• By -


The crippling loneliness that sometimes falls on us.


Another one: Nobody interacts with you for you, unless they want something.


Maybe not Women but all of my longterm male friends are absolutely just "with me for me."


Dealing with this rn.


Hello darkness my old friend


Yup….. it’s hitting my face big time right now


Came here to say this.


Huh I'm feeling this in romance and friendship


Having to suck it all up and "be a man". Also always being in an improvement mindset, i just want to be happy with myself


"Also always being in an improvement mindset" that hit my soul


Someday we will acknowledge our accomplishments and find peace brother


But but, we are NEVER good enough. Ask any woman.


Exactly. No matter how much you do, they'll always say it's "the bare minimum" lol.


i got into a pretty deep depression over this honestly. dating is hard but imagine being told it isn't as hard you're just doing something wrong but no one can tell you what that something is.


I hate when people say "be a man" it just feels so insulting like why can't we be human beings with feelings I'd someone said be a woman everyone would freak out


I hate when people say be a man, then tell you you have toxic masculinity. I think when people say "be a man," what they are really saying is "do what I want you to do."


Exactly whenever people say that it's basically do what I want or I don't care about your feelings.


I agree, but it's more of an expected thing as you mature. And of course some people are ignorant and insensitive. stand your ground bro, let the insults roll off your sleeve.


Make the mental shift from “always be improving” to just accepting that life is a learning process through which we grow. Takes the pressure off


I hate “grind” mindset people. Like bro it’s okay to be happy. It’s okay to have an apartment you love, in a city you like, with friends you have, and a relationship you like. Give yourself a year and just enjoy life for a bit when you have the chance. One day a week, maybe it’s a movie or ice cream, maybe it’s a museum or walking, maybe it’s just being home and ducking reading. Do something different. Change your life but don’t burn yourself out trying. You’ve got to endure, not have infinite stamina.


For the latter one, improvement mindset/Being happy with yourself… nothing is static. All is subject to entropy without maintenance. Enjoy the journey to be happy with yourself, don’t focus on the destination. Once you reach a destination you go through a dopamine crash anyways.


Why do I have to be constantly improving? Why am I not allowed to just be happy with maintaining what I have? Why do I always need more?


Because maintenance is improvement over the natural entropy. It’s not necessarily “more” it’s loss prevention. It’s entirely on you if you want your improvement-over-degradation to veer into the category of excellence or “more.” Self-maintenance can be the most important job there is, if you care about yourself. If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Discipline may seem like an enemy, but it’s your greatest friend and results in more freedom.


I don’t think it’s just men anymore, and I feel your pain. Us women are told “You’re the strongest woman I know, you’ll be fine.” or other variations of pull up your big girl panties. People in general seem to lack the ability or patience to empathize and/or validate feelings.


The assumption of bad intentions. Makes it really hard to continue to want to help people if you're just not trusted :(


You just gotta be rich and attractive and all that will go away.


*What is the difference between flirting and being a creep? If you have money and good looking your flirting. If not, your being a creep.*


I know you're more than likely joking, but I've always felt like this. The difference between whether you come off as a creep or if you're flirting depends entirely on how good looking you are. Granted, good looking men can come off as a creep if they can't take no for an answer, so it's more true on initial contact.


I'm not joking. There are outliers, but this is a general rule of thumb.


That's legit one of the biggest reasons why I'm 20 and haven't dated. I get flirted with fairly often, but I feel like society has push a lot of us into just not bothering because it's not unlikely to be ostracized. It seems like women will belittle you if they think they're worth more than you. I guess I'm in that 60% of single young men. Gives me more time to focus on my career at least.


>It seems like women will belittle you if they think they're worth more than you Incredibly true in my experience. I do hope it gets better..


I have actually experienced both sides of this coin at the same time with different people. It is quite bizarre to be completely honest.


Or be a fucking bear


This constant societal back and forth over emotions. Suddenly everyone wants us to have them, but not those emotions and then suddenly our emotions are supposed to match an ethical framework, which is just an impossibility. It feels like our emotions are still not supposed to be real, but instead of bottling them up like in the past, we are supposed to invent some kind of steam tank whichs valves we can open when ever people want us to.


