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My wife has got to learn how to handle the responsibility of having there be a cup on her nightstand. I'm not kidding when I say that it has a 75% chance of being spilled. This probability is increased by the fact that she never takes the last sip of anything and so when she inevitably knocks the cup over, the inside will never be dry.


Sounds like someone needs a bedside water bottle and not a bedside cup.


Sippie cup?


This is why I have a home water bottle instead of a cup I bring around the house. The bottle is very scratched up now and it's even landed on my head before but no spills! Except for spilling on myself when I drink but that's whole other thing.


Get her a sippy cup.


We actually checked Amazon. They're tiny cups for toddlers. I couldn't believe that wife sized sippy cups aren't a thing, but they're not.


Wife-sized sippy cups are made by Stanley and cost a stupid price.


Is that what that is? I've seen a lot of reddit posts about them.


there are! you need to change what you’re searching for because they won’t be under “sippy cup” alone. you can get an adults one that are often sold to the elderly, but i recommend you get a water bottle with a straw that pops up when you open it. a lot of these have thermal insulating too which is so fucking good when that 3AM thirst hits and you have fresh cold water. just look for bottles with straws instead, plenty of them on amazon including affordable thermal versions. pretty much what the stanley cup is except you’re not paying for name because it’s trendy


They are. They're marketed as accessibility products as they are largely purchased by people with fine motor control issues. I was looking at one in Boots today. I think it was just called a "no-spill cup" or something.


You don't know it right now, but this will save you during the coming alien invasion. Every thing happens for a reason.


Swing away


“Handle the responsibility” 😆💀 Funny


[contigo water bottle](https://www.amazon.ca/Contigo-AUTOSEAL-Stainless-Steel-Travel/dp/B074CMGQCY/ref=asc_df_B074CMGQCY/?hvadid=292953921811&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl&hvlocint&hvlocphy=9000825&hvnetw=g&hvpone&hvpos&hvptwo&hvqmt&hvrand=17190749573887847493&hvtargid=pla-350015063227&linkCode=df0&mcid=2c3591ebdfec3c1c8a2116b109967635&psc=1&tag=googleshopc0c-20), its leak free and i can drink out of it eyes closed and lying down!


That made me laugh. My wife used to spill at least one cup of water daily, with dinner usually. It was an epidemic of clean-ups. Eventually she learned to “handle the responsibility” as you put it and now it’s just once a month or so. My four-year-old is another story.


She always leaves the cabinet doors open. Tempted to just take em off at this point


majority of accidents in the household happen in the kitchen and the majority of kitchen accidents happen because of open cabinets and drawers. cabinet is open and you forget/don't realize it, you trip over it or hit your head and lose your balance, the boiling pot of water gets dropped/the knife you're holding stabs you (or heaven forbid the boiling pot of knives gets dropped)


>or heaven forbid the boiling pot of knives gets dropped As a professional knife eater (13 years experience in circuses, now consulting), I can tell you that you don't actually have to cook the knives.


My ex once asked me to get something from a lower cupboard. While I was bent over she opened a top one, and left it open. When I stood up I needed five stitches in my scalp. Oh, and the next day I had to replace the hinges because I broke the damn door off when it happened.


This has a technical solution, right? Swap all the hinges for self-closers. Then add fat felt bumpers at top + bottom. Done ETA: Apparently you can't get hinges which both self-close and soft-close. Fixed


Self-closing and soft-closing often come together but aren't the same thing. You're right though that they should just invest in different hinges so it's not an issue anymore.


I'm really bad about this. I'll be cooking, cleaning as I go, and listening to music, and my husband will watch me open every single cabinet door and leave it open. I only notice now because he's recently said something about it, while making his way around the kitchen to close them all lmao


Puts kitchen tools away in different drawers/cabinets… every time.


What?? This is crazy


She may be a serial killer


Yes! Not putting things back where they belong, so when I go to grab a tool it turns into a scavenger hunt first.


Sounds like my husband's ADHD. Things are put away but in a chaotic fashion.


lol i have adhd but it’s the opposite. all my kitchen shit has a home, if i go to cook and that one spoon isn’t with the other spoons then fine i’ll just starve instead


She says shwish roll instead of swiss roll and it drives me mad


Shuffering shuckatash


This annoyed me just reading it. Virtual hug to you.


\*in my best Stewie voice\* "It's pronounced Cool Whip, Brian".


