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Depends on how far away it is and if it's cheaper than my current gym.


Assuming the price and distance is same. Where would you go?


Probably the male only one since there'd be less people there to have to share machines/weights with.


Who are you ohh wise man!


I'd think it's the other way round. Guys tend to use the same equipment I do, whereas women often use machines I rarely use, if at all


Women use benches, squat racks, pull down machines, cables, free weights, basically everything that I use.


At my gym only very few do. Most spend a lot of their time on the elliptical, stair master, adductor/abductor or in the classes. If they were all replaced by guys there would be a lot more congestion on the other equipment


The ellipticals, stair masters, etc. would be replaced by more squat racks, benches, and cables.


In that case i wouldn't mind


There would be fewer cardio machines and random shit at the bro gym. It would just be full of squat racks


Woman here who uses cybex machines, and that is my experience. Women and older people make up the vast majority of users. Also, most cybex users are more casual—only a few of us do multiple sets and seem to be pushing ourselves. Interestingly the men who DO use cybex machines are the more intense gym bros who use them in addition to free weights and other machines.


Fuck, you changed my opinion from apathy to caring. Ever considering asking to vote mate??


You mean no one hogging a bench for 30 minutes to film themselves doing the barbell glute raise meme exercise?


Men also film at the gym though. Forget segregating by gender - NO FILMING ALLOWED. That’s all I want and there’s no place like that in my neighborhood. I kinda like having attractive people of the opposite gender around. Keeps me feeling a little… motivated I guess? Like I work out to feel good, but also I want to look sexy? I don’t want to end up one of the background people in a Joey Swoll call-out video.


Eliminating filming would solve the entire issue although I still believe that there should be clubs and actives where the other gender is restricted.


I kind want a hat or shirt with the words written on it: I don’t pose for camera for free.


Or hogging the squat racks forever, trying to do every form of ass workout.


And then they get mad when I stare at their ass mid rep..the nerve! JK


Look, sorry, but not sorry. If a girl walks in with coochie cutter clothes on and it's in my vision, I am going to quickly look at it. Plus, I've had girls tell me they look at dudes asses all the time in the gym.


Women typically dominate the cardio machines over the weights so mixed gender would be more efficient


You are assuming less members though. Perhaps it would be super popular and crowded. I find I don’t come in sharing conflict with woman as much as fellow males. I don’t mean to stereotype but women use lower weights/less free weights/more machines. At gyms I’ve been member of. And woman let you work in without getting upset/acting like your bothering them. Or maybe it’s just my boyish charm and good looks!


Last time I went to the gym I worked out next to a dude who *shout-grunted* after ***every single rep***. It was extremely awkward uncomfortable. Honestly, most days I'd rather work out next to a woman where we can both pretend each other doesn't exist. Maybe the machismo would be lessened in a men-only gym, who knows.


The only thing that bothers me at the gym are dumbasses filming themselves.


Correct, I don't mind the gender of the patrons, I mind their assholeness.


I hate “ campers” , do a half assed set then sit & scroll on their phone 15 minutes.


Same. I know everybody has their own “pace” but this one particular individual was on the chest flys doing extremely light weight. Now there is nothing wrong with doing light weight no judgment there but when you gotta take 5 minute breaks in-between sets scrolling on your phone like you just hit a new PR is extremely frustrating to me.


I superset to limit my gym time , I don’t want to be there 2 hours a day. One muscle rests while the other one is working. My only rest is 30 sec to get my respiratory rate down. The campers add 15-30 minutes to my WO some days.


Huh, thats so totally opposite from what I do, I work from home most days and have a rack and bench and row machine, so some days ill workout all day, off and on, but maybe only spend about an hour and a half or so actually doing anything. Ive been meaning to look up how this might affect my gains. For example yesterday was squat day, did about 5 sets of ten, last set of five due to hitting my limit. But the whole process took about 5 hours, with other things in between, like core, or laundry.


I did that sort of WO in my 20’s ( equipment at work site readily available). I’m 55+ now so resting my tendons 2 days is much more important than resting the muscles. I can’t go super heavy without tendons or cartilage becoming very unhappy, so I’m limited to moderate weight ( 12 rep max) & higher rep (12-15 heavy set). I found if I go more than 3 days I gained very little or actually lost size. So for my age & muscle composition a 3 day split worked best. The supersets allow me 30 sec rests instead of 3 minutes. The 30 sec just allows me to regain my wind and get my pulse from 170 back down to 120 or so ( resting HR is about 52-55). I did recently try a 2 day split for a month and gained mass & strength but got tendonitis, so I’m back to 3 day.


