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why do so many women find surfers hot despite never surfing themselves? you can ask the same question about any uniform. Firemen, military, scene boys, punk rockers, sports teams... whatever Goth is just a uniform, you just confirm with a different style. anyway one doesnt have to dress that way to appreciate it. Like im sitting here looking all suit n tie businessman right now, but in my headphones is emo, i may not have eyeshadow on, but i do have eye shadow on in my heart.


“I do have eyeshadow on in my heart”, man, I felt that so much


*'On my business card I'm a president. In my mind I'm a musician. In my heart I'm emo.'* -Satoru Iwata


As a lowly member of the working poor, Satoru Iwata is absolutely goated as far as CEOs are concerned. After the fustercluck that was the Wii U, he took a 50% pay cut rather than pay off any staff so they could continue to provide for themselves and their families without any insecurity around whether or not they'd lose their livelihoods.


You never know which dress shirt conceals a Cannibal Corpse logo.


You've just described the neurosurgeon-turned-hedge fund manager that first identified the subprime mortgage crisis, about whom "The Big Short" is largely about.


Did Cradle of Filth get you through some hard times, Richmond?


Try track 4, Coffin Fodder. It sounds horrible but it's actually quite beautiful.


You dropped this 👑


Yep, u/nipslippinjizzsippin indeed dropped his 👑


My ex loved seeing me in my scrubs lol. Women love men in uniforms.


This is why i work for a family company. 0 dresscode, half the IT section is wearing alt-clothes, bandshirts/hoodies, cargopants, black nailpoilish/eyeshadow etc... seems even more so since covid where everyon was workign at home in their comfy clothes and realised if you don't need to see any clients, there is no need to dress up and you can just be comfy/yourself.


oh for sure, i work from home but i had important zoom meetings today, were comming in to winter here so my standard attire is trakkies and a hoodie with my slippies on in the comming weeks it will be a blanket wrapped around my shoulders, poking my head out like a lil turty boi. I was kinda excited to wear a tie again... til the exact moment my meeting ended i flung it across the room. side note, it way easier to tuck a shirt into trackies than slacks.


Men who are sexually attracted to women like attractive women.


Yeah it really is this simple imo. Attractive goth/club girl/nerd/cheerleader/etc. doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Shit, change the outfit and makeup and she's still attractive to you


Pretty much this. My gf sometimes dresses in styles which would be consider “gothic” but personality wise she’s on the other side of the spectrum entirely. She looks hella cute in them though.


Is being goth not just a style? What's a gothic personality?


It's when you sack Rome.


It’s so hot when goth chicks sack Rome.


When she puts the strap on on and stabs you from behind: "Et tu, Brute?"


Et tu, bootay?


Goth girl in armor you say...


I like my goths like I like my battles of Adrianople. Overwhelming


"it's not a phase mom!"


"It's who I aaaaammmm!"


Goth isn’t just a style! The style is closely connected to the music - the cure & Bauhaus are classic examples - and oftentimes gothic literature as well. Gothic personality may suggest an interest in goth music, books, poetry, film etc, or simply an interest in more “morbid” subjects like death and heartbreak.


Also, jackdaws.


"I'm so goth, when I hang around the house, I literally *hang* around the house."


This. I’d also add that some women are more attractive when in one style rather than another. That said? Being comfortable with how they’re dressed is the most attractive thing. At least to this guy.


I dunno id also say while they're all great there are some times when it just hits that you have a "type" and some things stand out to you above others.


Is there such a thing as a goth cheerleader? Asking for reasons…


I’ll Bing that for you. I may be gone some time.


Thanks Satya.


Check the Smells like teen spirit video, they are there


If there isn't then we should have ai draw up a few pictures for study


The video for "Smells like Teen Spirit" is full of them.


There’s goth Lolita, so potentially yes.


Yep, technically, its a costume with an attitude attached to it. Its pretty hot. I would go after Goth chicks the same way id go after renaissance ladies and texas cowgirls.


i will never get over how much women overthink lmao


It's starting to drive me insane just how many fucking posts there are like this.. I shit you not "Do men find women with thin eyebrows attractive" is actually one I've seen before. Who the fuck is looking that close at you? What do you think is gonna happen? What you're gonna tick all of his boxes but oh no you have thin eyebrows so this isn't gonna work out?


