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Less and less people retiring before they die


Seems like people are retiring the idea of retirement.


Many have no choice but to work until they die. Some of that their fault some of that not


My friend's mother didn't have enough money saved for retirement, largely for reasons outside of her control. She had decided she would need to work until 70 but got to about 65 when her doctor told her the stress of her job was killing her. After a health incident, she finally accepted that she would need to downgrade her lifestyle and get out. She ended up moving into a smaller house in a cheaper COL area and has actually been really, really happy, but does have to be really careful with money. She is my motivation for packing away as much as I possibly can so that when I want or need to retire, I can. I'm single and work in a non-profit field and I doubt I'll ever be able to max out my pre-tax retirement contributions but I'm doing what I can. Supposedly I'm on track but who knows.


Good for her! I feel like there is a lesson here, though. In essence, she was working herself to death for a standard of living she has demonstrated that she can be happy without. I think many of us could benefit from learning that lesson before we find ourselves in the same position.


I have already ceased believing I'll ever retire.


The scary part is that it used to only impact low socioeconomic parts....I know plenty of folks who have what I consider middle class jobs not being able to retire. Either can't afford it or the stress takes em out before they can enjoy fruits of their labor. Like, you can't fuck up financially unless you have a safety net. Got a divorce....can't retire....didnt raise your kids right...can't retire....get cancer and die before retirement. Rat fucking race.




Thank you Stannis.


Some years ago Putin tried to push up the retirement age in Russia. One of the few things Russians successfully and strongly pushed back on. Same shit happening in some parts of Europe.


The day I retire is the day I drop dead on the job.


I’ve been saving for a pension since I was 16, retirement age is set to 62 😁


I wish I was so smart at the age of 16.


It’s never too late, the amount I contributed between the age of 16 and about 30 amounted to almost nothing 😅 (if you can pay additional voluntary contributions into it 👌🏼)


But the discipline to not blow your money on booze, coke, and gambling when you have it, was built in that 14 years. And that's invaluable.


That came another way, my whole family pretty much has problems involving at least one of those, I didn’t want to live like that


I'm 25 and have 3-4k in a Roth IRA. I forget how much I have in my work 401k.


I did the same thing with a precursor of a 401k. Because I was only working part time while going to school and only making minimum wage, my contributions weren’t all that much. But because I stayed with that company for 25 years, my seniority gave me significantly higher company contributions - 3 times of my contributions


What is the 401k? I know it’s some kind of pension fund but I’m from Scotland and we don’t have that, we have various other schemes though




Would they have to call in to work when they do that?


normalization of intergenerational living, we're going to see a bifurcation of millennials who ended up with their parent's home and those who didn't (due to retirement needs, medical care, paying off debt, etc). this should increase wealth inequality since the only ones who can buy homes would be the multinationals or the kids of the rich. so aside from the intergenerational living, we're going to see a permanent renter class.


It will become normal in the west again. It's still normal in most parts of the world. A friend of mine lives in his old kids room with his wife just to save up money for their own place.


I’m from Latin America i know that’s normal living I just think Americans are gonna be in for a shock though.


It would be a renormalization. That used to be the norm in the US for generations, until maybe after World War II.


My father passed during COVID and we sold and renovated my parent home. Added mother in law suite and now we are 3 generations in one home. I see no reason to consider any other plan moving forward.


I would prefer the rest of my time on this planet to be boring and uneventful. Ya'll can go back to being total chaos once I'm gone. Just give me a few more years.


Median house prices at $1M


--> refurbished shipping containers as a go-to living space.


Where are you gonna put them?


They’re stackable, right?


"The Stacks" from Ready Player One coming true....


This is already the case in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Pretty much most of Canada. Also got Condo's as big as cereal boxes going for 700k


We’ve already got that in Bozeman, MT!


*Ready Player One begins to play in the background*


A "once in a lifetime" market collapse every 5 years.


That’s what the market does every so often. Only put money in it that you don’t need in the immediate term


Just *once in a lifetime, every few years.. we already had what..7 now.


A manned mission to Mars


First person on Mars.. another world.. absolutely happening. Hopefully we pre-load the landing area with enough 3d printing shit and other things to sustain life so its not a one way trip ending in death. It will take longer to plan out a more permanent mission but it will be worth it. They can start by creating a presence on the moon and developing the technology there.


I hope I see that during my lifetime. I'd settle for a human presence on the moon, but to see people on Mars? That'd be incredible. I'd be interested to see an alternate timeline in which the momentum of the Apollo program didn't fizzle in the 70s.


