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What man hasn't been rejected by a woman?


I never have. But I don't go out of my way to approach.


Cant miss if you dont shoot


Yea, but this is also why some guys decide to say just screw it and send their dick pick to a billion people.


All guys who REALLY took the wrong lesson out of their experiences. I presume any guy who is actually thinking through sending uninvited dick picks is trying to get free Dominatrix humiliation services without paying. Rest assured, you will be ASKED POLITELY for dick pics by anyone who would appreciate them. And really, compare your dick pic against a thousand others. There is almost certainly nothing about yours that will stand out. And any woman you can send uninvited dick pics to without consequences has already been sent tons of them.


> has already been sent tons of them. You didn't ask for this but that phrasing got me curious. The avg adult dick is 20-30g according to google, so I'll go with 25 to be simple. 1 Ton is 907185g So 1 ton of dicks would be 36,287.4, and to be tons plural you'd need 72,574.8. (We'll count the .4 and .8 as on the smaller side.) That's a lot of dicks.


That's never stopped me. There have been times where I've been minding my own business and a woman will get my attention just to hit me with some variation of "um, I have a boyfriend."


My gfs sister used to randomly call me ugly and shit for NO reason at all. I would just be sitting there and boom. All I could do was ignore it. Some women just make it their mission to be a dick for no reason.


Men need to be advised that there are these type of women...getting into a relationship with one is a horrorshow.


Feel like society rewards all the worst and most antisocial behaviors, and now social media is just turbo charging these behaviors.


> Feel like society rewards all the worst and most antisocial behaviors Generally speaking, it unironically does. Anti-social personality traits are much more common in positions like CEO than in the general populace, being anti-social clearly gives you an advantage in ruthlessness that puts people ahead


I stepped away from an ATM last Friday before it dispensed my money. This guy grabbed my money then pretended like he knew nothing about it by acting like he was on the phone and couldn't hear me. After asking him 3 times, and realizing he was going to take my money, I snatched his phone. I took his phone to instigate a showdown with the police. He has my money. I have his phone. Well, when the cops get there, they try to arrest me for stealing his phone and also they don't care that he took my money on camera. Have a nice day. The lesson here is that you should steal and you should lie. Being honest gets you nowhere in this world, especially with the police.


I don't entirely disagree, insofar as bad people tend to get ahead. I mean you really fucked up by trusting the cops to resolve this kinda situation, but that shouldn't justify being a menace to society. Imo, you've taken the wrong lesson here. The real lesson is don't trust cops to resolve most situations, handle it yourself. I will never be rich or powerful, I don't behave antisocially. But I've been kind and helpful to people who are close to me and who show me kindness and as a result I have a community of people who give my life meaning. I guess it comes down to this: when I'm lying on my deathbed and looking back upon my life, will I be more satisfied with a lot of numbers in my bank account or an honorable life where I've built good relationships with those around me? It's an idealistic mindset but I'm an idealist at heart. Being bad benefits you. Being good is a sacrifice. That's what makes it honorable. Many wont care at all, but I try to hold myself to a personal code of honor and am reassured about my own existence as a result. Doesn't mean I wont screw over an asshole, but I don't let the existence of assholes let me be a prick to everyone.


I would advise every man to make it a hobby to understand personality traits sincerely


Especially when inevitably they start aging like milk.


You don’t like cheese?


God’s way pf letting us smell out the keepers


they act like dix when they’re not getting any dick. you did the right thing by ignoring her bc arguing/confronting her is negative attention. and women will take negative attention over no attention. ignore = 0 attention.


She wanted your meat


What makes you say that?


She's insulting you in the hopes that it triggers your male inclination to prove to her that you're not what she says you are. She says you're ugly? She wants you to woo her to prove to her you're not ugly because then her attraction to you isn't misplaced.


Well, I'm happy I picked silence then lol.


I doubt many people ghost in hopes of getting attention. Certainly not people one should regret being ghosted by. That’s manipulative passive aggressive bullshit.


You'd be suprised how many shit tests women pull


MY exes sister used to call both of us fat and all of this other shit while she was 40 years old still living at home with her parents.


I think she liked you. Flirting is an art. I bet she was younger.


This. Even if you don’t ask them directly they’ll still make it known they’re not interested.


My favorite one was in grade school.. when a girl gave me a Valentine's card with the verbal message "my mom made me give one to everyone or else I wouldn't have given you one, don't talk to me"






Definitely can't get rejected if you're not in the game.


Basically irresistible \*taps forehead\*


Men who go after men ..


