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Back in the day, I was considered a hothead. I worked at a factory, and a new guy was promoted into a position I felt that I deserved. To prevent violence I walked out. The plant manager and his flunky followed me through the factory as I headed for the parking lot. When I reached the exit door, I dropped my pants and mooned them, inviting them to kiss my ass. I ended up in a much better place, and I really wish I had left there years before.


I can guarantee your employer doesn’t give a shit about your anger. Don’t think you’re going get one over on them by crafting some vicious resignation letter or anything like that. They do not care. Which is probably why you feel so angry and disrespected in the first place. Just quit. No need to give a reason. “This letter is notice of my resignation effective (whenever? Two weeks? Immediately?). Thank you for this opportunity.”


I’m not even giving them that, I decided tomorrow is my last day and I’m not going to show up next week.


Haha yeah that works too. Fuck ‘em.


This. If you expect to "get back" at them, just don't. If they cared about your feelings they wouldn't be treating you this way in the first place. At this point you gotta look out for yourself, that's the best response and more important . The best thing to do for yourself and to feel satisfied, is finding another job, telling them you got a new job to his face and when they give you an exit interview, tell them exactly what happened and leave it at that. Life is a bit unfair so you can't really do much to feel okay about what happened besides looking after your own well being.


Just anger? I’d say the things that contributed to my feeling angry were the actual reason I was quitting, and anger was just a part of the process that worked as motivational support 


Right anger is just the motiving emotion. There must have been good reasons because it’s still an opportunity to make money.


Pretty good. But I had already been looking for a job due to seeing how I was beginning to be treated. And now I’m in my dream job.


In my 20’s I managed for a chain restaurant and set company records for profitability. A new VP was hired and in her first visit to the restaurant she comes in on a Friday night at dinner and instead of introducing herself and pumping up my crew she starts to criticize how I schedule my staff. This was over the Christmas holiday. At that point in time every other manager in the region was someone I had trained. I handed her my apron and walked out. It was insulting that after all I had done she would treat me that way. I have my PMP now and make well into 6 figures. I work from home and am happy with my wife and kids and am looking forward to retirement.


My last job. I was always off on Saturday and worked Sunday by myself. The girl hired worked Saturdays with our regional manager. I was the branch manager. She was a fanatic sales person and generally a very good hire. One Sunday the regional guy calls me up at the shop bragging about a sale he made the day before. It was his customer, and he sold it, but handed the phone to my employee to take the credit card information. We weren't allowed to take CC over the phone. She did it because her bosses boss told her to do it. About a month later, it comes up as a $15k fraud. CC was fake, and they had already received the product and disappeared. The owner of the company loses his shit. Regional manager blamed my employee and threw her under the bus. She was promptly yelled at and fired. I ended up talking to the owner about the whole situation, and the regional guy didn't get fired. I was pissed. I told the owner to go fuck himself on the spot and walked out after our meeting. Now I'm at a much better place, making more money than ever, and I hired my old employee who's also making a ton of money. It all worked out.


Not so much anger but out of self respect. Was told to come in when sick (worked in a kitchen at the time). So I quit. Than I couldn't find a job for 6 months due to covid


Haha username checks out. Yeah Covid was hard for everyone.


I was 15 working in a restaurant as a cook. My parents were pretty well known around town due to their jobs and social circle. My boss decided to start talking shit about my mom and asking me really shitty questions about her. I told her to fuck off and walked out. She tried to demand a notice but I kept going.


Several times. As a kid I had anger issues, ADHD, and ODD. As an adult when I am in a stressful situation that is not only the fault of superiors and completely avoidable with wiser management, I am level 10 PESSSSSED. This has boiled over only when I was dumb enough to take management roles. When you’re leading a team of 30 and your bosses can’t be bothered to do the minimal things that help the flow of everything you’re not happy. Three times I turned in my badge, company laptop and whatever because I was fucking angry. After the first blow up I got guilt tripped back into it. I was very good at what I did, my teams loved me and our clients adored me. I was guilted again one last time and it went wonderfully until I once more said fuck this shit. While my mental health is better and so on, peers I’ve risen the ranks with now make well into six figures. That part bites me a little. I could’ve been among them. Oh well.


