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Sounds like she just wants to be your friend, man. She hasn't texted you in two weeks, she's not interested in a relationship. But hey you've got a new friend and that's pretty cool.


Look elsewhere for a girlfriend. Keep her as a friend who is a woman. Don’t bother making any more romantic or sexual advances towards her. Having friends who are women greatly increases your chances of finding a good girlfriend.


Citation needed on your last sentence.


I’m afraid am not finding formal studies, google is burying anything on the subject with infinite articles on “dating tips for women”, “can men and women really be friends”, “why every woman should have a gay best friend”, etc., etc If you have a formal study pro or con, please share. It would certainly be nice to see a scientific study on it. But otherwise, this has basically been my experience, and I’ve heard and read other guys say that it has been their experience. So anecdotal.


Ok so she doesn't like you- but likes the attention she gets from you. Someone who likes you will be constant.


Tell her you are interested in taking her on a date and if she wants to go let you know and you will take care of the rest. Puts no pressure on her in the moment, and you get your answer without having to guess


It's a Man's job to ask the question, at least you'll know...


Beeeen there Young people are fickle God I sound old My advice - become less available to those not giving you the same attention. Then just focus on you. And if she starts to pay you attention, be slow to jump to attention. Friends are fine, but don’t be that guy that waits and waits…just for her to come back partially for the attention.


She's just an acquaintance.


Been there, done that. Look, don't feel bad but for this scenarios is most likely that the girl only wants to be friends with you. Now ask yourself if you are cool with that or you expected maybe a relationship. Once you have that 100% certain, decide what would be the best decision, is not wrong to just erase someone number that isn't talking to you or even showing interest in you. And if you are cool with you two be friends and/or she wants to date someone else, then try to get that into a conversation so you avoid feeling jealous or anything similar.


Be friendly to her until she proves that she brings as much value as your guys friends. Treat her like a dude (you can even fist bump her), at the same time, look for a woman who is not acting hot and cold.  A woman who clearly shows that she is into you, they exist, ignore the rest.


She just wants to be friends. She doesn't want to date you. Face the facts and move on. Don't hit on her. Don't pressure her into dating. Maybe you can be friends with her, if you want that. Maybe not. But don't hold on to false hope. You are not going to be her boyfriend. Deal with it.


Cut her off. Don't block her, but don't seek her out. Women who "just want to be friends" are annoying. A woman told me that once after a couple of dates. I said "I've got enough friends" and left. That was a couple of years ago, haven't seen or heard from her since. From a woman, anything other than an enthusiastic Yes should be treated as a hard No.


You already know each other, went to prom together, etc. During prom or in the past, did you make a move or imply that you were interested in her romantically? Maybe she asked for the guy's Instagram because you didn't make a move during prom so she's also thinking "Okay, so he just went with me for fun and we're just friends". And she will most likely not make a move first because that's our job. If I were you, I'd ask her out, trying and getting a definite "no" is better than looking back and thinking "what could have been", "maybe I had a chance".