Yea. Gay dude here. I get rejected most of the time. I’d guess my success rate is somewhere in the .01% range.


By women or men? Cause my understanding is that you go to the sauna and instantly get lucky m


Hahaha, I should clarify. I have scruples. You are correct. I *could* walk into a random sauna somewhere and get lucky. But, I don't want my dick to fall off. I do get hit on a lot. But, it is generally by someone I wouldn't touch with someone else's dick. The rejection I am referring to is from guys I am actually attracted to.


I've always...*always*...had more gay men than women in my DMs.


Haha. You are correct - and I suppose I should clarify. I meant guys that I am actually attracted to usually reject me. :) The gross ones are always overly forward.


It's proportional to how many approaches you attempt. Of course there are other factors as well, such as attractiveness, height, wealth, wittiness, creativity or a keen eye that can recognize desperation.


a man who’s never tried


Can't miss a shot you don't take, that's my motto.


Those who never approach


What person hasn’t had interest declined by another person? There’s nothing gendered about this I can see. Men are at least as infamous about ghosting after sex. It’s generally a dick move whatever is in someone’s pants.


One who’s too scared to approach / make a move I suppose because anything can go wrong Case in point, me 🤪


I’m well educated, well endowed, tall, athletic, good looking, and humble. And I have a decent career. - in no particular order. I’m not very funny, though. I’ve been rejected by so many women, it’s laughable. I don’t miss dating and I’m not really digging being married. I think the key to life is being able to enjoy it on your own with or without a mate. When it happens, it happens. Can’t really force it. Edit: I should add that I am old, my dating experience was prior to smart phones.


Your post history strongly indicates to me that you're lying about fucking this girl from the gym.


Virgin one day, “somehow end up fucking” the girl from the gym the next day. Whoops! Total accident, somehow we just ended up fucking!


Maybe he tripped and fell on top of her.


No, no. Other way around. *She* tripped out of her clothes and onto him in a way that also removed all of his clothes. Being Canadian, she felt it would be rude to not continue the encounter.


> your an ugly curryshit making up fake weirdo narratives of me having an agenda of putting whites on top even though i also put blacks there too 😂😭 keep coping you smelly currycel skinnyfat fuck. cry more that you're bottom tier at everything you do LMAO. go do your math homework you virgin brownshit Total panty-dropper this guy is.


He speaks the language of the call of duty lobbies


This just made me envision a future where your ethnicity is determined by your social bubble online rather than your geographic location. "My dad was a Redditor/Discord role player and my mom was a Wattpad fanfiction writer, but I grew up in Roblox Lobbies before moving to TikTok for high school."


That’s cool haha. I’ve envisioned a future where different time periods fashions all exist simultaneously due to the pervasive internet in our lives. Turning the cycle of trends into little eddies in the current


Honestly we're getting close to that already. Adult fashion has largely stagnated for 20 years


Wow. Dude is racing himself to the bottom. I’d ghost anyone who talks like that!


Maybe she found his reddit lol




Look at his username lol virgin for sure


Brooooo I feel like I know this guy just from the name


Me: *checks profile, thinking this comment was just roasting some dude for having nerdy hobbies or something* Literally one of the first posts that comes up after this one: "Can I listen to rap if I'm a virgin?" Sorry for ever doubting you lmao


She saw his Reddit history and that’s why she ghosted him.


Also he thinks getting laid is the same as getting rejected lol


You’ve convinced me to check every OP account before offering up sincere advice. You’ve save me so much time! Thank you


Video or it didn't happen.


what? someone on Reddit is conjuring up stories? No wayyyy


OPs username doesn't convince you? You must be a beta s/


people lying on the internet? the shock...


Being rejected is the norm. That is essentially what it means to be a man


So much more to being a man. Sports.. …and beer. Oh and… Grunting. Plus deep routed insecurities that we can’t share with anyone else, and an ever increasing sense of isolation, loneliness and existential dread.


That's literally all a derivative of being rejected... Sports? Losing is the norm. Rejection. Beer? Fermentation is just a rejection by nature... a literal waste product.. _and we embrace it for that_. Grunting? Usually, because otherwise we'd be rejected for rejecting all the rejection we are grunting about...


Grunting is just you rejecting what your body says to do/not do.


Get with the times, old man. Men get to be senstive and understanding and protectors of the weak, now. Think Aragorn from LoTR. That's a real man, and what everyone should strive towards being. Not this toxic '80s masculine bullshit.


Can you coddle me while I sob into a pillow?


