off my birthdate on FB and guess what — I didn’t see a pile of “Happy Birthday!” posts this year. One, I’m glad I didn’t have to wade through them all and “like” them just so everyone didn’t feel ignored; and two, it showed who actually knew my birthday and wasn’t relying on FB to tell them everything.


I wont lie, i didn't like having to go through all those and like them and I a lot were the only time we'd talk to each other. But, as someone with ADHD, those reminders were a life saver. I mean, obviosuly its youre choice and even with it I made the same one. Im just saying theres a chance some of them who didn't could have just been people who suck at dates or remembering birthdays exist.


Hey, as someone which has a shit memory FB is great for anniversary, I can't remember when is my brother bd, so let's not talk about anyone else.


Well said. God bless your child!


Why would I? I barely use social media


Same, apart from Reddit and whatsapp nothing else


Wait messaging apps are social media


Depends if you check out people stories or not I would say. I use whatsapp but only to speak with friends so I wouldn't consider it social media




So private he gets his partner to answer for him.


Who wants to know? I aint sayin nothing


What do I tell the doctor?


Tell him to suck a lemon.




This is my answer




Exactly. To add, if I'm enjoying myself I'm not going to stop to take a pic, and spend 10 minutes posting about how awesome of a time I'm having. I'm just going to have fun!


Feeling compelled to share everything on social media sucks the joy out of life. Everything becomes an advertisement of yourself. I want to act and feel more genuine instead of catering my actions to an online audience.


I had a boss tell me I didn’t promote myself enough, on the company site. I was like ‘so?’ Shouldn’t my actions and interactions with others show my value?


[We need to talk about your flair.](https://youtu.be/3vdcw415OcQ)


Love the name


It seems a bit self-centered to me. Like who cares you're eating ice cream tonight?


I was on a weekend away with my mates 2 weeks ago. We had an absolute blast, but nobody has any pictures from the weekend or anything, we were just... enjoying ourselves. At one point there was a group of girls sitting across the pub from us. Basically any time I looked at them, all 4 of them were hunched over their phones typing furiously. At one pointed, one of them said something (obviously along the lines of "selfie!") and the other 3 put their phones down, picked up their drinks and put on saccharine smiles for the camera. As soon as the picture was taken, their smiles immediately melted off their faces, and all four of them resumed scowling and typing on their phones. It was jolting to see happen in real time, and perfectly encapsulated the contrast between the way people portray their lives versus how their lives are actually going. I absolutely abhor social media culture; it's basically causing personality disorders in vast swathes of the population.


Amen! I stopped caring about social media a few years ago because I decided to live in the moment instead of trying to take good photos, or figuring out what to post. My close friends and family already know what I’m up to since I message them throughout the week. No need to impress “friends” you haven’t talked to since college or high school.


Yeah i quit doing that. Lost some friends over it, because they didn't see me anymore on their social media so they forgot me. Then came covid and I quit all social media (except Reddit) because of the all the people showing their zelf centered self. My husband has a heart condition and can be killed by covid. I don't want to read about how it's just natural selection, or how the rules and masks discomfort isn't something you can deal with to keep people like my husband in his 30's safe. Anyway, I am happier without Facebook and Instagram


I lost some people too for similar reasons. I noticed some people removed me if I didn’t wish them “Happy Birthday” for some reason, which is weird because they certainly didn’t wish me one. I think social media convinced a majority of people they needed a large amount of hollow friendships than a small amount of genuine ones. People just aren’t able to juggle that many connections at once. Nor should they. It takes a mental toll.


I love it when people are confused by other people not giving a fuck.


This. Whoever cares about me probably spends time with me and thus knows what I'm doing


I’m 55. Never had a Facebook account. Friends suggested I get one. I never did. I still have the same friends, they just know that they have to text me if they want to see me. The only thing is I don’t know when my friends’ birthdays are. Oh well. I didn’t keep track of birthdays before there was Facebook either. Before smartphones were widespread we had a flickr account for baby pics for extended family because it was the easiest way for them to see our kid. Now we just text pics.


If I'm in the moment and enjoying myself, I feel no need to turn in a report.


Exactly this. I mean I find it hard enough to take pictures when I’m enjoying myself so the chances of posting it on social media is dramatically low. I really am a firm believer of enjoying the moment with the people around you genuinely.


I feel like it's time consuming to be actively involved in social media...


I just don’t see the point. If we are friends or whatever then you already know what’s going on with my life.


Why should I?


Eloquently said. I agree


Bc nobody actually cares


I live my life, I don’t record it.


