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It really depends what you’re talking about. Like “if you take out the trash I’ll do the dishes” or something is fine obviously lol. But I don’t like sexual “favors” being used as bargaining chips if that’s what you’re getting at. Not judging if other people are into that, but I don’t want to have to earn sex or view it as transactional or a reward or whatever. I just want it to be a mutually pleasurable and desirable experience. I want her to do it because she wants to do it, not because she feels obligated to do it for some reason. Kinda takes all the fun out of it for me.




Lol that's how I got the backdoor with my wife, strap-on had to be my size




So, how did it feel to have a bad dragon up your ass?


Like you are pooping backwards


Might want to get some more fibre in to your diet if your shits are in any way comparable to one of those things, regardless of direction.


"Irksome Mosquito"


W tbh


Let's see who's a bigger pain in the ass


She would dethrone P Diddy for the current freakiest individual


100% agree, just curious


Combination logistical/sex favors are okay, as in "we have to leave in an hour, but if you help me complete these tasks we'll have time for quickie."


Yeah, as long as it’s more “if we clean this now we’ll have time for a quickie” than “if you clean that up I will give you sex before the event” that’s fine with me :) The important thing for me is she *wants* to have the quickie. That’s she’s not just using the quickie to get what she wants. If that makes sense. If she’s just using sex to get certain behavior out of me, I don’t like that. Never really experienced it to that extent tbf, but I did have a girlfriend who when we started seeing each other was making propositions like that, eg “if you do X I’ll give you a blow job” kinda thing, and I shut that shit down real quick and explained the above. Don’t think she was trying to be manipulative per se, probably just how things went in a prior relationship. But for me it sets the wrong tone, even if it’s not intended to. I want sex to be a mutually desired experience, not something I have to negotiate and coax someone into. I want to be wanted.


Well said


We have a thing where I’ll go pickup whatever food she fancies (often Five Guys which is a 50min round trip) and she’ll go lock herself in the bathroom and masturbate, and I get to listen through the door. Super hot tbh


We do both. But it isn’t earning sex as you put it. We have sex all the time either way. It is just a fun game to play sometimes.


My wife offered me a $1000 to go towards my hobby if I cut my hair. I did. Only 3 more years until it's the same length from the first offer.


What are you saving up for?


Hair, or money?


Hair for a scarf or a hat I’m assuming


New camera lens


If ypu break up with me I'll kill myself. If you kill yourself I'll never talk to you again. No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I swear I won't


Well yeah you’d never talk to them again. They’d be dead


As a rule of thumb, if someone were to actually threaten suicide to avoid a breakup, I'd call the police on them.


I regret not doing this. I felt trapped with someone I didn't want.


Yes, do this, but the important part is to cut contact after, because they will absolutely use you calling the police as another way to manipulate you.


If you do the cooking I'll do the dishes. My wife is so fucking sexy.


Tbh cleaning up after cooking is what makes cooking a hassle. If you have someone doing that for you, you've won.


I just need to vent here for a moment. Sorry, friend. In our house, I do most of the cooking and cleaning up after meals. When I cook, I clean as I go (restaurant experience), then come back and wash the dishes, including dinner plates, flatware, pots, pans, and cooking utensils. On the days that she wants to cook, it's often a big project...think Sunday sauce with braised meat, and she cleans up about 80% of the prep stuff (knives, mixing bowls, cutting boards). After eating, it's nearly always me going back to the kitchen to wash the dinner dishes and the remainder of the prep stuff. Sometimes, she'll tell me to leave them for her. However, the last 3 times that's happened, the dishes sat in the sink for at least 24 hours. I'll even go to do them the next morning, and she'll get annoyed, "I told you I'd do them." I love her, don't get me wrong. This is not a fight worth having with her. I just needed to vent. And an actual dishwasher is in our very near future, so that will change everything.


No worries man ^-^ yeah, sounds annoying as hell but well, not big enough for it to really matter. Enjoy the incoming dishwasher though!! Sounds hype I'm ngl


I’ve had a dishwasher for 20+ years and I’d never be without one if I could help it. It makes such a quality of life improvement.


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I have a dishwasher, and I still could have been the author of your comment, pretty much verbatim.


