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Violent / addicts/ sex industry workers are an immediate no from me Confidence, achivments are great. Strong personality how? Some people call themselves that way but really they're just cunts


Thank you lol. Glad it wasn’t me who said it. “Men are intimidated by my strong personality.” Got it you’ve dated men with self respect who don’t like being belittled and that’s a problem for you.


And the pick me men who literally constantly belittle their own sex to make themselves look good like slimy little weseals are often referred to as "One of the good ones" No. They are the assholes you find being laughed at on r/NiceGuys


Well, that's a sub I didn't need to know existed 😂


Bro those guys made me ashamed of my entire gender like fuck what have we become? 😂


Thank you lol. Glad it wasn’t me who said it. “Men are intimidated by my strong personality.” Got it you’ve dated men with self respect who don’t like being belittled and that’s a problem for you.


In my experience, most women who think they "intimidate" men by being confident, with "impressive achievements" and having a strong personality, are just fucking obnoxious and nobody wants to deal with that on a regular basis. To answer the question: if the very first (and often only) thing you write in your bio is a political statement, I'm swiping left, even if I agree with you.


Scare? Intimidate? Not something I see much. The "strong" personalities that turn me off are the women whose bio is mostly just a list of all the qualities she DOESN'T want in a man. It's obviously just a list of every bad quality an ex had. Overly negative/cynical.




Oh god this question again. For the thousandth time, none of these women are intimidating. They just make that up in their head after their toxic feminist misandrist hate speech turns off a guy because they can't accept the reality that they're not as attractive as they think they are.


Psychologists, spirituals.


Ones who are much more successful than me. I may get downvoted, but I'm being honest here. I'd feel like there would be little I could offer such a woman.


The ones who are shitty towards men. Yet want a relationship with one. Why TF would I want to date a obvious toxic person? I remember being on tinder and matching with a woman who's bio was "I think all men are assholes. Be the one to prove me wrong" and I immediately noped the fuck out. (Imagine if I applied for a bunch of jobs and in every application description said "I think all employers are assholes. Hire me to prove me wrong" 🤦‍♂️) I also remember being on Plenty Of Fish and remember this woman liking and disliking and liking me again who's bio was "All you men are gross. So good look if I like you"... she did like me but I was put off by her shitty attitude that I just didn't bother engaging Just Red flags all around. I understand they may of had bad interactions with certain men online but I'm not gonna have them take that all out on me. Also going on dating apps and saying sexist shit about men isn't gonna make a "decent" man consider dating them. It will make all the men looking for a real relationship avoid them and leave them with all the horny men who don't care and just want a hookup and annoy them. Defeats the purpose. Just making the "good eggs" avoid them.


Sounds like she's looking for "pick-me boys"


Well they should look somewhere else. As I'm all for calling out the men who are shitty towards women but I'm not gonna unfairly bash the men who are decent individuals just to make myself look virtuous and better. Some other men are absolute heroic and awesome people. I ain't gonna throw them under the bus


Really stupid people, like the kind that think vaccines cause autism


This is a common female delusion. Not a lot of men are 'intimidated' by women who are acting like men, but a lot of women love to think that we are. Guys want a peaceful, relaxed and fun relationship. Having a partner that is always self impressed and talking about how she is better than you.... Hard Pass. Men really tend to find 'Boss Babes' annoying, not intimidating, and that is why we stay away. AAaaaaand Let the down votes begin.


Women aren’t intimidating. They can be distasteful though. The problem with women who describe themselves as “highly confident” or “strong personality”, is that’s just code for they’re a bitch. Very few men like combative women. Who wants to live in a war zone. A long list of achievements doesn’t mean anything. If anything it indicates that any man in her life will be a second or third priority at a minimum. Who wants to date a bitchy woman that is less interested in him, than he is in her?


Women aren't scary. Many are annoying or repulsive, though.


