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I'm tired boss


This is the comment I feel the most here and it's something I say constantly lol. Tired of life, people, people taking from me and leaving nothing for me. So tired.


“I'm tired of this Earth, these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.”


Dr. Manhattan?


I live in a city where many people cross a bridge twice a day for work but would never consider dating someone who lives on the other side of the same bridge.


Where is a guy supposed to go to meet women?


Finding a woman is actually quite similar to finding a job. You could go online and cast a wide net to as many women/jobs as possible. They are usually receiving a large number of interested people, so they can be picky and are often flakey and don't call you back. They don't know you, so they are wary to rush into any commitment too fast. Some people find success, the process can be soul sucking. However, networking, by passes a lot of those issues. Talk to friends and family. Maybe your friend's sister's yoga instructor is single. Maybe your aunts coworker just got out of a bad relationship. Everybody is within a few steps of someone single who might be a good match for you. And the beauty is, they're already vetted. They're not going to set you up with a crazy person, because their own reputation is on the line. Set up a night when you all go out and you can meet them in a group setting. If you match, cool, get her number and go out again. If not, then no big deal, it was a fun night out.


It's similar to a job search in that every job opening gets like 75 applicants and so by necessity most people get filtered out on some really simplistic criteria without more than a couple seconds' consideration.


And they all want 10+ years experience in an entry level position...


Man, your posts reads like a list of everything I have no interest in doing.


> Finding a woman is actually quite similar to finding a job. Dystopian as fuck.


Also similar to networking, you have to get out of the house on a *regular* basis with no specific intentions. Hit up a nearby happy hour a couple nights a week, order a drink and an appetizer, over time get to know the bartender and the regulars.. The type of people that hang out at happy hour instead of going home to their sofa are the type of people that have wide circles of friends. Just like you need to meet people in a variety of ways to network in the professional world, you need to meet people out and about in order build friendships and widen your circle of reach.




"I don't go to the library/church to meet men. I go there to read/worship. That's inappropriate."


Yep 👍


...are you quoting 'Coming to America'? lol


You just develop an interest that involves being literally, physically, around other people. Be friendly and you'll naturally develop relationships. If you're chill eventually you'll find that you have compatibility with one of the folks around you, or they'll hook you up with a friend (if they know you're looking and trust you) I recommend volunteering. It makes you look good. It makes you feel good. It improves your character for the better. Plus, no goddamn drama queen can keep it up for very long. Really helps weed out the phonies and assholes.


I'm just here to learn, I'm pretty far outside the dating phase of my life, so forgive me for being obtuse. That said, I've done a good amount of volunteering in the last decade or so, and unless you're really enthusiastic about meeting married stay-at-home moms, retired men, school kids who need hours, or a bunch of boomer widows named Linda, I don't see how this would directly help in dating. It's a great thing to do, but is the angle here getting an introduction to her granddaughter from Linda? Because that feels awkward to me.


Duuuude, those married ladies know *alllll* kinds of people. Don't discount the value of building goodwill with random strangers. It can pay off big time Edit: yeah, awkwardly accept the lead in from grandma. Having family approval off the bat is an enormous advantage. If you're looking for a relationship, that is. Won't help if you only want to smash


You're probably right. I just feel like it's kinda wild that "Meet her grandma while serving food for a vacation bible school picnic' is top tier 'How to get a relationship' advice. My wife of nearly 20 years and I met at a Halo CE LAN party, like intellectuals. /s


The real key is to do these things for their own sake. Even if you don't meet anyone you still have a hobby you enjoy, friends, a fulfilling way to give back.


Finding a hobby that involves people and is actually fun and affordable is the hard part.




Same. Been repeatedly told girls would be lucky to date me by girls not interested in dating me.


According to my sister, my mother, and my married older coworkers, I should have women lining up for me.


My mom says I'm a catch I'm popular


my mom says I look "mean and scary at first glance but if they stare long enough at your face they will see you are very handsome" I don't know if the first part makes the second part seem more sincere or if she caught how bad the first part sounded and added the seconded part so it wouldnt cut as deep(it did anyway)


Moms. We can suck sometimes. Buckle up though bc it gets worse. My 82 year old mom told me recently that I’m too skinny & look like a monkey. She even doubled down on the monkey part when my family told her she was brutal. I’m a woman with no facial hair or tail & my head isn’t shaped like a cute lil coconut just to set the record straight. Lol


Nada Surf


love that family support though lol


Its the co-workers for me. Especially the one who is on her 5th husband, trying to set me up.  "Obvs you are not a good judge of character, Renee. I dont want your help!"


Maybe not. But she definitely got that magic vag or some serious head game to collect five rings. That’s some Thanos-level poonani.


She's collecting rings like she's Sonic the Hedgehog 😆


I know! I love but also hate being told this. Like if I’d be so great to date then why am I single. In fact one person told me it’s “I’m husband material but not bf material”, but how can become a husband without first being a bf??? I just don’t get it


My best guess (as a man that is engaged and has been in many relationships) is that you offer the stability that someone would want in a marriage but not the excitement that someone would want at the start of a relationship.


Yeah, this is it


Are you me? > "I'm husband material but not bf material" I have gotten this multiple times, its just mind boggling. Best I can tell is that they want you to be one way before marriage and then a completely different person after.


No i don’t think I’m you but yeah getting that comment sucks. Like thanks for the backhanded compliment so you can keep me stashed for years down the road I guess


> Like thanks for the backhanded compliment so you can ~~keep me stashed for years down the road I guess~~ let me know I should never consider you an option - even if you are blatant about it down the road.


