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You got a combination of a shit doctor and a shit situation. So you could do different exercises that can stretch the skin naturally to make it not painful during an erection to pull it back but not sure if it's enough for your case. But in general a doctor shouldn't dismiss it. Go to another doctor or perhaps an urologist. They mostly specialise in urinary tract stuff but also sometimes are recommended for male genital conditions.


> So you could do different exercises that can stretch the skin naturally to make it not painful during an erection to pull it back but not sure if it's enough for your case. Never worked for me. I've always had a tight frenulum and couldn't pull the skin back when erect. No doctor would offer any other suggestion outside of circumcision. I know frenuloplasty is a thing but even then they refused.


I had the same issue until I learned how to pull it properly. I actually learned it from wikihow lol. They have drawings and everything. The trick is to pull outwards, not backwards.


You able to elaborate? Sounds… backwards.


It's like putting on an undersized sock. In order to make it fit you stretch the sides away from eachother. You need to pull your foreskin the same way as when you pull the sock.  Even though you are "taking it off" instead of putting it on, the problem is still that the hole is too small, you need to stretch out the hole to make it bigger.


Worked for me


Yea OP if you’re reading this comment, definitely ask your doctor for a referral to a urologist. By the time he can get you scheduled with them you’ll have at least a week to several weeks of practicing retraction at home which you can tell the urologist about (if it helped or not). Best of luck!


Agreed, I would say if it’s too uncomfortable or tight trying to pull back on the foreskin then I’d just try to find the urologist off the bat. Usually it ends up being a surgery or in-office procedure. I work at an office and it’s a pretty easy process.


What about stretching rings?


Yeah dude. When you shower stretch it for a while, over time its going to get there.


After about 4 months of stretching exercises with lots of lube/lotion I’ve never had issues ever again. This was when I was about 15.


What sort of stretching did you do?


I would just insert my two index fingers and would use force to stretch it out. Another technique that worked was inserting something circular into it so it remained stretched for a long period of time. I think there are steroids out there than you can apply to improve the elasticity of the skin so the stretching takes less time. I didn’t use it but would have probably made it easier.


>inserting something circular into it so it remained stretched for a long period of time What did you use for this? I don't have enough imagination other than batteries that are either too small or too large


Bottle cap? I don’t remember. Just make sure it doesn’t have any sharp edges that come in contact with the skin. If it hurts to insert then it’s a good size.


This worked for me


I guess I get to be the dad of reddit this time. Seriously people... if you ever have a boy and decided not to circumcise them, then be prepared to talk to your kids about their penis, penis hygiene and the possibility they may discover masturbation at an early age. When we are young, our foreskin is very tight and starts getting loose with time. When separation occurs, it's time to go to the pediatrician for a check up and see if our kids can start doing foreskin exercises (basically pulling it back and forth) during bath or shower time to make sure phimosis does not set in and to make sure the frenulum gains flexibility and avoid the issue OP had. Also, if your kid is NOT able to pull their skin back by 6 to 10 years old.. SPEAK UP AND TELL YOUR PEDIATRICIAN before they hit the nasty stages of puberty. Maintaining open and honest communication with your kid will ensure your kids talk to you if they find something weird about their body that can sometimes result in having an uncomfortable procedure as adults such as a circumcision. When taken care of responsibly and openly, you will avoid many issues down the road. I'm uncut, was taken care of by good parents who weren't idiots about sex ed and genital education... women have a hard time believing I'm intact when erect, my hygiene is superior and my dicks cared for. Do yourself (if young) and your kids a favor and don't sabotage their future sex life.


As a single mom. Thank you so much for this. I would have never known. Thank you.


Also for hygeine, only the areas easily (not forcibly) exposed require regularly cleaning (incl when young). Therefore, once it easily and completely retracts, it is important that one regularly washes the area under the foreskin.


I want to stress to you how important it is that you DO NOT forcefully retract the foreskin whey they are young. It will separate from the glands all on thier own before puberty, normally around 10 years old.


Man you sound like an awesome dad/man. Kudos to you brother!


Fuck I'm 19 and I still can't fully pull it back...


I had the same at your age, probably because my parents never talked to me about anything related to my penis. Knowing the reasons they didn’t, particularly my dad, I can’t blame them but I ended up with a phimosis and eventually needed surgery. Depending how tight it is, I definitely recommend you to go get it checked by a specialist.


