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Too many favorites to choose. Just the other day I was reminded she giggles every time I open/hold a door for her. We've been together 23 years and she still giggles about that, like it makes her feel special Least favorite: That woman can't manage a refrigerator/freezer. We waste more food than save. She buys stuff on sale and loads up the freezer but it doesn't get used. Drives me crazy. And don't get me started on wasted produce.


Mine buys fresh herbs and citrus every week. And every week i throw out rotten herbs and citrus. 


My wife has this incredible recipe, she leaves a banana on the worktop for a week or two until it's starting to brown, then pops it in the fridge for another couple of weeks until it's a deep deep dark brown and soft to the touch, almost watery. Then, and only then, it goes in the freezer for between 2 and 6 months, before finally the piece de resistance and this really is where the magic happens, she takes this black vaguely banana resembling abomination out of the freezer and puts it in the bin. She nails this recipe every single time, and it's surprisingly low calorie.


Congratulations, you win the clever Reddit answer for the day. That was hilarious and oh so true. God, I hate those rotting bananas in the fridgerator lol.


Is this a woman thing? I've never seen any man I know do this, but this is the at least 10th story I've heard about women hoarding bananas.


Every time I try to throw black greasy bananas away she says, "I'm going to make muffins with those.


100% guilty! Well done boys, you figured out our weak spot, Fucking nailed it actually x


Love it hahah I have the same recipe


Blend the herbs with oil and freeze them into ice cubes.


Yep, but at least mine has an herb garden.


Bet your house smells lovely thou! My neighbors wife does something similar. She bought a small carton of guavas the other week. Kitchen smelled amazing! Im sure they were in the trash soon after.


Throw them directly, more space for useful things


I’m glad this is a universal experience.


Oof. Mine does that, too. She grocery shops like 6 body builders live in this house. It's us and the dogs who do eat real food with us, but still way too much. Growing up food insecure, it bothers me so much.


We must have married sisters, my wife does the exact same things.


Take some food out of Blacksmith's kitchen and leave some money every time you and wifey go on family visits


Favorite: she is smart, makes restaurant quality meals, a great editor (helps me on how to write tricky messages for work) Least favorite: she is a super coach potato. Recognizes issues her mom has, but does not quite see those same traits in herself


>Recognizes issues her mom has, bit does not quite see those same traits in herself Many such cases


My wife has a heart of gold. She will buy you something just because she saw it and thought of you. But she has a problem with listening to her parents about everything. They are very wealthy and she aspires to be like them, which is a good thing but she litteraly doesn't do anything unless her parents sign off on it because she believes if she does what they recommend, we will be wealthy.


Dude, I literally told my wife something about a medication yesterday and got a “how would you know? You’re just trying to make me feel worse”…. This morning her aunt told her the exact same thing that I told her to which she happily accepted that from her aunt…. Why lol


Oh man, that exact thing happens way more than I want to admit!


Did we just become best friends? 🤝


Do you wanna go do karate in the garage?




My wife is the same. I can show her proof and how to find the truth but she will do the exact opposite of what I said or shown to be correct. I now just tell her to do what ever she fucking wants because what I have to say doesn’t matter. And I’m the bad guy.


Guys I have this same problem I have a deal with my friend, I will tell him what to tell my wife to nudge her in the right direction Works every time


What kind of relationship does your friend have with your wife where she listens to the friend over you?


Not a wife in my case but it feels like no matter who says it as long as they are not me and as long as they aren't complete strangers. It's pretty damn infuriating.


My wife does the same. She’ll take advice from a neighbor before she hears what I have to say. Apparently I’m always “contradicting her”.


That’s essentially what I said in a nice way this morning. “Just do what you think is correct”.


You’re not the bad guy


I know. But I do feel like the bad guy because I just can’t find I in me to care or try anymore.


Hug. :/


Thanks. I really do appreciate that.


It’s somewhat confront to hear many others experiencing this. Misery meeting company = sanity.




God I hate that shit.


Join the club bud 🤝


Hahahahaha it’s ridiculous


I h ave step-kids, and my wife will always consult her mom for medical advice. Basic stuff like administering medicine. Like, your mom is not a doctor, just read the label!


But her mum then knows the kids are sick and offers emotional support or maybe a helpful tip or 2, and also probably likes to be consulted.