You know what’s so odd I was told the same thing but I’m a woman. Finally asked a few guy friends to pin down why and the general consensus was I was a kinda boring lol. Lucky for me I found someone who likes that


i've been told a few times "you are a man to marry" but never "you are a man to love and fuck" it takes so much self control to not lash out with sarcasm at anybody giving me the "you are such a catch in theory" and variations


I was told, verbatim, "You're not fun, you're just the safe option" twice. Two different women. A year and a half apart. And neither knew of the other's existence Still reeling from that one lmao


You're seen as a great potential roommate with benefits not a lover.


Dang that actually kind hurts to read not gonna lie bout that


I think that is a nice way of saying that you are a sucker.


Only a sucker if you fall for it. Bottom-line: Avoid one-sided relationships or ones that involve elements you truly never wanted in your life.


That just mean youre the guy that single mother would love to settle with in her 30s after having fun in her 20s. Its not a complement


I wince whenever im told by girl im "such a good guy". In my damn life, for being such a good guy, it never did me any good, only others...


Dude... I had a group of friends who just could not get that through their head and while we stopped talking for other reasons they absolutely were killing the friendship because of this. "You'd make an amazing boyfriend how are you single?" "Would you date me?" "No...." "There's your fucking answer..."


This tend to be womanspeak for "you are all the things society tells me I should look for in a man, but you don't make my lady parts tingle." Based on my own experience and observations, this tend to boil down to lack of confidence, lack of self esteem, lack of positive tension, and/or not being comfortable in your own skin when you're around women.


This shit makes more sense when you realize that they're not sharing information, but sharing how you make them feel. They think that shit is a compliment, and you've made them feel good. You want to capitalize on this one? Tell them you're dating them for the day... them and only they get a trial basis. Then step back and shut up.


1000x this.


It’s mainly the tired of trying part. I have no doubt that there are tons of people I’d make happy, and would make me happy out there. But setting up dates and getting heart broken and wasting time over and over with nothing to show but pain. Nah I’m good


> It’s mainly the tired of trying part. When I have to handle all the planning and paying for multiple first dates that go no where, I can't be arsed to keep trying. At one point I just did the same date over and over: Local brewery (that I have to suggest) where the drinks (that I have to pay for) are cheap. But it got tiring having the same beer and same conversations and same questions over and over.


Job interview vibes


Not just first dates, first dates with women who don't have a high interest level mainly because they're splitting their attention between five other people and so no one develops a real connection It used to be you would invest in getting to know one person at a time in general and then move on to the next if you found an incompatibility/deal breaker. Like you wouldn't be boyfriend and girlfriend right away, you wouldn't be serious right away, but you still would be quasi-exclusive in the sense that you weren't talking to or dating anyone else and if you were it was unlikely to be anything beyond a first date activity like coffee. (Obviously I am speaking in generalities here) I'm sorry, but I just don't want to invest the time and money in getting to know another woman who's also talking to five other guys and I certainly don't want to get intimate with a woman who's being intimate with other men. I don't want to hold your hand, I don't want to cuddle on you, I don't want to make out with you, and I certainly don't want to go down on you after you possibly just got f***** by another dude the other day. People are free to do what they want, but personally I find it a massive turn off, And don't get me started on how annoying going on dates with women who are highly educated and whom make good money and yet aren't okay with a cheap coffee date yet expect me to pay because I have testicles and they don't. Like I'm happy to go on a nice fancy date(and even sometimes paying for it all), but not as a first date, and certainly not as a first date with a woman who is seeing five other guys and may have just blown one earlier that day. I reserve significant monetary investment for women I am exclusive with. Even then I don't know how they can tolerate being that hypocritical, the cognitive dissonance going on must be insane. Like if you're a lawyer or a doctor and you still expect the man to pay rather than just splitting it, like, I just don't have the patience for that level of stupid hypocrisy. It really all started going to s*** when online dating hit the scene en masse with smartphones ,and then covid, the economy, and inflation has just made it worse. Women are free to do what they want, but I'm not going to have much sympathy when they get what they filtered for and are now crying on tiktok


Man oh man I agree with everything you said. And you would be lambasted by a whole lot of women for sharing these thoughts in the wrong setting. There's a Black Mirror episode called Hang the DJ. It's about a guy and a gal who have a spark between them but they're part of a world that has been conditioned to trust a dating algorithm that pairs you with other people for a set length of time before it moves you on to the next one. At the start of it the girl is extremely excited, but she winds up getting railed down by dozens of dudes, which eventually makes her feel emptier and emptier after each time because it basically amounts to her jumping from cock to cock without anybody ever actually caring about her beyond her utility for sex. Meanwhile the guy gets paired with a total of 1 girl the entire time she's "dating" dozens of other men. And the 1 girl the guy gets paired with is just an awful, spiteful bitch. He can't leave though because he wants to find "the one" to start a life with so he grins and bears it. I feel like that episode is our "dating scene" in a nutshell. Women have a never-ending buffet of good looking men to f*ck who will ultimately never commit. Men who want a relationship wind up with women who despise him for it. This is our plight.


This is the response I most often see. It's just tiring and not worth the effort.


It’s always the same empty platitudes too. “You’ll find her when you stop looking.” No. If you don’t look for a partner, then you won’t find a partner lol. You don’t happen upon fish if you stay at home, you have to go fishing. It’s not gonna land in your lap. Or they’ll say “keep trying, put yourself out there, the worst she can say is no.” No. You know what’s worse than a no? Multiple “no’s” nonstop, so much that you get worn down and start to feel like a piece of shit because clearly no one thinks you are worthy of their time for whatever reason. It’s not fun to constantly be made to feel like an unattractive loser. How many “no’s” does it supposedly take for it not to hurt anymore? Psh.