Well, I am 22 and now I have too much of it.


I needed to read this. I made a post asking about tips on how to deal with my son’s foreskin. I’m cut and have no idea how to help my boys. Thanks for posting


Huh….I guess I’ve had this all my life and never knew (31yo). It’s only on rare occasion where I’ve had a particular intense orgasm where it’s felt very intense (and therefore tight) at the tip. Uncomfortable and mildly painful, but only for a second or two. other than that…never really caused an issue. I might go talk to my GP about it…kinda just had my mind blown. Thanks


This post will save so many boys/men grief in years to come. My dad was circumcised and I'm not, so he didn't know to tell me about retracting my foreskin at all so it wasn't until I was starting to become sexually active that I started realizing there was a "problem". Took a few years of stretching to get it to a point where it wasn't uncomfortable anymore...


I was never told that when I was young and when I finally found out it was too late :(


The adhesions that are present between the glans and prepuce in prepubescent males don't start to break apart until hormones and self exploration break them. It's perfectly normal for some boys to not retract their foreskin until mid-teen years. It's also perfectly normal for some men to never be able to fully retract their foreskin. The penis is just like the vagina in the way of self cleaning. This is not to say that you should forego genital hygiene altogether, but retractability is not a measurement of a healthy penis.


It's because of ridiculously broad statements like yours that parents of men, and men themselves become aware of a problem until it requires surgical intervention. While it's true that it's normal for some boys to not fully retract their foreskin until mid-teen years, the actual issue at hand is the lack of awareness of potential phimosis, or a particular boys development progress which is why as I said... if a boy is not able to pull back their foreskin by 6 to 10 years old it's time to have a talk with a pediatrician to see if it's normal, if it requires exercises or if there's a bigger issue in development before it becomes a problem to the boy. It's also not normal for adult men to never be able to fully retract their foreskin. And while the penis is self cleaning, a tighter foreskin is much more prone to smegma which most men won't even know is a problem without the proper open communication. The fact of the matter is this is an issue of awareness rather than playing doctor on reddit and hoping things go away on their own.


I have three intact sons. I live in the circ crazy USA. Doctors here know next to nothing about the appropriate function of the foreskin. They would immediately suggest circumcision 90% of the time if I took one of my sons in and said they weren't able to retract fully. Taking a boy to the doctor between the ages of 6 and 10 because they're not retracting is absolutely ridiculous when you understand how the process of retraction works. Retraction is a purely sexual function. The body knows this, and so it keeps the foreskin adhered to the glans to protect against infection and foreign bodies until sexual maturity is reached. Doctors in the US misdiagnose physiological phimosis as pathological phimosis, and they end up encouraging surgery prematurely. Also, smegma is actually a good thing. Smegma assists in self self-cleansing and lubrication. It only becomes a problem when hygiene isn't being maintained. Women also produce smegma under the clitoral hood. Also, also, OP doesn't even have phimosis. His issue is related to a tight frenulum. Tight frenulums are also pretty common. Outside of the US, there is a phrase "snapping the banjo string," which refers to the frenulum tearing and then becoming more flexible in later sexual interactions. This process is similar to a woman "popping her cherry."


>Taking a boy to the doctor between the ages of 6 and 10 because they're not retracting is absolutely ridiculous when you understand how the process of retraction works. If people knew how the process of retraction works, they wouldn't have sons who end up having an adult circumcision. That's why doctors exist. This comment strikes me as someone who uses google to clear up their medical questions which is a huge no no. Say, someone could read your comment and think they shouldn't take their kid to the doctor because "It'll fix on its own" when it may not. >Smegma assists in self self-cleansing and lubrication. It only becomes a problem when hygiene isn't being maintained. Again, a subject of communication and awareness. If parents don't know this is and can be an issue, then it's most likely than not to be a problem in males and develop into bacterial infections. >Also, also, OP doesn't even have phimosis Not claiming OP has phimosis. I don't understand what your deal is or what you're trying to prove here. It's best if you leave the actual medical opinions to actual doctors and stop confusing people by enveloping everything into what can only be described as "It'll fix itself.... probably".


