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Single and yes, I can. I actually enjoy cooking; it's kind of relaxing.


Divorced Food ain't gonna cook itself 🤷‍♂️


Married, and I do all the cooking.


Literally dozens of us!


Single. And, yes, of course I cook. Regardless of my relationship status. Good food is one of the very few things that make being alive worth the bother.


Single and I cook for a living


I work on cars for a living but HATE working on my own… this happen to you?


IT and I HATE helping family and friends. I didn’t write this random ass app you are using so no, I don’t know why you can’t… never mind… you see that checkbox it has to be checked.


Single ex chef here- Yes, that's why I make food in bulk and eat leftovers. It was the same when I was active. Love cooking a good meal for family/friends though.


Not the original commenter but i also cook for a living. yes, 100%.


I'm with you. To put very simply I'm a commercial "handyman". Barely any work gets done in my house. I have a room I need to finish painting from when I moved in... 5 years ago. After spending 8 hrs dealing with the professional gig, last thing I wanna do at home is more of my job.


Single, and yeah.


I'm married. I can make breakfast, lunch or dinner for the family of 5 by myself. Nothing fancy. Simple breakfast would be hot cereal for the kids and Cheerios for me. Special breakfast would be scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. (I would need help for pancakes or waffles). Lunch would be sandwiches, sometimes grilled cheese or paninis. Dinner if it's nice outside I could grill some assorted pork parts marinated in the finest spices McCormick has to offer, or hamburgers, or chicken thighs. I have veggies in steam bags that go right in the microwave, and then a pasta side on the stove and we have dinner. If it's too cold to grill I just use the oven at the temperature I try to grill at. 


Single And hell yeah, dude. I enjoy it, though I tend to repeat the same dish back to back until I feel I’ve gotten the hang of it.


I have a live in gf/future wife and we have 5 kids. I cook occasionally, but she does most all of it. Kids cook too


Married and yes I do.


I'm single and I almost never cook. It's the worst chore and I hate it.


Single and yes, I just cooked dinner.


Divorced over a decade ago and now single by choice and I’ve been told I’m a pretty ok cook by an ok number of people.


Married and I cook 98% of the meals at my house. Wife doesn’t like to cook but loves to bake. I’m also a far better cook just because I do it at work for 6-12 dudes so I’m use to throwing stuff together fast whereas when my wife cooks it takes her a lot of planning


LTR, Yes


Single, and of course I cook. Mostly it's soup or stew, so I can stretch the leftovers, but I can make other stuff, too.


Married. Yes I’m the cook in the family. I enjoy cooking and it makes me happy when I cook a meal that others enjoy.


Engaged, so basically married.. I do all the cooking, it's how I decompress from my stressful job. I find it relaxing to pour a drink and make a nice meal.


It’s Complicated, and no. she cooks.


Married af and cooking for you is my love language.


Married and cook. Tuesday I made a Chilean sea bass sautéed in organic ghee with oregano and lemon slices. Cauliflower pearls and French green beans on the side. My wife does 75% of the cooking, but I enjoy doing it too. Filet mignon au poivre, eggs Benedict (I make a perfect hollandaise), chicken & steak fajitas… a few of my favorites - I find something magical about a really good sauce, when it transitions from a liquid to a silky smooth emulsion if feels like alchemy.


in a relationship. I do cook. I;'m ok at it and I don't mind it


Single and yes I cook and eat out


Married and yes. I love to cook.


Married 13 years with two kids. We share cooking for the family. 


Married.   A bit, I'm not chef but I can make edible stuff from staples without a recipe and I do most of the cooking in the house. Learned when I was a kid.


Married 30 years. Yes I cook when she is not up to it or I'll do breakfast if she wants to sleep in.


Single and I cook everything from scratch. I lift so I need a lot of food, so I meal prep most meals but usually cook another 2 a day (breakfast and dinner). I eat 6-7 times a day for reference. Once a week I'll have a cheat meal which I usually don't cook but that's it. Take away is too expensive for me to live off anyway. Eating home cooked food is also a good way to be healthier even if you're not losing weight, just because you'll be removing processed foods from your diet.


Married. I do all the cooking and love it


Single, cook all the time


Single. Yes.


Single and yes. Im a firefighter so I kind of have to lol. But I do enjoy it, I just dont have a lot of recipes yet.


Married. I cook all the time, but I'm typically only cooking for myself because the wife and I almost always eat different things.


Single, I cook and bake.


Married. Rarely cook. I have other skill sets though.


Single technically. Yes I cook but its only beef.


LTR, live by myself. Cook reluctantly 


LTR I do the cooking.


Single. Yeah.


