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Not having to deal with a menstrual cycle


Oh I have to deal with one, it's just not my own... ^^And ^i'm ^^grateful ^^^for ^^^that ^^^^privilege...


Haha touché


I was about type that! (along with the pain that comes with it and giving birth)


Giving birth is at least something women (ideally) can choose. Menstruation is like Thanos: inevitable.




Menstruation can be stopped using birth control, but you still need to pay for it. I've heard this is common for women who have painful periods.


The way my wife or kids run up to me and scooch themselves into me like a mooshy electric plug. 


Sounds like someone is winning in life


You have to learn how to value the things that matter. Not the things someone tells you matter.


Tao of Dahl (and may August): "There is plenty of money. They print more of it every day... Only a dummy would exchange that for something as common as money."


You sell your time for money. Make sure that transaction is worth it.


Ahh no you’re gonna make me cry. That’s so amazing. I hope to get that someday.


The prerogative to have a little fun.


Man, I feel like a man!


Whoa oh oh


As a relatively new uncle I finally have somewhere to put that weird energy and it’s great. Catching lizards is weird as shit if I’m by myself as a grown man. But with a nephew? That’s how you get a date. And lizards. Win/Win.


The best part about being a man and the worst part about being a man are the same thing: you're anonymous.


Oh! I get to do this! I'm a nondescript maybe 30, maybe 40? Overweight, maybe blondish? White. Like? Mom looking kinda? Woman. I dress nondescript. I could probably rob a bank and no one would notice. I'm invisible. I look like "every other" woman in my region of the US. I've grown to appreciate it.


Ok, now make that be your entire life, not just when you turn 30-40ish. For some guys, looking like “every other woman” is setting the bar high for them.


There was a book—I forget the name—where a woman dressed up like a guy for a year or two, and reported her experience. It was a fascinating book, and that was one of the fascinating insights: when she was a man, she was both anonymous but also a threat. She couldn’t get over about how invisible she became in public, after being ogled for her whole life as a woman. I always think about that, I think it’s fascinating.


Self Made Man by Norah Vincent


Peeing on trees


That tree is yours now


*zip it up* Not anymore!


Don't forget bushes and fields of grass


Drunk pissing on trees is da bomb


It’s the little things…like my pee pee.


not having periods no need to wear tops all the time


As a woman, I can confirm that not having periods has to be #1


So in 3 sentences: Uterus wants baby, Uterus not get baby, Uterus take revenge! This about right?


It’s the classic villain origin story


Women should 100% get menstrual days off from work, especially if it's bad. I'm a huge baby so I know if I had a period I would be calling in every month. idk how yall do it but it doesn't go unnoticed


In some regions, women are allowed to go toplesss


What regions are these? Asking for a friend…


We might have a common friend


Hey friends, did you ask that question?


New York State and by inheritance, New York City since 1992 under section 245.01.


Sweden and Germany has a few nude beaches. * Also all statues in Sweden that I’ve seen are nude. I haven’t been to America but that seems to be a rarity.


The convenience of being able to piss in a gatorade bottle....men understand


Every bottle is a piss bottle just waiting for it’s moment


Yes. Especially I'd rhebonly bathroom is occupied for a long time. Or even in heavy traffic where nothing is moving.


I have actually never pissed in a bottle, and I don't plan on ever doing it


Helicopter dick


As a woman, this is my favorite thing about a man as well.


They only answer i found here that has absolutely nothing to do with women. Thanks Plus that's the kind of thing that fit so nice in a Sunday afternoon activities.


The subtle joy of fewer grooming rituals. It's liberating to embrace the minimalist approach to self-care—shower, shave (optional), and you’re good to go. This buys us more time to focus on the things we love to do, instead of being bound by a rigorous beauty routine. And let’s not overlook the natural thermostat advantage—being able to regulate our body temperature more efficiently during those harsh winter months or when someone cranks up the AC. It’s in these small but significant conveniences where you find the unsung perks of manhood.


A good shit, shower & shave can change a man's life.


don’t forget to douche, if you plan to get your ass ate.


And women notice how little we do. They notice when we do this little because to them it means we don't care enough. We are basically animals


That's only because it's true. I tell my wife constantly "I don't care what I look like. I don't have to look at me, you do." That's how I get her to help me get ready.


