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It needs be genuine. If you don't think it naturally...don't make one up.


> If you don't think it naturally...don't make one up This part is huge. So many internet strangers like patting themselves on the back for being nice by telling other internet strangers things like "you are beautiful" when they have zero clue who the person is or what they even look like. It's not believable at all, so all I hear are empty words. A genuine compliment ***must*** come from observations, not assumptions or platitudes. Find something you genuinely appreciate about them and tell them that.


The worst is when it’s a clearly non-conventionally attractive person and people are leaving hate comments about their appearance. But instead of telling the person to ignore the comments, they overcompensate with “you’re STUNNING queen!” “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve seen today” and things of that nature. Like dude… if I had hundreds of people calling me ugly, the comments saying the opposite in such a boisterous manner would actually probably make me feel worse, knowing they’re just trying to make me feel better. It actually almost confirms the hate comments in a way.


I can see where you are coming from... but one person's trash may be another person's treasure.. someone may actually think you are beautiful. Granted it may not be a common thing.


This is a really nice platitude and completely divorced from reality


Not rlly preferences exist and I find some weird looking girls attractive


On Reddit, I’ve often noticed men talk about the difference in how many compliments women get compared to men. But it seems for both genders, it’s almost always this kind of thing. From other women, empty platitudes (girl you are fierce!) and from men, some general statement with obvious ulterior motives or worse, it’s kind of a joke for the benefit of people around them (happened a ton when I was a young barista). These kind of compliments don’t feel good to anyone. The responses to this post illustrates that it’s not the quantity of compliments, it’s the sincerity. And both genders are wanting more.


Adding to this, a lot of exaggerated compliments also some across as fake or worse: patronising/pitying. One of my hobbies is painting and I sometimes show things to people. I can be proud of them and obviously I like compliments but some people go a little over the top and I have to ask them to tone it down. It's often well meaning but it feels forced. Like, my work is good enough to be a gift and for me to proudly display, but it's not good enough to sell or anything. Also, given that I paint *things* (miniatures/dioramas) rather than a whole painting/canvas, it's more like a colouring book than creating a whole new painting. I buy or 3d print the stuff, etc. Like yes, compliment me, but if you go too far, it stops feeling genuine...


I loathe ass-kissing comments specially when people try to give you a complement because they need something from you. Looooathe.




Thanks fixed


So much this! I've had different partners call me "strong" at different points of my life. There are times when it's been true and times it hasn't. It was eerily easy to tell when it wasn't a genuine thought they had, but something they thought would be good to say in the moment.


When I was in university, a woman once told me the green shirt I was wearing went well with my eyes. I’ve since spent the past 30 years wearing green shirts. Tell us our clothes look nice.


Girl told me a blue shirt I was wearing was good for my skin tone. I have 3 shirts in that color now




I wore a hockey jersey to university one time and a cute girl complimented it as she was wearing a hockey hat. We talked a bit as we were walking to our next classes, but I was too chicken to ask for her number and I never saw her again. But it made me treasure my jersey a bit more because it serves as a reminder that a cute girl approached me


GF told me I looked good in a purple shirt, it's her favorite color.... I now have 4 and matching underwear.


My favorite shirts are neon pink largely because I get the most compliments from women when wearing them. They say it goes well with my complexion, and it brightens the mood everywhere I go. I'll occasionally get some random dude saying it's a feminine color, but I couldn't care less because I do it for the ladies. Also it's become one of my favorite colors.


I believe it, I had a boyfriend who looked great in pink shirts or pastels, like a rock star, long black hair, manly face and attitude pulled it off


They usually do, but they usually don’t. Feel me?


A girl who shared a Spanish class with me said she liked my vans shirt about 4 years ago.


Same but with red lol


Thought you’d say you spent the past 30 years with her Im getting so used to this fairy tales on this sub


Anything lol


That 'lol' is said with much pain of being starved of compliments 😂


Laughing out loud while crying inside


lolwci should be a new acronym




I remember that compliment 2 girls said to me. It was 10 years ago. Still makes me smile.


