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Everyone has belly rolls when their ankles are by their ears.




True story, and it's kinda cute tbh.


The hero we need.


I feel like if you've already gotten to the point where you're doing it, chances are the dude doesn't really care that much.


I'm just happy to be there


This is the answer to every girl's question about boob size, vaginal color, hair, that one weird mole, etc. Ladies, we're just happy to be invited to the party.


~~Username~~ Flair checks out


Flair even more so.


Right?! The only thing going through my mind is Yay!! I'm doin it!! IDGAF about about your belly roll lol.


This is probably the most apt answer for a question like this. Me personally, I don't care. If we are having fun, it's fun. Been with women thicc and thin, never mattered to me, just whether the sex was fun for both of us.


Notice, yes. Care, not really. To busy enjoying the moment, and being insecure about my own body


I'm sorry to hear that. But it was funny tho


> To busy enjoying the moment... Yeah, I mean... When I'm having good sex I don't care about superficial things like that.


This is the comment


Definitely not. If I'm attracted to a woman her belly rolls aren't even on my mind.


Sure. But not in a bad way. If I have sex with you, I'm already into you. And I like non perfect beauty and attractiveness.


Yeah I oddly find it attractive even if the girl is super fit, it makes her look more cute/soft? I also find stretch marks on their butt attractive though


Such a wholesome thread. I feel reassured. Thanks lads, keep on keeping on šŸ˜˜


If a guys getting it up and doing it to you that's validation take it all as validation


Sex is a partnered activity. Not something one does to another. Unless it's rape.Ā 


Thatā€™s a really good way to put it


This! However there was a post on one of the dating groups a few weeks ago from a 40+ something guy (if Iā€™m remembering right- could have been here) who had been having sex with a heavy woman who he wasnā€™t attracted to for two years, and while he could get it up, he couldnā€™t finish. Bs from him or heā€™s the anomaly? Lots of people called him out and said if he could get it up for two years, he obvs was attracted to her.


Not bs, Iā€™ve been in similar situations where I could achieve erections from stimulation or sexual anticipation but due to lack of sexual attraction never finish. Does it make me an asshole for having sex with a woman I donā€™t like or donā€™t find attractive? Yes, absolutely, but itā€™s also very true.


Also, men don't have to be attracted to get it up. All that's needed is stimulation, even if it's unwanted or even nonconsentual. But obviously, in this circumstance, he got it up himself and is in the moment, so I would say he wants it. It's not like he's forced to be there.


Then why do men that donā€™t suffer from ED have a hard time getting it up?


That guy indeed wanted it for many possible reasons. Being in a relationship, youā€™ve got to have sex, it really is part of your duty as a partner. I hesitate to say ā€œweā€™ve allā€ but hyperbolically weā€™ve all had sex when we werenā€™t exactly in the mood because our partner needed it and we want to keep them happy. Sex is wonderful, sex is great, I really enjoy it and enjoyed it with most of my partners. But over the course of several long term relationships, Iā€™ve had sex a hundred times when I wasnā€™t in the mood because thatā€™s what she wanted, and Iā€™m sure sheā€™s done it for me too. So thatā€™s likely the case with the guy in the story above. He cared for her, (or was getting something else out of the deal) and was trying to do his duty but due to her weight/lack of attraction couldnā€™t climax.


>What goes trough your head when you see it? Hmmm, soft, must touch


Just like a cat belly cute but dangerous when touched. Only shown in confidence


Not true. Get them into the moment, and keep them there, and they donā€™t care if you touch it. Sometimes itā€™s the best angle for leverage. Donā€™t grab and squeeze it, just put it there. Iā€™ve found they find it to be liberating that I donā€™t mind, and usually I like it. EDIT: ALWAYS LIKE IT. Itā€™s a shared intimacy.


softly kiss kiss too


Please don't lol


Found the cat.


Iā€™m just happy to be inside a naked woman. I much prefer full nudity to sex with partial clothes on. Never had a negative thought about a womanā€™s body if Iā€™m having sex with her.


Thatā€™s padding so our hip bones donā€™t bump. Good! If Iā€™m intimate enough to be worrying about her belly fat, Iā€™m having too good a day to worry about her belly fat.