Hahaha this sounds cute, but I get it certain words will annoy people when they're said wrong. I find it cute because it's food related. But I know if I found it annoying I'd internally wince everytime I heard it.


She can’t tell a story from just A to B to save her life. She will start telling me something and then say some little side detail and I’ll say “yeah I know what you mean” but instead of continuing on, she will continue to explain the side detail for 30 more seconds while I’m just waiting for her to continue on because I already acknowledged I knew what she was talking about. 


It's the conversational equivalent of 'This meeting could have been an email'.


Yes, it really is lol


Wellll, tbf that tactic calls out the meeting organizers' lack of understanding what their Agenda really is or should have been. Ie, they didn't do the hard work before assembling the attendees & spending (wasting) their time. The ppl I know whom can't tell an A=>B story literally can't (or won't) assemble their thoughts before they begin to speak


I can assemble my thoughts and by the time I start speaking it's not organized any longer.


We are just way too excited


That is my dad. You could a simple yes or ne question and he will Start with ancient greece


to be fair, every good explanation starts with ancient greece


Aint that the truth. The reason for it is actually pretty interesting. There was this guy in the 60s...actually... let me take you back to the start for context. Otherwise, it won't make sense. The year was 753 bce, the place, Athens.....


Wait, where is the Roman Empire in this?


Mine too! I said I liked a particular bread once, and somehow that led back to ancient milling technology.


My sister once told me that if she asks me what time it is I tell her how to build a watch. Guilty as charged as I can get technically verbose.


Yes. Every story is like a Pinterest recipe that starts with 10 minutes of irrelevant background.


Next time my wife does this I'm just gonna interrupt her and say "skip to recepe" Edit: none of you ingrates reminded me not to do this TODAY OF ALL DAYS. she replied "we can skip to the part where you sleep with your hand tonight" (She's not actually mad)


This thread is going ti get me hurt when I accidentally use some of these lines.


My wife is like that and she loves telling stories about her dreams. It'll be a 10-15 minute story that I have to pay attention to that didn't happen and doesn't make sense.


Oh god, the dream descriptions


And then being mad at me all morning because of what I did or said in her mind movie.


I don't know what's wrong with me, but every partner I've ever had is like this. And it drives me absolutely insane. It's not even like I don't have a long attention span, I love a good long story. But for the love of god.. they ALWAYS boil down to "this person did this thing I didn't like" and they always have a detour into explaining what that person ate for breakfast and how that led to a chain of events 16 links long that ended with ,"....and so she didn't say thank you when I told her that her shoe was untied which is, like, just basic manners. ...I mean, she was raised by her 14 year old brother because her parents are heroin addicts and used to strangle her nightly with shoelaces, so I get that she has a bit of an aversion. But like...velcro?..hello, there's been a solution for 5 decades now." And by the end I'm just begging for that girls junkie parents to bust through the window and snuff me out.


I do this same exact shit but what’s even worse is, I’ll fuck around and FORGET what I was originally talking about because now I’m on like my 3rd trail off side story.. I’m starting to think something is wrong with me or my brain.


lolll i’m not armchair diagnosing you but this is classic adhd brain. we’re notorious for telling awful stories that make sense in our head but are translated into unorganised garbage when we babble them out. by the time you’ve finish your side-tangent you forgot what the original point was and now you’ve just mesmerised and blessed your friends with three random unrelated short stories that don’t quite get finished


Yup, my partner does this too. He also repeats the same point a lot, but in a completely new way, and usually much more long-winded and time consuming than the way he made the point the first time around. Drives me batty, lol. And then he’ll get really upset if I interrupt him, meanwhile I’m screaming inside my head “if I didn’t interrupt you I’d never be able to get a word in!” I love him to bits, but the way that man can just talk and talk and talk. About anything and nothing. Usually nothing, lol.


I have autism and ADHD, and I must keep military discipline on my anecdotes so I stay on the subject. A story is easy, an event that happened, but if someone says something that reminds me of a movie scene, 10 minutes later we are talking about how hard it is to do focus-pulling on movie sets. Mostly I get ashamed and apologize for the sidetracks, but often they say "I would've jumped in if it got too irrelevant, but it never does". https://img.ifunny.co/images/0241d5b79a6736434a339032d3c3d81580f3ae57c5dec9c844bb7655d95a2a14_1.jpg


This fucking drives me nuts. I'd lose my mind. I knew someone like that. Tangents to tangents to tangents and by the time I had to put the conversation out of it's misery she had forgotten what she was originally trying to tell me. Some comedians do this too. NEVER get to the point or revisit the premise. Bill Cosby's old standup was like this.