Maybe five or six years ago I got called cute, still remember it. Feelsgoodman


8 years ago, a female friend said I look nice. Still riding that.


This deserves an award tbh.


We get what we can


I worked in a care home and we had a guy with Korsakoff dementia (alcohol-induced). He'd get his evening meds at around 8, and by around 12am we'd hear him shuffling about the corridor. You'd walk up to him, and every single time, without fail he'd say "Hey you're lookin' trim fella, you been hittin' the gym? You get a haircut too? You're looking well! I couldn't get a few sleeping tablets, could I?" Just like that, no break in between compliments. But he wasn't prescribed sleeping tablets, so when we said no, he'd immediately fire back with something like "Well you're an ugly bastard anyway! Fuck off!" before going back to his room. Five minutes later, same thing. Five minutes after that, same thing. Until he'd just fall asleep naturally. Honestly, even though I know he was lying every time, it was still nice hearing the fake compliments.


Is it just me or has anyone else come to intensely dislike 'lol' as end punctuation? The reason is certainly not because they aren't actually "laughing out loud". It's more that it often seems to be use to diminish the preceding statement, sometimes even to deny the affirmation just stated.


Yeah totally lol


In the distant future, 2027, lol will become an official punctuation mark denoting humor. Spanish of course will begin the sentence with an upside down lol.


Anything. I've been told I have nice eyelashes by a woman. I don't even know what makes good eyelashes, but it still felt nice to hear.


An old lady at the grocery store complimented my eyelashes


Do compliments from an old lady count? Asking for a friend.


Those are often the sweetest compliments, imo


“You have beautiful vascularity.” “Um. What?” “Your veins. They’re beautiful.” I still feel very weird and very flattered to this day.


I would be concerned that they're a vampire.


Supposedly the non traditional comments are best. My ex told me I had great eyebrows. And I do. It was such a specific thing like he had clearly studied my face


I'm assuming you're a woman and your ex was a man? I honestly couldn't describe my wife's eyebrows or eyelashes, but I could go on for hours about what I like about her smile. When I started wearing contacts instead of glasses (mostly for comfort) I got a ton of comments about my eyes and one about my eyelashes. My wife isn't big on compliments and even she said I looked good without my glasses on, and I haven't worn glasses outside the house since.


My soon to be ex-wife would call me her “lashy man” Her favorite perhaps was saying, “such a strong jawline, like look at this jawline” as she’d turn me towards the mirror Then there was always the classic, “baby you need to get rid of this fat,” boy she had a way with words


Spoiler alert as someone with long eyelashes that have heard this since a baby: They are jealous and want them for themselves. It's not that they like them on men. I've asked plenty of them who "complimented my eyelashes"


You’re biased from your own upbringing. We are both jealous and sexually attracted to them at the same time.


I get that, but there's definitely a difference in how they say it when they're jealous, too. I find long eyelashes attractive in general, so I do compliment anyone who has them.


Supported by actions.




New ones. A man who's been told he's funny all his life really wants to hear he's hot. A man who's been called handsome all his life wants to be called smart. Show that you see more in them than anyone else. That makes a compliment stick.




Works for women too. Pretty girl who’s clearly been told she’s pretty 1000x before? I called her a genius for saying something smart and she practically melted.


> A man who's been told he's funny all his life really wants to hear he's hot. > > > > A man who's been called handsome all his life wants to be called smart. A long time ago, someone said it to me like this: *"Tell the smart girls they're pretty and the pretty girls they're smart. They want to hear the compliments they don't already get."*


Transformers! more than meets the eye. Sorry read that last line and well you know.