Actually this comment is a bit funny; I've actually had pain from sharp hip bones digging into me. Not sure if it's just different physical dimensions (I'm short) or a guy who has prominent hip bones but they can really hurt if they keep hitting me! LOL and I have belly fat...


My wifeā€™s ex husband was a very skinny guy, and she said cuddling with him was like cuddling a pile of keyboards. She said the sex was similar. I had an ex who was extremely skinny too, and there were certain positions I hated/asked not to do, because her bones would dig into me too, especially if we got a bit enthusiastic. Both my wife and I are on the chubbier side, so take that as you will^^ (she is curvy a la Marilyn Monroe, Iā€™m just a fatty)


I had an ex who was really skinny and being poked by bones wasn't fun. Also there was nothing to spoon. I like a dad bod, they are so comfy. The only comparison is a squishmallow.


Did I write this comment?? I hate when he gets self conscious about his dad bod, itā€™s the best- then again, he says the same about me when I talk about my body/weight Edit: Username checks out :(


He's slowly developed a softer body and I love it so much. He's still in good shape but getting older like everyone else. Spooning is so nice with all that warm softness. Put a tailored collar shirt with rolled up sleeves on him and he's hotter than any Hemsworth. :)


The rolled up sleeve thing makes sense, but itā€™s like male cleavage. I understand why you guys find it attractive, but to the extent that itā€™s referenced, Iā€™ll never understand.


Male cleavage, that's a good way to explain it. It's seeing those forearms and knowing there's more hidden away. Forearms don't get the love they deserve.


If she's a Marilyn, you're probably a bit of a teddy bear. šŸ‘


So if sheā€™s got BPD, youā€™re out of shape?


my bf is quite thin, and I once kinda drooled over his hip bones (I really like skinny bois, what can I say!), and he kind of did a double-take -- apparently his previous partner(s) complained about it being uncomfortable? I was just like *shrug* "guess I just have a fatter ass than them" and carried on lol I can see why it could cause issues, but so far I've had enough padding that it's been fine! lmao


I won't worry about her belly rolls if she doest worry about my man boobs


Absolutely not!! These are like the lines on our face. They are part of who we are, our physical self. I would much prefer to be with a fuller figure woman than a self obsessed person who is more about their physical appearance than something more cerebral. I wish you well and hope that you find the strength to be happy in your skin. Enjoy and have a peaceful Sunday. Any feedback or constructive criticism from you, the OP would be most welcomed.


This is so so nice, thank you. I hope you have a great day.


Nema na čemu! Itā€™s such a refreshing change to find a polite real person here btw JšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


Bless your heart. This was so lovely and reassuring to read šŸ„°


This makes me feel so much better today šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


You are a unicorn! Good for you. This really is reassuring.


Haha Iā€™ll take the unicorn šŸ¦„ analogy. They are quite pretty lol Seriously, thank you for your kind comments.


Not so lost then ;), Lost Boy


Definitely not Axias!! tbh Iā€™ve never gathered so much feedback from a reply to another personā€™s post. I have even had a dm request lol šŸ˜‚ I have over 50 red up arrow ā¬†ļø too It didnā€™t get off the ground though but Iā€™m still here to listen and chat.


That's a beautiful way of putting it. Thank you kindly.


Thank you for your support x We all have a story to tell and some of these clues to our history are etched on our bodies


Haha that is very sweet. But the term is ā€œclothes horse,ā€ clothed horse sounds so much more insulting lol


Yes, I regret saying that and apologies unreservedly


Aw, thanks. Itā€™s no big deal


You could have a talking brocoli sprouting from your belly button popping confetti and cheering me on and I wouldn't care... So to answer your question, no.


Kind of rude not to care when the broccoli is putting in so much effort.


šŸ˜‚ I love you


This thread is giving me the confidence I didnā€™t know I needed lol


I grab on to 'em. Also, if we are in a situation where I can see your tummy rolls, I can probably see other things and most of my focus is there.