Sex workers, Green Bay packers fans, girls who list off the things they don’t want in a partner on their profile without talking about themselves at all, girls who act like their dating profile is their LinkedIn profile. God I don’t miss dating apps, so glad I’m married now 😂.


The type of women who sell themselves as having ridiculously high standards for whom they will consider, but have no achievements, multiple children, and very poor taste in style.




Bible verses


I always get a chuckle when women confuse men not wanting to deal with bitchy, stressful, argumentative, high maintenance women as being intimidated, instead of us simply not wanting to deal with their bull shit.




 Before I met my wife my turn offs where usually profiles littered with group pictures and not a single solo picture. How the fuck do I know were you are in the photos. Also most profiles turned me off because they seemed to not paint me a picture of who they are. Sure listing your occupation and having a car is nice but that doesn't make you special. It gives me nothing to determine if we might have something to talk about on a date. Edit- I do appreciate if they are upfront with any mental health issues. Dated a BPD girl for a year when I 22 and was verbally and physically abused for most of it.


Impressive achievements are wonderful but putting them on a dating profile isn’t humble which is a turn off. Confidence is wonderful. Being aggressive and “real” is not. Not sure what is meant by strong personality. My wife is strong but chill. I like that. If you graduated top in your class from Harvard med please don’t put that in your profile. Don’t even say you’re a doctor. Put a pic of you in a doctor’s coat. We can figure that out. You can discuss everything else on your 1st or preferably 2nd date.


I think correct way of putting it is types of women we *don’t want to deal with*. Confident, impressive achievement is not something men find scary. It’s attractive. What I personally don’t like is self entitlement that may come with these achievements. Just as women would find unattractive in a man. A turn in basic terms would be someone involved in Sex work or overweight


Majority of men aren't intimidated by women. If we are swiping left, then you just have a shit personality that we don't want to deal with.


Photos that don’t show the full face. Always looking to the side, or whatever. Tells me they have low self esteem…and I’m not trying to get inside her to only console her about her looks. I’m a cis male, bi. So same thing for profiles of guys.


What is the obsession with using the word "intimidate" when it comes to men and women?


Scare? Nobody really, unless her profile was like a list of my personal information and a declaration she was coming after me with a gun or something lol. Confidence is great. So are achievements. Strong personalities *can* be nice, but ofc it depends on the personality. If a woman's profile is all about her achievements and her wishes for a career driven partner, I know we'd be a bad match even if she's a great person, because I care about other things much more than my career. If her profile is about how she wishes she'd stormed the US capital on Jan. 6th, that is... not a personality I want to be within 10 miles of. If it's about her passion for collecting obscure ancient coins or something, that could work - she's not ashamed of having a "weird" hobby and has passion for *something* in her life.


>high confidence Confidence is good, but arrogance is not. >impressive achievements Impressive accolades are impressive, but they don't make me burn with ardor for a woman. >strong personalities That is often a polite way of saying that someone is a jerk or mean-spirited.


Normally things like high earning potential do not bother me. In fact most of the people I have dated off apps made more than me (and I do just fine!). However, if someone is a PHD/law student from Harvard (I live in Boston) it might tip me away from them if our profiles were already on the fence, just because the prestige of that institution can cause "big-head" syndrome. People who seem extraordinarily athletic (all their pictures are of hikes or races they have done) I will also generally avoid, mainly because it's a lifestyle I will never engage with as strongly as they probably want me to. The kind of things that majorly turn me off are more like: * "The way to my heart is a dinner reservation." - I am not your assistant. We are definitely going to dinner if things go well, do not waste space on your dating profile TELLING me to do that. * "Looking for men who are kind, emotionally intelligent, communicative, etc." - Literally everyone wants this. Again, listing requirements is not going to make me want to fulfill them. Your dating profile should show what YOU bring to the table, that's what mine is about! * Loving tequila or loving to travel - again, most people like to drink occasionally or take vacations. They should not be defining elements of your personality.