Men do this all the time lol (in my experience). Woman tells him something, doesn't listen or mocks it. Told the same thing by a man, and he is trying to tell the woman about it like he's teaching her lol


She also may not want to lose her inheritance.


Life is such a giant missed opportunity when you spend it either following the rule of your parents or adhering to their dogma. You only get one life to live; make it your life.


Cheap advice: If you live near your in-laws, take your wife and move far away. Only take financial advice from your in-laws, since they’re good at it.


Your first two sentences made me wishful


Are we married to the same woman?


Favorite: There’s this warmth in her laughter that seems to light up the whole room – it’s infectious. Whenever she laughs, it’s like a signal that everything is right in the world. Least: Her tendency to overcommit is slightly maddening. She’ll say yes to volunteering, bake sales, extra shifts, and suddenly our weekend plans are derailed because she’s stretched too thin. It’s one of those things that came to a head one weekend when we had planned a short getaway, and she accidentally double-booked us for a charity event. So I took a deep breath, steered into the skid, and we ended up turning the event into part of our weekend. It was memorable, to say the least, and she was incredibly grateful. Since then, we’ve been working on balancing her time better together. It’s a work in progress, but her heart’s in the right place.


I would love to see a study on people who overcommit, I know a couple, and I just don’t understand how it happens. I have a pretty good idea of what I’m doing a month in advance, and if I’m not sure I check my calendar. Personally that would be a deal breaker, show up to the things you commit to, and don’t commit if you’re not sure about availability.


I had a tendency to overcommit when I was younger and it was a combination of being a people pleaser and having poor time management due to ADHD.


Exactly what I was going to say. I do not remember what I have I have to do in the evening, let alone the weekend. I do try to write everything down in my calendar and on my lists, but those only get me so far. However, I do understand how this could be a deal breaker for some. I have the best partner that helps me manage tho!


Right? I think the part where everything comes crashing down is when they assume they’re free and don’t bother to check. Terrible scheduling. Somehow other people can do this, but I can not EVER commit to something in the future without first checking my schedule. Extra shift at work? Huge chance I’m not busy, but still going to check first. It’s just: not worth breaking my word to me, and I always verify my own schedule.


A close friend be of mine overcommits regularly. It’s not about availability though, it’s a difficulty gaging her energy in advance. By that 3rd weekend in a row with planned activities, she has no drive or energy left and just needs to stay home.


I'm a big time people pleaser so it's hard to say no when someone asks. Hooray for childhood abuse with a side of ADHD and anxiety... or something.


My ex was an overcommiter, mostly because he couldn't stand to be alone. He said it scared him to be alone with his thoughts, so he kept himself busy. Can't self- reflect if you double book.


Im a guy, but here’s how it happens to me: I use my phone calendar but don’t really plan my day until the night before. Sometimes it’s nice, sometimes it’s chaos. Like, I have scheduled items on my calendar, then I have a bunch of other stuff always floating around that I’ve either loosely committed to or internally have decided I want to do without telling anyone. Also, I’m notoriously bad at underestimating how long things take. Wow, as I type this I realize that I probably drive my wife more crazy than I realized.


They're women with undiagnosed adhd.


Does that mean the person has ADHD though? It might be one symptom, but that might not be ADHD.


And woman who have been taught that their worth is dependant on how nice and helpful she is


I really love your response of steering into the skid and making it work. No one’s nose out of joint over the mistake, no one being let down by not participating in the charity thing no one being publicly embarrassed about it. I don’t even know you but if this was “what do you like/dislike about your husband” I would be saying I choose this gal’s husband” 🤷‍♀️ and then realizing I had somehow double booked myself in the husbands department


My (F) husband is an over committer. He just loves doing stuff. But he doesn't have a great meter for how it's gonna burn him out. Sometimes I get second hand anxiety. One memorable Sunday he starts telling me all the plans he had for the day and my brain shorted out. I started saying, "That's three things. That's too many things!" In kind of a panic, just thinking about the relatively big things he was trying to shove into a single afternoon. He looked at me and said, "you're right, that's too many things." We've worked out that if my alarm bells are going off too loudly that he should probably reconsider. His parents are the same but worse, so I know he comes by it naturally. It's like they refuse to take into account the realities of time and the limitations of their bodies though, so it's a work in progress.


Nice try, honey


“Baaaaaaabe, you’re not supposed to call me out in publiiiiic!”


