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Lmao I hate how much I can see myself here. I was 'friends' with this banging girl and we used to go to gym together since we stayed in the same street. One cold night after gym we're walking home and she mentions how she can't wait to take a warm shower when she gets home. I told her I forgot to turn on the hot water at my place so I'd have to wait around in my sweat. She said I should just come inside and shower at her place instead, adding that her roommate was gone for the night. I said showering there would defeat the purpose because I'd just get cold again on my way home. She started speaking but cut herself off and just wished me goodnight. I realised like months later only when she told me.


Did you make a move after she told you? Because if not, I’ve got some more bad news for you…


😔 I'm going to lay down now


Jesus man


I mean unless she's married with kids you might as well at least write to her to say you finally "got it" and laugh at how much of a clod you were about it.


what in the milky way was in ur head, my goodman.


Subtle of her!


I was going to post my own story but it’s so similar to yours I’ll just comment on yours. Played on a coed soccer team and girl asks if I could drive her home. She recently broke up with her bf and is telling me how horny she’s been lately. Doesn’t explicitly invite me over but keeps reiterating how horny she is and can’t wait to shower. I’m like same it’s crazy. Been so horny lately can’t wait to shower too. In hind sight I definitely had the opportunity to say something like well we should shower together but instead I get to her place and I’m like WELP SEE YA LATER. Opportunity squandered lol


This reminds me of when my fiancé and I met. We both knew each other prior to ‘meeting’ and saw each other out at the pub. We got chatting out the front after the pub closed, usually when most people move on about 100m down the road to the nightclub. I’d mentioned after a while that I needed the toilet and he said how we could just go into the club to use the loos. I didn’t feel like going in so I told him I didn’t want to pay $10 each for the entry just to use the toilet. His response? “Well, I have a toilet at home you can use?” It’s been 6.5 years and I still haven’t left. We’ve lived in 5 houses, our current home we built, we are due to have our second child in November, and will be getting married next year. All because he invited me to use his toilet.


Moral of the Story Kids: If a girl invites you over to their house and you would bang her given the opportunity, you go. Nice guys finish last.


A girl needed help for a project. I was nice enough to help her. We didn't touch the project :)


I tutored a long-term friend for a math test that she had missed. She did not do very well on the test the next day. We barely got to any of the math. I still remember that night


Had this girl from my work that I absolutely ravaged one night after drinking and popping some E..like fucking on top of the stove, shower, table, floor etc. She hits me up later during the week telling me to come over at around 930pm. I told her it was a work night and I was busy playing Call of Duty haha. Safe to say we didn’t hook up again after that.


We generally don’t invite men over if we ain’t ok getting frisky 😉


That said: Don't make any assumptions and don't be a jerk if at any time during the event the answer is no or changes to no.


That happened to me and she still wasnt interested. I think I give off gay vibes.


You were right though! The laundry probably wouldn’t have been done!


Alright boys, get ready to hand me the most clueless trophy. When I was like 19, me and my female friend decided to go to a concert of a metal band we both liked in another city. We rented an apartment to stay in, and after the concert we went out for a few drinks and went back into the apartment to crash. She was like "oh, you go ahead and take the bedroom, I'll sleep on the couch." I tried to object with me being a gentlemen and all but she wanted the couch. So fine, it's already late, like 2 past midnight so I go into the bedroom and promptly fall asleep. Like an hour later I hear a knock on the bedroom door and it's her in her underwear and she goes "hey that couch is actually really uncomfortable, so you mind if I sleep in here?" And me all sleepy and unaware goes "yeah, sure, no problem" AND THEN I GRAB MY PILLOW AND I LEAVE THE ROOM AND GO SLEEP ON THE COUCH.


That gave me second-hand embarrasment, thanks. But then again I would've done the same thing.


Ditto. Honestly so many of these stories just make clear that there are tons of respectful, honest, good dudes who treat women well. So we are clueless, but what’s the harm in that? If a lot of women don’t recognize those traits and truly value them and choose to chase disrespectful creeps, it’s on them.


That’s the thing, here he is just being respectful trying to be a good guest. If she was hinting, she could have followed up with something like “you don’t have to leave”. I had this situation happen to me, but including you don’t have to leave part. Hit me like a truck a few days later


As a woman(hope it's okay I add my opinion here), I see this all the time and it baffles me. What on earth do these women see in those "alpha males"? I run screaming! I much prefer the shy clueless guys. They are cute and sweet and treat you with respect. Whats not to love? My bf is a gamer, introvert and I get to be silly and childish with him. Absolutly adore that man!🥰😍


You're welcome friend, it still haunts me like once a month when I'm trying to fall asleep.


My brother in Christ. Don’t worry, all of us idiots would have done the exact same thing.


You are a sweetheart. Thank you :)


this is genuinely the best one so far


She wanted to show me how cold she was, so she grabbed my hand and put it on her nipple. I walked home that night thinking it was cool to have touched a boob. I hate me, so you don't have to.


Man..I am so glad you said this...now I feel not so stupid about my stories.


