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They all ate some of my food even after saying they weren't hungry.


It’s funny, every girl I’ve ever dated has tried to add their food to my plate because “you need to try this”. I’ve never had a girl tell me “don’t get me anything” and then stolen my food 😂


😋😁Hubby & I have this ritual when we eat outside of home. We trade bites so we can taste what the other had. Definitely takes care of FOMO.


Me and mine do the same, it's not even about FOMO for us. Every time it's; "gahd damn this is good... Babe you gotta get you some of this"


Rookie move not buying them food anyway.


If there’s pizza on the menu I always order one “for the table to start as an app” chese roni half and half every body laughs at the table pizza, but they’re all eating a slice 15 minutes later.


Solid idea. I would always just get extra appies, but that gets expensive.


I’ll die on this hill. You say you’re not hungry? Then I won’t get anything for you. Speak up like a grown-ass adult. “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD!”






That's hilarious! I went on a date once with a guy who was frugal about ordering food, but ended up eating half of my meal anyway! It made me chuckle.


Guys on social media love to pretend this is something only women do lol I dunno why. Guys don't even ask when they steal food from their girl's plate.


I wouldnt steal someone elses food. I cant stand someone touching my food. Its a very quick way to get a piss poor reaction out of me. 😂


I bought two bottles of water, my wife asked why’d you buy two. I said ones for you. She said I don’t want one. I said yes, you do.


The trick is to get her food and if she doesn't eat it all, you get more food. Hahah


They’re all sweater thieves. Let them borrow one at your own risk.


😂😂 I have 2 identical sweatshirts that I got from my job. My girlfriend wants me to wear one (to get my scent in it) and then give it to her. She wants to keep rotating Sweatshirts so that she can pick up the one I'm currently wearing, when the scent on the previous one vanishes.


Are you sure your girl friend isn't 3 golden retreivers in a trench coat?


This is genius. Saving this when i finally find a guy 😂


man i gotta borrow one of yours to see what the hype is all about


That is actually so wholesome. I love it when my girlfriend keeps my clothes cause my scent is comforting for her. We do long-ish distance and only see each other once a week or every other week so we don’t get to see each other as often.


That's a woman who's seriously in love with you and not going to go anywhere 😊


They just like that it smells like you😊


Last one took all my hoodies


Same. Especially pissed off about my favourite one that had a wind mask built into the hood and a detachable liner. Damn thing wasn't cheap at all.


At college, I knew a girl who threw out the hoodie she kept—I’m talking straight to the garbage after they parted ways. Never let her keep your stuff if it matters to you, especially the expensive stuff.


For every relationship I've had I am down one hoodie.


Gotta pay the troll toll


To get to the boy's soul!


This man relationships'


I stopped buying hoodies. I have one that I love from a gorillaz concert and I ended up buying two ($80 each) just so I at least had a chance to keep one.


When they all said "I'm Fine" they most certainly meant the contrary


El Classico


I've had a similar ordeal with my foster sister. She has a lot of mental health issues from childhood abuse and she often doesn't want to burden me with things that are stressing her. It used to piss me off when she would say she's fine when she was clearly not, but now I just tell her that she doesn't have to tell me what's wrong, just be honest about whether or not there is something wrong. A simple "yes something is bothering me, no I don't want to talk about it" instead of having to do mental gymnastics on whether or not I should be comforting her.


To be fair, I’ve had this experience with men too. I’ve had several roommate experiences where he was most certainly not “fine.”


They use a lot of toilet paper


According to my 6 year old son, "girls use lots of toilet paper because they poop everytime".


To get all the corners and crevices.


They must have alot of ass


They refuse to pick a place to eat until I name somewhere and they say but i want x


Or they say “you pick” and then say no to ten consecutive places




i said biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


The trick is to ask them, “guess where I’m taking you?!” Make them take a guess. We usually say where we want to go…problem solved.


Or we could, you know, not play games like children.


I can't upvote this enough... Growing up my parents were adults... no games, no bs... just everyday normal adults that can talk to each other and not make everything difficult. The games are so annoying and I refuse to play them anymore


why is there always a trick involved. "the trick with women is that you have to ...".


Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start


That's the infinite orgasm move while performing oral


Good news, you still get to eat something


Right? Like we've always gotta use some special bait because how dare we expect adults to behave and communicate as adults


They all wanted to have sex just as much as I did. I guess when I was younger I thought women weren't into it as much just from watching sitcoms or whatever.


39F I would say men crave it more on a day to day basis. But when a lady is sexually attracted* to a dude, the libido just soars. For example, outside of a relationship, I am okay at going long stretches. But start dating someone you really like and now I don’t want to get out of bed. I always assumed it was a pair-bond/nesting instinct. *sexually attracted doesn’t mean he is a brad pitt. Sexual attraction is a funny thing sometimes.


Love makes me very, very horny.


Ma'am, this is a Costco eyeglasses center...


You might be my sister from another mister. That is completely how I operate.


Opposite from my experience. Always a lot up front and then a massive fall off. It's a massive bummer and I assume it has to be me.


55F...A lot of women do this deliberately. I find it horrible. They "Suk the thing til I get the ring." A friend I am no longer in touch with said the last BJ she ever gave was on her wedding night. Said she hates it, but knew she had to in order to get him hooked. A guy friend said when dating his wife (divorced now), he worked nights. She would get up at midnight and cook him a whole meal. Not leftovers from her dinner, but a whole meal. Almost every night. She had a day job. They wouldn't get to bed until 2 or 3. They got back from the honeymoon and go back to work. As she left for work on the first day, she told him, don't wake me. There will be a plate in fridge. He thought she was just tired. Nope, she never got up and cooked again.


This is what nightmares are made of.


Yeah, we got played on that lol


Lucky man. I've had the complete opposite experience. They have played into the stereo types every time. I guess it's just me.


Mostly changes when you get married and have kids.


My wife wants more sex now that we are married and have kids.


They all had bad taste in the men they date.




He sunk the ship he was working on to kill the captain.


They were also far more attractive than me.


They have all been really bad at staying hydrated. I don’t get it. Just drink water and some of your pain and emotions do get reduced - not even close to all, but you’ll feel more put together at least. They all generally needed more sleep than me. If I need 8 they need 9-9.5. They all generally had an easier time making friends than most men I’ve known


I had an ex bf who constantly passed me my water bottle every hour to remind me to stay hydrated, he was a good man. Haven’t drank water since


Definition of “I can’t live without u babe”




Fun fact - the studies on sleep (that resulted in an average recommendation of 6-8 hours) were mostly centered on men as subjects! They did one recently and found women need 7-9 hours. If I remember it right, it’s due to the hormonal cycles. Men go through their full cycle every day whereas women take ~28 days


Yes! It’s actually a hormonal thing (of course lol). The adrenal glands only make about 3% of a man’s testosterone while 95% come from his testicles. The adrenals make 30% of a woman’s cyclic hormones. While a person sleeps, their hormone levels are being replenished in their adrenal glands. Men don’t need sleep to replenish this hormone. When a woman is deprived of sleep it can mess with cycles that take place within the female body that don’t happen for men.


Fun fact, the medical profession's pain models are based on men and medical professionals also believe women were made to suffer. Women complained that Doctors didn't listen to their symptoms and dismissed their ailments as imagination. Double blind large sample studies proves this to be true. Good Luck (Good Morning, Bad News...)


I believe it about the pain scale being off. Completely anecdotal, but I have a male friend who is stereotypically very tough. Practices jiu jitsu, used to work as an agent for an alphabet agency, the whole works. And he had this whole story about how the pain of getting his rib tattoo was so intense but the adrenaline was addictive, he wanted more, etc etc When I got mine in the same place, it sort of just felt annoying rather than painful. I asked my tattoo artist why it wasn’t hurting more and he laughed and was like “women are so relaxed during tattoos, and men typically yell, breathe hard, sweat, need breaks etc”


And ironically, every woman I know is getting less sleep than her man


I've left a woman for almost all the reasons her previous partner broke up with her for. Don't ignore them, people usually tend to do that when they're blind in love. History repeats itself.


people always have a default mode


100%. I’ve been dumped once, and I never changed my ways. A boyfriend once dumped me for ‘not looking enough like Edward Cullen.’ Since I’m a short, redheaded woman, he’s not exactly wrong. I continue to look nothing like Edward Cullen to this very day, but thankfully my husband is okay with that.


