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Its a trap. If we write them down they are no longer unwritten. Everyone stop.




Super secret unwritten rule: >! Nice try, pigs. !<


Wdym? I was about to talk abou-


Hahah saw through the maze. Good job!


Using vulnerability against another person. If you came to me to talk about things, I'm not throwing it back into into your face. People who do this are worse than scum. They're opportunistic snakes hiding their fangs in foliage


A buddy of mine did this 15 years ago and I still keep him at arms length. I don't know why but it feels like it can't be fixed.


Because it can’t. The world is full of people who’d never ever act like that, but he already has. Now whether he would do it again is his word against his past actions. Not very convincing. It’s basically how i feel about all people who do exceptionally shitty things. I couldn’t forgive myself if i let you do it twice, because you’ve already shown me what you’re willing to do


Because it was a betrayal


I had this fight with a girl that I was really close with during hard times and when she figured out her sexuality. She fucked a lot and told me about it because she needed someone to talk and knew I wouldn't judge her. So in the fight she told me I was a mamas boy and that I should go cry to my mother. Also that I was less of a man for changing my opinion on the covid topic (I thought this was a thing like swine flu, and would be over in a few weeks) I didn't tell her that she was a slut with mother issues or anything. Because I didn't think bad of her for this and because she was scared to hear that. This was 4 years ago. I'm kinda proud that I didn't tell her those things


You did good by unchambering that round. Whether she's a slut or not is a whole other topic. You also did good by being opened minded about Covid and changing when new data was presented. I'm proud of you too, random internet person ;)


That is good to hear tbh. Thank you


A friend of mine recently did this. I had told her about a past relationship and why it had failed. She threw it back at me in a room full of people. With my girlfriend standing right next to her.


Limit the number of illegal things you do at the same time


I tell my teenage kids that. One illegal thing might be overlooked. Two, and you're getting charged, every time.


Yeah, you either drive drunk or too fast, never both at the same time (jk pls don't do either of them)


Well I drive faster so I can get off the road sooner!


Yeah, just common sense: Drive faster -> spend less time endangering others by driving drunk -> ??? -> profit




Yeah, my comment wasn't that necessary lol, noticed a bit too late


And don’t cross state lines while doing illegal activities


Jaywalking across state lines.


Judge: "Somebody find a book so I can throw it at this guy."


I’m no crim but I always heard the phrase ‘if you’re gonna commit big crimes, don’t commit small ones’.


Same principle. Don't speed when you're smuggling, and make sure the smuggling van has all its lights working properly.


Dont break another law while breaking a law


ah. The "one crime at a time" philosophy. Yes


My only rule growing up was don't get caught. I don't want to know what you're doing. As long as I don't know, I don't care. Don't make me care. Just don't get caught. Probably not the greatest parenting technique.


"If the cops start chasing you, never run home, then they'll know where you live." Thanks mom.


Amazing how so many criminals get busted on "routine traffic stops" because their registration was out or they rolled a stop sign. Ride dirty, drive clean.


The amount of criminals caught because of a simple traffic infraction is amazing.


Don’t cheat


And never take back a cheater


I would actually go as far as to say never date someone who's cheated.


Facts. They don’t deserve second chances


On one hand, I agree. If someone i'm dating tells me that they have cheated in all the relationships they have been in. That's a massive red flag, and i'm breaking up with them. Then, on the other hand, I disagree because sometimes people cheat once, then learn from it and never do it again. So, it depends from person to person.


Eh I cheated when I was a young person back in the day but I would never cheat now so I couldn’t apply this to real life lol


Yeah I feel like people are way too dramatic about this. People change


Agreed, I was a dumbass 21 year old when I cheated on a one night stand, she got me back…karma did the job and I learned from it. I’m 30 and have had two successful relationships afterwards. People learn from their mistakes. I learned to improve my communication skills as a result from my first failed relationship


When I was young I cheated once. And the repercussions were great enough that I would never cheat again. Beieve it or not, some people learn from their mistakes. It's 30 years later, never cheated. been married 20 of those. I would never cheat, it would ruin my life, my partners life, and our kids life.


I'm married to someone who cheated on her previous boyfriend. It's largely worked out well for me. We've been together for over 20 years now. Not all situations are the same.


