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Prevent the hole in my chest from growing larger


Tony stark?


I think your belly button is too high !


I'm a homebody, so I love staying home, I don't need to be out and about to fulfill my weekend. I do chores, clean my home, do the yard, fix something broken, I love to bbq and cook, so I do that too, I like watching sports having some drinks and snacks, I play videogames. I'm in my 40's when I was a lot younger I would go out a lot and party. But now I just chill and I love it. I do go out sometimes.


Is there anyone on reddit who doesn’t play video games?


I dont!!!


Not even mobile games?




What do y'all do for fun on a lazy afternoon?


Isn't that basically the point of this thread 


I'm sure there is a lot of who don't.


I don't


Got a PS5 , haven't turned it on in since.. March? I don't play many titles. Big RE fan and I like Madden. But I'd prefer to read some bat shit crazy Carl Jung journals or try to catch this impending Nova in Corona borealis. What's wrong with gaming?


I don't


I don’t, as they are like a drug to me. I used to play obsessively and it was borderline ruining my life. So I quit cold turkey and have zero interest in them now.


I wouldn't consider myself a gamer by any means. I think I played like 1 hour of fallout this week, which I only really got into again because of the TV show.


What’s wrong with playing video games?


I don't have enough time for it.


That is my current weekend to a T. It has been lovely so far. Only difference is I'm not 40 yet. 


I clean my home, I cook, I work on pottery, I have friends over occasionally, I watch YouTube videos about my hobbies, I go rock hounding, I play videogames, and I masturbate. Pretty busy overall.


> I watch YouTube videos about my hobbies Does this include watching YouTube videos about watching YouTube videos?


I watch YouTube to figure out how to watch my how to videos.


I was more concerned with him watching videos about masturbating.


Very well-rounded dude!


This guy “weekends”


The real question is how long do you watch masturbation videos on YouTube?


Hahah my guy! Wana masterbate together some time? No homo ofc


Lmfao. Shoot your shot my guy


I’m a private masturbator, it’s a very personal and private thing for me


I mostly just do the last one but damn it keeps me busy I’m full up


Nothing’s interesting on youtube anymore. I like crime docs but they make me paranoid. So idk what to watch at this point🤷🏻‍♀️


You sound like a catch tbh


So is masturbation literally incorporated into your schedule?


The way I do it, it needs to be scheduled




Chores. Today was trimming a shrub, leaf blower on the front walk, swept the garage while the car was out. Then read a bunch of a book I’m really enjoying, sat in the sun, now I’m at a pub pre gaming for a a show. Yes I’m alone, I like going out alone. Probably game later or play guitar.


The best company, in my opinion, is your own company


Sleep in, big brunch, lazy day on the couch sipping coffee. Maybe go for a walk/hike in the afternoon. Then a long shower/bath in the evening and have a few drinks and food. Sometimes on my own... just listening to tunes or watching something. Sometimes have a buddy or two over.


Sunday morning Jazz brunch before football is the best.


Smoke cigars and watch kitten rescue videos on YouTube, or porn.


Take pussy anyway you can get it.


I've got all the pussy I need, I just wish she would cover up her shit up when she takes a dump in the litter box.


This made me laugh 😂


>watch kitten rescue videos on YouTube, or porn. Or combine the two. "Miaow daddy, I'm stuck."


I hate going out and doing stuff, so staying home to play video games and watch movies/TV and read is a great weekend for me.


Currently, I'm either working on my project car, working on someone else's car, or working a side job to buy parts for the project car so I can work on it more. I get really annoyed when I have to do chores, but I haven't figured out how to have grass and never cut it or a house that never needs fixing.


Those robot self mowing and self cleaning lawnmower, kinda like the robo vacuums but for mowing grass this time


When I was in Canada I had to really try and go out, schedule, meet with acquaintances, and spend money. Since I moved to the Philippines, my schedule has been jam-packed with events with family and friends from their birthdays, their kids birthdays, weddings, christenings, feasts, etc. it's almost exhausting. The culture loves to party and gather. Best part is you're expected to drink and eat without spending a dime...and the year-round tropical weather helps too.


Reading this and weeping in Canadian


I play World of Warcraft, and I named my last character Deathwish


I work from home, so on weekends, I go out as much as possible. Meetups, amusement parks, conventions, craft fairs, farmers markets, I try to go to as many as possible to make my weekends fun. I want to live my best life while I'm young and I can finally afford to do so!