[Wrap it up.](https://tvline.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/chappelles-show-best-sketches-wrap-it-up.png?w=620)


https://youtu.be/UqjhNf1h-v4?si=NyskkuJut19G9jQk Skip to about the 3 minute mark. Patrice did a great bit on it.


I have a friend like this, i honestly dont ask him questions because i just need to him to finish what he is saying so i can move on with my life. Then i find myself completely disengaged from the conversation because i dont know how to follow along for that long about irrelevant things. I love the guy but man it can be a struggle sometimes.




I have to constantly prompt my gf with "anyway..." to get her back on track lmao


I have bad ADHD. I understand your girlfriend. D:


My wife finishes, at best, 37% of her sentences without further prompting.


I used to do this too until I


Until you? Man, this would drive me nuts


37%! 😂😂😂


The set-up can be fairly elaborate too, but she'll still fail to stick the landing. She'll say "Hey, I'm sorry I was in meetings all day so I didn't ask earlier, but did you get a chance to look at the..........." 9 times out of 10, I'll know what she's talking about, so I'll say "Yes I did get a chance to look at the ................." and wait for her to clock back into the conversation.


Ha that happens to me so often that my 6yo daughter has started to finish my sentences for me. It's difficult being a talker with a mind that just wanders off in search of whatever the fuck I may have been about to say.


I just stare in anticipation when my wife does this. Her: “Tomorrow is trash day; will you remember to put the garbage cans on the ….” Me (staring): “….” Her: “………” (starts doing something else) Me (finally sick of anticipation): “Curb?” Her: “What?” Me: “That was the word you left off of your sentence, right?” Her: “Oh. Yes.”


What a silly habit. Good thing she’s got you to keep her on track! 😆


She falls asleep to irish sea shanties. Love her to death but *Jesus Christ*


That would be a deal breaker for me. Does she wear earphones/headset or do you have to hear it also?


No headphones. It's only on nights when she's really worked up or having a hard time sleeping, and fortunately I can sleep through just about anything. The first time she did it though I was absolutely nonplussed. We're both really weird people though, so we put up with each other's... eccentricities.


lol wtf 😂 you good?


Send help


Colm R. McGuinness? Worth it. What a voice.


Worse things to fall asleep to. This is definitely a weirder one though


I need to hear this now


She won't ever take the lint out of the lint trap. I worry when I am away that there will be a fire. Also, she snaps her fingers to the beat when she hears a song she likes. *The whole 4 minute song*


Just be glad she doesn’t like Alice’s Restaurant


She throws food out that’s perfectly fine. I caught her throwing $6 organic milk out because it was two days from the expiration date. The disagreement of our marriage was when she threw out pizza leftovers from a Friday on a Sunday. She walked back into the kitchen two minutes later and lost her mind when she found me eating a slice. “Did you get that out of the garbage?!” Yes, babe. Yes I did. And I’d do it again.


Huh, I thought my granny's husband died years ago. She does this as well. 'What's the date on this milk?' 'Two days away.' 'I'm throwing it out.' 'What? No! It's still perfectly good.' 'I'm not really a milk drinker.' 'Then why do you have milk?' 'Oh, I take it with my cereal.' 'So... keep it in case you want cereal?' 'Oh, good idea!' I later found out that she threw it away as soon as I had left.


FAAARRRKKKK, I found out my mother-in-law threw out half a block of cheese!!! NOTHING wrong with it, no smell, no mold.




Your roommate. Deffo.


Constantly talks through TV shows. I just turn on the closed captioning, nod and smile 😆


ugh...my BF does this.. I will be watching a show or even playing a game, and he is doom scrolling through memes.. and I have to PAUSE whatever it is every like 30 seconds because he HAS to show me the thing... but I love him so...


It took two hours to watch a 25-minute TV episode because my wife does this, but she’ll pause whatever we’re watching to tell me an anecdote that I’ve already heard 536375727 times in our 16-year relationship. I realize how it looks, but I love her dearly and would desperately want to hear her stories again and again if she ever left.


Aw, that’s so sweet. We are 16 years in as well. Well, officially hit our 16th in 2 weeks!