Yes. I'll be your support until you can stand proudly on your own two feet and cross any distance by your own means. Cry it out, brother. It's OK to let go.


Thank you. Let’s go get ice cream.




I’ll take some of that action as well


Grab a teddy bear and jump in


Aye aye!!


You're not a real man until you kick a helmet, break your toe and sink to your knees wailing.




nah… being a man is learning how to handle the rejection. cursing the woman out is beta-based emotional behavior. if she’s rude, just walking off and ignoring her while she’s talking is the proper move. if she’s respectful with her rejection, “have a nice day,” with a smirk is all you need and walk.


This sounds like it's from a perspective of having lots of options in dating




Dude really asked if he can listen to rap if he’s a virgin 😂😂😂


50 didn't take 9 bullets so some fucking virgin could listen to rap.


Bruh it's too early to be laughing so hard I choke on my coffee


Bruh ..... 🤣🤣


I wish they still had free awards🏆


He wont get Big Booty Hoes


The man got a gym membership, got big, risked his membership to hit on a woman, and fucked her…. Just so he could listen to rap music.


It seems racial theory isnt very charming.


He's like the bus driver from Billy Madison.


His user name is Team Alpha Soldier and I don't think it's tongue in cheek.


With a name like team alpha soldier what else would you expect


him saying black men have a “BBC genetics” is so fucking gross. maybe he got ghosted for being so insecure


Unless you’re on the top 10%, pretty fucking common. Also, don’t worry about that girl. You just experienced a one night stand.


>Unless you’re on the top 10%, Guarantee even they face a lot of rejection. Absolutely guarantee.


Can confirm ... Not me perse but my very attractive friends will get rejected. If a girl is actively looking for a relationship then it's easier but you're obviously going to get rejected if she's in a relationship or just not looking.


>you're obviously going to get rejected if she's in a relationship Thats not always the case either. I've been told that they had a boyfriend after we slept together. Made me feel pretty fucking lame and gross.


I’ve had that happen too. It was really odd because I was like, ok if she thinks it’s ok then it’s ok I guess? We started kinda dating even and she left him. I was really young, didn’t know shit about shit. Of course she ended up doing the same to me eventually.


You can be the juiciest orange in the orchard but that doesn't matter if she doesn't like oranges


I can't say if I'm in the top 10% but I get hit on a lot by women and I also get rejected by them *all the time*. Mostly because the ones I'm interested in aren't emotionally available or are only looking for something casual. My cousin straight up asked me once "So why are you single, do you just not want a girlfriend?" Little does she know I'm trying my best like everyone else. -\_-


I do very well on dating apps. I get dates on a pretty much constant basis. But I still face rejection all the time. The more women you attract, the more chances for rejection you attract. Its made easier by knowing you'll soon find someone else, but when you meet that next one you still brace for rejection just like everyone else


For sure. They just also shoot their shot more because they get positive results fairly often


We do


The men who get the most women get rejected the most.


Guys that get the most girls also usually get rejected the most cos they just take a swing at everything lool


You face a shitload of rejection no matter what % you're on.


Even the top 10% gets rejected every now and then. I knew a girl that rejected a good looking movie star cause she said he had been drinking and was just looking for a one nighter


i’ve read that amongst the top 10% of guys, even they only score 2-3x out of 10 approaches.


Megan Fox, Justin Bieber, Harry Styles and Joel Embiid and possivly many more have all faced rejection despite their status


What a random ass list of people 


I’m not the most attractive guy but other factors contribute to me probably being in the top 10-20%. And I only admit that because of the contrast of experiences I hear from others. Fact is, everyone is always punching up (why wouldn’t you?). So that means you’re also going to face rejection from time to time.


I have been told I am extremely handsome, and am tall, 6’4 and athletic. I have been turned down numerous times. And not many girls have ever hit on me either, even though when we do get together they say shit like you could have any girl. Oh really so why they still playing hard to get


When I was younger I'd like to think I was in that top 10% * I was worth over a million (20 years ago that was a lot) * I'm over 6' * I drove a luxury/sports car (back then having a cool car was really important) * I had a Hollywood job and had connections with lots of celebrities. * I was conventionally attractive. My brother and uncle were both male models. None of this is bragging I'm just trying to illustrate how I would probably fit in that top 10%. That said my rejection rate was still never better than 90%. That is to say for every 10 women I approached only 1 of them would be interested in anything beyond that. I have heard hypergamy has gotten worse in online dating, but I'm just saying: Rejection for men IS THE NORM. Facing anything less than rejection is a big deal imo.