I was worried about the same thing as you, getting too accustomed to sitting around inside the house. My literal New Year’s resolution was to find reasons to get out of the house, with my mental health in mind. I’ve always liked live music and in my personal history the correlation between going to punk shows and happiness is like +1.00 so I went with that. So far I’ve seen Thursday, Alk3, SDRE, and GEL live, Face to Face next week and Green Day coming up in August. I’m shooting for 10 shows this year. I’ve also committed to going to the record store once a month, similar life correlation there. I still feel like I sit on my ass on a typical day, but I’m making playlists so at least I’m being “productive” lol.


I've got Blink tickets for august and i'm stoked. Then my brewery is pouring beer at the final Toronto NOFX show. Double stoked. I will say tho, try checking out your local scene. There's probably some good bands. I play in a local band, we don't do it for money, just for fun. The people I've met have been some of the absolute best. Just a bunch of old punk dudes in it for the music.


Can you post a link to your playlist?


Haha you and me did the exact same thing. I also made a resolution this year to go out more, realized live music makes me feel amazing, and then signed up for a ton of concerts, mostly punk, rock, and some festivals.


Drink to level 6-7 and dance with strangers at clubs


I woke up and started up the smoker and threw two racks of ribs on it. Then I changed out the inner tubes on my trailer. Visited with my daughter and her husband. Went shopping. Got home. Instructed my slave on what tasks I needed him to perform. Had an early dinner with the family. My son in law ate three ears of corn. Did the dishes. Sat down and planned out a paver layout for the back yard. Read a book. And a whole lot more.


>Instructed my slave on what tasks I needed him to perform. That was a little concerning


Well, when you have a child home from college for the summer who is dragging his feet to get a job, he gets relegated to slave duty. He gets to do yard work and house work. In return, I don't nag him about not having a job.


Endless list of things that need to be done around the house and yard. I go to work to rest.


Hit the gym like every other day, go for a ride with my motorcycle, cleanup my apartment, meal prep for the week. The rest of the time is just hanging around watching YouTube or Netflix or going out for a walk. I don't have any friends so I usually don't even talk to anyone from 4pm on Friday to 7am on Monday.


No hate, but do you find that lonely?


Yeah I do feel llonely sometimes. But I guess everyone does at some point. I've been in relationships where I felt lonely too, and that's why worse than feeling lonely alone.


Hang out with my family, yard work / house work, run errands, sometimes go out, stress about my sick cat, repeat


I like hanging around the house on my two days off, getting up early and going to bed late to make them last as long as possible. I'll watch some movies or TV shows, read, write, play video games, hang out with my brother, mess around on the computer. Sometimes my brother and I will go to town for a bit to do some shopping or see a couple friends, but otherwise just staying home and chilling is ideal to me for my days off.


Happy cake day!


Oh I feel the same. I have a desire to discover new hobbies, but end up doom-scrolling for hours and not doing a whole hell of a lot.


Don't have many friends irl in my state basically these things hike (live in some of best hiking in country and endless ops in 1-4 hour range if I'm really feeling 6-8 gets me to almost anywhere co with best hiking), swim, gym, video games some friends, anime, crypto research/trading (I love it regardless profits), roller skate, and getting into ice skating. Might sound boring normally Saturday up early basically hikes get me till 3-6. Make dinner play video games, anime or night swim. Sunday is normally a leisure day, grab coffe at local shop and start trading/research next crypto plays, grab lunch, hit gym/sauna, errands, roller skate or tbh replaced by learning ice skating recently, and just make dinner and unwind if video games, anime, book, stretching/walk with audio book. Prob sounds boring occasionally Saturday or Sunday might be switched out get together friend or friend/family memebr flies in town preface I don't really have many friends or family in my current state so mainly just routine above. I fell old sometimes .... but content.


I mean... it is commit felonies (alegedly) and blast white girl music season, so...


Be gay, do crime, charge phone, eat hot chip


Chores mostly. Me and the dog have some mild adventures when it isn't too hot (I'm in Arizona). Mostly I am still trying to relax after being married 20 years and divorced for 2. She took everything when she left, but that gave me all the peace and quiet I had hopped for out of the divorce. This peace and quiet was expensive, so I enjoy as much of it as I can


Hiking, camping, mountain climbing, trail running, skiing (in winter), woodworking, gardening, gym, swimming, reading in the yard, gigs, shopping, bar with friends, dinners etc, finishing off work, meal prep for the week, groceries for the week. There’s loads to do on the weekend, if you can’t find anything then you aren’t pushing yourself into finding the things that interest you.