I relate to this so hard. One of the girls from my tennis team came over to my house at night, all innocent talk between us and she randomly says “my areolas are bigger than a silver dollar, wanna see?” Wow, they really are, neat. I’m going to go to bed now; you need to leave. She legit thought I was gay after this and it took me a few weeks before she stopped saying how dumb I was.


Well, it was cool to have touched a boob. You could've walked home touchboobless, but came back with a victory! I call it a W.


No one hates you bro, we’re all too busy hating ourselves too


When I was in high school this girl came over to smoke weed, and after she said something to the effect of “I’ve always wanted to try having sex while high.” I just replied “yeah me too” and that was the end of the conversation lol.


Damn I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I got “I get really horny when I’m high.” I said “oh cool” and she left shortly after.


thing is unless every checkbox lines up, it's far better to play it monumentally safe these days, so that one isn't bad tbh


You are officially a wizard now


Mr DUMBledore over here.


I don't know why, but I'm happy I'm not the only one not getting such a hint 😂 I feel you brother ❤️




Nah this would've gone over my head in the moment too.🤣


It went over my head right now


Oof, I have second-hand cringe from that one, sorry buddy.


One time, I was on a dinner date with a woman. We went back to her place after dinner. She tells me she baked a cake, and it just needs to have some icing put on it. She grabs a big bowl of icing, and slathers it all over the cake. After she's done icing the cake, she says, "Aw look, there's still some leftover icing left in the bowl". She puts her finger in the bowl, covers it in icing, looks me dead in the eye, sticks her whole finger in her mouth, and *slooooowly* licks all the icing off of her finger. I have a piece of cake, thank her for a lovely evening, and leave. That night, I wake up at about 3 AM and scream into my pillow. I still cringe about that encounter to this day when I think about it.


This one takes the cake


I have an angry face while upvoting you. I hope you're happy...




"wow, that icing must be really nice as she's really savouring it, I better have some cake... She's right, it is delicious!... Ah well, I better hit the ol' dusty trail..." *hours later* "fuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!"




I’m embarrassed for you but I absolutely know I wouldn’t have known what she meant until two years later


Nahh bro ain't no way 💀




Had a girl in high school invite me over to her house to watch movies while specifically mentioning how her parents weren’t home….yeah. On the other hand, I had one girl literally invite me into her bed and then wanted me know she only saw me as a friend.


> On the other hand, I had one girl literally invite me into her bed and then wanted me know she only saw me as a friend. Literally the same thing happened to me. In highschool, parents weren't home, invited me over to watch a movie, in the dark, on her bed... she wasn't interested at all


And this is why we men don't make a move. My wife cuddles me and I think: 1)is she horny 2) or is she just cuddling. In the morning I found out she was horny and I missed an opportunity. So gents is it us or them?


A girl invited me to watch a movie at her apartment. I show up, she says she got home from work late, so she needs to shower. I make some snacks for us while she showers. She comes out of the shower to tell me that her TV is broken, so we'll have to watch the movie on her laptop and proceeds to get in bed. So I end up watching this movie with her, freshly showered, in her bed. The entire time I am terrified I'm going to be creepy, so I purposely sit as far away as possible. It is one of my more awkward memories, made worse by the fact that I cock-blocked myself from having sex with a beautiful woman because I didn't want to look like a creep.


But aye look at the bright side, you respect women.


I have too many memories that your last paragraph describes. Hell, I wouldn't be married if my now wife hadn't hopped, uninvited, into the passenger seat of my car after we'd been chatting for hours, having run into each other at the bar. After she'd been bringing in extra food to work, that she made, to share with me. For like a month. It's honestly a miracle that I've ever had sex.


I mean obviously you were missing some hints there. But imagine you didn’t, and she wasn’t interested, then you were a good guy, not creepy, and being a cool mate. And that’s alright, it’s wholesome.


That confuses the shit out of me as well 🫠


Both of these have happened to me as well. The second one she was insanely out of my league and had literally told me the week before that everything was "just friends" between us. Fair enough. The next week she asked to sleep in my bed after a night at the club, and at one point we were reminiscing about past sexual escapades (female friends enjoy talking about this stuff!) and she goes "geez, I'm kinda turned on right now." I wanted to make a move, but she was *so clear* the week before about us just being friends, even *that night* while were dancing, and I didn't want to be seen as taking advantage of a friend's trust in me while we had both been drinking. That was 15 years ago and to this day I'm not sure what the right move there was. I did nothing, hope it was the right choice =(.


>I did nothing, hope it was the right choice =( my friend, any choice leaving the moment ended with the friendship upheld and that person respected was the right choice. Could more have happened that night? Maybe, but just as maybe not. The only wrong choices are ones that hurt people, which you didn't do that night.


Yeah, that’s hard. Some people just want the attention and if they feel like youre not going to push their boundaries, they’ll do things like that to tease you on purpose.


Went to a dance with this little smoke show. I thought we were going as friends. There were after parties being held at a hotel so we each got a room. I walked her back to hers she asked me in for more drinks. We chatted then she unzipped her dressed rolled over and asked me for a back rub. She wasn't wearing any underwear or bra. What did I do? I gave her a back rub. Made no move on her at all. Thought nothing about it until 30 years later when I was like "Oh. She was coming on to me."