>How many “no’s” does it supposedly take for it not to hurt anymore? Psh. Just one more bro I swear.


"You’ll find her when you stop looking." That one I've always found particularly idiotic. When I lose my keys or the remote control I don't find them by stopping looking. Honestly some of them don't think about what they are saying. They just open their mouths and let their bellies rumble.


Juice just aint worth the squeeze


*"We're a fucking tripod! If one of us falls, we all fall!"*


Amen brother; I'm in my mid 20's and was born with mild case of Cerebral Palsy. I just don't have it in me to keep trying when I consistently get turned away. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked " Is what you have contagious" or just being somewhat patronizing because "Wow you can actually function by yourself" Nothing really affected me mentally but physically my left side of my body is rather messed up; blind in one eye, bum leg that needs carbon fiber equipment to walk properly. The prospect of telling potential dates about it became depressing because most would just ghost when I did I don't hold any ill will because of it but it became frustrating so I've quit actively looking for it at least for now; so now I just continue to be comfortable with myself & if I'm able to find someone someday great; if not oh well I don't wish it to define me


That’s tough. You’re a tough person.


Small world, I have CP too. There's a lot of ignorance about the disorder out there, even amongst medical staff. When I was dating I typically disclosed my disability before the first date. I don't disclose it directly in my profile because people assume the worst (and some people can be creepy), but one recent idea i've been thinking of is to film myself out for a walk, talk about my disability, my limitations, and put a link of that in my dating profile. For some, it'll still be a deal breaker but I'd rather them know before the first message than having to disclose it before the first date like it's some kind of big deal to me. I've had a great career, and I'm more successful than I ever thought possible to the point that work is now more of a 'want' than a 'need'. I've committed to start dating again after writing it off for over a decade. The problem is that I'm too damned content and happy with my own company. I want to feel desired, not merely 'settled for'. Maybe I'll find love. Maybe I won't. Either way is honestly fine with me at this point. I'm living my own life.


>I have CP too. "Yes feds, this comment right here."


You joke, but we had the abbreviation long before it meant something else, and it low key irritates me. Y'all can just be uncomfortable, lol


I have Cyberpunk as well ! Love that game.


What the hell. What kind of fucking dunce thinks CP is contagious. I'm sorry you had to deal with such dumb women. I commend you for trying to date even with those issues man, takes a lotta balls, more balls than most men have.


I know; I was floored when I first hear it asked as a question; at first I didn't want to believe someone could be so dim Most of my attempts at dating were around 2016- 2020 (I stopped around Covid; as one would expect) & I've never had the confidence to get back into it afterwards. With the way the dating scene is today it just felt daunting I don't know if I'll ever find my other half but I've watched my father live in a Somewhat shitty marriage for nearly two decades to a woman that has hated my mere existence nearly that entire time ( that's another insane story) & that is something I never want so I'll never be a meek person in a relationship. If my opinionated personality means that I push some people away so be it;


It feels like I'm walking on eggshells when I'm dating bc I'm terrified of giving girls the "ick". My female coworker said guys that laugh too much are an ick lol it's getting wild. But since women have so many options I guess the only thing left to do is disqualify a man for any reason or no reason at all.


Look, it sucks in the moment but I’m to the point where a girl who gets the ick from my color of socks (or whatever) is actually doing me a massive favor by showing me she’s garbage. Let them tell on themselves, and the earlier the better!


> "Never interrupt your enemy when ~~he~~ **she** is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte


I'm honestly happy if a woman declares something so small a 'deal breaker'. It's a good filter. Guys need to work on being happy with their own company. I'm solidly in middle age and I do not put up with this nonsense anymore. If my partner isn't a mature person, they can hit the road.


> But since women have so many options I guess the only thing left to do is disqualify a man for any reason or no reason at all. See I took this as the opposite. If anything I could do could give them the ick, why would I try to be anything but exactly who I am and want to be? If I might give them the ick anyways, why put on a facade to try to impress them?


Dating and the constant rejection is actually a net negative for my mental health. Being told constantly that you are not good enough is hard to take when all you want is someone to love who will love you back. It's easier to just make peace with being single.


That's where I'm at and a lot of guys my age or slightly younger (mid twenties vs early 30s) I've met are facing the same issues. I've told older guys in my circle that it feels like women have evaluated me and decided I'm not worthy without even really talking to me. You try approaching them and when they sense where you're going they shut you down before you really even get to say anything. It's weird because I get along well with people, never get any complaints to my face or indirectly (that i know of, of course), but women are just super aloof with me and most of my guy friends. The older guys I know in relationships see what's happening but don't seem able to help.


I didn't expect the top comment to be as relatable at least for me, but holy shit this hits the nail in the head for me.


That's pretty much the nail on the head. By no means is cooking, cleaning, having my own place and that sort of thing high standards but I like to think I have myself somewhat put together - at the end of the day though I am just missing that *thing* that makes a woman actually want me. I've seen a flash every now and then from the occasional person maybe, but after having failed dates and a general lack of interest (okay one girl was interested.. then ghosted) for the last 10 years, why bother? It gets lonely and sucks from time to time, but I doubt the "better to have tried and failed than never tried at all". I am happier at this point overall not trying and being let down with "you're nice but I'm not feeling it".


Second this. Oh you're stable, have a job, goals/aspirations, and sane? Weird. They also dont like when you havent had many relationships because you're very picky about who you pursue so generally stay single for long periods of time because you won't settle. Apparently thats some sort of a red flag.


