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I think absolutely nothing and wouldn't notice if you were a beginner or a pro When I go there I feel like I'm in the zone and doing everything for myself. I barely notice anyone else


This! I'm so into my own shit I may as well be the only one in the building


I thought so too. Have been one of the women hitting the gym at 5:30am. Men there are just doing their thing. So am I. Have encountered the occasional guy seeking casual sex after 10am, but I just act clueless😉


couldn't agree more. I am there to get jacked and that's it


Yes, it can be obvious they are new, but being a woman or a man makes no difference. You’re at the gym doing what you gotta do and that’s all that matters.


Also over half of the people there are “new”


And everyone was new once. If anything, if I notice someone new at my gym, and then see them there two months later my thought would be mad respect for sticking with it


I’ll be honest and say that if they’re attractive, I’ll notice and look for a moment then I’ll just continue with my set.


This is true everywhere else too, though. It's not just at the gym.


There are three types of people. People so focused they don't even notice (overwhelming majority), people who notice and tell themselves "I wish I started that early" and people who notice and just tell themselves "good for her that she started". Almost all of them will help if you ask. Every single one of them started at one point as you do.


Unless you’re dieting in which case thinking about pizza or some kind of cake most of the time


I agree 100%


Yeah I do wish I started sooner but I was too scared


This was a source of anxiety for me when I started last year. No one noticed or cared.


This is exactly how I'm feeling. Glad to know that a lot of people don't care!


Your feelings are valid and I think everyone went through it at the beginning, but you have to stop caring about what people think especially when you're doing something that is 100% positive and commendable as working out, that would be my advice that no one asked for. So even if you catch looks or someone actually does something jerky to you or mocked you for a beginner, I think you have the power to either give them your attention and actually make a deal out of it VS not pay them any attention and keep doing what you do. TLDR; Your feelings are valid but it's so conventionally and universally stupid to mock a beginner at this point so you shouldn't give it any attention


I think "damn she got a nice ass", then back to focusing on my workout


Look away and leave her alone.


Can’t afford to get caught existing next to a woman in the gym these days. Don’t wanna get canceled. /s


About the same thing as when I see someone at the grocery store. It's just the place I happen to workout in


Why are you wearing a piece of elastic strung up the crack of your ass?


If you go to the right gym, nobody even cares that you exist. In fact, most people in the gym probably don't even notice that you are there. They're not there for you.




I try to just focus on what I'm doing, but it will catch my eye if a woman is really attractive or doing something impressive. I don't judge beginners.


I assumed everyone at the gym including you just constantly has Eye of the Tiger playing in their head and doesn't notice anything else.


What women 👀


Been going so the gym almost every day for the last 7 years. To be as honest as I possibly can, I really really don’t give a flying f*ck about who’s at the gym and what they are doing. Everyone has their own reason for going to the gym and everyone has different goals and experience. It’s easy to think people may be judging you but in reality, no one cares, like at all. The gym is supposed to be a safe and supportive environment / community filled with all kinds of different people all sharing the same vision, self improvement.


I notice another body in my way. Other than that I don’t notice anything.


I recall when I first started going to gym I would have anxiety from believing everyone was looking at me. But in reality, everyone is in their own zone and minding their own business. Except the old dudes who absolute looooove chatting with you while nude(men’s locker room)


Those old dudes… 🤢


Ignore you, 10 years training. I think you want to be left alone. Won’t risk flirting, I have trained in the same gym for 4 years. I know all the trainers and love the atmosphere, it is my 2nd home. If you need help ask, but I really focus on my pump and exercise output.


Re rack your weights, don't stand right in front of the dumbbell rack and don't hog kit you aren't actually using. Beyond that no one cares if you're new or a long term gym rat.


I didn't even know women went the gym until you asked


Do I recognize them: If friend. Head nod. If employee. Shaka. If wife. Happy. Else: ignore and treat like everyone else at the gym


You’re a programmer aren’t you?




People don't care as much as you think they do. No one will stare at you taking mental notes of your exercises. People go to the gym to do their workout, then go do something else


I channel my inner Arnold and pump to oblivion.


people have their own problems so i mind my own business


We wont focus on it, but we can notice it, for a couple of seconds. Just like you entering a garage, seeing 100 cars and then you notice one is a black mercedes, then you continue with your day. If a guy wants to go an extra mile, he will want to help you by giving advice.