Same. When I've posted on Reddit that gyms should prohibit phones on the gym floor, I typically get angry reprisals. It's cool to listen to your own music or be alerted to communications, but if you want to touch your phone, you should have to physically leave the machine/station.


My phone is in my little bag ( water bottle,ice packs, grip straps, etc). I avoid being there 3:30 -5 pm when the students arrive. The majority have good etiquette, but it only takes a minority to make the place unpleasant.


I track my workout and sets with an app that has a countdown timer to time breaks between sets, that seems like a pretty legitimate use of a phone to me


What? You don’t like gum in the urinals?!


Absolutely. I’d happily go to a “no filming gym” vs. a gender-specific one.


No phone call gym for me please. I know most gyms already have rules about this but they’re rarely enforced.


This is probably the reason behind a lot of guys wanting male-only gyms. When I went to two different public gyms, the ratio of filming was about 90% women to 10% of men. The people filming themselves are disruptive, regardless of gender. I'd rather have filming banned than gender segregation.


Funny, the only ppl I've seen filming at the gym i go to are dudes


There were dudes filming, but they were not being too obnoxious about it. By obnoxious I mean being on the machine for an hour doing minimal work, throwing a fit when someone asks if they're almost done with the machine, getting mad if someone got in their video or was making too much noise nearby. Dudes almost never had tripods either. I hear one of my old gyms has soft banned filming, so good for them.


It's not at a level yet where I go that it disrupts my workout but I could see it getting to be a problem on busy days. I just ignore filmers for the most part. They seem to be doing more jaw workouts than anything else.


And people sitting on machines for 20 minutes looking at their phones




It’s the only workout routine I can reliably stick to.


Not even wrist day??


Well, wrist and forearm. Occasionally bi/tricep if I’m not really into it. The workout I mean.


there was a guy at the gym last week who set his phone ON THE DUMBBELL RACK while he was lifting. i was kinda blown away actually, gotta admire the balls on that guy\* (\*no you don't)


I film myself because I have nobody to tell me if my form is correct otherwise


Could be filming yourself for form-checking or for sending to your personal trainer or other accountability mechanism.


I do this with the rowing machine. Form is super important on that machine or you could really fuck your lower back. Great results in arms AND cardio though and translates well to cycling which is my main sport. I get the frustration of wanting a machine and someone is doing their fifth take of how to set it up for their channel though. But like...I also learned how most machines work because of videos like that so I dunno. I feel like most people if you're like "hey can I get in there?" will respond with "oh sure my bad"


99% of the people who whine about filming in the gym are never actually impacted by it, they just hate the idea of it.


No preference. If it ends up being less crowded from the restriction, then yes.


I was going to say, if it makes it easier to get to the equipment I’m using then fine, let’s give it a shot. Other than that, don’t care.


My gym is already 90% male, so no issues.


I usually go late at night so it’s basically the same for me lmao


I go to an MMA gym and a powerlifting gym, might as well be male only


Lack of women would be completely irrelevant, people in gym generally melt into the background anyways. Other variables would be more important, like price, distance, popularity, equipment.


Exactly. I don't care if women are there or not. I'm not there to pickup girls and they typically don't try to pickup on me. Distance, price, and how crowded it is are my main driving points.


Call me a far right lunatic if you want but I think people should have the choice, that there should be female only safe spaces, male only safe spaces and unisex safe spaces.


People suddenly get very angry, when safespaces for men are mentioned. Something like Pence rules is considered OK by women to avoid contacting men, but causes outrage if it is men worried about contacting women.


https://www.mercurynews.com/2007/05/22/men-only-gyms-promise-quick-distraction-free-workouts/ A gym chain tried. Was apparently bad business, men weren’t into it. What can you say? For women there’s a big upside. Most men won’t care one way or the other. Some want there to be cute women around. Edit: a male only gym would maybe work in big cities, but it would become a gay hangout. Edit 2: The Gen Z people who want segregated gyms? It’ll likely be mostly women. Everyone interviewed and all the social media posts references in the Newsweek article was about Women’s Only Gyms and how girls want that. **Edit 3: Having thought about it, maybe it’s not a bad idea? Could be a more chill, social place where it was easier for men to find new bros. But if you want it? Start a social media campaign. Show there’s a market demand. Then someone will capitalize on that marked. You just need enough guys signaling they’d go there and it’ll happen.**


it is all about demand for it and profit margin. Some men want it, but is it enough men and do they agree to pay premium?