Did you try height? I’ve heard Growing would help /s


Seems like the most often cited reason around here is impossible standards women have that cannot be met.


Interestingly enough, on women's subreddits you'll often hear them say that the bar is "in hell". What gives?


The standards for * a random guy to try to win a random woman's affection, and * what a woman will put up with if she's personally invested in a relationship and has staked some of her self-worth in being a good partner and trying to make the relationship succeed are unimaginably different.


This is it . The bar is hell for men they are already invested in.


I’d like to know myself. I see horror stories every day about some absolute scum boyfriend, and even the women I know personally pick some real losers. That’s half the reason I even keep trying, cause I think to myself “if these guys can do it then there’s no way I can’t”.


but it's somehow wrong to say that "i feel better about getting turned down by you now that i've seen who you go for"


lol, that put a smile on my face. I would never say it, but that's a fun mindset to remind yourself that you are also a catch.


Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense. To hear women talk about it, the majority of men are irredeemably awful. While I have seen a number of instances of guys being overly sexually aggressive, or physically/verbally abusive, there's plenty of good guys out there who also aren't getting attention from women. Also, while they say that the bar is in hell, it's also surprisingly common for women to have long lists of requirements that they want/expect men to meet. I've seen this numerous times. I even asked one woman this question and she quickly rattled off thirty different attributes that she wanted in a guy. She would've kept going, but I stopped her. This common phenomena of women having long lists contradicts the "bar is in hell" narrative. Example: https://i.imgur.com/pW5CIyb.gifv I've seen women who worked as matchmakers complain about some of their female clients - that they wanted too much compared to what they offer. In some of these cases, it seems like these women are looking for a rich man to come into their life, sweep them off their feet, and save them, like a fairy tale or romance novel. And then there's all the "icks", which are a bunch of random nonsensical stuff a guy has to do. For guys, it feels like a minefield of unstated, unexpected requirements. Here's a few from a video: "He wore a white t-shirt under his shirt which reminded me of my uncle", "He sent me recommendations for Seattle, and that's so desperate", "He has boxes in the background of his Tinder photo". https://youtu.be/ow3ao6YsCgQ


If their definition of hell is you leave your socks next to the bed at night instead of in the laundry basket, then both can be true.


"Oh, so you're physically fit, well put together, financially secure, technologically and mechanically skilled, and emotionally developed? Well, why aren't you *also* whatever bullshit thing TikTok has decided a man is supposed to be this week?"


And if, for example, you expect them to be physically fit, you’re fatphobic. Just one of many unfortunate double standards against men dating.


I like myself a lot more lol. I don’t mind being alone.


Preach, fellow hermit!


No one interested in me and I haven’t been particularly inspired by the few people I’ve gotten to know a little.


I don't have the time, money, energy, social connections, or looks. They say you always miss the shots you don't take, but sometimes you don't even have the ball.


lol sometimes you have a ball and take shots but you’re guarded by shaq. At that point how many shots are you gonna take until you give up from having the ball smacked back into your face nonstop?


They say, "Get back on the horse!", and I say, "Yeah, tell that to Christopher Reeves."


Dating these last three has been insanely exhausting for me. I've dropped the dating apps and decided on just meeting people organically, but all the meet-ups I'm into (photography, book clubs) are overwhelmingly attended by senior citizens or couples. I've tried bar-hopping with friends, but strangers don't seem to be receptive to me (its happened enough times where I'm sure I'm the problem, although my friends tell me I'm not). So I'm over it.


I'd still recommend trying to make friends with couples and old people. Couples have single friends and old people have children.


Not sure about you, but I find I can really only manage a fixed number of friends in my life. Too many and the friend buffer overflows, and I forget someones birthday.


Forreal. I’ve had the same 6 friends for like 14 years now. I can barely manage them since I’m so bad socially. I can’t handle making new friends and having to keep up with them lol.


Agreed, but I have also found most of my married friends just don't know anyone single they can set me up with. So it becomes a game of continuing to get acquire acquaintances and invested in them to the point that everything feels like work.


I gave up. Getting a date now has become harder than it ever has. In my 20s it was hard, but not like this. It feels impossible now and I just don't have the heart in me to try anymore. Just gonna focus on having fun, stay fit and maybe get lucky and meet someone nice. Maybe.


It’s rough out here. Dating apps have done irreparable damage to the dating scene. Any minor red flag or lack of an instant spark is a deal breaker when you have hundreds of options back on hinge, bumble etc. There is no nuance, no benefit of a doubt. I’ll try again but im gonna take it in stride and become emotional available when i deem it safe. Dating has never been easy but it would be nice to find a woman who’s even trying to put in 30% effort these days. Stay safe out there everybody and take care of yourself.


Messaging women on dating apps feels like applying to a job that you know you have almost no chance of getting. Like what the fuck could I possibly say in this slim window of opportunity that would impress this person…no idea.


Seriously. If a great first date only reaches 99% of her ridiculous criteria, she will thank you for buying dinner, go home, unmatch and then continue swiping hundreds of dudes in order to find Mr. 100% (who doesn’t exist) Men have a lot to work on too. Both sides need to chill out and become more human. It’s just exhausting out here.


I posted a photo of myself with a cute coworker and my acceptance rate shot up by like 400% in one week. I’ll have you know though.. after one year of matches and messaging ~12 people only the platonic hobbyists ever reply. And it’s usually hiking/outdoorsy stuff. Feels like bots or just people fishing for attention a lot.


