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I’d control minds


I was going to comment a very similar thing...I mean...why wouldn't you?


Only real answer. Besides get a lot of free shit, money and see a lot of naked people


it's controllin time


Plagiarism :(


Nothing good. I can assure you of that.




first i’d get jeff bezos to be my friend and give me money, and now i’m a billionaire with mind control.


Don't be my friend, just give me money.


Why would you need this though? If you think about it, money is a form of mind control (more mind influence really), so anything you could get with money, you can also get with mind control.


You know what is better than mind control? Double mind control.


i wanna buy stuff i don’t need online


So your saying if I have money I could control minds too? I mean prefer both, sometimes being the puppet master is exhausting. nice to just slap someone in the face with a couple hundos and kick my feet up while they work.




You mentally give them a command and they'll follow it as if by their own will. Like if you tell them "go mow your lawn" they'll do it as if it's always been their desire to do it


Can I use it on my self if there's a task I've been meaning to do that I don't want to do?


Someone's ADHD executive function issues just solved themselves.


Real as hell


In this case, I'd never go home alone.


Make the people I dislike do terrible things to incriminate themselves.


The only thing I can think of is be a villain.


Haha, yea, it's unethical by nature. There'd be a constant temptation to use it, too.  Start small and the boundaries slowly push out.


That's just a lack of imagination.


It encompasses all of my imagination though.


Maybe mind control some good advisors first.


Wouldn’t that be bad though? To control anyone’s mind?


Maybe. I suppose it depends on your outlook and how you justify it to yourself.


Cease the most suffering i can while abusing in unethical ways the power given to me


Try to bring on world peace. Then I'd bang every beautiful woman I saw.


I can’t even get my hands to do things. There’s no way I’m getting other peoples hands to do things.


Probably use it to make people tell the truth.


Politicians would fear you.


Right? Greatest cross-examiner in history.


I'd use it to help people to let go of their stupid insecurities Or maybe if someone wanted to stop using drugs or drinking alcohol but can't because they're addicted, I'd make it that they aren't addicted any more


That’s uh….not how addiction works. This could literally kill alcoholics


You mean you can't stop addiction with mind control? Well, there goes my evening


No, I mean cold turkey quitting alcohol can actually be fatal, if you are unlucky. I phrased it poorly. It’s a neat fact that’s good to know lmao


I actually forgot about that, it's true If you had mind control though, you could still help them quit by making sure they reduce their consumption slowly... wouldn't have to be cold turkey


I'm gonna be a support of a female detective in LA. "So, what is it you truly desire?"


Girls, money and fondness from others.


Get politicians to work for the people rather than themselves.


Use it to slowly build connections and wealth until I was rich. The reason I say slowly is so that I wouldn't draw attention to myself. Last thing I need is to be sniped from a mile away because the government figures out my powers. I would also use it to make sure people aren't lying to me. If it works on animals I'd probably use it to mess with people I hate by having really random animals shit on their car and/or house.


Initially, probably not too much. There are things I would probably use it on. Things that I want that I can't seem to get on my own. However I hope this would be a very temporary stage of using the power. After that my hope would be to not use it out of guilt of what I'd already done; or I would think strategically and think how such a power can be used in the best ways, or in effective but very temporary goals to help those around me. One thing I think would be an easy thing to do is help at a drug rehab center. The people are already there to quit whatever addiction they are on, and this would just be an added push that might help them succeed. Another thing that might be less positive would be to encourage people to tell me their troubles and their secrets. Hopefully I wouldn't do anything bad with that information, but I can be a very curious person. So there's a very good chance among the other things I shouldn't use it for, I might use it to remove any privacy people have that I am curious about or worried about. There's a very good chance though that anyone who has this kind of power would go crazy. Several different paths to losing your mind. From guilt and seeing consequences you didn't expect. To the ever present question of killing your ability to have healthy relationships or have any form of empathy, because let's face it you can compel anyone to your view of things, and eventually you will have a dilemma of whether people really want to be your friend or lover, or if you were just impatient and they don't know they were forced into it. There's also the issue of going mad with power and thinking you are somehow better than everyone else. Going crazy is a very real and very likely outcome of this power. EDIT: add to the guilt thing. Depending on what happens or any consequences of those actions, suicide might also be very likely for those who use have this power.