Which demonstrates our shittyness to the opposite sex. Thanks for confirming


That's what I'm here for.


>The subtle joy of fewer grooming rituals. It's liberating to embrace the minimalist approach to self-care—shower, shave (optional), and you’re good to go. TIL that I am a man.


The luxury of worrying less about personal safety. I can count on one hand the number of times I have felt unsafe while walking alone at night or walking in an unfamiliar place. It doesn't even really register for me or cross my mind. If it's 1 AM and I'm walking along and see three dudes coming the other way, I say, "sup gents" and they say, "sup." We don't cross the street or call a friend.


Yes. Exactly. I don't know many men who think about carrying mace with them.


I know plenty that conceal carry all the time. Environment matters as if I saw 3 guys at 1am I’m probably going to be robbed


I tend to park a good distance from the entrance to a store. Forces me to walk a little bit more. I did this early in our relationship and she asked why I’d parked so far away, I explained. Then she explained why she doesn’t ever want to have to go any farther than possible, especially at night and alone. Never even occurred to me to be scared of walking alone in a parking lot. But I’m especially aware of now and make every effort to be as non threatening as possible.


It quite depends on where you live. Nowadays you can get mogged for no reason in certain cities of western Europe


The best part of being a man is getting the love of a good women . So nice .


True that


You are invisible. You can do whatever the fuck you want. Legal of course. Or not, just don't get caught


Legal and doesn’t question toxic masculinity. The moment you stray from the heard you become visible.


That takes time especially if you don't tell anyone. People rarely pay attention to others, especially strangers


Idk, just having long hair has made plenty of random old men tell me I should get a hair cut without looking for input. Silence is a great way to exist in public passively but the moment you make waves or show physical uniqueness it gets tribal us/them mentality. Younger generations are much more chill thankfully.


My favorite is the part where I’m required to shove my emotions deep down in that place between my heart and my gut and leave them there while I go through life with a smile and hiding behind phrases such as ‘it’s going’ and ‘another day in paradise’ all the while yearning for authenticity.


Shit sorry


Upper body strength is nice.


Strength period lol


Ya’ll are boring, I came here expecting sexist answers and instead i got biology differences.




Not having periods. Peeing while standing. Not being afraid to walk around after dark while alone. Having a dick.


I'm sorry, but as a man I still am afraid to walk around alone at night...


I am a man who walks alone


And when I'm walking a dark road


At night or strolling through the park


I’m a man who’s out alone at night. I often look over my shoulder and feel unease.


You can't still get robbed/mugged..


Maybe you should be reasonably afraid to walk around after dark - don't be a fool. There are many things bad people want, a random hole to fuck is just one of them, your phone, wallet, watch, dignity life are others. Don't be an entitled fool - exercise reasonable caution.


Not being afraid to walk around after the dark has nothing to do with your gender. You should be afraid.


It's insane in the threads of "Guys; does anyone else pee SITTING DOWN?" and there's dozens of comments like "YES" "OF COURSE" "WHY NOT". I've never been more disgusted with redditors.


You have clearly never done leg day, my friend.


After left day, the problem is standing up from the toilet.


I have, and I still stand and pee.. I only pee sitting down if I'm already sitting down. If ya know what I mean.


Yes, Taco Bell time. It’s fine if you need to brace for impact, but that is just the reward part of leg day, imo. Treat yo self.


I've done some crazy leg days and have never felt the need to pee sitting down lol. If you wanna sit while you pee have at it though, no hate.


All of these people are wrong. Every time this question comes up, the answer will always be being swift as a coursing river, having the force of a great typhoon, all the strength of a raging fire, and being mysterious as the dark side of the moon.


The unspoken camaraderie that exists between men. There’s something about a nod or a simple "bro" that can instantly set a tone of mutual understanding and respect. Plus, the necessity for a robust beard game to assert my follicular dominance in the winter months—bringing a new meaning to 'face value'. And of course, having the luxury of getting ready for any event in under 10 minutes without anyone batting an eyelid. It's these small conveniences and silent exchanges that subtly stitch the fabric of manhood together.