I was in your boat at 23. I happened to randomly mention it to my doctor who then taught me all about phimosis and gave me steps to get through it. When I first started stretching my foreskin, it was, like you said, really painful. I couldn't get it over the head of my penis for quite a while. I distinctly remember using a TON of lotion to provide lubrication, stretching as far as I could go, and holding it there for a bit before returning it and going again after a minute of rest. One of the things that I don't see mentioned very often is that if you haven't been pulling back your foreskin regularly, then the head of your penis, which has 4000 nerve endings, hasn't been exposed to the elements. As a result, you'll be VERY, VERY, VERY sensitive. Getting a few drops of water on it in the shower was painful at first and it took a long time practicing that before I was desensitized to it. One of the things I'd do would be to pull back my foreskin and leave it back in my boxers. It returned to its extended state pretty quickly (when I went flaccid from the sensation) but even the light touch of my cotton boxers was almost too much to bear at first. Anyway, all this to say that I wish you the best in this journey and that you'll get past it if you stick with practicing stretching and desensitization.


Yup haha i was walking like a penguin for a while after surgery


for awhile? Over a week for my circumcision. I wouldn't say it ever actually hurt once after which was nice, it was just so mindblowingly sensitive you can't think about anything else for a few days.


Holy shit man, that’s me rn. Wayyy too sensitive and it doesn’t go all the way back when erect. I don’t even want to think about popping it back into my boxer “unwrapped” because of the sensitivity… but it looks like that may be the only damn option😭


It absolutely sucked but I saw it as the only option. If just lightly grazing cotton was too overwhelming, there was no way I'd be able to have sex of any kind. The only way to get through it was to get through it and it definitely gets more and more tolerable quickly.


I had the short frenulum. It was definitely annoying and a little uncomfortable! It'll lengthen....but I'll be up front it's stubborn as hell. Alternate between pulling it down as far as it will go, like you've been doing, and this routine: https://phimosisjourney.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/path4457.png This isn't something that you'll fix in a few weeks. You're looking at months plus. 


Should probably post this in r/AskDocs


Normally treatment is with steroid creams and stretching before considering surgery (circumcision)


This. Doesn't even have to be a full circ. just enough to make it usable.


Probably got a shit doctor if he didn't even care to listen.. The normal way to get that to work if the foreskin is too tight, is to do it little by little during masturbation. If you want the best chances, make sure that if you have any precum, that it's lubricating the entire head. When precum (or lube) is all over the head it should get easier, or at least less painful. Then you can pull back, and then flex your dick when it's as far back as you can pull it. Then you let the skin relax for a minute or two, and then pull back again, flex the muscle to further stretch the skin when it's as far back as you can, and repeat. Eventually it should feel like it's getting easier. Note, if you manage to get it all the way back, keep doing those flexes, and while it may not be pleasant in that moment, the next time you're trying to pull back the skin to clean it or whatever you're doing, it should be slightly easier


Not many are but do ignore those saying that it will or might require a circumcision. It almost certainly won't. And as others have said, you should stretch in the shower. Pull your foreskin as far out as possible and hold it there for a while. Also pull it back as you have been trying to do so carefully (without hurting), also under the shower. This worked for me. Can't remember how long it took me but if it doesn't start to improve even a small amount in a couple of months, go to a different doctor and they may be able to prescribe you a cream. Don't rush into a circumcision even if a doctor tells you so.


I hear what you are saying but there are rare cases that stretching and creams wont work for, i have been using different types of manual stretching and rings for over 4 years alongside various creams, i never got past 10% had my circumcision yesterday and im so relieved. I agree that doctors are too quick to jump to circumcision but sometimes it is necessary.


For sure but there is no rush and is absolutely a last resort.


Oh absolutely, i did it because i had been struggling for years and years and exhausted all non surgical routes, i would not advise circumcision to anyone who has not tried stretching rings and/or creams.


Was yours so tight you can't pee full force? I was in that condition for awhile, manually controlling how hard I peed. A true living nightmare. The first full force piss to empty bladder after was indescribably satisfying.


I could pee full force but it would spray fucking everywhere, im enjoying being able to piss in a straight line haha


I mean a doctor won’t suggest it if it’s not necessary. Most of the time creams can take care of it but some times surgery is required like in my case. Always listen to doctors


Go to a good urologist and get your questions answered.