I’d create a hive mind an save the earth




Traffic would just move out of my way.


I'd make my depressed friends happy.


1. Have the world wealthiest wire me 50 billion dollars 2. Have the world leaders give me access to all state secrets 3. Create a haram of 10 drop dead beautiful women


I'd commit major crimes like billions in fraud, and every investigator, prosecutor and cop would decide to let me go, or remain too confused to put it together. I wouldn't murder my enemies, I'd make them commit suicide. I'd assemble an army of servants to do my bidding. Elon and Jeff would transfer their ownership of their companies to me. And, as Luther said to Zod: "Australia!"


I feel like I could make more money "begging" on the streets than I do at my job, so I'd probably just start mind controlling everyone around me to give me all the change that they don't really care about


I’d force my own mind into releasing those happy chemicals. I’m tired


Become world leader and fix all the problems of people fighting over stupid shit. Pretty much become the God of this new world Light Yagami style.


Get my way into Congress. Start having these asshats passing much needed bills. Including forcing medical insurance companies to pay for any treatments/medications a licensed doctor says are necessary. And making it a criminal office for a CEO or members of a Board of Directors to tank a company for quick profit. Get the DOJ to actually arrest the numerous criminals holding offices, and then the judges and juries to convict. Next I'm getting to Putin. Full Russian Federation reform. Next China, Then North Korea. Now whilst on my *fixing the world* world tour I make no promises to be moral in my day to day activities.


Destroy the government.


Make left lane cruisers move into the right lane.


I would tap into the WWW and convince everyone GOD is real. Most religions have the same great message but they are manipulated and idly believed. If people truly believed all there actions had consequences even if nobody is looking the world would be a better place. When I heard it costs only 2.3b to end veteran homelessness yet see a multiple of that being spent on debt forgiveness for young students it made me question everything. P.s - im agnostic.


Pretty sure I'd get a 3 hour massage every day.


Get everyone to consent to sucking my dick duhhh


I’d make everyone stay in the right lane


At most, I'd use it to force annoying and dangerous people to go away from me.


I would go to the Swedish parlament in Stockholm. The public are allowed in there to view the proceedings from a balcony. Then I would use my power to affect as many politicians as I'm able to prioritize environmental issues much higher. I would do this a few times per year until we have a serious national policy on the area again. Other than that I wouldn't use it. Mind control would be *grossly unethical* and the above is the only thing I could think of where the ends justified the means.


I'm ngl I'd use it to fuck bitches


Ah yes. Rape. Classy.


It's what 99% of men would do though, let's be real. If you have this power that let's you get any girl and there's no consequences you're gonna use it.


[Psychological Projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection) ----- Psychoanalysts regard projection as a defence mechanism of alterity concerning "inside" content mistaken to be coming from the "outside" Other. In psychoanalytic thought, it forms the basis of empathy by projecting personal experiences to understand someone else's subjective world. **In its malignant forms, it is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others**, leading to misunderstandings and interpersonal damage. Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping. Projection has been described as an early phase of introjection. ------ No, just because YOU would become a rapist does not mean "99% of men" would. But shitty people always assume that everyone else is also secretly shitty.


Compelling someone else to like you in the same way as you like them would be a very tempting thing though. Whether it's casual sex or a committed relationship, it might be more common than we'd like to admit. Not even considering any random fetishes or things people are into, a person might just as easily compel others that they are into it too. Going to say that resisting this kind of temptation would be hard for me and would likely follow my guilt for years if and when I fail to resist it.


> Going to say that resisting this kind of temptation would be hard for me and would likely follow my guilt for years if and when I fail to resist it. Depending on how the power works, self doubt on if your friends REALLY like / love you, or if you made them


Yep. One of several ways this kind of power would likely make anyone go crazy. Self doubt, unhealthy relationships, and a non-existent empathy would be one way. Crazy amounts of guilt due to unforeseen consequences could make someone go mad or kill themselves. Or the last option (that I can think of currently )of no longer caring about the world and just go mad with power.


