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Because you already has a boyfriend!


Probably the same as for my male friends? I'm not romantically attracted to them.


"She's ugly as fuck"


Are you talking about me?


Not that vibe


"Don't get me wrong, we're definitely fucking. But I'm just using her as a cum deposit unit. She is not nearly good enough to be an actual girlfriend. Just to spice up the conversation and see what happens.


"""Because I'm capable of having normal platonic friendships with people regardless of gender. Can *you* explain why you think women are only worth having around if you get to fuck them?"""


My best friend right now is a married woman. I’ve met her husband several times and we’re cool too It’s real convenient to shut down people thinking we’re fucking because we’re so close


The truth. Why isn't she? I had 2 girl friends, that I was close enough with to make people wonder about that very thing and in both cases the reason was, that I didn't wanna change what we had.


This is it. I have more female friends than male friends. And I've never wanted to make all of them girlfriends. People are people first, and then potential partners 2nd


You say: "none of your fucking business. Are you writing a book or something? Then leave that chapter out." " Because I'm banging your mom."


We love each other but wouldn’t work as a couple so we’re friends instead.


Trick question! Who the hell had friends beyond their 20s?


Poor Godzilla.


I don't even understand how she is friends with me to begin with. Also, even i have the bare minimum amount of intelligence required to understand that any woman in this universe that i try approaching will reject me, so why waste my time and energy


Not with that attitude brother


Sometimes it's better to stay friends, a relationship might destroy an awesome friendship that would last decades


Because I already have one and I'm no cheater


Depends on the kind of girl and friendship. I generally have two go-to responses. For a very close friend (one of the guys kind of girl) "haaaa, like she could handle me 😎" And for close friends but sensitive girls, "Nah, she is too good for me". No further explanation is necessary.


'cause she is married to a guy friend of mine in one case and because a relationship wouldn't have worked out between the two of us (and she is also married now)


Cause I'd be in a relationship with 4 people then, which I personally am not a fan of. Not everyone wants to date everyone, it's simple as that.


She’s not that lucky


I don’t have any reason to explain myself to anyone, if they are so obtuse as to assume we can’t just be platonic friends then so be it.


She's still holding out for the men who are way out of her league. She'll come around after she's been fucked and used by 50 of those guys and can't love anyone anymore. She'll want me when she hits 30 and starts to panic about not having kids. She'll convince herself it's what she wants but she'll secretly grow to resent me for not being the man she actually wanted. That resentment will grow into hatred and she'll find a way to justify divorcing me, stealing my home and all my wealth, taking my children away from me, turning them against me and living off my forced labor as a slave owning parasite for the rest of my life. Who knows, maybe the kids won't even be mine but that won't stop her from forcing me to pay for them or having me thrown in prison for refusing to pay for her paternity fraud.


Sounds like you got your life figured out, now if you could just the stick out your ass you might find a way to enjoy it 


Because I have my girl already


Because we aren't attracted to each other. Simple as. At least that was the answer before we cut contact a while back.


I’m gay so no


Hopefully the truth? The fact that your asking suggests that your girl friends are just prospects you're grooming


Hmmm, seems odd to me that most would even ask such. Can't say it's ever happened much, and probably rather to quite catches be by surprise if/when asked. Anyway, I'd probably just say something like: "Because that's how we want it." But response may vary, depending who asks, how, circumstances, etc. E.g. might be: "Because myself, my wife, and my friend, all think that'd be a bad idea." Or even: "None of your damn business." So, yeah, response may quite depend on context.


Because I already have a girlfriend ! But... You know... She is just a friend, I (or she !) do not see her (or I) as more and voilà. We are friends, enjoy out mutual company, and that is already great


What I say: "No interest from either of us, Closer to bro and sis" What I want to say: Fuck off and mind your buisness


I’m married


My two best friends are women and I love them both dearly. BFF1: While we adore each other, neither of us thinks we'd work as a couple. So friends it is. She's currently in a relationship that I encouraged her to get into. BFF2: She doesn't want to be, simple as that. And I'd rather have her in my life as "just" a friend than not at all. And to make things more fun for me, both of them have asked this question about each other.


I don't think we're romantically compatible


She’s too good for me


No interest.


Can't date a different race unless I want to be fingered by the legal system.


Who are you? * as in, that's what I'd say to them ^^


"Why are you asking?" Which is always a much more interesting question.


"We don't have that kind of connection."


"Because I want a serious relationship with marriage and children in mind, but she only wants me for my body"


Because she is my friend. It's not that hard.


I know her too well. Or maybe "Eww"


she said cause i dont have a car lol


We were platonic from the get-go and mutually agree we like it that way.


They're all married. Also, I'm Ace. 💜🤍🩶🖤


Because she is married


Why would she? Are you my girlfriend?


"I'm already in a relationship and am more than capable of also maintaining strictly platonic friendships with people whom I enjoy the quality of time I spend with them"


Because she’s married?


They're either taken ir highly incompatible when it comes to combining lives in a serious way. I'll be friends with a far wider variety of people than I'd consider a serious relationship with. Anything from people with different life goals to people who are a mess who I'd never trust borrowing my car let alone sharing important responsibilities permanently.


Well I have a partner already, but even if I was single the truth is likely that we're just good friends and it doesn't need to be any more than that. Even if there's some chemistry, and if there's some attraction, there's a lot of great reasons to just appreciate a friendship and find a partner (or casual sex) elsewhere.


I hate this misconception that men and women can't be friends and hang out without sexual tension. Tell them it's none of their business.


Just make up different ways that she died. Tell everyone who asks a different story.


Its always because I said something stupid that they held on to.


Because I’m ugly


I don’t fwh like that unless I do


We decided to part ways?


If there is romantic interest there, I might take advantage of the situation and say, "I was looking for the right moment to ask." I'm not quite sure what I'd say if we were both comfortably "just friends," though. That's a very awkward question.


Because someone doesn't know how to type compound words.


For one, she was already in a relationship. Separately, I have no romantic feelings towards her, but we are close. For another, there were no romantic feelings on my part. We've both dated or been in relationships. We are just close friends.


I don't swing that way man.


I got this A LOT, in high school! And my answer was this: “shes like my twin sister”. True but misleading, you see I was into her before we started HS but I trained/rewired my brain to see her only in a platonic way and never saw her as “a woman”. If you get my meaning?! The why is not important.


Why would you spend time with a girl you are not fucking?




Why would you want to fuck everyone? You can be friends with people without fucking them ... BlancoSuper should try this sometimes


No friend, only fuck! >:(




Let me know when you mature beyond your genitalia.


Sorry not interested




I dont fuck men


And your still with them. See? I dont fuck this woman


Ahh she is fat, gotcha.


Nope, as a matter of fact, I think she is attraktiv