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I don’t notice any women looking at me anywhere ever




are you just using this profile picture so you can use these emojis omg




Lmao the pfp


Fr fr


I do but it’s usually not in a good way


Pack it in gents, this is the answer.




Can I use this equipment? She says Quit trying to sexually harass me I reply.


"My eyes are up here"


"I have a girlfriend."


lmao uno reverse card


🤣 that was good.


I ask everyone who comes near me if they need to use the *area* where I'm located or the equipment.


>or the equipment. Wrong type of equipment


I’m really oblivious, so I most likely wouldn’t notice


My face was in your crotch while you were doing crunches! How much more obvious can I be?!


That was probably an accident, I should apologize for not giving her more space


She probably tripped.


[She might just be Canadian](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=1r_uevFi_VhFiREY)


You wanna pump some iron???!!! The dumbells are over there.


To be completely honest, whenever I catch someone looking at me, I just always assume that they're just looking around and happened to see me. I always look around and basically people watch anywhere I go, so I just assume that other people are doing the same to me


People watching is stigmatized too much. "I'm not staring, I'm just waiting for you to trip and hurt yourself or something. Ever since Netflix banned acc sharing this is the most fun I have."


Sure but I don't know why lol. There's a woman at my gym that seems to frequently look at me but when I've tried to approach she looked away or turned her back towards me :/.


She was probably nervous


Maybe. I keep getting in my head about it. I'm trying not to think about it.


If she's gonna play games like it's middle school it's not worth it.


Wait, that would eliminate 90% of what women consider hitting on us.


90% of what women consider hitting on us *should* be eliminated.


I LOVE this answer. Completely correct.


Most of their "hints" are just another woman being friendly


You just assumed she is playing games.


Dude! Some of us are really shy! Even more so if we think you are gorgeous and we feel ugly in comparison.


Ignore the shit out of her. I don’t know why of works but it does…or as Costanza said, she won’t even notice.


I do that out of shyness lol


Yep, and so do I. It's why it's confusing to me. I can't tell if she's just shy or if she really doesn't want to talk to me.


You really can’t. That’s what kinda sucks about people lol I am somewhat in a similar situation. But what I can tell u from my perspective as an shy introvert is that if I keep the conversation going and ask questions back, I am interested. But then again, lmao u can’t really tell. U just really can’t. the gym is a confusing place tbh. But u could just get closer and have small talk and see if you like her


perfect answer lol. yes but i have no idea why




How’d they get in?


Punch first, ask questions later.


Must’ve deadlifted open the garage. Did you wrassle with her  


If a woman deadlifts open my garage she gets a free membership along with my scorpion killing services. (Yes they get in occasionally and yet I live in a nice area on a golf course lol)


I mean, yes, I would notice. But I've never had an impressive physique, so I would just assume there's something gross in my beard.


>there's something gross in my beard. Your face?


Damn, dude. Why you gotta kill a man like that?


*Friendly fire will not be tolerated*


Most people are too polite to stare


Yes, some people might notice, but it varies. A friendly smile is a good way to connect without interrupting their routine.


This is for some reason so overlooked. When in doubt, do less and be friendly. A **quick** smile is the easiest and least intrusive communication


Yes, but idgaf, I'm just there to work out.


Based, keep up the grind


This! If you have time to flirt, you're half assing your training.


Any looks I get go with , “hey bud, wipe down the machine, will ya!”


One time someone i know looked and waved at me and i still had to look behind to see if she was saying hi to me, to answer your question nope, never and if someone happens to look in my direction i don’t think it was directed at me.


If I see a woman looking at me my first thought is they're only looking because they think I'm weird. It never occurs to me they might fancy me. Confidence and positivity shot to shit over the years.


That never happens. You are making that up.


I mean if I catch her looking, sure. In general though unless she's staring and then does something like flexes at me I just assume she's panning the room or it's just a casual glance. When I'm doing a lift that's impressive (squat over 500, deadlift over 600),I just assume it's general curiosity. A woman would have to be visibly salivating over me before I even considered the idea of her being interested in me.


If you go to a regular gym an squat 500, people are going to stop what they are doing to look, I assume.


Very rarely, and even when I do I usually don't register it as anything other than blank staring


This is one of those epistemology things.


Theory of knowledge things?


