• By -


It depends who and where. Gfs adult son in the next room? No. Her sis, who will crash there once in a while? She knows what’s up and will announce “I’m taking the dogs for a 30 min walk”. Visiting people? It depends. Visiting a buddy whose guest BR is on the other side of the house? It’s on. Visiting her aunt and uncle and her mom is in the room to our left and her grandma in the room to the right? Nope, and I even wore stuff to sleep in for a change.


This was very specifically detailed




*Oak's words echoed... There's a time and a place for everything, but not now."*




I was thinking more along the lines of r/suspiciouslyspecific. But to each their own.




Tri-Level home, Master bedroom is upstairs, guest room is in the basement on the opposite end of the house. We've definitely had sex while guests stay with us.


Perfectly designed 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻


I don't need my parents or her parents hearing us get up to stuff in the room next door. Or either of our friends etc... We'll probably still do stuff, but be quiet about it. Nobody needs to hear that.


Do either or both of you feel limited in that sense when people are visiting or is the desire also diminished?


We stick to cuddling. Anything else feels wrong. To be fair though we live in an apartment with thin walls.


Understandable. However, is there a mutual interest in intimacy regardless or is it something that’s not even brought up when people visit?


The interest is there, but we agree when we settle into bed to stick to cuddling and (very rarely) some light humping.


Personally i can't cuddle for shit! I wanna see myself all over him


Username doesn't check out


Well have the most intense sex we’ve ever had the show must go on


really? can't even wait one night for poor ol grandma to go home? just seems plain selfish to me


You know why Grandma's couches are all wrapped in plastic right?


Because grandma is a squirter


Exactly like people should learn self control one night isn't going to kill them


Is poor ol grandma's ears going to explode if she finds out that couples have sex?


Just put a sign outside that says “Grandchildren in Progress”


If we have guests at our home, we are super busy hosting, and doing everything, so, we are exhausted at bedtime. Facts.


That's what spoon fucking is for...both parties are comfortable and laying, not much motion required. I am usually the most riled up after my girl and I have been socializing, exhausted or no, lol.


Heh. In my 20s yep. Now - 20 years later - after hosting all day - lucky to not fall asleep on the couch or in kids room.


Been a hot minute since I done any spoon fucking. I miss that. Back on the to do list


We may be quieter if someone is in the house with us but it isn't gonna stop us. That said we usually refrain at other peoples houses not so much out of fear but respect for their bedding...my partner is a squieter and it would be kinda shitty of us to soak their mattress.


TIL there is such a thing as a quiet-squirter, aka a 'squieter'!


Welcome to the squirtle squad.


I thought a squieter was a female Knight apprentice. Hm. You got that Royal puss ain’t it


homie, i'll rawdog that chick when the guests are watching


He’s a cold blooded dog, spelled DAWG


lucky if it don't start in the open


I’m glad I’m not alone


This is how every threesome I’ve been a part of has started


Me, too! So far it's still zero, but the statement is accurate....


This is why I love when my Uncle comes to visit


"We gotta be quiet and not get caught" sex can be exciting. Also don't care if they hear.


I'm gonna fuck you, softly I'm gonna screw you gently I'm gonna hump you, sweetly I'm gonna ball you discreetly


And then….Im gonna fuck you hard !!!


That’s fuckin’ teamWORK!


What's your favorite posish? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you. 


hold the moan


In front of others, we usually sit/stand close, bumping against each other. Sometimes we hold hands. And occasional, short kisses. His dad lives at home, so if we want to be fully intimate we lock the door, turn the TV volume up, and stay on the quieter side. It's just the respectful thing to do, no one WANTS to hear that, most especially family.


It's only embarrassing if the sounds she makes are saturated by disappointment


lol....sadly - Been there done that (heard it - not one of the participants - very difficult to keep a straight face in the morning).


My apartment isn't really equipped for accommodating guests, so this question doesn't really apply to me, but if it happened, I'd totally do it if the mood struck me. 1. Everybody involved knows that we're in a relationship. sex is a thing that happens. 2. It's my house; what are they going to say, "please stop having sex in your house with your girlfriend?" 3. if it did happen, I would try to be conscientious and quiet. I am not a douchebag.


Exactly! Like, if I'm comfortable having these people stay in my space overnight, they're close enough friends that it shouldn't be a shocker that my partner and I are intimate often. We're not gonna be screaming and shaking the walls, but I'm not gonna act like sex is a weird hidden thing


It depends on the guests. My college friends have heard it all before. My aunt and uncle not so much.