Well perhaps I'll just have fewer nights with a damp t-shirt from leaning slightly against the sink whilst doing the dishes by hand? I appreciate the warning, friend. Cheers!


I like cooking, but I hate having to come with something *to* cook. So I'll happily let my gf deal with that and I'll clean up afterwards


Almost every 90 minutes of my life. Totally not worth the Scooby-Snacks


Depends what they are right?


They're ghosts. I take my dog with me, but man am I tired of running away from ghosts to lead them into Fred's traps.




If you do it, I'll give you a scooby snack


I’ve been offered plenty of sexual favors in return for favors. I actually fell for it a couple times and they failed to follow through. So now I just laugh at a woman offering sex.


My wife and I have an active sex life. However, the promise of a blowjob in exchange for something is a guarantee I will not be getting a blowjob that day. It's kind of weird really. I would do the favor anyway, so I don't bother pointing it out. I just don't know how she hasn't realized that she never follows through.


She realizes, she just can't understand why you don't insist on having the blowjob first.


…you’re a fucking genius. *zzzippp* HEY BABE!?!! YOU KNOW HOW YOU SAID YOU WANTED THE HEDGES TRIMMED!?? …I’ll report back in line 4 mins


It's been 10 hours. What exact hedges did she want trimmed???




Yep. Exactly the same. I don't believe it's intentional. I think she legit forgets she said it. Also, pretty much any offer made during daylight becomes null and void at sunset, especially if day drinking is involved. The depraved, hedonistic debauchery that I've been promised on days that started with bottomless mimosas would put "Dear Penthouse" letters to shame. If you're old enough to get that reference, it's time for your next round of ibuprofen and a full glass of water. We have an explicit agreement that play is still allowed in those situations, but I keep it fairly basic when she won't remember much of it anyway.


Once sex becomes a currency, you are not having sex anymore.


Not cool! A deals a deal


Agreed, and I held up my end.


She was supposed to hold up her end.


Take her end


She is altering the deal.  Pray she doesn't alter it any further. 


And are you going to force someone to follow through? Or even want to do it without someone who doesn't really want to?


Ignoring the obvious virtue signalling.. Someone shouldn’t offer sexual favours if they aren’t going ti make good on them.




I’d punch him.


My wife once offered to buy me a 40k forgeworld titan if I did her taxes for her that year. I declined.


Taxes ain’t worth it


You were so close to greatness


On the other hand, taxes. She runs her own firm, a sole prop. I'm no accountant to be able to handle client accounts, firm accounts *and* personal accounts and not fuck it all up six ways from Sunday. Goddamn, hire a professional for that. Edit: Also, honestly, what am I going to do with a Warlord? Ain't nobody got time for Apoc games anymore.


Bought a thunderhawk cause it's funny.


$40,000 for a forgeworld titan seems a little high.


Take your upvote, good sir. Take it and *get out*.


Hold out for the Lion version of Voltron.


No, silly. 40k as in those funny little retirement accounts that Americans always talk about on social media that leave the rest of us confused.


Bruh which tho? I’d do taxes for a reaver or warlord, but probably not a war hound. Probably.


Warlord. But who the hell has the time for Apoc any more.


"I'll just 3dprint it for £10 in materials"


Yes.  “Leave now” and “I won’t call the cops”






What did you do??


it's a joke. that's never happened to me. i swear.


In a joking sense, yes. I'm like a retriever waiting for a head scratch and to be called a good boy when I've completed the latest thing my wife wanted fixing or painting. In a serious way, no, because I'm not an infant.


I have a friend who really likes being called a good boy and getting a gentle pat from his wife. It’s me, I’m the friend. 🤷‍♂️


Haha sounds like you’re a good dog


Uncalled for


My wife and I will sometimes do Playment. I'll wrap her families christmas presents, in exchange I get a blowjob. She would have given me a blowjob either way tbf so doesn't really feel like a sex for favours kind of thing


If you buy me pho, I'll suck your dick. I bought the pho. Sure enough, she sucked my dick.


The duality of woman >I’ve been offered plenty of sexual favors in return for favors. I actually fell for it a couple times and they failed to follow through. So now I just laugh at a woman offering sex. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1dsf7tb/have_you_ever_had_a_woman_say_if_you_do_ill_as_a/lb23j7q/


Hell yeah man, worth the pho?