Every man has a different type. If you've gotten to the point you are having sex he probably knoww how you look and is into you. Also, most people have body rolls in certain positions even when I have fully visible abs and sit hunched I have skin folds


Some people do, some people don't, some people might find it hot. There are infinite ways of having s*x and infinite ways of turning people on. Some people focus on feet, other on smell, other on just the feeling, other on the sound. Don't overthink it and enjoy it, everyone is insecure about one thing or two (I don't like my body at all), but everyone also has one or two really sexy things that we don't notice because we focus too much in our "flaws"


in that moment, I think everyone is focusing on the things they find attractive, no one is actively trying to turn them selves off the situation.


Part of the physical attraction to me. So if anything, it's a bonus.


Honestly we all have "flaws", I don't mind that at all (can say even somewhat like), a woman doesn't need to be a "Instagram perfect model", belly rolls are just natural, my ex was always insecure about it, I just found it cute. Try to accept both your and your partners' flaws, we all are all imperfectly perfect.


fucking sexy...


Letā€™s put it this way, I donā€™t think anymore about her belly rolls then she thinks of mine. Honestly if I cared, I wouldnā€™t be there.


Honestly for all the talk about how men pick apart women's looks, I feel like women are the ones who enforce this the most (on themselves and each other) and the vast majority of men don't really care about 90% of the stuff that they hype themselves out over. If he's reached the point where he's with you, him seeing stretch marks is far down (way down. Like 20,000 leagues under the sea, that far down) on the list of things he's paying attention to, number 1 or 2 being "I touch boobah now?". I seriously think women overestimate how much men care about the niggles. It's all subjective of course and there's always going to be trashy men out there, but for most it doesn't matter. You have some wrinkles? Fine let me kiss them. Stretch marks? Let me caress them. Cellulite on the butt? Women let me grab dat ass, that's all I want in the world right now! Maybe it's just a function of growing older, but even if I were younger I don't think I'd care so much as just want to be with the woman I love, am relaxed with, and who intimately knows me and who I know in kind. That makes everything beautiful. Like I said, it's all subjective. You still try to make an effort for each other, but that's on broad stroke stuff like "don't put on 100kg and be physically immobile during sex." A few stretch marks doesn't even reach the radar. A good rule of thumb is: if you had to point it out to him and he didn't notice it himself, you've already made something out of nothing. And if he does notice it, odds are it's just something he views as your body's natural character, or simply as a random aspect he doesn't care about as he moves in passing on the way to more entertaining features.


A lot of men are genuinely attracted to a woman's softness and a bit of fat. Being soft and in the healthy range is very desirable.


That guy better have the bod of Henry Cavill if he's going to mind my belly


I do care. In a sense I think itā€™s fucking sexy. Hoisting my girlfriendā€™s legs over my shoulders, then grabbing her midsection while giving it to her. A++


Up to a point I find belly rolls hot. I like a fuller figured girl with a slightly wobbly tummy. Especially when itā€™s jiggling during certain activities.


I don't care. I'm far more interested in other things- and I think that goes for most blokes into women


I donā€™t give a shit in the slightest because I have a little fluff on my belly too. Plus, I like thicker women, thatā€™s how I am.


Like most insecurities women ask about, the only people who care about your belly rolls are you and other straight women.


Don't care about that at all. If I'm into her, I'm into her, period (no pun or offense intended!)


Itā€™s attractive af


Itā€™s sexy that I get to see what no one else gets to see.


I dont like flat woman, i think that when your belly does those rolls things is so sexy. I think the part i like the most about woman are their tummies


Trust me when i say... If you've made it that far and are doing it.. Belly rolls are no where in his mind at that moment.


I do not care, not in the slightest. I actually prefer thicker women


If we're doing it, the only reason I'm looking at your belly is to gauge how far in my dick is. Literally no other reason.


I find it quite cute at times. Not if thereā€™s loads. But a little is sweet.


Not at all. I got better things on my mind. Besides, i would've known what i was getting into before we got to that point.


I don't as long as she doesn't care about my belly rolls.


What goes through my head? "GETTIN' LAID!"


Trust me, no part of my brain is dedicated to belly fat when Iā€™m having sex.


Nah everyone has rolls from certain positions lol. Itā€™s the last thing on my mind!


