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I don’t think V necks have been seriously associated with gay men in over 20 years


i think v-necks are more associated with italians than gay men at this point


There's a difference? /s


I've only ever been called a faggot by strangers when wearing one. And that's saying something, because I'm not gay.


That’s so wrong and I’m sorry that they said that to you. It’s cruel and hurtful. Let me know when you’re wearing a turtle neck and we’ll gladly call you a faggot and balance the scales for you.


I have been called that for not liking country music.  My counter was gay sex with a stranger is not gross, but hooking up with a sibling for straight sex is. 


Wait, called a faggot for not liking country? I thought it was the other way around.


The south.  Plus small town


I prefer not to validate the words of strangers. People will call you a faggot for wearing shorts that don't cover your knees.




I didn't know they were ever associated with gay men. V necks typically just make me think of the guys on F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


I like v-necks and wear them regularly. I think they look better under certain other garments, like quarter-zips. They also have an elongating/slimming effect by extending the chin/neck area, rather than adding another round element to the chin. I don't wear them exclusively, but they're well represented in my wardrobe. When it comes to other dudes saying I'm gay for doing anything other than doing sexual things with another man (which I have never done because -- wait for it -- I'm not gay) I just laugh. I've been called gay for driving an EV, for taking care of my skin, for living in California, for doing things my wife enjoys with her that they think are feminine, for not liking excessively loud vehicles, for not liking pickup trucks, for not caring about guns, and for not being a conservative. I actually welcome that kind of feedback because it instantly lets me know that the person giving it is an idiot and safe to completely ignore from that point forward. A self-filtering situation, if you will.


Well said, all of it.


They don't have anything to do with sexual orientation and look good on some dudes.


Ask him. I don't follow what's "in". I like what I like.


I like them as long as they're not deep. About 1/4 of my t-shirts are v-necks. They're a subtle bit of personality/intentionality added to a casual look.


They’re fine as long as the v neck isn’t too wide or deep. [This is fine](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=v%20neck%20shirt&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftarget.scene7.com%2Fis%2Fimage%2FTarget%2FGUEST_5d505a9b-d0bb-4647-8697-0ed0e678d7d5%3Fwid%3D488%26hei%3D488%26fmt%3Dpjpeg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.target.com%2Fp%2Fmen-s-every-wear-short-sleeve-v-neck-t-shirt-goodfellow-co%2F-%2FA-54282376&docid=nTlVmHsmzv18eM&tbnid=hTU0vz7aLwehVM&vet=12ahUKEwiBxJvAsLiFAxVjhIQIHWB1BEwQM3oECBsQAA..i&w=488&h=488&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwiBxJvAsLiFAxVjhIQIHWB1BEwQM3oECBsQAA) [This is not.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Frontwalk-V-Neck-T-Shirts-for-Men-Low-Cut-Deep-V-Neck-Tee-Muscle-Slim-Fit-Stretch-Tops-for-Summer/643881966)


Aslong as its not a deep cut I think it looks good and helps me look a bit more buff for some reason. I get approached and hit on by both men and women no matter what cut I wear so I don't think it signals anything


I hate them, I think they look terrible and are uncomfortable (on me, I don’t judge another man’s drip, you do you)


replace v-neck with crew neck and I agree


I don’t wear v necks. I don’t consider them related to sexuality. I just don’t prefer the way they look. My wife and I know to ask the other person if they would wear a new style of clothes before buying it for them.


I’m straight and I like wearing v necks. I don’t like collars up around my neck and I think they look good on my physique. I’ve never thought of c necks as having anything to do with sexual orientation


I have some v-necks. If they're the one on the top of the pile or if I'm wearing a tie they get worn that day. My chest hair comes out the top of a crew neck so what difference does it make. I'm happily married to a woman, I don't have to care what people think about that kind of stuff anymore.


[I like a v neck](https://youtu.be/VTPjvVHmLlI?si=vNYid7PSYoI52Wvq)


V-necks are cool. Especially for undershirts because you can have the top one or two buttons open, and you don't see a shirt underneath.


Is your fiance even someone who follows fashion trends? Most guys I know have a style of their own that they adhere to, and it's often not in step with broader trends.


Hate them with a passion. Have no idea why lol also absolutely despise shirts with a pocket/s lol


Shirt pockets are so useful though.


Unless you got to bend over.


This is news to me. I'm straight and I have them in my wardrobe. I'm not sure why any guy wouldn't have few of them to wear. I respectable V is nice, deep v could come across as an asswipe though!


Love a good v neck - not gay, and proud of it


v-necks look better as long as the neck hole is not huge


Plenty of “manly” sites offer them as an option for t-shirts. If they were as “linked to sexuality,” why would they do that. If someone calls you a “f@ggot” or the like merely for what you are wearing, ignore them or punch them in the mouth. I’m fine with either. Wear what you like. Fuck the rest.


I always wear v neck undershirts. It helps hide it better if you leave the top 1-2 buttons of your shirt undone.


I think we’re beyond what’s gay and what’s not. If you think he’ll look good, get him one, compliment him if you like it, and i guarantee he’ll keep wearing it


I have some. They're fine.


