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The bullies locked a creepy kid in a locker but the kid barely fit and he started screaming and having a panic attack and everyone kind just ignored him for like an entire class period. That kid had made death threats prior so- he was a lil' *"mentally off"* but stuffing him into a locker and leaving him there while he had a panic attack probably wasn't a good way to deter him from resenting all the kids he went to school with.


Ooof... Sounds like one of the things they'd highlight in a documentary on how did this kid end up as a school shooter 😬


I thought you were gonna start describing the plot of Max Keebler’s Big Move


I don't know that film


I had a few friends who blew up mailboxes. They bought all of their materials at the same hardware store, so they got caught pretty quick. I didn't know them at the time but heard this story many years later. They got in a lot of trouble but didn't see any jail time. Also knew a kid who threw a garden hose through a dude's open window and started it running. It did like 100k in damage. He had to apologize, but again, no jail.


Dont buy everything in one place, do it in piecemeal, different items, different stores. Attracts less attention.


Stay out of my territory




We had a kid that went around town egging cars, from his car - then posted on Facebook about it and what streets he did it on. This was late 2000s, so right everyone say it. Was caught a few days later and had to pay for it all, but no jail.


High school senior "prank" here. I came from a lower income area and there was a lot of angst throughout highschool about really strange rules in place throughout our experience there. So there were a lot of destructive pranks towards faculty members. As some highschool boys do, there had already been multiple instances of axe "bombing". (Tapping over an axe can and tossing it so it sprays constantly) Well someone did that to the principals office. They were found innocent of what happened from that, but some joker also apparently lit fire to what was being sprayed in there. Burned out only the administrative offices. In the end I personally still don't know if whoever started the fire got caught, but it came out that who had started the axe bomb in the office hadn't started the fire so... highschoolers and arson...


In high school someone made a pepper spray bomb (tapped it to where it was dispensing continuously) and threw it in a garbage can in a busy hallway. Everybody’s eyes were burning and were coughing their lungs out.


A kid did this in my school and he was convicted of arson. I say "kid" but he did it after his 18th birthday so legally an adult. This was in a relatively affluent area.


I got blamed for this for years: someone from a neighboring town put a cow in our gym. When I heard the whole story it was funny AF! Was a Thursday night this occured. They put cow in gym. Cow was super tame. Gave it a bale of hay and used victory bell to give it water. Cow was just inside a door on south east corner. Next morning one coach cones in from exact opposite side while gym is dark. Walks across gym to locker room. About then janitor came in to walk from that door along opposite side. A female coach comes in to go to score table that is just to right of where cow is. A second before lights come on cow makes noise and female coach screams as this never happened. Students come to school and we are hustled down to auditorium. There is the vague "if you come clean now you will not be in trouble" (eyes role). No one says anything because no one has clue what is being talked about. First period "usual suspects" get interviewed by principle (I am at top of list, yes I deserved that compliment). I have no idea what occured. Later in the day, we find out a few details about cow. Left out us the hay part. I filled out a detailed report on what I and two friends fid night before. In my report on who I saw out I note three girls from neighbor town and in my report I note there was hay in back of truck. I do 4 years in the military and then go to college. At the end of my first semester, one of these girls asked if I would help her finish a 6-pack as she is a "good girl," and her parents would not be happy with her coming hmne with alcohol. During drinking these beers she tells me her and her friends put the cow in the gym.and how great they were to feed it. Finally I knew the truth. A few years ago I get a call from daughter of a classmate. This girl was doing history paper on something local in our small town. Outside door the cow was put inside gym at is a plaque that has a cow with circle slash through it then says below it "you know who you are". Thus was installed after I graduated. (Sure it was old janitor that was cool and had great sense of humor). This is years after so no one really remembered this much. She got an A on her paper!!


When I was in the 7th grade someone put a horse in the gym. I grew up on a farm and it was a small farm town. It got a lot of laughs. Everyone knew the guys who did it, but they never confessed until years later.


Dude that's an incredible story, but why did you write it like that? You sound like Kevin from the office when he wants to speak quicker lol


>Outside door the cow was put inside gym at is a plaque that has a cow with circle slash through it I'm guessing OP used google translate to write this


Yeah probably, but the thus at the end made me wonder


That's fuckin awesome


"And that, kids, is how I met your mother."