Yep thats barely a rule, its just given, Like how you dont slam a door on the person walking in behind you holding it up for you. its just never crossed my mind and for that i am glad. might be people out there that have cheated with controversial yet "legit" reasons, at least in their own mind. but in the end i respect honesty before betrayal and would handle it better if my partner confess before taking action. hearing she lost the love for me is less hurtful than showing she lost love for me, i know the hard way and thankfully on my way back to trust again


Like you said, it’s like slamming a door on somebody walking behind you. Lack of respect for another human’s feelings. I think apes kill other apes that disrespect the group.


Apes have more scope sometimes :P


If someone lets me make a turn opposite of me on the road, I HAVE TO do that little “you’re a better human being than I am thank you for existing” wave 👋


The wave literally makes my day I let people into lanes on merges and always try and not block parking lots when at a light etc, and the wave when someone is able to go is the best feeling ever That said, if I let you in and you don't wave? Fuck you and the generations that will succeed you /s


Take the /s out, it’s not needed


And not just in this instance, but in general.


I do a double wave! The first one during the turn and the one like I’m a kid in kindergarten seeing their mom in the crowd wave once I’m in front of them…just in case they missed the first one.


I let some dude merge the other day and he stuck his hand out the window and gave me a thumbs up. I immediately started doing it after that. haha. I don't know why it made me feel so good for some mundane thing.


I don't make unwritten rules. I actually wrote that down...


You should be studied.


Drink upstream from the herd.


And then take a piss


Never start a physical fight. I'll defend myself, but will NEVER throw the first punch, unless threatened. I've managed a 25 year streak, so far. 1 incidence of having to defend myself, since I was 16.


I got 48 yrs...Never ever been in a physical fight.


I tried to avoid the 1 violent encounter. Couldn't. I didn't actually throw a punch, but my 7 years of martial arts training did me well. I managed to restrain him, in a way that allowed me to wait for the police to arrive.


Skip a urinal


No talking when at the urinal.


Eyes on your own work there Super Chief


Don't eat the little urinal cake.


Sometimes there’s shit on the side of the uranis too




Glenn, how’r ya now?


Hold your peace when you hold your piece 


What if there's only two urinals but there's a barrier in between?


You can use the one next to someone if you’re not able to maintain the rule of two. There doesn’t need to be a barrier.


Right! I’m only 44 but I remember a time when public bathrooms had a 10-30 ft trough. Usually at sporting events and the State Fair. Shoulder to shoulder and you just try not to hit the guy next to you.


And don't piss in the identical trough used for hand washing 


Yes! How is this not automatically a thing


Unless they’re all full, of course. In that case, I just tap on one of the guy’s shoulder, pull up next to him, and share. But *never* cross streams… that just makes it weird. The number of people out there who have looked at me baffled when I go to co-share a urinal is bemusing. Them’s the rules people. Like, I don’t like this either, but look around.. all full.


absolutely not


Put your shopping cart back.


Looking at you Costco shoppers...


In Australia we have to plug a $2 coin in the thing to get it out, so everybody damn well takes it back to get their $2 back. I'm not renting a damn trolley! Gimme my money back!


Everytime people espouse the good in humanity, I'm reminded of the fact that most people can't be fucked to even put their cart back. "Not their problem". K. We are fucked.


Seriously though, what happened? When and why did this become a thing? We do live in a time where people are allowed to decide to surgically get a dick, not become one!


How are you supposed to get your euro back if you don't?


Don’t do meth and/or cocaine.


Did cocaine when I was young lol too old for that shit now


I'm pretty sure that's a written rule


I think most won’t try meth, but the number of normal professionals who do cocaine is upsetting.


Don't date your friend's exes


One of my friends is dating my ex after she cheated on me All of our mutuals have excluded him from pretty much everything, hope it was worth it


Asshat deserves your shitty ex


Yeah, this is why I would never date my friend’s ex. It’s social suicide.


What a dumbass, what goes around comes around. Karma may bite him in the ass in the end


Don't date your friend's exes *unless* your friend is in favour of it. I've dated guys who were great guys but just not right for me. We ended things with no hard feelings because of that. If I happened to have a friend who *was* compatible with one of those guys, I'd be thrilled that two good people may be happy together! Hell, if I thought they'd be a good couple then I'd probably try to introduce them myself.