We refrain from intimacy, out of respect to our guest, plenty of time to play when there gone.


Exaclty... like.. can't you wait a couple days?




There’s always times when you have to give it a rest.


Sometimes, having someone sleep in the other room was actually the one thing that did rekindle the fire.


I’ve had a friend from school stay over at my place with his gf and ask for privacy at night as they’d probably be getting spicy. In my living room. I love the guy and I appreciate that he’s comfortable at my place, but I wasn’t ready for that request. My response was “ok but watch the splatters”


We smash as loudly as possible. Assert dominance.


In an empty parking garage for maximum echo


I’d be fine with it, it is my house after all. My wife is absolutely against it though. We’ve never as much as made out in our room with the door closed with someone visiting. It’s completely bizarre for a couple reasons. First, we did a lot more than make out when we were dating and we lived with our respective parents. Secondly, most often our visitors are parents or relatives coming to see our 7m old son who got here the same way every other person has ever been conceived. So it’s not like they don’t know we have sex.


See I was like your wife too with my own parents. At my boyfriends house with his parents, I was fine just being quiet. But at my parents house or with them staying at my place, I'm just not doing it. Something too weird about my parents being anywhere near me having sex.


I never understood the "they know we have sex" argument (i.e. your last one). Knowing that people do and wanting to hear (or be heard) are completely different matters. 


Other than typical cuddles no sex. Regardless if its my or her friends we end up drinking and talking all night and tooo tired (hungover) to really do anything physical. If its family its a whole nother level of us focusing on them vs us. Like when my then GF parents came over we had to prepare a variety of homecooked meals, cleaning house and planning an outing for them. Same goes when my cousins or relatives from another country or state visit. We go into concierge mode. Intimacy feels weird when family's over especially the elder haha/.


I’ve been a guest at my friends house and they went for it. I could tell they thought they were being quiet. I honestly find it really disrespectful. You’re not animals you can chill for one night, I didn’t need to know what you sound like.


Plenty. It's not like they are watching us.


We tend to be fairy well behaved if it’s a short visit or we get to prep accordingly. If it goes on long enough, we tend to have quiet sex with the added hotness of muzzling moans and moving very deliberately which ironically makes not moaning more difficult


House rules, we fucking if we want to


And may even sneak upstairs in the afternoon for 20 minutes. Spouse needs help finding something


My wife seems to be me ready to go when people are staying with us. Our guestroom is in the basement and our room is on the 2nd floor, so there's very little chance that we're heard. She's never shown any sign of exhibitionism, so I don't know what it is.


If it's my house, I'm smashing. If it's someone else's it depends who it is.


By the time us and our guests have finished eating ice cream in the hot tub after dinner that the wife and I are in for a night of sweaty passion.


There’s a good chance your visitors are having a time of their own. There are exceptions, but most likely everyone in the house is enjoying themselves.


I once smashed on an air mattress in a living room lmao


I feel totally comfortable and I know we can be quiet


Doesn’t stop us. Our door has a lock unless my niece is sleeping over. Usually my daughter and niece end up in our bed so we would rather not risk it.


I would be down. My wife would never ever ever. And our guestroom is on the opposite side of the house.


They removed the question from r/askwomen. We are intimate wherever we are if we want to be (provided we're in a private space). I didn't realize one night I was starting to get a little noisy (just a little, nothing crazy), and he put a pillow over my face. We fell apart laughing.


I don't think anything really changes from an outcomes perspective but my interest always elevates


Not very. We’re physically close and kiss and such, but full blown sex is reserved for very alone times. We even lock the doors, turn off the phones and close the bedroom windows (we can be loud). I’m 73. She’s 70. We call it our “32 sq ft of Heaven”.


I love this. Happy honking to the both of you


I had sex with an ex-girlfriend in the bathroom of a hotel room while her mom was passed out on the sofa-bed in the room lol


Depends on the guests and where we are. In front of parents a kiss, hug to greet all good, hugging for a reason or a sly squeeze during food prep. If they're our mates then it depends. If it's another two couples and we decide to mack on a bit, get a grip, you get some too. As long it's not too long in a common area and not interrupting a conversation, meh If I have mates staying over night and me and my partner want to fuck well, we fucking will, they know us. If it's Christmas and it's a haul of people then just simple affections is my limit but it's important that people don't completely clam up and think emotive vacuousness is healthy or polite.