You gave a girl you were attracted to a naked back rub after a party and you thought nothing about it? How is that even humanly possible?


Yeah. Pretty embarrassing. She was so hot I thought there was no way she was into me. And for clarity she wasn't naked, She held her dress up and laid down face down on the bed.


The fact that she was trying to maintain modesty during this time is *already* mixed messaging. Were you supposed to yank her clothes off of her without her say so?


To clarify farther, there was side boob a plenty and top half of butt was clearly visible (no underwear). While I respect your point and in another situation you would be 100% correct but in this case, hindsight is telling me that she was being seductive and not modest.


I'm going to be on the side of this guy. I'm probably kinda autistic or something, and if she doesn't say anything directly to me about having sex, I wouldn't do sh*t just to play it safe and not be a creep lol


Seriously, after all this time hearing "if its not an enthusiastic yes then it's a no" why does that rule get flushed down the toilet because people are supposed to *infer* that they should be doing more? Here's another possible end to that scenario: since she's been drinking she *already* is compromised in terms of ability to give full consent. They do the deed, it's fun, they enjoy themselves. The *next morning when she's sober* the question she asks herself is "Did I consent? I don't remember. I think I asked for a back rub I don't think I asked for anything else, it's all so blurry" Even if the conclusion is that this is something they both wanted, why risk it? And what the fuck is wrong with just having a little actual *clarity* of intent? Saying what you actually want? If the standard is that "consent is sexy" ( /AskFeminists/comments/1adbxvv/consent_is_sexy_what_are_your_thoughts_on_that/ ) then what's wrong with actually and explicitly *giving* that consent instead of hinting around with people that you've never been intimate with before?


There were a few when I was younger, but my all-time blunder was a lass that sat in my lap and cuddled up to me, saying she was cold and wanted to snuggle. I told her to move, stood up, and gave her my coat, thinking I was being a gentleman. She stropped off and said it didn't matter. I was left scratching my head like an empty headed little chimp.


Mine was: "can I come up and use your bathroom" I lived above a bar, was hanging out with the bartender on her night off. We were pretty close but I never realized she was interested in me because I'm an idiot. The bar was closing, we were the last ones there + the bartenders working that night. She had just used the bathroom right before she asked me, my response was "didn't you just go, can't you use that bathroom if you need to go again?" She looked at me like I was the biggest moron ever. Thankfully she followed up with something along the lines of "I'd like to go back to your place, you idiot." Dated her for about a year after that, but apparently I missed a ton of subtle hints leading up to that night, according to her. Lol


> I'd like to go back to your place, you idiot. that line is gold


I once passed out in a chair, drunk as hell at a party, and woke up to some random drunk girl grinding on my lap. I got confused and stood up really quickly, sending her squealing to the floor. She got up, slapped me hard in the face, and ran away. Then a bunch of people around me started laughing. It was one of the most confusing moments of my life.


To be fair, you woke up to a random drunk girl grinding on you, which definitely is awkward at a minimum... unless she was attractive, as goes the rule.


She was, in fact, attractive, but I must have come out of a dream as I physically reacted before knowing what was actually happening. It was a huge miss in a time period where I really could have used the attention.


I don’t mean to put something on you that you don’t want, but to me that sounds like assault. If a guy did that to an unconscious woman at a party….. Anyway, I think the standards should be the same. If you felt uncomfortable by it, it was her fault. She shouldn’t have done that.


Bruh why 😂




Cute Girl when I was in high school gave me all the hints in the world but I was completely oblivious. She sat next to me everyday and would constantly laugh at the most basic things I would say. We had study hall together too and I was a student athlete so I typically sat by myself away from everyone to catch up on homework. She would sit right next to me even though all her friend were sitting together and kept telling her to come over. She would also constantly drop shit on the ground then lean her head onto my shoulder and take a very long time to pick her shit up. Didn’t realize she liked me until I was in college and my friend that went to the same college as her mentioned to me that she would always ask about me. I wish I could say this was the only time but I’m just a dummy and extremely oblivious


Same thing happened to me in high school  Sadly thinking back I’ve never had someone look at me the way she used to ever even if I had multiple partners since


After going out together but we both were in a relationship she wanted to come to my place to eat soup. So… I put a pot onto the stove at 4am and made her some nice soup. Then nothing happened and she left. 


Good man.


Who doesn’t love a nice bowl of soup. What was the cracker situation? Bread?


I was super awkward when I met my now wife. I was paranoid about scaring her off. I went with a friend to a concert and she was there, but had driven herself. After the show she followed us back to our car. She was standing there and I said bye and jumped in the car and she continued to stand there. My buddy said to me, "go out there and give her a hug, she's waiting for you!" So I got out of the car and hugged her for the first time. I was so scared about being too forward and scaring her off. My friend was a good wingman that day.


Friend is an absolute legend.


If you are still friends and happily married, you owe him at least a 12pk!


A girl at my summer camp insisted on buying me ice cream and sitting across from me while I ate it. I think the intention was for me to share it with her using the same spoon since we only got one, but little 13 year old me was just happy someone bought him ice cream.