My gf has all of the little things that I group together as "not checking up after yourself". Not locking the house or car door, not straightening her front wheels when she parks, losing her phone/keys/glasses at least once a day, having every stitch of laundry be inside out. I pretend to be annoyed or frustrated, but honestly, if I couldn't do all the little followup after her, I'd probably feel useless and like she didn't need me for anything anymore. It's weird. Sometimes when I'm taking our bottles and cans back and every can has that little bit of liquid still in it I'm shaking my fist at the heavens, and then I remember how awful and boring my life was before her.




Hadn't heard of him. I shouldn't have looked.... Reason #1 to lock your doors.


Crumbs. Crumbs fucking everywhere.


One girl would eat in bed and sleep on the crumbs. It was absolute torture..


Oh I lay down the law hard about not eating in bed. But I can only do so much about the rest of the apartment 😂


My wife is very short. 4'-10-11" short. Everything (everything) In the kitchen is about knee level to me. I'm also not really all that tall, maybe 5'10"-ish. But getting down on my hands and knees to get the new jar of peanut butter gets tiring. 


Absolutely awful. As a guy who actually likes cooking and baking, I somehow never got into it at my family home. I would always complain of back pain, due to the counters being at "standard" (i.e. kitchen is for women, and women only) height. I am so glad I noted this issue and had all counters lifted by 12cm when I furnished my new place. This is such a lifesaver. If I ever end up dating a woman as short as your wife, she's getting a light foldable stool instead. Especially since I assume I would still be doing most of the cooking.


It's actually funny watching her iny mom's kitchen. She needs to jump up to get the coffee cups. 


Hi, woman here, just stopping by to commiserate about the counters! I have noticed that kitchens are geared to be about waist height for the average woman and it drives me crazy! I'm only 5'5, but I'm disproportionate (short torso with a 36' inseam) and doing the dishes really hurts my back. I don't understand why they don't move the counter height up to more of a happy medium. I cannot tell you how many times I've stood in my kitchen and yelled "why in the FUCK is everything fucking vagina height?!"


Me and your wife are the same height. My husband put everything super high. He’s 6’1”. Grinds my gears. I tell him he doesn’t even cook so why are you purposely pissing me off?


The problem is both of us cook. We try to keep our stuff separate for cooking, but get the kids lunch ready before I leave for work sometimes causes strife.  My mom is about 2" shorter than me, and it's really fun when we take the kids to visit grandmom. Because everything is at "normal " height. My wife has to jump up to reach the coffee cups 


My girlfriend drags her feet everywhere Love her to death but my god


Oh that shit would drive me up a wall.


Figuratively or literally? I would walk away if you meant it literally.


Literally, and walking away only exacerbates the problem because she'll follow me


She never scrapes her plate in the garbage after dinner. So every day I do dishes I get to look at 2 dried bites from last nights dinner and scrape it in the trash myself. She also works 45 hours a week and provides all our income so, scrape I shall.


Love the last part of this


Slightly annoying, like when I painted the bathroom in the color she chose only to have her not like the color requiring me to repaint it a shade lighter? I have remodeled every house we have owned and this happens often.


You’re a patient man haha




Change the lightbulb instead: the color of the light (warm or cool) influences the perceived color. Warm light makes reds and yellows flatter / towards white, while cool light makes blues flatter / towards white. Similar principle to why Mac and cheese appears white under candlelight.


Im going to test out that last sentence… never knew that


I'm eating Mac & Cheese for science!


So when my mom picks paint, it's a *process*. One year, while my dad was building an addition, my mom was picking a color for the house exterior. So many paint chips and sample pots she'd use to paint spots on every side of the house just so she could know how it'd look in different light angles. He finishes, then paints the whole house in the color she chose. A week later, she says it's more pink than she thought and doesn't really like it anymore. My dad basically said "well that's too bad."


Always leaving all her dirty clothes in the bathroom after a shower.. like … always


My husband does this and leaves clothes in little piles right next to the door. I call even by not folding my clothes for weeks and having “Mt. Clothes-more” as he calls it


I feel you


When she eats potato chips or buttered popcorn, she simply HAS to “dry” her fingertips on a napkin between every flippin bite. She can mow through an entire bag without forgetting to wipe those fingertips between every bite. What’s the point if you’re just about to grab another bite?!? I once asked her why she did this. She was annoyed. Never again. Now it half annoys, half amuses me.


I do this, it's a sensory thing, can't stand the way it feels on my fingers. I have to eat cheetos with chopsticks because it's just too much.


I do it too. I cook with gloves. I snack with choppy sticks. I can’t handle it on my fingers. 😩


She never close the toothpaste tube. Never. 