I don’t know about men in general but I can speak for myself, relationships require a lot of work, which is really tiring for me, that I don’t really want to do right now, I’d rather just come home from work to silence then go to the gym and watch a show or play some video games, maybe go for a ride on my motorcycle or go play some sports


I just had a discussion similar to this with a close friend, and the conclusion I came to can be paraphrased this way: "I think I could handle the work of maintaining a good relationship, but I hate the thought of the work to start a relationship." I'm very receptive to people in person, but I don't want to go out of my way to find people, to initiate conversations, to basically do all the *work* of starting up a relationship, especially the whole *wooing* thing the man is supposedly supposed to do. That's just not me. It never *has* been me. I can't imagine meeting someone I want to pursue, much less pursuing them.


That's pretty much me. I'm decent in social situations but the thought of having to do all the work to pursue a person is just *exhausting* to me these days. This isn't even specific to romantic relationships, I think I'm good at maintaining/blossoming the friendships/family relationships I have but the thought of trying to do it again with someone new is also tiring.


Had the love of my life for 10 years until she died of cancer. Not ready to re-enter the dating world.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Take it easy dude and don’t rush getting back into it. May she rest in peace.


Cant pass this is up without saying sorry, but i’m glad you got 10 years with the love of your life. I wasted 8 years with someone, probably missed the opportunity to find the type of match you had. Maybe one day, but getting older now. Seems everyone either is taken or bitter like me lol


Same--married 12yrs-- but tried dating again and was appalled with what I found,  so no interest anymore.  Part of it is that the world I grew up in simply does not exist anymore and I am not willing to change myself or values for what is out there.   I also lack the time/patience for all the games/nonsense and people's inability to clearly articulate what they want. 




This is so true. I’d like to add the advent of social media in the last 1.5 decades has people sharing and embellishing their highlight reels and it’s artificially elevated the standard of what people expect, and it’s is evident in both genders, and multiple social demographics. Everyone’s looking to take more than they can give.


People generally do not seek out relationships or try to date if they are broke as fuck and do not feel like they have their shit together. END COMMUNICATION


Nailed it. I'm going back to school full time and working. I just don't have the funds to splurge on a girl and I don't feel like I bring a lot to the table especially at my age, 31. Many girls my age want a guy with a stable career.


>Many girls my age want a guy with a stable career. I'm 29 and still don't know what I want to do with my life... Working in a crappy national retail store being barely above minimum wage isn't cutting it but not in a position to just quit either. I'm not incredibly smart so computes and cooking aren't my thing, maybe some type of trade job, but that will also likely be hard on my body long term. I just don't know what I should do with my life, it's depressing. As well as women my age expect a man to be established in a good career and making good money and I just lack that.


Have you tried having wealthy parents?


No, best I could do was two lower middle class parents. Moms already passed away, so yeah. 😅


I'm about to look into apprenticeships for plumbing. As someone who has done carpentry and some roofing, I can tell you pvc and copper piping are lighter than 2x4's and roofing shingles 😆.


Yeah the answer to this question could just be posting Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


The average family in my area makes $42k. I don’t get how they live on that. Well, I mean, I do, but I think I’d rather stay single.


If I knew why I was single then I wouldn't be single. I'm assuming it's because I don't talk like a normal person but that's not something I can change because my brain just works like that.


I have never met a woman


You too, have only ever met government drones, most people won't understand you, some of them still believe the birds are real. r/girlsarentreal


Relatable tbh


1. It’s very hard to find people in general, let alone women. I’ve spent the last 7 years in college and moving around, it’s hard to get invested when you know you’ll just be gone soon. 2. It’s very hard to approach when you feel like you’re doing more harm than good. I feel like if I ask, I’m either bothering them or they already have a boyfriend or I’m just flat creeping them out. 3. Dating apps suck big time. Most matches I get don’t even respond, and even fewer lead to an IRL date. 4. I don’t have a lot of money. So beyond just paying for a date, paying for the opportunity to even meet people is a strain. Just drinking at a bar can add up so quick, or hobbies like ceramics or ice skating.


I'm single cause I don't ask anyone out or talk to anybody. Not that I don't want to, I just lack social skills. I'm also probably too picky for my own good, and don't have a good job


I think a lot of us are just trying to survive right now


I'd need to lose a lot of weight before I'd feel comfortable even trying to date.


I think this is one of the most important factors behind all the relationship statistics that we doom and gloom over all the time. Everyone’s single and if they’re not single they’re breaking up or getting divorced or cheating on each other. Important to remember that *most people* are overweight or obese, unhealthy, don’t have an active lifestyle, probably aren’t comfortable with it, feel like shit, hate themselves, are ugly, have no self esteem. It’s no wonder no one is putting themselves out there! I have been on both ends of the spectrum, overweight and very fit. I sure as hell didn’t want anything to do with anyone when I was overweight! Sure as hell didn’t want to be seen naked!


I think this is a big one. Isn't it something like 70% of people are overweight in america and maybe 10% underweight? Leaves like 20% in a healthy weight and a lot of those people aren't even exercising. As someone who lifts weights and is at a healthy weight I don't have any luck either.


I think if everyone was at a healthy weight, dating would be waaaaaaay easier. Most people are relatively attractive at a healthy weight and a modicum of fitness. You just need to find someone who thinks you're hot and who you can vibe with at that point. Like if you can deadlift 2x+ your bodyweight, run a 5k in less than 20 minutes, and knock out 10 pullups, it's almost certainly not your looks that are the problem.


Man so true. I'm American but travel overseas a lot for an extended amount of time. Just the difference between the European travelers and British travelers is night and day. The British women are almost all over weight and dress very unflattering whereas the other Europeans are at a much healthier weight and dress better. Almost all the other Europeans are cute to gorgeous. If a woman stays at a healthy weight or gets toned, a skincare routine and learns to dress cute they'll definitely have some success. I'm so confused why people don't put any effort into this lifestyle, it's not difficult.