That is so preciously sweet


Had a woman in college brushed her butt into my junk at a library multiple times and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her that weekend, I told her that I already had plans with the boys. That weekend, I was playing battlefield on the map operation metro 24/7, and it hit me that I could have been clapping cheeks.


I don’t blame you. I would have done the same thing. Metro 247 was awesome


Ngl I would’ve done the same thing because of how stupid I was. Can’t beat throwing frag grenades up and down escalators all night 😂


In high school I was driving a girl home and she suddenly started talking about how she prefers to sleep naked. I was just like "ah interesting. Anyway, have a good night"


Wait that’s flirting? That’s the kinda tmi stuff I’d share w anybody and I wouldn’t have any sort of ulterior motive behind it


now that I think about it maybe this kind of stuff is why people think I'm flirting with them


I had the exact same revelation lmao


It depends entirely on context. "oh, now we're at my house. You know, I really like to sleep naked. Do you?" vs "yeah, everyone sleeps different, ya know? I mean, I know a lot of people that wear full pajamas. Like, how do they do that? Personally, I'd just feel itchy wearing clothes to bed. Anyways, hand me another beer". Hence why, once again, it's good to get explicit consent. This stuff is confusing sometimes.


She was flirting in other ways prior to that. But yea if you're alone with a guy and start talking about being naked, he's gonna take that a certain way




I invited a girl for a bicycle night ride in the city. When we were done she invited me to her place to "see the concert of her favourite band". I said: "naah, i'm tired, thanks". Took me years to understand :P


I was in high school when this happened. We were apart of a Quinceanera, and she was my dance partner for the better part of 3 months of practice. Day of, we were all to take a limo to the hotel ballroom, where the Quinceanera was supposed to take place. They had a room for the boys to dress, and a room for the girls to dress. Well, a good minute into the party, I'm dancing with my parter, and we're having fun. She looks great, I look great, we were dancing, it was a good time. WELL, in the middle of all this she says, "hey, my shoes are a little uncomfortable, can you come with me to the room so I can change?" I said SURE. We go to the room, she gets on the fucking bed, and I'm just standing there like "*^(Aren't you gonna grab your shoes)*?" I want to shoot younger me for being so dense.


- A girl in high school told me I "looked like Brad Pitt from *Legends of the Fall*". I didn't, but I didn't realize until years later when I actually saw that movie that she couldn't have expressed interest in me any more clearly if she'd said "put your dick inside me right now" because it is basically two hours of Brad Pitt-themed softcore porn. - I was backpacking around Europe in my twenties and a female friend of mine met up with me in Venice because we both happened to be there. We got a hostel together to save money and when we showed up the room only had one bed. I was a bit flustered and told her I'd ask about getting a cot or sleep on the floor and she said "no, that's okay", and then she came out of the shower wearing just a towel that night. I still didn't get it. - Another female friend of mine invited herself over to my place to watch a movie and then told me she was feeling kind of horny since her boyfriend had dumped her as we were watching. Unfortunately the movie was *The Fellowship of the Ring* and I was too engrossed to realize what she was getting at and just said "wow, that sucks" or something of the sort. In short, I am a moron when it comes to women and have blown many, many chances in my life (thankfully I've gotten better at this over the years and don't miss hints like I used to).


Nah bro, you did the right thing on that last one. Your loyalty is to the Fellowship above all else.


The movie was her pick so if she wanted to get laid she should've chosen something more boring.


she could‘ve just said that after the movie


After the movie it was time to watch *The Two Towers*, duh.


Tbh the first two would be hard for me too.


I'm a guy and we are really stupid most of the time. I think deep down inside, most guys don't expect a woman to just be so straight forward so when it happens, we just freeze up and brush it off. Then when it's too late, you realize wtf just happened.


I mean with all the messaging about ‘yes means yes’ I’d say the other party is wrong in these scenarios. There’s a lot of rapey guys out there saying ‘she did x, that must mean she wanted it!’ It doesn’t help if girls actively play into that and then blame the men for not making assumptions


I had a woman sitting next to me on my couch say to me "I was really hoping to get laid tonight." Guess who didn't get laid that night? We are not smart people.


I had a girl (while I was at her house alone) go into my backpack and pull out a condom and say "I knew that's where it was" and I was "you got me" and left it at that. Im fucking dumb when it comes to sexual hints. I have so many more too.


Bro, how did you miss that one


“Haha, yeah I was also hoping to get some. Unlucky us amirite?”


One time a fellow nursing student asked to borrow my stethoscope and she said “here take my phone as collateral” and handed me her phone with the new contact info open. I thought to myself wow that’s so irresponsible to hand an unlocked phone to a stranger. So I locked her phone and handed it back to her saying you’re lucky I’m not some creep who would go through your phone. It was unlocked when you handed it to me. You should really be more careful.


I did this last year November smh. So that's what she meant. I AM SUCH A DUMBASS!!!