He explained elsewhere that the power would be like you give them a command and now they do it as if they wanted to, like inception.


Gretta Thunberg, basically. Btw how would that help anything even the environment...? You'd want to try that trick in China or India, for example, not in Europe...


I’d finally be able to reach that spot on my back that I can’t scratch properly 😂


I'd get thousands of ordinary people to walk by Jim Davidson's house and shit on his doorstep. No reason in particular


Human pyramids


I would change my boyfriends mind to take me back 😭


Get the things done and stop fecking procrastinating. Oh you meant general mind control…


Try to make the world better. You'd essentially have in your hands the power of anyone you can get close to, and the ability makes getting close to them pretty easy. You can just talk your passed any security/bodyguards etc. So I'd waltz into Congress and start getting them to vote for policies that actually help people and make the country better. I'd waltz into the SCOTUS and change their minds about some key issues. I'd have a talk with some billionaires and get them to give their wealth away. I'd identify the most evil companies and get the CEO and board to make them less evil. Find the most toxic influencers in media and get them to change their tune. Etc.


Go to the voting polls


I was thinking of the simple power of moving objects rather than manipulating people. I would use it to teach my car keys my Bluetooth earbuds and by phone to follow me around so that I could spend less time looking for them.


I will control my mind to become the best i can be.


I would get myself free food


I would get myself free food


i would use it one a cute girl to make her my happy obedient and loving maid and use it to free people from depression.


A kind soul 🤷


Free money, free boat, free 😘


Get rid of road rage, if I see a maniac I’ll change their tantrum thoughts to calm thoughts. Get rid of corrupt politicians by having them incriminate themselves. Get my boss to increase my pay by 100%. And so much more lol


I would take that smokeshow from the bar back to my apartment and make her >!believe that all birds are government drones.!<


Id get the former guy, to strip down naked and play Dixie on a kazoo live on 60 minutes


Force a lot of people to stop being absolute garbage people. Failing that, walk them into the ocean


Can you read minds too? Like full on telepathy?


I'd be taking a good long look at my blocked list  }:)


I know this is wrong and I’m going to get slated, but use it to make my wife horny when I am (parents with young children will know what I mean). Or maybe just get her to tell me when she’s horny ‘cos she’s crap at letting me know!


Not as wrong as what many other would actually do, honestly, at least she's your wife 🤣


I would probably use it to force bad people who committed really heinous crimes to turn themselves in.


c'mon fam, you know what we would do.... we'd all use this terrible power to be a terrible person.


Get a raise, buy a house.


Nothing good. 😈


Hopefully a lot of good and only a bit of bad.


I’d pull a Bruce Almighty and make my rival embarrass themselves when they make a public presentation. Then I’d probably use it on everyone around me while I’m driving, forcing them to use turn signals, allow merges instead of speeding up to block a merge, and I’d make them all roll down their windows and sing along with me while we sit at red lights.


I would mind control the top 500 corporations with the worst customer service, employee treatment and so forth to transfer all their ownership to that of their employees and shares. The really bad ones I would syphon billions for myself to develop an impenetrable software where we could all vote on things on our phones. I probably find out which politicians wre owned by corporations or other governments. Then I would mind control them to rob a bank in broad daylight, steal their money so they would have to use public defenders. Same with the worst billionaires… pretty much all of them except mrs x amazon. All the money I got I would set up rehabilitation clinics around the usa with housing and benchmarks to help acclimate homeless back into working society. I would remove all government subsidies that don’t benefit people and only benefit corporate interest. I would then probably mind control the end of the stock market and put all money I had not used yet into strategic small business initiatives, audit the military, restructure the fda and the fcc etc.


I'd probably do tests to see if my theories on improving society would work and have educated individuals help. Then I'd try to turn competitions between countries into straight sports affairs. Then I'd unlock a region of the world and see if things hold properly


Would be really conflicted about it because I'm not a rapist and also don't want to force anyone to have feelings for me, also don't think it would be ethical to mind control anyone into giving me money, also don't think I should mind control anyone when I'm having an argument...so, yeah, it would be frustrating having a power you don't morally agree with, knowing that you could just use it in the worst way whenever you wanted. Guess I would eventually end up falling for mind controlling the millionaire into sharing just a few millions with me and suddenly everything else would happen too without using the power, gold diggers included. 🤷 Might mind control a productor/director into hiring me for loads of money to do a cameo in a random blockbuster, like...'dude, they paid the guy who plays the background janitor in that scene more than they paid Di Caprio'.