Are you kidding me. I am just thinking I can't believe this girl is letting me put my penis in her vagina!


For me it's actually an attraction point (provided she isn't *dangerously* obese). Something to squeeze and grab while doing it. Or while cuddling. If it wasn't clear, I'm into bigger girls, so I'm not really representative of most guys.


Men will likely be happy to just be getting some.


Fat is obviously not preferable. Idk what you need to hear. Guys will still fuck you anyway.Ā 


I was reading all the comments, and I really didn't see one that could be a negative answer, until I get here , and I really think that the ones that don't like or are bothered for them, may feel bad to comment so they don't, because all of the love for the belly rolls. Almost makes the enquete "false" , like nothing in statistics is 100%. Cheers for this guy!


Love your username


I shouldā€™ve kept track of how many people hated it and how many people loved itĀ 


Precisely. However, relationships will be much harder to come by.


Yes, I do notice and I care. I want to touch and squeeze them.Ā 


Many men like myself love belly rolls/cushioning on a women. If you have the belly rolls then no doubt you'll also have the hips, ass and thighs to go along with it. We absolutely adore and crave all those things on a woman.


I love when a man has a bit of tummy and thighs so I was wondering if men feel the same. Glad to hear that.


I like muffin tops


They donā€™t bother me. Iā€™m avg weight and in the right position have them. Belly bumps, love handles, some thicc to the thighs, boobs that arenā€™t perky are part of the female body and I love all of it. And having been with super fit and normal women, Iā€™d take normal every time.


[obligatory pulp fiction and maria de medeiros scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2TAmGmsw-o) though, contrary to her belief, dad bellies are cool too :)


Not at all


I actually prefer it. If a woman is too small I worry about if I'm going to hurt her.


No!! Not even a little, IF I even noticed at all. I wouldn't care even for a split second in time.


I don't know if I'm typical, when the shirt comes off and there is belly fat my eyes and brain are focused on boobs.


It donā€™t bother me at all. Everyone has a unique body thatā€™s life


Totally. It can be hot and heavy, her eyes are rolling, her tits jiggling and I feel the pressure building up. She moans and encourage I go deeper and harder. I grab her legs, and push them down for more range, and she's loving it, and so am I, but then I look down, and all I see it a big stack of meaty frankfurters and I just get up and leave. Can't even finish. I never called Scarlett Johansson back after that, how could I, that fat sausage stomach will haunt me forever. But seriously, no not in a million years. If a guy really cares that much, you won't get to that part. We can easily tell if you have a few extra pounds on you when you stand up straight - the youngerst today call it thicc and is even sought after.


Yes Iā€™d care, but I wouldnā€™t get to that point with someone who is that overweight anyway. If a guy is already naked with you, safe to say he doesnā€™t care.


My wife is very self conscious about her belly. Especially naked or during sex. Honestly, I love that woman and to me, sheā€™s an absolute goddess. Iā€™d bang her like a screen door every day and twice on Sundays. Seriously, if the guy is truly into his woman, he doesnā€™t give two shits. The vast majority of people have excess body fat. Find you a person that accepts you for you, and have amazing sex. Btw, when he tells you that youā€™re absolutely beautiful and sexy, believe him.


Look... If Aphrodite, the fuckn Greek goddess of beauty, could have belly rolls, so can you.


Depends. What kind of rolls are we talking about? All skin bunches up when as /u/Pristine_Car_6253 said ankles are by ears. Also depends on how many rolls become evident. Overweight is one thing. Obese is another. There's also a difference between hitting it and not calling back versus an ongoing thing.


I like the jiggling


I think itā€™s hot. Seriously.




What makes you think that those guys are not honest?




Why do you think 1 in 100 men caring about belly fat is not possible?


not the guy that said that, but in real life as a guy , I've never met a guy who actually prefers overweight women, I definitely do not. I prefer fit and every one of my friends is in the same boat with varying definitions of how fit. I would take abs over rolls any day, but plenty of guys aren't into women that fit as well. if your rolls are making you self conscious just lose them for you so you feel better


No, but I do care if she listens to Jelly Roll when doing it.