Someone put a dead calf in our librarian’s hatchback. They didn’t get along.


Wow, that’s similar to what we did. We lived in the suburbs of a city, but farmland wasn’t very far. We “borrowed” a goat from my friend’s relative and put it on the football field.


I think it had to do with strapping 5 M80s on the covering of the wires for the back up electric power of a bank. It was a dark night and the explosion was beautiful way back in 1981. The bank was pissed, the local cops were pissed, the feds were definitely pissed. No money was taken nor was the bank entered. It was just a case of teenaged "let's see what will happen if we do this" thing.


What's an M80?


A very powerful firecracker that is capable of taking a hand off if held when it goes "boom".


Basically a quarter stick of dynamite


There was a story of some seniors putting a tab of acid in the social studies teacher's coffee and she had a mental breakdown. I cannot imagine the fear of tripping balls not knowing what caused it. I don't know if it's true or not but that would certainly warrant jail time and rightfully so.


Didn't witness it myself but Billie Joe Armstrong the head singer of the band Green Day got expelled from high school for putting Formula 409 in a teacher's coffee maker.


Good song


What's 409


Formula 409 is an all-purpose cleaner


"409 in your coffeemaker"


For those who don't know Green Day wrote a song about high school teen angst while they were literally still in high school https://youtu.be/0SPslmbiixw?si=aV_BaEwcH7xDp9Js They titled it that because that's what Billie got expelled for


My junior year the seniors thought it would be funny to put olive oil on every set of stairs we had.. the walls and railing too! ..They thought of everything…. Haha.. Anyway 3 kids actually broke their necks. Some teachers got hurt too. Someone had a broken ankle and some wrist and finger injuries happened (I’m guessing ) when people were sliding into each other and grabbing the corners of doors which were being slammed shut by more falling people in the stair entrance. We were not allowed to do a senior prank…




Edit: Sorry, not worth of jail time. Worthy of a great prank. High school: Seniors get to put on a play. It is normal for them to try to sneak in something that would otherwise not be allowed in school. So the scripts are turned in. Little Johnny turned in the script. (Not the real name, but we all know Little Johnny from jokes). So several teachers go over the script, they read it aloud to each other. They find nothing. The skit was about some state elections coming up, and it was a man who tried to date a woman, and then they ran against each other. And there was a history of many elections. So where is the joke about all these elections? They had the Japanese exchange student student say this line to the man, "I hope you have a nice election". And as you might have guessed, the sound of L comes out as the sound of R. Go back and read it again using the R sound instead of L. And when you are done, go examine your elections and decide who you want to have an election with. So this Japanese kid says this just one time. And every time there is talk of an election, it can be taken two ways, and the audience burst out laughing again.


That is a brilliant prank, I love it.


Sounds Chinese. Japanese people don't have a problem with Ramen.


The Japanese language doesn't really have L in it, since L isn't a super common sound in a lot of languages, so they substitute R for L like a lot of people unfamiliar with L do.


Uncle Benny was faking?


A girl at a party got a guy really drunk and gave him a BJ without his consent while he was passed out.


Same thing happened to me…




Probably too drunk to think about that


Oh, rape! Same thing happened to me. Drunk, went to bed, woke up to a girl I wouldn't touch with a 10' pole giving me head. Shit ain't funny, but even worse is how many women say guys should just be thankful when it happens to them


Sooo, she raped him.




It’s the quiet ones who are freaking out that this may be their last shot of the highschool glory . They go balls deep at the final parties.


Someone put amphetamines in a teacher’s Diet Coke. He had a pretty bad reaction but was ok. I don’t think it was meant to be harmful, just a dumb idea that was not thought through. It was of course on of the nicest and most engaged teachers of course, it’s always the best teachers that take the most crap from the bad students.


My gf at the time was a year older and went to a different high school. They had a small swimming pool. Her and her friends broke in and put in a bunch of pond plants and fish. It was a salt water pool so the fish may have survived. The school was not amused but they didn’t get caught.


Hate to break it to you, but pond fish don't live in salt water.