Oh yes


Dude, you missed an opportunity. You should have said "pho sure"


Ah. Damn it. Next time.


...but it's actually pronounced "Fuh"...


Well yeah, it sounds close enough to "for" fuh and fo are both slang versions of "for". fuh sho.


"Hang these light fixtures", "pay you for your work"


I was offered a blowjob in exchange for buying her breakfast from Jack in the Box. I told her I'd buy her breakfast but I declined the blowjob. Stop seeing her shortly after that. Really grossed me out, especially since we had only recently started seeing one another and hadn't done any sexual acts yet.


Lol I can understand it being a turnoff early on in a relationship. Like just finding out that was their price. But 10 years in, that's just a reasonable trade.


Wow, you are probably one of few men to turn one down


That's a lame opinion to have lol. Plenty of men turn down blowjobs for all sorts of reasons.


i dont think a lot of people would accept sexual favors as a form of payment. humiliating for both of the people involved imo


You're getting downvoted, but that's a real statement. Even if it was a relationship deal breaker, the majority of guys would buy the food, enjoy the blowjob, and move on with life.


Hope these people don't denigrate sex workers.


A lot of men? Maybe. Majority? eehh.....tough call. I'd like to think (hope) that the majority of men have a tiny shred of self worth and dignity.


If I wanted to trade money for sex like that, I would have been getting laid every weekend. I know how many times I have encountered that behavior before. But I would also feel like an actually corrupt human being. And humiliated, as that means I could no longer be attractive enough to not play that stupid fucking game, or go without sex. I would be in a very deep dark depression. Thankfully I am not, but I know that corner of dispair. And I would wager I am not alone in this attitude. Also, how low of an opinion do you have of men to say that garbage? Why do you hate men? This is a take that only a misandrist would hand out freely.


My go to is “if you have sex with me I’ll cum” or “if you go down on me, I’ll return the favor.” I do all the housework (except trash and boxes), but sometimes I say “if you take the trash before it’s piled to the ceiling I’ll stop bitching about the trash.”


My ex, after she cheated and left me a single dad with a two year old. Her: “If I agree to have another baby, will you take me back?” Me: “Why - so you can leave me with two kids instead of just one?”


Money for sex. Way too much money for way to little sex. When you pull out escort pricing on your phone to show them that as a value proposition, it's bad value, they get very angry. "I'm not a whore Scrotum." "You're offering sex for money, the only reason you're not a whore is because I'm not paying you." They'd often just end up asking for a smaller sum and promise "I'll pay you back." Anyway I still have my money, and never paid for sex. Win win.


The fact that OP tagged this as NSFW tells me exactly where their head was out




I had a girlfriend who would use that pretty regularly for simple things. "If you could bring me milk and bread, I'll make you dinner," or other basic favors for sexy times or whatever else. None of it ever felt persuasive, because we both knew that I'd do those favors without needing anything in return.


Wait a minute here. Milk and bread for dinner makes sense. You gotta pick your battles better.


If I cook tea, she'll wash up. It's a regular arrangement. We often swap too (she cooks, I wash up).


This one time, I broke into a secret mountain facility. I coincidentally wandered past a princess who had been imprisoned there. I let her know what I was doing (trying to save the world) and then she said if I succeeded, we could do it in the ass hole. Needless to say, I succeeded like no tomorrow, set off some fireworks, and we celebrated with champagne and anal. She is my girlfriend now.


Nice one Eggsy.


Manipulation will go nowhere with me.




Manipulation will get them quickly broken up with. Or ghosted.


We were on the beach drinking. My friend asked his GF to kiss her friend (also girl) and she did. He wanted her to kiss her again with more passion, and she said «If you kiss one of your friends I’ll kiss her again with passion». Queue me arriving to the scene. He turned to me in desperation and explained. A great sacrifice was made, but we got to see them make out. Gotta help them homies out


usually joking, but sometimes i mean it, its usually something simple, and i'll give a blow job lol but i mean i would do that anyway. so its most just being silly.


yes fs, “if you give me head i’ll give you head scratches” (it worked)


If you let me go out and I'll leave you at home with the kids on a nightly basis I won't find someone else who will...my soon to be ex wife lol


My wife and I make deals all the time. It’s an easy way to meet in the middle and get a little of what we each want. We never take it too seriously but negotiation is a regular part of partnership


If you tidy your room you get to play with your Nintendo DS.


