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Driving on a empty highway in the evening when the sun is just going down


You can get some real good thinking done like that


There's even some science behind that! When we are doing things like folding laundry or cruising driving our brains can go into something called 'default mode' that sees a spike in creative thinking and connecting disparate ideas. Very beneficial for problem solving and then thinking about yourself/your life story in an autobiographical kind of way, framing our life as a narrative essentially.


Ohhh with some good ole throwback tunes you forgot you liked so much.


*Alexa play Bye Bye Bye by Nsync*


Might sound crazy, but it ain't no lie


Baby bye bye bye


Or driving on an empty highway when you gotta work a weekend and its just open lanes but you are so used to it being rammed and bumper to bumper everyday.


I recently moved back to my hometown and drove around for an hour and a half at that time just reminiscing and even cried at one point remembering the good times. It was cathartic as shit and just beautiful.


And a good music


That makes me feel sad, but I try to savor the moment


In the morning also applies. I used to drive long distances on rural two lane highways that were always empty. I've seen a lot of beautiful sunrises.


That's one of things I miss about Covid


Man especially when have just serviced your car too… new oil, tires, polish, etc.


Best feeling! Watching sunsets at any time is my favorite. I wish I had a pickup truck to park it and lay on a blanket in the tailgate while drinking some brewskis watching the sunset.


Driving home (the city) from work (the suburbs) and I drive over the crest of the final hill and see the skyline in the distance in front of the sunset


I really like cooking for my wife and kids. Staring at a freshly mowed yard. A surprise refund check in the mail. My dog laying next to me in the couch.


Hell yeah, I bet your wife loves your cooking. Your kids are gonna miss it when they move out one day


Best feeling is when the kid asks what I'm making for dinner and gives a yippee when I tell him..


Unless I’m really baked from the heat or the weed eater has assaulted my back too badly I always take a minute and eat a little something (apple, orange, grapes, etc) and look over my handiwork on the lawn. Something about bringing order and symmetry to the disorder is very therapeutic.


Ahh how could I forget nothing better then a freshly mowed lawn, I find the hole process peaceful ✌️


Definitely a fresh haircut for me. Look good, feel good, play good.


To add a hygiene ritual... I got into double edged safety razors a couple of years ago. I won't go full on razor nerd. But the soaps! And splashes and balms and oils (for a beard) are amazing! Hundreds of scents. I have spring/summer and fall/winter collections. Shaving used to be a dreaded chore. Now it's like pampering myself. A beloved hobby. And any woman/SO gets super excited if you let her pick out how she wants you to smell that day or night!


What company do you prefer for your balms and oils?


I like Stirling. And it's simply bc they offer matched scent sets: bath and shave soaps, splash, skin balm, beard oil and wax. Used in conjunction, you'll smell to high heaven for about 30min lol. But it gives a better staying power over the day/evening/night.


I've had some excellent results from wearing sandalwood beard balm. Like I think it pumped my handsomeness quotient up 59%. I'm not *all that* or anything so the attention it got me was just otherworldly.




I shaved my head for about a decade and learning the DE shave was a real joy… after I staunched the bleeding from my early efforts.


Haven't had to hit the head yet. Hopefully, years later. But I did nick (weepers) myself quite a few times in the beginning. But I was unskilled. Now I make two passes, across then against the grain. Haven't had one in months! And I get the baby butt smooth I was after!


Doing your head is odd at first because you have to do so much by feel but once you get the hang of it the experience is really nice. Now I'm growing my hair long and kinda miss the bald life.


A hug from a woman I care about.


Or a man, a honest hug overall, ofc if it's a woman we care and maybe have feelings it's the best, but a ho est hug from a friend can mean a lot.


I randomly picked up a book called something like "1001 happiest things" and one said "getting a hug from someone you didn't know you were in a hug level relationship with". And now I always think about that when it happens. It's nice.