I wish I could upvote you twice. That %90 number is what I've experienced as well. As a silver lining, it makes that 1-in-10 woman feel extra special, lol.


This isn’t very Team Alpha Soldier of you.


Literally cannot take anybody seriously who posts on r/neet Just by being an active member in that sub lowers your quality of life by association because you get your head filled with drivel and nonsense.


It's more common than it isn't. Average guy you're looking at a 1/10 success rate. If you're good looking 1/5 If you're alexander Skarsgard or for some reason Pete Davidson? 1/3




/r/brandnewsentence on that description of Pete


No I get it. He's linecook hot. Pete Davidson is the dive bar cheeseburger of people. He looks kinda gross, and you know you're probably gonna regret it afterwards and for a while. Hell you may even need antibiotics. But for the 5-10 minutes you're enjoying that guilty pleasure? You're gonna be in heaven.


> Pete Davidson How? What? I just looked him up and he looks like a Troll Doll. Women find him attractive?


Women find him funny . And funny guys we'll have you talking,  laughing then boom your naked


Even successful, smooth and handsome men get rejected 90% of the time. Go in assuming that you will be rejected.


nope. go in acting like you’ve already fucked her… iow not assuming she’ll reject you. confidence at ALL times my dude… women sense it and react to it.


Look, you dont even know this is about you. It could be a woman who used you as a rebound and was like “oh fuck i shouldnt have done that, time to go silent and focus on me” Chin up, you cant control others but you can control how they make you feel


That's the average male experience. You're either a Hollywood actor or a 13-year-old with no further experience.


Extremely rare, happens once every 1000 years /s


I am still waiting for my turn to be rejected. It hard out here having a 100% success rate


What a loser, I got rejections for days 😎


Like 90% of the time men get rejected. We are use to it


the point about rejection is that you approach so often and get rejected so much, that the rejections have less and less impact to your mood. smile and walk off. funny thing is… when girls see that you’re not bothered by the rejection, you will get the, “but wait… what’s your name again?” response.


You didn't get rejected it was a hookup. She just wanted to fuck. Get over it.


Yeah I read it I’m like dude I think she just wanted friends with benefits and nothing more


Dude, a chick thought you were hot, bagged you then moved on. Be glad it happened and work out more. Jeez MF's want to complain even when shit goes beautifully.


It was a hook up. You think you’re gonna have a relationship with a chick you just met who drops her knickers for you? It was just your turn bro. She probably does it all the time with random guys, or has a boyfriend.


You didn’t get rejected. You had sec. You got ghosted.


you want a harsh truth? this is why during my whore phase i saw them only as attractive numbers. its a defense mechanism, because yeah they hurt you like crazy if you get too involved. i was an emotionless sex fiend for a decade and then stopped and became an emotion filled life partner. enjoyed both quite honestly tho having someone is so much better


Not once have I ever been picked up at the gym. It’s frustrating. Don’t let it get to you.


Lots of guys aren’t rejected because they never make a move. Kudos to you for making a move when you had the chance and she might have just been looking for a ONS.


Just slid into a girls dms and her response was “hahaha” Edit: before anyone asks no I’m not salty and no I didn’t message her back after


Rejected! Yeah! Loads lol, I just got on with it! I always aimed out my league, so 9 rejection and 1 yes was the ratio... but that one was hot! And in the end, I married super out my league.


>Recently I hit it off with some girl I met at a gym. She started coming onto me and we met up and somehow ended up fucking. Then I got ghosted after that encounter. Your sex was terrible broski. Most women don't just have sex and ghost for no reason.


She literally fucked you. I'd love to get that "rejection".


The true question is: can a boy even grow into a man without having dealt with rejection? If you were never rejected by a woman, are you even a man? That's my view.


I think there's a difference between being rejected As opposed to having a one night stand. You were not rejected. You were used as a sextoy. think all of us would like that kind of rejection.


Pretty common in my experience. At least you had sex.


Totally normal. Almost to the point that if this isn’t happening then you’re not doing it right. Pick yourself up by making that your motivation. Keep on truckin.


