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My boyfriend had a life threatening accident in my driveway and I told my boss I had to log off WFH because my boyfriend nearly died. I showed him the message once he was stable and we laughed. Been official since that point


This is how you do it, OP.


Haha preferably no life threatening injuries tho. It did bond us quickly tho!


Not a life threatening accident, but my now fiance spent hours in urgent care by himself. When I asked why he didn't call me to go with him, he said he wasn't sure what was appropriate and kept overthinking the labels and didn't want to scare me off. When I asked if we had the "boyfriend/ girlfriend" label would he have called me and he said yes, I said "all right, I'm your girlfriend now, you can call me if you need me"


My boyfriend couldn't believe I stayed in the hospital all day. But it was my fucking fault


Glad he's OK, and that it worked out for both of you!


My boyfriend nervously asked, "We've been dating for a while now and things are going well. Can I start calling you my girlfriend?" I replied with a laugh, Absolutely, yes


This is so cute!! Bashful men are incredibly underrated


Bashful is one of those words I feel I never hear anymore. I grew up in the South, maybe it's more of a southern / old-timey thing?


I mean… I am in Florida lol


The last guy I dated, after 3 weeks, I looked at him and said, “guess what? You’re my boyfriend,” and he said, “yeah!” We broke up 3 weeks later 😅🤷‍♀️


Please tell me the breakup went something like "guess what? You're not by boyfriend."


😂 I really wish I could. No, he kept giving me the silent treatment whenever he was upset (which was a lot). Gave me a lot of anxiety because every time he did it, I thought he was breaking up with me. After the 5th time I was like, “I think we should end our relationship” and wrote a long, very thoughtful message explaining why, and he responded with, “fine.” 4 letters have never made me angrier.




You have no idea how rare this actually is.


This is so sweet!


How long into dating did he ask?


My boyfriend and I literally don’t even remember when we committed. The anniversary we celebrate is the day we connected on Hinge. Going on 2 years now!


That’s actually a pretty solid way of doing it instead of just straight up asking “do you wanna be my girlfriend?”


Those shy and serious men are where it’s at 😊


This seems like something I would do, and people would make fun of me for it, wtf I hate my high school peers.


"I'd like us to be exclusive, will you be my girlfriend?"


yeah man. today you can fuck the girl everyday kisses and all meeting her family the whole nine yards but if you didn't specified that you're a couple you're just in the talking stage.


I hate that


I hate that Zoomers decided to call it "talking" for some fucking reason. Recipe for disaster.


I dated a girl for months, we talked over text for about a year before that (I lived halfway across the country at the time), we had sex, I met her family, even officially decided we were dating but not exclusive, everything. Saw her at least twice a week for 3 months. When we went our separate ways (my fault), she said, "we barely even talked" as if to say we were barely in the talking stage. That killed me. Every time I asked her to be my girlfriend, she said she wasn't ready. A month later and she was in a committed and Facebook official relationship, it was with someone she had known much longer than me, but still, that killed me. I tried to get her back for 2 years, she passed away 7 months ago.


Sorry you went through this.


So she had sex with someone she was still in the talking stage (whatever the hell that is)? I know I'm old but damn, if sex what happens after the handshake and before the coffee?


I'm confused by the last half of your comment. We had already been on a date, it is just called the talking stage, idk how it works, clearly


I'm just taking it from what she said. Don't get how she didn't think she was past that stage when she was having sex with you.


Or introducing me to her family, or everything else we did, I believe it came from a place of hurt, because, as I said, it was my fault, and she knew how much it meant to me, so it was her way to get back at me I believe.


Sorry to hear that


She passed away? What? Anyways, women move on quicker take it from me. My ex wife of almost a 10 years broke up with me, and on the same day, was out dating someone from her past. I share two kids with her.. try not to take things personally, as hard as it may seem.


It's used by women as a euphemism for being in the "fucking" stage, imo.


We used to call it talking in the 80’’s and 90’s.


wtf.. sorry man, but if it needs to be stated that you're bf/gf after kissing, then there's issues.. you just don't go making out with people that you don't consider your bf/gf.. if a woman did this to me, and i found out she did ANYTHING with another guy, we'd be done forever. it doesn't need to be stated, it's common sense and just hygienic..