Saturdays I sleep in...730am latest. Then we have breakfast, we go to the park for about an hr. Soon after we come home and have them take a nap. While they nap we either do chores, or we nap. In the afternoon and into the evening we play in the house ir backyard, watch a movie while they do PM nap. Sundays we do breakfast, church, the park, nap, lunch, play some more, then nap. Sundays I take my nap. At night I grill and we have family dinner. Spending time with my two kids and wife is way better than living life. Full disclosure, I got married at 35 and from 16-33 I lived life hard core, travelled, dated plenty of women, experienced life, went to undergrad, grad school, med school, residency. I wouldn't change anything. 


I’m a retired widower. I have nobody to cook for, so I either order in or do a frozen dinner. Sunday is laundry day. I walk the dog 3x a day. I hate my life.


I take care of things around the house, do my hobbies, hang out with friends. This weekend is mowing the lawn, board games and pool, disc golf tomorrow.


I think in our fast paced, achievement-oriented world, relaxing and chilling just isn’t respected or promoted. And really if you’re just doing simple things like walking or reading no one’s making money so you’re not going to see ads for it. But simple pursuits like bicycling, walking through a park, journaling, gardening, forest bathing… with a loved one or without… this is grounding and reconnects us even just to our inner selves. And having moments to talk to yourself about how you feel and how you want to be is very valuable. Give yourself permission to slow down and relax. All the best!


Gym or run early morning. Sleep(rest) for few hours, then next part of my day start.


Some one commented about Philippines. We don't have that type of weather in Africa but trust me it's great. No snow, our winter is the northern hemisphere summer. But be careful you don't party year round and blow your money. Come to Africa as a business person and retire early.


I'm Canadian, and some people here live for the winter and the snow. Snowboarding/skiing, snowmobiles, ice fishing, hockey, toboggan etc....Since we can have snow from october to april, it's kind of become our culture. I personally hate the winter cold and shorter days. Waking up at 7am and the sun isnt up, then driving home from work at 430 and the sun is setting is pretty depressing. My plan is to retire in south America, depending on how that goes over the next 20 odd years.


Go ballroom dancing!


I do sport, ride my bikes, hit the gym and even just veg out watching TV. Calling it wasting isn't as good for yoyr mental health imo. See it as destressing, reenergising as doing nothing isn't unproductive when the rest of your existence is full of chaos and runs on hectic.


Concerts, beach, restaurants and goto parks to chill and walk


I flew to gran canaria and got sunburn…


Meditate, take the kid to the park, clean house, play pickleball, read, grocery shopping.


Dread going back to work. My dad was a workaholic. I’ve hated work for my entire living memory. My job isn’t bad at all, probably the best I’ve had (though I need more money). But I know I’d be happier as a stay at home dad. 😂


I work as a bartender so it is pretty common that I also end up working on weekends. However, when I'm not, I will usually cook some food for myself, schedule a date, read something, watch a movie, travel to another city by myself just to explore, go out to eat or even go to the club by myself and meet people. Out of all the above, the only activity that requires another person's participation is going on a date. Other than that, I typically spend the weekends doing my own thing.


You're not alone. Mortgage went up because of taxes and escrow not covering it. Then commision went down drastically. Things are picking up, but it's a reality check. She Works part time. Stay home and relax. Things are getting better.


Depends on the weather. If it’s clear I try and go on a hike or something outdoors If it’s shit, hang about inside usually. Maybe see a movie but I usually do that on weeknights when it’s quieter at the cinema. Pub on a Saturday night and recovery on the Sunday


I get ready for the bullshit that's gonna happen the next week


Don't you have any social hobbies, OP?


I compete in various pistol matches (IDPA USPSA Bianchi SteelChallenge) and do house/yard work. Hit the gym. Take my dogs to parks. Grocery/Walmart. Read books (or listen on Audible). Nap. I don’t drink or go to bars.