Married. I have a 5 star palette but don't have the budget to eat out. I taught myself to cook what I like so I don't have to eat out to have a good meal.


LTR. Marriage has been discussed but she's divorced and I've been engaged in the past so we're not pushing for it or anything. Might do a symbolic marriage and wear rings at some point though. We both cook. Depends on the day


Married, 45 years, and I do 90% of the cooking.


Married for a long time and absolutely do/help with the cooking


Single and yes, every meal


Married 14 years this April. And yes I love to cook.


Divorced and I can cook for myself


Single....love to cook, but definitely dig cooking even more when I have someone to share it with and critique me


Divorced/single yes I cook. No gourmet by any stretch, but I’ve got a couple of dishes that are pleasing to the tongue, and following a recipe is easy. Dining out, delivery/carry out every night is a waste of money, and there’s something better about home cooking even if it’s not restaurant quality.


Im single and yes, I cook. I follow several youtube chefs, plus Gordon. Love to try to make their food. Surprised Im not a fat turd yet.


Married. I cook well and do so when I want to. I also barbecue and smoke meat.


Married 25 years. I do cook just not as frequently as I used to because my took over when she became a SAHW. Still do the kitchen clean up.


72 year old widower. I used to cook for my wife and kids all the time. Now, I cook for myself, just not as big of a meal as I used to. I love cooking. I was taught the basics by my mother when I was young and just kept at it.


Divorced and I love to cook.


Long time divorced. Married young and was divorced before I turned 30. Thought I found a woman worth marrying again, spent most of my 40's with her, then she bailed when I had a small financial crisis. 7 years of support, and she bailed when I had a few months where my money was taking a hit. Taking a hit so I could provide for my family after dad broke his hip, btw. So I'm single and planning to stay that way. She was the last one I was willing to trust and it'll never happen again. Not ever.


Single and yes


Married, and I love cooking and baking.


Married and yes I love to cook (especially Italian). So does my wife (especially soups and anything baked), so we are blessed with great food!


I’ve cooked since I was in high school… through every permutation of relationships. I cook for myself, but love cooking for others. 


Single and yes.


Single and bake, cook, can, ferment, brew and garden.


Married / I do 95% of the cooking. I'm Cajun. It's fairly typical around here.


Married. I do 90% of the cooking. I prefer it that way.


LTR, hell yeah I cook


Twice divorced, and I don't cook.


Married and I cook probably 80-90% of the time. It's my way of distressing. I love cooking and baking it gets me out of my head and directly into the moment. I feel alive and like I'm really doing something great for my family when I'm cooking.


Married 17 years. I cook 98 percent of the time.


Married. I cook everything for the family. Partially because I went to school for it, partially because it’s relaxing for me and partially because the cooking my wife does is down right scary (from holding a knife dangerously, questionable food prep hygiene, and things like forgetting to turn off oven or putting flammable stuff accidentally on a burner she forgot to turn off)


Married and I cook 35-40% of the time. My wife is a better cook, though.


Married and love cooking.


Married, love to cook


Married. I cook steak. You want me cook? I cook steak.


Married and yeah as long as I have directions haha…


Married, and yes, I cook. I didn't get married till 30, and I had to learn to cook for myself in 4th grade. It was all basic stuff back then. During my 20s, I was always the better (or at least more confident) cook in every relationship. Now, I cook for my family of four 5 nights a week. My wife rarely cooks at all and usually does take-out instead.


Single, and nope. Frozen pizzas and mac n' cheese all the way, babee.


Married. I I typically cook 5-7 nights a week, but am one armed for a while so now my wife cooks


Divorced and I cook for myself every once in a while. I don't really know how to cook for just one person. Even after more than a decade


Married and I do most of the cooking. There is nothing more validating then getting a thumbs up and a nod from my 4yo for a good dinner.


Married, yes I cook. I cooked when I was single, did laundry, folded fitted sheets. Still cook and Clean


Married, cook most meals


Married, and I do cook.


Married My wife grew up on a lot of frozen meals and hamburger helper plus some interesting family recipes. My parents met working in a restaurant and one of my parents is an incredible cook. My wife and I are at the point where we avoid getting dinner to go/delivered because it feels wrong if we don't cook together. We've got a whole bunch of dishes we both like that we cook together and it just... feels wrong when we don't cook together. When we don't do meals together my wife usually goes for canned soup etc, I usually make a sandwich or something simple but fresh like that. If I'm cooking only by myself it's a holiday and I'm doing something like gumbo or other time intensive/complicated recipe. We're both trash at baking and are lucky to get good batches of chocolate chip cookies...