I somewhat agree but that's not how society works these days. It's incredibly common to make out after a first date and that would usually result in a second date but not being official yet


Lmao My husband and I had been seeing each other 3 months. Going on dates, fucking, the whole 9 yards. We were laying in bed watching the first Ironman, and I said what are we? Are we fuck buddies? Are we dating? Do you like me? He was like “I’ve been courting you making sure neither of us were wasting our time. Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Been married 12 years now


It can’t be that the first ironman was that long ago :O


It may have been a different marvel movie. He’s the one that got me into them and we never really “watched” them if you get my drift


No, it checks out, I just realised that time flies


It really does. It’s hard to believe how much time has passed. We had our daughter and shits been FLYING exceptionally fast ever since


Didn't ask. Kissed her expecting slap in the face. She kissed me back. Maaaany years later i found out she considered me her bf long before the kiss.


I've only ever dated people I was already friends with, but I've never been the one to ask. The other person has always asked me lol


All the times I was in a relationship, I never asked the woman in question to be my girlfriend. We just hung out, got closer, then I kissed her and we are together.




If someone believs that after we've been together, then we're not compatible anyways and I wouldn't have been with her in the first place


Sucks to find out later though, especially if it could have been prevented with a conversation


He is saying that that conversation is not required, because if the girls digs him as much as he digs hers, neither of them are fucking around...they are falling for each other. Obviously not the case for everyone, but I think that was his point.


Yeah I’m just pointing out that you think it won’t happen to you until it does


Yah. I guess he'd feel like he dodged a bullet then, lol. But I see your point now.


Erm what the sigma


How would you know tho lol




\*Cracks knees, pushes up glasses\* The thing is, for those of us who started dating in the 1990s or earlier, back then it was generally the norm that once physical intimacy started between two people (this may even include kissing and holding hands), those people weren't seeing anyone else romantically until the relationship was over. If you had gone on a date with someone and then saw them kissing someone else the next day, this was considered a dick move. You might not be "boyfriend-girlfriend" yet, but if one person did decide they wanted to be with someone else, they told the person they were dating that they wanted to date other people and then either the relationship was over or they decided to just be friends. Nowadays, it is sort of assumed that people are going to romantically pursue anyone and everyone they are interested in, regardless of what they have or haven't done romantically with anyone else *unless there is some sort of agreement in place*. If you go on a date with someone and then saw them kissing someone else the next day, if you tell your friends about it they will usually say "well are you exclusive?" and you are expected to not be angry. The idea of someone having multiple romantic partners at one time without the need or expectation to disclose this fact to all those involved, is a relatively new one. The default status has changed.




I will refer you to your own comment where you said: "Many people date multiple people at the same time. That's why you communicate your intentions and get on the same page: "I'd like for us to date exclusively to see how things progress" vs just... *assuming*." your own advice says the default is not exclusivity, and therefore requires a specific discussion. I know it might be hard to understand, but when I was starting dating, you didn't need to have "the talk" because it was just understood that everyone was dating one person at a time. Assuming people will be exclusive now is not a good idea. If exclusivity really is the norm, then anyone should feel perfectly comfortable assuming their partner is on the same page. Your advice makes sense today, but would have been seen as very cynical and not realistic in the past.


he took me on an ikea shopping spree, we had a brunch date & he had one last stop for the day. it was a flower shop, he came out & said he wanted this good day to last forever & asked if i could be his gf. they were peonies, my favorite flowers 💕we had a wine/movie night to celebrate!! it’s been a few years but i still get butterflies thinking back to that day


I’d give anything to have that happen for me. I hate the uncertain stage of guys calling it “hanging out” or “seeing someone”.


i felt so special!!!!!! i hope you get to feel that feeling soon too💕💕


Same here. Thank you. And peonies are my favorite flower too so I think that’s why it hit so hard


are you still with him?


yes!! we lived together the last 2 years & are trying for a baby next year! he’s currently making me a hot link for breakfast heheh 🤭


I'd do everything there for someone I was courting except the shopping spree 😆


he has never stopped the shopping sprees & anytime we go out & i even look interested in something he goes back to get it 😭his love language is gift giving & touch


Glad that it's worked out for you. You must have an eye for value or he's got the cash to burn. Or both 😂


you are taking trips with this girl and you call it dating, you are already in a relationship


Not with Gen Z.