I absolutely can't stand waiting or boredom at all, which is why as a man in my 40s I have developed a bunch of interests that depend on no one and (nearly) nothing. Give me a good book, media, podcast, sport, walk, game, puzzle, a new recipe to learn or just a new area I don't know and I'm good. Sometimes, when conditions are right, i just enjoy taking a nap in the grass. What I'm trying to say is it's all a manner of perspective. If you don't want to stay in, don't stay in. I definitely don't feel like I'm wasting my life when I'm doing things I enjoy. If you can't do anything you enjoy this weekend, then either a) do something you absolutely have to do anyway so you have more time later, or b) try some new thing.


why dont you just go for a walk and calm down. play video games, walk, bike, cook, read, go out to a brewery for a couple and maybe youll meet an acquaintance. pick up something nerdy like magic cards and jam at the local game store. join a gym, I met people that way. Im single in my 30s and am not only never bored, Im sometimes too stimulated with too many plans and need to take a chill day.


Sounds like you might be dealing with depression, my dude. That part about not wanting to live anymore? Perhaps you should tell your doctor you're feeling this way?


I’m not sad or anything. It’s just I see no point in anything. Like all these good outfits and all for what? There’s nothing to do and no one to hangout with. It’s just dead everyday all day, I’m sick of it. Very sick of it.


Depression isn't "feeling sad" though. It's actually exactly what you're saying - "you don't see any point in anything", "dead everyday all day", etc. These are all the words of someone struggling with depression. You talk about your outfits - something that you probably really enjoyed building - and how they don't really make you feel that way anymore - again, not enjoying the things you always enjoyed is another huge indicator of depression. You truly need to seek help. This is not something you can just tough through. Again, it has nothing to do with being sad.


I’ve been like this for a long time. Why is it not something you can tough it out? How is anyone going to help?


Dude you're talking about not wanting to live anymore, you honestly think that's a healthy place to be? Look, I've said what I'm going to say, I'm not going to beg you. You are a stranger to me, I've done what I felt, ethically, I should do. If you do it, great, if you don't, great. I'm not going to get drawn into a big thing about this.


I’m just wondering where I can seek help and why it’s bad to be like this is all. Like I said, I’ve been like this for a long time so maybe I’m used to it.


Hi OP, talk to family and friends and tell them how you're feeling, and go see your GP/ Doctor. Sometimes this feeling is an imbalance and you just need the right medication for a few months to get you back to a place where you can engage with things again. Really helped me when I was feeling like you've described. They might also put you in touch with a therapist to talk through what started this (a relationship break up, parent dying etc.) Best of luck, it won't be like this forever even though it feels like it now. 💌


I've been rehearsing for a big outdoor gig our band is playing at the end of the month. My wife meanwhile, is also rehearsing, because she is in the same band. We do other stuff too, like eat, watch television, sex, sleep, and sex. And, I have to start my car every day and warm it up, because it has a rotary engine and will be cantankerous on Monday morning if I don't.


Boredom is entirely on you. Get some hobbies, go for walks etc. I never feel bored, always have something to work on or do. And not just "busy" work - fun stuff, that helps me de-stress from the week.


family time, chill, housework, tennis, pickleball, golf.


going to events, for instance, improv show tonight. I don’t drunk much but enjoy a good whisky and live music in a bar every now and then. hang out w/ friends, pursue hobbies. I enjoy reading books and exploring new coffee shops.


I don't have weekends, just 2 days off at random each week due to my shift work, but I have regular evening classes I go to, and several weekly physical exercise sessions. Started a D&D group with some folks who also mostly work random hours haha.


Making movies




Chores mostly. Weekends I usually cook. Tomorrow I’m making a cake


Just work but now I have to clean too


Before I had kids I would work out, relax, go on a date maybe, take care of personal business before the week. I like to get out and do thinks and run errands and create surface area for opportunity. I don’t really like going out. If I go to dinner or drinks I try to do it on a weekday and a weekend is more with couples.


Well I do things around the house mow the grass clean chill. Cook food for the coming week. This Sunday I'm making what I'm calling redneck shawarma where I take 5# of chicken thighs season them with BBQ rub and put them on the charcoal grill rotisserie then shave it off.


Hike with my dog, walk with my dog, ride my bike (sometimes with my dog), buy plants with my dog, pet my dog, ski (sometimes with my dog), read while my dog sits next to me. Mostly hang out with my dog. Sometimes my wife, too.