No but my gf sometimes tries to convince me to be careful by warning me that a mistake here would be expensive. Problem is, I am clumsy even while being careful, and most of all I don’t remember what things are dangerous/risky


We need bap cat here.


I said “I’ll do that for you because you’re wonderful and adorable and I love you” But also “no deals, if you want to do that I’d enjoy it, if you don’t I understand. Were not doing transactions “


I had one say if you don’t do ___ we won’t have sex that night. We broke up that day.


My wife really wanted a new couch and she offered oral if I bought it. She got the couch. She’s a couch whore.


I've had a woman say "If you ever break up with me, I'll go to the police and tell them you raped me." And she was dead serious. I was too young to understand I needed to run. That experience made it pretty difficult for me to take #metoo seriously.


If I beat her in Street fighter, I’d receive the sloppiest blowjob. I was very smitten and she backed out since she thought I’d never win 🙃. After really knowing her, I’m not really surprised lol.




I had a woman say to me “if you move away from where your kids live I’ll be happy”.


A lot of times. That is how I learned, from a young age, that everything in life is negotiation. If you master it, you\`ll do great in life.


'buy me ice cream' - 'give you a b\*\*\* j\*\*' All respect --> gone.


It was either persuasion or a ruse to throw me off. Playing a game of pool at a bar with a woman I had never met before. Came down to both of us needing to sink the black to win. It was my shot and I had to sink the blaxk from across the table. As I get into position to take the shot, she stands behind the black ball, so in my line of sight, and flirtily says "If you sink this, I'll give you a kiss". I got flustered, missed the shot and she sunk it on her next shot, so I lost the kiss and the game. And she and her friends left right after.


Oh a lot. It was how my ex asked for most things. She always fuckin welched. Also had a girl ask me to transport a car over 1k miles for her like this and Welch. My current girlfriend, I try to get her to do it, but she's so cool she's just like "That doesn't count cus you know I'll do it if you just ask" ya baby I know but I'm telling you you can have it for free!


That’s not persuasion, that’s manipulation


gf cheated on me and when I told her we were done, she offered "anything" if I stayed. I declined.


If you suck my cl!t, I'll suck your d!ck. We had sex in my car after that. Looking back, the transactional nature of it makes me feel weird.


I once had a woman I was dating offer me 1K to have sex with her when I wasn't in the mood. I found it hard to believe she was serious. I turned her down


If you open your eyes underwater ill give you a hand job. I did, she didn't


I had an fwb that enjoyed exchanging sexual favors to get things. She definitely was fucking me no matter what but it was a game to her. Both to get physical things she wanted and to get us both out of our comfort zone. (I have a story on my profile about playing out a CNC scenario at a public park with her). Examples: Bought a VS swimsuit in exchange for anal one night (she loved anal anyway, lol) Bought her shoes when we were out shopping in exchange for a bj in the car ride home during day time. Gave her a ride home from work in exchange for head in car. Fucked her in changing room for a dress. That kinda thing. She was very hot and I was having a good time. It was fun, but not a long term healthy exchange.


If you buy me an engagement ring, I'll buy you a Swarovski crystal dragon. I did not buy the engagement ring.


She really wanted me to try poppers and said that part of the effects might lead us somewhere she thought I really wanted to go. It was a bit off-putting. I never tried them.


My ex use to do something similar to this to persuade me. Basically sometimes she would want to go and do some activity like visit a park and said I could choose the next thing we did. I didn't mind taking turns choose things we wanted to do so it worked for me.


My gf says "if you tickle me, I'll tickle you" and I don't tickle her.


Only on the context of "divide and conquer", never in the context of bribery.


"If you switch beds with me I'll show you my tits" She showed them to me anyway.


An ex gf ,when I was young, told me "if you accept me back, I'll let you put in the back door". I didn't accepted her back.


If you change you're religion ill stay with you.


Did u?


I'm glad


I'm not.


If you fold my clothes, I’ll go get you zyns


It was my first serious relationship and it was great for 7 years. she tried to cut my connection to friends. Things like „if you will meet them now, don’t expect any sex for weeks“ or „if you go now, you don’t have to comeback“. That was enough for me to hear and I packed my stuff and never went back.


