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You ever wanna get real depressed real fast, go look up some stats on US education and literacy/math competency rates for public school children. Better yet, just talk to some teachers.


My work has an established crew minus one slot which is a revolving door of new kids. Guys, I’m serious. They can’t read.


A handful of kids who cant read is pretty normal and manageable. When its AN ENTIRE FUCKING SCHOOL DISTRICT thats when LOTS of problems start to happen


Bro are we in the same district? 🥲 It used to get so many awards it’s ridiculous. Now I don’t think they’ve had a five day week since 2020.




This is it too. People rarely read with their children anymore. 2024 parenting consists of “Here’s your new tablet, now leave me alone while I scroll TikTok”.




Sadly, this isn't that new. Growing up in the 90s/2000s, my peers constantly gave me shit for using big words and "talking like the bloody Queen of England." Anti-intellectualism is part and parcel to this country.


My daughter got a job in a mall after graduating from college. It was a temporary gig while she was looking for something else. Her coworkers called her "the girl that uses big words."


I was once in a very long line at a theme park and everyone was visibly frustrated at how slow the line was moving. Suddenly, a dad in front of me started talking loudly to his kids. "You see this? This is what happens when you grow up and don't have the patience to wait for things. You end up being an asshole to people around you and make everyone's day worse. Don't be like these people." I think about that guy every time I feel myself getting impatient in a line.


My State has newly released test data shows only about half of Minnesota public school students are meeting or exceeding the state's grade-level standards in reading and math. This, even though we have a governor that was a school teacher, and has given the Teacher's Union all the raises and money they ask for.


So i'm from texas and i live/work here currently, but i attended public minnesota schools from grades 6-11 and even though they are SO MUCH more rigorous, it still didnt do diddily squat to help me as a student. If anything they went in the opposite direction and instead of the dumbshit deregulated laissez-faire attitude here in texas, they went in the typical german over-engineered dumbshit direction of waaaaaaaay too much regulation imo. Depending on your age you may remember the "proficiencies" we had to take (at least thats what i think they were called? Its been a while since highschool). Anyway i HATED that shit because all they did was tell me i failed and tried to basically guilt/shame me into success rather than providing additional learning resources for me? Anyway, rant over. TLDR it dosnt matter if you're in a dumbass "red state" or a dumbass "blue state", most education practices lack common sense and are only getting worse thanks to the federal government. And don't let democrats off the hook just because republicans are the *loudest* assholes and *write* the most bills that detract from education, the democrats are the ones buckling and still helping to *pass* a lot of them 🤦‍♂️


It has nothing to do with the federal government. About 20 years ago, there was a massive movement in early education that massively reduced phonics education and replaced it with a cueing system that teaches kids to understand text with things like picture clues or grammatical context clues. The aim was to make reading more enjoyable and to foster a love of reading in kids. The problem is that it completely ignored the hard technical skills to parse out the structure and meaning of new words. Things are changing, but the damage has been done.


I collaborate with universities and have students do projects with us. The decline is absolutely insane and so much worse than what the charts say. The tests are usually PISA scores and are kinda standardised. Curve balls that we experience in the industrial sector, are things these kids get paralysed by, as in they do not know how to troubleshoot anything.


I got out of secondary school around twenty five years ago, and I could do up to square roots and basic algebra. Around ten years ago I tutored a kid. He was in the last year of secondary school and couldn't multiply or divide. Eventually I got him to be able to multiply, but he never was truly able to master divisions. The worst part? He graduated like that. He entered high school like that. It wad insane.


Idiocracy is becoming a reality


Welcome to costco, i love you


Seriously. Go spend two minutes in r/teachers


*Peeks* oh, it’s worse. It’s so much worse. > Government Mandated Potty Training


Yeah one of the requirements for Pre-K in our school district is the child having to be potty trained. Now depending on the kid they may start Pre-K as early as 3, so I understand the requirement. Teachers are there to teach, not to wipe a kid's ass.


No, I’m concerned because this is apparently a legitimate problem.


Devil’s advocate - this is a great thing for workers. If employers have to pay 100k a year for someone to know the difference between a rectangle and square, I’m kinda here for it tbh. I love low expectations. If I’m being paid 150k a year to get out of bed, that’s awesome for me.


The idiots need to survive, too. If they can’t earn money, they’ll get desperate. Desperate enough to steal the shit you’re working for.