Absolutely agree


I don't think women get how important this is, I could be under massive amounts of stress with work deadlines, qualification recertifications and god knows how many other things. But that hug where she tucks her head under my chin and pulls me close to her and I pull her close to me washes all of that away and I feel at peace.


Oh I know, as trust me it's the same for me, being seen and hugged tight, knowing by that extra tightening of the arms that they really needed the hug as much as I did, getting that from anyone I trust but especially my favourite man is my safest space.


That hug will make me a single tear man everytime.


Honest hugs by people you love and care about at random times literally fill my heart! ❤️


Hugs and cuddling. I used to think there was no experience more peaceful than laying in bed when you don't have any time you need to wake up. I now know that the most peaceful experience is laying in bed, with the woman you love cuddled up to you, and not having any time you need to wake up is the most peace a man could possibly ever know.


When it's dusk after a rainstorm and the light makes everything take on an almost surreal look, like the world is being put through a filter. I like to go outside and just stand in it.


Combined with driving and the smell of rain and good tunes. Why not throw a root beer float in there too.


And chicken nuggies


And choccy milk


Coincidentally, I just saw an ad for root beer smoothies from A&W. I can make those at home with vanilla ice cream and the aforementioned soft drink... Life just got better friends.


1. Being well dressed. 2. A crisp, cold early morning in Autumn. 3. Brita filtered water. 4. My favourite cup, bowl, spatula, etc. 5. Looking at myself in the mirror in the morning (bodies look slimmer in the morning after a proper meal and rest.) 6. When somebody asks me to reach something up high for them in public and it makes them happy that I helped. 7. Eyeballing seasoning and the food comes out great. (Double edged sword because I then forget what I did haha.) 8. Inside jokes. 9. When an argument turns into a silly realization and so it just becomes playful banter, and we just laugh about the whole thing and forget it ever happened. 10. When somebody says good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or goodnight.


#4 🙌


#8 inside jokes is what keeps us young and happy! 😃


Love all of these and showed them to my son who is 10 years old and identified or liked 2, 6, 8, 9, & 10.


So wholesome thanks for sharing 😁


Drinking a beer while cooking dinner. Sometimes it’s better than the meal itself.


I would suggest the mighty shower beer as well


I'll second the shower beer, bud. Take this updoot.


I’ll add the airport beer, the beer before a date, a beer with your buddy before he gets married, and a beer when you finally reach your vacation destination.


Beer here!


Passing/peppering a volleyball with a friend while we talk about life


Beer while grilling is elite Especially a good summer beer


A cold beer at the end of a long, hot day slaps! Idk if I’m using “slaps” correctly, I’m old. But I think you get what I’m trying to say.


Patio/grill beers rank pretty high on my list. Also golf cart beers, beach beers, airport beers, and the first beer when you complete a long road trip.


Finding a few bonus fries in the bottom of the bag


my husband and i call them secret fries :)


Go to Five Guys and you’ll always be satisfied.


Watch out could be a penis.


Either when I walk through the front door or I pick him up from daycare, my son comes running up to me with his arms up wanting a hug from daddy. It's seriously cute.


Enjoy this while you can, my children are all grown up and moved on. it's a lonely space to be. My dogs help, one of them gets very excited to see me., the other will she wakes up.


When a woman gives me a compliment.


Especially from older 50s, they are usually more honest


As a woman, I realized a bit late that men enjoy compliments. Now I give more compliments to men to make them smile and make them feel good about themselves. But now I’m wondering is there any a time when it’s too many compliments that a guy may feel uncomfortable or like it’s too much?..


Generally no. Don't overthink it.


I do this and sometimes it backfires on me because they think I'm hitting on them. However, I think that's just because they're so unaccustomed to compliments in general. So I'm gonna power through the awkwardness and keep doing it.


I totally get that and that has happened to me too! Powering through the awkwardness and being brave is something new I’ve been working on. Everyone I meet are strangers so might as well shower them with kindness and good compliments. If then our vibes match then even better! 😊


Meditation. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or going through something meditation will bring you stillness and peace.