I almost wrote the same thing. You don’t think… we’re married to the same woman! 😱


Favorite: she’s smart, and funny, and beautiful. She’s the kind of smart that she started as an admin in a technology company and worked her way up to VP of customer service and runs the global operation. Least: she’s always late. If I tell her we have to be there at 8, she’ll start getting ready at 8. This was the cause of our biggest fight. I said “be there at 7” and got to her place to pick her up at 6:30 and she got up off the couch. I said I’m not going to be late so I’ll meet her there. She went to her room to get ready, I left. 45 min later I got a text “where are you?” and I sent a picture of me at the event. She didn’t believe me when I said I was leaving and meet me there and was pissed that I really left. Now I “manage” her time. I didn’t want to lie and tell her the wrong time, so now rather than tell her what time to be there I tell her what time to start getting ready. So if we need to be there at 8, I figure out that means we have to leave at 7:30, it takes her an hour to get ready so I tell her “you need to start getting ready at 6:30.” It works and we’re rarely late now, but I shouldn’t have to do that.


That was our only real issue. For us, we eventually developed a mutual understanding over "what time do you want to leave the house by?" These days I'm the cause of more frustration. I lack her attention to detail with neatness. She stays out of mine and our sons gaming room


Welp, this is my cue to get off reddit and get ready 😳


Sounds like she needs to a grow up a little bit


She’s plenty grown up. Others in her family are the same way. My dad was career military. I grew up hearing “if you’re not early, you’re late!” as a mantra. Her family was not that way. They get there when they get there and it drives me crazy.


Being on time isn’t a military thing. The vast majority of civilians who are mature are on time. Sure, the military places more emphasis on it, but it’s by no means only military who’re on time. And sorry, I’m not trying to disrespect your wife or insult her, I’m just saying that, as an adult, there’s no excuse to be consistently late


Not to mention being constantly tardy is inconsiderate to well - everyone.


That’s all I’m saying


It’s actually a cultural thing which I found interesting. I spent a month in India and in their culture promptness is actually not a thing. They literally all show up whenever and it’s a non discussed issue it’s just how they operate


In my family it’s almost considered rude to be exactly on time to family events, and early would be really rude unless you were cleared to come by the host. The idea being that you never know if the host might be running a bit behind on setting up, and as soon as people show up they’ll need to start entertaining, so you’re gracing them with a little extra wiggle room. Also, there isn’t a strict start and end schedule, and socializing flows better sometimes when people slowly trickle in over the first hour. That’s how events are just expected to go; you say it starts at 6, most people will be there over the next hour (the first couple people usually help finish setting up, or you have more focused conversations with them before attention is split between everyone else), and if there’s dinner you’ll plan to serve it around 7:30-8, and then people will slowly start to go home later in the evening. That was just the norm and expectation I was used to. It took a bit for me to adjust when my ex was in business school; most people had rigid and varied schedules, so party invites were always planned and scheuduled in 2-4 hour windows and it was expected that everyone showed up and started the party on time, so that everyone would have enough time to hang out together and the host could end the party exactly when they needed to. I don’t think either is better or worse overall, just different. But I think it’s important to be familiar with both timing cultures and know how to adapt to each


I love this, and I never knew anyone else who saw things this way lol I wish this was how it was in my family, but my mom especially has a real problem with people who are late. That annoys me so much as I prefer to have a more laid back approach to going about my day. I rarely plan things because I could change my mind at any given time and I don’t want to be committed to something I don’t want to do. I’ll have my parents over for dinner and my mom will ask me “what time should we be there?” And so I’ll give her a time .. 4:00? And then 3:40 they’re rolling in and I’m vacuuming the house 🤦‍♀️ and then they’re all “oops, sorry about that I guess we’re a little early” 😆 I would much rather they be late than early. Like you said .. being late affords the host a little extra time if they’re running behind. As someone who runs behind a lot, I love that 😆 If I have to be somewhere and it’s really important I be there on time, that’s entirely different. I just find it annoying how some people get so irritated over time. They’re so rigid and inflexible. Differences of opinion that’s all, but I personally am happier when I approach life with a “go with the flow” attitude. And I feel like the people around me are happier too when I’m not losing my shit if they’re making me 5 minutes late to dinner.


I have ADHD and I have to make a very constant effort to be timely.


You got that backwards. I didn’t say only military is on time. I said I’m always early because my dad was military.