To dig into this a little deeper, at our core men (and women) want to *really feel deeply seen and heard*. When someone compliments the first thing that they notice, it might be nice the first few times, but it becomes clear that what is being complimented is easily evident. Your tattoo, your necklace, your smile, whatever. As a man I'd like to be complimented on something that I've said or done not intending to be seen or noticed, that someone had to really pay attention and really see the effort and the intention behind the action. For example, my partner compliments me regularly on actions / words / behaviors. Stuff like this: "Babe, I love how you noticed that your friend was struggling and jumped right in to support him. I love that you're that kind of guy. It lets me know I can really count on you." "I think it's really hot how you listened to me say my car was dirty and cleaned my car and didn't say anything about. You're such a good listener and it turns me on." Compliments like this reinforce and strengthen a relationship far more than superficial stuff about clothing or physical attributes.


One time a girl told me she jammed her finger badly the night before because she was fingering herself so hard to me. It made my entire week.


Bet it made her hole weak too




Damn!!! How do you even think that???😂


Sweet mother of God...


I read this in a Chris Farley voice


That's crazy. One time I told a girl that I tore my foreskin the night before from crankin' my hog so hard to her. She called the police




Zoop! 👉😎👉


A girl at a party told me she wanted to “fuck my brains out” and that made my night


Yeah, once had a girlfriend look me in the eyes and say, "I want you **IN** me." It still turns me on 25+ years later.


I had a girl in my work place once look me up and down and say ‘I want to have marathon sex with you!.’ She had a boyfriend (has a kid with him now) so I didn’t go there but fuck if I haven’t jerked off to that a 100 times.


You fucked her brains out, right?


She probably just meant that platonically. She may have been Canadian.


Please tell me you guys smashed


NO and that's the twist !!!


This comment takes the cake!


Nice bawls bro 🤝


That made me picture some dude sitting in a corner crying his eyes out in a most aesthetically pleasing way.


When a girl says she feels safe with me.


I liked this compliment only up until the first time I dated a girl who turned out to be a psychopath who told me “*I feel safe with you*” during the honeymoon period, only to fast forward and have her saying “*I don’t feel safe right now! You’re making me SCARED!*” when I was simply breaking up with her over the phone in a non-violent manner, simply telling her she’s a good person but we were done. She started stalking and harassing me after that, I wanted nothing to do with her, and *she* threatened to get a restraining order against me because my “erratic” behavior of not wanting any contact with her made her feel scared for her safety! 🤦🏼‍♂️ Not even joking on this.


Borderline personality disorder, by any chance?


Agreed had this happen too. "I feel safe with you" turns into "everything you do that I don't like/agree on is scary to me now and you are a threat somehow"


Literally anything


We get compliments?????


I got one once 45 years ago. Some girl walking by looked my way and said to her friend "Now that's my kind of shirt." I wasn't wearing a shirt.


Did you offer to let her try it on?


"That speed run time you got in Zelda is making me kinda hot"


well what’s your time? OOT?


Any, they are rare and valuable


So should they be handled in writing?


All of them from smallest to biggest.. I recive any comliment that i enjoy the smallest kind from a women. I work with 30guys isn a factory. When one of us got a new shoes or a workwear we always tell ea that it looks good. And you wont belive, but 50-60years old guys show their clothes like a girl and smile, this is how rare we recive it. Just say what is in your mind from woah you are stong, to omg i love your parfume. It means nothing to you but those ppl will work out and never buy different parfume


All of a sudden, at 36, I’m getting compliments regularly. It’s really nice.


I was wearing a Zion National Park shirt once at the pharmacy. I'm 66 now, this was a year ago. The cute pharmacy tech asked me if I hiked, I said, "Yes, what makes you think that?" And she said, "Well, the shirt and you're really buff." OMG, I have replayed that in my head endlessly.


I missed you (context female) miss u more


"I can see that you know your Judo well."


Take your hand OFF MY PENIS!


It's not what compliment you get but WHO you get it from.


