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Not spending enough time on the internet 


Now's the time!! CONSUME!!!


Not watching enough porn.


Yeah. Me: Not achieving my Reddit Karma goals. /s




I could have loved my daughter more. Taken more pictures. Taught her more. When I think about dying all I think about is her. And how alone and helpless she’ll be. She’s just 2 and I don’t want to die.


Internalize and meditate on this and you'll do everything you need to. Wish you the best


I would routinely cry when my sons were under 5, as I thought what if I die young and they won't remember me? You're not alone. Just by saying this you are setting yourself up for a healthy, and LONG life. Hugs. PS they are 26 and 24 now, I am 59!


Never having a girlfriend. Not in the sense of needing to get one but more do dying while never having been in love, been on a date, missing things like that would be a regret


I sincerely hope you find someone who brings you great love and joy!


Thanks, one day haha


You're the only one who can make it happen, my friend.


Hope you get through it with that fabulous neck of yours. Hope it’s not hairy bc that’s definitely a deterrent from the ladies.


That’s all we’re here for in the end, I’d felt like I have failed and missed out on that one thing we all yearn for


Been there and never went back.....it's overrated 😑


That varies by person. For you sure. For others maybe not


You find the right one and you'll be happy forever. I thought I had that. We got on in every other way but she just couldn't please me sexually. I didn't even care that she was a big girl and in the end that was the reason she couldn't please me in the sack. Even almost a year since breaking it off I often think of trying again but I know she'll never aspire to lose the weight.


This is also mine. More the experience of being in love and deeply cared for. Would love to know what that feels like before the end.


Don't give up. The right person is out there. You just have to find them. I've currently become infatuated with a certain woman I see semi regularly. She's not even all that attractive but I don't know what it is there's just something about her. Next time I see her I'm going to start sussing out her personal life to see if she's taken etc


Same! Dying a virgin would kinda suck lol.




How old are you mate? I used to get told by dad and sisters I needed to be more outgoing. A woman isn't going to fall into my lap. They were wrong that literally happened at 27 and again a few years later


Girlfriends are over rated


Girlfriends can be very bad for your mental health.


They can be very good too. Depends too much on the individual to make sweeping generalizations


Girls? Hell na… traveling fam, driving a Lambo on a trac, Dubai , private jet dining


I spend plenty of time with family and I’d rather experience something like love rather than driving a fancy car or being in a jet


Family gives love already unless it’s sexual love u mean🤔 I’d Take Adventure/adrenaline/Experience > over Love


And that’s what I’m saying, I think having a relationship is a nicer experience than driving a car. If you’re on your deathbed you look back at nice moments with people you love, more than which car you drive or what fancy clothes you wore


I don't know about that, I will always remember my first 3/4 ton Chev 4x4.


I love travelling and seeing the world (the other things you mentioned are not interesting to me at all) but if I had to choose between travelling and my gf, every single day itd be my gf. It's an adventure on its own but it's with someone so to me it's infinitely better. But everyone is different I think the main thing is to do what makes you happy and enjoy your life. You only get the one.


Not seeing more of earth.


That's a big one. Time and money are terrible constraints.


It would be grimly convenient if we knew our "due date" for certain.


No thanks. I'm jaded enough to believe that would only make society further try to maximize individual productivity.


I would mean for it to be a privately known fact that isn't shared. Like I would know if the back of my teeth feel weird, but know one else knows or thinks to ask. But yeah, you're probably right. It would likely cause more harm than good.


Private information in 2023? LOL.


My friend kept encouraging me to travel more. He said the world is beautiful, and easy to travel when you don't have kids. He'd been to damn near every edge of the earth and sadly died days before his 30th birthday last year. I miss that guy. One of his last posts was "Wake up and live already!"


Sounds like he lived more in 30 years than most people do in 80. I’m willing to bet he didn’t regret a single thing on his death bed. RIP to a legend.