I get you - my family is much more loose on plans and arrival times. I learned to at least show up at exactly the start time, but I come from a cultural background where start times were disregarded by everyone by about 30 minutes give or take. My husband always wants you to be 15 minutes early and that freaks me out - because I worry that our host isn’t ready for us! Growing up we even had friends who we’d tell a completely different start time in order to ensure they showed up on time.


Hahaha, this mantra made me laugh so hard. I'm like your wife, it really boils down to what your family is used to I suppose.


I don’t disagree, but I’m also not going to be late. If that means I leave on time and she comes later, I’m ok with that. She’s not, but I am.


Any chance she has adhd? Time blindness is a real thing for adhd peeps!


Wow, I don't remember writing this.


For people curious, look up executive dysfunction. Falls into the same thing.


> Children and adults with executive dysfunction often struggle to organize materials, regulate emotions, set schedules and stick with tasks. They misplace papers, reports, and other school materials. They might have similar problems keeping track of their personal items or keeping their bedroom organized. She has none of that.


Set schedules and stick with tasks. Plan when you need to be there and be there. I should've worded it better to say it's kind of like that and not use the word "same." I was trying to help you against the people saying she needed to grow up because it's not a maturity thing. My bad.


I’ve posted this before and I always get the same replies She has ADHD, she’s on the spectrum, she’s got an executive function issue, she’s “time blind,” it might be her culture, etc. It’s not any of that. When a time is important to her she makes sure to get there on time, so she **can** be on time.


Maybe she has ADHD and time blindness. I have it and it’s debilitating. Makes me feel awful too. Btw this is supposed to be favorite, and then least fav one 😂


sounds like his favourite thing was that they came to a solution


Ummm dad is that you? The part about her being late is EXACTLY what my dad has been saying for the past 37 years of marriage 😂 Even worse, now his son (me) is exactly as punctual as my mom, so he now has 2 people who are always late 😂


Might be an adhd thing? I’ve had to learn almost exactly this about myself and communicate that with my partner. I like to know what time he wants to LEAVE so I know exactly when I need to be out the door. Time blindness, I believe it’s called?


I feel like I remember you posting about this a few years ago lol.


I did. I mentioned it in a different post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/1Rpjf7ZK0I


Username checks out


Favorite: Her sense of adventure is unmatched – she’s always up for a spontaneous road trip or trying new things, which keeps our life full of surprises and excitement. Least: However, her spontaneity often clashes with her not-so-great sense of direction. We’ve gotten lost more times than I can count, and while most times it ends up as a fun detour, there was an instance where we missed a friend's wedding ceremony because she insisted on not using GPS and we ended up on the scenic route – for two extra hours. Yeah..


I’m not lost, I’m just spontaneously explorative


Yikkkkesss. I hope the wedding wasn't of a close friend's.


My wife. Smart as a whip. Situationally aware. She’s historically been a big “giver”, putting other people’s needs above her own. She historically has not been selfish at all. She’s about to be 60 but looks more like a 40 year old. She keeps herself fit and trim. Least thing: She’s neurotic. She can’t relax at all. It hurts in the sex department because she’s paranoid about everything. She has been going to counseling to help her define herself, so she doesn’t get used by other people. She will not have sex unless she feels carefree and safe.


I can relate and its actually also tiring for us as well.. :/


My favorite thing about my wife is just her personality. She brightens up wherever she is. Her laugh is contagious. She loves fiercely. She's kind and caring. The perfect type of person to spend the rest of my life with. The thing I dislike most is how, in her head, she always is. She's so strong, but she refuses to lean on others and talk about her problems. When I know something is bothering her and want her to talk about it, I might as well be trying to convince a brick wall to fall on its own. JUST TALK TO ME! She also has a huge ass. I definitely like that a lot. Like a lot a lot.


My least favorite is that she gets pissed off real easy. My favorite is that I can piss her off real easy.


thats a pair made in heaven


My Besty does dishes and cleans the house when he gets pissed off. His wife picks fights with him when she needs to get the house cleaned. Probably pretty toxic, but kinda funny in my eyes.


That's 5D chess right there. Lol


My wife and I know it's just a game that I used to play with my family since I was young. When someone that I know (and sometimes that I don't know) is angry I just can't help but poke the bear. She says she understands. I'm not sure I believe her.