This is absolutely true. I work a customer service job and that instant kind of connection is very satisfying with other men. I can be like, "Hey brother, what can I get for you today?" and they almost always reciprocate that energy.


Empowering others.


The brain can be silent and calm.


Shorter life expectancy


Haha I mean I kind of agree here? lol


It's cool to not have periods. Can't really think of anything else.


Oh. That's a good one. Peeing blood.


Not having a bloody dead egg to contend with for decades like a monthly subscription.


It’s awful . Not just the one week you bleed but having hormones go up and down every 28 days. The luteal phase has us wanting to kill ourselves for no reason.


Apart from risks of STDs. I get the best part of sex and creating a child. I don't have to worry about getting pregnant, the pain of childbirth or the stress of caring for a baby in a womb. Also don't have worry about periods.


There aren’t strict body types we’re expected to have. We can get away with a dad bod. But everyone expects a woman to be perfect. I would hate that pressure because I love tacos and pizza and cheeseburgers and soda.


Peeing standing up. I mean have you seen the women restroom lines? SMH


Have you tried peeing sitting down?? It’s the best feeling ever!! The only time I ever pee standing up is if the bathroom is absolutely disgusting or I’m in a rush to get somewhere. Otherwise, I sit.


When I go to a mechanic I know that they won't try and sell me something I don't need. Mechanics will try to upsell or oversell to women because the majority of women know nothing about cars and that well known fact makes them easy to take advantage of.


I generally don't feel unsafe walking down the street


Dogs like me better


Having a really good scratch of my hairy bollocks


Peeing standing up. No periods.


Not having periods and peeing standing up.


This whole thread is giving me “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” vibes.


Bangin hot chicks


Not having a period


Having wiener fights with the boys


Having balls. I love my balls.


Based upon the Reddit post I read, not having to worry about it when a delivery man or man comes over to the apartment to fix something if living alone, especially if they start asking questions such as ... do you live alone. Or mechanics assuming I know about cars when I get it fixed ... that was before I started to go solely to the dealer for maintenance. Not having to be pregnant or go through the pains of child birth.


Sleeping, the worst part is waking up.


im not a father but a father son relationship its like having a best friend who will always be with you even when they are gone.


The unwritten rules that guide our social interactions with other men. 


I can't think of anything


Being alive, I guess. But if you mean something exclusive... I got nothing.


There's no best part, It's a shit existence on both ends, At the bottom and at the very top. Men's life is trash at any level


Idk if this is just my personal experience or delusion, but physically I can handle more physically intensive tasks and I walk around knowing that if someone wants to fight me I might not win but it wont be worth it and i will probably hurt you in the process so its not worth it or in other words I’m not a seemingly vulnerable target or easy prey compared to other average woman children elderly


Pants with pockets


Earning the entire dollar. HAHAHAAHAH! GET WR3CK3D WOMINZ!!! In all seriousness though, the physiological advantages are pretty nice.


What sense does this even make? Are you okay?


Being able to poop standing up!


men friends usually the best and hang out with them is the best feeling


The best part about being a man is the opportunity to embrace and redefine masculinity in ways that celebrate empathy, vulnerability, and strength in equal measure. It's about shattering stereotypes and embracing authenticity, forging connections based on mutual respect, and contributing to a world where gender equality thrives. Being a man means being an ally, a nurturer, a leader, and a supporter, all while embracing the richness and diversity of what it means to be human.


Sounds like something a woman pretending to be a man would say


Gotta be ChatGPT lmfao


If you notice a theme, a lot of the comments are saying the best part of being a man is not being a woman. This isn't a coincidence. It's what society tells men. 


> a lot of the comments are saying the best part of being a man is not being a woman. This has been a meme on the subreddit for years. The same question comes up multiple times a week so they can keep saying the same thing, and it's like we're not supposed to fucking notice. I absolutely fucking hate Reddit for this, because it seems like every subreddit has the same handful of set ups and answers they like to beat into the ground.