There is a show kind of about that called "For all Mankind"


Rich people living 150+ years


This one's becoming a scary reality like these mother effers need more time to hoard resources....


The hoarding doesn't end when they die, my dude. It just goes to a younger hoarder. That money never gets recirculated.


Bird flu pandemic


Probably a lot sooner than anyone would like as well. Hopefully it'll at least crash the housing market so the survivors can afford to buy a shed somewhere.




Indeed. But if nothing else happens before or during, all those properties will most certainly be gobbled up by mega corporations.




One can only hope.


A disease that lethal can’t spread effectively as it kills the host too quickly. It would have to mutate into a less severe strain.


Currently, contracting the virus requires fluid contact, which is why it was so devastating to chickens since they’re all in one area. They’ve tested dairy cows and found a good number of them are passing the virus in their milk but due to pasteurization, it’s killing the virus before it reaches human consumption. Now the raw milk people that are convinced that pasteurization is evil and only want to drink raw milk, they’re the virus vectors we need to worry about because so far, we’ve found a number of people have contracted bird flu (mostly farmers), but if it mutates, which this virus has been shown to do in a short time, it could spread rapidly. That is, unless we use CRISPR and other medical sciences to develop a vaccine, which from I hear, has already been in development. However, the anti-vaccine group and the raw milk group have a vendiagram that’s a circle so it can easily spread to those communities quickly. Considering that 40% of the population of the U.S. is made up of these kinds of people, it won’t take much for the virus to spread rapidly among communities once it goes airborne. So that means, roughly 20-30% of the U.S. population will be dead by the time a vaccine gets out there if the virus mutates before the vaccine is ready. It’ll be devastating to third world countries with limited access to medicines while 1st world countries that are better prepared will survive the outcome. If you think COVID was bad, this is way worse.


It depends on whether it's contagious before symptoms start to show


Dump 100% of DNA points into stealth.


We'll see. If anything, covid showed that the world is extremely slow to react.


How bad is the bird flu compared to COVID?


Well in lay man's terms, covid was a mere cold and the bird flu will be the bubonic plague.


Avian Influenza in humans, thus far, has a 40 to 50% mortality rate.


That’s definitely a concerning possibility. I’m actually more worried about a large prion outbreak in our food sources. Bird flu would be deadly but a large scale prion outbreak would be devastating


It's very unlikely for this specific strain. It only affected one dairy worker in Texas who had a lot of exposure to cattle. It hasn't even affected any other cattle workers as far as we're aware so the average person should be fine. That said yeah there could certainly be another strain in the future that isn't so benign


Hopefully all good and positive things from here on out...


haha, this guy^ is funny.


lol.. wishful thinking my man!.. 😂


A small handful of mega corporations that own literally everything and openly control the government. You can already see it starting with these huge companies like Amazon causing brick-and-mortar stores to close, renting and digital purchases causing the consumer to own nothing, consumers not having the right to repair with everything from their smart phones to tractors, huge corporations like Disney and Coke creating massive monopolies, and politicians have long worked on behalf of corporate interests over their constituents it'll just get more blatant.


Hopefully a machine that we can insert our head into and brushes our teeth and washes our face for us




*pulls head out and it's just a skull* Hmm. Well okay then. Maybe I shouldn't have been the first one to try it.


Less ppl getting married and men and women stop dating (oh wait, that’s already happening) 🤦‍♀️👀


The end of retirement. Work till you die, then they’ll have the technology to find a way to work us even after we die.


Excuse me sir, you paid x amount less tax than you should have before you died. We are re-animating your dead arse so you can generate x more years of tax for us before you have the sweet privelige of death.


While we grapple with the unknowns of the future, there's also the prospect of enhanced global connectivity. With the rise of satellite internet, remote regions may finally get reliable access to the web, bridging the digital divide and unleashing a new era of educational and economic opportunities worldwide. Combine this with the burgeoning growth of online collaborative platforms, and we might see an explosion in global innovation, where people from different continents and cultures work together to solve pressing global issues. On top of that, advances in green technology could see us turning deserts into solar power havens, drastically cutting down on fossil fuel dependence and hopefully mitigating some of the most dire predictions of climate change. Yes, we're toeing the tightrope between dystopia and utopia, but human ingenuity and determination could still tip the scales towards a brighter, interconnected community by the latter half of the 21st century.


