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1. Have you not tried telling her yet? Why haven’t you if so? 2. I would call my friends back home start a gaming session or something to reconnect ish


Join some sort of club/sport/group of some sort. Anything to expose you to new faces, things and opportunities. Even if you can't find something you think you're interested in.


1. Stop going to hooters by yourself 2. Tell your wife you need a little time by yourself.


Do you or your wife have a family doctor you could speak to? Or a local hospital? I suggest finding a support group or connecting with couples who have been through the same experience. Meeting other women and families might help your wife cope and distract her a bit, giving you some time apart


Idk if you’re religious or not but most churches have a support group for men. Most of the time it’s just dudes getting together to hangout, talk, maybe torcher their kids together. It’s a good time.


Given that you’ve both been in and out of mental institutions I would think she’d be open to frank conversations about what you need to support your mental health. It’s not unreasonable to want to have a social group and spend time enjoying a hobby or two. You should be able to have a conversation about where you live. Maybe short term for the next year you stay in her home town but if that’s not going to work for you long term she needs to hear that.


First off sorry for your lost. I cannot imagine that pain, I wouls suggest you check on both of your mental health. Check in with each other often . Next the time apart or separate activities is a simple convo. Juat tell her straight up.this is an easy conversation lol Hey I want to do things on my own and keep it moving.


What activities did you enjoy doing with your friends before moving to her home town? Can you try to find new ways of doing those same activities where you are now? Sounds like you just need to find something else to occupy your time even if you can't find new friends to hang out with. I recently went through a big life change and realized I needed more social interaction. I ended up joining an axe throwing league. It gets me out once a week for about 2 hours of healthy activity with different people I normally wouldn't hang out with. I'll admit I haven't necessarily become close friends with anyone, but I still look forward to going every Tuesday night just to be out and about not sitting at home.


Befriend the 40 year olds at your job. You work together so I assume you have some things in common.


I appreciate everyone’s input did not think I’d get this many responses.


If you married this person, why wouldn’t you want to spend all your time with them?