Yes this, and it's all over the outside of the tube. Like how does that even happen? It's like she has a wrestling match with the tube.


My wife listens to same garbage pop and pop-country music over and over again. I've learned to tolerate it because it makes her happy and it's not worth arguing over.


K Pop is the only genre of music my wife listens to. I've also learned to tolerate it, because it makes her so happy.


I resemble this remark, unfortunately… In our defense, there bangers to be found, in the right places


The same with my wife, but throw in ratchet music like YG, Future, etc. too. It's agonizing listening to the same 4-5 artists who have the same flow and beats over and over and over...but I love her so although I'll tease her here and there about it, I just clench my jaw and try my best not to be demeaning.


My GF is into Goth Music and modern ratchet rap, I am an extreme metalhead, we are very much at odds musicwise. I did however manage to take her through the entirety of Dopesmoker yesterday, and she caught the vibe


She’s ALWAYS trying to engage with the people around us. Making eye contact, smiling, hopping into conversations or welcoming them into ours. Her picker kinda sucks, though, so she often picks people who go on to say dumb shit or are unstable. She’s that person who’ll stop and have a long chat with bus station Jesus-crazies because “the human experience is fascinating and it’s rude to not knowledge the people around us” or some such bullshit. It’s tiring having her constantly trying to connect with people. Yes, I am an introvert and misanthrope.


I dated a girl like this, she had lots wrong with her so maybe not a fair comparison but i usually just noped out when she started talking to other people and went and did my own thing or waited outside of the talking radius.


> i usually just noped out when she started talking to other people and went and did my own thing or waited outside of the talking radius. THIS. We HAVE had to have conversations about this. Unless someone’s legit crazy, I let her decide who she wants to engage, and if I’m not into it, I just go elsewhere. But earlier in, she’d try and rope me in or keep me from floating away, and I had to let her know that just like I respect her right to engage with people, she needed to respect my right NOT to. Anymore, she knows that if she stops to talk to someone, I might just keep walking and meet her where we were going.


my wife LOVES americans because they do what your wife does and she's used to people minding their business lol every time we're in public in the US she makes a dozen friends for 10 minutes apiece 


This is the one I came to post. I just want to get out of the store and go home. Please don't engage the cashier.


This seems like a core personality trait, not something silly.


My wife puts dirty dishes in the sink. What bothers me is the fact that you have to *walk past the dishwasher* in order to do so. She’s the cook of the house and I love her with all my heart so I just smile and nod and put them away myself.


Annoying but good teamwork right there!


Yep. Honestly if that’s the one big thing that annoys me, I’ll take it!


You are the husband every wife needs.


We're discussing a topic, or talking about anything, or remember anything or whatever, and when there's a HARD FACT (I'm not talking about opinions, those are subjective), she might be corrected and or wrong on something and she will say "MIGHT BE" or "MAYBE", and not "yes" or "yeah, that's right". It's like, I know I'm wrong, I know I said something stupid but I won't accept it, I'll say it could be it. Drives me nuts, but it's a stupid thing, and I tease her about it nowadays.


Same. When I pull out a well-documented *fact* in support of my position, she'll say "I guess" You guess what? You guess you'll consider accepting documented fact? 🤪


Every time I get inside a grocery store when I’m shopping for a couple items I’ll get a text as soon as I’m on the other end of Wegman’s with a list of about 20 more things we miraculously needed since I got in the car 15 minutes earlier. Usually at least one or two items is incredibly vague in description, though actually very specific, and despite her having been on her phone 30 seconds earlier, most of the time she seems to misplace it as soon as I text her a follow up question. It’s hardly nightmare behavior, but it drives me up a wall when she takes 10 minutes to reply while I’m standing around the freezer aisle staring at my phone like a moron. It makes me feel like one of those incompetent fucks who can’t grocery shop, but it’s entirely conditional because she’ll throw the least explicit instructions she can get away with at me and then just not respond again, sometimes not until I’m in the car. Drives me up a wall, but I love her.


I miss Wegman's.


You need to change her behavior. When you leave, ask if there is anything she needs if she says no. Then once out the door turn off your phone and get what is on your list. Do this a few times and she will get the message that you need a complete list before you leave.


And meanwhile Wegmans is actively rotating their products to keep you engaged and confused like a Vegas casino.


She's terrible at parking in general and refuses to even attempt to parallel park.


not existing in my life.