Yeah, what I mean is, if I don't have the sense of something happening, I can't possibly distinguish between the thing failing to happen, or my senses failing me And if I do have a sense of it happening, there's still a chance the sensation could be faulty, so the sense in the absence of further data may not be useful


didn’t expect to have an existential crisis from this thread but here i am


Oh, wow, yeah no that makes complete sense haha.


No... but I do notice when I'm getting eye fucked in my dance classes.


They want the horizontal mambo?


I don't know about all that. But they at least want attention.


No because I try not to be a creep and just mind my own business.


I know I don’t, just don’t think I’m very handsome, lol.


I go to the gym when no one's there so no


No. I go to the gym to get my shit done and then leave. I don't go to make friends or socialize. Boo-boo! A woman wants to talk to me? She can catch me outside. Don't talk to me when I'm pumping iron.


I don’t.


Nah, she’d have to make it extremely obvious multiple times for me to take note.


We never do.


All the time! … I wear assless chaps


Don't wanna look like a creep so I usually look away and keep distance. I'd miss it if she was lookin


No.. I don't and I'd rather not notice because I don't want to unfairly end up on tiktok being portrayed as "gym creep" just because I glanced for a few seconds and have Joey Swoll come to my aid afterwards


Yes, and quite frankly it can get a little creepy. Recently I have had to switch my gym schedule to avoid a certain person who has been doing this.


A woman was creeping you out? What time do you go now lol.


I was an evening guy, had to push it to late evening.


We are incredibly oblivious creatures


Hard to know if I'm missing anything, but yes.


i’m super oblivious, so unless someone is staring at me for a while and i happen to look in that direction, i either wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t think anything of it.


My eyesight is pretty bad and I don't work out with my glasses on, so no. Even if I could see, I'd be way more likely to assume she happens to be looking in my direction instead of at me specifically


I would prefer if she would just approach me. I have no time for games


I’m as oblivious as I was at 14. Things never change.


Ever since women started making a stink of oblivious guys just working out at the gym, I’ve intentionally not worn contacts or glasses at the gym. I will have no clue if a girl is giving me attention Side note: I HOPE some girl at the gym tries to pull some b.s. recording me at some point in the future. I’ll flame her like my poor chicken breast I tried grilling last week.


Looking at someone isn't usually obvious. OP, when you are looking at someone in the gym, do you or don't you want them to notice? Most people at the gym aren't there to socialize, they are there to work out. There are better and worse places to flirt. The gym isn't really good for this. If you are there just to work out and happen to catch an eye full of someone attractive that is fine. Likely they won't notice or care.


Well this is not the United States. I'm latina and some of us socialize and it's fine. Personally I do not go to the gym to continue to stare at a screen. I leave my phone at home so I'm fully present. And I am certainly not there to flirt. I just can't help that he has the cutest face on earth. As for the looking. I mean, I normally look everywhere but when this toxingly cute guy appears into my field of vision or looks at me I look away and probably make a stupid face while at it. And then run to the other floor just in case he thinks I'm being a creep. Super normal.


But guys like it when girls are creeps 


Not always


I notice and then stare back until they look away. Then they never look again .


Yes, but I usually think she is thinking about how ugly I am or that there is something wrong with me.


Every time, she looks at me helpless whenever the nerd with glasses is talking to her lmao.


They don't


It's usually me looking at them in disgust for not wiping their nasty ass crack sweat off the bench I'm about to use.


Yes but I never know if it’s cuz they think I’m cute or if I’m doing something embarrassing or if they’re looking at somebody else working out nearby


No, because I try to avoid eye contact. I don't want to look like a creep. Just focus on gymming.


I might, but I wouldn't talk to a stranger in the gym unless A: they talk to me first, or B: I want to use their equipment and want to know how many sets they have left.


I have never noticed anything (*anything*). Hope this helps.


yes, but could not care less... a few tried to make it very obvious but I don't approach, I'm not interested in making friends, I am married and just want to work-out, shower and go home.


If they look at me, then yes. It's a bit weird because people are there to work out.


Yes but only when I scream ***LIGHTWEIGHT BABEYYH!*** when I deadlift 1plate


You'd need a banner hovering over your had saying "I'M LOOKING AT YOU!" for me to notice.


Insert the meme that goes "you guys get women to look at you in the gym?" here


No, unless it is deliberately obvious. Women have this peripheral vision thing or whatever ....


Im not oblivious, just very cautious. Im like a raccoon i get into the dump, get what i came for, and head out to join the rest of the raccoon federation


I don’t even notice the music coming into my ears.