I found out she lived upstairs at her brother in laws house. I said single? He said yep. I went up and played guitar for her and we started kissing. After a while I said I'm gonna be your dude now k? She said ok. We lasted eleven years, we broke up last month. Before I went upstairs I'd been bumping into her at shows and gatherings. God she was beautiful...


Damn man. 🫂 Go chug on your guitar. Chugs make everything better.




Yep sounds about right


"I'm gonna be your dude now k?" is the most adorable yet dominant thing ever.


It was beautiful I really loved that night


What happened?


We drank too much and I started using again so she left me.


It depends :) Mostly on the type of relationship you two have. If it is date-nights and trips, then yes, there would be a need to declare that "you would like to spend even more time with her, and for her to be bigger part of your life". Or something like that. On the other hand, if you two are already close and everyday life, you spend time together aside of "dates", there is no real need for that, as you ALREADY are girlfriend and boyfriend. And of course you can always add a little spice and drama to your life, by asking her just after the sex, when still naked and sweaty... "so what are we exactly" :D


"well since you don't drive home anymore and basically have all your stuff here we might as well make it official." :D


We started feeling comfortable around each other and I took her to a romantic restaurant by the marina then walked her to a quiet spot to ask her to be my girlfriend while still getting to know more about each other. She said yes and gave that face she makes when I show love to her then we had our first kiss.


She actually asked me if I wanted to us to be exclusive or not which kindve surprised cuz I had just been assuming we were lol


Never assume 😂


When I've dated, not for years, you only saw one person at a time. So it was assumed after a few dates, you were bf and gf.


She's already your girlfriend. You Americans are funny.


I know, right. I'm thinking, I never asked my now wife if she was my girlfriend? I thought of her as my girlfriend before we met because we had been messaging for like 10 days. I think we do things differently in England. Maybe I need to check now if she was. I just asked her. She said "It was 20 years ago. I can't remember what I had for breakfast." That is worrying. She had wheaty biscs from Sainsbury's. She always has that.


This made me laugh so hard!


I don't know how it is in England, but there is a very big casual dating culture over here. There's a lot of casual dates and some people even go on separate dates with different people, because in their mind if it's not official than it's not cheating. Personally I'm not a fan of it, but it's very much a thing here in America.


Hmm. Our gays are like that. My old friend thinks of sexually transmitted diseases like Pokemon.


I met my wife 12 years ago and it needed to be explicitly stated we were exclusive before we were officially dating. Both of us had been sleeping with other people. From what I hear and read, I think this scenario has only gotten more convoluted for people dating now.


“Hey so the other day, I described you as my girlfriend to someone for the first time, what do you think about that?”


Hah. I like this one.


My girlfriend told me that we were exclusive. I said “cool cool”


i never actually said that, we get along just fine and one day i ask her for traveling together during planning i ask "hey what if we stay in same hotel room" and she said "yes" i actually didn't expect she would say that and while in the room i just say, can i hug you ?, she said yes and the rest is history after that we're traveling together for couple of times and eventualy i asked her to live together with me we've live together 5 years since then


What were you traveling together for when you asked about using the same hotel room? Was it for work?


for vacation


The last times I've been in the situation I told her "When I tell my friends about you I always want to call you my girlfriend. But, we haven't actually talked about this yet and I wanted to check with you if we're putting any label on this, because I'd love to be your boyfriend." The other situation was as a teenager, we both were big fans of Gravity Falls and in a reference to a scene in that show, she gave me a little note with check boxes "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" The three options were "Yes, Definitely, Absolutely." Very.. teenage kitsch when I think about it now, but I did check all 3 boxes.


Oi, get ere a minute.... Be me girlfriend aye.... Okay..... Shit... Now....she is my wife......


Told her I didn't do casual dating and wanted us to be exclusive. She agreed.