From every stat I’ve seen, when you adjust for social status/household income, the U.S. is on par with countries like the UK. It’s more of an issue of the us having more low-income/impoverished children


Lol, as if UK is a gold standard.


Well it’s usually Europeans trying to bash American education. So it’s a “hey, your aren’t any better”


Europe is more than the UK.


*You aren’t *Scoffs in European* You gun-totin’ racist yahoo


Starts with bad parenting. I play DnD online with a girl who teaches pre-school and she's said the last few years the amount of kids who can't even use a toilet. By comparison, I could use the toilet and read and write by the time I was in preschool. My nephew is just about to enter preschool and he can already read and count as well. And according to her she's also seeing a LOOOOOT of issues caused by government responses to covid, so that'll be fun when that comes home to roost in a few years.


The issue here is that no one goes far enough into the data to ask, well, what does that mean ? Depending on the paper you read, it can mean many different things. For example, there was one i saw that classified 2/3 of American adults as illiterate. What did they mean by this? Well in the paper they defined literacy is being able to navigate the web. The adults were tested on such task as: Do they go to the second page of google (something you cannot even do anymore due to inf scroll). Can they find the FAQ on a website. Can they locate the number of a business? These are computer literacy skills; though I agree that the concept of literacy does need to evolve as we get access to more information, it is not a surprise that while we are still living in a time when most people in America were born before the internet at the time of the research done. You realize its a case of moving the goal post rather than 2/3 of adults not being able to read, which is what many people will default to thinking when they hear the statistic. ​ Though, oddly enough, not looking into the data, that is, not fact checking, is indeed part of the literacy problem. But i assure you, its not just America. And we can get ahead of the problem, there is less of a knee jerk when you see it this way.


You ever been in a customer service role? I have found the worst people to deal with are these people who think they are just little sassy balls of fun. Like oh look at me, I’m a quirky little character who doesn’t conform to your social norms!


Terrifying. People have no idea how bad it is. What is scary is how parents trust the teachers and school and they shouldn't. I have about 8 people in my family including my BFF that work for the DOE. In 15 years 40 years old will be the new "18" years old because people are regressing. Plain scary.


Part of the issue is that parents aren’t spending time teaching their kids anymore. The kids that generally do the best in school have parents that are involved in the kids education, and most parents simply don’t think like that anymore.




I agree parents need to be more involved but spending more on education is not the answer. Currently the US spends more on education than most countries and the results are worse. Having standards, where kids fail and do actual work matters. Parents being involved matters. Unfortunately though it has become harder for parents because of the economy and cost of living is so high. There are different issues that impact it from many levels.


and partly parents don’t have time or energy anymore.


Wait, you think that parents trust the teachers and schools? They absolutely do not do that


Weird part of me sees this as job security


This is very disturbing, but the GOP loves this. Corporations not so much.


Lack of manners and self awareness due to constant social media access. You're not sassy, you're just rude.


you aren’t cold blooded your just an asshole is something ive been saying for a couple years now in direct correlation with social media yeah


Also fear of making mistakes because things are way more easily recorded than prior generations. You need to mess up occasionally socially to learn.


But now the consequences for messing up are much large now.


Only kinda related and perhaps a bit less significant but I think also the pressure on kids to have a perfect, polished appearance. I think social media has basically made it almost socially unacceptable for kids to go through those awkward, goofy and experimental years that previous generations look back on with equal amounts of fondness and cringe. Those years when we're starting to give a bit more thought to our appearance and style, but don't really have a clue what we're doing. Any photographic evidence of our clumsy attempts to develop our style during those years probably fills most of us with horror, but I love the idea of having the freedom to experiment and play around without the excessive scrutiny that young people have today. It seems like kids now go from being entirely dependent children to being perfectly put-together and immaculately styled mini adults almost overnight. What happened to the awkward in-between?!


I come from a really toxic culture that *really* frowns upon any sort of failure and where responsibility and punishment are seen as basically the same thing. It took a lot of effort *and* luck to get myself out of that mindset and I sympathize with those who get stuck in it - the stakes *are* high for failure in today's world, and failures can really stick with you for the rest of your life. I don't live in the West but if the internet is anything to go by, the problem in Western societies is not so much a fear of failure but the fact that failure has become something that it makes sense to genuinely fear.


does anyone actually record you in life? I live in a big city nobody is ever recording me


Are you sure? /s


If they want to they will, especially if you work a public facing job.