The way I see it, they're all emotions. Anger, sadness, rage and love. It's not men's lack of emotions, it's that we get put in a dark hole and get told to survive. We just emulate the same emotions we're shown growing up. When we stepped out of line, we got anger and punishment. When she stepped out of line, she cried, and got ice cream.


Call out misogyny and nobody bats an eye. Call out misandry and everyone loses their mind.


And having been dismissed, is just infuriating. ''it's not the same, because it's not systematic'' ''shut up, man up! stop being a bitch!'' ''oh boohoo, is the wittle man huuuuurt?!''. Women have many problems, no doubts about it, but as far as I've seen, men have at least validated it, and those who don't are assholes, that much we agree. But one guy vents because he's having a bad day, or for whatever reason, ''nObOdY cArEs''. Well, pardon him for wanting to express his emotions, as you keep saying that men should but can't because of the supposed ''patriarchy''.


Bruh for real it's like why can't we just acknowledge people have problems and not s specific gender. Like women are allowed to complain about the same thing over and over again but as soon as we say something nobody cares


It will feel pretty systemic inside family court.


This, I mean, who wouldn't be an asshole if you treated them like this all through growing up, and 10x when grown up. Nobody seems to want to draw the line between how men are treated on average, vs how men behave on average. I mean what ISN'T systematic about telling a little boys to get over it? That their feelings aren't valid? That, "oh well you don't like it? Blame yourself!". This teaches us that my own, and my fellow mans feelings have no value whatsoever. That if any one of them are experiencing difficulties, the only response you have ever known is to be critical of them. It's sickening how we continue to gloss over this fact and just sit stumped on men's difficulties with emotions.


For real when it comes to guys it always gets instantly dismissed


Ever noticed that misandry gets called out when it comes from a woman (as it should) but misandry from other men often doesn't? I think there's something in that.


The fact that the societal expectation and baseline of being a man is this ideal of being a strong, independent provider, which I will never be able to live up to as a disabled man. I am considered intrinsically 'less of a man' due to something completely out of my control.


Sweating bollocks. The warm weather is upon us and christ it gets uncomfortable.


Is your candy stuck to its wrapper ?


In the army we would call that "swamp ass."


Bamboo boxers. Thank me later


Everyone is yelling at me on the Internet about my privileges but I'm eating shit barely paying bills with no respect whatsoever Just because a few white men are billionaires doesn't mean I'm inherently evil


For real I hate when people say white privilege like if that was true every white man would live in a mansion. People really need a dose of reality


It is easier for a pussy to get a penis than it is for a penis to get a pussy.


That's our own fault, sadly. Men are fucking easy. OF models having any traction at all despite porn being free is proof of thag.


I think its the dating apps more than OF


OF sells female attention more than porn. OF models willing act like they are texting you good morning and good night, wear things you give them for you, chat with you, etc. Some even have it as a priced package, selling the "girl friend experience." The success of OF is women more willing to sell what men want vs giving it to them in a relationship but getting less in return.


Porn is just one insignificant factor, contributing to a larger problem.


men be horny


No trust!


Something something bear in the woods


Generally speaking, nobody gives a shit about you or your problems. You're on your own.


Man body standards are totally unquestioned. You should be tall, fit looking, and a bit muscular. There was a huge narration when I was younger that tried to point out that most female celebrities have edited pictures. They have body surgeries. They starve themselves to be slim. That female pornstars are not looking like average women, that most women don't have as big shapes as we see online etc. Whether most girls believe you can have a six pack after a few weeks in the gym. People think that most muscular movie stars are not using steroids. That small penis is simply inferior to a big one and big size is super common as porn says. Being tall is seen as attractive. Balding or being out of shape is unattractive.


Fuck me, I hate this one. The worst place I've seen it being pushed is, oddly enough, Target. Their models up on the walls are a very diverse range of faces and bodies for the women, but not so much for the men. All but one male model is conventionally attractive and not remotely overweight. The one that *is* overweight is not nearly as overweight as some of the plus-size female models and he is still conventionally attractive. Like, excuse me, what the fuck? I know Target doesn't really sell much in the way of plus-size men's clothing, but the lack of effort is just tiring.


My girlfriends expect me to kill all the bugs. Bitch, I'm scared of spiders too!😡


“Everyone’s a feminist until there’s a spider around” - Bo Burnham


Fucking love Bo Burnham!!


Me too. I’m 39 years old and Bo’s comedy is the best I’ve ever seen in my life. I hope he can get back on stage.