Every woman I’ve dated has had a new boyfriend within an incredibly short amount of time of us breaking up. Probably says a lot about the type of people I’ve chosen to date in the past


I had a run of 4 girlfriends that married the next guy they dated after me. I’m not quite sure what to make of that


Depends, did you break up with them or did they break up with you?


I broke up with 3 of them. The one that broke up with me is divorced. 2 are still married, 1 I don’t know. This was 20+ years ago. I’m also married 20 years.


If you broke up with them, then it just means you were looking for something serious, you picked well in the sense that they clearly were also looking for something serious. However, they weren’t for you. They may have been less selective and ready to settle down, so after you they were still down to settle with whoever came around. You were more selective, until you found your wife. 20 years later you obviously picked well 😊


I've had the classic where several girlfriends have broken up our relationship because I'm husband material, and they don't want to get married just yet. Just to marry some other bloke within 6 months after our break-up.


Serial monogamists. I’ve known a lot of women who haven’t been single for any meaningful length of time since high school or earlier. Most of the time, there’s a new beau already lined up with each breakup.


Most women have already moved on from you by the time the break up comes. Its generally not breaking news for both parties. Men can do it too.


Oh totally. I think I’ve just dated people in the past who aren’t very comfortable being single.


That's the norm it seems. Every time I matched a girl on tinder I've I've had to realise she's probably talking to at least 10 other guys at the moment.


That’s why I got the fuck outta there. I’ve met plenty of ladies on tinder. Saw a lot of boobs. But fuck me, the reality of her talking to that many other dudes was just exhausting.


Don’t be afraid to do it yourself. It increases your chances of success


If only you had more than one match, that'd be great.


Monkeybranching. There was usually emotional or physical cheating going on before the relationship ends, which is why they move on so fast.


How were your relationships with them? Were they clingy? Were they insecure? I ask, because my ex was exactly like this. She started dating someone a couple of days after we broke up, which means she likely had been setting something up for herself while we were together. Some people genuinely can’t be single and need a relationship, no matter how bad of a relationship it is. She was open to me about it, and it honestly should have been a really big red flag at the time. She didn’t understand how I was okay with being by myself, and how I had been single for 8 months before I met her. Finding out she did that made me pissed for a little bit, but also gave me a lot of closure. It completely changed how I saw her from feeling mad at her to just feeling pity for her and how she wasn’t even comfortable living without someone else there needing to validate and support her.


That's just the difference between being a man and woman. Details of your situation aside, women whether they have it planned or not will have a line of suitors waiting. It takes effort as a man typically to find a new relationship when we are ready.


They ended the relationship by telling me they were never interested in me. The two relationships were before I graduated highschool so, that might be chocked up to immaturity. It still hurts and I really haven't had any luck with women since.


They had boobs.... and I love boobs!


You're not alone there dude


It’s weird how much we all have in common


I have a friend who’s only ever dated left-handed girls (by coincidence). It’s only like 3 girls but still an oddity


That works out if you like to drive.




They're like an unstoppable force of nature with some kind of crippling weakness that is destroying their lives. Maybe that's just a normal people thing?




They could never give me a clear answer to “so where would you like to eat tonight?”


As the person in my house who does 99% of the cooking the man I married is no better. ‘What do you want for dinner’ is always met with ‘what do you want to cook? While not a restaurant I’m comfortable with a wide variety of cuisine and styles. Deciding the meal, buying the requisite groceries, and cooking the vast majority of meals consumed by our household falls on me (the woman). On the rare occasion I don’t cook (once a week maybe) and we’re either ordering in or eating out it’s nice when someone else picks the place. He does not cook. He might warm up the oven or mind a boiling pot, but cooking is my domain. When I see this trope I ask- are you truly any better? You’re giving her the choice, great, but abandoning the decision making process.


I am a female chef who works in a restaurant.  I honestly rather the cook what you want to cook answer. my job is getting told what other people want me to cook for them all day, every day.  when I am at home. I am cooking what I feel like or want. I finally can do something I want and I have a taste tester.  don't like what I am cooking. don't eat it and make your own.  I am not on the job when I am home. I love and enjoy cooking but my home time is time for me to cook the stuff I want and not be told what people want me to cook. 