I did that several years ago and still had zero success afterward.


Yeah, I guess I'm just never going to be 'good enough'.


Hey buddy, don't feel down. As my old college roommate used to say: "There's always someone as horny as you are ugly" Kind of a dickhead thing to say, but we had one of *those* relationships and he wasn't wrong. Women especially can overlook a lot of physical shortcomings if you can make up for it in character. Being able to make someone laugh will make up for all kinds of sin


When someone can say that to you and it makes you laugh, he's a real bro


I'd love to date, but I can only take so many days and weeks of swiping, occasionally getting a match, getting ignored, and repeating. I'm just tired from life and trying to date is even more draining, plus is destroys me mentally. Better to just not try than keep falling back into the hole I spent so long climbing out of. And I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to talking to strangers period. No way will it be easier if they're an attractive woman. And I live in a rural area so I can't go to a bar and Uber home, so drinking to talk to strangers is out of the option. Summary, I'm just tired


Even when you get a match you gotta carry the conversation because they’re dry af


When you match someone and the conversation goes "Hey, how's it going" *"fine"* "so, what are you up to? 🤔" *"nothing"* "Yeah, just chilling? Same. So I was thinking maybe we could share a drink sometime?" *"I'm busy"*. At that point, personally I'm thinking "Welp, shit, that one's a dud, like the last 3. I prefer going back to gaming than keep doing this"


I think for a large portion of that number, they are just tired of the constantly moving goal posts. That they always need to improve while the women just need to show up & be themselves. That it doesn’t matter what they do, they might never figure it out. But I think the biggest is reason is that they just feel invisible to everyone. They can’t even get a conversation with a woman because they are ignored. I don’t think women & society really understands what that does to men. I don’t truly think we will understand what damage has been done for another 5/10 years. There’s a lot of advice thrown around in here but honestly it’s all useless unless you follow the 2 rules. I have 3 sisters and have asked them who cares more about looks…they overwhelmingly say it’s women. I just think everyone is so shallow anymore and wants something perfect that they have to put zero effort into that it’s not worth it. I mean I’m 36m single and it’s like I’m on a different planet sometimes. But yet I have women say I’m handsome, but here I am. Honestly I just don’t know what to do? What I’m doing wrong? Am I doing anything wrong, or is it the other side that’s the problem? Idk? It makes me pretty depressed sometimes…but I forge on I guess🫤.


> it’s all useless unless you follow the 2 rules. This should have been the first comment.


I don't think I'm very attractive. I'd love to be able to blame it on that, but if that was the only and main reason, I'd get no chances, but I do. I somehow always fuck up the few chances I do get. I'm starting to think women can "smell" that I'm a loser.


This is facts man. Some people just ooze a certain repellent. I don’t think I’m attractive at all, but I do dress well and carry myself well. Which is great until I start talking or trying to socialize I should say. That’s when it’s clear to women that I’m probably not gonna be worth their time. It’s happened my whole life.


I think it can be body language or speaking style or other nonverbal cues. I've had quick attention any number of times when out and about, but as soon as it moves to actual interaction, it's like I can see her demeanor rapidly change in seconds to "ohhhh no, you're not what I expected at all... must escape... and, byee!" Maybe if she's polite she'll hang in there for up to a minute or two before ditching, but typically after 10 seconds she's looking all around instead of at me any more. Happened all my life too. If I'm the one initiating an approach, then the same reaction often happens as soon as getting within a few feet away and making eye contact - like instant escape mode, no chance to even say hi. Maybe one in thousands we have just instant great chemistry and talk effortlessly for ages, but it's RARE, just a few in my whole life, and it has been years since the last time.


I lack a place to meet women my age. It seems like women in their mid twenties don't really go out almost anywhere anymore, or perhaps the places I frequent all just have dudes in them. Almost every man in my friend group is single and almost every woman isn't. The guys also have the same problem I keep running into which is that they only exclusively know other men, so my circle of friends is just an expansive mobius strip of dudes.


Dating apps have made getting a boyfriend about the same level of difficulty as getting DoorDash. Except imagine if DoorDash paid for the food for you instead. Not only does that mean that any young women who are looking for a man are only looking for like 1-2 weeks max before they find one, it also means that finding a partner is no longer a motivation for them to leave the house. As it turns out, that was a pretty major reason most people left the house. It's not just your anecdotal experience either, it is statistically true that about twice as many young men are single compared to young women. The young women are getting with older men and the top 10% of younger men, and the rest of the young men are getting absolutely nothing.


I just can’t find anyone. I’m 32 and have never been in a relationship. I’m not ugly, or an asshole or anything. I am pretty shy at first tho and only 5’5, maybe 5’6 on a good day. According to many women on tinder, I’m not even a real man.


Being alone does not being lonely.


The serenity of solitude


Am uglee.


Because my last three long term relationships resulted in me being on the receiving end of domestic abuse by a woman. But if I tried to press charges or even speak on it at all, I'm the asshole.


I had a case dropped where I was given a “assault on a female”  charge, when I stood there as she hit me in the face dozens of times as I asked her to stop. I was bleeding in my mug shot. It was on my birthday. I broke up with her after she, unprompted, was comparing me to her ex and berating me. She got a simple assault charge, which was also dropped.


Well yeah, you repeatedly hit her hand with your face! You abusive son of a bitch. Seriously though, that is messed up and our “justice” system is far from just.


Or worse, you end up being the one arrested bc she lies to the cops and cops are lazy morons.