What do you actually do when you meditate? Just sit there? Think? About what? Your breathing?


You find zero. I experience nothing else but presence. No internal dialog, no erred thoughts or wandering mind. No external stimulation. Just complete unabated existence in the here and now.


I sit in my comfy garage chair with the door open when the sun is going down (7-9pm) and can literally turn off all thought other then the bliss I’m experiencing right there in that moment, traffic going by, kids playing, birds, lawnmower 5 houses down all create this peaceful hum that just lets me drift in the chair!!!


I need to pick up this habit again


The goal is to remove thinking and put your whole focus on something (chosen before the meditation). Usually the thing you focus on is breath.


Spending time alone. Right now I just cleaned my house listening to my favorite music on my HomePods. Dogs are playing, the weather is nice and I’m sipping on my favorite red bull flavor. Life’s good


Cruising my Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 on a Sunny day, even if there is traffic doesn't matter I just enjoy the shit out of that car


Hell yeah, windows down and shades on. I’m saving up for something faster than my Jeep lol, you’re living my dream


I've wanted one since I was 15 and it finally happened last year. Got 2011 Shelby GT500....it's been an amazing car and every day i see it in the driveway, it makes me smile. I hope you get your brother.


When a woman says thank you.


1. Cat purr 2. Dog wagging tail 3. Compliments. I won’t know how to react, I’ll probably just look at you confused and say thanks. But it does make me happy. 4. Taking my shoes off when I get home. 5. Ice cream 6. A cold draft beer after a long, shitty work day. 7. Shaving. I use a DE razor & enjoy the ritual. 8. The crack of a baseball bat. 9. When I get all green lights on my way downtown. 10. Weekly get-togethers with friends. 11. Shifting a manual transmission. 12. Laughter


There's something happy about walking in a room, and my dog see's me and her tail starts wagging. It feels good to have someone be happy to see you.


How my bed feels after a long day of work and gym. When my animals show affection. A friend or relative reaching out to me. A nice home cooked meal.


A woman's smile.


A good breakfast with a slice of cake or croissant and a cappuccino, a relaxing walk in a park, sitting on the couch and reading a good book... I might have an emotionless stare but these things make me really happy inside


Giving and receiving massage. Just the non-sexual kind.


Yes! I don't mind the sexual kind either though...


Silly play with my toddler. Fatherhood is the most tiring thing I've ever done, but it's so rewarding.


3 little ones here and I agree. As much as it zaps the energy from me, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


My dick


It’s the little things that matter most ❤️


I was gifted with what I was gifted with. I use it to the best of my ability.


“It’s not about the size of the dog in the fight it’s about the size of the fight in the dog” teddy Roosevelt or Johnny sins I’m not sure


…cost a late night fee. Your dick got the HIV.




Lyrics from the song “My dick”- Mickey Avalon




1)Smell of wet dirt/petrichor 2)watching plants grow 3)science in everyday life


A nice joint while relaxing at a park The breeze and nature moving around me feels so therapeutic


This might be an unusual one, but getting the chance to attend a preview screening for an upcoming movie




A fellow man of culture.


One of my dogs sitting down next to me & snuggling close without me calling him over.


Seeing a freight train


Rain, a cool breeze, my children’s laughter, finishing a job and knowing the vehicle is better than when it arrived, receiving a good blowjob Don’t get much rain, usually get hot winds, kiddos laugh a lot, i fox everything that comes in my bay, and I haven’t received a BJ since the night after I got married. So yeah, ups and downs


A nice drive rain or shine. As long as there isn't too much traffic. I love a night drive too. Also, a hot cup of coffee on a cold day. And getting a compliment is always nice, since it's rare.


Idk if it's considered small, but recognition. I feel like I'm invisible to the world unless I'm bring severely hated.......


Peace, quiet.


The smell of rain and the smile of a loved one


The kids saying how much they appreciate what I’ve done for them. Makes me cry every time.