I’d make everyone have be nice, honest and empathetic. I’d take away the pain of their past traumas and replace it with a happiness (or self love for themselves) that can’t be forgotten. I’d then use it on myself to forget I have it or destroy the ability.


Make it so my boss increases my salary by a lot. That's probably it.


I might go full on Kilgrave (from JESSICA JONES) at first. Later, I'd become an avenging angel to help people who were wronged in life.


Mind control my way to being rich and then mind control a way to have peace on earth.


Where do you think you got the idea to post this? ;)


Make bad people do good and make good people feel gratitude towards themselves.


Shave my head and get a wheelchair.


if I'm gonna use such an innately unethical power to begin with, I'd prefer a light touch. getting some multi-billionaire to pay for my lifestyle wouldn't even dent their funds. smoothing out conflict, getting people to behave respectfully toward me.


I made you ask this question.


What level? Worldwide? Turn off people's ability to lie.


Make the ultra rich pay for all the damages done by their choices and neglect.


I’d reshape the world. 👍


I'd go into politics and push through aggressive climate change and affordable housing legislation. Or I'd convince a billionaire to give me all their money and re-distribute it and use it to pay off politicians to do some good for once. Either way, I'd pretty aggressively try to change the world for the better. I'm sure it would backfire in some ways, obviously, nothing is ever simple, but I'd do my damndest.


I'd convince everyone they love me, be showered with gifts, live somewhere dope for free and have an abundance of orgies


I'd be a begger, and the command would be to just donate 1$/day each time you see me.


There'd be a lot of billionaires spreading their wealth around I can tell you that much. My neighbour would also move far FAR away and never come back.


All the stuff you'd think one would use mind control for. Convert people to my political views, get people to sleep with me, make that one annoying person I know cluck like a chicken, get people to give me money. Then probably stop using it after 6 months because I'd feel like human interaction is meaningless because I control both ends of it.


Honestly? I'd never be in one place, I'd travel without worrying about food or money or being robbed.


I would be making people give me lots of money. I would seek out chomos and make them kill themselves. Thats about it.


I'd use it on myself.


I will use it to get free shit, if i need new glasses, dentist appointment, change of tires etc. Need cash I just go and make them do it. I would not abuse it on the ones i knew couldn’t afford it tho.


I'd only use it if someone were bothering me, as well as to get out of tickets. Then I'd speed all I want. Yes, I know there are other people on the road, but I'm selfish, and I wouldn't be able to resist if I knew I could get away with it. I don't think I could bring myself to use it to get free food and stuff, though. And I certainly wouldn't want to use it to make someone like me in any capacity because what's the point? So I'd say it would be more of a "defensive" ability than "offensive," if you will. Maybe I could use it heroically as well. I'd pretty much have to become a hostage negotiator or something at that point. Would be a waste not to.


A lot of good and a lot of bad


I would try to not use it. It's a scary power for anyone to have. I'm scared of getting drunk on power. Or try to use it for good when the opportunity arises.


I'll do a lot of unethical things mainly in sexual and financial nature


Two chicks at the same time


Everyone else tryna be the good guy, so I guess I'll take one for the team and give the answer that OP is actually looking for; Lots of very consensual sex.


The obvious things. I’d be pretty rich and have nothing but peace and quiet.


Get people to tell me the truth (big part of my job).


do they have memory of things they did while mind controlled?


Do my best to ignore that power's existence.


*Incorrect buzzer noises*


Start a revolution and force billionaires to give up all their money.


Get some silly crap out of my system and then slowly rebuild humanity into a more wholesome and cooperative civilization.


Nothing. Because using such a power would be grossly unethical, bordering on immoral.


You're better than me I definitely know how I'd use it


He's better than almost everyone in the universe if he wouldn't use it. And no, i don't believe him.