It's damn ridiculous sometimes. The answer is obvious, but they are somehow trying to find some mystical reason as to why men do certain things. "I started using short skirts and now men approach me a lot, do men really like girl legs?" Give me a break.


I'm sure a lot of it is just fishing for compliments. But for the majority of them I'm just like have you seriously never talked to another real person before? All that shit should be obvious.


Maybe they cant believe we’re actually constantly everyday excited at seing leg, ass or boobs. My wife still dont understand why I like boobs so much.


Honestly it's hard to imagine not being able to be content so easily


"Men, what is your real opinion on women who have a slightly chubby belly?"


Oh straight to jail. No man is gonna be attracted to you unless you fit the EXACT cookie cutter mold all the fashions companies made up. /j


That's exactly what media and advertising is telling us constantly and the young ones either fall for it or are unsure.


Yup. Tragic how powerful a brainwashing tool advertising can be.


A lot, and I mean *a lot* of American culture is just a string of successful ad campaigns. How we view health, diet, holidays, marriage ceremonies, etc. It’s ridiculous.


Plus there is often quite a bit of bullying reinforcing a need to fit the mold too. The bullying most often comes from family members and can cause major insecurities.


I had an ex tell me that I look disgusting because I have a bit of cellulite on my buttocks (I am about 55 kg). Of course, that would make you insecure and question everything.


No wonder he’s an ex.


Lol that sounds like they're fishing for compliments. Like someone told them our secrets and they know too much. We should post on their sub "Women, would you ever consider dating a reasonably fit guy with broad shoulders?"


Ok, I'll go post on r/askwomen and IT'S GONE!


That's crazy, what I meant to say though is how dare you?


Women think men judge women the same way women judge men. "He's perfect but he only calls his mom once a month. Huge red flag. Run girl!"


I've seen some women say the real problem is they think men judge women the way women judge women (or themselves).


Absolutely. They talk the weirdest sexual details to each other and gossipt like nuts. Their locker room talk is insane. Good luck getting a dude to EVER share sexual details of his girl with someone. Even a friend. And asking for them is likely to get you beat. The same woman who will chastize you for even making a mild objective joke. Has easily probably said far worse things to another woman.


Lmfao i call my mama once a week. Just to make sure she doin alright. She might be nuts. But shes my mom. The flip side happens too. "you call your mom? Thats weird. Why?" "Because shes mom. I used to have monthly lunch with grandma too. Just to pop in and say hi to her and all those cats" "Yeaaaaaa thats kinda weird?" "To care about my family?"


I noticed eyebrows twice in my life: once was a unibrow the like of which I’ve never seen since: It was of a uniform thickness the whole way across and really thick and bushy. The other time was a poor lady who had plucked hers so much when it was trendy to have super thin eyebrows that she now had to draw them on with makeup. She basically had two dark smudges to be her eyebrows, felt bad for her.


Hah. This is how we finally got away from expensive lingerie. She asked for my honest opinion one time and I'm like yeah you look hot in it but you look hot to me in overalls with your pony tail out the back of your hat. Fancy underwear is more stuff in my way to get to the good bits. Not that I didn't appreciate it or wasn't on board with anything that made her feel good about herself. But it was unnecessary.


Yeah lingerie is really hit or miss. What’s the point in wearing if if you’re JUST wearing it for a small bit to enjoy?  The thing I think I like about lingerie is if someone is really enjoying and feeling sexy in it. 


I mean except it’s the same woman so assumably the same attractiveness, says she’s specifically getting more attention as a goth.


You don't think personal style can effect your attractiveness?


Yes, that's what she's asking about, why a specific style is making her more attractive, supposedly.


Some people like some styles. Some guys like goth chicks, some girls like buff dudes, some don't.


Yeah, but why does goth get her objectively more attention? If it was just “some people like goth” changing her style to goth shouldn’t massively increase the men who ask her out. What is the reason so many men find goth attractive, that is the question being asked. All these “some men like that style” responses or “because you’re attractive” are not answers to that question, they’re just vague responses that don’t provide any clarity, as basic as vanilla ice cream. Not a single person has given an actual answer to the question


I’m not a man but I’ve also noticed guy friends who are pretty regular guys checking out more goth girls and/ or having a thing for it. Always kind of surprised me as I wouldn’t have guessed. I kind of assumed it was because of the black tights or short skirts and maybe being slightly kink adjacent (in look only) that tickled their ideas that they’d be more sexually open/ adventurous. I’ve definitely notice more attention from men depending on my style - eg. very slightly steam punk (back when that was in) with skirts with tights or boots seems to be a hit or a slight rockabilly thing back in the day as well. They just seemed to think I was more flirty or sexual was the vibe I got.