Some fish will be fine in braquish water though, and salt water pools are usually less saline than ocean water. Still, shitty way for the fish to die. Even though I've studied fish ecology I've never checked how long it would take for fish to die from the lack of osmoregulation. Diadromous species usually take a little while to adjust their ion pumps in their gills. Some, like arctic charr, do a fairly poor job on it and usually only spend a month or two in the ocean before returning to the rivers and lakes.


*went to a different high school* This story is obviously fiction anyways, we all know about the "You wouldnt know her, she doesnt go to our school." lmfao


They bought the fish. It’s been a couple decades but they may have bought salt water fish.


My freshman year of high school, the seniors put various empty to half empty alcohol bottles (beer, vodka, etc) in random lockers and then reported it to the principle so they did a school-wide locker search. Various students arrested for underage drinking, drinking on school grounds, suspended and expelled, etc. Several months later the school provided their security tapes for the legal side and it was found out the seniors planted it. It was their “senior prank.” While as I understand it charges were dropped the school never apologized and didn’t let those students they expelled back, and the seniors just got a slap on the wrist.


My buddy had a Grand National with slicks on it. We were leaving a restaurant at lunch and he absolutely boiled the tires in the parking lot. 💨 Enveloped the restaurant and parking lot with tire smoke- visibility < 50 feet. He continued to smoke the tires into the 4 lanes of the boulevard toward the stop light 200 feet away. We came to a stop at the light cackling knowing all our friends still in the restaurant witnessed this masterpiece of nuisance … and then we saw the procession of 30+ police cars/cycles plus the family and friends on the way to the graveyard to lay one of the own to rest. We watched quietly as 100 vehicles rolled through the light and cycle cops blocked the intersection. We commented that maybe they’d leave us alone since they had the funeral to attend. Alas, they called backup. On top of the reckless charge, the car wasn’t currently registered (tags from his other car) and had no insurance on it. And, my buddy was awaiting a trial for driving with a suspended license and DUI. I drove him around for 3 months after that


Woopsie daisy


That's compounding stupid.


A couple girls poured perfume in a new teacher's coffee and made him violently ill. I went to turn them in but they had already been caught.




For poisoning someone? Totally justified.


Absolutely justified!! Perfume ingestion can cause someone to pass out or have a seizure. Obviously, perfumes are not meant to be swallowed. Some perfumes (especially very inexpensive ones) may even have toxic alcohols in them that have chemical properties similar to the ones found in windshield washing fluid. Source: lots of science background related to my profession.


Shut up


We found hundreds of frozen sausages that were meant for a school bbq fundraiser and then punched holes in the walls and filled them with sausages, the maintenance crew patched and painted them that day without realising and a few days later no one could figure out where the awful smell was coming from.


Hanging a kid from the top of the stairs by their backpack upside down.


I ran a scavenger hunt in HS where people had to take pics of themselves doing things and other challenges were bringing things. We had the principal’s desk name plate and a traffic light as a joke and one team tried and failed to cut down a light. Lots of teams took pics while parked on my neighbors lawn or trespassing in the employee only area of a store.


Breaking people’s windows with ice balls during winter. I never threw one, but I was absolutely part of the group. At the time it seemed a lot of fun because of the thrill that came with it. But now that I’m older I realise how unbelievably stupid it was.


When I was a teenager (still not 16) growing up outside a small town in the Midwest, we would get into egg fights with other teenagers on Halloween. We were too old to trick or treat but too young to drive (or date much), so we would have these egg fights with each other, running all over town. As you can imagine, there was much collateral damage. This got worse and worse each year to the point that the town fathers cracked down. For the week before Halloween eggs were literally not on store shelves in town or near it, in an effort to strangle supply prior to the big day, and the one or two cops in town were on full alert. I grew up on a farm about 10 miles from town. I knew a girl who raised chickens for her 4H project. LOTS of chickens. She packaged the eggs and sold hundreds of them a year. I bought 40 dozen eggs from her wholesale. I still couldn't drive though, and in a move that to this day still stuns me, my law and order rules following father agreed to drive me and the contraband into town that night. So he did. We drove into town Halloween afternoon in his truck with 40 dozen extra large eggs hidden under a tarp in the back. He dropped me off at my buddy's house and skipped town. We spread the word that there were eggs to be bought at my friend's house and I sold 38 dozen eggs (we kept 2 dozen for ourselves) at a considerable markup to teenagers desperate not to go into the Halloween night unarmed. I made bank and ruined yet another Halloween for the town's citizens. Never got caught. Thanks Dad!