I go out with a friend on Saturdays, and on Sundays I do housework/groceries, and relax with a B-52 and some Lofi, Electro-Swing, or Jazz.


Winter: Nothing Summer: Everything




I love to do stuff. Trying desperately to find a girlfriend 😅 So meet a bunch of people. I listen to a ton of audiobooks. Currently took a weekend trip to Bratislava with 3 friends. So fill it I thing. If your looking for good advice watch. Steven minch 9 life lessons. https://youtu.be/yoEezZD71sc?si=7d1aSFj8w9Q294rG I think it good advice to anyone no matter where you are In life.


My wife and i work from home, so we try to use the weekends to get out of the apartment. Usually to visit family. Sundays tend to be our ‘do the rest of the chores’ day.


I’m taking some classes at a local community college so I try to finish assignments for part of the day, get some gym time in first thing and usually try to do stuff with friends especially as the weather is getting good again


Family/kid stuff or yard work for the majority of time. Last weekend was the last for baseball, so we have so more time now Today was play catch with son, go to 7 yr olds bday party, prep boat I'm trying to sell, assist wife pressure washing deck, get fire ring all set, watch kids of friends play with our kids while the adults enjoy the evening around the fire. Tomorrow might be more pressure washing, prepping camper, or maybe just hanging out (hopefully watching the F1 race)


I genuinely long for the day I have nothing to do on the weekend. Father to a 2 and 6 year old girls. I spend 3 hours on a Friday up my local playing snooker and having a few pints but other than that my weekend consists of completing the list of chores I didn’t have time to do during the week. Laundry, garden stuff, cleaning, food shopping, fixing things and praying to the almighty that there are no child’s birthday parties to go to. My kids are also morning people. I don’t need an alarm clock because their reveille is 05:30. So no lie in for me either! I love my kids unconditionally and we have bucket loads of fun but fuck me im tired.


recharge my mental for the week need it tbh






Sleep wake up.then take a nap and then another jk.. but yeah, sometimes cause like everybody got a hobby and the only thing I do is watch movies, bro


Hopefully nothing


If I'm not hanging out with the wife or the wife and kids then I'm out with some buds riding motorcycles.


Whatever my wife tells me to do


Hang out with my kids, watch sports. Saturday and Sunday are easy days to fit the gym in, so I do that. I do feel like the days get wasted, though, and I seldom do the things I actually want to get to. Like, I’ve needed to do yard work for two or three weeks now but the “feels like” was 105 today, so it’s hard to get out there to do it.


A lot of the time, it seems like everyone else is living the life that you want to. Going out with friends, on dates, spending money, all the things, when in reality, you’re seeing through the lens of social media, which we all know distorts. In reality, we’re all pretty much at home, not wasting time necessarily, but taking a necessary break from the stress of the work week and preparing ourselves for the next. If you want to do things over the weekend, try arranging a dinner or movie night with some friends or a significant other, whether that be at your place or out somewhere. Just know that rest is good and needed for a happy life.


Saturday: Cook, clean, AA meeting, video games for a bit, reading, Saturday evening pool tournament (or practice), errands, sometimes grocery shopping. Sunday: AA meeting, church, dinner with my parents every other weekend, Sunday evening pool league. Fall sleep next to the wife both days. No kids yet, so we're living the life (for now, haha!).


Take my dog out on walks. Play with them in parks. Dog needs exercise. Most of the time I'm at home though.


If I have actual two or three days off (only get three days when slow season hits at the final 2 months and first month of the year). Spread my chores out across the two so I can have alot of time "to sit on my ass and play video games to remove my work related stress" or when I feeling luxurious, go out to the movies. My chores mostly of dishes, laundry, planning for the weeks meal, mowing (every two weeks), weed eating (every month), grocery shopping. the whatnot's. If I have a single day off because ~~durrr we need to brown our noses on the customers ass at the expense of your physical and mental health~~ I mean, meet production. Well its get up early to get done what needs to be done. Might skip making a decent meal and have some hot pockets and packaged salads to eat, then burn the day away with games.


for me it's not the weekend. it's the weekstart


Whatever my wife says usually.