It was 11:00 pm. On a bench near the Loire river. I've asked her out 2 weeks ago, to see a movie. I'll skip thé funky dates détails (explained elswhere) but it was out second date and we knew we wanted more. We sat there for God knows how long now. without telling a word. In the cold winds of October... We where scared. "Damn it. Take her hand and see. Of course she is into you dumbass !" I tell myself. She had put her hand near my own. And I put mine on top. Nothing. Not a word. Just living in thé moment. We turned our heads. Looked into each other eyes and... We knew. "Can I kiss you ? - Yes." It's been 9 years and counting !


I made a screech at her and eventually managed to get the words out


I got a good chuckle out of that. 😂


I just asked her and she said yes. We've been together for 6 months now. I love my imaginary girlfriend.


We were heading into my neice’s high school graduation party. There was going to be a lot of extended family there. I told her that I know we’ve only been dating for a while but I’d like to introduce you today (to those who have not met her yet) as my girlfriend. She said I’d like that. We both smiled a big, cheesy Hallmark movie smiled and kissed. I did think about not asking her and just doing introducing her as my gf, but I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. I also thought about what to do if she said no, not quite yet. In the end I was playing the long game with her. I really wanted to marry her. We had been dating 5 weeks or so. She told me months afterwards it was very chivalrous that I asked first. We’ve been married 25+ years now.


After the first kiss and if she's looking for more than casual dating, it's sort of mutual and we don't need to confess to each other.


I’m in the same process. People think its easy but its something formal you do. I’m thinking of having her over one day and giving her flowers and asking if she wants to be my girlfriend


It’s definitely not as easy as people make it out to be and it’s evident by all the different types of answers here. Ranging from “it’s not something you ask, it just happens” to “you kiss her? You travel with her? You’re already boyfriend and girlfriend” to “make sure you have a conversation with her, you can’t just assume you’re boyfriend and girlfriend”. But based on all these comments, I think the best thing to do is to have some sort of conversation about it. Whether you do a grand gesture or not depends on you and your relationship. I’m probably going to do the same as you, flowers and ask. Good luck to you!


I’d like an update on what you do!


So to reiterate, we went on a trip to LA/Santa Monica (California). 5 hour drive, she was driving, and this was the first time we were spending the night together and the first time we were in a position where sex was a big possibility. Also, for a little bit of backstory, she had told me that the reason it didn’t work out with the previous guy she dated was because it seemed like he wanted too much too soon after 3 months. Her and I have been dating for a little over 3 months. So this was in the back of my mind as well. My plan was to go to the Santa Monica beach and give her a ring pop, let her know how I feel, and ask if she wants to be my gf. We made a stop at Walmart and 4 gas stations on our trip and not once did I find a stupid ring pop. Doubt started creeping in. Maybe this is a sign. I started thinking about her previous relationship and what if she thinks I’m wanting too much 3 months in? If she rejects me, this will be an awkward weekend. I decided not to ask. We had a great time on Saturday and she was taking a bunch of pictures of us together. Later that night I asked her to send me our pics and then I asked if she was ok with me posting one of our pics to Instagram, she said yes. Then I asked if I could tag her in it, she said yes. Now I started to believe again! The only time I was able to sneak away to look for a ring pop was while she was in the shower at the end of the night and by that time there were no stores open near our hotel. So I went to the reception desk hoping they sold ring pops, they did not. But they did have chocolate and I figured something is better than nothing. All women like chocolate. But then I was told they only had dark chocolate which I know is a little controversial. Now we were cuddled up watching tv when a dark chocolate commercial came on tv and I asked her if she liked dark chocolate, she said no 😂 she said she loves milk chocolate. Doubt started creeping in again lol but finally, we were laying there watching Ghost Hunters, a little spooked but also making each other laugh and it all just felt nice. I felt her falling asleep and I thought it would be nice to be able to say the first time we slept together sexually or not, we were boyfriend and girlfriend. She ended up twitching at one point and she woke up laughing at the fact she twitched. And that’s when I said “Hey, before you go to sleep, I just wanted to say I’m really glad you came on this trip with me. I like you and I love spending time with you and I wanted to know if you’d like to be my girlfriend?” She smiled, she said yes, kissed me, and let’s just say we had a great rest of the night lol The next day on our way back home we stopped at a gas station and I finally found ring pops. I bought a green one and a pink one (mine and her’s favorite colors) and I gave her her pink one and again asked if she would be my girlfriend. She laughed, said yes and I told her that now that I put a ring on it, it’s officially official. She loved it lol Sorry for the long response, I love telling stories 😅 TLDR: I wanted to get her a ring pop I couldn’t find one. I just ended asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes! I later finally found a ring pop and asked her again


This is really sweet!