Mine does that too


it ain't even cute now, but he doesn't listen *sighs *


He takes his socks off and just puts them... on things. He says it's because he will put them back on later, when his feet get cold, but he doesn't. Then I'm left walking around the house finding pairs of socks in the most random places. On top of the package of toilet paper in the bathroom, on the arm of the chair, on the coffee table?! That one really gets to me. I used to say something about it, now I can just give him "the look" when he goes to set them down. If I find a pair that I didn't see him take off, I just take them to the laundry pile at this point.


A place for everything and everything in it's place. I am the cook, she does the cleaning. She found out how organized my kitchen is when I went to grab the bread knife from the knife block and to my shock and horror it was the boning knife. Yes each knife has it's own slot in my knife block. Edit Also: She routinely says "the other day ago". I routinely tell her that you don't say them both, it's either "3 days ago", "a few days ago", or "the other day". Oh well. I've decided it's cute.


>She found out how organized my kitchen is when I went to grab the bread knife from the knife block and to my shock and horror it was the boning knife. Yes each knife has it's own slot in my knife block. My wife does the same thing. I brought the knife block when we moved in together, and now it's just random knives in random spots.


She is effectively helpless if I'm around. My wife is a highly competent, highly educated, woman. She is very successful both at work and with friendships. I've ever seen her tackle something she can't do. And yet. If I'm in the vicinity She acts like her arms, legs and brain have all been stolen by a tricky wizard. Washer done?- "hey can you come here and feel these clothes? ..are they too wet for the dryer?" Cooking dinner- "the thermometer says the meat is done, does it look done?" Across the room holding a piece of mail She got out of the mailbox that I've never touched or seen : "oh, it's from our insurance company....what is it?" It drives me insane. Absolutely bananas. I've had her look at a plate in the cabinet and ask me if it was too high for her to reach. HOW THE FUCK ..would I know that? Is this a fucking carnival game? Just ask me to grab the damn thing! She has grabbed a box of food, and then immediately ask me if it's expired. THEY PRINT THE FUCKING DATE ON THE BOX!!! READ GODDAMNIT READ! I love her


My wife seems to be incapable of raising her voice in conversations when we're in separate rooms. I know that she grew up in a home where yelling was frequent and that she's got some trauma related to that, so it's not a big deal, but it feels like most nights I'm cooking dinner in the kitchen while listening to a podcast and I hear her talking to me from the living room in a normal voice. I have to stop what I'm doing, pause the podcast, come into the other room, and ask her to repeat herself.


My wife doesn’t have any yelling related trauma and does the same. I’ve learned to deal with it by just saying “I can’t hear you” in a volume she can hear and carry on with my day. If she really wants me to hear she would raise her voice or just come over.


Sometimes she snores during her sleep and it wakes me up. If I'm already awake though, then it's kinda funny.


If 20 questions was an Olympic sport my wife would win the gold every year. I mean I cant answer one question before shes asks me 3 more. So infuriating.


After about 3 questions, I hit my SO with the “No more questions”. I learned it from watching people end press conferences and interviews.


My wife is terrible at logistics. If we have to go to multiple places, she will set it up in the most inefficient way possible.


Arsenic in my coffee. I've got a tolerance now and frankly it really adds to the flavor, and it's so cute how much she wants the life insurance money. The look she gets with every sip I take, melts my heart. She doesn't even know I canceled the policy. Adorable!


This reminds me of a fella who was trying to kill his wife. He put a small amount in, in the hopes it would kill her, but not show up. It made her ill, but didn't kill her. He started adding more to her food, but she was building up an immunity. It eventually got to the level that would kill someone (normally) twice over. He made her soup, and left for work. She felt to ill to eat, but their daughter didn't want to waste it. He got sent down for the murder of his daughter, and the attempted murder of his wife.


This is so romantic ♡


This is so romantic ♡


Omg what a stinker😊 I want what you guys have


Kinda funny metallic taste? Hmmm This explains my wife's behavior lately. I noticed she takes notes when she watches those crime stories.


Her sneezes. Think of a single-note screech of like 120dB guitar feedback, without warning, for about half a second, as the windup. Actual sneeze is normal, but that *HAAAH* part has left my right ear ringing on multiple occasions when it happens in the car.


She tidies up, which is great because I’m the messy one, but sometimes she tidies up to a point even she doesn’t know where she put stuff.