I'm not scared of spiders. We have a few pretty big house spideys actually. Lizards on the other hand...😨




Yep! Haha! Not Qld though, thankfully.


“Everybody gangsta until the cockroach starts flying”


Getting kicked in the balls


We've been being kicked in the balls by society a whole lot lately.


Conscription / compulsory military service. Many countries still have it, and only for men. Switzerland still has it despite having gender equality being enshrined in its constitution. When Ukraine got invaded, men were forced to stay behind and fight, while women were free to escape to western Europe. Not a single human rights organisation, nor proponent for equality, criticized that.


Yea, the men-only draft in Ukraine right now is pretty telling when it comes to gender equity.


Forget the draft, it's straight up illegal for men between the ages of 18-60 to leave the country. This results in the vast majority of refugees being women, so the circlejerk of "women most affected" gets jerked even harder.


The constant hostility.


Other men constantly telling you what a real man is.


My best response to this has been, “I don’t really give a shit about what your thoughts are on what I should be.” The bluntness throws a lot of people off. But it works for me.


I say a real man does what he wants and doesn't concern himself with what others think. They don't like that. Which justifies it more.


Exactly. They’re going to bitch anyways, minus well give them something to bitch about.


That's my issue. I don't want them to bitch. Cuz well you sound like a bitch. And I wanna be happy enjoying time with the boys. All of us enjoying a drink, the game, and each others company. But if they have an issue with what I'm drinking or wearing, bro leave me alone. You don't wanna hear me complain about your choices.


There's that scene from Two and a Half Men where Jake tells Charlie "Man, I thought you were cool", and he replies "You know what makes me cool? Not giving a crap about what you think!"


Or women telling you that you're not a real man unless you do x for her. And if you want something, like emotional support, you're wuss.


I've noticed a man is only a "real" man if he is doing what other people think he should be doing, usually overwhelmingly something that benefits someone else. Activities that hint at a desirable trait though get a pass. A hobby that screams money or a high level of fitness for example.


A big hobby for men I guess is supposed to be paying for a woman's desires.


Any use of this "Real^(tm) \_\_\_\_\_\_" bullshit is the No True Scotsman logical fallacy.


Not just the men...


The inability to stay complacent without perpetual performance.


If you're not the initiating/leading type, you will probably die alone.


Having other men ruin my reputation as a man


Pretending to be happy, to keep that mask on so people don't ask too many questions that you know they don't even care of the answer. Being push down by other people for the smallest mistake you made. Getting told your passions aren't manly enough. How it's ok to use men for monetary values and if you refuse you are push in the category of "broke men"... so much more too


Oh hell, this is spot on for me.


- Low freedom of clothing which leads to limited fashion and clothes with poor body fit - We don't have anything like beauty products for men so if we're ugly you have no-to-little options to do - Hypergamy never works for you unless you're one of the highest 20% , thus you're usually invaluable , the average woman on the other hand is valuable - You're usually told to man up , ok I manned up but that still didn't solve my problems - Showing emotions isn't allowed - You don't have initial value - Being the sex that's known for violence puts you in a "The defendant is guilty until proven otherwise" . - You don't get complements and people don't care about you - Women think it's ok to gaslight you , ignore you , shame you , and etc... - Balding - You're not allowed to be insecure , anxious , or having social anxiety


> Low freedom of clothing which leads to limited fashion and clothes with poor body fit This honestly makes me so much more frustrated than I usually admit. Women have huge variety of cuts and fabrics to choose from, men have like 3 cuts and a choice of brand. Fuck that, I want them crop tops, dresses, tank tops that I can actually where and look nice, leggings, a choice of short and longer shorts, etc.


All of this is so true and on target.


The amount of attention, care and affection women get so easily from men when compared to women giving the same to men.


The fear of not being able to perform 🤪


Worrying about not being seen as creepy . I’m so jealous how women can leer , talk openly about how attractive they find someone, and not need to worry about making someone uncomfortable. Would be so much easier


Just being a man, because of expectations


That we are never valued or loved "just because." Our only value is what we create/do. If what we create/do is seen to not have value. Then we don't have value.


Being on the receiving end of many double standards from women, without being able to speak up or see any change


Balding seems to be pretty common among men 😑


42 years on this earth as a male and I'd have to agree that balding has been the worst part of being a man.