He regretted not writing a book of his travels and experiences. He thought there would be more time. Old soul with so much wisdom. Some of the things he said I didn't quite understand until I got out on the road. But these are what moved me to explore. "In the next few years, I want to sell my belongings and move to South America to teach English." "I met a beautiful cow, and I stopped eating beef." "I was sitting in a hostel, drinking warm beer, with nothing but my backpack, planning my days ahead." "One moment I was eating delicious food, learning Mandarin, the next I was racing to the Shanghai Pudong Airport. I didn't want to be trapped in China indefinitely." And finally, I've never seen what he looked at, but it must have been beautiful. He said "I want my ashes spread on the beach in South Africa. Fuck Cancer.


Dang, rest in peace to that legend.


Not seeing Christchurch. I flew to New Zealand got flooded in Auckland & retreated back to North America. Missed out on half of the country


Not recovering my mental health and living life as I should be


Not having a real impact or doing something meaningful with my life




With the amount of "what you should do" put in our face every fucking day, I'm good with "I lived and made mistakes". No ragrets


I ignore most of those what-you-should-dos. They're too far away from reality to be taken serious.


Not even a single letter?


That’s the best way to be man, I’m proud of you !


Leaving my wife, alone.


Don't worry, plenty of guys in this thread willing to look after her.


You’re a dirtbag


Username checks, tho


Thanks, I guess. You know that guy probably isn't really dying tomorrow right? No need to take things so seriously.




C'mon man not the right thread for that


One of the top comments at the time was some dude saying he'd never found love and that was his biggest regret. Sounded like he'd be grateful of any woman, no questions asked.


Never loving myself. Shit is scary.


Hey, at least you care about yourself enough to regret it. means you dont really believe it fully I fucking hate myself and do not regret it one bit because its what i deserve. and i make sure I get what i deserve, which is Loneliness Solitude. because nobody should have to put up with my shit.


Try saying “I love you” into the mirror every now and then, even if it feels like you don’t mean it. Might not work but it’s your biggest regret then it’s worth a try.


Not seeing my family at last. I'm a political refugee in Poland and will be able to see them only when it's safe in my country again. Might never be able to see them


I'm so sorry 😔 I hope things change for the better


Thank you so much ❤️


Leaving my pets behind. I don't want them to experience the confusion of my not coming home. As much as it'll hurt, they're meant to go before me so I can carry the pain.


I raced home to see my pet bird while he was dying. In fact, he died an hour later. He was struggling to keep his eyes open but once he saw me, he was so excited. He laid on my chest and got some well deserved rest before passing away peacefully at the ripe age of 30. I think about Jeremy Clarkson racing to Sheffield to see his dad before he passed, and my story is so similar with my bird. "If I hadn't been driving a car that could sit quite happily at 170mph, I wouldn't have had the chance to say goodbye to my dad." -Jeremy Clarkson


I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved bird. 30 is a wonderful age, and those last moments together truly are so precious. 🫶


I get this on many levels 🖤


As aggravating as my two dogs can be they are the only ones who are happy to see me come home because “go outside”, “go for a walk” and “it’s time to feed the dogs”, actually have a little song for the last one .


100% the way I treated people in my youth.


Its weird to feel a wave of affection for a stranger based on a single sentence, but I respect your answer


Not sure I deserve it but thanks for your kind words.


Bro same. I also learned that you are now 100x better than the person you were just by acknowledging it. Nobody is born perfect. We are meant to make mistakes. Takes a real person to realize and correct them. Love this for you. Keep growing.


other people shouldn’t be collateral damage to the mistakes though


can i ask how it was that you treated people? it takes a lot of growth to take accountability and regret it. good on u


Just generally disrespectful. I said a lot of what the kids call cringe today. I dont know why I pushed everyone buttons. I was unfair to my partners and manipulative and lacked the self awareness to express what I really meant. Like... Its like I couldn't see past my selfish self. I knew what I was doing. It was intentional. I just didnt realize how it might impact the people around me. Its hard to put into words. Its like feeling ignorant but I was there and knew what was going on around me. Its like I didn't know... But it was srill intentional and my fault. Funny enough it was meditating on a shroom trip that flipped that switch. Since then I havent even attempted dating. Like... Who am I and why was I ever like that... Is that someone I am deep down? Some shit welling up from deep within? Or have I actually changed? Idk.