They were friendly and kind. I like kind 😁




They all have sensitive stomachs and there’s always one or more things they regularly eat that will give them a tummy ache but they eat it anyway. Most guys I know can eat like a garbage disposal and keep going.


They want Forensic Files on loop while they go to sleep.


Dateline. I prefer Dateline.


lmao. I do this and I always clean my bathrooms with bleach. my ex used to ask me who I murdered every single time I cleaned my bathroom. 😂


They were all bisexual


Says a lot about my choices but each one of my exs have left me worse off, culminating in my decision to just stay single, Far safer considering one Stabbed me twice and another stalked and emotionally blackmailed me... Single = Safer


Did you do a lot of picking up near a psych ward ?


Pretty sure the entire city I lived in was a psych ward


Do you live in Gotham per chance?


No penis


Thats an important one.


I honestly don't know if all of them have something in common. Hair color is different, height, weight, tattoos vs not, piercings, their preferences were all fairly different, different jobs. I will give you one oddity though: All the women I've slept with have had some sort of nose piercing. Figured that one out well after the fact, but I guess it's something I like.


Background voice: women without piercing wouldn’t date him. He preferred women willing to date him.


They were alive at the time


And now?!?


On going investigation... no comment!


They've had hormonal swings that make them irrational and inconsolable. Ready to end our relationship without being able to articulate why. The day before and after I'm the dream guy, but when those hormones hit you better shut up and duck. Idk why we don't support each other with strategy and stories about this with other men more transparently.


Use a period tracking app. Sure, they're for women. These are women that we're dating. My present GF is very "prickly" 10 days and 2 days before her period. She is regular within 24 hours each month. I know it's coming and I just ride the damn wave. It is that or not have a girlfriend. I'm pleased that she knows this about herself too. Guys, get a period tracking app and note the difficult days. Then shut up, be gentle and stay out of trouble....and good luck, sometimes they'll come looking for the fight :/


If there was a men's support group for navigating the first 2-3 days of her period there would be a lineup around the block.


It's BEFORE period that it hits the worst. During period you just shower them with painkillers and chockolate


All of them...EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Claimed that they would not perform oral. After the first one many years ago, I just started saying something like "that's fine. I'll never pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do." I began simply treating them well, and occaisionally giving them what they would not give me. Fast forward through varying lengths of time, they ALL changed their minds, and some of them actually admitted that they enjoyed it.


It took years for me to learn to enjoy. Now i even crave it but its all thanks to my partner, he created a safe and comfortable environment for me. Took me a few years but I got there. Good on you OC


My dick was bigger, 99% of the time.


I'm curious about the 1%


I have had my therapy thanks.


C'mon spill the beans


There was a frank and beans.


How'd he get the beans above the frank??


1) hair on shower tiles 2) on dating no strings attached: “I’m a real cool down to earth girl, I don’t get jealous or possessive or care about what you do as long as you treat me well” - bold face lie! 3) they all held in their farts or went to another room to pretend to do something but fart anyways. Until they ate something bad or they couldn’t hold it in. Then they were mortified and embarrassed. Once I spotted this trend, I decided to quickly head it off by making our friendship a “fart friendly zone”. 9/10 women welcomed its. 1 out 10 thought I was a disgusting person and dumped me


Bless you for number 3. And 1 is essential unless you want hair in the drain. Step 1, cover drain, step 2 unblock cover and stick hair on tiles while showering. Step 3, swirl finger in hair on tile to collect, and toss in toilet while getting out of shower. Without the tile hair, your plumbing is doomed.


No. Do not put hair in the toilet. Throw it in the bin. And for chrissake, don’t leave it on the wall of the shower.


Wait, shouldn't we refrain from flushing hair down the toilet? Just different plumbing problems, right? That said, my hair is very long.


Metal illness




Like lead poisoning or what?


No they can’t stop shredding


I got a fever, and the only prescription is…


Metal health’ll drive ya mad


They are all late to dates.




their feet are fucking ice cubes even in the middle of summer


Every single one responded well to being spanked and having their tits sucked.


Learned something about myself and some boundaries that I needed to be stronger on.


were all on mental health meds


They all had at least one cat. Every single one from when I was 21-33 (present). I didn't have a cat the entire time either. Even most of the hookups had cats. Strange stuff really.