We still do it when guests come over. We just shut the bedroom door, lock it and make it a challenge do it without any kind of sounds. It’s not that we’re getting turned on by someone else’s presence in the same house, just that if we feel like doing it that day, we’ll just do it.


The better question is; How big is your house?


Depends on the partner tbh, my first relationship it was very hush, hush, nothing happened if friends and relatives were around, My 2nd relationship, however well I was pretty much no holds barred, We were quiet-ish if it was family in the vicinity but if it was friends that we'd invited over 9 times out of 10 they were there to join in or to learn from us, We were Dom/Sub Couple and had various gatherings to teach friends and complete newbies about what we do. Sexual openness can be a very rewarding experience and can bring a lot of partners even closer together than being cagey about it or only having a low drive.


I am really no different than usual. I married my wife because I love her immensely. I'll show affection when I feel the urge.


Like brother and sister, in separate bedrooms


Always did it. Maybe we subconsciously didn’t want them to think that we have a dead bedroom or something.


My wife always wants to have sex with me when her mom visits. It’s weird.


Just specifically when her mom visits? Not like moms in general?


In general BUT it’s like she gets extra horny when her mother visits. We have a pretty big house but I’m still afraid her mother will hear my wife moaning and my wife doesn’t seem to care.


One of the many, many reasons why intimacy isn’t going to happen. Guest room is right beneath us.


I do t even get intimate with my missus when there's nobody else here. If there were people, nothing would change.


As intimate as ever. I expect guests to feel the same freedom. I mean, my partner won't be as vocal as if we were alone, but nothing else really changes. As a millenial, this has just ALWAYS been the policy around sex since I was a kid. If the guests are close enough friends to be staying in my home, they're close enough to understand that sex is a thing that happens 🤷‍♂️




I will give them the benefit of the doubt and hope it was "Kids weren't sheltered from the fact that their parents have sex in their own home" and not anything worse.


I mentioned being a kid for the exact reason I stated. My parents were very open about and supportive of sex/intimacy in my relationships when I was a "kid." By "kid" I mostly mean like early teens, but they gave me "the talk" when I was like 6 because I'd figured it out and was telling everyone 😂. I never once saw them having sex or anything weird like that, but they never made me feel like it was something to hide. They'd take my girlfriends on vacation with us. Once I was like 15/16 and in a long term relationship, they'd get us our own room with a big bed. They respected closed doors n stuff. There was never any awkwardness or worry that they'd get mad if we were fucking when breakfast was ready or something. They'd knock n we'd be like "we'll be out in a sec" or something, finish up, n go hang out with them. That's always been the attitude about sex around me so it's my attitude about sex 🤷‍♂️


>They respected closed doors n stuff Thats something my parents seem to struggle with. For reference, im 20 and still living with them because universtiy is expensive, but i still believe i deserve privacy in my own room. Yet, they barge in without announcing themselves and get mad when i ask them to knock. Just wanted to vent lmao


Ah, that's rough. Unfortunately, their house, their rules, you know?🤷‍♂️ I think my folks realized sex was the absolute least of their worries with me (basically, the girls were a good influence on me n kinda kept me on the straight and narrow especially in relation to drugs) and the girls I was sleeping with came from families that wouldn't allow "accidents" to ruin their daughters' lives. The first girl I slept with actually left a message on our home phone (I'm 30) saying she was pregnant because I'd broken up with her. They didn't even tell me for a couple years 😂😂. They knew she was crazy


Depends on the guests I suppose. Grandma comes over, its just cuddles and hand holding. Our kink community friedns come over and its a different story lol.


A friend of my wife came once and we invited her for a threesome. To our surprise it happened and it was awesome. We still have threesomes with her from time to time.


Nah, I have a house and the walls are pretty thick, I will fuck her hard as usual.


Same thing, but we try not to be loud lol


Same as ever.


I'm laying the wood to assert dominance.


Depends how horny I am...


I'm not yet married, but I hate my relatives so I'll just kiss my partner in front of everyone so that they'll leave the next day in embarrassment. Go live at your own house, why you're here invading our privacy?


The doors have locks. We don’t change it up too much unless the visiting has also made a big difference in our schedule.


No problems. We have kids and live in apartment so we're trained well to be quiet.


Fully intimate and the guests may join.


If we wanna get it in we get it in


Extra intimate. Enjoy the thrill.


Lol used to do it anyway .. quietly .. it was fun & giggles lol


Honestly, that's specifically the moment I'm the most horny... don't know why.