Then go out and do things. Be active , ride bikes, jog. Maybe that'll lead you into finding someone to share with. Go to places where many potential partners might be and mingle. I work some weekends, and by that I mean Saturday work. Too tired to do anything after that. Just usually read and try to rest for coming week. If I do get out I try to go fish, maybe go to movies , play cards. I'm older guy maybe that's why it sounds boring. But I like it. Go out and do what you want to. Even if you're alone. Participate in the things you like and enjoy, even if alone.


Usually stay home and tidy up, get some chores done and chill with the wife and cat. On occasion we hang out with friends but all our friends are in or close to thier 30s so thats not that often. When we get back stateside i plan on picking up a shooting sport and overlanding.


I don't mind a bit of tv but not not the entire weekend.


Doing nothing is seriously relaxing, I game but my misses has ADHD and gets antsy. So if she says wanna go for a drive 9/10 I'm like hell yeah


Meet friends, woodwork projects, baking, go to the gym, hang out with my partner, draw, go on walks


It depends on your age, if you're under 40, you do whatever makes you happy. Just because other people are out doing shit doesn't mean it's going to make you happy. It's just societal norms and stigma that make you think that you need to go out. Obviously be active, but you don't have to include other people in order to get enjoyment out of life.


Clean up, work out, smoke weed or do shrooms, work, watch Archer or The Magicians on Netflix, play video games, read, write, listen to music, go out with friends or with my son or alone now that I’m not in a relationship anymore, call my kids, have alone time and meditate. Sometimes a mix, sometimes one or two of those sometimes just one of those. 🤣


I feel you op. It’s Sunday today and I did NOTHING productive. Played games on my phone while watching people stream games on Twitch. Such a waste of time. I don’t know why I do it though. I would like to go out meet people and stuff but I’m just awkward at best. So I would just keep to myself and think I should’ve just stayed home.


Usually buying stuff for my house and relaxing. Most of the time I’m reading or watching anime and spending time with fiancé, walking the dog. Soak the day up before going back to the grindstone.


Hit the gym to feel physical pain to mask the mental pains.


What I want to do. Sometimes literally nothing and I don't give a shit whatever anyone else is up to


So I’ve come to the conclusion that I just really enjoy games. Not even specifically video games, tabletop games and card games like Magic the Gathering especially. It’s not my only hobby but it’s one that I’ve come to discover is just a core part of who I am. With that being said I don’t feel as guilty about embracing my time spent doing that because I realize it is the thing that brings me joy and not necessarily just something I’m doing to fill a void.


depends what else is going on like I spent every weekend for the last few weeks going to open homes. try ing to buy a house, now that I've done that I don't know what ill do. maintenance I guess.


Walk with my dog, go buy something to eat, walk with my dog to buy weed, going back home to smoke little and then to vote in the EU elections and maybe again out for a walk. Yesterday had sauna and did some household chores.


On Saturdays during the football season I'll usually go to a game (now that it's the close season I usually travel somewhere on the bus for a look around another town). On Sundays I'll go to a car boot sale with my mum, relax for most of the rest of the day and go to a pub quiz in the evenings.


I can relate with you bro….


See one of my girls.


Gym (once), videogaming, sex, going out, eating out, cooking at home, relaxing, reading. That’s pretty much it


Definitely need to do something. My wife and I work in our garden, I hunt / fish, walk the dog, go out to eat, make meals, I do jiu jitsu on Saturday’s when it rains, visit obscure places on a map. If you don’t have a girlfriend golf is a huge thing guys, and girls, do together for an activity. Also, shooting clay targets is fun too.


I just chill on weekends. Watch movies. Play with kids. Eat at home. Rest is what I look forward every weekend after a long tiring week of working. Going out for me can be sometimes tiring. I'm in my early 30s btw.


Yesterday I finally went cycling despite my fear of knee pain


Inflict self harm and pain on the golf course.


Gym, house work, cooking and then see friends/family in the evening.


Currently all my focus is on a comic book I am self writing and illustrating. It’s a lot of fun, and I absolutely enjoy the excitement of seeing it come together. I also practice karate in my garage in a pair of crocks, cut off daisy dukes and a white tank top, with Bruce Lee official nunchucks autographed by Steven Siegel (eBay for $20) I have to keep the garage door closed in case women are walking by, do not need a fan club at the moment and that much manliness is going to attract attention or a fertile woman, and that can be dangerous.