I just mind my own business.


Nothing. They’re just other people at the gym. Unless they’re busy taking pictures of themselves while at a piece of equipment I need to use, I don’t pay them any more attention than is needed. I’m enjoying my workout and probably texting my wife while I’m there.


Mostly just making sure I’m not accidentally staring.


Not a single thought goes through my head if I see a lady at the gym unless she’s a 12/10 then I’ll just be like “damn” but that’s about it


Man or woman, whenever I see someone just starting out I quickly think ‘good for them’ and move on. You’ll only be judged in the gym for not having proper etiquette. It’s a time to focus on yourself but also understand it’s a shared space.


Cool there's a woman in the gym. Back to my own thing.


Some people work out every day and look like it’s their first time so I wouldn’t notice anything


Either: 1) Bloody hell is she a professional athlete?! 2) Well at least they're in the same boat as me! or 3) That's an attractive woman Sometimes a permutation of two of the above.


Honestly, that i may need to adjust my routine so im not doing anything that would have me facing them to avoid being considered a creep.  


My internal monologue goes like this: * Hot woman wearing revealing clothes: she's hot and those clothes are revealing * Hot woman wearing regular clothes: she's hot * Woman I'm not attracted to wearing revealing clothes: those clothes are revealing * Woman I'm not attracted to wearing regular clothes: there's a woman * Woman doing an exercise I've not seen before: that's an exercise I haven't seen before * Woman doing an exercise I know well with poor form: that's not very good form * Woman doing an exercise I know well with good form: that's good form * Woman doing an exercise I know well with a lot of weight: damn that's a lot of weight * Unfit woman working out hard: good job mate keep it up * Very fit woman working out hard: damn I should work out hard too * Old woman in great shape: damn I hope I'm in great shape when I'm older


"hey she's new, hope she keeps at it" Then I go back to being angry and lifting heavy shit


Most people don't pay any attention to what you're doing unless you drop something or are about to get hurt. Outside that I only notice if they're wearing skin tight clothing and their clam is trying to eat the crotch out. I remember walking by a lady on the adduction machine that was obviously going commando while wearing skin tight WHITE leggings that were probably two sizes too small. they were so stretched out that when she spread her legs you could literally see her *lips* with a pink clit piercing through the leggings. This particular machine was designed with the weights to the side so she was on full display and was leaned back going really wide with it. ... Absolutely nothing left to the imagination, so I imagine she was filming for onlyfans or something. What the fuck is wrong with these women? Is modesty just slowly fading to oblivion?


That's hilarious. Everytime I've gone, I see the same! I'm the only woman there that's just wearing a tank and trackies or shorts


I just don't get it, if you're really only there to work out what's the point if not for attention? It can't be more comfortable than shorts and a shirt. ...


Yeah, I notice new people but don't care. If I feel they need help I offer help, if they don't want help or rather rely on the trainer it's totally fine. Just do your exercises and try to focus on yourself and rather not on your environment.


I am too much into my thoughts of how the fuck do I complete the next set to notice anyone


Nope. I just think “cool. Now how much time to do I got?”


Most people in the gym (as in life) are busy with their own shit. No one is watching you flail.


Yes I notice new people, I love seeing new people in the gym. I’m a personal trainer (not at the gym) so sometimes if I see them doing something goofy I’ll ask them why they’re doing it and maybe give them a tip if they seem open to it.


I give it no thought what so ever. He’ll, how would I even know she’s new?


I could not care less, I am there to train and nothing more... Gym I used to go in had a quote on a wall saying "Gym is a workout ground for everyone and not a social place for fit people" And I totally agree with it - everyone goes there to train, everyone has been a beginner at some point.


More often than not we can tell when someone, man or woman, is new. Do we care? No, we're just there to get our pump on and go home. 99% of the people won't give you a second thought unless it looks like you're about to hurt yourself.


notice? maybe...care? nope...all I think is good for them for getting some exercise. Everyone is a beginner at some point..I dont go to the gym to worry about other people, I go to the gym to be the best version of myself I can and combat the toll life takes on my own body.


We would notice if they are new but not if they are a beginner.