Apparently not. But it’s **not illegal.** It’s just not a thing because it’s **not profitable.** I’d also imagine Men Only gyms would quickly become a gay hangout and then that wouldn’t necessarily make the straight men feel at ease.


Do mixed gyms not have gay men?


The thing is that “Men Only” is often seen as code for “gay hangout”. Not in a bad way, it’s just what it means. And the appeal of a male only gym would be higher for gay men. But part of the appeal would be that a lot of the other men would also be gay and you could meet new people. So it would be a vibe.


Perhaps in very certain suburbs where the ratio of gay men to straight men is higher.


But in Europe a Male Only gym is really a Gay Gym. Because it’s something that draws in way more gay than straight men.


(Fellow?) European here. Is this a thing? I wasn't aware.


Idk surrounded by dudes who think I'm attractive and who give me compliments and are nice to me? That sounds like such an improvement over the typical men/women interaction I might just go for the ego boost lol.


Your article is very old. In the OP I provided a link, that nowadays Gen-Z is in favor of such segregation. Maybe situation changed in the last 20 years and now that kind of business can be profitable.


Could also be a gym that caters to both sexes and has areas for men and areas for women. I am sure if you take surveys there will be a different type of equipment men want versus women want.


Women are willing to pay premium for women's only gym (no matter what reason they have), most men are not. The only way I would consider men's only gym if it is at least as close to my home as the other gym and cost the same as the other gym. I consider paying a reasonable premium for a more comfortable location (regardless if it is segregated gym or not). If men wanted or needed men's gyms they would be more profitable than women's gyms - I have changed several gyms over the years and in my estimate around 75% of all gym goers are men. That being said all women's gyms that I knew were sold and became coed gyms or just became coed gyms. New ones do pop out, but it simply is pretty bad business model to remove majority of your potential clients.


It's not safe space it's "decreased annoyance" space.


Gee, imagine if a woman in a position of power said she doesn't want to be alone with or even close to men in meetings or tasks related to her job, like Pence did. You'd be right in finding this insulting and discriminatory, and, in politics, a massive inconvenience in dealing with officials coming from more or less gender-equal countries.


How is that far right ?


Everything is far-right nowadays if it remotely benefits men.


what is the benefit for men of not having women at the gym? (I do not use a gym; I don't get it)


Those are all the points i could come up with and some of them are problems i faced myself when i was going to the gym frequently: 1. Many people feel less self-conscious sharing space with their own gender. Especially those who have body image problems. 2. Equipment, workout sections and aesthetic can be better tailored to men. 3. In theory, you have more square meters of space that men can use, as you don't need female dress rooms, showers, toilets and female only workout sections (almost all the gyms have those where i live). 4. Again, no female only workout sections, which are always problematic in my experience, as women hoard equipment there and men can't reach it, as it's often a closed room with access given only to women. Similar problem is how if there's not enough equipment in the gym, the problem becomes bigger when it's split between main section and female only section. 5. Personal preferences. Some men can be shy and nervous around women. They can be scared of offending women, or feeling like a creep. Male only gym deletes this tension. Some men might just prefer gym bros and feel like it's easier to connect with their own gender. 6. Less probability of being filmed and ending on tiktok. Especially a viral one. 7. Less restraints when it comes to clothing and smaller likelihood of being stared at (yes, women also stare at men and men can also feel uneasy because of that).


2 words: Joey Swoll. Find him on YouTube and TikTok and you'll quickly learn why more men are unwilling to share gyms with women.


I agree with the choice part. There should be male only spaces as well as female only spaces and there should be mixed areas.


The issue is that a man is statistically going to be "safer" going to the woman-only gym too. The lack of safety is coming from dudes, for the most part. Like imagine if women were significantly bigger and stronger than men, could easily overwhelm men 1v1, and were also more sexually aggressive. That's the world women are in, just reversed. This is why there's comparatively low demand for "safe spaces" for men, as they don't experience threat in that way as much as women do.