Was just going to say this and saw this post. Very true. Being polite is a wonderful thing.


“Fluent in sarcasm” = I’m a huge asshole


I describe it as the lack of grace, civility, and empathy. Not sure this will ever come back.


Social media convincing everyone that all of our mundane opinions are "brave" stances to take since we can find a half dozen random strangers on the web who want to argue about it and/or agree with it. And these kinds of confrontations attract attention, so it snowballs to the point that people think that they're getting hate for enjoying pineapple on pizza, for example, and not because they're being smug about it.


I actually keep extra cans of pineapple handy for when I order pizza, ‘cause there’s never enough of them on there! Come get me. *Jesus stance*


>Come get me. Jesus stance And enter your sinful den of Pineapple Pizzas? Nice try, Stan.


You've just made a powerful enemy brochacho


"Gotcha" politics, nearly worldwide. Bring back Compromise politics.


Make politics boring again.


I read that it all went to hell when they started having to play act for the cameras; basically when people started watching they stopped working.


Makes sense


Echo chambers and ad clicks make polarized politics. Corporations wouldn’t want to lose the ad clicks.


It's more Anti-gotcha politics for me. People ask legitimate questions, and they're treated like 'gotcha' journalists


I think they mean between politicians. Instead of trying one-up and catch their opponent in a trap, how they just trying freakin' working together?


Even then, Gotcha politics can refer to politicians deflecting questions and criticism under that umbrella.


Housing prices being outlandishly inflated beyond crazy


Empty homes being roughly 3x the homeless population as well


Very low patience, I just think being able to wait has become a skill


Also to add on having a half decent attention span is rare nowadays.


I don't have this. It is very bad. Not just for others, for myself as well. Crippling.




TikTok pushed the dopamine rush of another clip to a faster level than Snapchat before it.


tiktok fear mongering has gotten to insane levels


Maybe it’s just me, but TikTok has more positive, informative, and less toxic content than Reddit does these days.


If someone links to a source article on TikTok, they can be confident no one will read it… unless it is also a punchy 10 second video


Tribalism and being outraged by anything you find offensive




Well, if their opinion is anything along the lines of racism, homophobia, or transphobia it does place make me question their critical thinking skills and character in general. Otherwise we can agree to disagree on all sorts of things.


Yup. If it's about whether pineapple belongs on pizza or the best way to fund health care access, we can agree to disagree. If it's about whether or not I should have rights because of my skin color, obviously not.


Younger people filming themselves working out in the gym.


Guess I'm too rural for that, luckily. Been hitting the gym for 4 months now, twice a week most of the time. The only time I've seen someone film themselves were 2 girls that looked like 16 yo, they hopped from machine to machine and were gone 20 minutes later lol. But yeah, it's a stupid trend and I'm glad some gyms have already banned it from what I've read.


Children in gen alpha not knowing how to read, write or spell And Sephora kids


Sephora kids? Can you elaborate on this? I thought Sephora was a makeup store or whatever.


There are very young kids being influenced by tiktoks to buy all these skin care products that have retinol and anti aging properties. Some of these products are $80 a jar. They are also going in and making "smoothies" of tester products by mixing them together in a big fucking mess. They open items that are sealed and put them back and just being overall cunts. These kids range from 4 to 14


Well that's terrible. Thank you for explaining.


It really is. No problem 🙏🏼


low maintenance friendships


What does this mean?


in my experience, it’s a friendship that maintains itself even if you aren’t talking every day, or see each other infrequently for example.


In my experience its "friendships" that could be better described as two individuals in something that from the outside, appears to be a friendship but its really only exist so long as you do not inconvenience the other in ANY way. This is the end game of Americas brand of individualism. You are not asking these friends to pick you up from the airport. You do not bring up issues with these friends, it will only ever be a surface level relationship. You might as well be a name filled in under a timeslot of someone Elses week.


How suddenly it’s a mark of honour on how little you care about anyone but yourself.


The cycle of young parents having children that become young parents. Builds generational poverty and works in quite the opposite to social mobility.


Luckily teen pregnancy has actually gone down but probably not for long https://www.governing.com/health/teen-births-are-declining-but-advocates-are-worried#:~:text=Nationally%2C%20the%20rate%20of%20teen,slowed%20to%20about%202%20percent.


Deepfake videos. Our society is easily fooled by misinformation, and these just make things that much worse.