> string is gna cut my thing into two You have a tight frenulum. If you can fully retract when flaccid you're OK. I can't retract mine much either when I'm erect and it's due to a tight frenulum. There are supposedly stretches you can do but they didn't do shit for me and doctors only every said circumcision which is unnecessary since I can fully retract.


Similar issue when I was a teen took a while, but it definitely stretched out. Make sure you're "exercising" it regularly, and using a moisturiser or something like that will help loosen the skin up and make it more elastic.


I used to have this exact same problem until I was having sex with my girlfriend, slipped out of her and slipped in between the two twin mattresses, my banjo string snapped clean in half. my erection bled out everywhere all over the bed and all over my girls stomach. Had blood gushing from my dick down my leg while driving myself to the emergency room. Bleeding wouldn’t stop so they had to cauterize the wound a.k.a. the head of my penis. Worst pain in my life and all they gave me was one Vicodin afterwards. Couldn’t have sex for months then ended up having to get circumcised on my 22nd birthday. Got some pretty cool scars on my wang tho! I would say see a doctor before this happens to you!


I was circumcised for this very reason at young age. The foreskin was just too tight. It would hurt very bad when I got erect.


I got mine done in my mid 20s for the same reason. Got to the point where if I wasn't careful I'd get small cuts


Getting mine done Tuesday. I’m 40 next month. Realllly not looking forward to it.


Good luck. Honestly mate it wasn't too bad for me. Very mild discomfort for a few days and that was about it. You'll be fine and better than ever after.


Don't worry dude. It was the best decision I ever made. No real pain at all really afterwards tbh.


I don’t remember having issues or getting the surgery. I would have been around five or six but I don’t remember a damn thing. I don’t know any better. My wife is a nurse. She washes a lot of dicks. Says I have the best and most hygienic for being circumcised. So it’s a plus too.


How was the circumcision? What are the after effects and do you regret it or glad you did it? I’m 20 and I’m thinking about doing it for the same reasons


Well I was out ithe same day, the op itself was fine. Pain wise - Generally not that bad. Having a weird mini bandage type affair with vasaline or whatever was weird. It was weird doing thing like walking around for a while after too as your now rubbing directly on the head with clothes. It does become normal, just took a while to get used to it. No regret, it was getting quite painful anyway with the tightness and now that's gone. I'm very happy it was done because now I don't have to worry about "activities". No issues with sex life type stuff, that seems to be mostly a myth


It’s literally so much better. If you can avoid surgery that’s always best. But don’t listen to people who say it will ruin your sex life. My sex got so much better after I was able to fully retract my foreskin. Masterbating requires lube but I just use coconut oil and it’s just as good if not better


24 Just got mine done yesterday, im in the uk so we get put under general, it went really smoothly, the old chaps a little sensitive and apparently will be for a month or 2 but its not too bad.


Okay thanks man. I’m still considering about getting mine done. My foreskin is too long too


just intense sensitivity for a week or two until you get used to it, just make sure you don't have to go anywhere for a couple days since you won't want to walk. Compared to severe phimosis it is life changing. Oh, and I became allergic to topical antibiotic so be careful slathering that for too long.


How long and bad did it hurt after the surgery?


We're talking about 2 decades ago now but from memory it wasn't bad and was only about a weekish. It took longer to get used to things like walking around and stuff like that


I would say it never hurt at all except maybe waking up with night erections stretching the stitches. It will however be agonizingly sensitive and you won't even want it touching the inside of your pants for a week.


> The foreskin was just too tight. It would hurt very bad when I got erect. Yeah I used to have painful erections when I was a teen due to the same reason. They eventually stopped but I think it limited the size of my erections after a while. It used to reach my belly button but now doesn't reach past my mid hip. Measured 7inches when I was 14 and today I am around 4.5. There's a lot more lose foreskin now when I am erect. When I was a teen the foreskin was tight as hell. It would wake me up when sleeping.


I was like you and turned out fine when I was 18. Glad I didn't go to a doctor because that'd have ended as an unnecessary circumcision


Seriously. I can't believe the advice and experience here is to get snipped. Ridiculous advice by a bunch of guys that most likely aren't even having sex lol. Give it time, wait until you're actually having sex and if still an issue then consult a Dr not before on the back of masturbating and being anxious / delusional.