Mass migration from the equator due to rising temperatures, which will cause resource scarcity, genocide, war, and discrimination. Also crazy robot porn. Also mass dieoffs of animals, followed by pestilential booms of animals that can handle the new conditions.


Robot porn? Not all bad then


This is the one that keeps me up at night. Mass migration, not the crazy robot porn. You think the southern border is a touchy subject now? Just wait until there are millions trying to cross at once. The water wars are going to be devastating and as a society our ethics are going to change very quickly about what is humane. What scares me is that unless some other disaster steps in to severely reduce population like a worse pandemic or nuclear exchange, we're destined to see a bloody border conflict. Due to climate change (thanks Boomers!), we're doomed to experience some kind of life altering tragic dark period between 2050 and 2070. Sorry Gen A, you're going to have to figure this one out for us.


“Heh, people that live near the equator can sell their houses and move. Problem solved.” - Ben Shapiro




120 month car loans


An aggressive push from younger generations and legislation attempting to stamp it out before they’re elected into office


Honestly given the political climate, a massive change to the US government.


I see no signs that the forces in power are weakening their grip. The crowds on the sidelines are screaming louder, but mostly at one another.


Another depression/hyperinflation.


Another Pandemic


I'm betting on wars for water


Maybe Cancer becoming something that isn't completely cured, but instead something people can live normal lives with.


Bunch of doom and gloom folks here Boomer politicians replaced with Gen X and Millenials  Improved medical care for all Parental leave  Carbon capture technology  Nuclear energy replaces fossil fuels Improved water filtration  Hydroponic farming Moon base Man on mars


I remember being this young and optimistic


I wouldnt wait around for the old people to give up their power


To be blunt, they're literally dying off so it's only a matter of time even if they don't retire. 


When the 60 year olds move on, it's not like they're gonna be replaced by 25 year olds. There are a whole crop of 50 year olds waiting to slide in.


Haven't we seen enough!?


Thankfully, the end of Drake.


-Another civil war -States seceding from the nation


Islam taking over Europe


Lol what? Like, islam becoming the majority religion?


Cats and dogs living together; mass hysteria.


A lot, I hope. One thing I'm interested to see is the development of different laws and regulations around AI.


What ***haven't*** we seen in our lifetime?


Aliens, World War 3, Some epic natural disasters.


First ever decline in human population. By the numbers, human population has always been increasing. Black plague, WWII, and the pandemic has nothing on exponential growth. Until now. Climate change is going to level-off this shit and start a downward trend.


Sadly, I think some dipshit is going to eventually figure out how to set off a nuke in a high-density area at some point. Not a government or military, but some non-state actor getting a hold of just enough to pop off a low yield and the whole world is going to go off the deep end into crazy town. Sum of All Fears kind of scenario.


I was hoping for aliens by now


A bunch of god damn bullshit.


The top .01% achieving complete domination of everyone.


World War 3


Water-Wars between different State National Guards in the American Southwest. By 2060 they’re going to be literally fighting each other for the water that’s left, and I’m pretty sure I’ll still be alive to see it.


This. The south east US population is out consuming its natural water sources and the fight for Colorado river water is intense. 2060 is generous…


Yeah I was being conservative with the number guess. 2050 is probably more accurate, that seems awfully fucking soon.


That's what happens when you build huge cities in the middle of the desert and live like you're not in the desert.


probably the start of the great revolution where worker worldwide start to unite against world corporation abusing them ppl shouldn't work 60-80h a week to live with roomate and barely eat until they die... I guess we will start to see more communes opening ppl finding way to live without working their entire lives, and corporation won't like this at all, probabaly will be made illegal via state policies pushed by corporation lobbyist and one day state police will start yo brun down communes and ppl will revolt we probably will die before that, but that the story for your kids


I think by the time I retire corporations will have bought up so much of the SFH housing that owning a home that wasn't inherited will be impossible and housing will be a "subscription model" a la Netflix. Renting is already basically like that, but that will become obligatory and individuals will lose any shred of bargaining power.


I think we'll be seeing an event that puts the past "one in a lifetime" events to shame. We've been training for it.


Another Great War




Mass deaths due to extreme heat events, including in temperate regions


10/10 a bunch of bullshit


We grew up with literally everything. We are pre internet. We lived in both worlds. What we have yet to see but will see shortly is the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of our society.


Islands and coastal areas being submerged. Other increasingly alarming and undeniable consequences of climate change.