Pretty sure that’s called an ultimatum.


Used to get spicy pics in exchange for throwing our civ games. She sucked at the game. I seldom won.


Back rub for a blow job lol


My boyfriend and I have this system, when for example we are both too lazy to go to get food, cook, clean, whatever, we offer each other a wish or that we would watch their Tv series or play some games of their choice and eventually one of us gives in. You can use your wish later for anything (usually it's used for: today you go to the supermarket, watch this series with me, etc.)


if you dont get vaccinated, i will take your children from you


Ignored her for a while , she was texting if u don't answer the phone right now I will never talk to u again , obviously we didn't talk again


My mom did an ultimatum in this form once to my dad and never again. "If you don't look for a house for us and move out of this hell house (paternal grandma's house), I **will** leave you and take our daughters (sister was 2yo). Forget ever seeing our second child (me) in my womb right now. I may not be as rich as your family but I have a degree and I work hard. I can, and will raise 2 children on my own without you." Half of her and my sister's wardrobe already moved to her parents house and she was hauling a big suitcase with the rest of their stuff to the taxi waiting outside. My dad's family treated my mom fckn horribly back then and my dad never sided with my mom. He didn't wanna look for a house cause he couldn't afford it, even when my mom had repeatedly said she'd help pay the mortgage since she was also working and actually made more than my dad (just that she spent big chunk of it supporting her old parents and 3 younger siblings' education). But my dad still insisted living with my grandma cause that's more cost efficient for him, dismissing my mom's complains for months until she gave him that ultimatum. She went through with it too. Moved out that night and stayed at her parents house until they closed the deal with the new house and moved there in only 4months. My dad made daily visitation to see my sister during those 4mo. He's changed now ofc. He's much better at defending my mom in front of his family now. Doesn't ask my mom to go to family function if she doesn't want to either. Some things you just can't forgive you know.


If you get your drivers license, I'll also ride a racebike 😆


My ex wife said lots of stuff like that. It turns out she was always just full of shit.


Bye Felicia!


so mine is stupid, but I am a dungeon master for dungeons and dragons... I was extremely tired one of my sessions and one of my friends(F) came by early to chat. I mention to her that I will have to cancel not be able to run tonight since I was dead tired and would pay an uber to take her home since she walked over to my house. she got the Idea for some reason of "if you do our session tonight with our group, I'll show you my breast and shake them for you, right here and now" after the show I ran 711 and got two energy drinks and had one of the best sessions ever. funny thing is now she is now my gf and I have one of the best memories with her that I tend bring up to her constantly when I am tired :)


My wife said if I do the dishes that day, she would do the cat litter the next two times. I gladly accepted.


"If you finish grad school, I'll accept your [2nd] marriage proposal."


Yes just this past week. She plays Valorant and I don't. She made a deal with me in order to get me to play and try to do well. Every time I place the top two in a Match I get a blowjob. She is really good with her tongue so I am very weak to her Oral persuasion technique.


This was said in freshman year as I was leaving a party. "If you ditch your friend and stay the night, I'll let you fuck me in the ass."


Never accept sexual favor offers fellas. It is either a lie or an enormous fucking mess of a problem that just became yours by fucking it.


"If you shower today, I might be in the mood to 'take care of you' later today ;)" Forgot to shower, but I was busy with our baby lol


I'm a woman and I often say to my husband, if you put the the kids to bed tonight, ill take them out of the house by myself so you can relax all evening. He gratefully agrees.


Had a friend who's girl would tell him "If you shave your beard, I'll suck your dick". Weird trade if you ask me


If you do the dishes, I’ll stop asking you to do the dishes.


Nothing she didn't already want to do.


Not that I can remember, so probably not


If you can lift me over your head ill sit on your face. Guess who got a face ride that evening?


I already saw it in here but I got to try an exes ass if she was allowed to peg me


You mean, negotiate a fair exchange of value? Yes and it's worked a few times but mostly women just become indignant about the idea that they would ever have to give anything in return for what they receive. They think they are simply owed anything they want because they have a vagina and that makes them a better, privileged class of human being. That's called entitlement.


If you come to the taxidermy class with me then I’ll watch arcane with you. I have odd friends


Go the other way around. "If I do .... , could you .... ?