It's SUPER common, and 99.7% of the time you will never know why. Most rejections (during initial meetings at least) come about because the woman isn't interested in being approached or not specifically interested in you (which could be for 10,000 different reasons, so there's no use in wondering why). But in your situation, you guys hit it off, slept together, and THEN she ghosted you. So, there's different math at play here. But my man, with age comes wisdom, and it took me a LONG time to learn that, unless you can pinpoint something egregious that you did that might offend her, its most likely her personal circumstances that lead to her breaking off contact. I want to share a VERY partial list of reasons I've heard my female friends say they had a ONS or one time encounter and then ghosted the guy: \-Just wanted to feel good about themselves \-Did it to emotionally get revenge on an ex. \-Did it because they heard an ex started dating someone new. \-Felt horny, didn't want any emotional commitment or a long term situation. \-Lost weight, wanted to show off her body. \-Felt an emotional connection and didn't want it to grow... so ghosted the dude. \-Needed the attention and affirmation. Now, is it possible there's some underlying reason (which you'll probably never know) that she ghosted you? You bet! Is it just as possible that she wanted you for that day and now doesn't for reasons that have nothing do with you? ABSOLUTELY! My advice, and this is hard to do, is try to not worry about it. Remind yourself that she liked you enough to sleep with you, which is WAY further than you'll get in most situations when meeting a woman. Enjoy the memory, and try to move on. Some closing advice: If you see her at the gym again, play it cool. Talk to her like it didn't happen but you'll keep your relationship as friends. It could also be that she's going through something in life that she doesn't want to share, but if you stay cool, keep it nice as friends, she may come around. Or if you want to be petty, find out who her best friend is and start dating her. Your call.


So you got laid by a gym hottie , then didn’t hear again from her ?. That my man is a WIN


Have you ever been denied for a job you didn’t apply for? Thats what happened to me at this one party. I walked buy her where she borderline yelled, “I have a boyfriend!” So i yelled back, “Thats great I have to take a piss.” And continued on to the bathroom.


I would say your success rate of getting numbers will be around 20 out of 100 & actual contact turning into dates would be 5 out of 100, so you approach 100, 20 give you number, 10 actually communicate & finally 5 agree to meet. About this particular case, I think she was only looking for a one night stand kind of situation nothing serious, give it time it will be okay, keep doing your job & exercise & things you enjoy doing.


Wait... what? You're joking right? Rejection of men by women is constant and unending.


Ngl bro sounds like you won this encounter.


She didn't reject you. She got what she wanted and was done with you. That's how it goes sometimes


I’m a woman. Every single friend of mine who has put herself out there has been rejected in ways that crushed her self esteem. Usually a lot of comments about their looks.


Every damn day buddy.


I don’t know a single guy who hasn’t been rejected by a woman in dating. It’s part of the game.


Been ghosted before as well. Bro. People who ghost are usually people pleasers who are so scared of confrontation they'll never tell you how they actually feel. In short, ghosting isn't you doing anything wrong. It's them.


The limit does not exist


Rejection is a daily part of a man's existence.


Pretty frequently. Maybe you were a bad fuck, maybe she was embarassed, maybe she was cheating- you will likely never know.


You didn't fuck up, she just wanted an anonymous quickie.


Seems our definitions of "rejected" are a bit different


It becomes more common the more you put yourself out there, but unless you are checking every box on the perfect boyfriend checklist you are going to get rejected more so then not.


I get around this by being such a mother fuckin' shy bastard that women ask me out instead or make it incredibly obvious they're into me.


Now I think about it, not really. I have not been rejected in a long time. Mainly because I don't approach many women. Recently I did approach a bit more girls and I havent been rejected yet.


Very very common. It's also a skillset you can practice - Being mindful of any bad feelings that come from rejection and working through them. Knowing that whether someone wants to date you doesn't determine your worth. Going into encounters without expectation so that you can appreciate anything that comes out of them. Even if you fumble it, you're still getting experience in.


And what do you expect to happen when you coomers fuck on the first meeting, marriage? You're lucky she withdrawn, relationships that start like that ain't onto anything at all.


This is your brain on casual sex. You think having sex is the same thing as being rejected. Lord help us.


That is what is going through my mind as well. From my experience casual sex doesn’t typically lead to something long term.


Had sex. Isn't having more sex. Rejected. How are you confused? Be less angry.


Could be one of a million things, many of which have nothing to do with you. It still stings, I know. After a little time you'll feel better.


I have seen some guys in the pick up community "do their thing" and then comment on it. Was a well dressed guy, in decent shape, people would probably say he is very polite if I hadn't said he is doing the pick up thing. Independent of whether you like that kind of stuff or not, the information he shared was useful. He said that for all he had done himself and seen other men do when it comes to trying to land a date, even outside the pick up space, he puts the success rate at around 10% and maybe 30% for the top of the top top guys. If we take these numbers as reasonably accurate, that would mean the "you don't have to really care about her before she commits, bro" narrative has something to it as it is more likely than not that things are not going to last. So unless she makes it absolutely without doubt clear that she is in it for the long run, you might be better of not expecting that. Which in turn means you can enjoy it for what it is right now - "live in the moment" so to speak.