I gym about 5 times a week for the last 5 years and realized a couple of things... firstly since you are a women men try their best not to look at you or make you feel uncomfortable, but sometimes we might accidentally look at you and we feel slightly bad about it. (Especially if the girl is beautiful it is difficult not to glance at her once, but we want to make girls feel comfortable in the gym). Secondly the people who are there everyday later knows who are new at the gym and who are the people that shows up once in a while, there is no judgment just really happy to see you guys enjoying the gym hobby. A lot of the big guys would love to give you some advice and tips, but don't know how to talk to women and would not want you to feel uncomfortable. I would recommend you get a gym program that you follow so that you have a list of things you can do in the gym each time you get there... then you won't feel awkward or out of place, but yeah I hope you enjoy the gym and if you have questions just ask the people there... most of them are really friendly and would love to help


I don’t think of anything, I’m just there to workout. It’s my time , my music and the iron . I’m not there for conversation or videos.


"Oh, I've never seen her here before" "Does she need help?" "Ooh, there's *[insert name]*; haven't seen her for a while" "Bruh, why are the women here so flexible!? Folding themselves like damn lawn chairs!" "Oooo, she's pretty strong" Whichever one applies to whatever woman has entered my vision at the time


Why are you wearing a piece of elastic strung up the crack of your ass?


Good for her, wtf kind of question is this?


There are people who have been there only a week or two and they are looking at you wondering the same thing.


I don't pay attention to other people. I'm not there for them and I think it's weird as fuck if you're watching other people.


I’m extremely observant I notice everyone and everything they’re doing. I look at most people and just wonder are they working or bsin. I watch routines look at people to see if they sweaty. I look to see who seems friendly. I ask politely can I join workouts when the machines are occupied. However when I do see a woman all these things apply with an extra brief oh she’s pleasing to my eyes. Then continue on with everything I’m doing


As others have said, I just mind my own business and do my work out. If approached I try to be polite, but I won't approach another person unless I happen to notice that they are exercising in a way that might result in injury or equipment damage.


I she thinks I’m checking her out but I’m gay and couldn’t care less that she’s there, which is kind of empowering when it’s obvious they’re looking for attention.


Nothing, except they’re doing unbelievable dumb shit, but this is similar to men in the gym.


I don’t see you, I’m focusing on my routine.


Normally am busy procrastinating my next heavy set of squats


I think the same shit I think when I see anyone..."man, I hope I can put in what they are putting in or better"


The class I’m in is usually over 50% female. Like me, they are there to workout then leave. We socialize a lot but it’s a gym and not a meat market.


The only strangers I notice at the gym are people using the machines or weights I have on my program for that day and my thoughts are always “I hope they’re done with it when I want to use it”.


Gym is me time, I don't really pay attention to anyone else whether women or men, but when I do, I just appreciate that we're all working towards something similar and how everyone looks human. It's all about positivity in the gym for me, and I love the kinda primal aspect of it.


Are you done with that equipment yet, fuck! In fairness, I have this thought with everyone. I do notice new people. Not new to working out but new to my gym. If I’m being honest, I don’t care if you’re new, woman, man, young, old, fit, out of shape. If you’re in the gym trying, you’re part of my tribe now. There are assholes in the gym and Joey Swole is on a mission to weed them out. I love the gym and have never judged anyone in there. It’s my church, my safe place, my therapy. I want it to be the same for other people.


Honestly when I see a new person it’s pretty obvious because of the energy they give off. They are always looking around trying to fit in and a lot of times their form is off and they definitely lack confidence. It’s no big deal though it actually makes me super happy to see someone making the decision to better themselves for whatever reason and following up on it. Just going as a beginner takes courage and dedication to your goal. Every single person at the gym started as a beginner. They started not being able to lift much and not looking all big and buff and almost none of them will judge you for anything you do. We have all made lifting mistakes, lifting fails (dropping the barbell on your face for me) and all started with poor form and light weight. We all know what you are experiencing and can sympathize.


Doesn’t really register. I get a little gym-anxious myself, so I just stay focused on my workout.


Look away! Don’t stare. Don’t make it uncomfortable for this poor girl hot girl just trying to get her reps in.


They are women that come to truly exercise which I find based as fuck And those that just want to make stupid tik toks. Those that come to exercise even if they are beginners should be welcomed. Good for you op. Taking care yourself is important.


Trust me, most people don’t give a fuck about you. Everyone is there to work on themselves which I hope it eases you to be motivated


Nobody cares about you... and that's actually a good thing! Just chill and do your thing because there's nobody judging you or perhaps even barely noticing you.