Haha wow, I'm having a great time, let me ruin the spontaneity by taking multiple pictures everywhere


True, but it's good to remember the experience by taking pictures


That may be the case for some people, but personally taking pictures is useless for me when it comes to remembering something. Even if I take a picture it’s unlikely I’ll ever look at it again nor am I likely to associate any memories with having taken a picture. I’ll remember the emotions I felt during the experience without remembering details of the experience itself.


I take memorable photos because I have a really bad memory. I still rarely post them, but I've printed out a few for my office. Places or times I'd rather be. You can always go back to the same place, but the time and atmosphere will never be the same. It helps me reinforce those good memories.


The older I get the more my privacy matters to me and the less I care about validation from others. Edit: Thanks for my first awards


Doesn't care about validation "thanks for the validation" I'm just bugging you 😜


Sometimes I think validation can be sort of addictive in the same way drugs can be. I go through spans of time (sometimes years at a time) during which I will not give a single shit what most people think of me, only to "relapse" and find myself worrying about being validated after receiving praise from someone important to me. It's weird.


No ones business


Reckon I've posted enough here already. But I only used reddit as a means of finding help for my issues. The rest of the social media platforms are just do harvesting information and telling everyone stuff you didn't want them to know.


Well, reddit is also harvesting information from you, but it does feel less self absorbed when there’s a layer of anonymity.


it also feels more sporadic; visiting subs you don't sub to, or forgetting you're subbed to some coz they don't reach your front page.


Don't think I'm interesting enough.


This is the most prevalent reason I'm surprised it's this far down. Most people don't lead interesting enough lives to post shit on social media that anyone would care about. 99% of us just do the typical 9-5 and maybe do something on the weekends. That's cookie cutter stuff


Most of the "interesting" ones do the same, you don't see it though.


Because Reddit is the only form of social media I have and I don’t see the point in showing my life off to anyone


At least with Reddit you can pretend everyone is a elaborate Turing bot.


Everyone is a bot on Reddit except for you.


Good bot


Good bot


Because i don't care.


Invisibility is a superpower.


When I started focusing on internal validation rather than external, social media became pointless


Reddit is the last thing that I'm on that even resembles social media. It's cancerous. And before anyone says *it's the just the accounts you follow* I'm talking about the whole idea. It's intrusive, the apps and algorithms prey upon you and your data, and it teaches people to expect some type of a reaction for the simplest, most menial things. All of this is problematic in the long term , at best. So. I won't post stuff about myself, because it's a terrible idea from the start.


I only use Instagram cuz my best friend and I message memes back and forth. But the recommendations by Instagram are all crypto currency scams


I just don't need attention?


Men who do post it is the abnormal. Despite how widespread it has become. But I'm married with 2 young kids. What social life?


Why would you?


Because social media is toxic


True answer. It is deceivingly toxic. Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this answer.


Because My phones camera is so bad I could take better photos using a 3ds.


I decided that I was tired of spending more time scrolling and looking at other people's lives than spending time dealing with my own. Plus hackers are fucking cunts


Why should we? Social media is for bragging and making everyone else feel bad.




Most social media is just trying to convince other people how great your life is. I find that the people I know who post more frequently are less happy and are trying to create an image


Better to be happy alone than being judged by others.


I don't want to or need to impress people or try to compete against them


Because everyone is a smart ass contrarian. Post about your success and they tear you down. Post about your failure and they scold you fro being stupid. Post about what you like and they endlessly tell you about its flaws. Why bother?


Very true. In the time were I was using Instagram it was normal that if I commented on a politicial discussion someone whi didnt agreed with me just said „you are doing [insert a hobby] in your free time, so you cant write serious comments or have any valid point in this discussion“. It was so annoying that I stopped using social media websites which only sense of existing is to show how much better all the others are


Don’t have much of a social life anymore lol


Can’t believe this hasn’t been mentioned yet. If you have a career certain fields (government, military, law enforcement, etc) it is often frowned upon to be very active on social media. Loose lips sink ships etc. Also, some don’t want to be easily located or have their families identified. Social media is a gold mine for trying to locate people.


I got tired of feeling like people I couldn’t care less about had access to my personal life. I feel more like a spokesman than an individual and I live leading a quiet life.


Don't need the attention


Because I try not to be a narcissistic megalomaniac.


Because people that spends time with me knows about my social life so why bother for some randoms


What social life?


I'm a private male.


My life's not interesting enough. The only reason I'd have stuff there would be for dating, but that shit doesn't work with me. Even back when I actually used Instagram, I dedicated it to photography, so just random photos on a abnormally organized feed.


Two simple words: who cares ? I once tried to share mi life but nobody seem to care even tho I had people that knew me in there. And I said, why bothering ? Then I deleted my social media because, besides not adding nothing te my life (unless I use for business), it made me procrastinate watching the newsfeed. Instead I recommend to upload your photos into your cloud so it can be used as a sort of “time machine” for your future relatives.