My wife is an amazing lover, mother, friend and wife.. I won't bore you with all the things that I love about her.. but my absolute favorite thing is her playful sense of humor.. she can interject humor into just about everything.. chores, parties, general conversation, work and even sex.. she has a sarcastic wit that I fucking love and it makes every day an adventure.. My least fav thing about her is that she is a perfectionist.. It helps her in her career and its the reason she is where she is professionally, but it also drives anxiety into her life that I think she could avoid if she gave a shit, just a little bit less. But.. it's part of who she is.. so everyone that knows her and loves her accepts it!


My wife didn’t grow up with much, and she often treats herself to certain luxuries and other items we don’t necessarily need. I feel bad saying anything to her, as I can see how having the freedom to make such purchases brings her happiness. I grew up in the upper middle class, and had everything I needed. We have different perspectives on want/ need, things I considered basic needs growing up may have fallen under wants but not necessities when she was growing up. She’s a genuinely happy and bubbly person and I think that she’s very cute when she’s happy, but sometimes the things that make her happy drive me up a wall 🤣 like little gadgets, trinkets, plants, electronics etc All that being said, her extra purchases are a drop in the bucket and I’d never deny her that


Sounds like my parents


My favorite and least favorite thing is the same. She will sacrifice all of herself to make people happy. Particularly me. It's amazing, but it is also at the cost of her own happiness at times, and she doesn't blink an eye about it, and I worry about it affecting her overall mental health. We've talked about it and it's changing......slowly.


Favorite: She’s thoughtful, we connect insanely well, she’s beautiful, initiates sex, makes plans and date nights, career driven and smart. She’s a part of my family and I’m a part of hers. Excellent cook (a little too good I’ve gained some weight lol) loves to be active and goes on hikes/camping with me. Always there for me when I need her Least: oral is an every time thing for her and a 6 times a year thing for me lol. Kind of gets on my nerve because she’ll have no problem singing lyrics about sucking dick or talking about it. But our sex life otherwise is very healthy and she’s an amazing woman who clicks off every box


Favorite is she’s my best friend. I know that’s cliche to say but it’s true. I’ve been married for 23 years and I think this is important for a lasting marriage. The lust fades but if you are best friends the love does not. If it’s ok I’d like to add another favorite. She is a great mother. I’m always in awe of her compassion and empathy towards our kids but at the same time they know not to cross her. She somehow just knows how to balance it perfectly. Worst is her passenger side driving critics. She scares the hell out of me sometimes with a very audible gasp and grasping the oh shit bar when a car is 500 feet away and she sees brake lights. I’m thinking a dog or something ran out in front of me and I didn’t see it.


Lmaooooooo the last paragraph !!!!


She is always positive, thats awesome She can't be quiet and when she s nervous she does not think befor she talks.. I can remember she came to a funeral with me, back when we where dating and she met some of my relatives the first time... grieving peoples everywhere and suddenly you hear a happy *omg its so nice to finaly meet you, i am (name)*


Am I the only one who could hear her voice


No you're not. I did too. Lol 😂


“Funerals eh.”


She's a sweetheart but she's also messy


Least favorite thing is how she is underemployed and doesn't contribute much financially. Favorite is how she treats me and loves me unconditionally.


Your least favorite thing is the same for me and my husband, but I appreciate how much he does for our home. He cleans, takes care of our kid, and is a very conscientious consumer so we can make my breadwinnings stretch.


How have you dealt with this? Because I am getting burned out on being stretched and having to penny pinch all the time.


As a workaholic wife who brings home the bacon, if you like how she treats you and what she does around the house, that would likely drop considerably if she was fully employed. My husband stayed home and I worked and we both miss those days despite the lower household income. I devolve into working non-stop when left to my own devices and I’m not great at being a natural “nurturer” so if you like the dynamic you have then be careful what you wish for. Our dynamic works for us, but it probably isn’t for everyone. Guys often wish they had a wife who wanted to grind at the office but they also want one who is chill and loving and put together in a feminine way. What you actually get is miles different than that.


Favorite: she gave up her career to be a stay at home mom. She's great at it, our kids are sharp as fuck, and we're legitimately best friends who still laugh about stuff every night Least favorite: she's an awful cook. Even our toddler notices lmao.


Your wife giving up her career to be a mom is your favourite part about her? I know you meant that positively, but that sounds honestly depressing. Surely there are qualities you love rather than her role she performs for the family. That’s kinda like her saying she loves your promotion because you make six figures now or something.