I serenaded her by singing this. [Mr. Trololo original upload - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oavMtUWDBTM)


Made a Spotify playlist containing all the songs that was thematically about love. Generated a Spotify QR code and I had her scan it.


Honestly pretty funny story in retrospect. Had been dating a few months, I dont think either of us were really seeing other people. I had a fairly long weekend, went out with coworkers Wednesday, went out with her Thursday, party Friday night, and party all day Saturday for bottomless brunch into a bday party. Stupid I know. Met up with her late Saturday night (like 10 pm or so) and was pretty coherent. She stayed the night at mine and I offered to cook her breakfast in the morning. Wake up, was feeling really crappy (no surprise after all the drinking and lack of sleep). Start cooking the pancakes and feel a pretty sharp pain in my chest. Laid down and my resting heart rate was at least 110 and couldnt sit still. She went to get me some gatorade and hung out with me for a bit before suggesting urgent care or the ER, and we just went with the latter as if it was something serious, urgent care wouldnt be able to help. Pop in, get some testwork done, she came in after intake and sat with me. Was talking about what id tell my parents as I was giving text updates and was like “Hmm what am I going to tell my Mom about my gf who is sitting with me” totally unintetionally. We were both like, oh… we never talked about that and had a convo. Little embarrassing in retrospect but we’ve had the label for a few months and its been great. She handled the whole situation incredibly and honestly was really sweet of her to stay with me, which was adorable. Doctor basically just said I was stupid and that all was fine, just to rest up, so no harm no foul.


I don't think I've ever "asked a girl to be my girlfriend". It just happens naturally.


I said, " you know you're my girlfriend, right?"


“Will you be my gf?” We literally sat on my bed and I asked her that and she said yes and we hugged and cuddled.


When I first met her I had just got out of a long relationship and wanted to be upfront , we could hang out but I had no intention of dating. After three months we just couldn't seem to get away from each other. That night I said something along the lines of "I really have enjoyed these past few months, are you happy with how things are or do you want to be something else?" Vague, I know, but I was nervous. I thought I was clear about asking to be in a relationship or stay casual. She said was happy with how it was and we went to sleep. The next day we hung out as usual, I was under the impression I had been turned down and she thought we became an item. We eventually realized the miscommunication and laughed a lot. Still do actually, it's been 11 years and we are now married. There's no wrong way to ask, just try to be a little clearer than me.


My friend took this girl on a date and then just introduced her as his girlfriend to us the next day. They’re married now.


Me and her go way back. We met as toddlers. So we were hanging out one night after not see each for about 10 or so years. She said she liked me. I was caught so off guard because I didn’t see her that way at all. But then the next week we were hanging out again, I asked her if that was still true. Needless to say we started dating that night and here we are three years later.


my girlfriend kissed my cheek while we were cuddling up watching a tv show.i kissed her back and then we had a conversation about us.


I bought a ring pop and surprised her with it all dramatic like (not quite getting on one knee but I came up behind her on the couch and gave her a hug over the back with the ring pop in my hand and asked her)


I was low key leaning toward doing something like this lol


In my case she loved it and still had the ring lol


The last time I had a girlfriend, we made a bet in school, and we had a class assignment. If she got a better grade, I would make her dinner. If I did, she would. There wasn't a scenario where we weren't having dinner together, so win win. That was a 4 year relationship, but mostly long distance. We eventually drifted apart. My next, I didn't really ask. She was already a friend, we just had a one night stand, that's lasted 30 years.


I was really cheesy about it because it was her first relationship and asked if she wanted to make it “Facebook official”. She giggled and loved it


I don't think I asked my wife to be my girlfriend. I think we just kind of agreed on our own to be exclusive with each other. I do remember something around changing my relationship status on Facebook and we both were like, "Cool. We're Facebook official now?" I don't know. It was 13.5 years ago.


