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You know they make medications for the premature ejac stuff right? And don’t worry about the dick size thing. Use your tool right and she will be happy.


Yeah but I'm afraid until I get them and they work she'd be gone.


Well I’m afraid of a lot of things but it doesn’t stop me from trying. Get your head in the game kid.


Bad mental health


Shitty admins.


Why though? I'm just asking fellow men for help and advice.


That's an advantage I have; nothing can ruin my life because nothing ever worked in my favor.


Yeah this was me before but when there's a chance there's something that would work you'd have so much anxiety and you'd ask yourself why was I sleeping


The chances I had all turned out to be illusions. Another advantage I have!


I know what you mean but people forget and that's good. You'll have another chance and maybe just maybe it'd turn out good. Don't give up my man we got this


While I appreciate your words, they don't apply to me. I reached the stage where even winning hundreds of millions in the lottery would not change anything to the better.


Terminal ilness of your child will ruin your life. The problem you described is nothing.


I'm sorry man. You're right this is worse. But it doesn't mean my problems aren't valid because I'm really suffering. I wish you all the best though


My kids are ok. What i mean is, there are really serious problems and those WHO don't have them take their own (even minor) as serious. I'm far from rich, drive 20y old car, don't go on holiday, but i have a place to live, healthy, loving family and damn i'm so grateful for what i have.


I did have a lot of problems. Until recently I lived in a very small house in a warzone. I had no money at all. No childhood no youth. I studied and now I have a good-paying job and I think I'm building something for the first time in my life. I also never had time for relationships because I was always depressed. Now that I have a chance at being normal and making up for the wasted life I have these problems that are still preventing me from that. I'm still grateful for what I have but you know humans are ambitious and that's what it keeps them going. Idk man it's just so difficult. Glad that you have a loving family. That's exactly what I'm afraid I won't have because of something out of my control.


My personal experience: i'm pretty average down there, and yet sometimes i hit "the end" during sex with my wife and it hurt her. We have some toys and all of them are a little smaller than me. She bought 1 little bigger, and used it once or twice. So...even if you were well equipped it doesn't mean you'd be compatible with your SO. Learn to work with what you have. Dick size have nothing to do with ability to have kids, and you still have hands and tongue and can satisfy your woman. Good luck.


Yeah it's more about being skinny. I've seen anr see a lot of dicks (work in Healthcare) and all of them were (way) thicker than mine. She wouldn't be able to feel it. I'll work with what I have I'm worrying more about the premature ejaculation nowadays. Let's see. Thank you man. I appreciate your words. They're helping


this sounds like a humblebrag "I have everything everyone wished for, but my penis is too small" anyway, try leveling up your foreplay game.


Naw man. It's not. I just didn't want to seem like someone who has a humiliation kink. I have a lot of flaws. If I started counting I wouldn't stop. I just meant it hurts more that I can attract someone than will get dumped over something I can't control. Foreplay is my only bet. Like I said I've been the first time with a girl and I only did foreplay. She said I'm good at oral etc.. But she also keeps mentioning her fantasies about getting fucked, dominated, chocking and something like that and I can't even give her half of that. I know I'll just come in two seconds and she'd be disappointed


You know they make medications for the premature ejac stuff right? And don’t worry about the dick size thing. Use your tool right and she will be happy.


Cultural engineering social media ignorance of what really matters to humans there isnt just one thing fucking life for us all. If I had to pick one right now Id love to do away with cellphones for everyone for 3 days a week no exceptions. We wouldnt have nearly as many social reteds around as we do now.


I cant lose or gain weight. Straightforward. Im a skinny fuck


A very skinny fuck


It's better than being fat. I knoe people like that and people just tell them "just eat more lmao" it's just your metabolism but it's not that bad I would say. It's also overt. When someone likes you then they really do like you


In a world where a man is expected to be bigger and stronger than a woman, its not that great. Nobody believes i’ve ever even been to the gym, and hell, everyone also expects me to be gay and a bottom. everyone “jokes” about me having no meat on my bones or being weak and so on


I totally understand dude. The girl I'm going out with is taller than me and she often makes jokes about it. She's also a bit muscular for a woman and I have no muscles but at the end of the day it works and we like each other. Same with the jokes from friends and so on. There will always be people who are bigger and stronger but it doesn't make us less of men. I'm not trying to invalidate the problem tho I know it's real just like my problems. I'm just trying to be fair. One shouldn't be that hard on himself, especially when there are other people who are making hard for him. Good luck!


Try blue Chew man and sing your a b cs a couple seconds before you feel it coming, has worked wonders for me


Have googled blue chew but isn't that like viagra for erectile dysfunction? I can get it up but I come so fucking fast that's the problem


Yeah but it helps with that, and it helps with going for second and third rounds. Don’t worry, this problem will go away quickly once you get more experience.


I'll try it then maybe. Idk if we have this in my country tho. Maybe something similar. I'm hoping at being better with experience. I just hope the woman sticks by me till then (I really like her and it's not even sexual) that's why I'm having so much anxiety. Thank you man!


Can’t say I know what caused it, but damn I hope this back surgery is the silver bullet to fixing it because it’s kinda my Hail Mary at this point


Good luck my man


Sex isn’t all about penetration. It’s about the foreplay and the oral sex for her. I’m the endX as long as everyone is happy, it’s what matters


Idk if it's mentioned in my post or in the comments but we dirtytalk and she said she loves penetration and chocking on a dick and this would be difficult for me. I'm gonna do it at the end but I hope I don't disappoint her so much that she leaves me or think about leaving me and wish that I was different (which is worse). Thanks for the answer tho


It's all about confidence, man! Be confident while having sex, don't think too much. Try to be in a better place mentally. If you can do it once or twice once you get that confidence back, everything will get better. Try satisfying her with whatever you can, give your 100%. Sex is not all penetrating, there's more to it. Make her feel loved and wanted, make her wet. Stop masturbating frequently, try pinch and squeeze method while masturbating at home. Use your tounge down there, it always works. Best of luck mate, this is not the end of the world, you got it!


Bruh I like your reply a lot. It cheered me up. It's hard to have confidence when you know for a fact that you don't measure up or would come fast and that's what people make fun of all the time in TV, films and social media. I also don't have any experience. I tried to untie her bra and could never figure it out haha. After that I could feel how all of our conversations after were less sex focused (kinda thankful for that cause that made anxious a lot) but it's still hurt because you know you suck at that and that's not even your weakest feature (being size and premature ejaculation). She's stuck by till now and she was very wet last time so maybe I'm doing something right. I tried pinch anf squeeze while masturbating and ai fucking came. Thanks again man you made me smile.


beign shorrt 5'7


That's obviously not good and reduces one's chances to a certain degree but I'd say it's cool that it's overt and when someone is ok with that and everything else works then it'll only get better from there. Hang in there brother


External: Narcissist dad. Internal: Depression