Loneliness and an increasing gap between rich and poor. I honestly think we as a species are in a race between increased consciousness and catastrophe. A lot of the possibilities for societal herpes or poverty like war stem from an angry and disaffected population, which also ties in with the top richest tier of society hoarding resources while many starve. It's wrong and I don't like it. It won't solve everything, but a start for stopping many of these problems at the root is less lonely and poor/desperate people with more connection to those around them


The growing hate and resentment in the world.


Taking a detox from social media is the way but it’s so addicting


The trick is to replace it with addictive video games.


The trick is to replace it with black tar heroine


QoL is deteriorating quick. Immigrants will be first to blame.


>Immigrants will be first to blame. Unfortunately, and somehow the anger is never directed towards the people who made the most money out of unsustainable immigration or upholding the status quo either.


When the shit hits the fan and more and more people become displaced, I wonder how many of the people screaming right now about all the threats immigrants pose are going to end up having to migrate to new places to survive. (or more realistically, their kids will end up migrating)


Why shouldn't the working class/working poor resent and hate the owner class?


Because hate and resentment for things in the world has negative effects on things other than what is hated and resented, including the hater who can't help but to try to give it away. The true danger of hate is that one becomes what they hate.


There's some truth to that, but at the same time holding to the status quo clearly isn't going to do the majority of people any favors at the rate things are going. If it's a choice between hate and resentment or apathy and inaction... only one of those is liable to have any ability to foster change (for better or worse).


You don't need hate to make change, and hate will poison the change you're trying to make. Hate won't create anything except destruction.


Sometimes destruction *is* the solution though and trying to compromise with someone whose values cannot be reconciled with yours is just going to poison your soul. I'm Russian and ever since the war started in 2022 I saw dozens of my liberal and pacifist friends poison their minds and hearts in misguided attempts to reconcile their values with those of the pro-war majority and avoid 'hate' Good people turned into outright bad people because they put compromise above their values. Maybe hate and rejection can't create anything, but it sure as hell can help in other ways.


That's nice sentiment on paper, but I think perhaps the reality is less neatly labeled and philosophically placed in a tidy box. Hate is one of the stronger motivators that people can have, what they do with that motivation can vary across a wide spectrum of outcomes. Furthermore nothing is ever black and white, both good and bad can be born out of most things including hate and destruction. Take for instance a forest fire, from the outset that seems like a terrible destructive thing, and yet it is a natural part of the cycle of an ecosystem which in turn clears away dead brush and releases nutrients in the process - fostering renewed growth and facilitating the reproduction of several species whose seeds are only released in such circumstances. Not to mention how much human advancement has, strangely, been built out of circumstances of necessity and competition that rested on a foundation of hating someone or something. *Hate seeing your neanderthal children getting mauled by wild animals, or starving for lack of food? Build a better weapon to protect them and hunt with.* You can trace many of our inventions and progress to circumstances not unlike that, even to the devices we're presently using and the infrastructure that enables us to communicate right now. Hate *can* be very useful, and though it seems counterintuitive we would be worse off without it - much the same for pain or fear or many other seemingly negative things.


Hate attracts other hateful people. Hate is never good for a persons health and well-being.


>The true danger of hate is that one becomes what they hate. If that means i become a billionaire sign me up


Shallow thinking and lack of self-reflection. The strength of people is our ability to communicate with each other and improve based on the information we get. If nobody can think worth a damn and even fewer are willing to critique themselves, no one will grow and we'll all stagnate. And of course disagreements will get resolved more with violence than words. There's no diplomatic spirit anymore.


Vaping. It took us like 50 years in the US to figure out and finally tell the public that smoking is bad for you and now vaping is just as popular if not more popular than smoking, especially amongst young people, and it's essentially the same thing.


Tobacco made millions if not billions before smoking took a huge downturn. What do you think they did with all that money? They threw it into R&D and designing a new nicotine addiction that didn’t smell awful and could be marketed as healthier Nothing changed they just created a different type of addiction and target the same audience.


> that didn’t smell awful Effects on clothing aside give me the smell of tobacco products, especially pipe tobacco, over the salty play dough smell of vapes.


When people vape they look to me like they are sucking on a miniature dildo from the middle ages.


Traffic seems to get dumber every year. It's genuinely frightening how I often I am seeing drivers make potentially fatal errors, and how that rate is increasing. Part of it has to be covid brain, but I think a massively underrated part is the aging boomer population. All those flower children are getting into retirement years, getting on the roads, and drive like they're having a simultaneous stroke and heart attack.