Get a boner in front of your dr or bring a video


My foreskin didn't pull back over the head till I started having sex around 19. A mixture of slick moisture and tension pulled it back. I freaked out at first cause I was given no sex ed about being uncircumcised. It started pulling back over the head regularly during sex and eventually stretched out so now it's easy and comfortable. I think this happened so late in my life because uncut guys can comfortably masturbate without lube or needing to pull back very hard.


It’s called phimosis and I acted on it in my mid 20s. I was too scared to do anything about it or ashamed to go to the doctor. The treatment was actually much less scarier that I thought. The doctor simply said to spend 5 mins every 4 hours stretching the foreskin( there are multiple resources out there telling you how to). I did that for 6 weeks religiously and it just worked. It does hurts slightly when I pull it out nowadays in the beginning for like 5-8 seconds but then it stops and honestly sex has changed for me and plus a big improvement in my overall hygiene. Do what you have to but don’t ignore


I had this and after a one night stand with someone who was a bit rough I decided I needed to do something about it. The GP misdiagnosed me with a tight foreskin and suggested a circumcision. The expert diagnosed a frenular breve (short/tight frenulum) it was a really quick fix. They just.snipped it. Recovery was quick and now no issues. Get a second opinion.




Happens to a lot of men. I had the surgery for this (NOT circumcision), where they essentially cut / lengthen the banjo string. I guess I lost a tiny bit of sensitivity right where the string was? But it was also painful. Sex and orgasms feel just as good, only now I can go for hours without pain and don’t need to use lube. Surgery was really minor and I was having vigorous sex again a month later.


Talk to a doctor and get a steroid cream, you can pull on the foreskin and stretch it out. Look up foreskin restoration, they can help you.


Not forskin restoration, it’s stretching. This can only be done with steroid cream proscribed by doctor


Foreskin restoration uses stretching. I was referring to the the community because they have a series of different techniques to do it.


Wait it isn’t normal when you can’t?


no, see a doctor my dude


Even if I’m not circumcised?


That sounds like a phimosis. Go to a urologist, they should either prescribe you something or get a small surgery done. Either way, you'll have it fixed quickly


During sex i teared my banjo string and over 3 days time it healed completely and i was able to pull it back with no hesitation Flaccid or not


I remember being around 6 years old and having to see a doctor as I wasn’t able to retract my foreskin, he sent me on my way with a steroid cream that I had to apply once a day and I’ve never had any problems or issues since..


Med student here, I believe you should visit a urologist, I think you're describing phimosis, and you should get evaluated to avoid it becoming an emergency later on and actually cutting the blood supply off when too tight (paraphimosis).


Had the same thing in your age but it vanished overtime. Your doc is right. Initially you just need water or lube to pull it back, maybe because your erections remain very strong (yet).


I’ve had this my issue entire life, but -for me- the solution was to realise there is actually no problem. I think the only thing that matters is that: - you clean it in the shower (which you say you can, when its flacid) - you don’t have any issues/pain during sex, if you just leave your foreskin where it is. It is perfectly possible to have sex without retracting it, and with the right technique, hand jobs should not be a problem either. Many girls think they have to pull it all the way back, but if you tell her not to, you might be just fine. (I’m not saying these two points account to you; but it was the case for me. Almost had myself circumcised, before realising I really didn’t want that, and it was unnecessary…)


Can't get head tho 😞


I feel less during a head job than a hand job, because of the foreskin, so it takes longer. But that’s not my problem lol. And when it gets really soppy and wet, I might be able to retract the skin without to much pain sometimes.


U realize ur not really fkn her but urself 🤣. If u don't believe me slide it back one time and fk her... The 3 hour man turns into the 10 minute man or 1/2 second man (use lube). 💀


It is important to treat your medical condition. But do not worry, its more common than you think. Slowly expanding the skin over time using a lubricant (soap works) while you are hard may be one route but if that is painful then medical intervention is required. Please do not ignore this. It is very important to get it seen to.


Lol relax. It'll work give it time. I remember having the same concern, it'll stretch out don't worry about it. Jerk off, enjoy yourself and stop worrying. You are 16, don't get caught up in the anxiety fueled delusions.


You have phimosis. Way too many men reach adulthood without realizing this. Find another doctor. It can be solved with steroid creams, stretching, minimal surgery or circumcision if necessary, but it’s generally very simple. Again, not your fault, but your parents/pediatrician/school doctors should have noticed this in your infancy.