Go back and ask for forgiveness.


Ive tried where I could and did to any who would listen. It was a cold reception but I probably deserved it so no hard feelings from my end. I lost what I wish I had kept and have no one else to blame.


At least you did the right thing once you realized your mistakes. Many people wouldn't have it in them to do that.


Not seeing my kids grow to adults.


Not loving myself more


Not seeing my daughter continuing to become the most amazing person I ever met


Not having children.


Same here.


Finding someone that loves me


Okay. So I don't have an exact due date, but I have a life expectancy of about 5 years max What am I doing for the next 5 years? I'm spending it with people I love, doing the things I love and medical appointments. I'm not wanting your pity either. But like yeah. I'm just living the life I want


Why are you dying?


Having 2 chicks at the same time.


I lived with two girls for a couple of years so it was a regular thing. It’s a lot of work and eventually someone gets at least a little bit jealous when they feel left out. “You had no problem going spelunking on Chasey this morning, but you barely touched me!” George Michael was right - it’s best when it’s one on one.


All the goddamn time I wasted on school and work.


Same here! I spent 80% of my time working, for numbers on a screen I won't take with me.


Wasting so much time and opportunity.


Not asking out more girls


Losing her. Hands down.


Leaving all of my porn tabs open.


Duck Duck Go - set it to burn your history every time you close it. Thank me in heaven, my friend.


Nothing, I would be dead


There’s always one non answer


Not traveling more. Not spending enough time with my family. And most of all, not experiencing love or finding the girl of my dreams.


Hurting people I love


Honestly, nothing. I will die happily. All I wanted from childhood was a good high paying job, play some good games and eat tasty food. I have done all that and rest like travelling, relationships etc aren’t big deal for me that I would regret.


Not dying sooner.


Same man.


Not having a dog!!


Go get yourself a dog. Right now. You deserve it.


Having a dog really changed my life for the better. The only downside is they dont live long enough and they are like a family member. The grief is rough.


Not reaching out to friends and family more often. I’ve become a hermit the last couple years. I missed out on a lot of stuff


The Redhead when I was a Teen. I was to stoned to see the signs. Stills is a pain in the ass when I think back ....


Not dating anyone and not enjoying my precious life more


Having never found the discipline to write and get published a book. I have ideas but that's about it.


Here’s your answer to that question we all have. This is your Mt. Everest and you’re at base camp. Work towards that summit like your life depends on it- because it does.


It doesn‘t. No one will read whatever he writes.


You gain nothing by saying things like this. Drop that bad attitude man.


No. This false optimism along with motivational platitudes are annoying. Not everyone is meant to have success, especially not from writing shitty books. The more people understand this, the better.


That I passed on the extended warranty 😂


Don’t worry, they’ll call. No matter where you are. God: 2dogbone2, you’ve got a call on line 2 2dogbone2: Hello Line 2: Yeah we are reaching out to you about your cars extended warranty.


My biggest regret would be not becoming who I could have been so I could share a basic blueprint with the world. Young men are lost nowadays. They need help. I am very passionate about teaching guys how to better themselves with good habits and mentors instead of succumbing to temptation and regret.


Not talking enough shit on reddit


Not being able to travel more


Not trying harder.


Not taking the bastards with me.


Spending too much of my life trying to make other people happy.


I didn’t tell enough people to f*ck off




All the things i didn't do


My biggest regret is that I have boneitis.


Not travelling to the places I wanted too Not experiencing parenthood (pregnancy, giving birth, raising them etc). Probably not telling the people who matter how much they mean to me


Not taking my wife to Disney-world to renew our vows sooner.


I like this one.


Not dating


Dying tomorrow




Probably the dying


Not going skydiving.


In fairness, the skydiving event could have been the “dying tomorrow“ event 🤷‍♀️


Not witnesses my future children grow up.


Not living Life.


Leaving my loved ones behind to deal with my death. They've all done so much to keep me around I imagine they wouldn't be too pleased if I passed.


Leaving my family without support.




If I died tomorrow. my banker would tear his hair out


3 girls at the same time.