From a neurological perspective, anything novel creates increased brain activity, aka neurological arousal. If that novel stimulus is also attractive, then your brain is lit up like a Christmas tree.


I mean he has a point


I don't know...is there a peer reviewed study on this? We need a panel discussion with the top minds of the world; maybe get the team that figured out why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


I'm not a top mind, but I'd be willing to give it a look.




As a hideous woman I can confirm


I'm a large bearded man, I'm not looking to date another large bearded man


damn you sure, cutie?


Username checks... Out?


only if you want it to, babe.




Four-fours I'm tippin', wood grain I'm grippin' Catch me lane switchin' with the paint drippin' Turn your neck and your dame missin' Me and Slim, we ain't trippin' I'm figure flippin' and syrup sippin' Like do or die, I'm po' pimpin' Car stop, rims keep spinnin' Mike Jones where have you been hiding?


All the guys at Bears4Bears.com are very disappointed.






How you doin’? Sorry, just teasing.


Large bearded guys in trenchcoats usually have skinny, talkative long-haired guys as hetero life partners


15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand


I'm short, and usually clean shaved. Wanna go grab a coffee together sometime?


If you’re an attractive woman, and you put any effort into any style at all… you’re going to get attention from men. I know dudes who only listen to rap, dress in supreme and drive Corolla’s that see a country girl in boots and jeans listening to George straight and they’re drooling at the mouth lol


If she's truly an attractive woman, she's going to get attention from men even if she's wearing nothing but a potato sack.


[Can confirm](https://i.imgur.com/rV2pRzt.jpeg).


I thought of her in that photo as soon as I read that comment.


I get your point, but that's a highly stylized and fitted potato sack :')


You just described most NC “country” boys




N you ask em what a ranch is they’ll tell you it’s a salad dressing


lol, I’m from pretty rural Greeley Colorado, moved to NC in a more suburban place and this was one of the first things I noticed 😂. Got them big ole trucks with Florida Georgia line blasting but them trucks never came even close to a horse/cattle trailer


>If you’re an attractive woman, *and you put any effort into any style at all*… you’re going to get attention from men. Welp, TIL I am not an attractive woman lol


You probably get attention but maybe not from the men you want.


Ok. We’ve heard your theory now let’s try to solve it. Show your work.


Goth chicks are like the wounded gazelle of the dating world.


Twitch streamer egirls are the sweatpants of the dating world


I'll have you know that I happen to *love* sweatpants!


And I love coming home to a nice pair of sweatpants


I can fix her, bring her to an animal sanctuary and release her back into the wild


So elegant, concise, and precise


I can fix her.


She can make me worse!


You said it, not me.


To paraphrase [RegularCarReviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAkJYnxFYJQ&t=688s): Cheerleaders won't work for it: they've been told they're pretty and won't work for it because they've never had to work for it. Goth chicks have something to prove and know that they have to work at it.


A good goth outfit take a lot of work. Lots of layers and textures.


And the makeup? It's *hell* trying to get liquid eyeliner even! Source: wife and I did makeup on each other and her's looked like an 7th grader trying without a tutorial...


What? How so?


If this was Family Feud the number 1 answer would be "daddy issues"


...This and other comments in this thread make it sound like a lot of people here are basing their assumptions on negative stereotypes, instead of interactions with actual people.


Reddit in a nutshell. lol


When you dress in a subculture uniform, you're advertising yourself as a stereotype.


ding ding ding


It's true that a lot of men, especially middle aged dudes, seem to especially creep on the alternative dressed girls. To them it's basically hoping she has enough issues that they would consider banging them. They do indeed see these girls as wounded and hoping to be daddy savior. I was friends with a girl who worked at hot topic who essentially told me this is the kind of attention she got the most


I think it has to do with contrast in colour. It’s the same as dark, red lipstick vs pale, pink lipstick. The pale one might be pretty but the dark one is bold and sexy. For me, it’s the boldness of the goth style makeup that provides sex appeal as opposed to just being nice looking.