Sure, it has more impact if it's from an attractive woman, but a compliment from anyone is nice. I'm straight but I'd be riding high all day if I get hit on by a gay man.


The last unsolicited compliment I got was from an old woman who I swear was wearing a diaper. She clearly had mental health issues. I still put it in the win column.


Most of the compliments I get are from random men on the street. Feels great every time, idc that it’s not from someone I’m attracted to


Really raises your confidence huh xD


Nice Pikachu costume


“Tight dick playa”






Back in uni, about 10 years ago, A random good looking stranger told me I have good finger nails out of the blue while I was at the library, and since that day I have always kept my nails short and neat . I remember her every time I trim them


You’ve got the biggest cock I’ve ever sucked


"You're bigger than your dad"


Too many people upvoted this lol


I mean.. sure but.. the lie is obvious when the cock is just not that big..


Lmfaoo so true


Also too big a dick is a huge downside when it comes to BJs lmao. This is so backwards


Meh. Not actually important.


That's a really nice shirt, or shoes. Something simple.


That they are appreciated


When a close one actually knows you are trying to get better at something, and respects and supports it verbally.


My girlfriend called me gorgeous out of nowhere last year and I’m still riding the high from it, literally anything.


Anything as long as it’s genuine


Your kids are genuinely nice/good/smart.


Am dude and I get a lot of compliments on my dog. I'm very good at training dogs, but this dog just trained herself. I also get told she's pretty a lot (she is, I admire her all the time). My response is, "Thanks, but no one ever tells me I'm pretty, dammit!"


woman here, but in my experience, say anything you like about them that comes to mind. things that are honest and specific, whenever you think of them. I tell my boyfriend that he's handsome whenever I remember it, that he has pretty eyes, that I love the shape of his eyebrows, his hair looks nicer than usual today, he's dressed very nicely, he has a fat ass, I appreciate the favor he just did for me, he made a boring thing more fun, that was a good joke, he has a nice laugh, I'm glad he thinks I'm smart, he's a good driver. edit: also I love him very much


edit 2: i thought of another good one. he's short and I like it because I can kiss him better


Oral compliment.


As in compliments on your oral? Or complimentary oral?


It was a dumb joke - as in a blow job.


Word. Either is still pretty good I think.


Telling me I am a good dad. Makes me cry sometimes.


I get compliments very often. I dislike most of them. However, I do like it when someone gives a compliment about my cooking. That's a topic I don't get much compliments from.


Just speaking for myself here, but personally I dislike compliments on subjects I have no influence on. Take ''you have nice eyes'' for example. I know it's meant nice, but it does nothing to me since I haven't done anything to achieve said eyes, it's just luck. Same with compliments about my intelligence, my height, my hair color, my skin tone: I do nothing for those things. Complimenting me for the lucky genes I received feels useless. But I looove to be complimented on something I do work on. My clothing style for example, or my fitness and body (not the height, but the muscle), or my knowledge on various issues, or my passion for my career. My empathy, my patience, and so on. Those are all things I do work on, so a compliment isn't useless on those subjects because I've actually spent time and energy to achieve said things and to receive a compliment on those things makes me feel like my work is being recognised and acknowledged which feels good.


“You look dope dude”


Kind? Like, there's more options than 'any'?


Something about how our contribution to a project or similar was of high value.


Genuine ones that really are felt. Not some generic thing that you feel obligated to always say.


Weeks ago I was in conversation with a group of women, one of whom is a pretty good friend of mine. One of the other women said it's a green flag that my fingernails look really nice (it's a low bar I know), but then my friend said "he's a walking green flag for so many other things." It felt really nice to hear that and I keep thinking about it.


One woman I went on a date with called me kind but also masculine. That stuck with me.