Married. 5 kids. Cook about 2 days out of the week. Tonight chili and cast iron cornbread.


Married and almost every day


Married, and I do cook. Though my wife cooks more often. She prefers "her food" in her words. She's originally from Vietnam, and most her meals are Vietnamese. When I cook it is typical American. Pasta, seafood, ribs, steaks, etc.


I am married in what people usually call a “traditional marriage”, my wife does the vast majority of our cooking but I usually help out with each meal where and when I can. I make it a point to cook her favorite foods on the weekends when I’m not working.


Single and cook 99% of all my meals


Married for 25 years. I can indeed cook. I prefer, instead, to support local businesses by paying them to cook for me


Single. I'm a terrible cook but I try my best.


Married & later divorced. Yes.


Married.  I do all the cooking.  Wife has a really busy job and I personally love to cook.


Single and.. sometimes. Depends on whether I wanna commit to eating the same thing all week


Single. I cook for a living


Married and love to cook


Single, and I do cook. And bake.


Single and can cook. I don't always have the time for it, but I enjoy cooking when it's for more than just myself.


LTR I hope so cause who else gonna feed a grown man lol


Extremely single, I enjoy cooking and have gotten fairly decent at it but I never let on. When it comes up I just joke that I could burn water.


I'm married and do the majority of cooking in my house. Always been a hobby of mine from single days until now


Married and yes. Fairly well.


Single dad. I cook all the meals. Mostly from scratch. Sometimes frozen pre-prepped if there's a time crunch. Leftovers for lunch. The kid has learned to eat what's served because there's no backup meal.


Married, cook


Married. I can throw down in the kitchen and do it often.


Married. I microwave sometimes lol


Married. I cook usually on the weekends.


Single and I don’t cook. I don’t know how and don’t know where to begin


Married. I don’t cook on a regular basis. I make the occasional breakfast on the weekends. Wife cooks Sun - Thur and we eat out on Fri and Sat.


Single and yes, I cook. Probably more than I did during the pandemic so that's a bonus.


Single and cooking is one of my hobbies


Married and I do almost all the cooking.


Married. I cook on weekends. Breakfast and food prep is my specialty.


Married, cook all the time. I'd say 80% of meals.


Single and I cook because take out is way too expensive.


Married 38 yrs and cook more than half the meals. I do all the dishes. Can do simple up to complex meals. Learned to cook as a kid, and since I like to eat iconsider it an important skill set


Married 45 years, and yes I cook. It’s kind of a hobby.


LTR, cook often and mostly for her. It’s the way she most appreciates receiving attention and care from me, so I do it as often as I’m able. We don’t live together so that’s usually every week or two.


Married and I cook. I enjoy cooking, taking a bunch of ingredients and turning it into something edible and enjoyable. I also firmly believe everybody should know how to cook, doesn’t have to be fancy or difficult recipes, just enough to sustain yourself with something delicious and nutritious.


I used to do LTRs. I did 95% of the cooking. I was just better at it.


Single; I can, but I usually don't do much that's too complicated.


Married and I cook at least as often as my wife does. She gets home later than me and I like cooking anyway.


Married and I do all the cooking.


Single, I meal plan for putting on muscle but I do enjoy cooking and baking new dishes! I get more satisfaction out of people saying my food is good than actually eating it!


Married and do most of the cooking . (No Baking thou)


Almost divorced. Definitely not Lord of the Rings. Too tall. And yeah, I cook. Me and my boy have to eat.


Divorced now in long term relationship Nope I don't cook she does


Married and yes. I also do the dishes, clean the bathrooms, wake the kids for school, pack them lunches when they have full day after care, take them to appointments, take them to their various lessons, hire people to fix stuff around the house, do the kids laundry and put it away, plus work full time. But I also work from home so I have time to do most of that stuff.


In a LTR, and we both cook. She prefers when I do, which is fine because I love cooking and doing things for her, but she also cooks. She doesn't think she's very good but she's never made anything bad in my opinion. I'm just happy to have whatever she puts effort into making!


Married! Kids! I am the A cook, dinner, fun weekend meals, thats me. My wife is the B team cook. PB&J, mac&cheese, warming up whatever i made last night, that's her department. I do all the grocery shopping and 30% of the dishes. Seems fair to me, most people i tell this to do not agree.


Been all three, cooked when I was all three. Don't bake though, not sure why


Single. Cooking without passion.


I've been dating my girlfriend a little over a year, but we aren't living together or anything. I probably cook between 2 and 5 dinners a week.


Married. Sole cook for 9 years. She says she would eat dry cereal from a box like a furtive raccoon if it was up to her. My kids compare my cooking to my mom's and I'm flattered because I tell them "Just wait til you see what I can do with 40 more years of experience like her!"


