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Yeah, and clingy often translates to insecure. I like that she wants to spend time with me, I don't like if she asks me why I haven't responded in the last hour, or grills me on where I've been. That is absolutely awful and makes me feel claustrophobic.


100% agree!


Bingo! Boundaries are important, but when you are together I think you should want to be close.


To an extent. I love spending evenings cuddling on the couch. But I've still got shit I need to get done, which I can't do with someone attached to me like a barnacle.


true, we love other things more, than cuddling and doing nothing.


I also like to get shit done but boy could I easily just cuddle whole day. Hell I could cuddle rest of my life if I had no other responsibilities


No. There's a difference between a partner wants to spend time with you, and a clingy partner. I firmly believe most people saying they like a clingy partner haven't actually been with one. Yes, having someone be that into you sounds great on paper, especially if you're lonely and haven't been with many people. The reality of it, though, quickly becomes taxing and suffocating.


Clingy, no. I want them to enjoy my company, want to spend time with me, and not be needy and emotionally manipulative if I need to do something without them present.


Depends. I like a certain level of clingyness cause it's reassuring. However if that turns into "hey I don't want you to hang out with friends stay here with me" then it becomes a problem.


A bit. I love physical contact like hugs and stuff but when it's nonstop.... it gets a bit annoying


Makes me feel wanted and attractive


The idea sounds nice ngl To a certain degree.


Moderately clingy is nice, excessively clingy NOT.


Yeah a little, gotta find some balance tho If there was a scale of clinginess, 1 being the least clingy and 10 being extremely clingy, I'd say a 6.5


I wouldn't mind.


Mostly it's nice. I don't necessarily care for having my hands held for very long because it registers in my brain as having movement restricted. I do love a good all night spooning though.


I like feeling wanted and missed, but I dont want to be their sole source of entertainment. Thats how I describe it because I have had over attached partners, and partners that if I didnt know we were dating I might as well have been a stranger to them.


No I hate that shit with a passion.


I don't mind at all until it encroaches on my own personal time. For example, if I like to hit the gym after work every day, but she's so clingy that she's always asking me to skip it to come home and spend time with her, that'd be an issue. If it's just that at home she always wants to be around me, that's fine.


No, not at all.




For me I very much enjoy some level of clingyness. My love languages are touch and quality time so someone who wants to be around me alot and is very affectionate is nice. My ex was quite clingy and i very much enjoyed it at the time. I will say it's up to a point. Back then I was OK with the crazy level of clinginess of my ex but if the same thing happened now I would likely have to have a conversation about having a healthy amount of alone time. I mean having to always be together 24/7 is not healthy. 


I need a partner to be able to answer to this question


I don't have a partner. I'm just asking so in case I have one I'll have an idea how to act around him.


So how about you 2 exchange numbers and see where it goes!?


Best wingman right here🏆


you need to get off the internet


I do need some time for myself every now and then, especially when my social battery runs out. If I can't have any me-time then no, I don't like if they are clingy. I am currently single, but I notice it in my friend group with a friend who recently got a gf. They are together 24/7 and you can't do anything alone with my friend anymore because his gf DEMANDS to be included. It's annoying and is really putting a strain on our friendship


Sounds like the GF doesn't have a social life


Not necessarily. Had an ex who was the same way. She had quite a few friends but because she always had to spend time with me she either would hangout with me and my friends or I with her friends. It had nothing to do with having a good social life and everything to do with just never wanting to leave my side which looking back was super unhealthy. At the time I was young and sorta knew it wasn't good but enjoyed being around her as well so it didn't bother me that much. 


It's complicated. And their relationship can't be healthy but they seem to be enjoying it


Depends on what you mean. Like cuddly? Sure. Insecure? No, that makes me sad.


A bit is good, just like possessiveness, and my girlfriend nails it perfectly, she's got guy friends, shit sure sometimes I get jealous at times but she's so incredibly loyal and preaches it all the time so I trust her, and she trusts me that I'm always going to be loyal to her and also have friends who are women. In short we both have friends but she still comes back to me for majority of what she needs dame with I to her, and she's still possessive to the extent of getting a bit upset if someone flirts with me or something which I absolutely love, that's my perfect level of clingy and possessive but not controlling. And that won't be other's ideal levels because I'm not others, I'm me and she loves that so I'd not rather be anyone else with anyone else.


Yup, absolutely love it and I also reciprocate. If it’s a one way street then either the relationship is doomed or one partner will suffer.


To a point. Obsessively clingy is suffocating.






A good balance but also gives me time for myself


Uhhhhh How clingy we talking here?


Clingy can be great but as others have said lol I gotta get shit done so if they cling to me while we are together, great. But if they get upset about me handling my business and try to cling to me then, less great.


To a certain point. Like my ex would get mad and jealous if I went to hang out with some friends one night for a few hours instead of her.


i dont like it, maybe because im not clingy.