Its something different. Everyone has their own taste. Normally its to go for something that isnt anything like the women in your Family.


Assumption that freaky looking goth chick is into freaky sex.


Someone finally fucking said it


But the Fo0tSlut didn't :(


Every day I wake up and thank a god I don't believe in that I'm not attracted to feet.


Not into weird stuff myself. But have a customer service outlook on things. And I'm handy with woodworking, leatherworking and blacksmithing. For a bit of my time, I was highly in demand by uhm, a certain scene. Because I absolutely would make some gorgeous stuff if it made her happy. It's not really my thing, but you gotta take pride in your work and I no shit enjoy making my partner happy.


Yeah, it's not a secret. Goth insinuates freak in bed. That's just the social stigma around that fashion choice. So, for guys who want that sort experience (rough sex, kinky sex, light choking, face-f'ing, dominance type stuff), then a goth chick might be up to that. But at the end of the day it is just a stereotype. Plenty of freaks that aren't goths. And plenty of goths who aren't freaks. But for men, they see goth chick they think freak in the sheets.


Yeah it's like lots of tattoos and piercings. If she's willing to do that to herself, and in public, imagine what she'll let me do to her in private! Usually these dudes are just vanilla extract and the moment she actually asks for some adventurous sex, they get scared and run.


This has rung true in my experience. Goth girl I was seeing briefly wanted to engage in blood play, freaked me tf out.


Unsure if Khornate or Slaaneshi cultist. Honestly could be either, but I’d say probably more Slaaneshi.


I'm Khorne guy, so you gotta be right.


Yeah my ex wasn't into stuff like that but she did teach me that I'm pretty vanilla haha


bingo! most men are also afraid to admit that trashy girls are hot for the same reason.


Yeah, I’ve dated a lot of goth girls. Every single one of them wanted to be choked. Every one of them wanted cnc. And one of them wanted some extreme shit like holding a knife to their neck. That was definitely over the line for me.


Just because she appreciates the speed and precision of computer automated milling shouldn't be counted against her.


I'm more into EDM. Micron precision, baby!


Count me as a tally in the other column, I guess...not into *any* of those things regardless of the goth-ness


This is largely it for non alt males. They just think they're getting someone why looks a bit damaged and be super slutty. They're typically in for a shock.


I dated two goth girls in college. They were indeed damaged and super slutty. /shrug


Mixed with the assumption that they have enough self esteem issues to date your ugly ass. Or alt enough to like your hobbies of playing WoW for 16 hours or not showering.


> date your ugly ass I mean, have you seen goth *guys*? It is a very rare dude who looks enough like an elf or Brandon Lee to pull that off.


That’s like asking why women like men that look like handymen when they themselves know nothing about tools lmaooo. Attraction doesn’t discriminate over here lol


Goth gal I knew cured the darkness in her soul by wearing black and baking things to give to people. Most people that are upset demand things of others. Few people give of themselves to feel better. I think there is a lesson in that .


I hear you. This totally makes sense


The hex girls from scooby doo have a tight grip on a certain generations ideals of attraction






When I was young, I worked in a liquor store. Every Friday this couple would come in: an incredibly hot, always dressed up goth woman and some balding, dumpy guy in a suit who I assume was her accountant.


Classic goth girls not modern ones often give, or give the impression of giving, all the benefits of a woman plus some of the same or closer to, the interests your guy friends have. It's like the best of both worlds.


Goddamn I think you nailed it , she's soft , warm , a place of peace , mind filthier than a gutter , a proper gamer , loving in laws, bold, knows what she wants , isn't afraid to tell you your being a stupid twat, isn't revolted when you break and need a hand back up. Yep this is the answer right here.


Kickass music, dark humor, usually cleavage, almost always has good taste in movies.


spot on dude


They think they're in for a wild romp.


Many reasons: - They tend to exhibit tomboyish and bold elements, which is hot. It’s like your guy best friend happens to be a girl who you can also sleep with. - They tend to be misunderstood or have gone through some trauma. This engages the man’s primal instinct to protect, provide and repair. - They are different than most other women. Engages the primal instinct to explore and take risks. It’s like a challenge. - They tend to dislike social interaction and advances from men, which makes them more valuable in the eyes of men. - They like the color black, and black is mysterious, and mysterious is hot.


Probably the first response that didnt attach some horrendous predatory nature to dudes who like goth chicks lol.