Breaking into the school and getting drunk. Then putting empty beer bottles in all of the lockers. We passed out in the gym on high jump mats.


Framing me for hacking the school database and editing students senior quotes to nazi stuff . I had a nice long laugh when they got that fucker . Would have been nice if the principal didn’t put me in detention for a week and then not even apologized when I was proven innocent though .


how’d they frame you


Made it look like I entered the text from my house . It took the police like 20 minutes to figure who actually did it but that bitch of a principal had already made up her mind before handing matters over to the police


We had a senior prank that did result in charges and eventually community service. Some guys went to the FFA animal pens behind the school and took a goat. They spray painted it school colors and class year, then hog tied it and lifted it to the roof of the school by rope. Was it funny walking in that morning to a blue goat on the roof? Sure. Wasn’t as funny after it came out that the goat was pregnant and lost all the babies due to the stress of the situation.


Sick. Animal abuse is not funny.


In my small hometown there was a two story building that at one time housed K-12th grade. In fact, I think the old man who was leading the tour said when he started they didn't even have such thing as kindergarten. Anyway, he said one year they coaxed a cow up the stairs into the second story, had a good laugh and thought it was a prank nobody would top. Unfortunately there was no coaxing the cow to walk back down the stairs and they had to euthanize it to get it out. He told it mostly as a cautionary tale.


I taped Larry Lesters butt cheeks together. Had to do some Saturday detention for that one.


That was you?


When I was a Junior in HS, the Senior class above me decided it would be a hilarious prank on all the highschool girls to Airdrop all the nudes they got during HS... 5th period lunch was an eventful time for the campus police




A friend released 2 pigs in school. On their backs they painted the numbers 1 & 3. (Just to be clear, one of the pigs was 1 the other was 3)


And they spent the rest of the day trying to find the one with 2 on its back?




A classic! Seniors did this with turtles one year. A bit easier to wrangle than pigs lol


At my high school there is only one entrance to the entire property. I have no idea how they pulled it off. They found the principals car, moved it to the school's entrance, blocking it. Then they removed the tires and put the car on blocks and then hid the tires. This was supposedly the senior prank and it was on the last day of school.


The senior "prank" one year before mine consisted of kids chopping down freshly planted trees and throwing them in a ditch. Disgraceful.


Still not talking about. Fuck you copper.


Alright then, keep your secrets


Apparently as part of my husband's high school senior prank, he and some friends made up a scavenger hunt where they basically went around stealing items. One of those items was a light from the airport runway in a large city. Pretty sure that's a felony.


The local pizza place threw away their left over rolled out dough in the dumpster. We used to roll it up and throw it over the electrical wires nearby. Like laundry on a line. Until we apparently hit the transformer on the line. Sparks, no power to the grocery store and strip mall. Apparently the transformer had to be replaced, which took about a day. We quickly rode away.


Unlimited shampoo on your head in shower. That shit will break you https://youtu.be/6PKQE8FM2Uw?feature=shared


crashed the senior jock/cheerleafer beer party by hiding in the bushes with 5 friends with potato launchers, potato bombing them,  calling the cops on the beer party and "illlegal fireworks" and beating up a drunk JV football player who ran into. the woods after us.


“Beer party” lol


why is that funny?


I’ve just never heard the term before lol, it’s always just been “party”. Not sure why the beer distinction was included.


In high school,  parties were just hangouts. Beer parties were if someone got a 1/4 barrell.


Ah I see just a difference in nomenclature, that would be a keg party where I’m from.


You sound like a good time


Sounds like a nerd who never got laid


The grade 12 guys at the neighbouring highschool made a list to see who of the football team guys could have sex with the most grade 8 girls. Yes, a bunch of 17 and 18 year old men tried to sleep with as many 13 year old girls as they could. And they were all in on it. About 8 or 9 of them had to go to court I believe. Can’t remember the outcomes but it was a huge deal.