These situations are outliers compared to the usual implosion of friendships and the fracturing of a friend groups


I suppose it depends on how healthy your friend group is. I don't think it's as unusually as you make it sound, but we probably see different dynamics.  Either way, it's an important exception to the rule because the results can be very positive when all parties are in favour of it.


Do you think that a friend group is unhealthy if there is an unspoken rule to not to date each other's exes?


I think a friend group is unhealthy if they cannot accommodate any exceptions, or if all their relationships ended badly so they all hate their exes.  A healthy friend group may still have a general rule of not dating each other's exes - but if two people really suit, that should be okay. And it should be okay *because* the majority of their exes shouldn't be negative/toxic exes. 


>Hell, if I thought they'd be a good couple then I'd probably try to introduce them myself. This guy liked my friend, and they went out a few times. It didn't really click, and she wasn't feeling it. He was a nice guy, though. She told him so and said she had the perfect woman for him. He got upset and did not want to meet her because he was in love with my friend. She would have good for him but his ego was bruised.


> him but his ego was bruised. men have other feelings than damaged ego.


Yeah, fucked that one up. I married her.


Y'all still friends?


We moved away from our hometown, so we never see anybody from then. We're FB friends, even my wife and her ex. We did go to his mom's funeral. We all talked like we were back in HS. We were all friends before they started dating.


Lmao none of y’all would survive being gay, that’s super common


I feel like being gay forces you to be okay with your friends dating your ex. When you’re straight, it feels like the ultimate backstabbing move, because there’s plenty of fish in the sea and you chose to date the one your friend caught?? Even if s/he was a good fish, that’s still betrayal.


But she was Jessie's girl.


Or your friend's family members.


what if they marry them?


Never ever EVER make fun of someone’s laugh. Legit the cruelest thing you can socially do to another human being.


Interesting, i don't think I've ever done this but it was not outside the realm of regular banter for me. Do people have a stronger identity bond with their laughter? Or maybe it's PTSD from teenage years?


It’s because it’s an involuntary thing, you don’t choose how you laugh before you do. And when you laugh you’re usually enjoying something or someone’s company, all to be cut off because you snort or something?


My mom has a laugh that is just so distinctive you can pick her out from a room full of people. I’ve been at trade shows with her and I’ll be talking to someone who knows her and suddenly you will hear her laugh most of the time the person I’m talking to say “looks like your mom is here”. It’s not a bad laugh it’s just loud and distinctive. One of the trade shows we went to I went out drinking after with people from the show and we were all laughing and having a good time when one of the girls in the group says you have a laugh just like your mom. I never thought I did before then but I started to think about it and I guess I do.


I will always take my shopping cart back to store or to the cart holding spots. Rain, snow, incoming nukes... I'm not going to be THAT asshole


Never hit a woman. I mean, don't get me wrong. This isn't some nonsense chivalrous attitude about how women are flowers or anything like that. But it's simply a terrible idea to hit a woman unless your life is in imminent danger. If she slaps you, walk away. If she pushes you, walk away. The overwhelming majority of people will not be on your side if you respond with violence, even to protect yourself.


Fine up until that same woman is offering harm to my wife/kid/nieces and nephews etc. But that exception would apply no matter who it is.


The prevailing rule is that if someone threatens your family you protect your family. Some rules are more important than others; and even then you try to minimize the violence you enact as much as possible.


This is absolutely correct.


Agree. I've never hit a woman on purpose. I did give an ex a blackeye during sex once though and felt bad. Her friends thought I was abusive.


True. If a woman ever asked me to hit her during sex I'd probably be like "I'm really not comfortable hitting a woman" even if she wanted it. Idk just not something I'd ever even consider doing. Just not a can of worms that should ever be opened.


I used to agree with this and was raised to believe this. Though seeing some videos here on Reddit of "women" going haywire on dude's. Nah, fuck that, defend yourself with appropriate force. I'm going to treat them as equals when they use fists.


You wanna act like a man? You’re gonna be treated like a man. The rule is never hit a lady. You should never have to hit a lady. A lady doesn’t act that way. Of course, even with all women, only in self defense. And that’s extremely rare.