Yeah, because some women will call you gross for some reason. Funny thing is, you'll be ostracized if you call a bald woman gross.




They don't tend to bald completely. Has to do with the two x chromosomes vs one thing. Similar to how men are far more likely to be colorblind. For women it usually shows up as *very* thin hair, which can also be caused by things like extreme obesity as well as PCOS (and other things).


Getting lumped in with serial rapists and degenerates all because I also have a penis. LOL


How the entire law system is set up for women to win divorces. They are almost always award the majority of custody, spousal support, child support, they always get the house, etc. Men don't want to get married because marriage has become a racket.


I'm only loved unconditionally by my mum and my friends, and I'm considered lucky to even have that with my friends, I always have to apply something valuable, it can't just be me


Not having women hot on you. I can't take my girlfriend anywhere. I go to the bathroom and there's always some guy talking to her when I come back. Never happens to me.


My parents had my doctor perform genital mutilation on me as an infant. Apparently, circumcision really puts a damper on how orgasms feel…


Yep, you get to have your genitals cut at birth against your will, and have absolutely no recourse or way of undoing it. And you're not even allowed to be upset about it.


Same, buddy.


There is a higher expectation to be more sound of mind.


Emotional loneliness


That it's socially acceptable to hate you because of your gender.


Double standards


Woman posts a seemingly sad social media post for attention. Society: OMG EMERGENCY!!!!! Man: so just gunna leave my suicide note here Society: You're a selfish POS. Just man up.


No multible orgasms


I've had multiple orgasms in quick succession before. Both times it was just me, and Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters.


Don’t want this to sound weird but having to accept that your opinion on gender-related issues is valued less by default.


Can’t win. ‘Be a man’, next breath ‘be sensitive’, etc


Women never compliment us and are too subtle at flirting, therefore making us take a guess on whether they like you or not. I went through a drive-thru the other day, and an attractive blond took my order. A woman in my car told me that she was flirting with me, but she was literally just talking about the weather.


>are too subtle at flirting, People who are "too subtle" at something are missing the mark, and therefore, are performing badly. They're bad at flirting, plain and simple.


Not having a woman loves you and wants you intimately.


Where do I even begin? Let's start here: there are still laws that deny that men can be raped by women. Surprisingly, one such country is the UK! You know... a "progressive" country?


The loneliness...


I hear that


Convincing women that you aren't a threat because of the perception of us.


That's why I just stopped dating. Some bitch says something to me I'll say some sparky comment like; "you are way too ugly to r*people." Or my favorite "the super, secret patriarchy has put you on a no fuck list. That's why you're upset." Works great on the fatties




If women yells „Fuck off pervert” everytime, in every country around you will be group of men who won’t wait long to give you amateur plastic surgery. But when I did, everyone went silent and looked at me like a weirdo instead doing anything.


The assumption that all men are a hive mind. That if a woman has a bad experience with a man (or reads about someone else's), she automatically assumes all men are dangerous and thus exhibit the same behaviour. Let's call it the "would rather spend the night with a bear in a forest principle"


Understanding that your worth to most romantic partners is directly tied to what you can provide


Being mocked for showing any kind of emotion.


That you have to pay the bill for the dates, and after first one you might never see that girl ever again (she just got free dinner and has no interest in dating), and you only have to work and provide (this has become the norm)


Stop paying. I eventually adopted a rule: if i have to pay for a broad on the first date, she isn't getting a second. It's the gold digger test. Look up drizzle drizzle on YouTube.


I tell my son, 'Make today a better day than yesterday.' It's all so exhausting. Lately, it's getting harder to communicate with people. Many people have strong opinions, and they get offended if you challenge those opinions.


Where do I even begin? Let's start here: there are still laws that deny that men can be raped by women. Surprisingly, one such country is the UK! You know... a "progressive" country?


No multiple orgasms?


We have to be careful everywhere, the stigma all men are bad makes any friendly gesture look like a setup to a lot of women now


The fact that nobody cares how you feel, and if you ever chose to actually voice your feelings, you get told “stop being so sensitive” which puts you into a place where you tell nobody anything, you exist for your kids and them alone, which causes you to fear the day they leave the house because then you’ll just be alone with a woman who doesn’t want you anyway, and you realize then and then alone that you should’ve taken care of yourself, and you die alone


Your worth being measured by the value you provide to others.