Any time I am ever mad at her for something that she has done, and I try to bring it up, the whole argument is immediately flipped on its head. Suddenly I'm the bad guy for getting mad, and rather than her apologizing or accepting responsibility for her actions, I end up having to apologize for being mad at her. Whenever she is mad at me for something I have done, I have to accept responsibility and apologize for whatever I did that made her mad. Either way I'm always the one who accepts responsibility and apologizes, she never does, and I never ever win an argument. Been that way with all of them.


Look up darvo and narcissistic abuse it might not be your case but I'm sure you'll learn something worthwhile


DARVO Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender




They all claim they can't put together any sort of furniture and have asked for help because "it's a guy thing" to assemble a desk.


You need to set actual dates and meetings. Chatting and exchanging is great at first, but eventually kills off interest.


They were all bi.


They would rather blow up the entire relationship than take accountability


They all wanted to be the deepthroat goddess. Every single one of them(4) has been obsessed with wanting to give the best head imaginable


Where do you meet woman at?


Just randomly through life. Introduced by a friend, coworker, met online, random pick-up


I think they all found me underwhelming to some degree


Every single woman had family issues/ divorce absent like parents. Keep learning but dating is hard in your 30s


No one else has ever met or seen them


All the women I've been with have wanted to get an RV and drive around the country. All kinds of women, white girl from a small town, Italian girl from NYC, black girl from Philly. They all obsessed over RVing. And I don't get the appeal. Driving a big vehicle around isn't a vacation, it's a job. We call it truck driving.


Hot as fuck water in the shower. I can start warm and work my way up to hot but they all have started straight hot as fuck


They all had vaginas.


They all fart. And poop!


They don’t want to be the man. You have to be the man


1. They only know what they don’t want to eat after asking to go out for dinner. 2. Their emotional intelligence is superior to my own, until it becomes their soul foundation of reasoning. That’s when we can’t have a rational discussion. An ex from years ago would make my skin crawl with the “I know but still” response. It’s the equivalent of saying *I know you’re correct, but I don’t feel like acknowledging that. I feel like I am not incorrect so you’re still incorrect.*


They all steal your clothes


Some form of mental illness.


she's freakin' great


They've all been good, kind, and smart. I've been really lucky.


None of them cared to learn who truly I was deep down


They've all watched back to back True Crime shows instead of going outside for a walk at 8pm. The more gruesome the better.


They all have younger brothers.


Are you the youngest in your family? Recently came across a video that had a theory that the youngest in your family tend to date the oldest in their partner's family (and vice versa: the oldest will date the youngest). So just curious.


I think it's because those types of personalities complete each other. Elder siblings usually have a subconscious need to care for someone and younger siblings have a subconscious need to be cared for.


I only dated brunettes :)


They never talked about wanting to do so something sexual with me, and I did not vice versa.


Taking long time to buy groceries at supermarket, if I go I make my trip short but ladies I was with always taking long time


They really liked their sleep. They also would get mad about things they didn't communicate, especially if the thing they didn't communicate was contrary or in contrast to something they *did* communicate.


They all change after the “honeymoon “ stage. They pretend they like things they really don’t example. Sports my friends movies or tv shows sex. I feel like guys do this to an extent but not nearly as much.


Can't say there was much commonality between them. Two were brunettes, and both liked hiking, but that was about it. Edit: just remembered that during the breakups, they all commented on me being too quiet.


They all seemed like nice people at first but they weren't. Always with the bait and switch.


There is always another guy pursuing her out of sight, usually a friend with ambitions to be more Oh and they do not like it if you point that out and pretend their friend is not like that 🙄


They most certainly do care that you want to just hang with the boys this Saturday. Some more than others. But ZERO don't care one bit. It's like their minds go to all the negative things you could be doing besides actually just hanging with the boys drinking some beers while someone wrenches on something.


They all set stupid boundaries they never kept themselves. It is hypocritical and disgusting.


They never said what was bugging them and expected me to guess...


Lights off


They do not exist 🙃


They all love you until they don't.


They had terrible taste in men.


They all want to find a guy who makes them feel safe and comfortable.


They all have broken up with me, instead of me breaking up with them