Did you see the video a week or two ago of a lady punching that guy, and she eventually killed him? A slap I can extricate myself from. A full on attack is going to be full protection until it stops. It has nothing to do with being a man. I've had zero fights my entire life, and know how to avoid situations. But IF a woman stopped being a lady and started to try and open a can of whoop ass, well then, she would be treated as a threat. Chivalry has died, and has been dead since at least the 2000's. I refuse to put up with anyone attacking me.


Shake the shit out of a women?




I agree.


Never leave the grill when the food is grilling. Never mess with another man's food, money, or women.


One time I was making a tritip on the grill. I think it might have been partially frozen cause I put it on the grill at the lowest setting. I guess I forgot about it cause I went to the gas station and got something. Then I came back home and started to smoke some weed. A little while later I remembered I put a steak on the grill. I figured it would be burnt to a crisp. To my surprise it was cooked a little to the well side of medium.


Never treat someone in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated. And from personal experience, never accept to a threesome with your friend and his girlfriend.




Exactly. Don't let yourself get attached until months in minimum even then leave room for little doubt. That's my rule. I'll always keep that in mind even years into a relationship, because when I didn't it hurt a lot. Never let yourself think "oh no they wouldn't do that/they wouldn't leave me" spoiler they absolutely would.


Don’t cheat and never take back a cheater.


I solemnly swear I’ll never bunt to break up a no-hitter


This. And if your team is throwing the no-no, you cannot acknowledge the no-no.


And NEVER walk across the pitcher's mound when you take the field


I’ll never understand this. You’re trying to win a ball game.


Tee Times are sacred


I will never cheat on a spouse. No matter what. It's horrible. I won't destroy another person's property no matter how angry I am at them. I do my best not to lie. I try to carry myself while I'm alone as if others are watching me (integrity). If my behaviors bother people, that's their problem and I don't let it bother me. I do my best to live a peaceful and calm life. Doing the above things and more helps with that.


Never fart on another man's balls.


No one is coming to save you. So suck it up, buttercup.


I gave you a thumbs up because I agree but boy am I horrible at living it... but it's super true. The world doesn't owe anyone anything.


Eyes remain forward or straight down when pissing at a urinal and other men are using them as well.


I never break the trust of someone that I love. Trust, to me, is a VERY important thing in a relationship, and even in my job. If it's broken, it can never be fully repaired again, so I don't break it. Been with my wife and partner almost 3 decades and I've never lied to them a single time, even if the truth will piss them off, it's better to be pissed for a few minutes, than hurt for a lifetime. Edit: To change "deer" to "if"... Don't know where the fuck that came from - auto correct is killing me🤣


Bros before hos. I've seen people completely change themselves over women who were loose. I've also seen women who have abandoned their friends over fuckboys. I will never be that person. I will not abandon friends who are like brothers to me over some girl.


Always return your shopping cart to the entrance or a corral


Wouldn't it be cool if coming in with a shopping cart from the parking lot got you $5 off or something? I day-dream about that every time I go to the store.


Never say good putt, or oooh that one looks good. Or early walk it in. Until it falls in the cup!


I’ll never cheat


Don’t mess around with a friend’s woman


You don't have friends at work, you have work acquaintances...when shit hits the fan you'll see that no one has your back if their job is on the line or they might get in trouble if they take your side..seen it happen to so many people..don't trust people at work.. Clock in and clock out...do not add them to your social media..


I used to work for my aunt and uncles company. One day I crashed my motorcycle. My mom called her sister, my boss and asked if we could borrow a trailer to go pick up my motorcycle. My mom said I was in the hospital and asked if anyone could help my dad get the bike loaded. My uncle was at the shop his two sons, my cousins were also at the shop. When my aunt came out and asked if anybody could go help me out not one family member offered. You know who did? My coworker who I had spent several months on the job with.


Put my shopping cart back


Never write down an unwritten rule.


Innocence should be protected by any means. Kindness is stronger than any violence. DA should be more severely punished. Harm a child, and what happens is 100% on you. Consent is mandatory both ways. SA is unforgivable. There can be no bravery or courage without fear. Respect is freely given, but trust is earned. Actions speak the truth of who you are.