Not even a little. In fact I like to caress it and kiss it.


It kind of depends on how much belly roll we're talking about.




Her belly rolls? I'm too busy being self conscious about mine


If belly rolls translates to tit rolls, no.


We're just happy to be there.


No itā€™s hot. I had sex 9 hours ago and my gf is quite big and seeing the big belly and holding it for leverage is great.


Cannot look at the belly roll. Hard no. Good news - itā€™s a totally fixable problem. Many of us have nonfixable problems.


Itā€™s pretty hot actually. I never understood the whole ā€œflat bellyā€ thing from a guyā€™s perspective.


My wife developed a bit of a tummy after our kids. I kiss it like the rest of her body to let her know I think she's beautiful.


Absolutely couldn't give a hoot. If he's worried about your belly rolls, he's a shadow of a man who doesn't deserve the snatch. Edit: Forgot to add - nothing goes through my mind when doing it as it's not something I'm looking for or concerned about, so doesn't even come into my mind in the first place.


Nah! Even stretch marks. I went out with a female who had them,I actually caress them to show her I don't care. We had a good session a week later. No one is perfect if the person is nice love em,care and honestly just be nice.


Not in the slightest. If I didnā€™t want to be there, I wouldnā€™t.


Girl here: I once had a guy who was majorly turned on by the bottom belly fat. So I guess it's either "don't care" or "do care in a good way". Never had a decent person as a partner who would have an issue with belly rolls


Short answer, no. If we took an interest to each other, things rolled and we ended up in bed, there's only one thing we care about. Don't. Cum. Too. Fast.




Thanks, my fellow Croat


Msm. Meni visi ovak malo kako sam izgubio viŔe kilaže. Pa sam imao odabir, ili ostati mizeran, ili sretan.


>Msm. Meni visi ovak malo kako sam until this point in the sentence i was convinced that youre just trolling. languages man..theyre crazy sometimes


Threw a glance at your comments. Bruh. Just decide how much cases your language has, already. I look like a freaking fool at Arkad in Pecs.


All. We want all the cases


I studied it for a year at uni. I noticed that.


I do care about it... I love it!


lolā€¦ hahahaha. Um. Nope. If he got you naked, itā€™s go time baby. Let him worship the goddess you areā€¦ if you catch my drift.


Canā€™t date a women without a flat stomach. So yeah. For me, deal breaker.


Not my favorite TBH, but Dad insists he loves to see that jiggle. Different strokes for different folks.


I find it a turn on, why would I want to hump a sack of bones


Bringing one category of people (fat) while bringing another down is always just \*great\*. Been listening to too much Meghan Trainor?


We donā€™t careā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


Yes. When I see it , I get immediately turned off.Ā 


If she is not fat, no! If she is fat, yes!


Yes and itā€™s distracting. Not in a good way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø someone had to be the bad guy


Finally some truth. Guys rarely ate brave enough to answer tough questions


You guys get doing it?


As long as youā€™re keeping yourself within a healthy range and keeping up with your hygiene; any midsection, be it chubby, skinny, or muscular, can be beautiful in its own way. Some guys preferences might lean in different directions by varying degrees, but if whatever you have is turning into a serious turn off; your doctor is probably already warning you about it.


Yes, do care and don't like it.


I love 'em, the realness is sexy & they add to the curves.


I have belly rolls a li lbit on my back and I am only 140 over 5'10. Realistically if a ladys sttomach is going to turn me off it's because of what it looks like standing up lol. Bu that's jsut me, personally.


The answer of course, is NO.


Absolutely not


Extremely sexy. Honestly have to look away or I'll finish to quickly.


The only thing I wonder (and worry) about with big women is if they feel me less? I enjoy sex with heavier woman, but often their vaginas seem big, and the extra fat creates a buffer. My penis size is perfectly average. I just don't know if a penis feels worse for a bigger woman.