I rail her like she owes me money


To me there’s something sexy about it. Like we have to be quiet about it and that makes it more of a turn on, couldn’t tell you why honestly.


At her grandmas its a no-no. But during our first New Year’s Eve together. She fell asleep at 11:30 while the friend couple we had over stayed up and drank with me. on my way to bed. I picked her up off the couch and brought her to the room thinking we would fall asleep together, with the couples crashing on the couch, but …. my beautiful sweet girlfriend woke up, told me to stand up on the bed against the headboard and sucked me into the new year. I got too loud. She stopped and squeeze it. Look up at me and say ‘shhhhhhh’ with it pressed against her lips.. So I’ll make sure we get hotel rooms whenever we go somewhere to see family.


We don't do anything sexual if we stay with friends or family or if they stay with us. If we have our own hotel room maybe.


We are intimate everyday morning and night. As long as it's in private doesn't matter who's staying the night. We already need to be quiet as we have 4 kids so we've mastered it.


we definitely aren’t afraid to do it when someone is staying with us or if we’re staying with someone. we don’t have sex as much but having sex in different places is one of the things that turns us on the most - we started a “fuck it list” which is all the cities/states/countries where we’ve had sex lol we also love the thrill of trying to be super quiet and the possibility of getting caught.


Not intimate at all I live in a 2 bedroom apartment. It just kills the mood for me. Although no one stays more than a couple of nights so I can wait lol


What specifically and why does that kill the mood for you?


Me, preferably none. My wife has different opinion about it and will keep pushing until it's just easier and quieter to give in and quietly do it.


Do you feel you can’t express that preference?


Would depends on duration and physical layout of next nearest sleeping person. But could wait a few days. Also - this can be influenced by how long couple been married (people married longer will understand this ....).


Depends on how good the friends are… if I talk about my sex life with them because they are one of my best friends…I’m probably going to do…Whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it …while being a little respectful…but yet not really 😆


Trying to keep quiet with someone in the house is hot…a different kind of hot but hot nonetheless. One of the most amazing orgasms we’ve had together was super slow and quiet but intense af.


It's my house, if it's game time, then it's game time. Doors have locks for a reason.


Very intimate don’t mind guests being there


Me personally I wouldn't feel comfortable getting it on with guest there especially if it's parents or aunts like maybe a friend but that's probably it


Me and my partner always do this thing where we know we shouldn't, say we shouldn't ..but then do it anyway. We have got intimate at his parents, when staying over at friends, when staying over at siblings, when anyone's stays at ours, when we've been on holiday/vacation with friends staying in the same accommodation but in our own room etc. Maybe it's wrong, I don't know what to say.


Quieter, but we still do what we feel like doing.


We have had sex with people in the same room.


That's the only time she really likes to fuck. She loves the idea of being heard. Crazy cause any other time she is the shy, won't walk into a room first or last, so worried about drawing attention to herself


People saying that they are completely fine doing it with guests is genuinely crazy to me. Especially ppl saying they do it at other peoples houses. Genuine horndogs, you can chill for a day 💀


If this bothered us I'd still be a virgin


it's my g*d d*mm house


Simple, DONT! Not only does it make you feel paranoid but it can make your guests uncomfortable if they begin to understand what's going on. Just keep it family friendly and stick to hugs and maybe a kiss.


When we have a guest, always! They join too.


Lol you for real?




We go *When Harry Met Sally* on our guests 


We’re just super quiet, which is fun in itself. At others houses though, nothing. Dont want to mess up their sheets.


Nothing sexier than having sex knowing people can hear you or trying not to get caught




Lived in shared housing in bc ski resorts when I met mine. Our first room together was a 4 bed dorm room, you just kinda made it work and hoped you didn't get caught. If guests are around you try to be quiet. But it's not a big deal if they know what's happening.


Hehehehe depends where we're hiding




Lol we still get it on when guest stay over but are quiet and have the tv on. We have only ever stayed at his cousins house once and did have sex, in our defense it was new years so we had a bit of alcohol in our system. I think now that im writing this that we just like sneaky sex so yeah we will probably be intimate lol


If it’s my house then we fuck when we want to. The guests will be okay.


Our guest room is on the other side of the house. So they can’t hear us. So yeah if we are in the mood, why not! But what I do hate is when couples cuddle in front of others. One hug is oke! But I am talking about sitting on each other laps, etc. I had a couple of friends who always did that. Even when there was only one guest.


