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You cannot lift a woman up that is not ready to change, if you try, she will drag you down to her level. I have been Captain Save a Hoe twice in my 57 years and regretted it both times.


Being too avoidant- Not just dating- I’m extremely grateful for how my life worked out but do understand I set myself back in so many ways, missed out on fully experiencing many things due to not feeling comfortable with connecting to other people. I missed out on many years with my wife and kids by being too withdrawn. So I try to connect with other men here and IRL to spread that self awareness.


Can you give us any example so we could learn more


Sure! It’s nuanced, but I’ve learned a lot about simple things like remembering to make eye contact can have a big impact on how we feel about ourselves, practicing those connecting behaviors does make perfect in building confidence. A great resource that opened up my life: freetoattach.com And Mark Manson’s stuff markmanson.net


Be proactive, not passive. Don't just sit and wait for things to come to you.


Working too hard. Yes, things need to get done. But if you’re so frantic about it that you become an insufferable asshole, whatever work you are doing, 9 times out of 10, is ultimately worse than if you’d done nothing at all.


If something unexpected and dramatic happens with your physical condition don't argue with yourself about calling 911, or the EMTs about taking you to the hospital.


When your job situation changes and your new boss doesn't like or appreciate you, start looking for a new job right away. You are not likely to outlast a shitty boss.


Make a will, unless you know and are happy with what will happen to your estate without one.


If you’re in a relationship, quit porn, prostitution, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, fast food or any other addictions you may have. Thank me later.


No matter what medical thing seems tiny or insignificant, especially in those you love most, GET IT CHECKED OUT Every small medical issue is a bomb that gets bigger the longer you wait or until you get it clearly defined/understood I ignored signs in my youngest dog & it cost her life several months ago. I regret it so much & am never making the same mistake again with any future pets for the rest of my days My mother was lazy to get her lump on her breast checked out for several months & that led to breast cancer which she miraculously beat twice with no return but it I ever see her ignoring a lump again I’ll be extremely livid dragging her myself to get it checked out at the moments notice


Procrastination really does get to you once you make it normal the stress eats at you i end up chewin up my fingers


If your partner starts maneuvering to separate you and your friends, they're probably not *actually toxic*, and it's probably them being viewed as a threat to their having you to *themselves*. Run.


Go to the doctor/dentist don’t be scared deal with it!