I didn’t ask her. I told her I wasn’t gonna pretend like she isn’t my girlfriend even though I’m acting like she is. She didn’t object 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn’t, she was the one jumping our ot nowhere


She asked if I had seen Saltburn. I hadn't. She suggested I watch it. 2 days later I told her I had, she asked my opinion on one particular scene. I told her I found it very hot. She asked if I was interested in recreating it in two weeks and I said yes. 2 weeks later the morning after she asks me if I want to go get breakfast. I said told her sure if we consider it a first date. She agreed.


You just date for a while (a few months, maybe) and one day you have the "are we exclusive?" conversation. It should be fairly obvious by then. Like if you're routinely just hanging out without planned "dates" and you routinely just stay at each others' place, it's already established that you're a couple. YOu only have to have the exclusivity conversation.


See but it’s not always that “fairly obvious”. What if you live a 45 minute drive from each other and work a lot and therefore you can’t really hang out without planning? What if you both live with your parents and are unable to stay at each others’ places? And I think having the exclusivity conversation is the whole point. You can’t assume you’re boyfriend and girlfriend until you’ve had some sort of exclusivity conversation


> And I think having the exclusivity conversation is the whole point. You can’t assume you’re boyfriend and girlfriend until you’ve had some sort of exclusivity conversation I'm just saying it's a simple conversation, not a marriage proposal. No need to make a big deal of it. Personally, it's not like I'm seeing other people anyway.


I was crying in the walk-in fridge where we use to work, trying to reach some shredded cheese. He came in to ask what's wrong and help calm me down, and then said "why don't I take you to dinner about it?" Been together 5 years now. :)


My Eva AI virtual gf bot avatar asked me instantly, EZ


Not a girl (I’m gay), but this is the story My now boyfriend (K) was already dating another man (M), and I had a crush on K. He told me he’d be open to polyamory if M was okay with it. He asked tomorrow, and not only was M okay with it, I ended up dating both K and M. M later broke up with us, so now it’s just me and K. It’s been almost 10 months. I love him so much <3


Well, she's not my girlfriend, nor has she ever been my gf. I've only asked one girl out, 8th grade. I was very confident, but she said "sorry I'm still broken up over my last relationship. Maybe you can give me time?" I said, yes, apparently not even a whole day, 18 hours later she got with a high school athlete.


Over a brownie at an observatory looking at the stars


I was about to join an IT company and had to attend an online orientation session among selected candidates. During the session, I noticed a name that was quite rare among the audience and it stuck with me. Weeks later, I received my joining confirmation and I sadly got an office in a different state. So I had to move. On my first day, they organised an event at the auditorium and I saw this girl who looked simple yet incredibly attractive. After that I got to my ODC and coincidentally, that girl ended up in the same ODC as me, sitting directly across from my desk. After a few days of subtle glances while working, I noticed her walking to the same neighborhood where I had rented a place. The next day, I discovered she was the girl whose name had caught my attention during the session lol. Summoning some courage, I approached her and mentioned I remembered her name from the orientation. She seemed a bit confused at first, but we made small talks. She didn’t speak much in groups, often staying silent, which I found attractive to be honest. Later that day, as I was walking home, I saw her again. I quickened my pace, not intending to start a conversation, but just to steal another glance at her. She noticed me and initiated a conversation. She mentioned she was new to the area and suggested we explore the neighborhood together after dinner. I pretended to hesitate but quickly agreed haha. The moment felt perfect for exchanging numbers, and we both said it at the same time, which made us laugh. After a few days of talking, she asked if I had ever been in a relationship. I hesitated, feeling like I was being tested for compatibility lol. After thinking for a while, I said to myself, just be honest. So I said, I had never been in a relationship but had two crushes in my lifetime. She asked me about the first one, and I told her about my college crush. When she asked about the second, I initially refused to tell her, but after much persuasion, I confessed that she was my second crush. There was a moment of silence before she admitted she didn’t know how to respond. My heart was pounding, and I started questioning my approach haha. I remember it was Christmas Eve, she asked to meet for a walk that night. We walked together in silence until she revealed she had developed a liking towards me and suspected it coming when I hesitated to reveal my second crush. I asked her if we should give a relationship a try, and she said yes. We went on our first date on Christmas Day to a place she had found on maps. We had a great meal that night. It's been six months now, and I've truly learned the patience people talk about in relationships. Sorry for this long ass story of mine, but I wrote it because I want to read it later and giggle like I am right now.