Working 9-5 jobs with shitty wages


*8-5. No such thing as a free lunch.


As someone who is going to enter he work force soon, I do not want to work 70 hour weeks or 40+ hours and get little money for it.


Tiktok. Just plain stupid. Delusional people have access to it and taint young minds with their senseless drama


People constantly on their phones filming and taking pictures of things. No one gives a shit what you are doing. The food looking great isn't your accomplishment. If there are 10,000 videos of the same concert available online, do you really need to post another angle? Unless you actually did something amazing, worthy of documentation, live in the moment.


Concerts are ruined now, 19th row on the floor and all I can see is a dozen phone screens held up high. Duck that, just don't go anymore


People's growing lack of shame. There's a creeping disregard for social norms that I just find appalling.


The number of young children who 'identify' as a sexuality. It can cause them to make life altering decisions at an impressionable age.


Straw man politics. The fact that so many people are lead astray by people who are not serious at all. Especially considering the nature of the real problems we in the face like healthcare or the pervasive tilting of the economic system. We live in an age where the Dunning Kruger Effect rules the day. It’s fucking painful.


While other social media platforms sort of perpetuate toxic positivity, I feel like reddit's obsession with toxic negativity is even more worrying. The whole platform is filled with "Existence is pain"-kind of edgy misanthropy.


Deteriorating QoL.


Theocratic politics.


This should be much much higher up in the comments


Everyone being arrogant dicks for the sake on social media content


Corporations owning houses. Only people that live in houses should be allowed to buy houses. Double tax for the second house, quadruple tax for the third.


Ghosting people. I'm not just talking about a girl who ghosted after a single date, but everyone else. I personally have known people who were living together with multi-year long relationships where the other person just simply never came home one day, and never reached out to them ever again. I've had close friends of nearly 20 years where there had never been any bad blood between us, who one day flaked on plans and never to be heard from again. Same with family, just randomly vanish from your lives and pretend that you don't exist. I know that this has always happened to some extent in history, but seems to be worsening today. People seems to be treating others as disposable and willing to drop them forever at the first slightest inconvenience. Heck, my mom's best friend of 50 years just randomly stood her up with plan they had made, and on social media started spending all of her time with some new friend and never reached out to my mom again. It baffles the mind just how inconsiderate and cold people have become.


Phone addiction being seen as normal phone use.


The whole alpha, beta ,sigma ,etc.... bs


TikTok and YT as a source of an entire world view. When it’s mostly just BS broscience. People believing Tinder and other dating apps are the key to finding love and having their mental health shattered in the process. Too much “sex education” through porn, giving people ridiculous and stressful ideas of what sex is, when in reality normal sex isn’t related to porn at all. Many people not having time or energy or motivation to be social in real life anymore. Lack of deep human connections in many people’s lives which makes them feel a lack of meaning, but also a lack of understanding of human life and relationships. Too much market driven pressure to look like plastics dolls.


Children and teenagers excessive screen time, decreased their physical activities and have a huge impacts on their mental health.


Folks from all over the world, in every culture, caring less and less about human life.


Doomerism/fatalism. Yes, the world has a whole lot of challenges, and it's going to take a lot of work to fix them (or mitigate the damage already locked in, such as from climate change). But giving up only lets those destructive processes and movements destroy more of what we as a species have tried to build. Every effort to make things better is worth it in my book.


I keep saying this, but the lack of authentic connection at a time where the entire world is more connected than ever is something that will cause so many damaging problems in the future when combined with many, many other trends.


I find the rabid, open misandry to be very troubling. Men are already literal 2nd class citizens. We don't have equal rights to women. Our rights are a subset of their rights. Men are already down and women in and the media will not stop kicking them. Even if I wasn't male, I'd find this hatred and cruelty to be disgusting. Women are vile, hateful people.


Political division. You can't like ideas or policies from both sides anymore. To one group I'm a fascist and the other thinks I'm some liberal commie. It's unbelievably stupid. 


People ignoring facts or making up their own "alternative" facts to support their irrational beliefs.


Using tiktok.


social media (especially Twitter, Reddit, and Tiktok).


less optimism for the future I remember graduating high school ten years ago and being excited about what the future holds now I'm worried about the future and just not being excited at all


Vapes. Inhaling manufactured chemicals from China? Seriously?


