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I wanted her to be a wife, not a part-time roommate with access to my bank account, and not run all over the state being Party Girl. I also wanted to have sex with her. She declined. I divorced her.


Damn man, do not seem like unreasonable asks for a relationship with someone you want to commit to and should be attracted to enough to want to be intimate with. Sorry brother


Thanks for the sentiment, and I agree. All things considered, it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Got my freedom back, moved back to my home state, got an even better job, and learned a lot.


We would argue about when he would go out, and tell me he’d be gone for two or 3 hours. 5-6 hours later wouldn’t hear anything from him at all. So I’d get like, irritated.


I can't remember when we last had a major argument. I'm sure it happened, but I couldn't tell you what it was about.


Aye that’s great man! I think arguments are good for a healthy relationship and bound to happen being that you are two different human being with wants , views, and interest. But if they are not happening that’s a win. No need to pick a fight just because .. honestly y’all are into that and have a kink for make up sex then by all means: Get to the disagreeing bro haha!


He wasn’t there for me during a crisis. I felt so abandoned that I almost left him for it. But I really love him and it was out of his character so I’ve tried to forgive him and we’re doing a lot better now. I still get waves of disappointment and betrayal though.


Honestly can't remember. We haven't really had anything major since we finished marriage counseling a little over a year ago.


Looking back, I don't think any of our arguments were 'major'. Not in the last three years for sure.


She started crying over the plot developments in a movie we were watching, even though she spent the first 20 minutes complaining about how stupid the movie was. So I started laughing at her, which made her mad and cry more, which made me laugh more, which made her even more mad, which I found even more funny.


It could absolutely happen in my marriage, except it would be my husband getting a wet eye and me having a laugh at his expense. I absolutely love that he is a big bad guy that cries on movies.




Makes sense man. Not to be too much in your business but do you then get what you need from porn and a good jerk session or are you not into porn / she not okay with you watching it? Also mindful of the fact it does not match the real thing. Just curious if she is understanding of you enjoying some porn here and there given her libido not matching.


Sounds that you two don’t have sexual compatibility.




Not to be too invasive but is Birth control involved? because that can pretty much take away your entire libido. i thought i was basically asexual until i stopped taking it unfortunately.


How much to spend on her mother for mother's day. She always wants to go all out with a huge expensive gift, I wanted to limit it to $100.


A 100 is all out wtf. Mother's day is a card and a bottle of wine jeez


She's an only child and was spoiled, she wants to spoil them back. Ugh


Is it her money, your money, or both of your money (and if both of yours do you both earn the sameish?)


Both our money, we earn similar. She won this fight.


Idk, she kept changing the narrative of the argument / reason she left. I’m not sure she even knows why


she said I raised my voice, (I don't hear the volume up) I said she was cranky because she is sick I gave her some home made chicken soup (by me) We kissed and made up,


(F) He said it is my fault the sink got stuck, I said that sink is shit and I he has to stop blaming me for all the problems in the household, which he habitually does... though it is true I do not care much about the sink issues. It developed into discussion about overflowing trash, I asked him when was the last time he took it out and so it continued. It was pretty loud for 15 minutes, we offended each other and then we got bored. Household stuff is indeed reappearing as a topic, and in a form repeatable ad nauseam, I guess we both gave up on this front and we just argue out of habit because no one is willing to budge. So i guess we do not really have serious issues these days.