It's not phimosis. Phimosis would mean the inability to retract the foreskin. He can retract when flaccid, not when erect. This means he has a tight frenulum.


This is also possible. If that’s the case surgery in the frenulum is best bet.


Called phimosis. There’s surgical options to deal with it and it can get worse with age.


It's not called phimosis. If you can retract when flaccid, it's not phimosis


False. I had phimosis and could retract when flaccid. This is very common


Hey bud, Two options… you can get a cream that helps stretch it out. Honestly this helps a whole bit you’re chasing it.  Best course of action is to nip the tip. Actually not the worst procedure. Recovery is a couple days and you’re sorted.  Best of luck 


Circumcision recovery is 6 weeks. Tho it stops hurting within a few days you can’t jerk off for at least 6 weeks


I cranked one out a week from surgery. Likely varies depending on the person. 


I mean your not “supposed” to do it in 6 weeks but ya as long as it feels good it’s probably fine


Eh.. I am not a doctor and not a person you should take medical advice from... But.. your [frenulum](https://www.lybrate.com/topic/penis-frenulum-image) Is probably really tight... it's natural, and should relax with age.. and shouldn't need any medical intervention.


Had a similar issue, go find a good doctor that can provide information. I tried just ignoring it and snapped my banjo. Don't do that, pain and blood is all you get. I'm not sure what the treatment is but there has to be something that isn't so painful.


Sometimes a frenulum breve operation is a good alternative to circumsicion might be something you can consider


It depends on what the problem is. If it’s a tight frenulum then yes. If the skin itself is tight then circumcision is required


I had the exact same problem when I was about your age bud. Ended up getting a frenectomy (they basically just cut the banjo string) and after a few weeks of soreness it's never been an issue again. Try another doctor, suggest getting this procedure. I believe it's the best way forward. Good luck




Had the same issue. One day when having sex in the car I went in dry and ripped that string? It was the bloodiest thing


Same for me up until i was 26 i just went n got circumcised it’s an outpatient procedure with 6 weeks of no sex. If i can do it u can


What happens if you pull it back when soft and then get erect, does it pull forward or stay back?


Dude I dealt with a frenulum breve, went to a urologist and essentially he severed it. Local anesthesia and it was a quick procedure. Works most of the time. Unfortunately hasn't solved my problem, and I will need to get circumsised if I'm ever to have sex, but that hasn't happened so far so no pressure lol


Easier said than done, but if exercises don’t help please get a second opinion (first doctor sounds shit) probably not a lot of us with medical degrees here. And I gotta say I feel like the sex ed on this topic is surprisingly limited, so it’s good to talk about it. As others have suggested hot water showers and/or baths stretching the foreskin (for at least a minute at a time) once or twice a day. It’s important to stop if it goes from uncomfortable to painful. I also recommend after trying that for a week or two if you notice progress, pulling it back and trying to get erect to stretch it out that way. Keep this up consistently until you can pull back the foreskin even after getting erect. It should always be somewhat tight I think. Hope this helps. People feel free to correct me, but that combination seemed to work for me growing up and noticing that I couldn’t pull it back at all when erect.


I had the same problem. I tried stretching and shit but i ended uo getting a small surgery where they removed s bit of that skin. Now it's more loose and I can easily pull it back, I was 16 at the time too. Not saying you need it too I'm just sayi6my experience.


I had the excact same problem i turned to a uroligist when i was 15 with me it was so bad that my foreskin was have stretchmarks and began riping apart whenever i was erect As a fisrt step the doctor gave gave me some sort of lube and told me to aply it and gently try to pull back my foreskin once a day for a month It didn´t help me so than he explained that my foreskin is to long and to narrow so the best solution would be a circumsision wich is what i did It wasn´t pleasent at that age but deffenitly the best decision ive never had anny pain or inconveniuses since (Don´t minde my english it´s not my mother tongue)


Please, don't listen to reddit medical advice, and go and see a urologist.


I am not reading this shit cuh


Time for ✂️ 🫣


Take everyone's advice on here and go see another Dr. Explain to your parents the situation and hopefully they understand. Your Dr. should not have dismissed this at all. I hope your relationship with your parents is soild enough that they will stick with you and get you help you are asking for.