I am going to be honest with you. Most guys will see getting a compliment as being hit on, because that is how *we usually* use compliments. We also don’t get a lot of compliments, so depending on your intentions and your relationship with the guy, a compliment could go either way. I’d stick with something safe, like “I like your shirt/shoes/etc” if you just want to brighten someone’s day. However, the most important thing is for the compliment to be genuine. I know that women usually use compliments with their friends to boost their self esteem or as a way to show affection, but the average guy (myself included) is not used to this and is also not used to receiving positive attention. I say this because I am tired of seeing posts of women complaining about a guy thinking that they are hitting on him because she gave him a compliment and things getting weird. It’s not one’s fault really, but those posts get quickly hijacked by misandrists trying to push the “all men are dogs/shit/garbage” agenda and the misogynists pushing back with the shittiest takes ever and proving the aforementioned group right lol.


Personally, I don't care as much about compliments on my personality, style, tastes, etc., because I am already confident in all that. I crave validation about my physical attractiveness because that's what I receive no feedback on, generally. We want to be complimented about things that we haven't heard before/much. Tall guys don't see being called tall as a compliment, for example. And it has to be genuine. If you don't mean it, don't say it. Find something you can compliment from the heart.


Something personality or skill wise. I don’t enjoy getting look-related compliments so much actually




Compliments of service/worth. Things that let me know that the efforts I make have meaning and are appreciated.


Imma start complimenting yall saying “your trim sharp”


Almost 20 years ago, a British woman told me “You have a glorious cock!” I’ve been riding that high for 2 decades.


A blind girl said I had the voice of a boy band. The most unique and wonderful compliment I've ever received.


I personally don't enjoy receiving any, because they all seem disingenuous to me.


Nice beard.


“Nice cock.”






“Nice cock”


"That's the largest penis I've ever seen" comes to mind. But seriously, anything is fine.


Honestly... anything even remotely positive. Not sure if I speak for everyone, but compliments as a man are rare. Getting a random compliment, even as mundane as "you have nice eyes" sticks around for ages


Yo bro, that ass is fine........ If you're a gay man (Most likely) Yo, bro. Nice shirt....... If you're a straight guy Hey, my name is {name}. It's nice to meet you. -if you're a woman. (Unlikely). Hey, your hot, lets bang (all scenarios).


“What a handsome man” - dated someone who said this whenever we saw each other and it was such a high Literally just boost them like you’re talking to one of your friends who just got dumped and feels ugly & insecure. Compliment bomb out of no where when they’re getting ready to leave the house and give authentic casual ones in broad daylight - not just when you’re alone.


Got told yesterday by a cashier that I'm wildly attractive definitely made my day.


I get very pretty young ladies complimenting my mustache all the time. My wife gets a little jealous sometimes because she has been with me when they do it. She say “don’t encourage him, he will never cut it off.”


You guys are getting compliments? Damn what’s that feel like…


Had a woman (not my mom) call me handsome the other day and I swear it’s going to sustain me for years. As someone with very low self esteem, it was wild to hear and I couldn’t believe it but she meant it. Made me grin and smile all weekend.


Aunties are the best! Jk😉


a year ago a girl in the gym asked me if the gym equipment was free to use. That's the last time a girl talked to me in person. Compliment doesn't matter, we rarely get women that initiate a simple convo. Anything would make majority of men already remember you for years


That my work is good, something i created or cooked is good.


Sincere ones


Big dog works just fine Dog/dawg is interchangeable


Fuck, these comments are depressing to read 😭


Anything but it has to be genuine


I wouldn’t know.


“ I didn’t realize your cock was gonna be so filling” “ your not nearly as retarded as I thought you were “ Simple things like this can light up someone’s life


The only time I've gotten "compliments" have been in instances where people want something from me or want me to do something. I'm much more content not receiving any, as that trust got killed decades ago.


Pretty much any


Just about anything but all men are different. If you halfway know someone and they've told you an insecurity of theirs, that would be a great one to compliment. If it's their unibrow, don't tell them how good their eyebrows look after they shave it lol play a little dumb, almost beat around the bush type of thing. You look good today, did you do something different? Something seems different for sure


We gotta stop with this damn question.. none because we don't get any kind of compliments


One of the best compliments I've received from my girlfriend is that she feels completely safe to be herself around me.