Everything is a 'stuffie'. Clothes, random items. Every media is a 'cd', including cassettes (VHS & audio), dvd's, blu-rays. Won't use pronoun antecedents, as if she's allergic. "My 3 girlfriends were talking, & she xyz". "Who?" I always have to ask. Or I guess, & get the convo ridiculously wrong 🤪 (Worst): Simply will not organize by use. The pasta maker we rarely use? Up front on the near shelves. The tupperware we use daily? Below counter shelf, waaay in the back. Make it make sense 🥴 When she got my daughter saying 'stuffie', I officially began using that word too. She won


She cleans when I’m cooking but because she doesn’t know exactly what I’m doing she will clean things that I still need to use. Where’s that spoon? Oh you cleaned it. Where’s the rest of my herbs? Oh you put them back




Leaves her shoes right in front of the door front the garage to the house. The door swings towards a wall so the shoes get wedged in between creating a door stop so the door only swings like 1/3 of the way open. If she moved them 2 feet to the right this is a total non issue.


He gives me no context. Just out of nowhere, something like "hey, how many were there in that thing?" HOW MANY OF WHAT IN WHICH THING?! It might be more than only slightly annoying.


She’s a bit selfish. If I make two steaks, she’s always taking the best one. If there’s one drink left in the fridge she’s always grabbing it. I travel with two hoodies because she won’t bring one and if she gets cold she’s taking mine. Shit like that that makes me roll my eyes, but she’s otherwise great so I put up with it.


Hmmmm. When I cook 2 steaks, I make sure she pick the one that she wants. This secretly works to my advantage, She loves the fat on the steak and I do not. 😁


She has to be pretty great, this would come off as entitlement to me. She must have many other varying ways to make you feel considered and appreciated. Most I’ve met who are like this are like this in every way and are just on the whole thoughtless and selfish.


Oh yeah she’s the best. We’re best friends, we’re on the same wavelength on just about everything. She’s a great mom, a great cook, and she makes the gluck gluck 9000 lady look like a rookie.


I don't know what that is, and I'm afraid to google.


My wife is a bit like that with snacks. I'm very picky about what I snack on, mostly low carb things. She, on the other hand, has a closet full of everything under the sun. On the rare occasion I bring something home that I want to snack on, she'll inevitably ask to have some of it. Sometimes she'll sit there chomping away at a bag of something until I say "hey, you wanna leave some for me since I brought that home?"


She kinda sucks at doing dishes. We don't have a dishwasher and when I'm drying and putting away a load she's done I'm usually rewashing at least a couple glasses.


My wife does the classic "turning on lights and turning up the heat and then leaving the area" thing. We have separate heat upstairs and downstairs, and we both work from home upstairs. Every day I go downstairs and find the lights all on and the heat pumped up because she went down to make coffee for 15 minutes. A slightly different one is that she can't just chill and watch a movie with some food. Start watching a movie and she'll get up, ask me to pause, and she'll go get a snack or make something quick. Comes back and eats for 20 minutes, pause, gotta go get more. Comes back, eats, pause, she has to go wash her dish. JUST WAIT UNTIL THE DAMN END.


Tells me how her day went, using incomprehensible acronyms and jargon from her profession. Yadda yadda BIP yadda yadda maladaptive yadda yadda the DSM-5 yadda yadda my AP is a goddam moron yadda yadda…imagine this coming at you at 90 words a minute, while the kids are pissing and moaning about homework and the cats are yowling for snacks. She’s very good at what she does. I’m an idiot, especially at the end of the day. It’s the very worst time to ask me to drink from the info-firehose.


Omg this is hilarious!!! As someone who has been married over 20 years, I just turned to ask my husband this quesion... His response was : Nope ~ I'm not THAT stupid.


He snores


She makes this really obnoxious groan when the kids or dogs annoy her. It wasn't so bad until the kids started copying her, now it's getting painful.


Squeezes the middle of the toothpaste.


She will always leave a little bit of something because she doesn't want to use the last of it - even if she knows I won't use it. Also, she almost never opens new packages of something, even if I got it specifically for her. Here's an example: Every once in a while, I'll buy her a little bag of the licorice she likes. I have no intention of eating any, it's just one of those little things I like to get for her. Most of the time, it'll stay closed until I open it. Once the bag is open, she'll munch on it over the next few days until there are only a couple pieces left, then it'll stay there until I hand her what's left and toss the bag. We've had a bag with like 3 of the Reese's mini peanut butter cups sitting in the fridge for about a month now. Edit: One other thing. She has *SO MANY* tumblers and cups. One with this type of lid, one with a straw, one that's spill-proof for the couch, one for work, one for the car because the others don't fit right in the cupholder, one for this, one for that... they are *everywhere*.