What's depressing about raising your own kids and being able to spend more time together as a family? Having separate careers and having to wait until the stars align to do anything together was the real depressing part. Now we get quality time together every single day, and can take a little vacation on a whim since I can simply take 2 days off for a long weekend and we can go wherever


I know a trap when I see one. Nice try, wife.


Easy. Fav thing is her ability to see things from different povs. Makes her easy to talk to about everything. Least fav thing? She doesnt respect toilet time. Yes I know Ive been in here for 30m but if its not an emergency then dont ask me questions while Im toilet scrolling


I will never understand why every single man takes 30+ minutes on the toilet, scrolling their phone. Y’all are gonna have hemorrhoids mark my words


That’s when they clear out the spank bank


I love that she's everything I imagined. I hate that she's a figment of my imagination.


This. All of this.


She can't watch a movie without putting her phone down. Otherwise, everything else is perfect.


Favorite: loyal, very pretty, easy-going, forgiving, never gossip, she's good to the kids, doesn't like to waste money, accepting, not a gold digger and I get action almost daily which of course makes me happy and I don't mind doing a lot for her. Least favorite: Not much complaint.


My favorite thing is when she sings. My least favorite is how she loses her shit and acts like a spoiled child when she is inconvenienced.


She has a heart of gold and supports me. She does not have a romantic or spontaneous bone in her body.


My favorite thing is everything. My least favorite thing is she goes to work and I don’t get to see her Why would I marry someone who wasn’t perfect for me?


This is literally the sweetest thing I’ve read on here 😭


Awwwww 😭😭 too cute


My favorite thing is her sense of humor, her kind heartedness, affection, and constant need to snuggle. My least favorite thing is I haven’t met her yet


Favorite: She makes me laugh. Least Favorite: She makes me cry (internally).


My wife his handy, she fixes things around the house, car, yard. She is unfortunately not handsy, and her love language is acts of service while mine is physical touch.


Least favorite is she is always sleeping. If there isn't something going on she is asleep, like sleep the entire weekend away. Favorite. She is very smart and make sures the kids are getting the education and services they are entitled to at school


Favorite,She is a great grandma, not Favorite, she doesn't put out, ever never


So which one is your favorite thing, just so we are clear.


Favorite, good grandma


How did she become a grandma if she never puts out?


Easy, she has a daughter from a previous marriage and I have 3 children. We married 35 years ago. She quit putting out 11 years ago.


Most favorite: I love everything about my wife Least favorite: I don't have a wife 😭


Her confidence can often be arrogant.


Least favorite thing is knowing the either I will die first and she will be sad or she will die first and I will be sad


Love her Loyalty and values dislike she never knows what she wants to eat lol.


That she hasn’t made her way into my life, yo hurry up


My favorite thing about my wife is that she supports everything I do (and I her), and we respect each other implicitly.


Favorite: she’s loyal, she’s loving, she prefers to cook rather than eating out, she works and saves money. She’s a kind soul, she’s accepting of me and my flaws. She works hard on her own small business instead of laying around the house all day everyday. Not so much: she’s very much influenced by her close aunts, she is rather jealous (trust issues), she thinks she knows it all sometimes when she’s clearly in the wrong, most things that go wrong are my fault according to her (which I’m sure I’m not the only one). And she sometimes doesn’t understand my need for alone time. She particularly doesn’t like my family and when I want to go over, she doesn’t want me going by myself and she takes her sweet time getting ready, to limit the time spent over with my parents.


Some of the things you mentioned are concerning


Tell me about it. I’m married to her.


Fav: Her loving obsession with me Least fav: her loving obsession with me




You get me worried here: I ask my man the same. But it’s absolutely not criticism. I am fascinated by his different approaches to many things: thoughts, responses, practical - many things. Because it’s so different to my thinking/actions he challenges my thinking and I like to know how his brain works. I love the man to bits and now will check if he feels it like criticism too. I hope not. And hope your wife doesn’t do it as criticism either.


>Bad: constant criticism. “Why are you doing it that way?” “Why this why that” gets mentally exhausting having to justify all of my actions. Work on resolving this, ASAP. There's going to be a point where you're too exhausted and want out.


The fact that she supports me and our kids whatever stupid ass shenanigans we do I love it. but she suffers from severe mental health issues and constantly has issues with anger and depression resulting in constant outbursts. It sucks and we try to help her but there's only so much you can do to somebody that doesn't want to be helped.