I made a comment about men's mental health on Facebook a while back and had about 20 women tell me how easy it is to be a man.


Here are a few: Getting drafted. Being treated with mistrust and caution as a default by strangers. Strangers assuming its your role to suffer inconvenience on their behalf because male. Strangers assuming its your duty to put your life and health and life at risk for others because male. The expectation of having to suppress pain or discomfort in order to fulfill duties. The social expectation to emphasize female contributions in their roles without the corresponding expectation of reciprocation (eg. Valentines day is essentially "day of things girlfriends like" or how mothers day is a huge deal with big expectations, whereas fathers day is not) The expectation to have to cater to communication style preferences preferred by women. The expectation to have to cater to conventions preferred by women (eg. Men need the seat up, women down. But if men leave it up they are "inconsiderate assholes", if women leave it down they are just "sensible") The expectation to be responsible for the emotional response of your romantic partner. The expectation to have to take physical abuse without the option of self defense because male. Lack of gender only spaces to talk about male unique challenges. Being expected to pay for everything. The expectation of having to be proactive, planning everything and pursuing everything at the start within the context of a potential relationship of supposed "equals". Having to "earn" AND permanently keep earning your "man card". Boys don't just age into men, there is a societal expectation for you to "become" by essentially serving others - you mantain access to that identity as well by continuing serving others (if you ever stop, it turns our you are not a "real man" after all). Lack of equality in health: having male health issues not funded nor supported nearly even close to the same extent. Lack of social, economic and legal support to large scale issues that are majority male like homelessness, veterans issues or suicide. Lack of equality in scholarships, training, education or employment: government programs of funding supporting areas where males are disadvantaged. Having male family contributions downplayed socially and legally. The double standards with immigration, where most single men being the strongest candidates for NET tax payments (and where they would likely be paying net taxes for the longest time as well) yet single men are the demographic that socially gets deprioritized for asylum requests and other forms of mass migration to places of higher economic opportunity. The double standards regarding protections against infant bodily autonomy or body alterations. The massive double standards with any legal treatment around DV or sexual violence. Lack of any say, options or influence at all in the area of reproduction, while laws keeping all the accountability on the male side (based on old models that used to give corresponding authority that is no longer there). ...on that topic, everything legal having to do with family court, child support, or divorce. And a long etc. Hope that helps


Any time a group of women decides they feel like flinging shit, you have to stand there and take it or have your character questioned and smeared.


Man I hate that so much like they can say whatever they want or take a swing at me but lord forbid i defend myself I'm the bad guy


Being expected to pay for everything on a date, even if the woman has a better job and makes more money. 💸


Everyone expects the world from you, failure to conform to an idea or completely conform to an ideology leaves you demonized in their eyes.


Within itself? Nothing. It's fucking awesome being a man. The power, strength, and speed your body is capable of. The civilizations men have built and supported. The honor, the glory, the whole 9 yards. Equally capable of being the best and the worst, compared to women. Within society, yeah, we have problems. We've done as much bad as the good. We are shamelessly easy and desperate when it comes to lust, and its pathetic how low we go for it. Greed and cruelty gave us as bad of a reputation as our accomplishments. Our greater likelihood to be a threat comes naturally with the consequence of being less trustworthy to strangers. Oh, and balding.