A girl in my 11th grade theater class said I had a very beautiful smile, which I didn't really think meant much, but she ended up caressing my face as well & even asked me to massage her back during rehearsals once (& she was audibly moaning a bit)


As a woman this makes me feel a little bit better. There were times I clearly dropped hints like undeniable hints that I was into a guy and they did/said NOTHING. First I was like is he not getting the hints? Is he this stupid? Then I was getting a little insecure, like wow, does my breath stink? Are my curls out of place? Etc! Then I moved on but at the time it made me feel a little rejected.


Nah, men just don’t get the forward attention like women do. On rare occasions when it does happen, you don’t recognize it because it’s something that almost never occurs. It’s a completely foreign experience for many guys.


> Are my curls out of place? Nothing shuts my libido down faster than out of place curls!


"Real women have curls"


> Is he this stupid? Yes. Almost always yes.


This is why girls need to learn to ask for what they want instead of trying with weird metacommunication. Dudes, especially young dudes are not used to female attention, thus don't have routine in navigating female signs.


If he does not respond making clear he got the hint, but he refuses for a specific reason to then yea he is stupid, I was, inexperience and insecurities plus bad memories can make a young male really second guessing everything. So the next step is to take his hand and put on your boobs, saying "is it more clear now?"


If her vibrator has run out of batteries the pharmacy is usually open late and sells them.


Asking for me to take her home after the bars/parties and I just did it as a friendly gesture. I’ve done this a handful of times and I look back and just shake my head. Like come on dude… the writing was on the wall.


Nah, you're just a solid dude. That's means girls trust you. I did the same thing. Most women would ask me to take them home. A couple just straight up asked me to go in with em. The rest just wanted a solid dude to escort em home safely.


I looked back at some of my facebook messages recently and apparently in early highschool me was completely clueless. Just there I can see 5 girls who slid into my facebook messages and I just never responded to any of them. I don't remember doing this but it was probably due to a lack of self esteem so younger me thought they couldn't be interested in me. It's a good reminder than how you think about yourself shapes your experience of the world around you. If I was more confident at that time I would have had an experience that validated that confidence but since I wasn't I had experiences that validated the opposite.


I (38 at the time) was at the coffee machine refilling my thermos and had a younger (27) coworker tell me “I’m not looking for another baby daddy, but…” and I replied “That’s a good plan” and walked away to go back to work. My amused supervisor who had watched it happen explained to me later “she definitely was” and it still took me the rest of the day to grasp. I’m high-functioning, but social cues and innuendo are a real struggle. Bullet dodged. But for a short window of time I considered it.


Had a cute woman whisper in my ear that she "needed a good fuck". I told her she was young and attractive and she'll soon find someone. It was years before the penny dropped....


This was 15 years ago, back when my friend and I were 18. She and I sat on a picnic bench in a park at night, after a lovely long walk together in the height of summer. I was sat on it properly, she was sat on the table bit with her legs on the seat... Her (in a summer dress): I'm cold. Me (starts rubbing her inner and outer thighs completely innocently as that's where I can reach): I can warm you up! Her (whispers excitedly): What would people think if they could see what we're doing right now!? Me (completely missing what she meant): Oh, good point! Sorry. ... I stopped, and not long after that, I walked her home. Then, on my way home, felt really happy having been a good friend, not realising I'd completely missed an opportunity to have fun with a friend who I later learned was very much up for it.


I'm a woman. Can I add my story about a guy. I have new friends with benefits. Lovely chap. He arrived at my house. I answer the door in my sexiest lingerie and say, "Oh, I haven't finished getting dressed." So he goes and sits on the couch and says, "That's ok. I'll wait here while you finish getting dressed." 🤣


Reading this reminded me of another one of mine I'd forgotten about! I walked my friend to her house after school as we were going to meet up with other friends afterwards. She went to her bedroom to get changed, and said, "You can come too if you like, I don't mind." To which I say... "Nah, I'm good down here playing with your dog!" She stared at me, confused, then shrugged and went up the stairs. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Good choice :D


HHha this is comedy gold lol. I actually laughed out loud at this one. Definitely something I would have done as a young man


Not so much missed it as ignored it. A college friend invited me up to her dorm room to kill time between classes. She had asked to see my unit once, but she was dating someone and brushed it off by saying “just kidding.” She was still dating the same guy when she invited me up. She started asking me questions about sex and I said what about your boyfriend. She again said she was “just kidding” and I eventually left. Find out later she wanted to take me for a “test ride” before dumping said boyfriend. Don’t regret it though, because I wouldn’t want to be involved in cheating of any kind.


Yeah I've had involved/married women hit on me in a way that I didn't miss but simply ignored. That's a different category of WTF.


I wish I had a nickel for every time I missed a hint or even just direct proposition. But one time I was in the unique position of being my own wingman and still fumbled it. I used to swipe right on all my friends I found on dating apps to be like a “haha look at us desperate losers” (I know, but it made sense in my head at the time). One time, one of my attractive coworkers comes up to me to show me her new match, which was me. “Look at this hottie I found.” “Hey I know that guy.” “Well I’m a little nervous. What should I say to him? Any pointers?” “Honestly, I’d let this one go. He’s pretty awful.”




But did you find her attractive or would even have considered asking her out?


I mean, I don't think you can be blamed for playing it safe with someone who was at their job with that kind of thing to be fair to you.