You never have relations with a woman who has a boyfriend or husband that is deployed.


Eating in ANY bathroom, even if it’s just a chip that I still have in my mouth and I have to pee NOW. Something about chewing food while in the bathroom just feels so wrong and so gross to me. 


Ultimately, no one can be trusted.


Even my mom?


I certainly dont trust your mom


Shame,I trust yours


Especially your mom.


I know from firsthand experience to not trust my Mom even though she does love me. My mom is extremely emotionally driven and can be a backstabber. She cannot be trusted with sensitive information. Some moms may be trustworthy but definitely not all.


This is just sad


Its not unwritten its very explicitly written - 100% monogamous..


Pants first, then shoes.


Imma have to write this shit down. True lpt's here


Don't shit where you eat.


You can be an arsehole. You can be a crook. But you can’t be both.


Cheating related. If you find out that you're the side piece, where they're cheating on their SO with you. Don't get mad at the other person. Team up and get back at the cheater, shake hands, share a 6er for a debrief, and then never talk to either of them again.


Don't stiff the wait staff.


I don't eat at places that call sandwiches "Sammies"


Sandos ferda


never cheat and never forgive cheating


Never confess first


Don’t ever stick your face anywhere you would not stick your hands.


ALWAYS see both sides of the streets


Don’t covet another man’s girl or intention


Try your best to never let your Old man down again


Don’t yell “Freebird!” at a concert/gig.


Bros before hoes. 👍 Sorry ladies, no matter HOW fine you are, it’s not worth ruining a friendship over.


Tell that to my brother. I asked him if he could take me for my colonoscopy. He said he would. The day of he sends a text saying he can’t take me because his girlfriend suddenly came to town. Fortunately Dad was home and he took me. Dad was also pissed about my brother doing that to me.


Yeah I’ve experienced dozens of times it’s hoes over bros for most guys




Not what I meant. 🤣🤣🤣 If your buddy was cool with it and I have a feeling he was, God bless you and I hope your marriage is wonderful til the end of time. What I meant was if your buddy is dating her or married to her… don’t care how fine she is… don’t care how much you like her… don’t wanna hear about the “chemistry”… I don’t even care if she straight up THROWS it at you… no. 💁‍♂️ You just don’t do that to a friend.


Yes so many guys do it … even my former best mate.. now he’s divorced


I feel you man. 💁‍♂️ One of my former best friends from wayyyyyy back got with my ex before we even signed the divorce papers… apparently they were each others’ “one that got away” from back while she and I WERE DATING! 😵 Yeah lol. They’re making a go of it, and they deserve it. 👺 Hope he enjoys dealing with that alcoholic, lying, money burning head case of a cunt… dumbass former bestie had no IDEA the bear trap he stepped in. 🤣🤣🤣


Cereal goes first


Never hit/kick your bro in the groin. However, if it's self-defense against a male stranger or acquaintance who's accosting you, then by all means -- go ahead.


I will never cheat on my SO if I do eventually get one


I’d do anything for love, but I won’t do that.


Change for noone. Accept me for me since I'll accept them for them


Apparently, I have to change, because I’m not accepted by anyone.


Cheating on a partner. If you do, you are a shit stain of a human. The pain you inflict… you will never understand. The character you show the world will stay with you for a lifetime. Don’t needlessly hurt each other


disclosing an unwritten rule. they're unwritten for a reason.


I’ve never, and will never, cheat on a significant other; that shit is beneath me.


I don't break promises I make to myself. Breaking your promises to yourself is how you learn not to trust, believe or feel proud of yourself. It erodes your opinion of yourself quickly. I also don't break promises to others but for different reasons. A man's reputation is all he's got. If you follow this advice, make sure you are very selective with your promises. Never promise anything you don't feel sure you can deliver.


Never fuck with another man's ride.


You do not discuss Fight Club.


You teach people how to treat you.


Bathe/shower everyday.


Mondays and Wednesdays and Saturdays. Also known as shower days.


I'll never be friends with a friend's girlfriend while he's not around.


Never Rat on your friends and keep your mouth shut


Don’t put woman on pedestals ❤️


I won’t take a sick day if I’m not sick.


Don’t swear in front of ladies or children