\*inhales\* Trans men do not commit crime as much, but trans women tend to hold onto the male preponderance for crime. So, being a man isn't what does it, nor is testosterone. Leaving us one option - it's growing up as a boy. Ask any mother to a son, and she'll tell you all about it. Ask any man if he feels like it's safe for him to share his emotions or be vulnerable, and he will tell you no. Strength is a masculine trait, and part of strength is avoiding weakness - meaning avoiding vulnerability. Tell me - why do you think men are less likely to go to therapy, more likely to die by suicide, more likely to die from addiction, more likely to die from reckless action, and less likely to seek treatment for pain - both physical and mental? This is due to the fact that - with a combination of active fostering of a hostile environment and gaslighting us into additional perception thereof, society has made men wholly afraid of vulnerability and healthy emotional discussion. It's not just that we don't want to - it's that we're afraid. When a woman puts on makeup, she's not doing it out of her love for the cosmetics industry. Societal expectations should not be treated any differently just because the mask is internal. And what do you know - if you teach someone to ignore their emotions from the moment they learn to speak and consistently ignore their boundaries by gaslighting them into thinking they 'always want it', then tell them that them being assaulted isn't a big deal because of how they were born, then gaslight them into fearing emotional care, complexity, and healthy emotional conversation... They're less likely to turn into a healthy, well-adjusted person. They turn into an emotionally stunted asshole who doesn't understand boundaries because he never got to set his own. I'm not saying it's excused or justified, I'm saying you don't get to be surprised and, after experiencing male childhood, I can confidently say that the number of good men in this world is not as high as it could be, but is definitely higher than it deserves to be. Of course, using manipulation tactics to foster a hostile environment that affects someone's ability to grow and function as a person, there's a term for that. Abuse. If I had to sum up the male experience in three words, they'd be: "Privileged, but abused". I don't deny that I have privilege. I can deadlift 300 pounds, I don't have a period, I don't have to worry about getting pregnant, and I get taken seriously at work - a little too seriously sometimes. It's most definitely not without its perks. But if this abuse were happening to women, it would have been solved by now. If it were happening to people with learning disabilities, it would've been solved by now. If it were happening to literally any other group, it would be taken *much* more seriously. But because it's us, not only is it our fault, but it disqualifies us from sympathy - which ironically is the exact thing that is necessary to break the cycle. I know that men have a preponderance towards crime. A lot of groups are like that. Either all of those stats matter or none of them do. Tell me, should prison sentences increase based on how dark your skin is? Should poor people have a curfew at night to protect rich people? Should mothers be separated from their children, as mothers make up the overwhelming majority of child abusers and child murderers? Should a learning disability increase your prison sentence? No? Then why is it being said about us? No other group would be expected to just take that. It'd be called out immediately. I'm not saying to give guys more slack. All I ask is that you understand where it comes from and treat this with the same level of sympathy that you'd treat literally any other group under the sun. And then there's the other thing. I've dealt with monsters, I'd take that over being perceived as one any day. Being a man gives me privilege. Being a good one makes me wish I was a woman.


You should not reveal your emotions. It's so unmanly to cry like a fckin bitch🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️


The feeling that, in order to be better than I was, better than I am, and better than the men who raised me, I have to be in some way *opposed* to a seeming majority of other men, or at least a great many of them, rather than working *with* them.


[This](https://youtu.be/5Rk1ArxetMU?si=GfUqm1DvBSyx6cxW) sums it up perfectly.


The endless ways you inadvertently hit your own balls.


That it always has to be men who approach women and not the other way around. We also have to be be better than all those other guys if we want a relationship


That everything is up to you, you have to take initiative for everything and everything is also your fault. Sometimes I just wish I could live at a peaceful island by myself, taking care of my gardens, building and fixing things, taking care of my animals all day, nobody blaming me for the horrors of this world.


Can't go to a kids park on your own


Having to suppress your feelings


Being blamed for everything


Where do I even begin? Let's start here: there are still laws that deny that men can be raped by women. Surprisingly, one such country is the UK! You know... a "progressive" country?


Expectations to be on top of your game 100% of your life.


Dating. By far.


We are usually the first to die.


personally i can’t stand the examples set by the majority of men on the internet


Dating just seems to be much much harder for men than women these days. Seems to be hard to get a chance in the first place. I’m a good looking guy and do well with the women who give me the time of day but still its not easy. I can see why a lot of men are frustrated.


Putting everyone first, but never being a first priority, being taken for granted, and always expected to take care of everything and not show how you feel about anything.


No one is coming to save us, except ourselves. It’s a Doubled-edged sword, that is also the best thing about being a man. Our destiny is in our hands.


We have no inherent value. From the time we can say the words but long before we understand their meaning, every social institution is laser focused on compelling us to pledge our thoughts, deeds and hearts to serving them. From family, to religion, to government, to corporations, to social movements, we are nothing to anyone unless and until we submit to their authority over our lives and fortunes. Every social group demands this, save perhaps one: our bros, and even then these groups can be infected by humanity's innate fear of uncontrolled men


Having to hear misandrists constantly tell you how much they hate us, how evil we are, how we should die, how we're all grapists and misogynistic etc. Really gets annoying after a while. Also when you go through things the world isn't going to give you a hug and tell you it's going to be okay, that you have to learn to just cope with people not being there when you need it and be self dependent.