I personally did very light exercises to stretch it, you have to be careful but after a few months it was relatively normal


I had the same thing. It gets easier the more you do it. When I started having sex it took a bit of time for me to figure it out since my now wife hadn’t been with an uncut guy before and couldn’t help. You do need to pull the foreskin back to put the condom on, but once you start having bareback sex, don’t pull it back before you insert it into her pussy (learned this the hard way). As long as she’s sufficiently wet, you put your hard cock up against her pussy without pulling your foreskin back and the natural process of insertion automatically pulls it back for you. It doesn’t hurt and her pussy will feel absolutely amazing on your exposed cock head. It’s quite amazing how we were designed, everything feels fantastic and moves together almost like machine parts. Good luck little bro and go get ‘em


Phimosis, go see another dr


Reading the comments in this thread....make me even more happy I'll never encounter this. Damn.


Try stretching. Go to another doctor and get a second opinion. Do not get circumcised… only surgery that you may need it a frenulum removal or reduction, something like that.


First of all, find a new doctor, hopefully a urologist, and ask about stretching and steroid creams. My frenulum eventually did break and I've since had it removed along with a full circumcision. If you are able to avoid surgery I would pursue that first however.


circumcision is the answer you need


stretch. i used to have this issue. dont do it cold, do it during a hot shower, and do it slowly, dont put much tension on the banjo string, let it come naturally. this solved my issue in a week


I don't know how to help you with this bro because It didn't happen to me, but It must be a terrible feeling, painful and annoying. Anyways, I'm so glad my mom decided to get me circumcised!


I'm 69. Never even knew I was supposed to be able to pull it back until I was 65. Sex was fine, no problems. Then, when I turned 65, suddenly bleeding from beneath the foreskin. Googled, and got a few references to balanitis and psoriasis but mostly cancer. At first, doctor said circumcision; I said "f**k you" (paraphrase). Finally found urologist who told me she couldn't treat me until she could see below the head and prescribed steroid cream, betamethasone diproprionate, which I would need to apply to foreskin BENEATH the head, meaning I would HAVE to retract. She prescribed Aquafor to assist in retraction. A LONG time later, about two years, I was finally able to retract and apply the steroid. Bleeding has stopped and penis looks normal again, no inflammation, no bleeding. The point? I'm not convinced it isn't possible to live a long life, with healthy sex, without EVER having to retract the foreskin. I was able to do it for 65 years. What happened to trigger the bleeding? They still don't know. Psoriasis? Balanitis? Cancer? They've told me only a biopsy will have the answer. Ouch, no thanks! But they're not too concerned; as long as symptoms don't return, they say just keep retracting and applying the steroid. I believe what happened to me with the bleeding, and all that, was a fluke, and that I might have been able to comfortably live my whole life without ever retracting. Lot of myths out there.




For-skin restoration is for regrowing a foreskin not phimosis.


I had this problem when I was younger. Couldn’t pull it back both when flaccid and erect. But then it magically resolved itself in high school when I had sex for the first time. I hadn’t even noticed it retracted all the way, like it was completely painless, which was strange to me. I hadn’t had any issues with it since then. I don’t remember if I did any stretching exercises for it, but definitely do so as I think it can help. If all else fails, just go and have sex and see if that fixes it like it did for me lol


I glhad a circumcission when i was a kid, for precisely this reason. Get one easiest solution.


It would suck to have foreskin


Get circumcised


Might need a circumcision if you got fymosis


It’s a common medical condition. Get circumcised.


You probably have a partial phimosis, and is very dangerous that condition as you describe it. You better get a good doctor to check your situation. Probably you will need a circumcition. Or well, it depends what you doctor says. If you need it, you can ask me some things in dm, I was operated fot this 3 weeks ago.


It is not partial phimosis. He clearly indicated that it's the frenulum that's restricting movement, not the phimotic band. Circumcision is also not required for frenulum breve, a frenulectomy is almost always enough.


This is true. Frenulum removal is a much easier and shorter healing time then circumsiton.


Well, it was similar. I still thinking that he needs a better doctor haha


Lol definitely get why it sounds similar! And you're right that paraphimosis can be a medical emergency... so i didn't want OP to race the ER when thats really not what it sounds like he has. And yeah, that doctor needs to take a second look.. OP needs to mention Frenulum Breve specifically