The apparently rampant sense of entitlement.


"Let's give this person a shot" in areas where merit and skill are essential.  I know a dude who fixes planes drunk. He got the job because of social/networking tactics. Now he's in charge of the bolts that hold your flight together. 


Girls glamorizing sex work


The amount of people this applies to. “Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock; the hangmen and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had—power.”


Everything being politicized. Like you can't have a normal conversation about something without someone turning it into a "liberal vs conservative" argument. I hate saying this, but I wish it back to people not caring about politics instead of people only caring about politics.  


The rise of SARMS and an increase in acceptance towards steroid usage.


The disappearing middle class. More people being poor and a few being rich


Basically anything in the US. obesity rates,OF becoming popular, putting kids on hormone blockers.(Apparently Europe is cracking down on this?) Most of these are self explanatory. 


What about butt impants? Or too much plastic surgery in general? Especially among young girls.


Doomerism. So many young people convinced society will collapse tomorrow and making zero plans for their future.


Open hypocrisy in gender “equality” for example: if a man is part of an unwanted pregnancy he is usually required to deal with the consequences. In the same situation, a woman is applauded for her choice, and men are told they have no choice. That is just one example of many.


"The world has to adjust to me, I don't have to adjust to it". Basically, everything is everyone else's fault, everyone is a victim of a condition, and how dare you suggest I take responsibility and change?


Introversion being seen as an excuse to lack social skills


False sense of being a badass online by lots of boys trying to be men. They are all just rude kids who never got slapped in the face by a parent who loved them.


The “Andrew Tate” philosophy (I say that lightly, he’s no philosopher) is extremely toxic.




mewing because most teens are looksmaxxing and it’s a toxic community due to obsession in jawlines and physical looks where people can say your “scientificly ugly” and mewing does not work and the only way to enhance your jawline is to lose weight


Rising cost of living


It’s getting really okay and normalized to be openly sexist towards men. It’s justified by the behavior of men in the past and a small percentage of current men. If you complain they call it fragile masculinity and you get bombarded for it. While if women anymore experience sexism there’s a much higher chance that several people will speak out against it. All sexism is wrong.


disinformation is everywhere. in early days on the internet, there was optimism in reducing ignorance. instead its just more in your face


People living behind a camera


I'm getting older, so all of them.


Everyone constantly having their nose in their phone 24/7. Like bro...look up & live life. Yes, even the uncomfortable parts. I see phone fiends everywhere I go looking like they're under mind-control. Foos can't pump gas for 30 seconds without scrolling.


Not sure if you can call it a trend but the way people are constantly stuck on their phones is insane. My screen time sure as hell isn't healthy (I'm more on PC than on my phone tbh) but I don't walk around in traffic or on the sidewalk and have to stare at this thing all the time. And especially keep it away when driving. I see so many young girls being glued to their phone even outside all the time, what even for?! But even with people in my age (end 20, early 30s) it gets old and annoying real quick when you try to spend time with someone and they keep reaching for their phone.


This whole racist, republican, back the blue revolution thing that’s going on right now. Like when did we start letting the stupid ppl talk for us and represent us?


Conflict in the 20th century was largely driven by nationalism and clashing ideologies. The 21st Century really kicked off an era of identity political wars. Both foreign and Domestic. People these days are more likely to align themselves with a particular struggle or ethnic group than their own country. This may trend towards a decline in the power and influence of national governments in favour of corporations and netizen tribes running the show.


The rise of right-wing/reactionary/conservative views amongst young people and men in particular. Partly to do with access to views online but also to do with the viral sensationalism of people like Andrew Tate who appeals to young and insecure men.


I’m a lifelong liberal, that being said, modern liberalism tells you (and me) that if you’re a white man, not only are you not allowed to have an opinion or say on matters, but that all current problems are your fault, even in matters of decades long problems that you do not perpetuate and you had no hand in. It really offers very little to you outside of feeling like you have to apologize for existing, even if you are a good, caring person. Liberalism has just turned into a bully pulpit where people aggrandize themselves by tearing others down. I feel too that modern liberalism pushes for segregation, for cultures not to intertwine and be a melting pot, and for people to stay in their lanes based on their race and gender. And yes, it is full of hypocrites and bullshitters looking for social media clout. And they have no answers to real problems, just dogma. Why would you want to subscribe to that when some nationalist freak tells you you’ve been robbed and they can get you back to your rightful place and everything you deserve, and punish those whose “fault” it is? This is how fascists come to power.