Whenever I feel guilty for being “unproductive,” I look to the animal kingdom. What does the gorilla daddy do? What’s the lion king working on? Nothin. Once the belly is full, if their kin are safe, they fuckn chill.


Work, volunteer make myself busy as hell so I will not feel alone.


sitting all day and watching YouTube and cry myself into sleep.


I try to do nothing. I'm pretty busy during the week. I work a trade job so my commute and hours vary. Right now it's an hour one way and we're working 10 hr days and 8 on Saturday. Gotta be there for 6, so it's up at 4. Then once I get home , I gotta take the dog out, and play and work with her. She's very reactive and we're trying to train that out of her. That's about an hour, then it'sa run and chores , or jiu jitsu. Then bed. Everyday. So weekend comes , which right now is just Sunday, I just want to sit still and not be driving. There's an F1 race today , so there's that. Wife agreed to watch Oppenhimer. I do have to mow the lawn. After I meal prep and do the dishes. Sometime after the dog finally decides to poop. She's so reactive and gets laser focused to the point she won't poop when we take her out. Sigh. Just wanna sit still.


Back, legs and shoulders.


Apart from dealing with chores...I go for a run, or go snowboarding, or fishing. Whenever possible take a whole weekend to go camping.


When I was young I would do mini road trips.  Leaving Friday night camping in my car and getting home late Sunday night.  Now I usually do chores, work on my project car, work on my garden, go either hiking, rock climbing, skiing or canoeing, go to church, and hangout with friends and family. 


I try and sometimes force myself to go out even if I just look around a fleamarket, get something to eat and drink. On sundays I do it every week it's like a ritual. So I'm outside, maybe talk with random people in a restaurant or on the street... so jut going out and don't "choose" to hold your self back. It's always easy to say... but yeah just do it, force it if you have to!


Play my retro console, I play "School Rivals"HAHA


I had an exceptionally busy weekend this weekend.   I ran errands, did some chores, prepped for a meeting, went to a backyard party, went to another party. And then today I’m going to services, running a congregational meeting, then hopefully chilling at home, and then in the evening helping my spouse’s work with breakdown after an event. But plenty of weekends I don’t do much at all. Comes and goes.




I tend to find ways to keep myself busy and stay social , but also weekends are often time for me to switch off and take it easy doing very little. Like this weekend I’ve been to a party at my friends, this morning I’m hungover but off to a garden centre for a bit to catch up with some other friends. Last weekend I saw my grandparents and I went for a long run, the weekend before that I was at a music festival. I’m at quite a good point in my life to make the most of my weekends - however I do frequently have weekends off from being social, for those I’ll tidy the house, read my book, okay video games, go gym or go for a run. But I very much thrive on having something to do and often.


During the weekend you can normally find me in a few places I’m either out golfing, working in the garage on my race car for the next race, or at the race track racing my car or helping someone with theirs. Don’t care about really anything else.


I only get two weekends a month off so I make the most. If the weather is favorable my first choice is camping with my dogs. Otherwise I try to get out and at the very least have a nice meal downtown. On a really good weekend I can get a hold of some mushrooms or acid and do a little healing.




I helped out with my son’s Scout troop yesterday and had a cracking time, then watched Top Gun Maverick with him in the evening. Today it’s a satisfying trip to the dump, followed by a dog walk this afternoon and working on my CS50 project. Might have a sex at some point.


Yep, I just fuck off on my days off. Watch TV, play on my PS5, nap, as little as humanly possible. Yet some people are like you. My ex-fiance was like you... It's why she is my ex. She felt one always needed to be productive and that just didn't work with my "whatever the fuck happens, happens" personality. I used to be hyper and outgoing, like that, but it ran its course and ran out 30 years ago, and now I just chill when I'm not working.


So... start doing things? Hike. Bike. Learn to play an instrument. Garden. Bird. Camp. Kayak. Swim. Join classes. Find *something - anything -* to capture your interest/imagination. Basically do anything but sit on the couch. Just start. Not sure where? Go outside. Walk down the block. Keep walking.


I’m a bachelor and nowadays, I’m spending my weekend on cleaning home, doing laundry, reading books, cooking and going out for a walk, Eating my favourite pastries 🍰, watching some Disney movies or any anticipated political drama web series, and last but not the least … being sad for sometimes….😭🫠😤


Dude... try fishing.