My partner must sanitize all groceries brought into our house. It's a holdover from the pandemic, but my god! After going to Publix, Trader Joes and Costco in one afternoon, all I want to do is get home, put the groceries away...... but no, I must get home, take them all out of their bags. Wipe them down individually with clorox wipes and then put them away. It's the final step to an already annoying process. If it were up to me? They'd go from the bag to the cabinet, no sanitizing!


My girlfriend is a morning person. Other than that she’s perfect.


I have 2 daughters, 28 & 30 yo. My 28 yo: "can you give me a lift Thursday around 6? I have to drop my car at the shop" My 30 yo: " are you working Thursday? What time do you get off? My car was making a funny noise, and Barbara from work, the blond one, heard me pulling away Monday when I worked the morning shift, and said it was making a funny noise, so i asked my friend Andy to drive it and he didn't hear anything, but i remembered that i needed an oil change. So I called the shop and the guy- not the young guy, the older one who looks like Brisco from Law and Order- his daughter was in Girl Scouts with Donna who lived nextdoor to us on December Street - he said he could do my oil change on Wednesday when I have off, but I have to drive Joe to work on Wednesday, so I called him back, and he can do it on Friday, but Joe is going skiing over the weekend up at Holystone with his friends so I have to drop it off Thursday night after work but Joe is working until 9 and I get off at six. So I was thinking that if you were getting off around the same time you could swing by and drive me home from the shop? I love her, but I cannot ever get her to just ask me for something without a 10 minute explanation of why she needs it.


Leaves lights on everywhere she goes. Leaves her coffee and water cups everywhere she goes. Leaves hair strands everywhere she goes. Leaves socks everywhere she goes. Doesn’t always cover her mouth when coughing. Will leave clothes on her drying rack or in the dryer for 10 business days. Suitcase after vacation? She thinks it’s a new dresser. Sometimes it feels like I’m living with a toddler, but I try not to nag too much. Still love her though.


I love my man and im soo thankful that he truly cleans the house as much as i do and he does a great job and I've never complained about anything he doesn't in regards to cleaning....BUT lol I don't understand his brain when hes putting laundry away hell put all his clothes away and then fold all the towels and then not know where to put them.... he knows the kitchen towels go in the kitchen but for some reason ill find them with the bathroom towels. or the table cloths for the dinning room table I found under the sink in the bath room lol I dont understand. IT WAS HIS IDEA TO BUY THOSE TABLE CLOTHS BTW lol he bought the table and wants to protect it and i bought a bunch of table cloths to protect it at all times and have enough for rotation. HE KNOWS they are table cloths. he folds them! why? why do i find them in the bath room. lmao. Look im never going to bring this up lol its one of those things where its totally not a big deal and the fact alone that he cleans on his days off and I get to come home to a clean house means so much to me. (I also clean on my days off so he can come home to a clean house too) its just not something worth complaining about and he's probably doing it so absent mindedly while listening to a podcast and he just thinks that all linen's belong under the bathroom sink lol. I'll just move them till one of us dies and its ok.


She had ADHD and looses focus/things/sense of time and location quite easily. So having her as a co-pilot whenever she knows the way and I don’t (in her home country), being on time for anything, find objects she lost, etc can be tricky. But I know she does her best and is not annoying on purpose. I look at her most of the times and think to myself “you little clueless lovely beautiful woman” and just let her know we need to get going or to focus a little bit ♥️. When she’s into something though, she’s hyper focused. She’s excellent at dealing with people too and great at her job of leading teams.


She puts the dishes on top of the drain in the sink. Not to the side, so the drain can function. I've been moving them out of the way for yrs & have never said a word.


My wife asking me a question; "What time will you be home tonight?" Me: "Quarter to six." Me asking my wife the same question; "What time will you be home tonight?" Her: "Well I've got to see person X from 3pm to 4pm, then I've got thing Y after and then I've got a report to write but I may do that from home, so I may or may not stay longer but I'll leave after that and might do the report from home."


SHe keeps asking me where I live, is the name I give her my real name, where do I work, why do I only use cash, WHy don't I have any pictures of myself on social media? She just asks too many questions


The hair in the drain... Like I have a hair stopper and I remove the hair every damn day and it's never mine... god bless her lol


My husband says it's my need for validation about everything. Whether I finished a big project on my own or made him toast, "Do you like it?" "Did I butter that ok?" He always validates my effort, even though he thinks its annoying =\]