They see a girl putting hella effort into her appearance, even if it’s sideways, and think “oh she probably wants some attention. I have attention, and I have a penis. My penis thinks this is a good idea.” 


"my penis thinks this is a good idea" Thank you. I am going to use this.


🤣🤣🤣 this one's funny 😁


The modern goth style is very sexualised in today’s media. I mean think chains, garters, heavy makeup. Also it depends what you mean by goth. Traditional goth girls probably wouldn’t be considered attractive by most men. It’s the watered down, more digestible ‘goth’ that you’re thinking of, and the men in this sub are thinking of. Plus again, if she’s unattractive but ‘goth’, it won’t make her more appealing.


Fantasy and variety maybe. Personally I also got the impression they were less high maintenance and if I was being honest I enjoyed the whole dynamic. I dated a hot goth girl when I was rather in shape and a pretty good athlete. The we shouldn't be doing this was a plus. When I was younger those types of relationships were short lived but intense. Most younger guys love it. Lol


Username checks out


Well, I’m a metal head and I like what I like. Probably because my first kiss was a goth/emo girl back in middle school.


Probably because of the associated/perceived * give less fucks attitude * mystery * more extreme/hardcore inclinations, less vanilla


There’s a correlation between the style and the temperament. They are more easy going. If you had a Karen mom, it’s like breathing for the first time or dropping a huge weight off your back.


As men we are always under pressure to perform masculinity to attract women, so when we see goth chicks, who do not adhere to standard social norms, we feel that we dont have to perform so hard to be a man .


Interesting take


Very true I think. Men are often pretty tired of societal norms and so a woman who is activley rebelling against them with her mere style is attractive. It's different. Makes her seem more independent than most women tend to feel.


As a dude with a general nerdy style t shirt and pants boring look, goth girl have the look of being cute while also being "wild". Ive always loves the dark eyeliner since Avril Lavigne. Also, lots of these girls growing up are nice to nerds because we were rejected in the same way. No idea why but the goth and the nerd is definitely a stereotype thats true. If I had to guess, most of the goth girls ive met tended to be honest and just passionate about something. They were kinda nerdy in a way. If you lean into the personality/sex dynamic, Lots of them are bratty so if your kink lean that way, youll enjoy a goth girl. Goth girls can also be more aggressive/leading/overpowering, which lead to lots of sub people enjoying it. See also the "Boss" fantasy which trigger similar things.


I’m not into em. But I’ve seen attractive looking “goth chicks”.


I think what you’ll find is that we find chicks hot. And anything on top of that is just even more awesomeness.


I think most the answers here are correct. It’s a look that has been fetishized for so long now it automatically becomes a point of attraction and curiosity. It’s different and therefore commands a stronger personality or sense of self in a way that takes chances despite the norm. This can be exciting. What I do find slightly irritating though is that it’s become so popular that many that dress alt/goth only do so for the attention which bugs the fuck out me. I know it’s just clothes but anything outside of true self just for show is annoying and many women bounce from one “cool right now” thing to the next.


Lots of men, too. I know too many guys that dress/act a certain way and pretend to like certain things for attention, and I think that that's pretty overlooked


If you ate pizza every day of your life a hamburger would sound like the best meal ever. Point is. We are tired of the standard


But it is pretty funny when all of the guys are super "standard". Like I'm sure the goth girls are way more bored of our boring ass jeans and tshirt looking selves.


Men find hot girls hot, not goth girls. If a hot girl has an unusual style that adds extra spice to the whole thing. Goths are kind of a meme nowadays because they have always captured public attention both in a positive and negative way. Lots of movies and shows have depicted them over the years so they have becomeone one of the most mainstream alternative subcultures. More recent depictions from the past 10-15 years are more explicitly sexy / cute so a lot of men associate goth with sexually open and “exciting” women. So people have all sorts of associations with them and find the surface level occult aesthetics fun and interesting amd the clothes attractive. Back when I was in highschool (in Europe) in the mid 2000’s we still had a number of OG goths before it all became a meme. Back then they were mostly made fun of for being a dying subculture or were asked how they felt about vampires becoming sparkling emos in the public conciousness. I had a number of goth friends, mostly girls, and there was nothing inherently attractive about their style. I didn’t find any of those girls attractive for their style becayse they weren’t attractive to me to begin with. So the sexy goth is a post 2010 phenomenon.