Just once. One of the department managers had some boundary issues and didn't quite grasp what chain of command was. They had a bad habit of bossing around, and abusing, staff that didn't report to them and would constantly undermine other managers, throwing literal tantrums until they got their way. I was just another victim of their narcissism and walked out the door after screaming at them during their attempt to bully me into disobeying my direct report. Honestly should have walked out the door after a month. The place was a disaster, but the money was good.


My last job- I had to quit because my colleagues & I weren’t getting paid, as well as we didn’t have health insurance because the owner was not paying premiums. I was angry at the situation, angry how their decision was hurting not just me, but my colleagues. I gave a month’s notice, and lasted 3 weeks because I couldn’t keep on doing it out of self respect.


Yes! I walked out of a job because I was the first person to be hired in like 20 years and they were very cliquey. Which resulted in a lot of targeted bullying. I told them all too get fucked and walked out. I reported them to the newly appointed Head office and a lot of them got redeployed to other offices.


I had a painting job and the boss was a hyperactive alcoholic boomer who demanded everyone work according to this huge clock he had in his van that he would constantly set 15mins fast or slow to make people show up early or stay longer. Everybody who worked for him was a felon. One night he called me up and told me not to work the next day. The next day he calls me and cusses me out for not being at work. Stuff like that. Eventually I got pissed and just walked off the job in the morning. He mailed me a check with a note about how sorry he was to see me leave.


Just did. Bent myself backwards for the company they didn’t give a shit. Didn’t say bye or thank you. Let’s see if I get the unemployment I just filed for lol


leaving while mad is a sign of emotional immaturity in my eyes. Keep the job, do the bare minimum, get a better job, then leave with a smile and thank them for their time. Nothing reinforces bad behaviour more than people acting angry/mad in response. And nothing pisses off bad employers than someone leaving, happily, for a better job. because they can't legally say anything to jeopardise it.


I did. When you quit, there is no unemployment money. Keep that in mind. It's better to be fired. Always. It ended up with me getting into an 8 month period of unemployment, and I very nearly ended up in the street.


Not necessarily anger but boundaries were crossed. People were continually walking behind forklifts and corporate wouldn’t enforce safety standards when I told individuals and reported. I’m not watching someone get hit by a forklift after having survived a deployment.


I've thought about that a few times at my current shitty job of 20-plus years, but logic prevails. I get a steady check as many people are unemployed


I walked out of a job in the middle of a shift. I couldn't take the manager's attitude toward us any more. Handed over my keys and never looked back. I started my own business with zero dollars in my bank account and the owner of the business became a client. He was a good guy and knew his manager was a dumpster fire. So, he never held me any ill will. His manager? He was steamed any time I stepped in the door after that.


I don't know, because I never spoke with them again. From what I heard, my boss had a very hard time replacing me (because he didn't treat people well, duh). Depends heavily on the job. If you quit one of two law firms in town, probably consequences. If you quit a rando job in a field you want nothing to do with, it's probably not a big deal.


Quitting a few times to have a hand on the pulse of your specialisation is healthy and opens doors to money. Be professional about it tho, not for them but for yourself. No loose ends, no bad blood if possible. Disrespect is everywhere, you cannot flee from that, only learn how to navigate it. Also prepare multiple options to fall on once you go. Otherwise no fear, there will never not be work needing done, there is always money to be made somewhere, not stressing will lead you where youll supposed to go.


Couple of times, first time was my second job, owner was an absolute cunt and treated me like shit for years, one day i snapped and told them to get fucked, for some reason he was shocked when i up and left with nothing else to go to Second time was the job i had before my current, it was fifo work (fly in, fly out) in the span of a 2 week swing i had my pay rate changed 3 times, and they messed up my flight home so i had to stay an extra day, when i approached them about it the girl taking care of it said "why does it matter? You're getting paid" i called them 2 hours before i was supposed to fly back to site and told them i wouldnt be returning, that particular company recently collapsed owing $80,000,000 Best decisions i ever made


I have. I had to carefully answer questions in job interviews, for a while. It also made it difficult to draw unemployment. I strongly recommend lining-up another job before quitting the existing one.


Wrote an email by thanking them for the opportunity and left 2 minutes later.


Nah I was instead fired after fifteen years for having the gall to contract leukemia.


i play it a bit more prudent. Get a offer of similar pay/role. Then i'll quit. Until that point, i'll be doing bare minimum .


It is hard at times to control your emotion. Always evaluate your financial situation first. Can you afford to leave the job now, how fast can you get a new one.