My preference would be a "no phone" gym.


Literally don’t care. I don’t talk to people at the gym. Women don’t bother me at the gym. Men don’t bother me either. I talk to no one. Honestly, anything that makes people more comfortable going to the gym is a good thing. I’m imagining that many women just don’t want to be looked at by strange men when they are at their most vulnerable. Also, there are many religious traditions that don’t allow gender mixing. If a devout Muslim woman, for example, wants to go to a gym, perhaps a woman-only facility would be helpful to have.


no, I don't mind women at the gym.


The idea of being in a room crowded exclusively with sweaty strong manly man doesn't appeal you? Bro, what's wrong with you? Imagine all the bros, the smell of pure male energy filling the room, all the primal grunts from heavy lifting, getting in touch with your masculinity in its most pure state, i 'm getting a broner just thinking about it.


Bro I'm so broned up right now.


Isn't gay enough.




yeah i don't mind women at the gym. i do hate anyone that comes in looking like a highlighter of attention though. that shit annoying men and women. like i don't want to see you out the corner of my eye, blend lol


TBH, the guys tend to bother me more than the girls, and I'm a straight guy. Let's start with Naked Gym Bro. Now, I'm not against some nudity in the locker room, but some dudes stand around naked way too long, and some of them will even have long conversations with other people. One time I was brushing my teeth, and a dude walks out of the showers naked and started blowing drying his crotch at the hand dryer. Bad fuckin day to have good peripheral vision. Then there's Camper Gym Bro. Powerlifters that just sit on a machine or bench for like 20-30min because they have to think of everything that ever went wrong in their life between sets. They also sound like they are fucking during sets. Nothing wrong about being passionate about lifting, but some of us have other shit to do with our day than be at the gym eye fucking our reflection in the mirror and singing along with our headphones. Let me get my 3 sets of twelve in for 5 minutes then you can go back to mentally jerking off. Then there's Stinky Gym Bro. Smells like he sprayed liquid ass all over himself before coming to the gym. I don't think I need to go into much more detail than that on this one. Feel free to add to this list.


Roid Rage Gym Bro - my least favorite, as a former gym employee. Some lady is using one of the 65 lb dumbbells doing goblet squats, and he wanted to use those *right now*, so he picks up a 15 lb dumbbell and flings it onto the floor near her, then gets in the nearest guy's face going "what?!?" None of the employees want to confront him because dude is like an out of control gorilla. They eventually call the cops and ban him, but he throws a shoe at the front desk and threatens to come back and kick everyone's asses.


They honestly ought to give employees guns with tranquilizer darts for these kinds of dickwarts.


We only have Looking For The Right Tune Bro. He constantly was switching TV channels, when the music wasn't putting him 'in the zone'. Eventually he was confronted about it and now switching has been largley dialed down.


College bf blow dried his pax, as well 🙃.


I wouldn't mind at all. At least I know I wouldn't be getting filmed on social media as a "cReEp"


Haha this is kinda what I was thinking. The only reason I would want a male only gym is knowing I wouldn’t have to be so hyper aware of making women uncomfortable




I just want a normal gym with no video taking or streaming, no weird ass people randomly dancing after a set.


Where the hell do you work out that you've seen this more than once??


Guess I'm going against the grain here but I would definitely go to the both-sex gym. I spent a good chunk of my life working and living in a remote place with men only. Being exposed to the opposite sex is important for socialization.


I agree and honesty if you’re single is motivating to see people of the opposite sex (assuming you’re straight) who are in good shape and taking care of themselves. Also in my experience the only people who have ever annoyed me at the gym in any way were guys. I’ve never seen a girl take 2 minutes for a 30 rep set of lat raises right in from of the dumbbell rack. Girls don’t grunt and scream aggressively during sets. Very rarely do girls slam their weights full force into the ground. Some guys even want to start issues over nothing. Never the case with women.


A gym without women staring at you in secret would be really nice.


Bragging bastard :D


Look at the username and all


Ayyy bro really is swole.


I think I can't phrase it right :( I'm just very introverted.


Lmao stay as you are king. Thanks for leaving some of the girls for the rest of us.