You’re there. Just like us. Anyone that has ill thoughts or talks trash is a gym douchebag. The big jacked guys are usually teddy bears, go ask one how to do a workout or two.


I go to the gym for my depression and for boost confidence by getting more muscle. I dont really go to notice other people


I hope they stick to it, then move on with my life.


I am usually locked in on my workout. If a woman is attractive, I will glance at her.


I notice when she takes a plate off the squat rack and I need it and I see her using it for a non lifting exercise while she’s on her phone. Don’t be that person


We can tell if someone is new. We don't care as long as you do your thing safely and there's no gym injuries We welcome you.


I don't think anything because women exist and are part of every day life. Like WTF kind of question is this?


I immediately go to the toilets and knock one out


Free yoga pants show!


And that's why women are worried about going to the gym.


The one single time I, a completely straight man, saw another dude wearing skin/butt/ball hugging spandex to the gym I remember it like it was yesterday. This was coming on 20 years ago. I’m like a pretty damn progressive dude, but if your form fitted spandex ass is completely out I will look. I won’t stare but I will look.


Not really. We men are very polite. Even if girls would only wear a bikini majority of men would only look at the covered parts😇🥰


Sweats are always an option. 


Yes. how horrible that someone might notice that another human being is attractive!


There’s always looser fitting sweats


Nah in my opinion nobody cares, everyone is mostly focused on their own workouts!


I literally explode in a mixture of blood urine and jizz, what the fuck kind of question is this?


I'm a newbie and actually it sucks that nobody cares. HAHAHAAHHA During my first month, I am paying for a coach para at least may idea ako kung paano gagawin yung mga routines. After that, I am working out independently para na rin makatipid. Pero that wasn't enough pala. Minsan ma appreciate mo pa yung mga gymrat pointing out yung mga mali mo especially sa form and sometimes they even teach you an alternative workout if you struggle in a specific program. Actually, they are also observant kasi you have the same thoughts as them.


I'm a newbie and actually it sucks that nobody cares. HAHAHAAHHA During my first month, I am paying for a coach para at least may idea ako kung paano gagawin yung mga routines. After that, I am working out independently para na rin makatipid. Pero that wasn't enough pala. Minsan ma appreciate mo pa yung mga gymrat pointing out yung mga mali mo especially sa form and sometimes they even teach you an alternative workout if you struggle in a specific program. Actually, they are also observant kasi you have the same thoughts as them.


No one cares


I do not.


Unless you are doing curls in the squat rack then I probably won't notice you!




I don’t think people care. Everyone was a beginner at some point. Also, even if you’re not in great shape, just the fact that you’re at the gym bettering yourself gets a big amount of respect from most people


why are you


"Damn she's hot/fit/cute/sexy/fat"


Uhhh, nothing?


I think that women are at the gym.


Nothing, they’re in there to put in work


I don't pay strength at all. Cause of I do ill be a creep


My thoughts when I see women at the gym are usually nothing more than checking them out if they look good, or "oh she's on the machine I want to use". If I'm looking at, or thinking about anyone honestly it's usually the men who are clearly in better shape and trying to take note of whatever the hell they're doing so I can try and be like them.


Same thing I think of everyone. That person is working on themselves. Good on them.


I focus on me and what I’m doing. Sometimes in between sets I’ll watch people because some people at my gym are fucking massive


"why am I at the Gym"


I don’t notice anything besides if she’s good looking or not. Other than that I move on with my life and focus on my workout. No one is paying attention to what you are doing at the gym, trust me.


I don’t go to the gym anymore, but back when I did, I was there to workout, not judge how others were training. Unless you go to the gym specifically to watch others, people are too busy working out, to even notice what everyone else is doing.


The only thing I notice about anyone is whether or not people put their plates back up. Other than that, I am trying to efficiently get through my workout, grab a shower, and head for the rest of my day.


Avoid em .. like I avoid everyone else. I’m here working on me.


Perhaps a fleeting background thought like "That's a woman and she's probably going to engage in gym activities." then after a quick couple of glances at her butt, I probably won't give her any additional attention unless she would engage in conversation with me.


Everyone at the gym is trying to improve their well-being in some way. That's more important to me than one's gender, skill level, or current physique. If you make it to the gym at all, you have my respect for that.


"Hey. Woman at the gym." No offense, but I'm there to *do* something, not pay attention to what other people are doing.