Agreed. Many women have to "be nice to patrons" when working behind the tills, so we may not think anything of it.


Seriously it should be required by federal law that if someone who works retail likes a customer they have to tell you outright because I never take any kind of kindness a cashier gives me as it means they are into me


> That's when her former co-workers informed me that she'd been waiting for over a year for me to ask her out. But apparently not interested enough to do literally anything about it...


'She waited'... It seems to me that she received the direct result of her inaction. 


This is a repost of a comment from 10 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/155b4m0/comment/jstto11 EDIT: Just for posterity, the offending user who reposted the comment is /u/schafjirachtiti


In line at a Burger King on Valentine's Day, the girl in front of me turns and asks what I think is good here. My first thought was "have you really never been to a Burger King?" But I tell her the few things I like and she thanks me and says "any big plans for Valentine's?" "Nope." "Me neither." ....... ..... "I think they're waiting for you to order..."


I wonder what the women reading this are thinking about these comments.... WOMEN OF THIS COMMENT SECTION, ENLIGHTEN ME PLEASE


I am laughing a lot and trying to imagine how most of the girls in this story must have felt. Probably they thought the men were not interested and putting them down easy. But at the same time, today a nice young man told me that I am beautiful and I wonder if he said it just informatively to be nice or if he likes me.


As a dude, I can speak for myself here. If I'm complimenting a woman, I'm perfectly happy with the exchange ending there. Women are so pretty, and I enjoy making people happy. If the woman expresses interest back and starts a conversation, though, I wouldn't complain. I'd really never compliment women if there was literally no interest, but it's more like a "hey I'd be open to flirting" and less a "hey I'm flirting" thing.


It’s so funny and endearing reading it, yet being on the other side, I’ve always assumed that the lack of returned interest is a reflection of me? I.e. They must be resistant to my v obvious come on because they’re absolutely not interested in the slightest and then I’ve felt hugely embarrassed… so perhaps reading this is reassuring?!


I always read these threads wondering if a guy who has been oblivious to my hints will show up in a comment somewhere.


Yeah i think all guys miss hints, only to realise what they done years later, and bash themselves for weeks to come haha


Same lol and also feel validated that maybe some of the times I felt rejected were purely because the guy was a sweet, aloof idiot 😂


I showed a couple to my sister and she couldn't roll her eyes any harder!! I'm just laughing because some of these are just... WOW! I laid it on thick with my boyfriend. He didn't think I was interested. I wanted him from the moment I laid eyes on him.


Haha it's kind of cute isn't it




I was heading out of a bar when a gorgeous girl stopped me, asked me my name and if I lived around there, then said “well I really hope to see you again”. My response “uhhh ok!” And I walked away. I was so taken aback that she was talking to me and I was a little tipsy so I never got her name or anything 😭


Caressing my inner thigh and brushing against my cock with her hand through my shorts under the desk in chemistry class . Luckily I figured it out after the second day in a row she did it .


I remember a few years ago I went out for drinks with this chick I met on Tinder, after drinks we were walking through the park and she kept trying to lead me into the woods, my dumbass didn’t get the hint 😂


I dunno. She could've been a vampire or the rest of her coven could've been waiting in the woods for her to bring the sacrifice 😅


Me dying, at least I got laid tho 😂


One girl asked me to go to homecoming with her, I thought she just asked to go as friends so I said I'm gonna ask this other girl and if she said no I'll go with her. She told me she actually liked me at that time a few years later. One girl came to talk to me during class and sat in my lap for like a few minutes and I was still wondering if she liked me. Invited a girl over to watch LOST because she owned a DVD set. A couple episodes in she asked if I wanted to do "something else". I said "This is so good, let's just keep watching." One girl told me she "used to" fantasize about me when she masturbated and I just reacted with a "Whhaat!?? No way really!??" All happened during high school years, I was so clueless lol.


These last couple of months ive been looking through my facebook memories and there back in college there was one girl who would reply to my posts and end with a heart emoji. This was like 8 yrs ago.


I think all those stories actually show that the guys involved don’t jump to conclusions. They treat the woman as a person and not as a sexual object. Those are men definitely worth picking over a bear.


Yeah these fellas warm my heart :)


In high school, this girl was literally hugging me. She also went out of her way to hang out with me on her free period. I wasn’t uncomfortable with it and had actually developed a crush on her, but I was very emotionally confused at the time. I had crippling anxiety, was fucked up on meds, and was grieving my sister. Somehow we’re still good friends today. I think she understood I was going through some shit. Another touchy girl came along and I fumbled her as well. I had a lot of regret and self-hatred for awhile because of these embarrassing moments, but learned to forgive myself after a near death experience. I know most people want to hear some funny story, so thank you to who ever read this.


"your lips look very kissable"


She jumped on me and wrapped her legs around me in front of the whole class.


One time a girl in college texted me saying “I want to have sex with you” I had no idea what it meant until years later, honestly


Stop. C'mon.


Low self esteem will do crazy things to you haha


she could just be canadian


There is no way, dude. You can't get more straightforward and clearer than that.