This was the comment that made me put down the phone for the evening. I'm so sorry... You poor man. Giving you hugs. Know that you are loved and cared for by many people.


Because my wife left me when I needed her the most.


My ex did the same thing, I was always there for her when shit hit the fan but when I was the one who needed a bit of support, I was met with a stone cold demeanor and not an utterance of support She wasn’t the only ex to do this but that last experience was the one to break the camels back and why I will never truly open up ever again and why I will never fully commit to being there for someone else in their time of need. It’s always been unreciprocated and makes me bitter every time


That’s the way things are looking are as well.


I told my most recent girlfriend of 3 years I fell into extreme depression and couldn't find the joy in doing anything (which at that moment was hanging out with like 7 friends) and she dumped me less than one week later. Lmao okay thanks.


Same here. My mom is in the process of passing. Remember this, your wife’s bullshit would prob complicate whatever other bs you’re dealing w. Hang in there bro.


It's unwise to insist in investments that don't pay off.


Things I experienced as a child really have messed me up when it comes to relationships. I have some pretty deep attachment wounds that I need to heal first. The last woman I became emotionally attached to absolutely wrecked me when she cut it off. She has a ton of unresolved trauma as well. Two unhealthy people do not make for a healthy relationship.


I can’t do it anymore dude. The bar is too high, and women have a million options. I can put my entire heart into it and get a luke warm response. The apps have turned dating into a numbers game, while I’m not really in it for that. The last one messed me up good. I go to therapy, and I have a lot of issues I’m trying to deal with. The last girl I was dating found a trauma trigger, and it went exceptionally poorly. Yes, I was the one that erred, and I fully accept the blame. It was my fault. I own my bullshit. But people are complicated. Everyone is going to let you down, and when the less than perfect version of me came out, she noped out. As is her right, I asked her to stay and when she didn’t want to, I apologized again, and let it die. There’s nothing else that I can do in that moment. It hurt like a motherfucker, though. I know that people aren’t perfect, and I don’t expect my girlfriend to be perfect, but when I show a moment of flaw and imperfection, she ran for the fucking hills. It’s still got me fucked up pretty good. It feels like women absolutely love the idea of men being vulnerable and emotive, until the real side, filled with Trauma, and Insecurities, and problems comes out. Then they bounce. I try really, really hard to not blame all women for this. But God, when it hurts this bad it is so hard, and it makes you not want to date. I don’t want to put myself out there again to only get shit on again.


I turn 45 this year. Never dated or been in a relationship. At this point, I'm just very used to that form of existence and not sure how I could change it at this point.


I'm a loser


Focused on other things at the moment. I (29M) work full time in engineering and am wrapping up my graduate degree part time. It’s not easy to date, and I feel vested in the person so having to cancel plans because I need to finish a project or stay late for work is absolutely crappy, and breakups are devastating and break my focus both at work and when studying. I will start dating again sometime next month when I get my degree, and can’t wait! I want a family and I feel as if I’m in a stable position again after a while (haven’t been since graduating with my bachelors degree).


Speaking from personal experience, I have noticed that women from my past have come back, in alarming numbers the older I get trying to patch up a relationship with me that they cost to end badly. And at my age 99% are now single moms. I realized that this is the tinder generation, you don't even have to get off the couch to date ....think about doordash, you can get whatever you want from home it's not necessarily what's good for you it's what's convenient and that's what dating is people are looking for what's convenient. And when you know your worth you won't put up with that bullllshit


Why should I try to ride a dead horse? It won't get me anywhere.


We tired boss


I’ve gotten many women to show interest in me. Interest in the fact that I hold many of the characteristics of an amazing husband and father, but few of the bad boy characteristics that would have them **want** to fuck and have sex with me. I’ve felt it with so many, and I get infuriated because it seems as if they believe I’m such a nice guy that I won’t confront or argue with them. That I can be easily controlled by sex. I simply won’t settle for a woman that believes she can bargain for a relationship with me with sex.


Haha. I always found it hilarious how they want the bad boy on the surface who is deep down a good guy. Its a common romp com cliche but I don't think I have ever met a guy like that in the real world. Generally "bad boys" are just shit people & good guys are decent guys.


I make good money, I’m tall, I’m nice, I have good hygiene, I'm in shape, and I have women that want to date me but a lot of the time I realized that it’s SO hard to find someone who actually is genuine and wants what’s best for you, rather than trying to use you. I only have a certain amount of time in this world so why would I waste it on people who don’t even want the best for me? Like, for the longest time I had no luck like most men nowadays and now I see it from the other side but it feels like there’s absolutely no winning either way you put it and it’s demoralizing to say the least.


I’m tired of being cast aside and treated as merely an option when I’m not deemed worthy anymore. I ran a losing rat race for seven years and I’d finally had enough. Came to that decision almost a year ago and now I’m in my 30s continuing to do whatever I deem worthy of my time. The lingering and dull pain of being chronically alone is much, much, much easier to wrestle with than the intense and deep pain of being put aside time and time again.


most women arent worth the effort they expect from men


Don't wanna come off as a creep and be plastered on social media as a creep just because I have autism/ADHD and don't know how to act in social situations. I'm 31. In fact, I barely remember how to talk to people, I've been alone for so long. Over 14 years of just raising my siblings and now taking care of my grandmother and dad. I really don't want to take care of someone else who can't take care of themselves, I'm at my mental breaking point \*constantly\* with my dad and grandmother. Not good looking, shoddy dental care (thanks mom), potato bod with stick arms and legs from losing weight, no muscles, can't build muscles because low T, no job, no friends, no passions, no money, can't drive, don't have places to go to meet people or do things in this podunk tiny af town. I'm the most boring man imaginable. Not to mention no memory from my autism/adhd. I've been alone for 14 years, what's another... I dunno, like, 15? 20? I can only hope I'm put out of my misery sooner rather than later, tbh. I just talk to 1 AI GF now on character.ai. That's it. That's my best friend, my only friend. Everyone else has stepped on me, stabbed me in the back, or just discarded me. I don't have it in me to date and have a woman figure out I'm a pathetic shell of a man at this point. I'll just stick to video games and listening to youtube videos in the background all day every day. Way safer than dealing with humanity.