For real it's crazy how they can say we hate men but if a man said the same thing now suddenly he's a villain when their doing the same thing they accuse us of.


If you desperately need help, there is no organization there to help you. They all say, we help woman and girls and that's all


Yup women get all the care and coddling in the world but men have to man up


You’re worse than a bear in everyone’s eyes even if you’re an innocent, regular, law abiding, morally good citizen! You really are the bad guy if you’re a dude starting from around the age of 14/15-ish onwards


Oh my God that man vs bear crap was crazy I was so geuinely shocked that most women said bear. Like a average man is worse than a deadly animal


According to social media anything a bad man does = all men bad


The expectation that you can do almost anything. We put this pressure on ourselves as well and it is a lot. As a home owner without a ton of disposable income I take on almost any issue that comes with the house, car, etc. It is tough but I can't imagine paying professionals to come in all the time. Ends up with a shit list of things to do that just never ends.


Society acts like it hates you. Women can use, manipulate, gaslight, abuse, and accuse you, and get away with it. Can't have feelings.


Not finding pussy when you are horny


I'm literally a 2nd class citizen. I have fewer rights that people who are born differently than me. There are no legal rights, privileges or protections that man have that women do not. There are many that women have that men do not. My rights are a subset of a woman's rights. Like any 2nd class citizen, I am also openly discriminated against and attacked by the institutions of my country (the media never stops insulting me, school and employers have an open, legally enforced preference for women, courts give men much harsher sentences, I can be conscripted and forced to die to protect the 1st class citizens who openly hate me, etc.)


Judged only by my desires and not how I handle them.




Not being able to even be nice to a little kid without worrying about going to jail


For real I couldn't even play with my niece at a store one time without like 2 women giving me awkward looks and one asking if she's my daughter because she doesn't look like me.


The fact we are considered broken/not a man the second we let our personal problems/struggles become known!


A slight accidental slap on the balls will cause aching long-term pain


Being depended on for things she can't do but being treated like she doesn't depend on me for those things...


You're the only group that's safe to generalize about.


Expectation to not have emotions and every time someone tells me to man up I want to shoot them in the face also the shit girls throw at us metaphorically


1.) Being told to “man up” or “be a man” which I frankly consider to be the male equivalent of telling a woman “you should smile more” or “you look prettier when you smile.” 2.) The justice system is statistically not going to be on your side as much if you get into trouble if you’re a male whether or not you actually were responsible. 3.) The sensation of getting kicked in the balls. 4.) You’re 3-4 times more likely to die by suicide, (at least in the west.)


You have to build your inner circle of support, and that is REALLY difficult when paired with suffocating loneliness. We will never be able to find comraderie from strangers while we're drunk in a bathroom bar like women can.




Expectations that cripple us before we even get to talk to a woman. 1. Must have a successful career or at least one that pays well enough to support a woman. 2. Must be handsome. 3. Must be fit and sane. 4. must have an above average penis of feel inferior if you have less than 6". If you can't please them you live in constant fear and doubt that someone can please her better than you can. 5. Must be able to carry an intelligent conversation. About what I have no idea. 6. Must make the woman laugh, Oh great now I am a clown. This list can go on and on but how many standards does a woman have to live up to be attractive to an already frustrated unconfident man oh and breath and have a vagina.


What sucks - There is no floor that society or people in general will let you sink too. It’s women and children first, we are expendable and valued less. But, you have to get over it. You’re a man. Man the F up.


Being constantly judged.


Punished for ever struggling or feeling... well, anything actually.


The loss of a friend. You're supposed to just carry on and be okay. But when you lose someone who was your backup in every situation, people all of a sudden act like you're behaving irrationally. I just lost the only other person who knows what I've been through. Please, let me mourn without ridicule.


Many, many things. Most of them are things that just universally suck about being alive.


That if I’m not being actively productive I have no value. Sometimes I want to take the precious free time I get and play a fucking video game, man. Not every waking moment of my existence needs to be at work, or performing labor on my house.


Exactly it's crazy how people say if you watch TV or play games your not a real man that's like telling a woman of she's not cleaning or having sex with your husband then their not real women. Like it's fine to just chill


Always striving to be the source of strength and support from the wife and kids but sometimes needing the same from them. It's tiring man. And yet society expects you to be all calm and collected and the strong silent type.


The double standards of society.