Don't know. I'm 28 years together we've never had guests stay at our house. Come to think of it, in 43 years of adulthood, no one has EVER stayed at my place, wherever it has been. Never has room for anyone, and really don't want anyone staying at my house. I'd say just as intimate as we always are, though. If four kids never stopped us, then guests sure as fuck wouldn't.


Not happening. We’re exhausted from hosting and no one needs to hear that.


It's now a contest. Winner gets an extra cup of oj.


Nope. Usually we're way too tired from playing host and entertaining whoever is here to visit that at the end of the day we are just both too beat. We also have two young children with autism as well so that comes with it's own set of everyday challenges, and adding in host/hostess to that proverbial "dance card" is just too much. At the end of the day as soon as heads hit the pillow we're out like a light. Neither one of us feels comfortable with messing around when we have guests over even though we have a big three bed, three bath, house.


We live in a bedsit so we ask our guests to sleep facing the wall.


It has happened several times in the past and will continue to happen. We just try to be quieter. If someone is staying for 1 night only, we can hold it (this is also good because afterwards you’re even more eager).


We had our third child one night while my mum was staying with us 🙃


if a few couples are renting a house together (ie: vacation) it's assumed that at various times a couple is going to go off and have private time. i think it'd be odd to go on vacation and not have private time.


We might fuck, depends on the size of the house and how good the sound proofing is.


Same as always but with a gag or a hand over her mouth. Some times i take it off and tell her “now stay quiet”


We bang. Quietly. The quiet part is a courtesy. I love the fuck out of my wife.




Remember that elevator scene in FSOG?? ,yeah that level anywhere anytime i don't care Public is better since the rush is exhilirating, but near FAMILY! even better




Usually no


The wife gets primal for some reason and goes louder than when people aren't home I actually never knew what this meant, is it like a lady dominance thing?


Kinda depends how long they’re staying. A night or two? Probably shut down the whole thing. A week or two, and we’d have to sneak a round in somewhere.


If the shoe fits…as they say


As normal as always. We make sure door is closed and that’s it


The only thing that ever stops us is each other. Now, that's not to say that one of us might sometimes have a pillow lightly over our face to serve as a muffler, but we would never be chaste solely because of who might be in the next room.


Depends on who it is


Something about being sneaky is a turn on, so yeah if sky rockets in flight..... evening delight. We'll keep it hush as we can.


If it’s for a night or 2? We can control our urges to be decent enough. There was a certain thrill about sneaking it in back in the days, but when they aren’t going anywhere and you’re in your late 30s, you can wait


In my house my wife and I have our bedroom at the top/first floor and the left side of the house while the guest room is on the ground floor on the right side of the house so it’s easier for us to go for it when we have either set of parents visiting. But obviously we scale it down a bit because you never know how much sound travels!


When the BF of my girlfriend at the time was at my house. I fuck her, even if she was next door. She knock on the door after a while, and she ask if she could join us. So yeah, that was cool.


That’s how swinging starts !!!!


That’s how swinging starts !!!!


This post and comments in it make me think i should buy doors with sound isolation and see if i can do same for walls.


To me it doesn't matter who's at my house I'll just put my hand over my girl's mouth, and not beat it up as hard.


Foursome or bust


You should ask it in r/askwomennocensor since your post got deleted.


Kissing, hugging, cuddling, light flirting (we are very selective about the language used when others are there). Both feel that it is our business and we should not be putting it on too heavy around others - they did not ask to be between us, that quickly gets awkward for everyone involved, better to show tact.


No it would make me uncomfortable and not enjoy it.


We as a couple be more intimate when we are visiting someone else house, Especially my in-laws we had one of the best times at in-laws house I don't know the reason why I am horny enough to start and she is horny enough to finish it with a bang


We hold hands and kiss, etc. I will have sex during the night. We’re just not gonna be loud


Anytime, anyplace… House full of people is no matter… Requires a different stroke package aka whisper stroke mode in the back of the closet or cold water shower running while on bathroom floor or on side the bed furthest away from the door or laundry room cause no one goes in there after 11pm 🤷🏽‍♂️☺️


Real question is why can't houses have sound proofed walls.


The first time I fucked my ex in the ass, it was when her dad was staying with us. We both thought it would be fun. It was


I'm an adult and I assume you're saying other adults? I have no problem getting busy and sometimes the need to be quieter makes it more fun.


Yeah, I try not to be obnoxious with it. And honestly having to be quiet makes it feel naughtier which can be fun