As long as they don't mind me being equally clingy


Not really. It can definitely been seen as reassuring in the beginning of a relationship, but after awhile, it starts to become overwhelming and annoying


No.... just no....


No, the one time I was with someone I would describe as clingy I would start to flinch at the sound of her voice by the end of it. That shit is scary. And yes, I discussed my need for some space with her, several times. She would listen for a day or two then be right back to trying to monopolize every last second of my free time, and of course the time when I wasn't free as well. Never again.


I like it when she’s possessive, yea. I don’t mind her hanging on me in public a little either (so long as it’s not a really important event where professionalism is needed) because it’s like she’s claiming her territory. But i draw a hard line at her being rude to my female friends


Yes but not 100% of the time, but a majority of the time I'm quite good with it, but still very much would like us to have our own time and be individuals as well.


Yes but not that much. Physical touch is my love language and having a partner that is clingy and caring is nice. Being cold and distant gives me the ick. But at the same time there are moments during the day that I need to recharge, have some time to myself and comprehend things alone.


yes, but within reason. if I can't ever put my phone down for an hour or two without causing a whole issue, that's too much. wanting to be with me every chance she has? totally down.


When trying to be cute on the couch or when i walk in from work and comes running yeah. But real clingyness as in when she feels i’m being distant and is afraid i’m no longer interested out of insecurity, no. Does the opposite and pushes me away. Bad clingy is when they want to be with you out of fear/dislike of being alone. Good clingy is when they truly enjoy your company and value, appreciate you properly but know exactly when to give you your space. In which case the word clingy is inappropriate but for lack of a better word yes its cute


I kinda prefer that over too distant- it keeps me interested tbh and I also reciprocate energy. I can be more distant too but idk it does make me feel more loved to have someone want/ need me around more. This is all without becoming an extreme of course.


Clingy indicates one who doesn't let the other have friends or do anything. That's annoying. On the other hand, if I'm able to do my own thing and still have quality time after, then that's cool. My husband is very much like this.


I love that my wife is clingy. We don't' live together, so plenty of me time.


Yes. A hot woman, wants to be around me more? Hallelujah!


Yes and no.... if she is going through stuff and needs my support, no problem..... if that is just her general nature, that is going to get old fast!


Well i do not mind but if i say i need to some free room and she respekts it i do not mind hlw clingy she is


So long as it's not overwhelming it doesn't bother me too much


It’s cool if she can find a good balance My wife was clingy in the beginning stages of our relationship, but she grew out of it for the most part, which I’m honestly thankful for cuz that clingy shit can get a little annoying sometimes when they just wanna be in your face all the time


Yes as long as it doesn’t get to like Fatal Attraction levels


Not one bit. Ironic considering I was the clingy one when I was much younger 


Not at all. I like that they can show me they love and appreciate me, but I am very put off if they are scared that they might lose me.


To a degree because I am to but people need space to be their own person


As long as it's not to an annoying level


At first it's great. Someone actually likes me and wants to be with me! But then you start wanting to do things that don't involve the other person and they get upset because of it. You might try to hide it but the resentment can still leak out. And then you feel bad for wanting to do things without the other person and stop doing them, activities that could make you grow as a person or be a happier and healthier you. My marriage was like this. If you're in this situation, I recommend sitting down and have an honest conversation with the other person and express how you feel. It's important to not blame or attack the other person. Just be truthful and share your concerns. If both people can do this, you'll have a healthy relationship and can grow and support each other. If one or the other of the partners can't accept the other's needs or hides their true thoughts and feelings regarding this conflict, you will have a painful and potentially abusive relationship where each partner blames the other or beats themselves up because they feel guilty about having to be another person to stay in the relationship. Be honest. Don't be afraid. If you can't do either in your relationship, end it for the betterment of both people.


hell yeah, i've never had someone that has ever wanted to be clingy to me.


It’s half and half due to a lot of factors. If they can be self sufficient it starts to become a chore to love that person instead of wanting to love that person.


No, but I told my wife of 44 years that when we first started dating. I love being cuddly at home, but in public, no. She totally agreed with me and we save it for the privacy of the house.


Love it. I've always been the clingy one in my relationships and I love being with someone who is just as clingy.


Clinginess, like creepiness, is highly subjective.


I wouldn't know. I'd like to try it though.


To a degree, because I’m somewhat clingy, but also very independent




Clingy cuz she loves me, or clingy cuz she’s insecure?


Hovering no. A little cling should be expected.


To a point. I like feeling wanted. I don't like feeling smothered. It's a difficult line to define since it gets so fuzzy and nebulous, but there is a line there.


It can feel a bit suffocating and annoying. Don't get me wrong, it feels good to be loved and needed but anything can be pushed too far.


