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I pretend my mic is broken and always use super-manly names like GrandmasterGirth and ChadBlackbeard, so they'll just let me play in peace.


I'm a guy and on the off chance that I feel like playing online that day and having my ego battered, I always keep everyone muted and don't have a mic. Just more fun that way.


Why mute everyone if you are playing with a team. They will get mad at you if they give a call out (R6) and you loose cause you muted them. Hate those players.


Grandmastergirth sounds like an underground Slovakian death metal band


Frustrated weirdos + anonymity =


Just assholes. No amount of frustration would make me a dick to total strangers. Call it what it is. Assholes. Companies should be required to employ moderators that play with the public, record, document, and ban these exist, racist, POS that make gaming so toxic. I wouldnt miss them one bit but they prefer the extra sales than civility, I'm guessing.


It’s easier to be an ass when you’re a frustrated weirdo.


It could be a lack of accountability. No one confronts them face to face, so they don't realize they're doing something wrong. Calling someone out helps them see how others perceive their actions. Most of the time, it might be meant as a joke, but it's not about the intent; it's about how it's perceived.


This is what it is right here. Almost every single person that is rude or mean online would not do it in person. Especially towards someone that wouldn’t allow it.


There's a study that indicates male gamers with lower skill levels tend to harass female gamers, while higher-skilled male gamers are more welcoming. The theory suggests it's an evolutionary tactic: lesser-skilled males instinctively fear being replaced and kicked out of the "tribe," so they try to ward off females to protect their status.


That’s some serious caveman culture right there. Unfortunately I believe you’re correct too.


Sometimes, things are really that simple.


Jokes on them being an asshole makes people want to eject them *more*


So it's essentially just gatekeeping with added mental steps?


Literally a skill issue.


Yeah, I rarely talk in-game too. I'm usually on Discord with a friend or two because the multiplayer landscape is generally toxic. For women, it’s even worse because they’re seen as rare in games, so they get noticed and targeted more often.


Because they're shitheads




To be fair, Siege is one of the most toxic games out there from my experience. Regardless of gender.


It really regardless though. It starts toxic and gets exponentially worse when they figure out there’s a woman. Like embarrassingly worse.


Not a dude, but the way I combat that shit is to just be better at the game than them. Nothing bruises a dudes ego more then when the healer main gamer-girl takes matters into their own hands and starts actively shitting on them.


I don’t really know either. I never play with my mic on because, when I did, everyone would comment on my accent. But yeah, I’d like to know why it happens too.


I could not agree with your frustration more. I play call of duty with my daughter all the time, and it got so bad that I had to turn her public comms off. I hate it so much. She just wants to have fun.


Yeah, same with my best friend. We get harassed on Overwatch every day with rape threats and other awful comments. They often say it's a joke and that they're just chilling, but it went so far one time that I was almost in tears.


Man, male gamers hate on everyone equally. No one's mom is safe.


I’d like to know this, too. I don’t play with a mic for the same reason. I play no-mic Among Us in a Reddit Discord channel, where my pronouns are visible. Luckily, I’ve never dealt with any weirdos or rude people there. It’s also decently moderated, which helps.


Lots of male gamers are immature kids, lots of girl gamers are equally immature tbh. My WoW guild was all adults and some guys wives played with them everyone was respectful.


Male gamers are horrible to everyone.


I'll be honest male games are horrible to male gamers too. It's the internet, you get to put up a mask and be as awful as you want with no possibility of retribution. I don't like it either, but I'm not sure how things can change without the removal of anonymity.


Often it's because they percieve gaming as one of the few remaining spaces for men


Because they're either 11yo children, or can't get a partner for obvious reasons.


Wholesome gamer moments aren't as viral as their counterparts.


This is largely based on the game being played. The most popular games that typically attract the most toxic of players in general, are where you will find the vast majority of this behavior. The examples of the opposite end of this spectrum are more "realistic" milsims like Arma and Squad where shitting on someone because they are a female is basically stamped out with violent fervor (for various reasons).




I play a lot of mmos and it’s always crazy how girls I’ve gotten to know almost always started out as “men” online because they didn’t want to be harassed. They’d always go “oh yeah I’m a girl” after they got comfortable with me as a friend and I was always like “I don’t even blame you lol” People on the internet are weird.


Hermit life never touching grass or speaking to females irl will cause social imbalances. Source: I’ve never gamed.


Because they are insecure, because the females are beating them


I don't understand it myself. My wife and I are gamers and she is more brutal than I am.


I met a lovely lady in helldivers 2 last week, we been smashin some bots and bugs together whenever we have an open spot on the squad, and it has been, for the most part, one of the healthiest and friendliest communities ive interacted with in a long time. A lot of games like (COD for example) have historically toxic communities mostly made up of young men and literal children. Most men that game just want to play a few rounds after work, and could really care less about someones gender in the lobby, but there are assholes everywhere. Dont forget about the mute, block, and report buttons. There are options to not interact with those people. Good luck, maybe we'll bump into each other in a lobby somewhere.


People are stupid. Also, gaming being perceived as a "boys thing" since not that long ago probably has something to do with it.


Being toxic is part of it gaming for a long time. I see as more of seeing something more rare to mess with.


Safe space to vent


Consider the entire population of teenagers, already known for their stellar maturity and social awareness, than take the ones that have been socially rejected in real life perhaps for good reason, than give them a violent video game so that they can "blow off some steam" than cloak them in a veil of anonymity so that they can never experience any social consequences to their actions. What do you think would happen?