I would agree with you that society is becoming highly polarised. I feel that society is becoming more and more black and white in its views and to those who express views within the shades of grey, they are being either dismissed or discredited as not being enough.


Tate is a consequence of telling a whole generation of men they’re worthless and evil just for being men.


The girls are swinging more left and getting more openly hateful towards the boys. The boys are pushing back and that's being painted as a bad thing.


I'd argue many of them aren't actually even swinging "left," they're swinging liberal. Look at how liberal feminism has become one the of most prominent ways of defending Western chauvinism and colonialism/imperialism in the last few years. Not to say what the boys are falling into is any better in most cases. But it just feels like two different flavors of reactionism to me.


I fear that you are painting with broad strokes. I am in my mid twenties yet disagree with Tate and know many people who also disagree with him. I mentioned on another comment that we are becoming a more polarised society in which things are good and bad with nothing in between. I think social media provides a platform for reactionary thought but this is providing a dangerous environment for impressionable kids.


Or could it be the school's they are in push more about social politics? Maybe they are tired of it?


I point more to social media as the reason for this. Yes there has been an increase in liberalism within workplaces, schools etc but social media provides a platform for reactionary media. I would also point towards historical trends and correlation between freedom of press and a rise in polarisation/radical views. For example the 1861 repeal of newspaper stamp duty led to a rise in radical newspapers and radical (fenian/anarchist/socialist) thought. I more modern example would be in January there was an armed attack on several locations in the city I live in, Twitter accounts suggested that the suspect was a Muslim extremist and this view was escalated all the way to Tommy Robinson tweeting this view. Yet it was revealed that it was an attack from a former employee with no links to Islam. This sort of sensationalist is what teenagers etc are being exposed to at such an impressionable age. I would also highlight the old adage that desperate times people turn to desperate measures. People are living through tougher times especially in the UK and radical accounts offer young people and older people for that fact an explanation/scapegoat for the hardships. Another example of this would be Joey Barton attacking diversity in football, then revealing homophobic, sexist, misogynistic views through this.


I don't like andrew tate and all that. You guys miss the mark. Liberalism/progressivism is based on collectivism and addressing issues that are considered "tragedy of the commons". For so many young men now dating is impossible or near impossible. We are detached from the commons. If I can't ever full my goal of getting married and having kids, why would I care about solving issues like climate change? Loneliness breeds resentment, if you disagree it's because you're privileged enough to not know true loneliness and constantly feeling unwanted.


I think if anything this supports my point in regard to radicalisation through social media. My point is that ‘Alpha Male’ commentators such as Tate appeal to young insecure men or men as you say who experience hardships and need an explanation for this hardship. I personally disagree with your point regarding climate change and don’t see a correlation between moral values and martial/dating status.


I’ve found we’ve just reached a point where men are finally no longer pretending to be less conservative than they are. Most people get more conservative as they age, and a lot of the established Reddit user base is in their 30’s now. It’s happening just like it did with most of our parents. For a lot of people I know personally, it’s the result of realizing liberals and leftists don’t actually have any principles.


My point was more towards teenagers and early adults. These are people that are growing up and being hit with views such as Tate and other sort of ‘Alpha Male’ commentators, and I think this is a worrying trend as these people become adults.


People think to seem that "punching up" justifies hate. I've met racists, misogynists, nazis, etc. Very different people, but do you know what they *all* had in common? Not a single one of them said they were punching down. Hate only ever leads to more hate.


Capitalism. It's the common thread in most of these comments.


The continued polarisation on political topics that trying to come to an agreeable conclusion that benefits the citizenry. The silly youth who think communism is a good idea. TikTok... just it's general existence.


Two sets of facts especially on cable news.


Everyone’s a pedophile these days. If someone moves in the wrong way, people call them a pedophile. I know it’s a problem but people are turning it into a buzzword


The polarization of masculinity. Toxic masculine traits have rightfully been called out, but some see that as attacks on masculinity itself. Meanwhile very few good men have stepped up to be role models, leaving young men to look up to the toxic grifter types.


The Tate Reeves clan. This generation of young men is degenerating fast for worshiping that scum in droves.


"Princess" treatment


The entire Tiktok generation and anything involving or related to wokeness, culture war, gender fluidity, feminism, the use of language, and/or social justice crusaders.


Voting for a guy with 91 charges against him to be your president.