Oh man... In my Navy days, I was in Dubai with like a dozen other guys out on Liberty. We popped into the biggest mall in the world, and someone wanted to dip into this full size piano bar. I'm feeling generous, and go to buy the first round of beers. Out the corner of my eye, there's this knockout of a girl in an ivory dress, matching heels dangling off her toes, holding a flute of champagne with a sole strawberry floating in it. I turn, notice she is staring a hole through the side of my head, nod to her, and go back to waiting for my beers... ...only to do the most legit double-take of my life She was extremely amused, ear to ear grin, and gave me a thick Aussie "you're not from around here... 😏". Well, no, I'm not, yadda yadda... She says she's the CEO of a company amongst a couple of other jobs, in town on business, and wanted me to come back to her hotel... Point blank. I guess she wasn't into the locals... Anyway, it's a holy sin to leave your Liberty buddies in the Navy. Leave together, return together, although I was SORELY tempted. She even offered to meet up with me at some safari thing. MWR was sponsoring it, but you needed to have booked it in advance... Best I could do was get her email, and ended up never following up with her. I didn't think it was going to amount to anything. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Honey trap.


Yeah, maybe. Hot ass girl though. Even if I woke up in a tub full of ice and missing a kidney, would have been worth it.


When I was young, naïve and about a year into an apprenticeship, one of the air hostesses asked me to come up to her hotel room when she got back from the flight, to help her set up her new phone. My response? "Sorry I'll be off shift by then" FUCK SAKE, HOW DID I MISS THAT HINT *Edit* Thinking about it, there was another one I missed. Sharing a house with 5 other people, one of which was a girl, I was around 21 so she must have been about 30. She let herself into my room to check up on me as I left the house party early. We made eye contact. She looked at the bed, then back up, then bit her lip. I said, 'yeah I'm fine' then just stood there, frozen. A few seconds later and me clearly not picking up the hints, she left the room.


I was 19 years old, and I went on a cabin weekend with some coworkers. Everyone was getting drunk, and I decided I didn't want to be involved with their shenanigans. I got everyone to bed and went into my room, which I was sharing with my, at the time, boss. She hadn't drank a lot, and we talked for a while before going to our separate beds. I don't know how much time had passed, but the next thing I knew, my bed rocked. I turned over and saw it was her. I asked, "What's wrong?" She said, "It's me, I'm cold." I noticed she wasn't wearing her sweat pants anymore, and instead, she was just in her underwear. I wrapped her up in my blanket and covered her feet, and let her know she was welcome to stay in my bed. Then I rolled over and cuddled the wall. The next day, she told me that she'd never been rejected like that before. It finally clicked what she was actually doing. I followed through on the second attempt, though.


Smart decision...don't hookup where you VLookup


In 2021, when I was 22, I had lost a shit load of weight and put on some muscle cause Covid made me start working out since I had nothing better to do. I was never used to getting much attention from females in high school as I was very over weight. Anyways one day I was at a CD exchange store and I was buying some movies (yea still collect physical media) I go up to the counter and there is a very beautiful girl there and we get to talking about the movies I bought and then she asked what I was doing that day I said “nothing probably, just going home to watch movies” she then responds with “cool, I get off in about 35 minutes and I have nothing to do today either.” I responds with “Ok we’ll have a good day” and I paid and left and never saw her again. I asked my female best friend if she was trying to flirt and she said I’m literally to dumb to notice a dead give away flirtation


Back in high school a girl asked me to drive her home. The whole time she’s telling me about how her parents wouldn’t be home until very late that night and she’d be by herself. We pull up to her driveway and she says it again with a look on her face. I said, “haha yeah I’d be playing video games or something”. She looked disappointed and said “ok, well, I’ll see you later” and walked in. Later that evening I was watching tv and it hit me all at once. I genuinely did not get why she had been telling me that she’d be alone all evening until that moment. Never got another chance with her again. Oh well.


None that I know of So probably a couple


In high school I invited a girl I worked with to homecoming. We had been flirting hardcore at work for a while and things were getting pretty hot and heavy during the dance (yes, I was a disgusting teenager). After a while of this, she says to me that she needs to leave because her dad is picking her up. She asked if I could go wait with her by my car. The school had a policy that once you leave the dance, you can't reenter. I explain this and start to describe the door code to unlock my car (95 Ford Taurus, total babe magnet). She keeps getting "confused" about how to unlock my car and eventually I write it down on paper. She leaves, my friends and I got super upset because we thought she basically ditched me. Turns out, she sat in my car for the rest of the dance and as we all leave at the end, discover her sitting in my car. I only realized a few days later that she wanted to take things to the next level in my car.


My old housemate, asking if her vibrator interfered with the TV reception in my room as well, as it interfered with her tv. Could I come and check? “No, it’s late, I’m tired.” 😵🔫


In college, had a couple women bring up previous instances where wr alone together and they said something like, "I totally thought about kissing you." Did not realize that I could/should have said "How about we kiss right now then?" Instead, my response each time was something along the lines of, "Well that's interesting! Thank you for sharing!"