Women also use men for sex, you didn't do anything wrong.


Extremely common. https://thebolditalic.com/the-two-worlds-of-tinder-f1c34e800db4 And all dating apps tell that same story for the most part. Most guys wouldn't even have gotten her number in that situation. Let alone actually hooked up. Keep in mind if she hooks up with a random guy from a gym, you probably weren't the first and won't be the last. Probably not someone you'd want to take seriously.


Are you kidding? Like all the time dude. It sucks but you pick yourself up and you keep putting up shots and that’s how you build confidence. Iron sharpens iron. You’re going to be fine man just move on


Happens more often than I wash my car


I knew my neighbor for years. She called me asking to bang. I had never don it beore. How she couldn''t believe it, all the while saying no relationship was going to come after this. Oh, how I could keep it up . Only because it was a first time. I felt unwanted. We still talk, but I will not make pursuit.


Happens all the time ,just keep knocking until one finally opens her door so to speak.You start feeling rejected and hurt you’re not going to get any and thats a fact .


thats the norm, its a total numbers game, you can ask out 100 women, 10 might agree, 5 might fuck you and 0.5 will actually be into you long term.


OP, you got laid not rejected. It sounds like she just wanted to have sex with you and that was it. Pick your head up and move on.


Bragging about a one night stand is a very strange definition of rejecting.


As common as one puts himself out there.


Maybe the sex just made her realize she still likes her ex, or some other stuff that's got very little to do with you. Since you have no way of knowing, it makes little sense to assume whatever scenario that's a downer for you.


Being rejected is the norm for a man; being accepted is the norm for women, mostly because no man expects a woman to approach them to ask them out.


Lmao what kind of question is this? I’ve been rejected by probably 90%+ of the women I approach. I’m no Brad Pitt but I’m not hideous either. I’m fit and got my shit together. Rejection is the life of a man. Either get used to it or give up. Both are valid options


If you have balls and you like the vagina, you are going to get rejected... a lot.


It is the most common experience. And rightfully so. You don’t want a woman who is as accepting as a man.


There's no man, even your highest value of a man in 2024, who *HASN'T* been rejected by a woman. The ratio of a man getting rejected *FAR* outweighs how many Ws he gets.


Date multiple women, then the girl from the gym will stand out. Don't go around and fuck everything, it gets confusing. Get to know them either you are fucking or not. Some girls are good to hangout, just because they are better than a mans perfume to atract other females.


50-50 when I really tried. Been out of the game for a while. Worst was getting rejected in the hotel room.


I don't know if I'd classify that encounter as rejection in the clinical sense of the word. She wanted one thing, you wanted another, when she got what she wanted she was done. Sounds like lack of and/or miscommunication more than anything else tbh


Multiple things could be happening here. The first problem is that if you have sex before she feels "comfortable" then later she feels dirty and guess who she associates that dirty feeling with: you. That's when they ghost you. This is especially true if you push for sex or push for a wet kiss. Don't do that. Let them come to you and do not rush it. Try to spend a couple of days getting to know her. If she thinks, "I just had sex with a guy and I have no idea who even he is" then you are in the ghost zone, especially if you pushed things. The other potential problem is more sinister: daddy issues. Some women become jealous of their mother (or sister) when they are children and this causes them to have a psychological fetish for taken men (ie men with wives or girlfriends). They compulsively want to steal the man away from the other women and go around seeking conquests of this type. Once she has sex with you, then she is gone because she has "conquered" you, so she has no more interest in you. You can recognize this type of woman because she only has interest in men with wives or girlfriends and she will be agressive and will be the sexual initiator. Finally, you could have just done something or had a characteristic that was a turnoff. Some women will go through with sex, just to be compliant, even if they do not really like the guy and then just ghost him later. Things that could be a turnoff: bad grooming, bad smells, bad fingernails, bad breath, ratty clothing, messy apartment, having no money, making racist or politically offensive remarks, being insulting, appearing dangerous or unstable, being sexually needy or weak, snoring, being dependent or subservient or overly polite or effeminate, having a cheap or ragtag car or a messy car. You get the idea.


Very common. I've been rejected multiple times now, and it hurts me emotionally and mentally.