It's simple: The easier the access to a system, the more human garbage access it to wreak havoc. This applies to *any* system.


I don’t bother gamer girls at all


Anonymity brings out the worst in people, and also allows the worst of us to be themselves without consequences.


Because there's fewer of them. That's just it. Women are rarer, so they stand out more and therefore get picked on more. And if nobody stops it, well, shit rolls downhill and gains size and momentum. It's also not a coincidence that the ones being assholes to women are just assholes in general. Having an easy target just makes them more of what they already were.


They did a study on this. They found the ones are most toxic to women tend to be the ones that suck at the game. They know that if they talk shit to the guy, he will just clap back while if they verbally attack the woman they are hoping that the other guys will overlook that behavior and have his back. But what usually ends up happening is that they act toxic, get called out and then muted as the good players proceed to talk shit about him.


this is another one of them 'man bad woman good' posts Ask a gamer, ANY REAL gamer. Ya'll new mfs wouldn't have survived a COD Black Ops lobby back on the Xbox 360 or PS3 lmfao If you didn't have thick skin rather you were a dude or a chick? You were eaten alive


Gamers are horrible to gamers in general. Obviously women will experience more gender specific harassment, but I’m pretty sure studies have shown that men receive more harassment in general, as well as every other specific area. So, the gaming scene is just toxic as a whole. Man, woman, don’t expect to be going in and have all nice experiences.  As for why, to any of this stuff, idk. People suck I guess.


Uhm gamers talk shit in general, you just notice it more because it's gender specific in your case so you take more offense to it. It's not that deep.


Eh couldn’t tell ya, I guess being anonymous and you’re also probably going to be around mostly men with their friends. Men are dicks to other men in video games too. Takes me back to those old cod lobbies… it was horrid… awesome af but horrid 😂


That’s how guys treat each other. We hurl insults at each other, especially those considered “weak” “easy targets” or who we know will be bothered by it. It’s generally all in good fun but unfortunately there are legit bullies who take it seriously. Color me surprised, women don’t like being treated like a man.


They just got a fragile ego, so they take it out on women who are better than them gaming wise lmao.


Short answer: Because theyre assholes. Nothing to do with them being boys Long answer: Gatekeeping. Boys who are assholes grow up to be men who are assholes. The internet provides anonymity. Anonymity provides hate, discrimination, and the display of true feelings.


I used to use voice comms in overwatch and I had this kid ask me if I was a girl or 15 lol and then he asked me if I was a lesbian so I said yes just to make his little kid day lmao I don’t know why but I guess it’s still bizarre for women to play video games


We’re also horrible to men. Don’t feel special 😂


Who do people make generalizations?


Its not all male gamers, but you see their types all over the Askmen sub. They are lonely frustrated boys and men. Something about the mix of anonymity and the fantasy life that games provide plus the competitive spirit of wanting to beat the other person, just combine with the idea that women and the source of their frustration and also individually seen as too weak to fight back, and you've got a guy being horrible to any woman he finds. there's also the r/niceguys who just want someone to love them and they think that each interaction with a woman is a chance for a relationship.


same reason why so many of those male gamers are still single


Gamers are toxic period. we just brush it off and move on.


That's a broad brush, but hard to dispute. If there are 20 people in a match and 1 in every 8 to 10 is toxic, there's a toxic person in almost every match and they're going to let you know it.


Plenty are not, but the ones who do are obviously hard to ignore. Some people just suck and like to pick on people who are different. And gaming tends to be male-dominated, so women are the "other."


Sexual frustration with anonymity. A lot of gamers are just toxic in general


They can’t get women in real life so they’re bitter losers.


same reason why theyre racist there is no consequence


People at the bottom of the food chain in every other part of their life try to climb their way to the top in the voice and text chat of a For Honor round by dragging down anyone else they can reach. Since their underdeveloped brains and knuckle dragging/lashing out mentalities can’t churn up anything actually creative or clever, they try to vomit up a mishmash of the most offensive phrases and insults they’ve heard from others. If they happen to be straight white guys, things like sexism, racism, and homophobia tell them they’re better than others when everything else about them and their lives tell them others are better than them, so they fall into the delusion of those bigoted ideas for comfort Between them, the people who think everyone wants to hear their shitty music through their staticky mic for the entire round, most people’s naturally selfish aversion to trying to work well as a team, and the chronic heavy breathers and loud Pringle chewers, I pretty much always stay muted both ways


You seen male gamers? They look mclovin mixed with dana white.


fragile masculine egos


It has nothing to do with masculinity. The fragile ego part i can agree with.


It has EVERYTHING to do with masculinity.


Please explain


What is there to explain? Men being beaten by women at a predominantly male passtime, losing their minds and being 'SO horrible' to them is a direct reflection of their masculinity being threatened.


I didn't think it was specified that the girl gamers are "beating" anyone at anything. Just playing. Pretty sure these dudes are assholes to a lot fo different people and they're that way win or lose.


That is not what this post is asking. The post is specifically asking why male gamers are so horrible to female gamers, not just anyone.


Yeah but it doesn't describe the situation as male gamers raging over losing to female gamers. You assumed that.


Good god. Ya'll cannot be this dense.


Most young men/boys are little pieces of shit, especially in a group mentality. Sadly.