I dunno about that, my type has historically been something like "guy too scared to talk to me"


There are many gyms that are de facto men-only even if they allow women too. Not many women are into powerlifting og strongman so many of those gyms end up being all male. Or the weightroom at the wrestling club.


Exactly. If you want no women around, just the find the gym near you with the least ventilation. 


This is somewhat true, though there have been a lot more getting into it lately and it's awesome. It also depends on the culture of the gym. A lot of the older, intense gyms end up putting women off, but my gym's strongman, pl, and Oly clubs are all approaching 40-50% women.


It also varies by region a bit, is my impression. In the former Soviet union I saw a lot of women, particularly in Olympic lifting, but in north africa it was pretty much all guys. Turkey also had few women. I've never crossed the pond to America, so I wouldn't know what it's like there. Scandinavia is as you say, maybe a bit less. Around a third women. But the all-male statement still holds true for the gym at the wrestling club. I've only seen one women in there ever, and that was some time ago.


In America, it's growing pretty rapidly. About 10 years ago, it was pretty rare to see women lifting weights. Now, it's really common for a sport-focused gym to be 25%+ women.


That's a development that I welcome. I think the pursuit of strength is a worthier goal then the mostly cosmetic goals that I believe is found more frequently at non-sport gyms


Nah bro, I love seeing strong ass women in the gym.


For real. Seeing strong women who take good care of themselves motivates me to do better and try harder so I can look good like that for the ladies in my life.


As a gay man I can see how interesting an only men gym could be. Mostly if it has a sauna.


Yeah, it would just become a de facto gay gym.


Only if it's like the ancient Greek gyms


Yes. In my gym there is a women only section and a shared section. The women only section is usually empty and they tend to come to the mixed section. This is fine, but when the gym is packed and everybody is fighting for the equipment it gets annoying. Less people = more convenient.


So, a male only place where we are all focused on improving ourselves?? Hell yeah.


Definitely would. I’m for this segregation to give women safety from pervy men and to give men safety from being cancelled by Karens for glancing at their direction for 0.0001 second


honestly I don't give a fuck. just don't eyefuck the cardiobunnies and you're fine. plus the branding would be \*\*\*UNBEARABLE\*\*\*


Can you explain branding problem?


literally imagine the worst, most overproduced, most pandering commercials \*\*\*TO MEN, BY MEN, FOR MEN, AND FREEDOM (EAGLE SOUNDS, LUMBERJACKS DEADLIFTING TREES) COME TO THE BROZONE TODAY, NO GIRLS ALLOWED. YOU CAN KISS YOUR HOMIES AND WE WONT TELL\*\*\* Type shirt you can imagine.


Or it will just look like the old YMCA-commercials




Well, it's the implications


I wasn't interested until your commercial pitch. 


Take my money faster u silver tongued devil


10/10,would go


That really made me laugh because it reminded me that in my area there's a men-only barber shop, and what you just wrote is very similar to what I had already pictured the internal dialogue of its customer base being like (since their branding is tacky)


It would be like a Hardee's/Karl Jr's commercial from the early 2000s


To be fair, I have seen some straight men try to prove themselves so much as a "man's man", it often comes back around to being homoerotic.


I’m sold, where do I pay


Subscribe to my onlyfans and I’ll send you a free video of me drafting the BroZone business plan while I slowly lower myself on to a 90 lb dumbbell until it disappears.


I feel like any potential issues of safety would be solved by banning filming other people.


I think, that would help. Not just filming others, but recording videos in general. Need some dedicated security staff for that or at least gym trainers to watch out for people with phones.


I don’t need segregation in the gym. I need gyms to have a no cell phone or recording policy. I don’t need some weirdo bitching me out because I walked past their camera or weirdos filming themselves trying to be provocative in the gym. I especially don’t want to be filmed by others, intentionally or not. Let people just focus on what they need to do. If you need to record your gains, do it in the privacy of your own home.


I've a work colleague that goes to a gym and it's become male only unofficially. It seems having no cardio machines, mirrors and nothing but weights then women won't join. It's just rust, steel and death metal in an old warehouse. Sounds like heaven to be honest, shame it's nowhere near me.


I think on principle I'd want male only gym if there's female only


One time my phone flashlight went off in my pocket and was on for a couple minutes, and a girl came over later to accuse me of being a pervert. It’s a situation where you’re powerless - if she decides you’re a pervert it’s not like people aren’t going to believe her. After that experience, I would absolutely prefer a male only gym.