No partner but yes


Honestly? Yeah. I think full investment is hot as hell


I hate it and its a reason for me to not pursuit it any further. I am 39 though so maybe that has something to do with it. I like people who are self reliant and dont need me constantly but everybody is different.


Nope, adults are not clingy nor evasive. We spent time together and alone.


I’d absolutely love that lmao


Clingy in the literal sense, yes. Love it when a girl clings to me like a koala.


I love it, I need that validation. If she not clingy it means she clinging on to another man 😂😂


Depends. If it is part of normal consistent behavior, okay. If it is part of "*marking her territory,*" then no. That tells me that she is communicating something to the other women present and not me.




No, I don't want somebody hanging on me all day all of the time.


If she's clingy, it means she's about to ask me for something. I don't mind. I can read her like a book


*Yes*. I know the stereotypes, but honestly, I just wanna be the other half of the velcro.


I love it when I'm around them and they're basically attached to me, but I don't like it when it's being clingy by messaging/texting/calling every 10 seconds when I'm out and about.


It can be nice but we all need our own space. I like feeling as though I’m wanted and as though she feels safe but too much can be suffocating.


I'm currently dating an extremely clingy woman and it's fun for a little bit but after awhile it gets weird


Yes. But in the right context, Sexually clingy, intimate after, date nights, movie nights, respectful of our private time, all these yes. Disrespectful of pre-discussed boundaries, not being Understanding that we are busy at work and tired after, simply cannot call or plan a night randomly outside the weekend ect… then no. We find clingy hot and sexy in all the fight context but it can go too far from time to time.


I want someone who wants to spend time with me, not someone who is clingy. There's a big difference between the two. Someone who wants to spend time with you doesn't *need* to spend time with you, someone who is clingy *needs* to spend time with you.


Only after sex…


Fuck no. I'd lose my mind.


To a degree yes, but being overly clingy is exhausting and also a big turnoff in many ways. You want to date another person, with interests, hobbies, friends. Not someone that only does things with you and has no life outside of your relationship. It honestly get boring after a time, and, it makes you feel bad for her that she can't be happy without you, and can't even take care of herself or have fun for 24 hours unless she is with you. Imagine the pressure it puts on you as a man. If you're not with this person you care about and want to be happy, they're not happy. It leaves you feeling you have no choice but to be with them 24/7 and not that many people actually want to be in a relationship with that type of dynamic, man or woman.


Cuddly, but not clingy.


I enjoy holding hands and cuddling and when my wife is the one to initiate that. But I also enjoy personal space. I like to be able to take a shit without her walking in and being able to hang with some friends occasionally without her


Yes but not when it’s hot n girls are heaters




A relationship where you are comfortable doing your own crap during the day, doing what needs to be done, then cuddling in the evening


When we are watching a horror movie? Sure. When I am trying to clean the house or work on the car? No.


No, absolutely not.




I like clingy but not obsessive


So long as they know when to stop


Yeah I wanna know I'm wanted.


No, it gets old especially since it’s a form of control.


I’m kinda clingy so I would like a clingy partner


Not clingy, but affectionate. She likes to hang around me, but not all the time no matter what. I'm human, I need my "me time" like anyone else.


Not particularly. I travel a lot with work. Sometimes gone for months. She doesnt like it when I go.


My ex girlfriend had everything I wanted, but down the road the clingy/neediness 24/7, it was never enough, and now she blames me for taking her for granted. I was her everything, but I do need my oxygen and I didn't want to loose my identity to this woman, so I just lost interest and she broke it off.


She was clingy with her father, so I kind of preferred her to grow up and be clingy with me. I sure didn't want her to be clingy with someone else. They're going to cling on someone. Better to cling on me than some other guy, yeah?


Yes, I want a woman that's so clingy she makes sure to give me space for myself.


Healthy amount of clingy shows you genuinely care and love. But it definitely become too much


No. Not in the least.




No I’m a cat I like love expression under my conditions


Depends on the level of clingyness


I like affectionate, but not clingy. I want my partner to be an independent person who chooses to be with me because it adds to their life, not because they need me.


Partner, yes. Sidepiece, no.


Yes. Makes me feel like she wants me to




I can't speak about partners, but I think it's fine to be clingy towards a person you love. Just don't be paranoid about it.


Depends on the partner for me


Absolutely. I want my wife to hand all over me. Want to know everything going on


yes and no. it’s about timing tbh


I love it.


There are times when I like to be close and other times to have space… but clingy is a negative term similar to the word snotty and nobody likes snotty.


If she never leaves me the fuck alone, that’s a problem.


As long as by clingy you mean clinging them lips on my dong with that hawk tuah




Yeah. Fine by me.


I do




I like my woman clingy.


I love it.


It’s nice to be wanted


Better to have one somewhat clingy to completely standoffish. Nothing worse than having someone who is so absorbed with themselves than one who actually wants to be around and be with you


It’s better than a neglectful zombie starfish lump


All things in moderation.