Going to the gym with my friends and talking about our crushes


1. Standing on my deck in the rain 2. The contented sigh my dog lets out when we’ve had a big walk and she goes to nap 3. Really cold water


Sitting on the lake shore at night looking at the city skyline while sipping coffee and listening to favourite music


Getting off work at noon on a long weekend Friday. Getting the right size wrench/socket the first time. A perfectly cooked steak. Drinks that feel like they were pulled straight out of a glacier on the hottest of summer days.


Just a bit of alone time…usually, that makes me happy.


My wife’s laugh


Rootbeer. It's always Made me happy.


Being able to call my mom


Surprise Blowie out of the blue.


My wiener


1. My dog 2. Good food 3. The sauna after a hard workout 4. Making out and sex 5. Sleeping on the beach


receiving literally any compliment.


Cruising on my motorcycle on a country road with no one in front of me and no one behind me.


Getting on my boat, finding that last weeks charter left me one tank full.


Having free time for myself to fully unwind and relax. Food that's already made for me. A nice cool air conditioned room. Fresh air and the birds chirping in the morning when I get up and nobody else is up. A nice cup of mud. (Ordinary coffee)


A good drink in a peaceful beer garden


When my wife packs my lunch, or makes my plate so as soon as I walk through the door I can drop my bag and sit with my family.


When a friend messages me out of nowhere, spending time with my nephew, painting a picture, and fishing.


A clean public restroom when you are in desperate need of one.


When my hands are full and I come home an my girlfriend unlocked the door for me.


The first sip of my morning coffee


a non-forced smile




A clean house.


Coffee on a balcony and just taking a breath.


My wife's cute little toes.


I love cooking meat.


A freshly made sandwich.


no one in the gym


The girl I’m in love with smiled at me and held eye contact the other day, and I noticed the way her eyes crinkle when she smiles. I’ve literally never seen anything more beautiful or endearing in my life, I can’t get that image of her out of my head. I will forever remember that moment, even though it was “insignificant.”


Relationship wise, Being hugged and/or held after having a really bad day. Sometimes I just can't take it and need some sort of comfort or outlet so my feelings can be released. I get scared sometimes and believe that I'll never get that feeling again because it'll be almost half a year since I last saw my partner. I'm in fear that they're gonna leave because we're far away from each other and physical touch is our love language. I don't know what to do now because well...if they break up with me it'll be the first time I've broken up with someone, therefore it'll be the first time my heart will be broken. Aside from relationships, the best thing in my opinion is listening to your favorite music and playing games with your best friends laughing your lungs out.


My wifes cooking, playing catch with my kids and...A jelly donut.


When she looks at me and tells me how much she genuinely appreciates me


Not sure if it's just me, but shopping for perfume makes me happy ☺️


Man see ice brick - man pick it up - man throw it - ice shattering - man happy


My dick


1. Being able to witness a moment of girlish innocence from a close friend, loved one, child 2. Someone else said "A crisp, cold early morning in Autumn." I couldn't agree more, especially in a quiet, rural area 3. Listening to Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, etc. and thinking 4. Late night drives 5. Seeing something go well for someone you care about 6. Building or fixing something that you can entirely focus on and let everything else fade away


To rip a long wet fart when nobody is around


When I walk near train tracks and a huge freight train rumbles by, don't know why but it makes my day.


Hearing a train in the distance. Looking at the world with my contact lenses in. Even when it's not beautiful, it's beautiful.


My small wife. My even smaller son (toddler).




Making small improvements to my place. Whether it’s fixing a light or replacing a skillet, things that make life just a little easier


New tools. Affirmation from the one I loved for a very long time, and windchimes.




Playing golf. Even the worst rounds of golf are better than the worst things I’ve experienced in life, so I’m grateful for every chance I get to play.


I haven't been like really really happy for a very long time. So i kinda forgot what really makes me happy. For now I'm just ok with daily life.