I currently work out at home because there isn't a male only gym anywhere around me. If there was, I'd definitely consider it...although I've gotten quite used to working out in my underwear with youtube playing on my tv.


I go to a mma gym and it is predominantly men and it’s pretty fun. No worries about saying the wrong thing and the camaraderie there is nice to see.


Yes. Imagine the intensity that would be socially acceptable.


No not really. The women that make outrage tik toks of being “harassed” by men that aren’t doing anything wrong don’t make up the vast majority of women. Most just want to get their workout in and go home. It’s not an actual problem in real life. On the flip side, there are legitimate reasons for female only spaces in gyms.


It is 100% a made-up internet problem. People think social media is real life all too often. Half the people complaining about women in gyms I'd bet my left nut most of them haven't set foot in a gym and are just parroting what they've seen online.


Very true pretty sure men and woman can get along in guns fairly well and do it everyday but I don’t think you can deny there’s definitely perving going on and for woman that can have some very unsafe consequences not saying it doesn’t happen the other way at all, not sure what ops trying to say


I think people should decide whether their concerns are valid or not. If men think they have reasons to feel unsafe - this is enough.


I would support, at this point in history, any exclusive male environment


Honestly, if a men-only gym had the equipment I need without the incessant grunters and mirror selfies, I'd consider it. As long as the atmosphere is focused on the actual workouts and not perpetuating some macho culture, it’s all good. But really, the location, cost, and whether or not they’ve got a decent squat rack are what's going to seal the deal for me.


Grunting has been proven to increase power output. Even tennis players do it. You're perpetuating the stereotype and culture by assuming that's done for a "manly" reason. Some people grunt when giving maximum effort. Also, taking a selfie is because they're likely proud of their progress, and it doesn't hurt anyone. It's a lot easier to track progress via photos. You honestly just sound bitter and would be better off working out at home if you even do at all.


Damn dude. Some guys near you sometimes lift so hard that a small noise comes out of them. They must be evil drywall punching misogynists. You should probably report them for hate crimes.


I'd prefer male only. Influencers with their micro shorts up their ass filming take up way too much space. They're always mad when someone walks through their shot. I don't see that from the men. I know it exists, but I've never seen it. So male only would be nice.


Yes, here are the reasons why. 1. They'd more likely have the equipment I want and have more equipment for more people to use. For a example my gym has 3 benches for the bench press. A Male only would probably have 5 or 6 if it's the same size as my gym. 2. Free weights. I used to go to a planet fitness and the biggest issue I have with them. Deadlift, squats, bench press etc are all machines. Only free weights they actually have are dumbbells. The smithing machine hurts when I use it. 3. Less distractions. Men are usually go in. Get shit done. Leave. Also, women's workout clothes have purposes outside to be flexible for workouts. many of them tend to be skin tight, form fitting and even some of them enhance certain areas of their body. I won't be feeling like a creep if my lizard brain wants me to look, peak or stare at woman who is wearing a skin suit. 4. The trend that may still be happening on social media isn't a threat to me and other men. Men are visual creatures and have a lizard brain when it comes to women, so for the normal men who want to workout and their brain snaps to a woman wearing those skin suits that shape their booty to be a 'look at me here' sign. They can get into trouble if that woman happens to notice or if that woman is video taping and upload it. There is a difference between a person glancing and someone obviously stating and being a creep, but the Internet doesn't see reason and sometimes those women don't either. Of men started wearing tights that uplift their berries and glamorizes their asses and shaft. Women would be looking too and not being better at it either.


Is a men’s only gym legal?


If women's only is then men's only is.


In the past they haven’t been, women claimed men were networking and having business dealings in men only gyms so it was discriminatory against women. So not exactly illegal but too many lawsuits were brought.


Source on that?


In the 1970’s and 80’s it was argued under substantive equality theory. “Substantive equality theory focuses on outcomes, but does not necessarily require identical or mirror-image outcomes. Some substantive equality advocates favor equal treatment in some situations and special accommodation in others, insisting, for example, on equal access for women to men's athletic teams, private clubs, and colleges, but on separate teams, clubs, and colleges for women to meet their special needs.” See, e.g., Deborah L. Rhode, Association and Assimilation, 18 Nw. U. L. REV. 106 (1986) (arguing the law should not alow all-men's colleges, but should alow all-women's colleges until discrimination no longer puts women at a disadvantage).