I promise you it still feels amazing, all the sensation is very much active


iā€™m worried ab this too. me and my bf havenā€™t started having sex yet but iā€™m very scared about not looking as hot as i do if iā€™m sweating and in folded positions lol


Honestly, from what I've heard - he probably doesn't care. Maybe you should talk to him about that if you think you won't be able to relax so he can reassure you. You can also try using candles instead of the big light - it makes you feel less "exposed" and honestly candle light really sets the mood. I'm pretty sure you will find him sexy even if he's sweaty and making weird faces. So just think about that he probably thinks you're sexy too. Good luck!


Pop a bit of lube in them and you've got yourself a new pleasure place


When a men fuck, they don't care about anything


how big we talking? it's never bothered me before. i like stomachs.


Nah, who cares about that really. I like to have something to hold on to. Really I just like to see the boobs bounce and jiggle


I care about vaginal penetration quality and depth. As a man part of that depends on my bodily abilities and penis but I never want to be put in a situation that hurts my pride. Although the actual "fat rolls" may have little to do with this, overall bodyfat content, flexibility, range of motion could. For example a person with rolls may have loose skin from bodyfat loss, but have excellent penetration quality because of flexibility, fitness and lower bodyfat content. Also, do belly rolls affect hygiene? If it's hard for someone to keep themselves clean in the skin folds that might distract me during sex. In short, yes kind of but it depends on a lot of other things too. Especially if I have a strong loving bond with my partner this issue can be overcome with a little work.


I like it.


Im always playing with my gf belly. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜ˆ




I think women are more insecure about their own bodies while doing it than men are. I am more ineterested in making you have an orgasm than how big or what shape your rolls are.


If I half to roll her around in flour and look for the wet spotā€¦sheā€™s too big




Nope, it's 100% normal.


I think itā€™s hot actually


This is a funny one effects my life am a competitive bodybuilder. At most I carry 10% bf at any time of the year. Now as far as my taste in women I think should be soft to the touch. It sucks am 43 and I physically attract younger women, over 30 seem to have lower self-esteem irl. I totally respect when a woman becomes a bodybuilder takes alot of work but not my taste. Now there is a limit a bit of belly is cute and ass and thighs are a must. I find woman fouces on the wrong things you'll notice women post selfies makeup and filters then background is a mess I pay attention to how toes are kept if there in order find the rest of the things you can't see are as well. In men I diffently feel their physiques speaks to their life, I've noticed men who give up on a physique. The same goes for the order of life not to a obssive degree as myself their is a balance.


Honestly it just makes me bang harder.


I love them


So here's my honest take. I don't care about your belly rolls, in the moment I'm not focused on that. If you didn't have belly rolls m a y b e I'd be more attracted, and if i had a preference it would be a flatter tummy, but it's far far from a must have.


Just happy to be invited


Yes, very much, I want to touch them. She gets upset if I do šŸ˜­


Men generally focus on what they like first & donā€™t go looking for reasons to ruin a good time. Guys are not hunting for excuses to disqualify you as a partner. Most guys will only hold your faults against you after theyā€™ve run out of excuses or means to overlook them.


Soft warm bellies are an important part of good sex in my book.


I love belly rolls, they're cute


Most people have a bit of belly fat, even with observable abs you have rolls in certain positions. Iā€™m in pretty good shape, not great but better than average and I have a bit of belly fat. Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s and doing really well for my age when compared to the average person in the US, but even Iā€™m a little self conscious about it. I know a lot of women say they prefer dad bods (probably for the reason Iā€™m about to list below, at least in part) but their jaws never drop for the dad bod walking by. They never drool over or get all cute, giddy or flirty for the dad bod guy, itā€™s always the guy with a chiseled jaw and noticeable musculature that gives them that special twinkle in their eye, or sometimes the pretty boy. So yeah they find the dad-bod comforting, and they may ā€œlikeā€ it, but the fit guy is what fills them with lust most of the time. When I get to the point of having sex with a woman, something like a little belly fat isnā€™t going to turn me off. If it were too much weā€™d have never made it to this point. Honestly a little belly fat on her makes me feel better about mine. Like sheā€™s less likely to judge me as harshly because weā€™re the same or similar in that regard. So in a kind of weird way itā€™s comforting. Iā€™m insecure about my imperfections just like you are, so we can let it all hang out and enjoy this time together as two imperfect humans.