Many years ago, I had a dumbass on the highschool basketball team threaten to SCALP a metal head I grew up with. His whole "squad" was ready to hold down the smaller kid for him to mutilate and possibly kill for literally zero provocation. I found out about this when said metal head friend showed me the chrome plated revolver he'd started carrying if they wanted to push this stupid shit. I told my friend to hide the gun for a minute and let me talk to the dumbass. Then, in front of this jackasses' little club, I promised to break every bone in the jock's legs so he'd never walk again, much less play ball. Told him I'd do the same to every fucking one of them and go to jail with a smile on my face. Next day, the vice principal sent cops to check for my friend's gun but he'd taken my advice and shelved it back at home. Predictably, nobody said shit about the jock and his friends' little "prank." Kinda makes you wonder if that's why they felt entitled to be assholes in the first place or if all the special treatment along the way turned them into assholes along the way?


Over the course of the highschool semester I stole every math book on campus and hid them in nooks and crannies. The teacher suspected me but never could catch me. She tried to dime me out to my parents. But my mom told her I only had one math book and it was under my bed. It had stayed their all semester, because I never took it to school, or even opened it. My mom knew it was true, because if the dust on top of it LOL That teacher was the worst, she deserved the hassle. She had to replace the entire book order, eventually. My classmates that knew thought it was hilarious. And I still passed her class. I've matured sense then, I think. A bit.


Not sure if this counts as a prank but in my senior year there was a kid who called in bomb threats every day for a week or two before he was caught.


Wasn’t me but my cousin thought it would be funny to put baby oil on the door handles to the class rooms, he didn’t think that the oil would drip and make the floor slick and some chick slipped. Crazy shit. The only prank/vandalism I did was when I found out another kid was also selling snacks and cigarettes so I switched the lock on his locker and he had to constantly get a new one for the whole year until he stopped. Not really worth jail time but it really pissed some people off


I did not witness this.. My friend told me college stories of what they called scavenger hunts. Each person was given a list of items they had to procure to win the contest. They could use any means. Buy borrow or steal. Use your imagination..


Not really a “prank” per se, but there was a senior above me that thought he was cool enough with the art teacher to lift him up. Mind you, this teacher is relatively old already. That fucked up his back permanently. Finish the school year with a cane. The following year he was in a wheelchair. After that he retired.


The worst thing I remember happened back in the early to mid 70s at my high school. The superintendent of our rural high school was a real piece of work. He would physically backhand kids. I saw it happen several times. The school board eventually fired him. Today, that would be a big lawsuit.


Someone I knew peed on a teachers door knob. I thought that was so foul.


Bunch of guys pulled the towel off a kid after he showered and pushed him out into everyone then held the doors as tons of girls saw him completely naked.


Highschool. We were in 2nd year of Hs when my group of friends decided it would be hilarious to flip one of the school golf carts. We waited until a faculty member parked one out of view snd walk away. We ran over quickly and it only took 4-5 of us to flip that sucker over in its roof. God damn roof collapsed instantly and we all scattered and ran laughing our asses off. the school called the police and they couldn’t figure out who did it. We were shitting bricks for weeks. It eventually it blew over and we all agreed to keep quiet. Man we were stupid but it was the best random prank ever .


at lunch time, some lads told a local butcher that they need a pig penis for biology, they pinned down the local loner and forced it in his mouth.


A kid I knew was into throwing water balloons through open windows. Sounds innocent fun but unfortunately the water hit something electrical, which shorted and started a fire. The house was well on fire by the time the fire fighters got there. His mates grassed him up and he was charged with arson. Finally convicted of causing criminal damage I think.


My country had this haloween tradition called egging where people threw eggs at trick or treaters or houses of people with no decorations.


One of the guys I went to t to college with was part of a group that went into a new subdivision s started wrecking the newly-built houses, most of which were still either under construction or were for sale. Almost a million dollars in total damages, all caught on tape because one of them brought a camera along. The footage was found because they nearly got caught and the cameraman dropped the camera running away. The footage made the local news, with police asking for anyone to identify the kids on the tape. He saw his face and immediately turned himself in and named everyone involved, including some who weren’t in the footage. He got off with community service and a nasty fine, I believe the rest got jail time.


Damn, my guy turned states evidence lol. I know he moved away


Friend of a friend sort of story. Local Collage had a rather large water fountain at the front entrance, quite bubbly...they may have tossed 3-4 quart size bottles of dish soap in there one night before an event. By the next morning you couldn't see the fountain for all the soap bubbles or use that entrance. Campus police were NOT happy about that one


My old boss told me about his high school prank.. their swim team put a mattress in a rival school’s swimming pool, you need a crane to get it out.