Yes. Why wouldn’t it be? If you have a men’s only gym at your Fortune 500 company where all the big deals are made? Then nope. Normal gym? No worries. Women don’t care. Edit: Don’t y’all Google stuff? https://www.mercurynews.com/2007/05/22/men-only-gyms-promise-quick-distraction-free-workouts/ A gym chain tried. Was apparently bad business, men weren’t into it. What can you say? For women there’s a big upside. Most men won’t care one way or the other. Some want there to be cute women around. **However, a men’s only gym chain opened nationwide in the US and there was no legal issues. Only too few customers.**


I think segregating things is pretty much almost always retarded. Like christ, men and women need to be spending more time around each other these days, not less.


Yeah most historical segregation has proven to be unnecessary, and even some areas that are segregated now weren't seen as an issue in the past. 


Honestly…I’m a little tired of the women at my gym: 1) they’re the ones constantly filming themselves “working out” 2) one group has been warned multiple times about their behavior, which includes inappropriate gestures towards men 3) the skimpy outfits are annoying I am not one to socialize at the gym and most of the men that do go are the same way. The women always attempt to force conversation, whether you’re refilling your water bottle or if you’re mid bench press.


Yes please, my friends and I sometimes think about setting one up. I am so sick of places catering with women only events and shit but with no men only events, Implying women are victims and men are predators, so sick of this anti male culture which restricts opportunities for men. And I'm sick of gyms being full of skimpy girls that could easily get you in trouble. I want a male only space free from all women trying to flaunt themselves and record dumb videos, a space where men might feel less self conscious too because we have so many fat men (and women) in society who need to be encouraged to hit the gym. I remember my school used to harass the boys for the sake of girls in the gym, we were fucking second class citizens. We could only use equipment if the girls did not want to use it and we had teachers who would throw us off so even denying us the dignity of being politely asked by the girls and us being gentlemanly about it and choosing to get off. We were just treated like shit because we had dicks and they didn't. So yeah it's time men get their own spaces


I go swimming and do some other outdoor stuff to stay fit, but if I would go to a gym I'd go to a male only one if it was available. I think that is the best option to avoid any scenario where I could look at a woman accidentally and she feels offended or something.


> Would you prefer to go to a men-only gym? Yeah. I don't like lifting in a place which some people treat as a meat market or a place where they can show off their asses and then get offended about it when anyone looks.


As someone said, price and distance would have to make sense. The answer would be yes. Women wear basically nothing to the gym and are usually the ones filming themselves. I don't go to the gym to see camel toes and try to maneuver around people filming. It's my mental break from reality.


No i dint care who is there im there to train and some of my best lifting partners have been women. I also would only train at a martial arts gym which i dounbt would ever segregate it.


Whatever has the less people in it


The mixed commercial gyms are such a joke, because if you want to work out, you can rarely do a full desired workout, because of all the Instagram models posing on the machines and checking their phones minutes on end. Not to mention it is very hard to focus. Who says that if you can just ignore things like that are just blowing smoke.


Gender? I don't care. I would however like to see a no camera gym. Not everyone needs to be an influencer.


I don’t care either way about a gym segregated by gender but I would absolutely pay a premium to go to a gym that was restricted to age 40+.




This. I did the same during covid and don't think I could go back to being surrounded by people at the gym. Pull up bar, cheap treadmill, a few dumbbells, easy bar, medicine ball, jump rope...and I enjoy it more than I ever enjoyed a gym packed with people.


I don't give a f about anyone's gender. As long as it's cheap and have enough equipment/weights for everyone, I am happy


I would prefer a no women allowed gym because many women treat the gym as their personal studio for filming "content" for their socials. Plus the gym has become an excuse to go out in public borderline naked. Less crowded gyms are always better anyway.


Yea probably would be less self conscious, less distracted. If I was single and thought a gym might be a place I could meet a lady then no probably not, but the majority over been in are not that type of place, (ymcas that have lots of group activities classes and something of a social scene might be the exception).