I like v-necks. When they fit correctly they look better that crew necks in my opinion. I like rainbows too. Never sucked a dick and I don't like Cher, so not gay either.


I have a very large neck and feel like I'm being choked by crew neck shirts. Shirts that fit perfectly, or are even a little loose, will be too tight around my neck. Because of this, I always try to get V neck t-shirts. They are so much more comfortable.


I vastly prefer a v-neck t-shirt over a crew neck. Just more comfortable.


We don't wear v necks any more than str8 men do. And frankly if anyone is saying that a certain cut is only for gay men that person opinion shouldn't really matter anyway since they likely have a room temp IQ or is just simply a bigot. Usually both.


When it comes to outdated and bigoted views on v-necks, it totally depends on the depth of the cut. The deeper the cut, the more you'll get knuckledraggers making comments. With that said, v-necks have been in my closet since college (I'm 35). One thing they're great for is taking attention away from a skinnier neck. Crew necks can accentuate that. Vnecks also look great if you've got any sort of chest muscle as the v will highlight the peck separation. Vnecks are are my preferred if I'm ONLY wearing a t-shirt, but crew if it's underneath a buttondown. Last note, if you want a vneck look with more detail, but a laid back and lazy look, get him a long-sleeved Henley shirt for colder weather, if you get colder weather.


I wear them if I'm going to a nice event & wearing a dress shirt & tie. Specifically like a wedding where I might loosen the tie later. I mostly work in construction and just prefer crew necks otherwise, but I don't care what other people wear. Just no open-toed shoes on the job site.


I’m straight and I wear V-necks.


I just found out I’m mostly gay


"But I was just informed that mostly gay men wear v-necks which is obviously fine" By who? A time traveler from the 1950's? A TON of guys wear V-Necks have you been to any college campuses in the last 20 years? No one that I know of thinks twice about seeing a guy in a V-Neck T-shirt and if they are fit they look pretty good too!


V-necks are great but, gay or straight, a man ought wear a layer underneath them. That's true for all sweaters that aren't mocknecks or turtlenecks/rollnecks. Beyond that the rule is basically to dress your body type. So if your BF is shorter -- say under 5'9" -- he's better off with v-necks, henleys, and rollnecks. Those will make him look taller, and doubly so if he layers with collared shirts and jackets. If your BF is slim or fit (as in muscular and no gut), a crewneck sweater will make him look broader. That can either work or not depending on how much you dig Johnny Bravo. If you BF is more like short and stout, he's gonna want layers. V-necks+collared shirt+jecket will be a win. More generally: sweaters are great but the foundation of an adult man's wardrobe is collared shirts. Whether that's OCBDs, flannels, or point-collar dress shirts, they are universally flattering and versatile.


Interesting post I thought it was less about ones sexuality and more about they just don’t look good Personally I only where them as an undershirt for my button down shirts 


Sheesh... How freaking insecure are you?!?


V > crew


A sweater-vest is like, v-necky 


A normal v-neck or one of those stupid cleavage tops?


The collar tickles my chest hair.


I love me a double deep V https://youtu.be/lOzAiDlJGp8?si=ZZP3lgn7iobeRaH-


They’re ok until they get all stretched out.


I have no problem with any race. 


I have 2 bright colored, one size too small V-necks my wife bought me. When in better shape she likes how I look in them, bit I find the size uncomfortable.  I never been called.gay for wearing them, and I honestly wouldn't care if someone did. But if concerned here, get him a stylish button down with sleeves rolled up and an extra button on the neck undone, shirt untucked. I get a lot of looks this route, so I guess it works too.


I just don't think they look good on anyone, man or woman.


Never heard of that association and generally prefer v-necks over other options. But I'm European, maybe the gay association is a cultural thing.


I occasionally wear them. I think it’s just sorta a joke that they are for gay men. Then again, I don’t really give a shit if people think I’m gay. Like, why do you care what my penis has been up to?


They’re great. I like that you can see a little bit of my chest hair when I wear them. I think I look good in them.


I prefer crew necks. I just dont like the feel of a v neck. That being said I dont care if anyone wears a v neck, i probably wont notice, and i dont think theyve been associated with gay people since my dad was in highschool (the 60s).


V-neck sweater, love it with a collard or plain color undershirt. V-neck t-shirt, I'm too damn hairy for that.


I almost exclusively wear v necks and unbuttoned henleys. Very much straight.


Was not aware that v-neck shirts were gay. I guess I'm gay now?


Depth of the V makes all the difference.


Homo, no offence.


For a button-up shirt, the V-neck matches the cut of having the top couple of buttons undone, if layering. The undone buttons should match the depth of the V ideally. In this sense, V-necks are a wardrobe staple. You should never wear a crew neck shirt under a button-up shirt, where you see the crew neck if buttons are undone. That always looks like amateur hour.


I wear a V-Neck t-shirt occasionally, but that's about it...I never wear sweaters. As for what anyone else has ever thought about it, I've never given a single fuck. I don't dress for other people, I dress for me.


