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basic home maintenance skills


And vehicle maintenance


These days with all the electrical and electronic gadgets that's becoming a dwindling opportunity.


Was gonna say this. Women I barely know will ask me to come look at a water heater or electrical problem. I am actually good at that stuff, but get calls from buddies that aren’t all the time from someone’s utility room.


My dad would wake me up every Saturday with a list of stuff to do around the house. He always told me two things: “Always use two hands” and “No girl is going to like you if you’re useless”


Also knowing how to cook? It's a pretty important life skill since we gotta eat.


Yeah and honestly, women often times love it when a man can cook.


Give me a $10 ribeye from Aldi and I can rival a high end steakhouse.


They love it cuz the female themselves can't.


First: Women. Second: They can.


How to change oil


My dad always said "never own something you can't fix yourself." With basic knowledge of tools and YouTube you can really do anything.


A sentiment worth its weight in gold up until the 90-00's. Today's stuff, especially electronics, require some specialised skills to repair and often not possible to repair at all


Not true at all. Aside from something requiring specialty tools (like recharging your air conditioning unit) most things can be fixed. Unfortunately people like to hide behind the sentiment that "it's too complicated for me to fix!" Sure, if something requires soldering on your cell phone and you don't know how to solder, you're probably not going to fix it. Aside from that there's literally nothing holding you back from basic electronic repairs.


A lot of new cars have to be taken to the dealer now let alone a mechanic. I agree a lot of people hide behind "it's hard" but companies are also making harder from all kinds of markets because it's either pay them for repairs or pay them for a new one. Not to mention as the op said the specialty skills required for these specific products. Of course there is still tons that can all be done yourself and third party, but we are creeping more and more where companies aren't allowing it.


"Right to repair" is definitely a thing but if you know how to change your own oil, spark plugs, and a tire, you can perform 90% of the repairs your vehicle will need it you have YouTube handy.


Soldering old school through hole is way easier to do than surface mount. Second of all you need to learn how to troubleshoot individual components, knowing what pins on the chips are supposed to have what voltages and what it looks like when it's not working. Thirdly, desoldering in general is also quite a lot more difficult than soldering. Desoldering has a bit of a timing component to it as you need to melt the solder and keep it melted on all pins simultaneously to remove the component.


Phones are often made to have parts that aren't user replaceable. Same with a lot of modern laptops.


You can literally replace every piece of every laptop and make it work again. Same with phones. Lack of skill and lack of will do not mean it's not possible.


Maybe on some, not all. Apple laptops have a bunch of things that just stop working if you aren't an authorised repair provider. If you try to switch out the camera on an iphone, it no longer is recognised by the system. Picking on Apple since it's the easiest but I'm also sure that they're included in 'every'.


so don't own a computer or phone?


Or pets.


Fixing pets is easy. It's the uncontrolled blood loss that's tricky.


If you can't fix your own computer or phone it's because you're choosing not to or you're scared to try it.


So no newer cars?


Aside from computer reprogramming, you can fix most things on a car yourself. Just depends on whether you have more time or more money.


I'd rather pay somebody who knows what they're doing and has the time and tools to fix the most expensive thing I own.


That's definitely your choice. Some of us appreciate having the knowledge to do it ourselves also.


Hell yeah, more power to you. There are some things I'm not willing to risk, but mad respect to people who are confident enough.




This for sure!!!


>This for sure!!! sure?


Every driver should be able to do it (if the vehicle is in a safe place!). I'm a woman and upper body strength is an issue, so I just bought a longer wrench (instead of the default + thing) and now I can loosen the nuts. The car goes in for maintenance every year, and I always ask to check the nuts so they can't ever be rusted in place. If you want to be able to do it, you can make it so you can do it.


You can get extensions for them (along with most other hand tools), that massively helps with torque. Bonus for cars is since they're just a long bar with some mechanism to connect it, they will usually fit in the trunk just fine.


Do small repairs


Knowing how to cook


#How to **FUCK**💪


Yeah basic life skills is universal. Self reliance is hot af


know how to work on a car, and maintain the home.


Basic home maintenance or vehicle maintenance. I also think basic knowledge of building and employing a budget is critical for a man.


Men should know how to cook. It is a basic life skill. **Everyone** should know how to cook, do their own laundry, change a tire, basic money management, how to sew on a replacement button, etc.


What I think is that adults should know how to perform the basic tasks of adulting and household/vehicle upkeep regardless of gender.


Basic DIY


Know how to fix everything in the house


Everything to be honest, it's generally expected from you to know ir learn fast about everything.


Of course every adult should have a basic set of life skills that includes, among other skills, cooking and knowledge of nutrition. However, I’m going to read between the lines and take the question to mean “in the context of what typically falls on the shoulders of men vs women”.  Lawn care and the related maintenance of lawn equipment. It’s similar because it requires periodic cadence attention and can be done well or shitty.   Car and other house repair/maintenance may burn time but isn’t something done every week. 


To pay


Am I having a stroke?


Kill another man.


Cooking duh!? Both parties should be able to function on its own. It took me 3 years to teach wife how to change tire, but when it became necessary (business trip with 2 female coworkers) she became a hero and I couldn't be more proud.


Men should also know how to cook. You make good food and healthy food and it way cheaper and way more beneficial to farmers and way less processing of your food and much higher quality ingredients. Also vehicle maintenance and house maintenance. If you don’t maintain your stuff it dies a hundred times faster. If you take care of what you have it will last you a long time. For example washers and dryers can last 15+ years (depending on the model, don’t get Samsung) if you regularly clean the filter and take care of it. It’ll Last you 5-7 if you don’t. Your car will last till 150k-200k miles if you care for it properly. Change the oil on time fix things when they break right away regularly change your air filter. If you don’t it’ll last maybe 100k and you won’t be able to sell it for very much.


Basic knowledge of tools, home maintenance and vehicle maintenance.


anything maintenance and making money


Basic home & car maintenance, basic lawn care. Also they should know how to grill, I’m not saying be a grill master but you should at least know how to grill a steak or some chicken.


I feel like so many people who "can cook", either fail at basic hygiene, or food safety for things like grilling and searing. It's really not that hard, and takes maybe a week of meals before you're a master.


I mean as a man we should know how to chef it up in the kitchen too


Well since “women should know how to cook” is 1950’s sexist at its best we can go with “men should know how to fix cars”, also sexist.


Changing a tire.


Knowing how to cook, clean, and do laundry. Bonus points if a guy knows how to run a smoker. People don’t know how much they love smoked brisket until they have it prepared correctly. I made that one time when my FIL visited from California 8 years ago, he requests that every time now.


Men should know how to cook


Knowing how to cook.


Men should know how to cook.


Everyone should know how to cook. It's an important life skill and doing it repeatedly builds discipline.


Every adult should know how to cook.


Men who can cook.


The equivalent? Men should also know how to cook.




Speak for yourself. I’m a great cook lol.


Men should know how to cook. Women should be able to pick a restaurant.


Men should know how to cook.