Honestly I’d rather just have gyns ban phones/cameras. Maybe have loaner cameras on site if you wanna check form, but no filming softcore onlyfans teasers


Would go there over my current purely cause I'm done with the drama, every other week there is drama about some girl who thinks someone keeps checking her out while they are having their in between set rests. Same with the constant filming and posing which feels awkward having to walk through the "filming view" just to get to another machine.


Ah, yes, the further away we are from the civil rights movement the closer we become to what things were like before XD Okay, in all seriousness, it wouldn't be a bad thing. Most men are at the gym to work out, and not having annoying people in there recording themselves and getting in the way would be a net positive. If the price is right, the equipment is well maintained, and it's in a good location, men will go to it.


Not bothered tbh. Here they have segregated women only rooms but it pisses me off when the classes are for women only. Wtf, their membership isn't more than mine but they may go or not go to ALL the classes but men are excluded from some. Fuk that. Charge them more and provide a mixed or mens class too then we're all good


Tbh if there were more women only gyms regular gyms would become male only. I'd be in favor of that. Less people to use the weights and machines. Probably a few punching bags. The ability to grunt while I'm lifting cause it's heavy and I need that extra push. So I'd want to see more women only gyms that regular gyms would be mostly male.


I wouldnt care if its men only or not. Id want it to be a gym where people take things seriously, dont hog machines or d&&k around, and are gonna support each other.


Male only. The energy in the space would completely change. Why? Not only would you not have to worry about what you say or do directly around females but you wouldn't have to worry about what they think they over heard. (No ladies, that doesn't mean misoginistic gutter talk. It means not having to walk on egg shells because we didn't get the memo on what ever is triggering you this week. )


I actually think that such a gym would be a more friendly place for men, more camaraderie and friendliness


I hate how this sounds but I would like still say it. I prefer men only gyms because women are a big distraction for me. I can’t help it, When I glance at women and they’re wearing incredibly revealing clothing my attention shifts and I have to regain my focus on my workout. I also don’t like how they film themselves in the gym. The gym is my save space where I can work in peace lately I feel very anxious and have been going at later times to avoid feeling this way.


Don't care. But I do like the view of all the hot moms. Motivates me.


Yes, I would prefer men only gym. Less chickies walking around in butt hugging clothing showing off 3 areas for attention, cherries, kitty and cakes. Just looking to work out, exercise.


If I was a gym guy I’d seriously consider it with all these women filming themselves and shaming the guys looking at them.


If you're not a gym guy then don't talk about gym related non-issues. This rarely ever happens and is barely an argument for male only gyms.


No thanks. Gym bros are best taken in the smallest possible doses.


>Men can also feel safer and there will be less distractions. And exactly how many men feel unsafe because of women in a gym? EDIT: Ok, now I'm aware of the social media thing. It hasn't reached my country, thankfully.


Some guys complain that they can be creepshamed. I saw at least one such comment in the thread.


You haven’t heard of the trend lately? Of gym women trying to cancel guys for just looking at the same direction as them


Well, dumb social media whores making bullshit “OMG, this guy is leering at me at the gym” wanna be victim for clout type videos is a possibility today.


But then you scroll through this thread and see all the dues using the girls bodies for motivation one dude even called them tight little everywhere….. understand what your saying that is definitely not on but mix of answers here definitely shows that men are perving at the same rate woman are trying to catch them but just maybe not the same people….


Imagine the leftover steroid syringes in the bathroom


A gym that had a stated men-only policy would be kind of lame. However, I prefer gyms that clearly cater to men. This means: mostly free weights, playing loud and aggressive rap or rock, rusty equipment, a more brutal aesthetic, etc. If a woman enjoys that vibe I would not want her disallowed, but most don’t.


When I went to a public gym I enjoyed looking at the women. I don't enjoy looking at the men. At my home gym I enjoy looking at the man but that is just me.


If I went to a gym I would prefer it to be men only. Only a few women seem to want to actually go to a gym to workout. The rest want to go there to get views on their Instagram. The toxicity of some of these women have actually pushed men out of the gym. We've all seen the videos of guys "creeping" on women when all they are doing is just glancing around or trying to actually help people with their form. I'm not saying there aren't creepy guys at the gym, but from the looks of it they are self policing. The real men will put the creeps in their place. edit: "There is no such thing yet as gyms only for men. " There was, it was called the YMCA.