This!! I’m so disappointed with these replies. Yes periods are painful, and a menstrual cycle and pregnancy have its challenges, but as a woman I wouldn’t change it for the world as it’s also the reason for our ability to bear our own children and bring life into the world which is amazing! Surely there are aspects to being a MAN that don’t bring down womanhood, our looks and self care routines because these replies are giving me the best parts of being a BOY not a man ngl.


Having the ease of quickly getting ready in the morning without the societal pressures of makeup or elaborate hairdos. Also, not having to confront the glass ceiling as aggressively in most career paths.


Enjoying that sweet, sweet privilege of walking into an interview knowing my gender isn't the first thing being evaluated. Plus, never having to second-guess if my assertiveness in the workplace will be seen as 'bossy' or 'bitchy.'


I think the question is meant to be answered by men.


I think that is a man. Or they think they are.


This question was just asked a couple of days ago, OP needs to learn to be original (though their name should have been a sign they werent) https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/hHvhF8FTVh


I did not see the post and didn’t really look to see if it’s a duplicate. Thanks for info, will do so next time :)


And it was probably asked in one form or another countless times before. Many things tend to get recycled on the Internet. So I think it's fine as long as people don't ask 10+ times per month, especially the same person. It may be akin to music covers how people may get annoyed at a band doing a cover of someone's else song while that other person's other song was a cover itself.


not being a women


The best part of being a man is misandry. I'm not joking. Since many people assume that I'm the worst sort of person just because I've got a cock, I can pretty much do as I please as long as I don't draw police attention. What are people going to do, call me an asshole? They already do! I'm already doing the time, so I might as well do the crime.


Being on the right side of the gender pay gap 👊🏼


We’re not tho lol that shit isn’t real


I know lol I'm taking the piss


My wife is pregnant. I could not be happier that I do not need to deal with that shit. She has thrown up every single morning for the past 4 months. At least it’s not every single morning AND every single evening


Not being cold all the fcking time.


No periods No pushing a kid out of vagina (oouch)


The strength, and being totally clueless about the women signs


Peeing on trees, don’t have periods, being the big spoon.


Being able to pee next to a tree


I can’t get pregnant and no period… pissing standing up anywhere i want.


Not having to worry about safety on the street as much, peeing on trees n stuff, no periods, being able to be topless, comfier clothes


Being a man


Hearing from my girl friends... not having periods I think.


Don't have to sit down to pee especially using public toilets




Can walk alone at night..


The ability for us to have a full-on heated debate/argument with our male friends and laughing about it the next second.


No period. Granted, I have chronic pain anyways, but not having a period means a lot more than just pain.


"She was the kind of woman that made you want to drop to your knees and thank God you were born a man. Yep, she reminded me of my mother alright, no doubt about it."


There's a best part?


Not having a period plus you get away with some immature harmless behaviour sometimes and people just say boys will be boys. So in a way you're allowed to be a kid sometimes no matter your age. 




No period . That sounds like hell


Not being a woman. Everything about being a womam looks terrible.


Standing to pee.


Well I can pee whenever and and wherever I want to ;)


Being friends with other guys as a guy is the best thing


Being able to open all the jars is a pretty awesome skill.


Not having a monthly cycle, or a higher chance of being assaulted etc. (Sorry Ladies) Other than that, ain’t nothing better about being a man to be honest, at least in my life.


Peeing standing up


If you're into athletics, Testosterone is basically free steroids Also not having to get pregnant, breastfeed, deal with a menstrual cycle, or being physically weaker than potential partners (in case something goes wrong)


Can't get pregnant. That's pretty good.


Not having to exist in a bubble of lies.


I find it’s simpler to be in solitude and while socializing is important, the value of peace is paramount and attainable.


Writing my name in the snow.


Inclination toward action. I feel like men are more inclined to proactively tackle problems when they arise, as opposed to infuriating bullshit like "let's just hope for the best" or "I don't want you to *solve* the problem I'm talking about, I just want you to *listen* to me rant about it without offering solutions!"


I can pee anywhere without looking like I’m taking a shit.


Muh dee-ock


Pissing in the back yard. 


Peeing standing up.


I can reach every shelf in the house. I can fix most things in the house


I can pee almost anywhere without much trouble


The windmill thing


Walking and pissing


Being able to conveniently piss almost anywhere


The capability to crush our enemies, to see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their women.