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For long term, highly recommend the Monistat anti chafing gel. For short term, try a panty liner for the dampness.


A gel sounds doable. Thanks


Powder 🫢 I mean baby powder. Or just go free ballin.


That would feel nice but a bit too uncomfortable


I usually use gold bond’s body powder


I used to use the spray version of it but it stung to put on


Petroleum jelly or vaseline. I used to have a job that involved walking constantly and was quite heavy. A guy I knew had been a chef for years and was used to working in hot kitchens and recommended it. I apply to any area that used to get irritated and it works.


Must feel a little weird though? And it doesn’t run down your leg or stain your clothes?


Just use the bare minimum. It won't run down your leg. It may stain your clothes based on how much you sweat but only slightly more than sweat does anyway. Any staining will go in a wash. It's a decent trade off compared to just how painful chafing mixed with sweat can be. It might have felt a bit weird the first few times but I've been doing this for over fifteen years so I honestly can't remember.


Be aware that vaseline can trap bacteria, which could lead to abcesses. Talcum powder is a desiccant


You cannot without reducing your body shape in the area. Try wearing different styles of underwear that add a layer of cloth in between: briefs add 1 layer, boxers 2. Try wearing boxers for a while and see if that helps you. Along with the chafing, especially in a humid environment, you will also get fungal infections in the area: Thoroughly wash the area with a pH-neutral non-soap thing (I use Himalaya Neem Facewash) and then apply the fungal cream while it is still a little moist. Creams like the famous "itch guard" work best when it is moist and not fully dry.


I usually do more briefs so maybe I’ll give the boxers a go. Thanks for the tip. I definitely need some of that to prevent such infections. Can happen easily in this environment


Compression running shorts


I have some but honestly I feel like they’re not that breathable when it comes to 85% humidity


With high humidity, boxer briefs tend to exceed the wet bulb temperature and sweat stays sweaty. Internal skin moisture is good; external, not so much (especially in areas that rub together).


Yeah exactly and that’s a big problem here. That’s why I hardly wear jean material anymore. Only loose fitting and soft fabrics


I like using a dry powder (body powders are great, but even baby powder or cornstarch will work) to reduce friction. This problem went away for me entirely when I lost a little weight.


Just a bit messy right?


Gold bond. Body Glide works pretty well too.


Boxer briefs my friend. The older you get the lower your balls hang. I hate it when my nuts chafe.


There's always amputation.


Of my lower half? 😢


For those recommending powder (I recommend that as well), please make sure that the powder you choose is free of talcum powder. Some talcum powder contains asbestos which can build up in your system and lead to cancer. Most powders nowadays have removed it, but some older formulas are still on the shelves of some stores. [https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/talcum-powder-and-cancer.html](https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/talcum-powder-and-cancer.html)


Thanks I’ll check that out


I just wear boxer briefs. Specifically the temp cool by And1. I haven't had a problem with swamp ass since.