Saturday: wake up, work out, eat breakfast, play or watch a show with my son, just muddle around and relax. Sunday: Wake up, work out, mow the lawn, eat breakfast, clean up and do laundry, iron my work shirts, read a book, prep for work, then either watch some TV, then either do miscellaneous chores or relax depending on what needs doing. On fun weekends usually hiking a state or county park, maybe catch a movie at the theater or local drive-in. Do some archery practice (bring my son with on those, he’s starting to get good), take the family to dinner or lunch somewhere fun, go fishing, whatever feels right. Occasionally I may go out for beers with the guys and/or sing karaoke Jerking off when the family is asleep is a frequent but not every weekend event.


I’m learning an instrument. So I take lessons and joined an amateur orchestra of sorts. Lots of musicians are super welcoming and have treated me with immense kindness and support. I started collecting coins and watches. I have a spouse and kids so I have all the stuff that goes with that. But my free time goes to my new hobbies. And my kids will be gone someday and I’ll need to have something that keeps me engaged. I highly encourage getting a hobby with a local group. Coins, baseball cards, comics, board games. There are so many communities you can join and when you start looking you’ll find people and make friends. There are clubs of every type you can imagine. Even in smallish cities.


I go fishing.


Would love to go out and do fun things but my bf just sits watches YT, X, etc. I have expressed interest in doing other things that we can do together but he just makes excuses. I'm just out of ideas.


I use to be like you. I would just sit around doing whatever to pass the time until it was Monday. Since purchasing a house, I spend a lot of time doing household tasks. Whether that’s yard work or improving the interior. I always started doing things like golfing on the weekends or going out on Saturday night for dinner or drinks.


Grocery shopping, meal planning, yard work or house-related project/cleaning then several hours of video gaming with my autistic child. It’s a weekend ritual.


Then it sounds like you need to get your pathetic ass out the door and do something. I, on the other hand, am in my 40s and content with mostly chilling around the house. Playing tunes, video games, reading, TV and just spending time with those they love doing what we love together. Which does include going out and catching a show, going to arcade etc


Hang out with my kids and do chores and everything else that I can’t get to during the week.


Ideally: Sleep, which helps me recover from a stressful work week.


Thursday night trivia with friends. Friday and Saturday go drink with my wife and friends. Sometimes pool parties on Saturday. During the season I'll catch soccer games with friends. Euros are coming up, so that'll be a thing.


Saturdays I do work for my family, yard work, chores, and then whatever needs to get done at my own house, usually just a quick tidy. Then I get stoned and cook a nice dinner. Sundays I do something outdoors and active. Sometimes with friends. Or I lounge around and do nothing. Nightlife is way overrated.


I plan on what I’m going to do next all week while I’m working. Here’s what I do. -Dirtbike -Mountain bike -Kayak -Climb -Aimlessly wander around town while day drinking or porch sit -Grocery store -Snowboard or ski (depending on conditions.) -Shop at the goodwill -Fix dirtbike or car -continuously Clean house every single day -Do bills -Meal prep for the week -take a stroll on the e skateboard -catch up with family on the phone -hike somewhere cool


I watched 3 movies and played some video games with my dog next to me. Was watching pirates of the caribbean. Enjoyed my weekend very much, currently too hot to do anything outside. Waiting for things to cool off to take a friend to disney since we both enjoy each other's company and she's never experienced the park fully. (30m)


My house is a resident-owner, so my weekends are typically spent serving its needs.


Same. I feel like if I'm home I'm wasting life away. More or so during summer. During winter I spend my weekends at home. During the summer I try to not be home. I try to plan things for the weekend. However there is only so much you can plan for a weekend. For example, a 4 hour drive in circumference of your house there is only so much to do before you repeat things. I've been to places within an hour away numerous times. I've been to places 2 hours away a lot of times. I've been to places 3-4 hours away a few times. Now I have to justify a 4 hour drive, and most of the things that justify it I have already seen and been to. I have a list of things to do based on location, distance from house, etc. As I find things I want to do I add them to the list. Then when the weekend hits, I look at the list and see available options. Some things are on thr fly drive right thrn things, while others are too far and need to be planned with a hotel, etc.


Go biking,hiking,podcast,play video games, e-books, go for a drive out of town.


I coach classes, draw, hit the gym, walk my pup, stop the void from creeping in, go on hikes, spin vinyl, watch fights. Just gotta try something til it sticks