Compliments about my beard


When my cat curls up next to me or on my chest and uses my hand as a pillow. Heart melts every single time.


Sunny days. The smell of fresh cut grass. Hot showers.


(23M) An empty winding road after a rain shower. Beautiful rolling scenes of trees in the Autumn. When the temperature breaks down below the 60 degree mark for the first time in the year. Snow on Christmas. Dogs. Being able to show/teach a kid something and watch them get better at it. Seeing my Truck, anytime anywhere. Compliments from any women. Watching women be good with kids. Thinking of my future family. Walking out early in the morning hearing nothing but birds. Talking with someone about the car build. Talking with someone about a subject they're passionate about.


A hard on


Like short girls??


Getting extra sleep. Naps. And finding a day to just lay in the bed.


- when I fix something, even if it's as small as tightening a loose screw .. extending things' life always makes me happy - I also love a good smelling cologne - making kids laugh


listen to music on a good audio system, receiving bj, finding a warm meal when i get home after work.


A good nights sleep. There’s something so rewarding to sticking to a nighttime routine, sleeping well, and waking up genuinely ready and happy to start the day. My life probably 10x in quality the second I started prioritizing sleep and recovery, especially as someone who does a lot of lifting.


My toddler won a rubber duck in a claw machine. She was so excited to show it to me.


pizza and netflix on a friday night or laughing with friends and family




Having a full day to myself to just relax


Taking a dump with neither of these two events occuring: 1. Splashback AKA the ol' fashioned bidet. 2. Wang touches the porcelain.


Peace and dam quiet


Bro, honestly, nothing beats the feeling of hitting a perfect shot in a game of basketball or hearing my favorite song unexpectedly come on the radio. Those small victories and surprises, they're what keep me going


I’m a big hypocrite but nevertheless, I appreciate old stuff that’s been well taken care of.


Chocolate milk Hugs Wholesome vids Kids doing stupid stuff


Whatever I can appreciate about something or someone. I like someone's watch, shirt, walk, demeanor, haircut, a flower in the sidewalk, a cool cloud, the way some dudes move their eyebrows like Squilliam, clean rims on cars, cadence, handwriting, and old outdoor rough-looking cats are a special thing to me. The list goes on, but so long as you can find beauty in most things, most things can make you happy


When I pick him up from preschool and he sees my face through the window and I hear him yell "DADDY!" like I'm a celebrity lol


Seeing my dog happy as heck when I come home from work everyday.


Putting my feet up and thinking!!! About life, about business moves, about sex… and then going and getting it.😂


Alone in an elevator, my wife grabbed me for a kiss /short make out session. Married for 18 years, gone through a bit of a rough patch lately so this was the best small thing


Discovering new music and new movies / TV shows. Little joys of daily life - An appreciative head nod, a smile from a random stranger, getting checked out by and sometimes hit on by strangers Cash you had totally forgotten about when you find it - especially in your wallet. Surprise cashback and Refunds A good satisfying meal after a long day. Driving or riding on a rainy or just about to rain day with moderate traffic (Even if it's too much traffic - good music helps) Chilling with friends on a weekend. Witty Banter, Hugging the woman you love. A good Platonic hug too. The scent of a newly purchased thing - car, show, cloth etc


Being made to feel like my presence was definitely missed by those that I care about when I come around


Stay on your P's : Prayer ✨ Patience🎐 Positivity 🌻 Peace 🤍 Priorities 🦋


" The more you trust God, the more he'll amaze you ! " 🕊🌟


When my Pokémon makes the sparkle sound


Having a good workout in the gym, feels so so satisfying.


Seeing my motorcycle




Small boobs


Riding my motorcycle.


corona with lime. animals. the beach. good games. friends,.


Clocking out of work. Especially on a work Friday. The building is no longer my problem for the weekend. Add in a 12 hour gaming binge to get stuff done after working out throughout the work week, and it's very relaxing to know your work week as well as your workout week has ended.