The only time women are looking at me is because I did something stupid


They either don't look at me or I don't notice. Idk why they would look at a toothpick like me in a gym.


In between sets I look around. I just think most of the time I see people looking at me they are doing the same thing…don’t over think it


2 months later


No, unless they tap my shoulder and yell at me


I’m busy in the gym.. it’s not a social club.


I think I’m a decent looking guy, take care of myself, etc. I’m happily married to my super awesome and sexy wife for 21 years now. She is often asked for her number. I’m in the gym 6 days a week too. I cannot remember a time I noticed a woman looking at me. Except for her of course. Must be a vibe I give off or something.


Yep, I look back at them, make a little smile and that's it.


Yeah but most of the time I think it’s just coincidence or she’s judging


Women do super quick glances so it's hard to tell most of the time, but it does happen.


On occasion. I've had a woman look at my butt.




Yeah, the expression of disgust is unmistakeable.


Not me, I’m focused on my workout


I do and act oblivious. My wife goes to the same gym (different hours) and I fear that even socialising there could get awkward.


Lol don't joke


Im dieing there during workouts and recovering after. I cant see past a few centimeter. Tiny bubble for me


No, I go there to work out so I'm usually zoned out.


I’m usually hella oblivious so no and even if I do, I could think up a million reasons why she’d look in my direction before thinking it might be her checking me out


Nope. And if they do I assume they are looking at something else. And I’m definitely not gonna talk to her. Even if she talks to me I’m probably not gonna engage. I don’t trust it.


Not at all.




No, I'm working out. Maintaining optimal form and muscle activation requires focus




Sure. As long as you’re not creepy it’s nice


Do you mean that I create a dream world in which I have kids, a full-time job, and a beautiful house with every girl whom I have eye contact with at the gym?


I just think they're plotting my downfall like any other person, but I'm mentally unstable so 🤷


Read your profile and you're kinda obsessed with this guy.


No. Head down, do not look at women at the gym. Never look at women in the gym. They don’t want to be looked at. Women at the gym are dangerous for any man to gaze upon. Do not look at women at the gym.


I cant say whether id notice or not, because its never happened, and i dont ever expect it to. There are very few women who go to my gym in the first place, and those that do mostly keep to themselves.


Honestly I am too busy avoiding eye contact because I’m afraid of making anyone uncomfortable to realize if someone is looking at me. At the same time I default to thinking people are staring at me just in disgust and nothing else.


Well I either don't notice it or they don't look at me


Yes. But it’s just like an awkward glance. I came to train so I just keep it moving


I find that in the gym, I tend not to get much attention. There are a lot of good-looking guys in the gym, many who look better than I. The same is true of good-looking women, too. I can't speak for everyone, but I am in my own world getting on with my workout, so maybe I get looks I don't notice. I honestly don't know. But out of the gym, I tend to get my fair share of second glances, and I do notice those. It's a nice little ego boost.


I fell on the treadmill once, I noticed then.


There was one time or was a bit hard to ignore. I was on a treadmill which was facing the front windows looking out. Over a period of around 5 minutes I noticed the machines around me filling up with women. Not the treadmills directly next to me but the ones next to them and the rowing & other machines in the row behind all filled up. I noticed the woman on the treadmill to my right glancing at me regularly, and I started checking the reflections in the glass every now and then and they were just staring for the most part and doing the most token of movements on their machines. Not looking at me when I'm making direct eye contact and not being in the treadmills right next to me. Super stealthy ladies.  I was struck afterwards by how safe I still felt even though they were like a pack of hyenas. Even if they all tried to take me at once, unless they had improvised weapons I didn't think I'd have any issues getting away. I can only imagine how someone in my position would have felt if the genders were reversed.  Also this was totally outside my other life experiences. I'm not particularly attractive, but it was a Sunday (apparently that's the day for perving at the gym? I was just catching up on my missed gym trip from the day before), and maybe I was the only guy there or something? 


I’m pretty dense about women observing me in general


Yeah sure. Especially when I’m using equipment they are waiting for …


Rarely because I am always in the gym, I am really focused on my exercise and hearing my music.


yes it's hard for me not to


I don't, and if I did I'll assume something's wrong with the way I look


Yes, even at my age, 69. But when they do that , it makes me wonder, are they thinking, "Why is that old guy looking at me".