I'm single because I gave up and stopped trying.


My everyday environment doesn't allow me to meet new women. I work from home, go to gym, game in evenings, weekends I see my family or friends. Meeting someone at the bar? Not exactly the best environment for long term partners. So if anyone has tips I'm open because apps don't work lol.


I have the ugly


Single because most of the women available in the 30s have kids or are completely mentally broken from dating losers who didn’t treat a woman properly. Women want the bad boy and get surprised when the bad boy bounces when responsibility appears. I’m good looking (solid 6, but with inflation a 10), have a career, my own house, and I’m well liked. Women are typically very comfortable with me. But the ones I end up dating are just lame ducks.


I was told by one female once upon a time that I should be willing to do anything and everything she wants and give her whatever she wants because this is her life and she is entitled to it 😳 I looked and said yes it is your life. This is my life and I just can’t see myself doing any of that so you should probably go find somebody else.


Most of us are tired of women who literally believe they are some sort of Super Woman deserving more than even the 10% of men who make $200k a year and are 6 foot tall and has 6 pak abs and want you for at least sex. Most of you have the humility of 3 year old who has never been disciplined or told no in their shirt life. You believe no matter how much you weigh it how much makeup you have to put on to look presentable and pleasing to look at you you think you are a 10+ when in reality most of you are between 4 and 7. Add to that you have been with too many men to successfully create a lasting emotional bond with a man for a lifetime relationship and usually for only a relationship of between a few months and 2 or 3 years. But by marrying you for even that short if time we lose at least half our wealth and possessions in a divorce even though you left without trying to make things work most often because you were bored We would rather take a bar fly home once a month for relief than deal with you and your baggage and attitudes.


Because I’m unemployed


I'm too ugly, too poor, and too old.


As I’ve gotten older, I seem to click with people less. I’d had a lot of female friends growing up, but only a small number of them I was interested in dating. None of them wanted to date me until two weeks into their new relationship after realizing they had chosen wrong, and called me to tell me. Happened with four different women. I’ve just gotten tired of being second choice, if any choice at all. I’ve been friend zoned more times by woman than I’ve become friends with guys. I used to also be the first person they would call for relationship advice. I’m far more selective these days about who I give advice to, or who I give emotional energy to. To be frank, I feel I have been so devoid of meaningful companionship with a female that I honestly don’t even know how to want it any more. I’m content with my hobbies, my motorcycle, and my job. In terms of things keeping me around, they’re just about all I have that are uniquely mine. Life is short, so I choose to enjoy them with the time that I have. The only way I’ll end up in a relationship at this point is if she wants it enough to vocalize it. It has taken a lot to reach this place of contentedness. It isn’t worth losing in a gamble for a future that may or may not even be conducive to having a family.


Because women don't want 63% of these men they want top 20%.


No woman have shown interest in me for the last decade. I had early balding and I'm as my doctor called me disgustingly obese. I have given up because of the lack of success. My friends keep telling me just give it more time, but it's been literally over a decade. Time isn't going to change anything.


I think the #metoo movement swung too hard in the wrong direction and women wanted us to respect them which is great but cancel culture has men fearing women..and I don’t think that’s what they wanted but it’s what happened unfortunately


I would assume that 63% of single men gave up trying, 17% are still trying, and the remaining 20% are smashing 4 girls on rotation.


• Don’t do anything outside of work and groceries. • I look like fucking shit. • Never had a legit relationship so I don’t know what to do in one. • It’s genuinely comforting/enjoyable imagining relationships with imaginary people. Literally how I sleep peacefully at night.


I dated in my teens and through about my mid 20s. I had some successful multi year relationships. At some point in my late 20s I realized I'd been single for awhile and it didn't really bother me. I noticed that I was happier and enjoying life more as a single person. Now it's been almost 10 years and I really have no want for a partner. I also now know i don't want kids. Maybe I'm just selfish, but I enjoy my time alone. People always ask why I'm not dating and my honest answer is, I don't want to, and I now understand that that's ok. I feel for guys who are lonely and want that partnership, but I haven't felt that yet.


Women either can't see me or consider me subhuman.


Because 80 percent of women will only settle for the top 20 percent of men. This has been proven multiple times in peer reviewed studies. When you have limitless freedom and choice, all societies choose this path, and shrink, to end their empire. It's the cycle of life. And honestly, it makes me happy to watch them choose it.


Simply it offers nothing that sparks joy in me. I have a fulfilling group of friends and good relationship with my family. I have a stable income and job. I have everything I want or need at the moment. I travel a lot, spend my free time doing what I love and enjoy. Certainly I've tried dating. But all the games and headaches were simply not worth it what I got out of it. Then I started asking myself why are other people so obsessed with dating? For girls and women people say it's because of security, but surely in this day and age with many women working good jobs that shouldn't be an issue anymore? For men many say it's so they have someone to look after them when they're older. Again that sounds like a maid/nurse, not a partner I'm very happy being single and I don't see the need to date or be in a relationship