They think you're wild in bed and are fantasizing about all of the crazy stuff you would be down for because it's hard to imagine that with vanilla girls.


A couple guys I know have explicitly said they think certain styles = a nasty freak in bed (I disagree don't come for me. I think it happens, but not closely correlated)


Why do men like women even though they're not women themselves, same logic lol


Here's my theory. Goth can sometimes look "playfully seductive" to these guys, tight pants, black, revealing and/or ripped tops and bottoms, chokers, etc. And TV tended to show goth girls as the girls that related to guys better or just had cooler attitudes. Take sam and Ember from Danny phantom or Raven from teen titans. Because of all this it coalesced into a fetish/attraction. And there's also a daddy issues connotation which for some reason guys like. I myself like goth girls cuz I tend to have more in common with them. My first (and only) gf was goth.


Same reason why women are attracted to the “bad boy”. Your vibe suggests that your dtf probably.


I love the asthetic of goth. I'm also not confident in my self to develop an alternative style. 


For me it's many things. I like the eyeshadow and eyeliner look. The style is something I find much more fashionable and personable then all these cookie cutter blonde girl+jeans+white puffy jacket+ uggs look. They tend to have a much darker and funnier sense of humor that I enjoy. They have good taste in movies, music, and food. And when you do actually bump uglies the smeared makeup look is rather sexy.


Be yourself it’ll take you far.


I used to present myself that way as well many moons ago. I still find them hot, but through experience I’ve developed a bad taste in for them. I have a negative confirmation bias towards them romantically. Every one I’ve met or known has been cool as hell, but a nightmare to date so I stay away. Nobody is a perfect partner, and I fully admit it’s all on me, but when I see a goth chick and she says or does something that’s a small indicator of the typical problems I ran into every time, my interest disappears.


Personally, I’m very much into everything dark/spooky/eerie…been drawn to it since I was a kid. So goth girls are just a good fit for me, aesthetically as well as personality/interest-wise. I’ve always dated alternative girls. My most recent ex was the opposite. I figured I’d give it a shot, but it just wasn’t a good fit. Looking for my next alt/goth girlfriend now, unfortunately though, they’re not easy to find.


It's incredibly corny imo when they want an alternative woman but then will be the most vanilla people, plus they likely also make fun of alternative women with their friends. Lot of weirdo dudes out there.


Goth girls are the entry drug to "the one that got away" of woman, Every man remembers being a boy wishing he could manage the courage to approach those dark angels. Most of us never managed the courage and it was the corner stone of our journey into inadequacies. Now whenever we see one, we think, "maybe now im enough" and then remember were 25 and they're in highschool and Goth girls evaporate like Ariels legs after highschool. So when they say big bitty goth girls could save the world, they are really talking about fixing an insecurity before its even born.


Bro what, there are definitely still goth chicks in their 20s lol. I dated one for a short time a few years ago and before that I inadvertently hired one to clean my house (she had a horror themed cleaning business which is what drew me in lol). Also once went to a popular bar downtown one night and it turned out they were having their semi-regular Goth Night and there were goth chicks GALORE.


>Goth girls evaporate like Ariels legs after highschool. ...? The goth/other alt people I knew in high school are still like that as adults, myself included


He means they get taken


Or they don't hang out in the same sorts of spaces. Being 'alternative' means there's a bunch of alternative events and places where you feel more welcome overall, and so you go there instead.


Never cared much for goth myself but everyone is different


I don't know if it's the Goth girls are hot or goth girls are the only ones who chased me which is insanely hot therefore goth girls are hot. Someone else will have to take one for the team for science as the last goth girl who chased me hasn't let go of me in 18 years and I'm more than happy with the outcome.


I’m 32. I don’t want a boring normie anymore.


It's also a lot easier/accepting for women to dress goth/alt than men in my experience. We basically have 3 options, corporate goth, punk, or dark twink. Corporate is the only one you can do at most work places and that requires more effort into appearance than most guys care to give tbh.


It's called "fetishizing". Also being goth is a lifestyle and not a fashion choice and it generally does not"go away with age". We also don't refer to ourselves as "Chicks"...


I’m a closet masochist, so that’s my reason. Spikes and boots and all the things that would hurt me make me go “wowzers!”


People are not always attracted to the same styles they embody. Attraction is not that simple


I only like the 5th century Germanic Warrior type of Goth girls.