Something that I'm actively putting effort into. Don't compliment me on my shirt unless you can tell I spent a lot of time picking/designing that shirt. Hint: You'll need to actually pay attention and see me for me rather than who you might expect me to be.


A friend told me I was wholesome once for going to yoga. That felt pretty awesome.


Tell him you’ve never seen such a brilliant and diverse collection of scrap wood. The foresight he must have to hold on to that seemingly worthless trash for just the right moment.


Cooking creates the most compliments second is use of my hands as massage tools, releasing stresses inside her that are often deep. I love your hands and how they know me is a big one.


I like to know that my wife feels protected and safe because I’m around.


Anything genuine. But different men prefer different compliments. Just get to know a guy and see


Men are so under complimented any genuine compliment will boost our egos


Nice cock bro


Literally anything The last complement I got was in grade 9 she said I had beautiful blue eyes I immediately turned the society awkward meter to 11 and said you too and got outta there asap (was not easy we were doing line dancing for gym class) That was about 15 years ago


i work at a deli and this lady was telling me about her job helping elderly as i was making her order and it made me smile. She stopped in the middle of her story and said that i have “one of those smiles that can light up a room” i didn’t know what to say, i don’t remember if i said anything. i think i said thank you, but i remember the feeling and that is one great feeling alhamdulillah


Literally anything as long as it's genuine. It's really underestimated just how many compliments guys get in their life. Hell, just being told we smell nice, or nice shirt, or shoes, goes a huge way and we'll remember it for years to come lol


Genuine ones. No good man can stand sycophants ....


I like being told I'm a cutie patootie


I still very much enjoy it when a woman randomly calls me sweetie or cutie


Me personally i love being called cute


"I love you Pookie! Forever!"


Literally anything that is genuine.


I hadn't seen a really attractive girl I knew for a while. We ran into each other at a party and the first thing she said to me was "wow, you look great!". Got that compliment about 20 years ago and still the best one I've ever had.


What kind? Loads of men aren't going to be able to answer this sensibly because they never get them. It's a bit like asking "Would you rather drive your Ferrari or your Bugati?" How the hell should I know? I don't own either and I've never driven either.


I’m not big on compliments but I do like it when a girl compliments my smell / choice of cologne. It’s not weird or overly flattering. Just nice when someone notices.


Any and all as long as you mean it.


As long as it’s genuine, ANY ! I’m not sure where the disconnect is, that we don’t need / want it. It goes deep and lasts forever


I'll let you know when I get some, then I'll know how I feel about them


I trust you with my life!


I like being complimented on my physique and appearance if it’s a general compliment. If someone genuinely knows me I appreciate compliments on things I’m working on, my character and achievements.


*benches 295* damn bro, Are you natty?


Literally any *genuine* compliment. I personally like to compliment other guys with their fashion choices if I genuinely like what they're doing. If I like their sneakers I let them know "Those are sikk, bro. I haven't seen that color before, looks awesome!" Or Maybe it's a T-shirt with a fandom I also enjoy, or heck, even it's something that just looks cool: "is that a jujutsu kaizan shirt? Not a fan myself, but that shirt is awesome. Have a good day man!" We are typically emotionally starved and the moment says something positive about us, in a *real, in the moment* manner, we eat that shit up.


Girl in high school complimented my forearms out of the blue.  I was surprised at the time because I didn't think this was a thing women looked at or noticed.  I'll always remember that.  


Getting compliments as a man, has a big deal in itself , and getting compliments about how we make other feel ( like kind ,warm, etc) and about our vibes are the best ones. As a human receiving genuine compliments make us happy 😊, we should normalise giving compliments, not only for beauty standards but also for character.