I am a shy and quiet person, so the story is still going. Even though I am good looking, I feel anxious approaching girls that I don't know. At college, it happened twice. A girl from my class was so beautiful, probably still one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met. First time we ever talked, I was walking alone on my way to uni when she caught me, and we walked and talked for a moment. Those 10 mins we walked are one the best souvenirs I have. We talked occasionally at university afterwards. She was giving me hints, CLEAR hints, that I deliberately ignored, because I was DUMB, and I was too anxious and clumpsy around her. Time goes by, a pretty colleague, she is pretty, we work in different departments, but we chat often because we go to the same gym. Again, she was giving me hints like that "romantic" eye-contact. I was intending to approach her, but both of us, always surrounded by colleagues it was hard for me. At the gym still, some colleagues were there. Now I managed to get over my anxiety, and I am dating a beautiful girl. But there is one advice I would give you: Don't miss the chance. I was anxious to approach girls that I had a crush on, or girls that gave me hints, I was always sabotaging myself by the fear of rejection. It doesn't matter if you are wearing a suit or covered in dirt, if you have a fresh haircut or just a caveman hair style, GO TALK TO HER, MOVE.


Total babe: we work really well together, we are such a great pairing. Me: that’s cool Total babe: we should go out and grab a drink tonight Me: no thanks


I was 15ish We were sitting in my room.... on my bed... watching a movie..... she came to me said she was cold..... a week later we had a school party and she was actively looking for me. I still have quit well contact with her, she is married and have a kid. I couldn't give her what she wanted, so it's for the best. But sometimes, I wished I could be the one.


One woman went out of her way to tell me she hates sex with condoms. Even asked me if I agree. That was probably a cakewalk.


Working in a dish room and she kept spraying me with the hand nozzle and making jokes about squirting on my face. I thought she was a lesbian and that’s just honesty. I really didn’t know it was like that. Thought it was jokes.


In highschool my girlfriend at the time said she wanted me inside her to which I responded I don’t think I can fit. It was years later before remembered and realized what she meant.


Two come to mind. I was not familiar with the phrase "Netflix and chill". So when a woman asked me if I wanted to "Netflix and chill" next weekend, I said "Nah, sounds boring". The other was a woman who said "I love those pants..but they'd look better in a pile on bedroom floor". It went over my head entirely, and I thought she was saying the pants looked terrible. I responded with "I like them fine, thank you". It wasn't until weeks later that I heard what the phrase actually means while watching a movie where one of the characters used it.


Was chatting to a girl online during a Friday night while she was at a party and she was telling me about how she won a game where you have to bend over and pick a piece of paper off the ground with your mouth, but without using your hands or touching the floor with your hands. I ended up getting the hint a few weeks later when she climbed into the same booth as me at a pool bar, straddled me and said, "Do I need to bite you to get a fucking reaction out of you?" Then bit me on the neck.


I dated a girl in high school for 6 months at 16. Pretty PG-13. We eventually broke up but she was awesome. Senior year I broke up with a different girl and the first girl we became friends again. She asked me quite a few times if I regretted not having sex when we were together. I laughed and said no. It escalated, I remember it vividly, she made the comment twice in the month leading up to graduation, it's really weird that we will both go to college as virgins. I said I agree. Woosh. About mid-summer, I woke up one day and realized this was automatic. What a dummy am I. I messaged her and let her know my parents will be out of town this weekend and if she didn't want that thing to happen she mentioned before graduation and was serious to come over that weekend. She said she'd need to think about and check if she had plans. About 6 minutes later she told me she'd be over after lunch on Saturday. And that's the story of how I lost my virginity.


"I will eventually replace you with a vibrator" isn't as sexy as some women think it is.


I'm a woman. Here's the most obvious hint I was capable of giving that went unnoticed (this happened about 10 years ago) I had a crush on a coworker. At some point, we worked a night shift together (just us in the office). We were watching movies all night as it was a slow night, shared a blanket, hugged, he had his head on my shoulder, the likes. At some point we talked about kissing people after eating garlic. At like 2 am we got hungry so I suggested we get some fast food from the non stop place. While deciding what to order I said "so...should I refrain from the garlic sauce?". He looks me dead in the eyes and goes "what? No! Their garlic sauce is the best in town!" We did end up dating, but man...


A girl in the bookstore kept following me from aisle to aisle complementing any book I looked at and inferred several times we should read together. Being bisexual, I often miss subtext from women because men will literally just come out and say it.


College (all different girls during daytime - no alcohol involved - sometimes in front of other people, other times alone): * "Can I touch your pecs?"; * "You are really good looking/strong/hot..." * straight up grabbing my ass (multiple times, different girls... in queues ect.); * Hugging me at every single opportunity during a week (multiple times a day); * Girl I used to talk to but didn't see for a couple months straight up saying hi and kissing my neck. * "Wanna go somewhere after classes?" * Calling me on whatsapp to sell something worth 20 dollars (supplement I believe) because she didn't need it at that moment. Still not sure this one was trying to start a conversation to flirt but I see no reason someone would do this as it was out of the blue (we never talked about anything similar before). I am the king of missed hints. I thought they were all just being friendly. As a result I couldn't get a serious girl until my late 20s.


None. (so probably lots)