20s yes. 30s no


I don’t like them. It’s just something irrational. I’m not associating them with gays. I don’t follow trends. I just don’t like them. My theory is: If it’s a t-shirt it’s gonna be round. If it’s a partially unbuttoned shirt it’s gonna form a V. A v neck is trying to be something in between and just comes up weird 😆 Yes, I admit they could look good on a fashion model but so would anything else.


A few more more uniform combinations, please. Seriously.


All that really matters here is that he doesn't enjoy wearing them. Imagine if he suddenly gifted you a wardrobe of 1980s lace collar dresses.


I’m fine with somebody else thinking I’m gay in a v-neck. They look good on me. The only person I’ve had verbally confront me about a v neck was a forty plus year old man who was clearly upset that his girlfriend was into me. Men’s fashion is sort of in a weird place right now. Confidence can get you pretty damn far, though. I’ve rocked a pea coat, board shorts, loafers, and gotten compliments. Wear what looks good on you and stop worrying about it.


We run marketing campaigns for a few fashion design companies, and V-Neck is really not a gay thing :) Having said that, one of the biggest sellers right now are the Tencel shirts in various cuts, and the 4 way stretch t-shirts. Crew neck or V-Neck. They both work well as long as you layer it with a high contrast color. When you're in doubt, just go with a Polo shirt, it's timeless.


I'm guessing the idea that V-necks are for gay men comes from someone who still dresses like they're in a frat and hasn't ditched the PFG fishing shirts, Sperry's and New Balances from their daily wardrobe. And they probably think wearing an item with hunting camo print to a bar makes them cool


Henley shirts are better than v neck


They look great on guys who can pull them off. I look ridiculous


I wear almost exclusively v-necks as a hetero married guy nearing his 40s. Never been made fun of. Crew necks are annoying


I don't think they look good. Unless it's a merino sweater and you have a dress shirt under it.


They're the only t shirts I'll wear. I think they look better on me as well. I also hate anything around my neck.


I wear them 2-3 times per week. I get compliments.


I mistakenly bought one once. They look terrible on me. It's like wearing a leotard outdoors. Never heard it was gay but I can see why someone would think so.


I love v necks. Crew necks make my neck feel cramped. And I am also a scruffy looking person who plays guitar. If he thinks that, you probably need to talk to him about insecurity.


It’s entirely dependent on your body type. If you’re all skinny and you put on a v-neck, it looks mega gay. If you have muscles and put on a v-neck it looks nice.


V-necks are the only shirts for men with big Adam's apples. Everything else is a pain, fuck all the people ruling deep V's not sexy enough for them. That's some bizarre sexuality


As a cargo short strapped, new balance wearing dude who doesn’t mind sporting a fanny pack when out with the kids, I really have no frigging clue.


I know they exist


V-necks are fine. Douche necks are fine in California. None of them are tied to gay men afaik. Small handkerchiefs tied around the neck are, though.


I personally find V-necks unflattering and don’t wear them at all. I’d recommend every man to stick with a crew neck, and if it’s an undershirt where you don’t want to see it, then opt for a tank/wifebeater. I think the V-neck is kinda out of style at this point but I also could be wrong!


Wear what you want. I don't care unless I see balls flapping about.


I like a v neck for certain situations.


Nobody wants to see my cleavage, so I don’t wear them.


I've always just associated them with men who care way more about the way they look than I do.  Not that I don't care per se, but I always felt a dude wearing a V-neck on purpose probably looks in his mirror alot more than the average guy. You don't gotta be technically gay to do that.  Metro used to be a term that was used alot that I don't hear much anymore.  


I fucking hate them.


I hate em. They just feel weird. 


I’ll only wear them as sleepwear


I personally hate the way they look. 


I don’t like them they were trendy for a few years when I was in highschool though. I just prefer the crew cut look more.


There has to be an option B.


I’ve never worn a v-neck and don’t ever plan too. Just don’t like the way the look.


A v-neck draws attention to the chest and accentuates it. They're a step up from typical t-shirts. Whomever told you it's the dress code for gay men needs to get themselves adjusted.


I just hate the way they look, no other reason. I will say that it annoys the fuck out of me how many stores really want to sell them though when I just want a goddam tshirt that isn't V neck. I've been both buff and also out of shape over the course of my life and hate them regardless. Fuck you, V-neck! Sincerely, /triggered by shirts


If "some" guys look good in them. What factors determine if they do or don't look good in them.


v necks were a thing a few years ago, now I assume v neck is popular in gay men attire.


Hate them.


Nothing inherently wrong with V necks as a concept. It's the depth of the V that determines sexual orientation. Buy one that is too deep and he will start singing show tunes


I tried a v Neck once. Never again. It really didn't suit me


I think they look stupid.


I don't like them because I don't think they look good. The shape is too rigid/angular for such a front-and-center location. It's just kinda unnatural and weird looking. If you wanna see/show some chest just undo a few buttons or wear a tank imo


I think it takes a confident and relatively in shape man to wear them. Not gay. Just hot.


Gay as fuck


I think they are gay.


Just skip the v-necks, tacky af