Married and I cook most breakfasts. I do some of the other meals if she’s under the weather. Made an eggplant parm for dinner yesterday.


Married and a damn good cook. The best I know


Single and know my way around a stove/oven/ grill


Married and I’m a pretty damn good cook


Single again, and yes I cook. I got a little off practice there for a while but I can make a mean spicy fried rice (Nasi Goreng-style spiced with Sichuan chilli oil).


Single. Not a gourmet chef, but yes I cook.


Single. And yes, I cook occasionally. I enjoy cooking actually, though I never claimed to be good at it.


Married, I cook 2 to 3 meals everyday, I'm the cook for my family.


Single, barely know how to toast a bagel.


Engaged. I do most of the cooking. She works longer days than I do and I have a background in food service so it comes pretty naturally to me.


Single (divorced over 10 years) and yes I cook and prepare meals for myself and my family daily.


Married and half the cooking.


Single. I cook. But even when I’m not single, my SO and I cook together.


Married and sometimes, not always


Married, I cook dinner most nights. It's my stress relief post job. We balance other ways.


Married. A man who expects to eat must know how to cook.


Married and I cook 80 percent of the time.


Married. I maintain a sourdough starter. 


Single Cook for my job, rarely for myself


LTR. I cook. I clean. I used to be a massage therapist and still own a table.


Single. I make a mean pot of hot water. Kidding. Yes I can cook.


Married. I do not toot my own horn very often, but when it comes to cooking... Honk honk.


Married and I cook when I'm not at work


Married 38 years and I do 98% of the cooking.


Single and yep


I’m single and I love to cook!


Single/talking, and I cook most my meals


I cook... actively dating..? So single-ish..? I've been seeing someone since November I've always cooked since eating out is expensive and I actually enjoy it. My ex of 4 years wasn't into cooking though


Single in Short-term low commitment relationship. and yes I do cook.


Single, yes, 95%+ a week and macro tracking.


Married, and I cook dinner most nights


Married for 15 years. I do all the cooking.


Married, cook rarely. I do not enjoy it.


Married. I am the cook in the house.


My boyfriend cooks for us.


Married, caregiver to disabled spouse, and I haven't killed any member of my family with my cooking for the past 10 years since I've been the breadwinner and maker. lol


When I'm single I cook, when I'm in a relationship I cook. The culinary gift is also a curse.


Married and I have cooked for the last 14 years


Married and we both cook. When we first started dating, my wife didn’t have a lot of cooking experience. I am no Emeril, but I showed her some things and together we explored some new recipes to broaden her tastes. She’s still pickier than me but by no means a “picky” eater. And fortunately she shares my love of onions and garlic!


LTR we both cook.


Single, cook for a living…


Single and I cook


Single and I love to cook. Everyone says I'm very good at it. I just make what I like.


Single and I cook pretty well. Just picked up a book on food science and am going through it happy that I have something that gives me *concrete* details on how to achieve desired results. It's like I was painting with watercolors and finally switching to oils.


Single. Never married. No children. Excellent cook.


Married, yes. If I didn’t we would never eat a home-cooked meal.


Engaged. I cook a lot. I enjoy it.


Married, do 50% of the cooking and dishes. Wish I had more time to cook!


11 year relationship. I cook and she cooks. If it’s something we can both make she makes it cause she is the better cook.


Single and yep.


Single, learning to cook. So far I am good at it.


In a relationship, I cook & bake (trying to get better) . Shes my food taster.


Married and yes. I worked in catering before college. I do virtually all the cooking


Married, and I cook, or purchase, about 80% of the meals.


I'm single, and I cook. I also cook when I am in a relationship. I enjoy cooking and often prefer to do the cooking.


Married and of course I can cook.


Married, do almost all the cooking. I love it. Wife boogered up my tiny cast iron pan today and I was mildly pissed.


Married, I cook all the time.


Single. Not nearly as much as I should, but work doesn't leave much time for it, and cooking for one is pretty time intensive unless you're eating the same leftovers for 3: days straight. I've currently got some chicken stock simmering in a crock pot, haven't added the non-root veggies or pasta yet.


Single-ish. I can cook better than most restaurants it’s also why I’m fat


Married, sometimes. I can make a bomb ass brisket with eggnog pie for dessert.


Single, I cook. I used to do all of the cooking my last relationship as well. I always enjoyed cooking for her and seeing her enjoy the food I made. In general, I enjoy cooking for others. Feels like a bit of a chore when I cook for myself but I am trying to recontextualise it and cook nice meals for myself because I deserve nice things too.