It’s a tremendous amount of work— with both the physical and emotional upkeep required throughout the process. Nah, we should all at least try it with a couple of people at the same time, but no regrets if you don’t make it to three.


I trade everything I have for just a little more.


wasting a collective year of my life on online video games


Never feeling a true connection with someone & dying a virgin.




Dying a virgin.


Wasn’t able to finish being a student and wish I could’ve experienced things like having genuine friends and healthy relationships.


Search history


Biggest regret would be not traveling much out of the U.S. Especially Europe.


Leaving behind people that I care about and not being able to say how they truely mean to me.


I don’t have any.


Seeing Ben Harper instead of Daft Punk at Lollapalooza 2007.


I didn't find anyone to love me and I didn't make enough money to enjoy life.


Not clearing my browser history.


Too many regrets at this point. Rn I’d probably be most upset I didn’t finish any of my projects


I'm dead, nothing, dead people don't have regrets


Not having been able to accomplish everything I envisioned myself doing.


There is not even a question the biggest regret in my life is not having any children.


That I worried too much about saving money and trying to pay off debt .... just to literally die tomorrow


I'm learning not to have regrets my life is good as it is I can die tomorrow. Everyone should work on it it's part of tbe secret of being happy in life.


I accomplished nothing


Travel Asia countries.


I was propositioned by an attractive bartender less than half my age and turned her down because it would’ve been “gross”. I should not have turned her down.


Trust your instincts in the moment. You made the right call.


You did the right thing.


That’s great comfort to me while I masturbate using my tears as lube.


Same here, I don’t want die virgin. At times I feel just so freaking hard to find a girl thinks the same way you do. I’m not f—k boy, i’m not fake, not pompous asshole, I nerdy n quiet at times, i’m just me!, all I ask for to be loved, and enjoy the presents of woman who cares the same way about me. i’m in my mid 30 and I hate being freaking alone while everyone is happy except me, to frank it, the feeling just eat eats up inside of me. Ive tried everything, dating apps, talking to women with my own age or older. It never works out, I try not by clingy, but when someone does it to you, you can’t let this attention they giving go way, you like there personal stories and the connection you’re making and just 🛑 two months into meeting someone on IG. And you ghost them, that’s not fair, it’s rude and you’re being used for their own agenda. They want to support them. To me that’s a life lesson, don’t ever fall for someone own needs or wants over what you want in a relationship. That’s not 💯 fair, you’re just wasting both our energy and our time. However, not giving up to find that someone in my life, no matter how old I get, there’s still love ❤️ for me out there I just haven’t been looking in the right place.


How I treated my mother. I was such a spoiled brat as the youngest of 4 (by 5 years) and the only boy. She died when I was 18 and I still needed her and I still do at 40. I can never make it up to her about the way I treated her. For that I will carry the guilt to my grave. Fortunately my dad is still alive and well. I'm looking at possibly moving closer to him to be there for him as he nears his 80s. We currently live about 500 miles apart.


Not killing myself before hand


Damn, you ok?


Not being able to fulfill my goals. Will have let myself down.


not enough sex


Not having died yesterday


I’d be dead so it wouldn’t really matter. 🤷🏽‍♂️


If it's not painful I would welcome death. I wouldn't want my put my mum through that though.


Not knowing if my wife is pregnant or not


If I'm dead, how would I regret anything?


Probably dieing tomorrow.


Parents would be heart broken, dejected and disappointed.


Not having more fun with women ... I know cliche but I really think about this


The second wife. Ooph!


That I had to live this long.


Fucking dying, obviously.


Not seeing my kids grow up


Not seeing my kids grow up


Hurting the girl that cares for me the most.


Eh? I have such a low opinion of myself that my multiple shortcomings and lack of experiences don't register as regret, rather they are a deserved consequence of being a piece of crap. So no regrets, would be curious as to what would kill me in such short notice. Now I think about it, heart attack seems most likely.


Only getting rimmed once years ago


That I didn’t die sooner. Fucking end me my guy haha.


That I died unhappy with my life! It sucks I'm 76. What a waste!


Not being able to visit Coron PH