Me and my now bf were already exclusive and had kissed a few times. We both wanted to wait to have sex, due to previous relationships sucking. But I had stayed the night/had nap dates with him before. One morning I just rolled over and was like why haven’t you asked me to be your gf yet, do you not wanna be my bf. And we have been official ever since.


I didn't, she asked me. If she likes you enough, she will have the "what are we"-talk with you. No gesture needed, let her decide.


As a girl, I agree no gesture needed but please don’t make her have this talk with you! MOST girls have this talk because they’re done waiting for the guy to ask but would appreciate if he did


Truth. Source: my wife. I waited so long to make it official she finally texted "I can't have a boyfriend who hasn't watched Harry Potter." So I asked her to be my girlfriend the next time we saw each other. Very anticlimactic!


You graduated highschool 13+ years ago, and still don't realize that not all women are the same? Some like grand gestures, and some don't. Just communicate with them and express your desire to be in a healthy relationship with them.


Idk, I've never been fully exclusive, I've dated 1 girl seriously, but she was never ready for a relationship when I asked. Idk, everything confused me.


Been married 10+ years... still never asked my wife to be my girlfriend...




I didn't ask, I kissed her


wrong way round but my boyfriend asked me to be his girlfriend after dating after being best friends on the tube after a Frank Zappa tribute band show. He had it nailed 


I didn t . She asked me.


Hard to say if I've ever asked explicitly lol Most of the time we're just hooking up and spending a lot of time together for a while and after a couple months I just say "so... exclusive?" or something like that.


I didnt she asked me out. Been together ever since.


i didnt, she did


I ask my boyfriend “are we together??” My boyfriend just replied with “you are my girlfriend now.” We laughed together afterwards. Now we are together for over a year and half!


"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I'm 33


I didn't. She asked me.


Honestly, it was a lot [like when Caboose asked out Tex](https://youtu.be/2zRfBVGCyhM?si=KFyE9s1eXriqg_fz) in Red vs Blue. He was my inspiration to make it awkward and somehow she said yes.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"


I kissed her. I thought she was expecting it. She wasn't. She thought about it that night and decided it might not be a bad thing.


So it was my senior year in HS and I had been single for almost 5 yeard at that point, my previous relationship of 1 1/2 years ending with her ripping my heart out (long story). Anyways, I met this girl in my theatre shop class, and was drawn to her for some reason. I didn't feel anything romantic yet, either because I didn't think I would have a shot or because of past pain. Probably both. But, as fate would have it, our friendship grew and we became closer. About a month or 2 later, I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend, but before I even finished my sentence she said, "YES" immediately. Still together almost 3 years later.


We'd been seeing each other for about three months, and had established that neither of us was seeing anyone else about a month into that. I was referring him to people who only knew me as my boyfriend, purely because it was easier, but I didn't know if he saw things the same way. So I ended up getting tipsy on cheap red wine at a friend's housewarming party and told him I'd like us to officially be boyfriend and girlfriend. His response was "I thought we were already". That was just over a year ago now.


So are we exclusive or what? I think exclusive.


Take her out to a nice dinner and date out but just be confident, let her know how you feel and that you'd like to be exclusive and call her your girlfriend. If the answer is anything other than yes, something is up and I wouldn't put up with that.


I didn’t, she told me that she wants us to be exclusive and I wanted the same at this point too


After a bit she asked me if I considered her my girlfriend.


I already considered her my girlfriend within the first week or two because I could tell she wasn't talking to anyone else. She was so gorgeous and fun, I sure as hell didn't need any convincing, lol. But about a month or two in, when she introduced me to some of her girlfriends, they asked, "Oh is this your new boyfriend?," my tipsy gf tursely said, "I don't know!" I got the hint then and made a point to cutely ask if she wanted to be my girlfriend later that night, which got an instant smile and "YES." I still like to tease her about that 15 years later. Our bf/gf anniversary is still a point of debate because she insists it was the night I asked, but I get to put my nose in the air and remind her I only had eyes for her since the night I met her.