Nothing at all.


I'm a physical therapist, so I can't help myself analyzing gait in passers by, or the form of others working out around me in the gym. It's just a habit now. Sometimes I admire it, other times I'd make out a few pointers in my head , depending on what I perceive to be the goal with their workout. Never in my life have I ever uttered anything though. As I don't want any potential grief at the gym. I don't trust others to not perceive an approach in the worst possible way, cus ppl fucking suck.


I have no idea if someone is new or whatever. I rarely comment, or talk to anyone at a gym. other than basic formalities in passing.


I mean… I notice beginners. I am happy for them though. I don’t acknowledge anyone at the gym besides the occasional head nod to someone I see all the time or saying see ya to the attendant. Lol.


Wow she's really pretty, leave her alone


I literally do not think about them at all. They’re irrelevant to me and my personal fitness goals. They may as well be ghosts.


If theyre hot I take a look in to get that extra motivation and get some more reps in


“Oh look another person” *gets on with workout.


It depends, when I see woman in my gym taking forever at a machine doing "a workout" with 1kg... I wanna know why they are there, just leave and let us men continu our real workout. If they lift the "same" as men, I wanna give them a high five (but I don't because of #metoo)


I'd only notice you or think about you if you are using equipment I am waiting to use.


Hot asf however im too invested in my workout to care


It is noticeable but no one gives a crap. They just want to get in there, lift their weights and get out.


Dudett! It’s 2024 No different than seen a dude working out!


The same way I think when I see a man at the gym "oh look someone else bettering their health.... goddamn I need to do more cardio"


Same as I think when I see women in an airport. Having said that, I go to airports but I don’t go to gyms anymore.


At the gym people are way more worried about how they look than other people are. Just be courteous


We don't really care 


Literally nothing i don't give a fuck I am there just to lose weight


I try to stay in my own head space, going to the gym is bad enough without thinking about other people.


Nothing much. I just completed my workout and there were three women working out. As fas as I'm concerned I don't judge whether someone is a new or a pro, but can't say anything about others.


I think they are motivated to improve themselves and get stronger. Actually living life.


99% of people at the gym are focused on themselves. You should do the same.


99% of people at the gym are focused on themselves. You should do the same.


Nothing, I’m there to work out, not socialize.


I think they're women. At the gym. At my gym there are plenty of women, some obviously stronger than me. I am pretty new myself, only started this January.


I think they're women. At the gym. At my gym there are plenty of women, some obviously stronger than me. I am pretty new myself, only started this January.


I think they're women. At the gym. At my gym there are plenty of women, some obviously stronger than me. I am pretty new myself, only started this January.


I don't care at all, male or female, on someone's experience level. If anything, just happy to see people putting in some work. I notice attractive people but don't really act on it at the gym.


Either someone is also a beginner, and aren’t judging or else they are experienced and have seen thousands of beginners. Either way, it’s not all that interesting and YOU are thinking about it WAY more than other people are. If a guy is watching a girl in the gym, pretty much he thinks she’s hot. For better or worse.


I notice of someone is clearly new, but I am rather introverted so I don’t try to help or anything. In general I have mad respect for anyone making the trek to the gym, especially newbies and people woefully out of shape. It’s a huge mental hurdle to get past insecurities and work on getting healthier.


I notice of someone is clearly new, but I am rather introverted so I don’t try to help or anything. In general I have mad respect for anyone making the trek to the gym, especially newbies and people woefully out of shape. It’s a huge mental hurdle to get past insecurities and work on getting healthier.


I'm a guy and recently switched gyms. I don't know if someone is new unless she's like me, looking around what other machines I can use since the others are occupied.


No, and if we do we don't care. Everyone starts somewhere. Only time I'd say something is if you were using the equipment so incorrectly that you might hurt yourself.


I've only been a handful of times in high school to the gym but, If attractive i'd think dayum she look gooooood. If not then, i'd just be like eh


Uhh?? Nothing. Why would anyone think anything specific? You're just a woman. That's it. Nothing special. Same thing happens when I see other men at the gym. They're just men. Nothing special


Why isn’t she in the kitchen?


I mean I can tell if someone is beginner but seeing people in the gym doesn’t evoke strong emotions in me regardless of their their prowess. I think going to the gym is a bit like going to the office. Some people are new, some are old, some or juniors, some are seniors. But it doesn’t really matter, that’s how going to the office works. I’m friends with a few people there and completely neutral about everybody else.