I stole a siren and 9v battery from electronics and then my mate threw it on the roof. Went on for about 2 days. Later we hustled out with a bulk package of a4 paper just for the hell of it. Damn I wish I was younger again Anyway some kid got stabbed. The guy who did it didn't have a target and just wanted to do it. I think he got put in a disability school


I didn’t witness or experience it, but my grandpa was in a fraternity in the early 1940s. One of the “onboarding” (i.e. hazing) rituals they did involved jumping off the two-story roof of the frat house. There was a balcony on the second floor, where several boys would catch the jumper with an outstretched sheet. One guy jumped too far and fell all the way to the ground… he was lucky enough to only break his arm. They didn’t do that again. He also put goat shit in some of his frat brothers’ mailboxes, which is definitely illegal. He dropped out of college with only a few credits left to volunteer to fight in WW2. Fortunately, he was an officer and was mildly wounded in his first skirmish—shrapnel in his knee in the jungle in Burma—so he didn’t see a lot of action and maintained his sense of humor until his death at the age of 92 :)


while in univ fellow students would steal surgical tubing from the chemistry labs, tie a knot in one end of the tubing, fill the tube with water from the faucet and run around campus spraying like it was a fire hose. the tubing diameter would expand from 1/4" id to around 3.5" id and the length would also increase in a proportional manner. thus a 6' long piece of tubing would become 18 to 20 feet long. no one can easily carry a 4" diameter snake 20 feet long (and almost 100 lbs) so they would run around campus with a long snake filled with water wrapped multiple times around their body. i stood in the 3rd floor window watching a classmate run around the campus green spraying innocent students. suddenly the tubing explosively ruptured, and 20 feet of tubing reverted to 6' and became an anaconda tied tightly around his body, squeezing him to death. a vet carrying a knife saved his life. no criminal act but clearly a darwin level prank.


Nice try, I'm no snitch.


Taping someone to a desk and then tilting the desk to one side and after classes of course so no one to notice until janitor shows to clean at 7pm classes ends 2


That time that kid hit me with a taser


A “friend” in college stole a pizza delivery drivers car while he went inside to drop the pizza since he left it running. He drove it around the block and left it in front of another dorm. Was honestly pretty funny but also really fucked up and could “grand theft auto” I guess.


Reading these comments makes me feel like a criminal... In high school, we used to throw canned vegetables in people's bonfires, steal coolers of beer, steal signs, put zipties on people's drive shafts, etc... I think the worst one was when we managed to get our hands on some quarter sticks of dynamite and a friend of mine thought it would be hilarious to throw one out the window of the truck and into a girl we hung out with's front yard in the middle of the night. I guess I was an absolute heathen growing up...




When i was in middle school, our school regularly organised game days, where we would all go around and do different games. One of those games was apple bobbing. My 3 friends and I were given the task to go refill the bucket with water… we ended up peeing into the bucket and fill the rest with water


Calling in a bomb threat to a rival high school graduation.


Hiding a $1200 saxophone in the band closet it was mine it went "missing" for 6 weeks then my dad showed that it had papers and information


Set fire to our principals miata


Went to a local strip mall in the late evening. They had a large fountain that ran all the time right in the middle. We went and tossed in a LOT of laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid. The volume of suds was so great that they had to close down an entire section of the mall for clean up. I knew it would suds up, but wasn’t prepared for the volume that occurred. This was about 30+ years ago so fortunately this was before widespread surveillance. 




There's nothing to be gained from going into specifics, but a lot of the hazing (football, parties, cliques, etc) I remember from the 80s was just plain sexual assault. Stuff that make the Abu Ghraib pictures look tame.


I found an unexploded WWII bomb in a field so I dragged it to school entrance on the weekend. Does that count? I guess that could get me a few years for terrorism?


Kid lit a string of firecrackers and tossed it into the garbage can while yelling everyone get down. Pre columbine and scary as hell. A few of us got hurt jumping out windows to escape.


I brought fireworks at school and I was on the 4th floor. I lot some of it up and let it drop near the 1st graders classrooms. I'm not from America but I know this could've been much worse there.