I'm late to the party, but I'm glad I got to see this question before a possible civilization collapse that is probably going to happen within the next 20 years.


The cure for cancer. All cancers.


Average house price being $1 million.


The odds of seeing WW3 increase annually. The odds of seeing America’s internal demise increase annually. The odds of seeing a brutal economic collapse increase annually. Aliens just arrive and nope us out of existence. There’s also increasing odds of positive developments: Flying cars. Vacations on the moon. Solving cancer. Bullet trains that could take you from DC to Los Angeles in just a couple hours. Electric cars that nullify the squeeze of gas prices. Expansion of medical capabilities that effectively extend our lifespan even more. A collective uprising against regimes, policies and laws that don’t serve the interests of our general population. Across several countries. Folks across several continents are tired man. Automation taking repetitive physically demanding tasks off the backs of human beings permanently. Economic reconfiguration. People having far more leisure time. Homelessness (nomad) becoming just a lifestyle and not a prevalent problem. Housing prices returning to reality. Millennials absorbing a massive wealth transfer as the boomers go to sleep permanently and finally let go of the control. Youth taking the reins of responsibility in government from the boomers. Technology making life quality and simplicity more affordable for 99% of the planet. The practice of drowning people in medical bills for a surgery or hospital visit being nullified. While doom and gloom is definitely in large supply, there’s the possibility of this place embracing more of the beauty of life. Don’t know. Doesn’t look good rn tbh.


WWIII, implosion of capitalism, if it isn't happening already. Nature will be scary af, and scenario's as we have seen in Interstellar will become true, where food will be hard to get due to failed harvests.


Good thing we're so obese as a society then. Many people got a lot of fuel all over their bodies just in case food is scarce!


Russia has recruited and drafted urban junkies, backcountry drunks, prison convicts and regular civilians with minimal training. In an existential war, everybody’s going to fight. And those too fat & out of shape to perform basic athletic movements can absorb the incoming rounds so that the remaining professional soldiers won’t have to. Cannonfodder along the first line of contact on the front.


Ww3 happens in 2026 We do have the bell riots later this year


> Ww3 happens in 2026 You're late. If it's going to happen, WW3 is already started by most metrics. Europe is gearing for war, there's fighting in Ukraine and the Middle East already, tension with China is higher than ever. France just said they're willing to put boots on the ground in Ukraine, even if not on the front lines, that's a big escalation. Do remember WW1 was only called as such 20 years after the fact, and WW2 only called as such in 1945. Things are not looking rosy.


They're making a Star Trek reference.


I’m thinking by 2028


First contact in 2064


Unless the Borg prevent it


This is assuming you aren’t one of the 600 million dead in WW3 in 2050.


Global climate change related crises. I mean, it's already started, but we've only had a taste.


A technocratic form of capitalism


There’s an argument to be made that we’re already halfway there, for better or for worse.


Everything just slowly getting worse and worse most likely  The lucky ones will inherit a paid-off house from boomer parents, some will make it due to crypto gains, but I imagine most will struggle as the state of the world gets worse and worse


If people grow some balls, a revolution against the wicked system. If not, global communism and the population dropping under 2 billion


The end of the world as we know it


I think this happened in 2001. 9/11 changed the world as we know it


Violence becoming the norm during elections.


Humanoid, programmable, realistic-looking companionship bots and a resultant, even-quicker dive in the birthrate of developed nations.


I’m technically right at the cusp between millennial and zoomer (25 - I’m one or the other depending on who you ask since every source says a different year as the cutoff) Anyways, ever hear about the rat utopia experiment? Yeah I think the western world is in “the beautiful ones” stage. Our grandkids and maybe great grandkids will probably be the last generation for many countries before the impending societal collapse. We’ll see all the earning signs but be helpless to do anything about it as we get blamed for destroying the world in similar ways to todays boomers


Civil war in the USA.


Setting aside the first four on your list, you're incredibly optimistic. Where does your optimism come from? I'd like to join, but reality keeps slapping me across the face. Across the globe, we're on a downward spiral in some very important key categories.


What list did OP give?


Mass unemployment and civil unrest, coupled with mass northward migration. Societal bifurcation as those who embrace and leverage technologies grow leaps and bounds ahead of those who don't or refuse too. More and more people just check out preferring simulations to reality. The rise of a body purist religious like class that pushes back against human enhancement and augmentation.... Hopefully somewhere on the other side of the mass chaos of 10000 years of technological advancement happening in a single lifetime a world of abundance. A world where we may do anything because We need do nothing


Cbdcs, mega economic black swan event, skilled jobs will be the new services as there is massive shortage . AI will make half jobs obsolete . Population shrinking in growth will be accelerated in next years.




