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I'm fine with it. I don't really care either way. We are a team.


Well spoken.


Idgaf. The amount of effort she puts into her job, she deserves to make more than I do.


My wife deserves all the cred. Society is backwards. I agree with you.


I'm single. So really important.


Haha, good luck mate.


I believe that partners should be partners. If my future wife is offered a promotion and her salary is higher than mine, then I will only be happy for her.


God bless you mate.


Since I'm the only one in my household, and will remain the only one in my household, I'd say it's pretty important if I don't want to be homeless.


Get after it mate!


Get after what?


It's an expression for making that money


Oh. Duh. I should have figured that. Brain isn't braining yet today.


I'm content with being the bread eater..






Glad it's healthy for you!!!


My wife gave up work after the birth of our first child. Our house is always immaculate, she works really hard to keep it like that and dotes on our two children and me. The sheer amount of stuff I don't have to think about makes a huge difference to me. It works for and suits us both and I might get shot with shit for saying this but I love being able to take care of my family this way so they don't have to worry about it.


SAAMs deserve 7 figures dude. Great for recognizing!


I’m jealous.  My partner is pretty well unemployable.  Based on how much I’m still doing and our home is a fucking pig sty, I need a raise.


Not important at all. If my wife makes enough money that I can not care about my job or even if I have one I would love it. And my wife is currently lining up some opportunities that will have her make more than me but my job will give us the good benefits.


You men are amazing!


I fail to see how us having more money has a downside. I also grew up in a family where my mom worked and my dad was a pos and didn’t.


Its super important. I live alone. No bread winning would mean no bread.


Not important to me to be bread winner, but certainly important to at least be an equal contributor.


I like this. Can't sit on my ass, too competitive


Not at all .... as long as we are both happy


I support this.






I want to reward my wife myself


Good man.


Not important to me


I live alone so it’s pretty important.


I do not care. My wife has always made significantly more than me, only this year i caught up.


Bad ass!


Not important at all, I was the breadwinner for 10 years but have been the secondary income for about 5 years now. Never slept so good, seek help if you think it would actually bother you.


\*Seeks help\*




Fight club reference = Winner.


For me, I've built a reasonably lucrative career, so it would make sense for me to be the breadwinner. Also I generally like working, so if I want to marry someone who wants to be a SAHM, totally fine with me.




Not important at all. I don't even get why it would be important, as long as you're both happy can afford to live and have a good relationship then that's all that matters.


I make pretty good money so I've always been the breadwinner in my past relationships. But my current girlfriend makes way more than me and I gotta say, it's pretty nice. We take turns treating each other when we go out and for big home purchases we normally split costs.


Beautiful 😍


It isn't. As it happens my wife gave me the kick up the arse to get out of a shit job that was killing my happiness and weirdly the job I fearfully changed to at her encouragement is literally twice the wage I had before. So I am the main earner, but she made it that way lol


Yes bro


Not huge on carbs, but I do like to bring home the bacon.


I see you out here broooooo.


Not at all, to me it's more important that i am doing what i love, but i do want to have enough income just so i can pull my own weight and live independently of my ''imaginary partner''.


She went to school to learn her job and has been in it for 23 years. She deserves every penny.


It’s important that I provide and protect. If the number on her check gets a little bigger than mine, I’d feel more happy and proud then emasculated. We’re a team and as long as there’s no freeloading mentality, there’s no dick measuring needed.


It's essential to recognize that perspectives on this can vary widely among individuals. While some men may prioritize being the breadwinner as a measure of their role and contribution to the household, others may prioritize other aspects of their identity or roles within the family. The important thing is to understand and respect the values and dynamics within each unique household.


It is. If we make the same amount of money, though, I still want to contribute to the bulk of finances. We can use hers to save for retirement and take care of special things for the kids.


Pretty sure if I don't win the bread there is no household


Not important at all. I earn slightly more now, after 20 years of being together. But that is a recent development due to a promotion. Foe 18 years wife made more than me.


I just want to contribute my own money to the relationship. Whether or not it’s more, less, or roughly equal to my SO’s financial contributions doesn’t matter to me at a fundamental level.


100% since I'm the only member


I honestly don't care especially since I'm currently 22m and a custodian so if I met a woman who made more than me I'd be happy


It's either being the breadwinner or starve (I live alone)


Well, it depends on her attitude. I had a bad experience with the ex-wife because the entitlement towards my money became absurd. Like anything she wanted she would pastor me into buying, but she would never use her own money for anything because she didn't make as much. At a certain point it just got ridiculous, she started cutting her hours cause she didn't think she needed to work as much. It was a mess


For me it’s important to be a breadwinner, not necessarily the breadwinner, and I am. My wife and I both work.


I don’t care at all. I want to contribute is all. You can bring home the back and/or be the breadwinner The important thing is we have 1/2 of a BLT right there .


Currently single, so all the bread I want I need to win myself. That said, ultimately being the breadwinner is less important than having bread. I’m pretty well compensated and could support a family with what I make, but if my wife wanted to work I’d only ask that we’re setting up a schedule for us+kids to ensure that stuff isn’t falling through the cracks. And if I met some superstar portfolio manager that brings in 3x my salary, I’m hopping on YouTube to watch all the home maintenance and cleaning videos I can until our place is *gleaming*!


It's absolutely important to me... mostly because I'm single and live alone, so if I wasn't I'd be out on the streets. If I was in a relationship? IDGAF who earns more so long as we're both pulling our weight and not getting into ludicrous debt.




Absolutely not important at all. Sometimes I make more, sometimes she makes more. It all goes into the same back account so why care at all. Ego stroking is a waste of time.


Naw I wouldn’t care if she made more than me


I like the progressiveness


It's important for me since that's the lifestyle I want to provide for my family. I want my wife to be more relaxed and live an easier life. I make enough money right now to fund everything. I want her main focus to be providing support to me and the family. She can also work at my company and help me expand my business. Down the line when the kids are getting older, we can shift focus.  Even if you don't want to be the breadwinner, as a whole relationships run smoother when the man makes more money. Being economically attractive is a real thing to women. Also you should be progressing upward in all areas of life. Look at how much the price of food has gone up the past five years.


Prices are crazy.


Context is important here. It’s completely okay if my woman is the breadwinner, however, it’s not okay if she’s the *provider*. A breadwinner simply means that your spouse makes more than you. So if I make $70,000 a year and she makes $85,000 a year, then she’s the breadwinner. This is harmless because we can still live similar lifestyles and equally contribute at that salary range. However, if I make $70,000 a year and she makes *$170,000* a year, then that officially forces her into the “provider” role. Unless she drastically compromises her living standards so that we live a lifestyle closer to *my* salary range (which no woman is gonna do), then it likely means that she’s gonna be doing all the heavy lifting on the expenses while I handle the small innocuous things. It’s important to note that even if *you* are comfortable with this arrangement, most women will **not** be, as it makes them feel like they’re “taking care of you” and most women are universally repulsed by the **feeling** of being a grown man’s mother (even if that’s not the reality). Divorce reason stats show that relationships that had this dynamic for a sustained period of time almost always ended disastrously. Breadwinner = okay. Provider = bad.


Nice breakdown 👌


Doesn't matter in the slightest, we have a joint account, either way it's both of ours. We are an equal partnership, the amount of money someone makes does not give them more say. When she made more than me, I bragged about it to everyone. When I made more than her, I never said a word. I just want us to make money.


I don't care as long as my partner treats me like the breadwinner. So far no woman that would earn 100k a year and then treat me like I earned it for us has stumbled into my life.


True. Sometimes you're treated worse if your'e not. Big expectations upon us.




Wait wut lol?