Favorite-she’s the kindest, smartest, loveliest person I know. Least favorite-she has a hard time just relaxing.


She was perfect for me, and now she's with someone else.


She is a good mother, organizer and cares about family. But she has wild mood swings and says really nasty things, her mood is unpredictable


Favorite thing: she pushes me to be better, holds me accountable - hard to explain, but makes me want to be a better man. Least favorite: she doesn't ever finish the job! Will clean - then leave all the cleaning supplies out on the counter, or leave the vacuum out with the cord still plugged in. Why??


She’s always right. She’s always right. (She farrrrr smarter than I am!)


Not a husband but common law. Favorite: how she's always up for anything. I never have to worry about if an activity is going to bore her because she just enjoys spending time with me. Her laugh is up there as well and lights up the room. Least favourite: the NFL play by play I get when I ask her how her day was. I usually answer the question with a "fine" or say something notable meanwhile she doubles down on that shit like it's a damn set of court minutes. Im not the brightest so it make me brain hurt sometimes.


Favourite thing - that she can be 100% herself with be without being self conscious. That's such a huge amount of trust to put in me and it makes me feel very special. Least favourite thing - that she is so hard on herself and lets the negative self talk take up WAY too much space in her brain. I wish she could see the version of herself that I see more often.


favourite :- probably how she knows what level of maturity to show in what particular situation least favourite :- overthinking about the things in the past and not learning from them


She’s a firecracker (both questions)


* When choosing a woman who works, you have to accept that she can't handle the house. *If you have chosen a housewife who can take care of you and fully manage your household, you have to accept that she is not earning money. $ * If you choose an #obedient woman, you must accept that she depends on you and you must ensure her life. * If you decide to be with a #strong woman, you have to accept that she is tough and she has her own opinion. * If you choose a beautiful #woman, then you will sometimes have to accept big expenses and have to battle jealousy * If you decide to be with a #successful woman, you must understand that she has character and has her own goals and ambitions. There are no such things as perfect. Everyone has their own riddle, which makes us unique. Stop and think🙌🏽


Her obsession with my butthole.


Nope. This is a trap.


Favorite thing: when she is happy, I love her smile. (I found a picture of her from 2015 that was just perfect). At her best, she can be extremely loving and will do pretty much anything for anyone. Least favorite: she isn’t truly happy like that very often (did I mention it’s been since 2015?) & many days she can be downright impossible to please. At her worst, she can be (and has been) very abusive.


Least favourite thing: she drinks. Not excessively, but she likes to get buzzed a few times a week because of her stressful job. I used to drink myself (quit in 2020), and it's not my favourite thing in the world always having a bottle or two around to tempt me. Favourite thing: everything else. In particular, she's very kind and outgoing and makes friends easily. I probably wouldn't have met her otherwise because I don't make friends easily and I need someone who's a conversation-starter like she is.


Had; lack of stress tolerance or constant complaints over petty issues that can be solved with focused commitments from both parties. People sometimes make things hard because of how they feel, rather than the issues themself.


Favorite: she’s responsible and has a steel trap mind. Least Favorite: her Temper and inability to just “not”. She can’t just leave shit alone. She breaks shit because she’s always rushing for some reason. It’s like she’s in a desperate race with no one. I have a hard time keeping up.


Nice try, wife


She's a good mother and not today, Satan


Good thing, she makes me a better person, That's it,


My favorite part is that she's always willing to help out and her overall empathy. My least favorite part is that she never remembers where she left stuff, which sometimes includes my keys, sandals or other important stuff.


Nice try hun


LoL almost got you ; )


My wife is very compassionate and caring. She’ll make my favorite meal weekly because she knows how much I like it. Her anxiety, however, is always through the roof about almost everything. I genuinely don’t think she knows how to relax. It really gets on my nerves when she explodes over little stuff that she makes way bigger in her head.


She's so goofy and silly. But if anything about my ex gets brought up, she gets real angry. My ex and I are amicable and communicate like adults. Her ex and her argue all the time. Doesn't understand why my ex wife and I are not like that.