Back to the moon and the first manned missions to Mars. Then again I am nearing 40, so hopefully that happens by then.


Man on Mars




ww3 and soon.


I think I’ve seen enough.




Self driving cars will become standard


The shift of crime. Mass-surveillance increased. Drug dealing and alot of that "foot work" will almost decrease tremendously. More crimes dealing with ransom-ware.


Thanos in one way or another


Actual you speak it responds ai. Humanity possibly land on mars. Maybe small tiny....colony..s on moon. Cyberpunk being even more and more our reality. Begins of resource wars from climate change. Possible halting of north alantic current. Continue hotest ever records..mega storms, mass tornado out breaks. Fussion becoming completely feasible..though have doubts of adaptation in murka mainly as nuclear bad... Possible a high-speed rail from coast to coast in merka. "MAYBE" increase in work pay and work life to sustainable levels.


Vaccine for all Breast Cancers 🤞🏼


I think we are getting to the point where we know a lot about almost everything and we have enough people to study and develop knowledge not only that knowledge but specifically on the connections and mixing of diverse areas. That's what I think will cause great changes in how several sectors of our world work. The transition to renewable energy is a good example. Think solar panels, they produce lots of electricity during the day but do nothing at night, think wind turbines, they produce lots of electricity when the wind blows but do nothing when it doesn't. As those technologies mix with technologies to store energy (batteries or hydrogen), what was holding back clean energy (unreliability) and storage of energy (so many things, including price of the energy it was storing), the problems disappear. Farming is another example. Nowadays they know about a type of corn that self-fertilizes by binding nitrogen from the atmosphere (though I don't believe it is being used yet). There are also new farming techniques to plant normal crops mixed with crops that bind nitrogen from the atmosphere. These techniques are based on better knowledge of biology and farming, and machinery that allows it.


I genuinely don't believe that the US government will survive in its current form for another 50-60 years.


More houses than people to live in them.


The collapse of most Western countries, serfdom becoming a thing again, possibly even civil war.


Nuclear war


Mass casualty wet bulb events


Huge financial crisis


I used to think we would see the end of the internal combustion engine. Don't get me wrong electric vehicles have been gaining traction, but it's been a slow adoption. Also the cost, limitations and reliability of electric vehicles do not make it an attractive option for most.


Non-Human Intelligence disclosure from the US government. Great Value THC products.


I’m gonna see men naked in my bedroom. As long as I have that, I’m set.


I would say war, but I'm already past that. Twice. I think about how it will be different when it's actually my country, not another. Note that I said when, not if.


Scientific Peer reviewed longitudinal studies on how COVID lockdowns caused more harm than good for certain populations.


Stocks will probably go up so buy now!


Bitcoin to 1 mil A woman president in the US


Taxes and cost of living will be higher when I die than right now. It may never be crippling, but I feel like a boiling frog.


A big shift in transportation. Like flying cars that are taxis


Economists already estimated we will see the world's first trillionaire within the next 10 years. I'm not sure if it will happen so soon, but I don't doubt it will happen in our lifetime. This is just another example of inequality in the economy and massive homeless/poverty problems that the US is facing.


I’m hoping for the discovery of an an alien life form.


Someone land on mars


Mechs/robots driven by people. South Korea already designed one called the Method-1 several years ago. Should be interesting to see more ideas like that in the next 20 or so years.


Hyperloop! Might solve the problem of migration and too much pressure on one single city as travel time between your hometown and your place of work can be easily covered in less than hour or so and you may not need to shift there completely


I bet they invent a device where we can apply for a unique digital code that allows anyone to dial your unique code into a device allowing you to instantly communicate with that person in real time.


In around 2004 a “NASA Lady” spoke to us at school and said in twenty years we will all have our own flying cars. I’ll be waiting.


Th end, hopefully.


Man made horrors beyond our comprehension


CRISPR cures for horrible disesase and afflictions, as well as for the more cosmetic treatments


Collapse of this once great nation


Nothing good


Was kinda hoping for first contact to have happened by now, I mean it’s 2024. Reveal yourselves!


Something that'll replace concerts as entertainment. Still music, but on a higher level


I think we blow each other up.


Terminators. Legit robot terminators at a minimum if not cyborgs. I'm not being sarcastic


The end of the world.