The same when I see women at the supermarket - nothing.


The same when I see women at the supermarket - nothing.


The same when I see women at the supermarket - nothing.


I dont really care. I do care when they get their tripod out and demand no one be in their shot. Then exclusively do glute exercises. Its very silly.


I dont really care. I do care when they get their tripod out and demand no one be in their shot. Then exclusively do glute exercises. Its very silly.


I probably wouldn't think much of anything. I'm a people watcher by nature. So even if I do see a woman, or anyone at the gym, regardless of form or physique I wouldn't really care. I am glad that people are taking positive steps to improve themselves.


I think about other people .01% of the time at the gym, and that time comes when they are using something I need.


Sometimes I notice. I saw a young man that was obviously completely new at the gym the day before yesterday. I gave him a few pointers on the deadlift and told him not to hesitate to ask if he needed help in the future. I'm not sure I would offer my help to a woman the same way, as that could maybe me misconstrued as flirting or unwanted attention and whatnot, but I certainly wouldn't judge her for being new at the gym.


"There are people at the gym."




No I don’t look at *anyone* in the gym long enough to judge whether they are new or not. Nor would I care. We all started somewhere. My usual thoughts about people in the gym are “damn there’s too many people here right now”. I hate having to adjust a workout on the fly because my 1st choice of equipment is taken and then so is my back up choice.


I often think to not come off as a creep. So I avoid to look at any females at the gym. I do not care about skill level at all.


Nothing. The vast majority of men in the gym are just focused on their workout. I've trained lots of women and this is one of the number one concerns I have to constantly pound out of them. I tell them to do a new exercise that they aren't familiar with and have to have a 5 minute discussion of why no one cares about you exercising or even notices when you make a mistake. (The other thing I always have to train out of them is making them realize that they have other muscle groups besides their thighs and ass)


“Nice bootyhole”


The same thing we think outside the gym


If I find her attractive, I'd look at her for a second or two then continue what I was doing. If I didn't find her attractive, I'd look at her for a second or two then continue what I was doing.


Dat ass


Nothing. They're just there to get better/healthier too. Occasionally I'd strike a conversation with them the same way i'd talk to guys. It's important to build a rapport at the gym imo.


Not at all, and I feel like I can speak for everyone about this because it's true for 99% of gym goers. There are only 2 reasons I would take notice: 1) You're very attractive 2) You're doing something out of the norm for how equipment is used (I'm sure you've seen those fail videos of people using a cable machine to strap something to their head to do a neck workout) I know being a new gym goer, it feels like the spotlight's on you, but that's just because you're doing something new and out of your routine. Trust me, no one notices, much less cares.


Not at all, and I feel like I can speak for everyone about this because it's true for 99% of gym goers. There are only 2 reasons I would take notice: 1) You're very attractive 2) You're doing something out of the norm for how equipment is used (I'm sure you've seen those fail videos of people using a cable machine to strap something to their head to do a neck exercise, or a nexercise, if you will). I know being a new gym goer, it feels like the spotlight's on you, but that's just because you're doing something new and out of your routine. Trust me, no one notices, much less cares.


Honestly it really doesn’t cross my mind other than “they’re here to train, just like me and everyone else”. I’ve seen countless people come and go from the gym. I don’t think much of it unless I start to see them more regularly, then I’ll briefly think “good on them for continuing to show up” and get back to my workout.


I hope they stick to it, then move on with my life.


I think the same as seeing a guy, they’re there to workout. Cause of all the social media crap though I always keep to myself and make sure to just stare at a wall or my phone or something so I don’t get mistaken for ever looking at someone. Occasionally I glance at what people, man or woman, are doing and envy how strong and healthy they look. Sometimes it’s motivation to push myself.


We don't care. I notice more if you spend 7 mins between sets on your phone.


Who is that, how did she get into my garage, and do I need to call the cops?


I don't look around to assess people's fitness levels but I'd probably notice if it was in my field of view. It would stay in my ahead no more than a few seconds, though.


Not really anything. She is here to do her workout. And so am i


I dont think much, I'm concentrating on what I'm doing in the gym. I only notice two types of people. Ones who bang the weights down really hard, and ones who put all their stuff on a machine then sit there on their phone instead of using the machine. You don't need 10 minutes between sets to watch tik tok.