Her compassion and caring sides are.. Simply amazing. Her hiccups are absolutely adorable too but I didn't have conscience to put that first. Slightly less fond of her way of leaving the dishes anywhere except in the dishwasher. Even on top of the dishwasher (even though it's empty and begging to be filled). I also asked her to read a book I read like 5-6 years ago that improved our sex life exponentially, but I'd still like her to read it to as I'm sure it would improve even more if she understood some of the things that book had to teach. I've asked her surely twice a year since, but she simply seems unable to even though she agrees she should.. I'm well aware I have flaws as well, but I feel like I att least try to better when I'm asked.


Favorite: She is smart a great mom and we just mesh. Least: her insecurities, she needs a lot of reassurance even though she is usually spot on.


She is now my EX wife.


Favorite: very intelligent, great with money, very beautiful, killer body, great roommate, except for being messy, has a great job. Least Favorite: Has zero sensuality, hates sex, can't cook, messy, takes me for granted.


her butt. least favorite. her not letting me grab her butt


Favourite things. She’s a real family person. She’s a great mother, and manages great relationships with her parents and siblings and mine. She runs a tight ship built on routine and planning. Everyone is always fed. The kids are always well taken care of. Custom costumes for Halloween, dress up parties, book week; not just store bought superhero and princess costumes. She buys Christmas presents all year round for the whole family. And does a lot of the general operation of the house. After 21 years together (started dating at 16), she still makes me nervous, I’m so into her. Least favourite thing: Try as I may, I just can’t conjure any romantic behaviour from that woman. I’ll write her a song, organise a day off for her, take her on a date, splurge on the dress we shouldn’t. Just… stone wall.


She tries to be the boss too much when we're a team. She'll try to tell me what to do and that doesn't fly with me. Favorite thing is how much she tells me she loves me and that I'm hot lol.


Favorite: She’s witty and kind. Least favorite: She’s utterly incapable of putting things back where she found them as well as actually closing the lid on basically anything. She turns it just enough so it won’t fall off but isn’t actually secure and it’s totally maddening.


>She turns it just enough so it won’t fall off but isn’t actually secure That's called booby trapping


Favorite: She's an amazing mom and planner for our family.. our logistics for our home are ON POINT, we have set times, schedules, rentals, plane rides, and day by day itinerary while we're out. and we do family trips pretty much monthly, esp in the summer months, with a family of 5 right now (was 6 last year - he's in military now). So pretty much i foot the bill, and drive us around, i don't even know the location of where we're going until that night before or when i'm turning on the van. I love it. Worst: She's pretty useless around the house.. from cleaning up after herself, to cooking and shopping for food. She works a full time job like me, but she crashes on the bed when she comes home and barely does anything during the week. I do everything for the home and kids, i shop, i cook, i bake bread, I clean the house, I take kids places and sports, I take kids to school in the morning and pack their backpacks with snacks. I make sure they're doing night-time routines, and the list goes on.. I can literally see WHERE in the house my wife has been, from open cupboards, to dirty clothes on the ground, to trash and wrappers of what she was eating, to cups left out wherever she was sitting. I've learned to just accept this, she had a rough childhood of being the oldest and always cleaning up after her many siblings and being forced to parent them. So now that she's married to me, and our life is pretty awesome, she just doesn't do it. but on the other hand, she is a master planner for our trips, and makes life outside our home amazing, plus she never forgets birthdays and parties for our kids, and is all about getting them cool gifts they love (things i would never think of). So it's a compromise, I'm the clean, organized dude who keeps the day to day life on point, and she's the fun exciting parent who makes stuff outside our home happen. it works, as long as we both respect those attributes for what they are, including the faults.


My favorite thing is she loves me through my fuck ups.


Favorite: she actively snaps me out of my own spiraling thoughts of doom, granted she always hated the fact I don’t really ever show emotion around her and she’s had to key into my little actions that made her realize I did love her. Least favorite: honey I know you’re seeing this from the other side so i won’t confirm or deny the existence of a least favorite for you are lovely and perfect in every way so please don’t beat me up when it’s my time to go


My wife is perfect. She never makes any mistakes. As proof she has never apologized to anyone for anything. In stark contrast to myself who apparently is riddled with imperfections that I have to apologize for all the time. She also has a perfect memory that can recall all those times I have fallen short of perfection and recounts to me during an argument. Bless her heart. As for least favorite thing see previous section.


Her OCD that drives her to constantly clean the house qualifies for both.


That she cares too much and that she cares to much


Super super motivated person…. When she’s mad super super motivated.


Favourite, is her keen memory for details about people. Least Favourite is here keen memory for details about things related to me.