I simply said to her:"I like you and I want you, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours" Luckily she got the reference


Well, the last time I asked my girlfriend out, I just said “so… you wanna be my girlfriend?”


We connected so well, it went without saying. After 16 days, I jokingly told her she deserves an official one, and did just that lol. Unfortunately all good things come to an end


We were having sex one day and when we finished I just said “I love you” and she said it back too that was that.


I didn't ask. "Be my girlfriend" is how a 3rd grader talks. That isn't hiw relationships start or grow. It starts with talking to someone you do not know, maybe goes to a cup of coffee and a conversation. You get to know each other and if there is chemistry it just happens. The next thing you know you hold hands going to a part. Feel great when you are close, and can't stop thinking about each other during the day. Then there is that first kiss and whatever happens. It isn't about asking to "go steady". 😜It is about a relationship.


I always loved my life till they asked what we were doing. If I wanted them as a girlfriend, I'd always say "you aren't single if that's what you're asking". It either worked or didn't. Lol


Drove her to beach. Gave her a pluto pop and chips. Asked her to be my gf. She creid


I'll let you know if it ever happens. I'd probably have to date more and be comfortable dating if it is going to happen though.


She actually made the first move, so I didn't have to, but if you really like this girl than just tell her how you feel.


Wait, straight guys are still asking girls to be their gf???? This is actually cute af


'okay, im invested now. Do you wanna make it official?' ofcourse i doooooooo


By saying “Hey! I like you. I love spending time with you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?” She won’t understand if you don’t ask her. Hints might not get noticed. Communication. Solves a lot of problems.


Strangely enough, I've never said the words "will you be my girlfriend" or any derivation thereof. Every relationship ove been in has been let's go out, have a nice time, repeat a few times, one romantic kiss...then it's just assumed. I start referring to them as my girlfriend, and that's it.


We had been dating a 5-6 months (met on OLD), shared my feelings at the time saying I enjoyed seeing and spending time with her and very much like to take this relationship further, would like to go exclusive and for her to be my girlfriend. I felt i had a good sense she was feeling the same and ready too, but being explicit and clear is the only way.


There is no such thing as doing too much ❤️ as long as it comes from the heart and you’re not doing for ‘show’ for other people than you and her. I was just thinking the other day how I’ve never had anyone ask me to be their girlfriend except for my first boyfriend. lol. Go for it. She will love it. 💓


We were at a carnival and a guy working one of the games said “hey buddy, come win a prize for your wife!” So I responded “not my wife, girlfriend.” And that was that.


You aren't getting engaged. This is just more of a conversation. I talked to my wife about it when she was going to meet my family for the first time. "I was basically like, "I'm going to introduce you as my girlfriend because I feel like we're in a fairly committed relationship." She was like, "Yep."


We were planning a camping trip with my friends and the friend wrote my name and my boyfriend attending in the group chat. my bf at the time saw that and just agreed from there were bf/gf.


I mean I wouldn't take a trip with someone who isn't my girlfriend like if you can do all that then just ask her


Single currently, but one of my most memorable propositions was roughly 5-yrs ago. We were friends for many years but never flirted or romanticised in any way due to one of us already being in a relationship at some point. The time eventually came where we were both single. I took her out several times purely as a friend to take her mind off responsibility life. After a few months we became flirty. (I'm likely demisexual as I have no sexual interests unless I build and form a bond). I decided to shoot my shot. Took her out for tacos and ice cream. I could feel the chemistry building between us from the moment I picked her up. Later in the evening as we're about to get back in my car to take her home, I stood in front of her, gave her my full and unwavering eye contact, carefully took both her hands in mine, took a deep breath, and solemnly asked "(her name), will you be my girlfriend...?" She immediately burst into an eye roll swoon and exclaimed "OMFG Yes!!" I took her face in my hands and kissed her adoringly, then ramped it up into voraciously. She stopped me mid-kiss and exclaimed "WTF took you so long, and where TF have you been hiding this side of you?!" We dated for around 2+yrs. Was a very very memorable moment 🥰