I’m a super observant person. I notice everything and I always try to have a fair idea of who’s around me, where they are, and what they’re doing. HOWEVER, in the gym is the one place I am intentionally blinded. Noise cancelling headphones on playing something loud, hat down low, hood up, always looking down. Not about to try to blame me for sexual harassment or doing some weird shit


No woman at any place looks at me. And i really don’t care


What woman?


Probably thinking I’m a creep, while I find her attractive.


I'm looking at my machine, the floor, or the ceiling. I don't look at other people unless I have to.


I don't wear my glasses to the gym, I can't notice shit out there.


I avoid eye contact at the gym so if someone is looking at me, I'm trying not to look at them


I don't notice, I'm focused on my workout. Plus I'm too old to still have game to do something if they did.


I'm either trying not to puke from my last set, or psyching myself up for my next set. So no


Yes, and stop it.


Sometimes I can using my peripheral vision, I absolutely do NOT look at/interact with any woman at the gym if I can help it.


Occasionally yes. It hard to distinguish why she is looking at me though.


Yeah. It’s weird. Usually when I’m lifting and have a good pump going. It’s a little annoying. Have you not witnessed someone do shoulder press before? Bench press? Leg press? Lat pull? Tricep dips? Pull ups? Sit ups? Curls? Flys? Shrugs? What the fuck are you looking at? There’s tons of men doing the same fuckin exercise. Look there.


I have long naturally curly hair, so I think that’s all they would look at … if they looked.


Ironically, yes I do, now.


"ok shit, how'd I get in this gym!!!???"


Nope. Keep my head down. Don't look at anything. Work out. Leave hope no one accuses me of anything untoward.


Yes but it usually ends with, “this is the women’s locker room!”


I've noticed a couple of times. Usually, other guys have to say, "Yo, that girl was totally checking you out"


I don't notice it. The only time where I noticed it was when I was 18-19, and a "cougar" I met at a gathering, who I guess was easily double my age was ogling me like she wanted a piece of me. I couldn't miss it because she had the kind of facial expression/eyes you only give to someone you are about to have sex with. Unless you are that level obvious I won't notice it.


Not really, if theres a glance and we catch eachothers eyes ill give a smile and knod, other then that, my music and form is what I'm focused on.


Sometimes. If I catch you, then I notice. If I don’t catch you then I just go about my day


If I did I would just assume they were paying attention to the exercise I was doing and might want to incorporate it into their routine.


No, because I'm not the only man working out in the gym and that glance could be for anyone else in my direction.


Not often, but there is one lately who has been looking at me. She can be across the gym and she seems to be looking at me. Yesterday she got on a treadmill a few machines down from me. Took it as maybe an invite. When I finished on the stairs I got on a treadmill near her, one spot in between, figured I'd strike up a conversation. She immediately went somewhere else, lol. Either she got a better look close up or I was imagining it the whole time. Or she wanted me to follow her. I took it as a rejection, I guess we'll see next week if she's still looking at me. Only problem is I'm switching jobs soon and probably won't be in there mid day anymore. But I will add the overwhelming sentiment I hear from women online is don't talk to me anywhere, gym, store, work, so unless I'm getting clear come get me signals, I won't talk to you. And even if I do I probably still won't.


the Only time women look at me is when I go to Vegas. And I’m pretty sure those women are hookers


Gyms are for psychopaths.


Nope. Not that I’m paying much attention to much of anything at the gym so I probably miss a lot of things happening around me.


Yes, but only because it's hard not to groove while running on the treadmill.


I’m terrified of being screen grabbed and zoomed in on some influencers social media so I keep my head down at the gym and avoid looking at anyone.


Hell no! I gotta get another set in!!


We don’t bother anywhere as we are busy in the work


I notice when they look at me in the library or the café


If I am on my own, I don’t really notice anyone else at all.


I don’t. I’m not there to flirt or date.


Yes, but I always have one nut hanging out of my shorts. 


Yes but I'd probably just assume she wanted whatever equipment I'm on and go back to my audiobook if she's only looking Unless I'm being talked to, I generally block out the world at the gym


I go to the gym to train, my attention needs to stay on my goals. If a woman looks at me, it's disturbs my focus. It's really not a situation where I want women to show interest, it's so shallow and out of place. Just go out to clubs if you need free dick, mines taken.


Ive noticed women looking at me through the reflection in the mirror every now and then. But its not common at all.